Medicines for weight loss with the least harm to health. Top weight loss products.

Sometimes there are situations when a person has tried a lot of ways to lose weight from various diets to the gym, but there is no result as such. Appetite suppression pills will come to the rescue: most drugs are over-the-counter dietary supplements, so they can be easily purchased at any pharmaceutical pharmacy. However, some representatives of this category require prior consultation with a doctor, as their effects can be harmful to health.

The most effective weight loss pills

It is impossible to unequivocally call any particular drug the best and most effective. The pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of diet pills that reduce appetite. Do not think that the most expensive pills will allow you to lose weight overnight, and besides, what works for one obese person will not always work for another. Each specific case is individual, it is quite possible that you can achieve an obvious result with the help of a conventional drug with a reasonable price.


The tablets were developed by a Russian manufacturer and in a short period of time have proven themselves as effective remedy for weight loss and weight loss. By acting on certain parts of the brain, "Reduxin" allows you to achieve a feeling of fullness and reduces the need for food. It has a wide range of contraindications: cardiovascular diseases, arterial hypertension, impaired liver and kidney function.
  • Ingredients: Sibutramine is the main active ingredient.
  • Indications: excessive obesity.
  • Usage: 1 tablet per day orally. Doctors advise starting with 5 mg of the drug, gradually increasing the dose to 15 mg per day.


Another bright representative of medicinal tablets, where the main active ingredient is sibutramine. Produced by the Czech pharmacological industry. Influencing the central nervous system, the drug reduces weight due to the fading of interest in food. Small portions of food can cause the patient to feel full.

  • Composition: the active ingredient of the drug is sibutramine.
  • Indications: moderate to severe obesity.
  • Application: in the morning, 1 tablet. It is necessary to drink large quantity water.


According to the manufacturer, this medicinal product contains only natural ingredients– herbs that are popular in Chinese folk medicine. Its action is aimed at enhancing metabolism and normalizing the hormonal system, loss of appetite. Thanks to this, the process of weight loss occurs. In addition, the instruction of the drug says that while taking the pills you can lose weight, but also cleanse the body of toxins.

  • Ingredients: Indian lotus leaves, daidaihua, plantain rhizome, cassia seeds.
  • Indications: obesity, body weight correction, cellulite, weight loss. It is possible to take the drug prophylactically in people prone to fullness.
  • Application: 30 minutes after breakfast, 1 capsule per day, you need to drink plenty of water. In addition, it is very important to drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water per day.

Gracinia forte

The feeling of satiety is achieved due to the fact that medicinal tablets maintain blood glucose levels at high level. Saturation of blood with glucose is a kind of signal to the brain that the body is full and the meal can be completed. Gracinia forte, among other things, activates the metabolism, contributing to effective weight loss.

  • Ingredients: garcinia extract, vitamins B6 and C, chromium.
  • Indications: obesity, the need to reduce weight.
  • Application: daily dose The drug consists in taking 4 tablets. Reception should be carried out 2 times a day, 2 tablets with meals.


The tablets were developed by Evlar and have absolutely no nutritional value- 0 kcal. Composed entirely of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC). Once in the digestive tract, the MCC fibers swell, quickly causing a feeling of satiety. Prevent the absorption of toxins and decay components food products. Another plus in favor of using the drug is its ability to bind to cholesterol (a fat-like compound). Passing through the intestines, it is excreted from the body natural way.

  • Ingredients: microcrystalline cellulose.
  • Indications: obesity, overweight.
  • Application: during meals, from 3 to 5 tablets. The course of treatment is designed for 1 month.


Another herbal preparation that is designed to fight against overweight by eliminating the feeling of hunger. It does not contain chemical compounds in its composition, which caused deep confidence among many consumers. In addition to appetite suppression, Apetinol promotes accelerated lipid metabolism and fat burning, and also activates the body to get rid of toxins.

  • Ingredients: extracts of the Kalahari cactus Hoodia gordonii, Coleus forskolia plants. Carboxylmethylcellulose (CMC) and citrus pectins.
  • Indications: obesity, tendency to overweight, increased appetite. Can be used as an addition to low-calorie diets.
  • Application: 2 capsules 2 times a day, 20 minutes before meals (lunch and dinner). It is necessary to observe a strict drinking regime - at least 2 liters of water per day.

Side effects and contraindications

Appetite suppression pills are resorted to only when all other methods of losing weight have not had an effect. Some pills can cause the following side effects: headaches, nausea, dry mouth, anxiety, tachycardia and insomnia (Reduxin, Lindaksa, Lida). And others can provoke the appearance of allergic reactions and discomfort in the intestines ("Garcinia forte", "Ankir-B", "Apetinol)". Almost all drugs are contraindicated in pregnant women and during breastfeeding.

A good appetite has always been an indicator of health - this fact will be confirmed by any doctor. But what about those people who cannot get enough even during a plentiful feast? The weight of these lovers to eat alarms endocrinologists and you already need to worry about their health.

In one of the previous publications, we already talked about, this article will discuss appetite suppressants that will help you keep from uncontrolled food intake. These include vitamins, medications and biological additives. Often people take appetite suppressants to lose weight, they buy them in a pharmacy without a prescription or on various sites that advertise these drugs. But it is worth considering whether they will harm health? How do these remedies work and are they effective enough for weight loss? In addition, many advertised drugs that reduce the feeling of hunger are quite expensive.

