What vegetable oil is best for frying. Clarified Butter Ghee

Some types of oils are better tolerated heat treatment and are ideal for frying, others, on the contrary, are ideal as dressings and are not at all suitable for frying and deep-frying, and still others are whole stores of nutrients. Let's look at which oils are useful to us, and which ones can harm.

It is necessary to fry, of course, in vegetable oil. Those. in no case on butter or on any other fats. But again, we must remember that this oil should be very small. And if we can do without it for frying, then this is generally the best. What is the best oil to cook with? Cooking lunch or dinner without vegetable oil is quite difficult. Olive oil is perfect for vegetable salads and fish snacks.
Most housewives have long understood that frying, stewing and baking is much more profitable and tastier on natural oils. But which one to choose for each type of cooking? There are many varieties of vegetable oils that are used in food. However, not all oils can be used for frying.
Recent studies by European scientists have shown that in no case should you fry in linseed oil. The fact is that during the frying process, the fatty acids contained in flaxseed oil turn into trans fatty acids, which are very dangerous for health.
These substances can provoke the development of cancer and indigestion.

Nutritionists believe that there is no better solid fat for a person than butter. Milk fat, they say, is exclusively useful product, indispensable in the diet of most people, including those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Milk fat is especially useful for children who have not yet strengthened the digestive, immune and endocrine systems, as well as for people with diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Any Frenchman will tell you that it is best to fry in plain butter. This is one of the main "secrets" of French cuisine.
Unlike spreads, butter contains many biologically active substances useful for humans: vitamins (A, beta-carotene - provitamin A, E, D), micro- and macroelements, phospholipids, lecithin, sterols, etc. milk fat is not exposed to high temperatures, these substances are in it in an active state.
Butter contains cholesterol, which many fear. However, in a daily serving of oil (25-30 g), it is only about 50 mg. And in small quantities it is vital for the body to maintain the structure of cell membranes, the synthesis of steroid hormones, immune cells that protect the body from pathogenic microbes.
It is better to use butter in in kind, spreading it on bread, cookies, pastries, adding to cereals and others ready meals. Nutritionists do not advise cooking, let alone frying in butter, since even short-term high-temperature heating significantly reduces it. biological value. The oil has emollient properties and has a calming effect on irritated mucous membranes. Therefore, the medicine in the form of warm milk, honey and butter - excellent tool with angina.

Melted butter

Clarified butter is not only a versatile fat product for culinary products, on which it is good to fry cheesecakes and scrambled eggs, bake pies and other goodies. It also has medicinal properties: stimulates digestive processes, in particular, improves the functioning of the small intestine, favorably affects the functioning of the liver, and nourishes the brain.
In Russia, melted butter has always been a popular fatty product and was produced in significant quantities. Now it is infrequent in stores, but it is easy to cook it yourself.
How to cook melted butter. Put the butter in a saucepan (preferably stainless steel) and melt over low heat. When the butter is melted, reduce the heat to low, making sure that only a few bubbles rise from the butter. These bubbles form a foam, which must be periodically removed with a spoon until the oil becomes clear and similar in color to vegetable oil, and a dark brown precipitate forms at the bottom of the pan. Pour the finished oil through a strainer into a clean glass dish, cool and cork. Quality ghee should be yellow in color, smell and taste like milk fat, and have a fine grainy texture.
The cooking process of melted butter takes about two hours. The amount of product obtained depends on the fat content of the melted cow butter. From 1 kg of oil with 72.5% fat content, about 600 g of ghee is usually obtained, and from oil with 82.5% fat content - about 800 g. The resulting oil can be stored for up to a year in a dark place at a temperature of 2 to 6 ° WITH.

pork fat

Our ancestors fried and stewed on it, melted lard added to the dough for pies and other pastries.
Modern scientists have proven that moderate heating of pork fat is not terrible - when melted, its biological properties and digestibility only improve. On it you can not only fry, but also just eat. Moderately salted, with black bread and garlic, lard is not only tasty, but also healthy.
Unlike other animal fats, which are primarily saturated fatty acids, pork fat contains many useful unsaturated fatty acids, including arachidonic acid, which is rarely found in our diet.
Modern scientists believe that pork fat is one of the most complete among vegetable and animal fats. It is 5 times more biologically active than butter.