All medicines act on human body in different ways and do not hope that in order to reduce weight it is enough to take a magic pill. Therefore, if the doctor has not prescribed this medicine, you need to collect as much information as possible about these pills so as not to harm your body.

Why is it that a person cannot eat and it is rather difficult to satisfy his hunger? This can be explained by the fact that the body is deficient in certain substances and gives a signal to the brain about their replenishment, but for some reason, even upon admission desired product cannot process it properly.

The reason for this may be:

  • violations of the digestive processes;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • stress;
  • depression;
  • diseases and tumors thyroid gland.

Any malfunctions in the body should prompt a person to think about visiting a doctor and being examined, and if this is not done on time, the consequences can be serious. If the cause of a constant and insatiable feeling of hunger is a depressive state, the patient is not prescribed drugs for weight loss, he will need antidepressants. Hormonal failures and disorders of the thyroid gland are treated by an endocrinologist. If a person is overweight due to a heavy eating habit, they may be prescribed diet pills to reduce hunger.

Medications that reduce appetite are called anorectics, among which there are adrenaline-like and serotonin-like. The first of them act on weight loss by stimulating the body to produce the stress hormone, due to which there is a decrease in hunger.

These drugs include tablets:

  • Mazindol;
  • Phentermine;
  • Trimex.

Serotonin-like pills like Meridia increase serotonin levels, but they have many side effects. Therefore, in practice today they are not used, except perhaps as antidepressants. Adrenoline-like and serotonin-like anorectics have a significant drawback is a large list of contraindications and side effects, the most significant of which is dependence on them. Today, in pharmacies without prescriptions, you can buy safe non-hormonal anoretics, including effective pills for reducing appetite and weight with a minimum of contraindications, dietary supplements and inexpensive homeopathic remedies.

Diet pills


Tablets Reduksin from Russian manufacturers have proven to be effective in helping to reduce weight and reduce hunger. Its active substance is subatromin, which affects a certain part of the brain and reduces appetite. In addition, this drug improves mood and reduces the likelihood of developing depression.

Reduxin should not be taken:

  • people with heart disease
  • with hypertension;
  • in renal and hepatic insufficiency.

Reduxin tablets are prescribed only for severe obesity, doctors do not advise taking it to people who want to reduce a little weight, due to the presence of contraindications. Take Reduxin at a dosage of 15 mg, 1 tablet per day.


Lindakas is an analogue of Reduksin, produced by a Czech company. This is a pharmaceutical agent that affects the brain in order to reduce the feeling of hunger. Due to the fact that a person begins to be satisfied with small portions of food, it contributes to weight loss. Take this drug only in the morning, 1 tablet, drinking it with plenty of liquid.


These weight loss pills are based on microcrystalline cellulose, which, when it enters the stomach, swells and thus occupies a large part of it. Due to this, the feeling of fullness appears much earlier and the person eats less. Ankir-B has almost no contraindications, it not only reduces appetite, but also stimulates the intestines and removes excess cholesterol from the body. Take this drug 3-4 tablets during meals in a course of 1 month.

Most Dietary Supplements contain natural ingredients, they are available without a prescription and have few contraindications, while almost all drugs that reduce appetite and burn fat, have side effects.


The drug from the company Evalar on a plant basis. Available in the form of tablets, capsules and tea. Promotes rapid cleansing of the body by increasing intestinal motility and removing excess fluid from the body. As for weight loss products from Evalar, customer reviews are contradictory: most testify that they managed to lose weight, almost everyone claims that appetite has decreased from these pills, but almost everyone claims that they have experienced their side effects on themselves: nausea, diarrhea, dizziness. Turboslim tea is drunk in the evening, coffee in the morning, tablets are taken with meals.


This dietary supplement based on natural ingredients tones up, reduces appetite, increases activity. In its composition:

  • green tea;
  • gurana;
  • glucomannan.

These tablets are used in sports nutrition for weight loss.


These tablets do not contain chemical components, their action is based on the fight against extra pounds, not only by reducing appetite, but also by burning fat deposits and removing toxins.

As part of Apetinol:

  • Kalahari cactus extract;
  • Coleus extract;
  • citrus pectins;
  • carboxymethylcellulose.

This drug is used to combat obesity, as an additional component to low-calorie diets. There are many ways to lose weight, appetite suppressant pills are the most risky for health. Many people do not want to exercise and restrain themselves from overeating, preferring to take a magic pill and lose weight, but, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. You should not take risks and take any drugs without consulting a doctor, it is better to play sports and not eat up at night.

Top 7 best drugs for weight loss:

Name Type of Price
Healthy Elixir 990 rub.
Lipoxin Capsules 1950 rub.
Mangosteen Syrup 990 rub.
Vita la Vita Drops 1980 rub. 1 rub.(until 02.09.2017)
TurboFit Sachet 795 rub.
Lipocarnit Capsules + Solution 990 rub.
OneTwoSlim Drops 990 rub.

Diet pills 83,000 people request online per month; another 23.5 thousand are looking for "drugs + for weight loss"; 3.5 thousand - "drugs + for weight loss"; 12 thousand want "effective pills + for weight loss"; 5 thousand - "buy pills + for weight loss"; 13 thousand are looking for "pills + for weight loss reviews".

All these figures show that the problem effective weight loss worries great amount people who are ready to risk not only money, but also health in order to get rid of excess weight.

Advertising offers us a huge number of miracle cures for weight loss, but are they all effective and safe enough?

It must be understood that the process of losing weight is an intervention in the work of the body, which can have unpredictable consequences. Although most over-the-counter diet pills are simply dietary supplements, this does not mean that they cannot cause health problems. As for serious medications for weight loss, they should never be taken uncontrollably.

Truly effective drugs for weight loss, unfortunately, there are not so many. All of them have certain side effects and contraindications. These drugs are prescribed to people who are really obese and who, as a rule, have other concomitant diseases caused by overweight (for example, diabetes ).

Of course, such drugs for weight loss are not prescribed to healthy people who, for aesthetic reasons, want to lose a couple of kilograms of fat. For these purposes, there is no need to eat pills, since there are fitness, aerobics, swimming pools and a huge number of all kinds of tasty and healthy diets.

However, there are many people who need medical care for the treatment of obesity and they really need drugs.

Well, let's see what drugs for weight loss exist, how they work and what the consequences of taking them can be.

Drugs for the treatment of obesity(drugs for weight loss) is a group of pharmacological agents that reduce and / or control body weight. These drugs allow you to regulate body weight by changing one of three parameters: appetite, metabolism, or calorie absorption.

Mechanisms of action of drugs for the treatment of obesity

1) Appetite suppressants

  • anorexigenic drugs - drugs of central action, called anorexics, designed to suppress appetite;
  • catecholamines and their derivatives (methods based on amphetamine);
  • cannabinoid receptor antagonists to suppress appetite.

2) Drugs that affect the metabolism in the body

  • drugs that affect the body's ability to absorb certain nutrients from food (for example, Orlistat, also known as Xenical or Orsoten, blocks the breakdown of fats, which prevents their absorption);

3) Drugs affecting the absorption of calories

  • drugs that suppress / replace the digestion process and / or interfere with the absorption of calories (for example, Phase-2 Calorie Blocker, Glucomann - a food supplement containing fiber, chewing gum containing guar, etc.)

Medical treatment of obesity

Main methods of treatment of overweight are diet therapy and physical education. However, if diet and exercise fail to treat obesity, some patients are prescribed anti-obesity drugs.

Preparations for weight loss

Reduxin (Sibutramine, Meridia, Lindax, Goldline, Slimia)- serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. The drug acts on the centers of saturation and thermogenesis located in the hypothalamus. Antidepressant from the group of anorexigenic medicines or appetite regulators, which reduce the urge to eat.

Sibutramine (Reduxin) is prescribed in the following cases:

  • with alimentary obesity with a body mass index of 30 kg / m 2 or more;
  • with alimentary obesity with a body mass index of 27 kg / m 2 or more in the presence of other risk factors due to overweight, incl. diabetes type 2 (non-insulin dependent) or hyperlipidemia.

The anorexic effect develops as a result of inhibition of serotonin reuptake in the satiety center and an increase in the concentration of norepinephrine.

Contraindications for taking Reduxin (Sibutramine):

  • the presence of organic causes of obesity (for example, hypothyroidism);
  • serious eating disorders anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa );
  • mental illness;
  • Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (generalized tics);
  • concomitant use of MAO inhibitors (for example, phentermine, fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine, ethylamphetamine, ephedrine) or their use within 2 weeks before the appointment of the drug Reduxin; the use of other drugs acting on the central nervous system (for example, antidepressants, antipsychotics); drugs prescribed for sleep disorders containing tryptophan, as well as other centrally acting drugs for weight loss;
  • IHD, decompensated chronic heart failure, congenital heart defects, occlusive diseases of peripheral arteries, tachycardia, arrhythmias, cerebrovascular diseases (stroke, transient disorders of cerebral circulation);
  • uncontrolled arterial hypertension (BP above 145/90 mm Hg);
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • severe violations of the liver and kidneys;
  • benign prostatic hyperplasia;
  • pheochromocytoma;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • established drug, drug or alcohol addiction;
  • pregnancy, lactation (breastfeeding);
  • children and adolescents up to 18 years of age;
  • old age over 65 years;
  • established hypersensitivity to sibutramine or to other components of the drug.

The drug can cause side effects such as constipation, sweating, impaired thermoexchange (throws into heat, then into cold), headache, tachycardia, palpitations (up to the development of sinus arrhythmia), mood swings, jumps blood pressure, irritability (impossible to sit still), insomnia, stomach problems, depression, nervousness, irritability, anxiety, acne on the face, hair loss, destruction of tooth enamel, hormonal changes, weight gain after withdrawal.

For more information about contraindications, see the article: Diet pills: Reduxin and Reduxin-light

Xenical ( Orlistat) - inhibitor of pancreatic lipase, approximately 30% reduces the absorption of fats in the intestine, does not suppress the feeling of hunger. Under the influence of Orlistat, mainly the mass of viscero-abdominal fat decreases. Orlistat reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, normalizes lipid metabolism, reduces hyperinsulinemia, helps to reduce the mass of viscero-abdominal fat. According to multicenter placebo-controlled studies, after 52 weeks of using Orlistat at standard doses, body weight decreased by 6.2% from baseline, insulin levels decreased by 18%. Orlistat can cause frequent fat stools (steatorrhea), but if the fat content of the food is significantly reduced, this symptom disappears.