Vegetable oil

Cooking can also be done with vegetable oil, which has a high smoke point. So experts call the temperature at which the oil heated in a pan begins to smoke. It is impossible to cook food in oil with a low smoke point: it produces many products of high-temperature oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are harmful to humans.
Ideal for cooking are olive, grape and high oleic sunflower oils - all of which consist mainly of fairly heat-resistant oleic acid.
On unrefined vegetable oil: sunflower, corn, etc. - frying, in principle, is possible, but only at a moderate temperature (150-170 ° C), which should not be exceeded. The fact is that they contain a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which, when heated above 180 ° C, begin to oxidize intensively with the formation of peroxides, ketones, aldehydes and other chemical compounds, which not only give the product bad taste and smell, but are also toxic substances that adversely affect human health.
Palm oil can be a good alternative to hydrogenated cooking oils. We use it mainly in Food Industry, but it is also suitable for home use. You can fry, bake on it, you can season salads with it.
Like lard, palm oil is made up primarily of the thermally stable fatty acids saturated palmitic and monounsaturated oleic, so it can withstand temperatures that make most other oils smoke and break down.
In addition to high thermal stability, palm oil there are other benefits as well. To begin with, benzene and other organic solvents are not used in its production, so it is environmentally friendly. Further. Foods fried in palm oil have a beautiful golden color. In addition, palm oil has the ability to hold on its surface the smallest air bubbles, giving finished product thin taste qualities and friability. Therefore, palm oil is not only fried, but also added to the dough for cookies, cakes, muffins and other confectionery.
Despite the excellent consumer properties, palm oil until recently was considered by many, and some still consider it to be almost the worst vegetable oil due to high content palmitic acid. There is really a lot of this atherogenic fatty acid in palm oil - about 50%. However, in the world of fats, not everything is so simple. Biochemists have proven that the nature of their effects on the human body depends on the location of saturated fatty acids in triglyceride molecules (in fat molecules). In palm oil, a significant part of palmitic acids is in the second, so to speak, position that is not harmful to human health. It is interesting to note that the same position in the fat molecule is occupied by part of the palmitic acids found in cow's milk.
For several years, experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) have dealt with the safety of palm oil for human health. His studies showed that people who switched to eating palm oil had a significantly reduced risk of developing cardiovascular diseases compared to those who continued to consume hydrogenated fats with 20% of trans isomers.
Yes, and the daily experience of the peoples of tropical countries, traditionally eating palm oil, indicates that it does not negative impact on health. Hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases, which are associated with saturated fats and cholesterol, the people of these countries suffer less often than Europeans or Americans, who until recently did not eat palm oil. Given all this, WHO experts consider palm oil as one of the most promising oil and fat products that can replace hydrogenated fats.

Hello dear readers!

Who among us does not take care of our health? And it's no secret that the key to good health is proper nutrition. To do this, you need to limit the number of fried foods on the table, more often introduce fruits and vegetables into the diet.

But sometimes you really want potatoes with a crispy crust or a piece of appetizing chop! To the next hearty lunch has not turned into a direct road to atherosclerosis, you and I need to know which oil can be used to fry without harm to health.

Many of you, dear readers, know the terrible words “cholesterol” and “carcinogens” that nutritionists scare us with. And most of all these harmful substances are in heat-treated vegetable oil.

If you consume a lot of fried foods, the accumulated cholesterol will contribute to the formation of plaques in the vessels. As a result, heart attacks, strokes, atherosclerosis and other diseases that our century suffers from.

Why do vegetable fats become dangerous after heating? Each oil has a smoke point when the active breakdown of fats begins. As a result, three new components are formed:

  • ketones;
  • peroxides;
  • aldehydes.

They are very harmful to health and can even cause cancer. The more resistant the product to heat, the higher the smoke point. In turn, stability depends on the amount of saturated acids.

Most of them are in fats of animal origin (melted, creamy), but it is much more difficult to decide on vegetable fats.

When buying oil, you, dear readers, have often thought about what kind of oil to buy: refined or unrefined. What is their difference?

Refined is much more suitable for frying. During the purification process, excess water is removed from it, and the smoke point rises. unrefined product best consumed raw, adding to salads or watering ready meals.

There is another important indicator that determines whether the vegetable fat its properties when heated to 110 degrees. It is called the oxidative stability index.

Palm oil has the highest value - up to 30 hours. But the decay of sunflower begins after 3-4 hours. Of course, you and I do not fry food for 3 hours. This indicator only says that it is better not to reuse sunflower fats.

Today on the shelves of stores you can find a large number various kinds oils:

  • olive;
  • linen;
  • pumpkin;
  • walnut;
  • mustard and others.

You and I have to choose what you can fry on without harm to health. In order not to go through all the products on the shelves of supermarkets, let's focus on the five most affordable varieties.