Contraindications to the use of Orlistat (Xenical):

  • malabsorption syndrome;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • nephrolithiasis and hyperoxaluria (since when using orlistat, the concentration of oxalates in the urine increases).

Metformin (N,N-Dimethylimide dicarboimide diamide)- not originally intended for the treatment of obesity in healthy people and was used to treat patients with type 2 diabetes. At type 1 diabetes taking metformin is pointless and simply dangerous.

Metformin reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood by inhibiting the formation of glucose (gluconeogenesis) in the liver. In patients with type 2 diabetes, the rate of gluconeogenesis is 3 times higher than normal. Metformin reduces this figure by more than one third.

When administered correctly, Metformin causes few side effects (of which gastrointestinal disturbances are more common) and is associated with a low risk of hypoglycemia. A serious problem in overdose and in the appointment of people with contraindications is lactic acidosis (accumulation of lactic acid in the blood). Metformin is contraindicated in people with any condition that may increase the risk of developing lactic acidosis, including kidney disease (creatinine levels greater than 150 μmol / L (1.7 mg / dL), although this is a conditional limit), lungs and liver, alcoholism. According to manufacturers, heart failure, particularly unstable or acute congestive heart failure, increases the risk of lactic acidosis.

Metformin reduces LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and is not associated with weight gain, and is the only antidiabetic drug that can reduce cardiovascular mortality in diabetes. In patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, metformin ( Glucophage) can reduce weight.

Exenatide (Byetta) is a long-acting analog of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), which is synthesized in the intestine in response to the presence of food in it. Many obese people do not produce enough GLP-1 hormone, so dieting only increases its deficiency.

The use of exenatide leads to a decrease in appetite and a decrease in food intake, as well as suppression of gastric motility. The action of the drug is based on the replacement of the effects of the hormone-incretin GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) that are impaired in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Data from clinical studies suggest that exenatide therapy provides a significant improvement in glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Among other effects, glucagon-like peptide-1 delays gastric emptying and promotes satiety.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are: type 1 diabetes mellitus, diabetic ketoacidosis, hypersensitivity, severe gastrointestinal diseases with concomitant gastroparesis, severe chronic renal failure (CC less than 30 ml / min), pregnancy, lactation and children under 18 years of age.

Byetta is currently available for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Some patients, although not all, have reported significant weight loss while taking Byetta. Byetta's disadvantages include that it must be administered twice daily and causes severe nausea in some patients, especially at the start of treatment. Byetta is recommended only for patients with type 2 diabetes. Somewhat similar drug Simlin currently available for the treatment of diabetes, it is in the process of being tested for the treatment of overweight in non-diabetics.

Pramlintid (Simlin) is a synthetic analogue of the hormone amylin. Many people with diabetes do not have enough amylin. Pramlintide is given by injection and is used in type 2 diabetes mellitus as an adjunctive treatment for patients taking mealtime insulin who fail to achieve glucose control on insulin therapy despite optimal insulin therapy, with or without metformin. Pramlintide is also used in type 1 diabetes mellitus as an adjunctive treatment for patients who take insulin at mealtimes and who do not achieve glucose control on insulin therapy despite optimal insulin therapy.

Among other effects, amylin delays gastric emptying and promotes satiety. Simlin is currently in the approval process for use with insulin in type 1 and type 2 diabetics. Along with this, it is currently being tested in non-diabetics as a treatment for obesity. The disadvantage of the drug is that it must be administered during a meal.

Rimonabant (Acomplia) is a newly developed drug for the treatment of obesity. By mechanism of action, it is a cannabinoid receptor (CB1) antagonist, which has a central effect on the brain to reduce appetite. Perhaps its peripheral action in the form of thermogenesis and, therefore, an increase in energy consumption. Such drugs not only cause weight loss, but prevent or eliminate the already existing consequences of obesity, in the form of insulin resistance and hyperlipidemia. However, weight loss under the influence of Rimonabant was not greater than with other available weight loss drugs. As a result of concerns about its safety, primarily of a psychiatric nature, this drug is not approved in the US and Canada either as an anti-obesity drug or as an anti-smoking drug. Sanofi-Aventis, France, has received marketing authorization for Rimonabant in the European Union as a prescription, subject to restrictions, treatment for obesity. In the Russian Federation, it was allowed to be sold under the trade name Zimulti. In January 2008, the European Medicines Agency suspended its own license to sell the drug due to the possibility of serious neuropsychiatric adverse reactions in patients.

In some countries, the following drugs are also used to treat overweight:

fluoxetine (Prozac)- an antidepressant, used by some specialists to suppress appetite, but there is no information on long-term effects.

Phentermine (Adipex-P, Astin, Ionamine)- amphetamine group, acts as a neurotransmitter norepinephrine, reducing appetite. May cause nervousness, headache and insomnia.

Lorcaserin(Belvick)- agonist of 5-HT 2C receptors, suppresses appetite.

Bupropion (Wellbutrin, Zyban)- an inhibitor of the reuptake of norepinephrine and dopamine, suppresses appetite.

Combination Ephedrine With caffeine- sympathomimetic, stimulates alpha- and beta-adrenergic receptors, stimulates the production of norepinephrine. Widely used in Denmark for the treatment of obesity.

It turned out that taking certain drugs for weight loss can be dangerous not only for health, but also for the life of patients. For example, taking a drug hair dryer associated with the occurrence of medical complications in the form of pulmonary artery hypertension and damage to the heart valve, and taking Phenylpropanolamine leads to cerebral hemorrhage. Many of these drugs have been banned in a number of countries due to serious side effects. So, in the United States, only three drugs for weight loss are currently approved for use: Orlistat, Lorcaserin and phentermine-topirama.

It must be remembered that all drugs for weight loss have an effect only during the period of admission and do not have a prolonged effect. If, after stopping the course of treatment, the patient does not change his lifestyle and does not follow dietary recommendations, body weight, as a rule, increases again.

Getting rid of excess weight is a real way to improve the body and, accordingly, to improve the quality of life. Therefore, various drugs are actively used in weight loss programs and nutritional supplements that have a complex effect:
- suppress hunger and reduce appetite;
- reduce the absorption of nutrients;
- correct metabolic processes in the body, contributing to the acceleration of metabolism, burning fat, removing toxins.

At the same time, it is important to remember that only professional recommendations, medical supervision will help you lose weight without harm to health and continue to maintain weight on optimal level. In particular, without the participation of a doctor, it is impossible to use such drugs for the treatment of obesity and weight correction as XENICAL, ORSOTEN, LINDAXA.

Dietary supplements are only an additional, auxiliary tool for effective, long-term and safe weight loss. Regardless of the composition of the drug, in any case, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary (drugs NOVA FIGURE, VIAREDIN, FORMOLINE, DIETRINE, etc.).


Most preparations of this kind are of plant origin, which usually contain:
garcinia cambogia extract(Garcinia cambogia) - suppresses appetite, helping to reduce the amount of food and sugar consumed; revitalizes metabolism, preventing the synthesis of fats from carbohydrates in food and reducing body fat; reduces the content of sugar and cholesterol (which is important in diabetes);
hoodia gordonii extract(Hoodia Gordonii) - reduces appetite, also preventing the absorption of fats from the intestines, increasing the breakdown of fat and reducing body fat; source of soluble dietary fiber;
inulin(a polymer of fructose of plant origin) - inhibits the feeling of hunger, regulating, in addition, carbohydrate and mineral metabolism, normalizing the intestinal flora. Natural sources of inulin: artichoke, garlic, asparagus, elecampane, burdock, dandelion, scorzonera, Jerusalem artichoke, chicory, coltsfoot, echinacea;
a nanos - effective fat burner, contains a digestive enzyme bromelain(prevents the deposition of fats in fat depots; a powerful catalyst for the processes of carbohydrate and protein metabolism);
guarana extract- has a tonic effect, enhances metabolism in cells and significantly speeds up metabolic processes, accelerates fat burning; natural caffeine.
guatsuma- prevents the absorption of fats, contributing to their removal from the body;
bitter orange extract- promotes the removal of excess fluid, reducing fat reserves and weight loss;
green tea- enhances metabolic processes in the body and accelerates the excretion of certain fat fractions; stabilizes blood glucose levels, enhances the effect of other ingredients.

The composition of weight loss complexes often includes such components:
chromium picolinate(organic form) - maintains a normal physiological level of glucose in the blood, which in turn helps to suppress cravings for sweets and natural weight loss;
L-Carnitine (levocarnitine)- a natural regulator of fat metabolism in cells; contributes to the "burning" of fats (especially in combination with caffeine) and the loss of adipose tissue with a diet, high physical activity;
caffeine- enhances metabolic processes, increasing calorie consumption and energy resources of the body;
MCC (microcrystalline cellulose), pectins, dietary fiber- contribute to rapid saturation and a decrease in the amount of food taken, absorb water, stimulate the intestines, disrupt the absorption of fats and carbohydrates;
chitosan- effectively binds fats and promotes their removal from the body.


Preparations TURBOSLIM series aimed at suppressing appetite and removing toxins from the body.

The complex blocks the absorption of calories (not only fats, but also carbohydrates), suppresses appetite and cravings for sweets. Effective for those who do not want to change their usual diet.
Main components: white bean extract, garcinia cambogia extract, chromium picolinate, chitosan.

An intensive mini-program for those who need a quick result. Reducing body volume by 3 centimeters in 3 days (minus 3 kg).
Capsules MORNING. Main components: guarana extract, red extract seaweed, calcium carbonate, red extract grape leaves, vitamin C.
Capsules DAY. Main ingredients: garcinia extract, prickly pear flower extract, fennel extract, corn stigma extract, hay extract, chromium picolinate.
Capsules EVENING. Main components: garcinia extract, melissa extract, fucus extract, sena extract, L-carnitine, chromium picolinate.
The main components of a sachet for preparing a drink: oligofructose, lemon juice, prickly pear flower extract, artichoke extract, green tea extract, fennel extract.

A special program to suppress the feeling of hunger, allows you to control your appetite, avoid late dinners. Does not contain laxative herbs, can be used in any weight loss programs (including other TURBOSLIM products). Main components: hoodia gordonii extract, inulin, chromium picolinate, L-Carnitine.