Let's start choosing the oil for frying

Now we will find out what kind of oil is better to fry without harming our body. Nutritionists advise eating only those foods that grow in your area. This rule also applies to oils. Therefore, let's start with the most "native" - ​​sunflower.

Sunflower oil for frying - rather a minus than a plus

The very combination of the words "vegetable oil" among the inhabitants of Eastern Europe is associated precisely with a product obtained from sunflower seeds. It has a lot unsaturated acids, and in fresh he is very helpful.

However, during heat treatment, sunflower fats quickly pass into the stage of formation of carcinogens. If you still like to fry, try to keep this process to a minimum and in no case bring the liquid to smoke.

If you still choose sunflower oil for frying, then never reuse it.

Linseed oil for frying - becomes poison

Many people have heard about the benefits of this oil. It often appears in recipes. traditional medicine, doctors and nutritionists recommend it to pregnant and lactating women. However, get maximum benefit can only be from a fresh product.

Flax seed medicine does not tolerate even the slightest overheating. It must be stored in a dark, dry place: when exposed to sunlight, fats lose their properties. What is there to say about heat?

During heat treatment linseed oil becomes rancid and turns into a real poison due to a large number unsaturated acids. It is better to add it raw to salads.

Olive oil is the best choice for frying

There is a widespread opinion that it is better to fry on olive than on sunflower: the former produces fewer carcinogens. Partly it is. Although olive oil contains 75% unsaturated fats, its smoke point is quite high: 240 degrees.

This oil does not smoke, and the products prepared with it are surprisingly tasty. So there is no better way to cook meat or fish.

Mustard oil - perfect for frying, but not very tasty

It has become known in Russia since the 18th century, and in England it was served to the table of kings as a delicacy. Today, this product is rarely found in cooking. The reason is the strong smell and unusual taste. At the same time, it does not burn, does not smoke and is excellent for frying.

This is the most dietary vegetable fat, valuable due to linoleic and linolenic acids in its composition. The oil obtained from mustard is recommended for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis.

Palm oil for frying - I wouldn't use it

Meet this product at pure form in our stores - a rarity. But it is part of many low-quality products and is considered very harmful. At the same time, frying with palm fat is more beneficial than sunflower oil.

Most of it is saturated fat, and the smoke temperature is 230 degrees. The only problem that exists in relation to this tool is its massive industrial production and low quality, so it is very difficult to track its impact on health.

If you still decide to fry in vegetable oil, it is better to choose olive oil from all the products available in our latitudes. Just choose a refined product specifically designed for this purpose. This is how you maintain your health and longevity.

Ekaterina Chesnakova was with you with garlic, fried potatoes and a salad.

P.S. I'm on a diet, I really want to eat

1) Frying is generally harmful, in principle, since during a strong heat treatment fats are converted to trans fats. If you don't know what it is, you can google it, but in short - they lead to cancer. Also, if you are frying, then you are using a lot of oil and adding it to the fats that you already eat, that is, there is too much fat, and you are unlikely to be skinny.

2) Butter in any form worse than butter vegetable, because these are saturated animal fats, and they are more harmful. They contain a lot of cholesterol, and cholesterol, if abused heavily and for a long time, leads to serious problems with the heart and blood vessels. Now they will begin to actively argue with me, so I will immediately explain: I'm not talking about the instant harm of cholesterol, I'm talking about its accumulation over the years. At 20, no matter what you eat, you are unlikely to have a heart attack, but at 50 it is already common in terrible quantities. On this occasion, I advise you to look at the statistics of countries on the level of CVD and reflect on how diet is related to this level (hint: countries where traditionally less animal fats and dairy products are traditionally on the table will be far below in this rating).

Therefore, for me, “fry” and “butter” are incompatible concepts (and I treat them separately with caution). If you need to fry, do it in vegetable oil (sunflower or olive, for example). It is very important that the oil refined(Never fry in oil that says Extra Virgin). I advise against frying and generally abusing palm and coconut oils (these are the only two vegetable oils that contain saturated (as in meat) fats). Good luck and stay healthy!