TURBOSLIM DRAINAGE drink concentrate
It has 4 actions at once: burns, drains, cleanses, tones. Available in three types:
liquid extract with natural peach flavor - for drinking during the day. Main components: phytocomplex for drainage (cherry stem extract; red seaweed extract), tone (green tea extract), body cleansing (extracts of oats, artichoke, cassia, fennel); lemon juice concentrate, guarana extract, citrus bioflavonoids (hesperidin).
drink concentrate for women 45 plus - created taking into account age-related changes female body. Ingredients: phytocomplex for drainage (extract of cherry stalks), fat burning (L-carnitine), tone (green tea extract) and body cleansing (extracts of oats, artichoke, cassia, fennel); mineral complex from sea ​​salt(to normalize the mineral balance); extract of cimicifuga (to equalize the hormonal background and correct the fluctuations in body weight associated with it); vitamin E (natural antioxidant).
drink concentrate for men with natural currant flavor - helps to model the male body, form a muscular frame. Main components: guarana extract, cherry stalk extract, green tea, artichoke, fennel extracts, L-carnitine, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA).

Two drugs for effective fat burning in accordance with the biorhythms of the body (day and night).
DAY. Ingredients: citrus bioflavonoids, caffeine, guarana extract, bromelain, papain, vitamin B3, vitamin C, red seaweed extract, zinc.
NIGHT. Ingredients: garcinia cambogia, L-carnitine, senna extract, lemon balm, chromium picolinate, vitamins B, E, zinc.

TURBOSLIM FITNESS drink concentrate
Activates fat burning physical activity converting them into energy. Promotes the excretion of metabolic products during fitness. Main components: guarana extract, green tea and mate tea extract, lemon juice.

The feeling of satiety without extra calories is a source of valuable proteins, soluble dietary fiber and chromium. Ingredients: whey protein concentrate; apple pectin; inulin; chromium picolinate, flavor additive - strawberry berry powder, fructose.

To reduce appetite, speed up metabolic processes, remove toxins from the body. The program of actions: in the morning - coffee, in the evening - tea. Either by choice.
Cleansing Green Tea Ingredients: Garcinia Cambogia Extract, Cherry Stalk Extract, Peppermint, Caffeine, Corn Silk, Alexandria Leaf.
The composition of the tonic and coffee: natural instant coffee, garcinia extract, extracts of turmeric, horsetail, burdock (inulin), senna, vitamin PP, chromium picolinate.

New drugs from the series XLS to correct weight and maintain harmony. The effectiveness of the drugs was tested in the course of clinical trials under the supervision of doctors from the medical experimental center DERMSCUN (France).

XL>S DUO Slim & Shape NEW!
For men and women. Effective innovative formula with a powerful double action: has a special effect on problem areas of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks;
helps to lose weight easily and quickly. Ingredients: green tea leaf extract, fruit extract chocolate tree, apple fruit extract, grapefruit fruit extract, inulin, artichoke leaf extract, pineapple fruit extract, parsley root extract, fennel fruit powder and black currant fruit.

XLS 40 + Slim & Drain SLIM DRAIN Slimming and Cleansing tablets NEW!
For women over 40. An innovative formula with a double action: will restore the body to harmony, making the stomach flat and thighs taut; will help get rid of excess water that prevents weight loss and harmony at this age. Ingredients: green tea leaf extract, blackcurrant fruit powder, chocolate tree fruit extract, artichoke leaf extract, sage extract, inulin, grapefruit fruit extract, apple fruit extract, flax seed, pineapple fruit extract, parsley root extract, fennel fruit powder.

Complexes of plant origin from the series ELANCE simplify the correction of eating habits, help reduce appetite and cravings for sweets, as well as maintain a high vitality.

ELANCE capsules
A preparation based on hoodia gordonii - to reduce appetite and hunger; weight loss; improved digestion; normalization of metabolic processes.

The drug with prolonged action provides a comprehensive approach (for effective weight loss and body shaping, reducing appetite and hunger, improving digestion, normalizing metabolic processes, reducing the risk of diseases associated with excess weight, increasing skin tone and elasticity). Main ingredients: hoodia gordonii extract, grape seed and skin extract, green tea extract, coenzyme Q10, chromium picolinate.

Line of drugs diet formula- this is a formula for managing your weight by normalizing metabolism, cleansing the body. Preparations take into account the physiological and age characteristics of the body (women and men), developed by specialists - nutritionists - naturopaths.

100% natural product for weight correction. It breaks down fats, carbohydrates, improves digestion, metabolism, cleanses, heals the body, normalizes the menstrual cycle, and reduces appetite.
The composition of the tablets: vitamin B6, calcium, chromium polynicotinate, Garcinia Cambogia, grapefruit extract, L-Carnitine, Dong Quai root extract, fennel, ginseng, bearberry berries and other herbal ingredients.
Powder composition: probiotic complex, a mixture of medicinal plants with unique cleansing properties, including brown algae, spirulina, chlorella, papain.

LADY-S FORMULA DIET 45 PLUS tablets and LADY-S FORMULA DIET SYSTEM 45 PLUS tablets + powder (multi-cleaner)
100% natural product for weight management. Reduces appetite. Relieves symptoms of menopause and prevents weight gain. Improves metabolism and general well-being. The main components are the same.

The sbanasirovanny complex consists of two formulas - day and night. It normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, improves the digestion process, cleanses the body of various toxic substances, improves skin condition, has a mild diuretic and laxative effect. Increases the effectiveness of any diet by 70-80%. A complex composition of predominantly plant origin ((including pectin, apple and citrus fibers, oat bran, cayenne pepper, etc.).

Natural biocomplexes are produced in two types:
for women - for weight correction and figure improvement (composition: garcinia cambogia, green tea, Citrus Aurentium, white willow bark, potassium pyruvate, oligopeptides, spirulina, alpha lipoic acid);
for men - for weight correction and building muscle mass(Ingredients: Citrus Aurentium, Gugul Extract, Guarana Extract, White Willow Bark, Cayenne Pepper).

Natural biocomplex to improve bowel function and reduce excess weight. Suitable during pregnancy and after childbirth. Main components: plum fruits, psyllium husks.

Natural herbal complexes for effective weight loss and body shaping. CITRIMAX PLUS in areas with the highest accumulation of adipose tissue (stomach, breeches, scruff). Main components: Garcinia Cambogia extract, chromium polynicotinate, as well as L-Carnitine and a phytocomplex (with CITRIMAX PLUS).

Dietary supplements from other manufacturers

APETHINOL capsules
Natural effective remedy for comfortable weight loss. Helps reduce appetite and avoid late meals; fast satiety, reducing the amount of food consumed. Suppresses the feeling of hunger, stimulates lipid metabolism and utilization of fats, accelerates the transit of food through the intestines, activates the detoxification system.
Ingredients: hoodia gordonii extract, pectin (citrus), coleus forskolia extract, CMC.

COMPLEX BMI (Body Mass Index)
It has a positive effect on the metabolic processes in the body, and also has a general strengthening and tonic effect. Applied depending on body weight. There are 3 BMI courses in total:
pink - for people with a body mass index of 19-22,
green - for people with a body mass index of 22-25,
blue - for people with a body mass index above 25.
Main components: B vitamins, garcinia cambogia extract, green coffee extract, pineapple, papaya extracts, grape pomace extracts, orange peel, cocoa, Paraguayan holly, cherry cuttings and other plant components.

To reduce the calorie content of food. Allows you to smoothly reduce weight without much adjustment in the diet. Main ingredient: white bean extract.

SLIM CODE capsules
Highly effective weight loss and body shaping program based on a fat burning complex medicinal plants(garcinia cambogia, hoodia gordonii, mate tea), kartinitin, coenzyme Q10 and a source of natural dietary fiber. Allows you to comfortably and effectively control body weight, improve the functional state of the main body systems and maintain a high vitality.

Source of caffeine for overweight, obesity. Main ingredient: guarana.

Auxiliary means for controlling body weight in people suffering from obesity, atherosclerosis and type 2 diabetes mellitus. have a complex effect: drainage, normalization of metabolism, reduction of hunger.

LIPRINA tablets
Natural effective weight loss product. Reduces appetite and depresses the feeling of hunger, promotes weight loss. Recommended for people who control body weight.
Ingredients: hoodia gordonii extract, chromium picolinate, B vitamins.

FLORESINA capsules
Helps to reduce weight, helps to burn fat, cleanse the body, remove toxins, normalize metabolism. Ingredients: Guatsuma Leaf Extract, Kidney Tea Herb, Ginger Rhizome, Cubeba Pepper Fruit, Turmeric, etc.

A new tool for reducing appetite and controlling body weight by correcting bad eating habits. A complex based on dietary fiber and inulin helps to cleanse the body of metabolic products, improve the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract, adjust eating habits and reduce the total amount of food consumed, adjust body weight as part of comprehensive programs to normalize weight, normalize intestinal microflora and metabolism.

IDEAL pills
Source of flavonoids and anthraquinones. It has a mild laxative effect, contributes to the normalization of lipid metabolism. Active ingredients: guatsuma leaves, Dixon palm.

Allows you to significantly reduce appetite and develop a reasonable approach to eating without resorting to coding and without the use of anorexigenic (appetite-reducing) drugs. Ingredients: Garcinia extract, vitamins C, B6, chromium, fucus, kelp.

Chromium source. To regulate appetite, reduce cravings for sweets and starchy foods, normalize metabolism.

For cleansing, removing fats, normalizing metabolism.

Source of inulin and dietary fiber. It is recommended for patients with diabetes and people on a low-calorie diet. Improves indicators of carbohydrate metabolism, has an effect on the diseases associated with diabetes mellitus. Reduces the feeling of hunger. It has a positive effect on the intestinal flora, accelerates the cleansing of the body. Main components: powder of Jerusalem artichoke tubers (source of inulin), wheat bran (source of dietary fiber, source of macro- and microelements Mg, P, Fe, etc., vitamins B1, B2, PP, P, E, etc.).

BEAUTY CUFF coffee for weight loss
Has a multifactorial effect. Structure: coffee of elite grades "Arabica" and "Rabusta"; extract green tea; amino acid microelement complex "TRIO VITA"; chromium picolinate.


INNEOW CELLULSTRECH capsules and sachets
Removal of excess fat, influence on the causes of cellulite formation. Active Ingredients: Calcium, Green Tea Water Extract, Marine Glucosamine, Maritime Pine Bark Extract.