Vegetable oils turn into trans fats when frying (these are the only unhealthy fats). Animal products also contain trans fats in small amounts, but they are few and they are essentially different (there is even a positive effect on health) and they should not be feared.
There is no association between heart disease and saturated fat intake. Cholesterol-rich foods do not increase cholesterol levels, but regulate cholesterol. With age, everyone increases cholesterol due to the aging of the body, its need for the body increases. Sunflower oil is the worst choice for frying. unsaturated fats there great amount, which means there will be a lot of trans fats.
Heart problems are basically related to lifestyle (eg physical activity, vitamins), cooking method and preference to buy foods containing trans fats (eg margarine and other foods with unsaturated vegetable oils processed at high temperatures). Not observing the above tips, the amount of bad (oxidized) cholesterol increases, and the vessels are also disturbed, in which cholesterol then accumulates. But cholesterol itself is not something bad, on the contrary, you can’t do without it.

It is worth starting with the fact that nutritionists, in general, consider any fried food to be harmful due to the large amount of trans fats contained in it, which are not beneficial for the body. Frying in vegetable oil carries the same harm, because when it is heated to a high temperature, carcinogenic substances dangerous to the body begin to be released, causing malignant tumors or benign neoplasms.

But before you decisively refuse any fried food, it's worth a little understanding of all the warnings and tips.

Which product to choose?

Fried foods are bad in and of themselves, especially in unreasonable amounts, and the first thing to do for your health is to limit your consumption of them. But also, many people like to use too much oil when frying or overcooking food, achieving a richer taste, which is also extremely harmful.

Dangerous and frying in the same oil several times.

It is worth remembering that the oil should be used only once. This will take you where less harm body, and will not spoil the taste of the dish.

If possible, replace some fried foods on stews and baked, as well as include in your daily diet as many vegetables and fruits as possible. No matter how delicious fried potatoes, pies and pancakes, you should not get involved in their use.

Now, having dealt with this, we can begin to discuss the oil, the use of which in frying will bring the least harm.

The statistics say that sunflower oil and less popular corn oil are considered the least useful. Olive and coconut, according to scientists, contain much less harmful substances than their refined counterparts. The same list also includes melted butter.

Sunflower oil is the most popular and widespread in the CIS countries, although in the West cooking with it is considered unprofessional, and chefs prefer creamy oil.

In addition to the harmful substances that have already been mentioned, sunflower oil also contains useful substances, such as E and F. Its use in unrefined form healthier, although it is not suitable for long-term frying.

Corn oil, in comparison with sunflower, is considered more useful. It is also used in refined form, recommended in dietary and baby food.

About the benefits olive oil there are almost legends. It is good for skin and hair, improves the activity of the stomach, has the ability to heal gastric ulcers, has a choleretic and laxative effect. Not everyone knows, but it also has benefits of cardio-vascular system thanks to the content of omega-3 acids in it.

Coconut oil strongly recommended by nutritionists for healthy eating. The secret of its popularity is its low fat content and the least tendency to break down when cooked. Its only disadvantage is the high cost and complexity of use in cooking.

If we talk about butter, it is useful in itself, as it contains many vitamins A, D, E and K, improves and heals the skin, hair and nails, has a high burning point and gives the dish a delicate nutty flavor. Many dishes are advised to fry on milk fats, so you should figure out what are its advantages and disadvantages.

What is best for frying?

It is worth starting with the fact that butter with vegetable additives will not bring any benefit, just the opposite. This also applies to margarine, and various spreads, which definitely need to be excluded from your diet. In addition, the taste of dishes prepared using these products will be much worse than those prepared with natural ones.

In the recipe of many dishes there is an advice: "fry in butter." This recommendation can also be dictated by the fact that milk fat can be included in the composition of the dish, and mixing it with vegetable fat is another great mistake and harm to health.

Even if you still prefer sunflower oil, dishes that use sour cream or cream are safer to fry on butter.

In addition, many housewives claim that only butter, when fried, allows you to achieve an appetizing golden brown, pleasant smell and taste without bitterness. Others, on the contrary, believe that butter can be more bitter than sunflower oil. Let's find out what it is connected with.

Any oil, if overheated or used repeatedly without changing it, will start to taste bitter as a result. To prevent this from happening with butter, do not cook on it those foods that require a long frying time.

Fried eggs, pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes - butter is not only suitable for frying these dishes, but also recommended.

We also remember that excessive heating of the pan during cooking will not lead to anything good. There is a risk not only to spoil the taste of the dish, but to completely burn it. Nothing harms health like burnt food.

Don't melt the butter too much. It will burn, smoke, shoot and impair the taste of food.

If you need to cook a dish in butter that requires frying for a long time, you should use ghee.

It is suitable for long frying, its taste is even more pronounced than that of butter, it does not burn, it is suitable for people with lactose intolerance due to the lack of milk fat in it.

Ghee is cheaper than olive and coconut oil, it can be found in any store, or you can cook it at home. You do not need a lot of skills and special skills to melt ordinary butter in a water bath. This process will take no more than half an hour, it will last for a long time, and most importantly, its use will not make your food harmful.

Milk fat is very popular for cooking in many countries. You need to learn how to choose it correctly, observe the conditions of storage and preparation, and then your food will be not only tasty, but also healthy.

Any oil has its positive and negative properties, but you need to figure out which and in what form is better to use, and which one is suitable for a particular dish, and then you can achieve minimal harm.

About what will happen if you fry scrambled eggs in butter, see the next video.

There are many types of vegetable oil - exactly as many as oil plants on all continents, from the components of which oil extraction is extracted.

Sunflower seeds and olives, coconuts, peanuts, flax and mustard seeds, rice grains - this is an incomplete list of these components.

To answer the question of whether it is possible to fry in unrefined oil, you must first find out what kind of oil we are talking about.

The most delicious - unrefined, but ...

raw unrefined oil most delicious. It is pressed under pressure from fresh raw materials, without being subjected to any thermal or chemical treatment. The technology allows only a slight increase in temperature (up to +45 °C) for greater cleaning and filtration efficiency from unwanted impurities (small residues of sunflower husks, olive pulp or coconut cake, pieces of nut shells). This is a fragrant and healthy product that retains all the useful components.

The oil is also clarified in the old fashioned way - through filters or in centrifuges.

It is excellent in salad dressing, but it is not intended for frying: the products in the pan will certainly burn. Any unrefined oil cannot withstand high temperatures.

An exception

The only unrefined vegetable oil in the world that can be used for frying is olive oil.

Its structure is so resistant to high temperatures that it begins to irreversibly transform (burn) only when heated to about +180 °C. For frying food in a pan, the range of + 100-160 ° C is enough. The refined version of olive oil can withstand temperatures up to +240 °C.

In a word, any kind of olive oil can be safely poured into a pan.

Refined - heat resistant

The refining technology was invented just so that the processed oil could withstand high temperatures. In addition, she deprives crude oil odors inherent in it, makes it neutral. This makes it much easier to use in cooking.

Oil is deprived of combustible impurities by treatment with acids, alkalis, high-temperature steam. But with these impurities, not only aromatic substances disappear, but also useful trace elements along with vitamins.

The result is sterilized fat. It can be stored for a long time: in this substance, in fact, there is nothing to spoil.

Temperature indicators

But not all types of processed spins are suitable for frying, even in a refined form.

Here is a small list of oils intended for safe frying with maximum temperature values:

  • mustard: +255 °С;
  • rapeseed: +240 °С;
  • soybean: +230 °С;
  • sunflower: +230 °С;
  • palm: +230 °С;
  • rice: +220 °С;

Walnut oil presses are not suitable for frying. Exceptions are peanuts (+230 °С) and hazel (+220 °С).

Critical smoke point

poured into hot pan oil is safe for frying until a harmless whitish smoke appears over the pan. This means that the oil has reached its maximum heating temperature.

This boundary is called the smoke point.


As soon as the oil in the pan begins to smoke, know that you yourself have started a dangerous high-temperature chemical reaction. At this second in the overheated structure vegetable product Harmful substances - carcinogens begin to form. From medical Latin, this unpleasant word is translated even more terrible: “crustaceans” or “cancer agents”.

Breathing vapors of carcinogens (carbon monoxide) is no less harmful and dangerous than eating them. The effect is the same - "cancer agents" will penetrate the body.

But the experiment could end even worse.

Burning pan nightmares

At any second, an overheated pan can suddenly flare up, drops of hot oil will scatter around the kitchen.

IN best case they will terribly stain everything they stick to. It will take a long time to wash the kitchen after the disaster. And plastic and film surfaces (headset, linoleum) will simply melt in the places where hissing drops fall, they will resemble the surface of the Moon with its craters.

Even a countertop made of artificial stone will not withstand such a test.

In the worst case, you yourself risk suffering and setting a serious fire in the apartment.

Keep the oil tightly closed, in a dark and cool place. In an open container, the product quickly oxidizes due to contact with air (oxygen), it starts to taste bitter.

A tasteless refined product can be “ennobled” with various herbs and spices. In a pan or in a salad, the flavors will be transferred to the cooked products.

Use any oil for frying or in the deep fryer only once. At reuse it will generously saturate the products with all the accumulated carcinogens.

The use of such "roasts" in food will greatly harm your health. Even one chop, cooked in overcooked deep fat, can provoke incurable pancreatitis in the eater - an inflammatory process in the pancreas.