ZELL-PLUS lymphatic drainage drink
Burning fat, removing excess fluid, from cellulite. Compound: Apple juice, extracts of birch, pineapple, sweet clover, centella asiatica, philanthus, etc.


Wheat bran LITO; SLABILAX plates (contain apple puree, dried fruit figs, prunes, senna extract); appetite regulator PROBALANS No. 10 or No. 30 (with beet concentrate, carrot, bran, grapefruit pectin, etc.); microcrystalline cellulose MCC ANKIR-B (source of dietary fiber).

As well as cleansing infusions and teas:
brand KANKURA (packaged #30 or can; contains senna leaves and stems, black long leaf tea Oolong, chrysanthemum flower petals), brand FLYING SWALLOW (with senna leaves, extracts and flavors of lemon, pineapple, orange, banana, strawberry, apple, etc.); LOSE WEIGHT series (also with different flavors); herbal teas - SANTIMIN (on different tastes); STEVIA (for overweight, diabetes); herbal teas - TIBETAN, PHYTOCHISTON, SLIM LIFE and SLIM LIFE PLUS; complex teas TRAVIATA (appetite control), NATUR PRODUCT SILHOUETTE and TERRA-PLANT GREEN TEA.

For a comprehensive cleansing of the body (under the supervision of a doctor), EVALAR offers a special health-improving complex TRANSIT (contains preparations for the gastrointestinal tract TRANSIT prebiotic; HepatoTRANSIT for the liver; CystoTRANSIT for the kidneys; LymphoTRANSIT; light laxative based on seaweed PhytoTRANSIT). And the company KURORTMEDSERVICE - a line of products for cleansing and normalizing intestinal motility WINTER CHERRY.

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Weight loss drugs are now so widely available that patients often “prescribe them to themselves” without consulting a specialist. Medical columnist for the New Chronicles portal, candidate of medical sciences, endocrinologist Natalya Tanygina is sure that pharmacological drugs for weight loss should be treated very carefully and do not forget that they all have side effects.

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According to the doctor, there are 3 groups of drugs in the arsenal of endocrinologists:

- fat burners
- anorectics(those that reduce appetite)
- calorie blockers

We will tell you the most controversial drugs from each group.

Fat burners

One of the strongest fat burners- triiodothyronine, a thyroid hormone. This drug is very aggressive. It speeds up metabolism, heart rate, and raises body temperature. It is used by bodybuilders to quickly lose weight before competitions. Complete with diuretics, it provides them with excellent muscle relief and no fat. But if you look at the same bodybuilder in the “off-season”, you can see how easily the weight driven back to him returns.

With each new course of the drug, the load on the heart increases, it begins to work in "overtime" mode. If you sit on the hormone all the time, this, of course, will reduce the fat layer, but also life expectancy.

Loss of appetite - anorectics

There are several known drugs with this effect. First of all, it is fenfluramine or its tradename"Izolipan". Immediately after the appearance, these pills were sold out like hot cakes, and a few years later it turned out that taking them violates the structure of the heart valves and the drug was discontinued.

Currently, the drug "Trimex" has appeared on the market. He does not yet have wide advertising, only a few scientific articles. It is allowed to take it no more than 3 months. Doctors use Trimex with caution, because. its mechanism of action is similar to cardiac drugs.

The most common drug for reducing appetite is the trade name Meridia, Goldline, Reduxin. This appetite medicine has been used since 1995. The drug is effective, weight loss. Most importantly, it is able to shape eating behavior. For example, it is able to wean eating at night. The stomach on the background of taking the drug decreases, and saturation occurs earlier. After the drug is discontinued, the effect persists, you just need to take care of yourself (this is much easier than if you start limiting yourself in food without Meridia).

Meridia has many side effects: dry mouth, mood disturbance, heart pain, increased pressure. There are many cases of the development of psychosis, sometimes schizophrenia, while taking the drug. Another "bonus", not particularly dangerous, but unpleasant - a change in the smell of sweat, for the worse, of course, not everyone, by the way, disappears after the drug is discontinued. Dosages for Meridia vary. There are 10 mg, you still can’t hide the side effects, and the effectiveness is low. Moreover, many people develop a strong "zhor" against the background of taking this dose - the brain is forbidden to eat, but the impulse is not strong enough. The next dose - 15 mg, is tolerated worse, but practically does not give zhora. In African countries, the US also tested a dose of 20 mg, the side effects increased, and the positive ones were almost non-existent. Now, however, in Russia there are lovers of such experiments on themselves, who, at the risk of health, drink 2 capsules of 10 mg each.

Drugs that interfere with the absorption of food - calorie blockers.

Officially, 2 types of drugs are used: fat blockers or carbohydrate blockers.

Drug, trade name Xenical blocks fats. His ads are now circulating everywhere under the slogan " Time to lose weight". The main advantage of Xenical is the absence of its absorption. The pill, or rather, the blue capsule, works only in the intestines, does not affect the heart, brains and temperature, is taken with meals. The mood on it, of course, worsens: although the stomach feels full, the brain receives fewer calories and feels that it is being “deceived”. Since the drug is safe, it is widely used.

According to the firm that manufactures it, 28 million packs have been sold by 2007. True, according to doctors, the effect of taking Xenicala not very strong. He does not change his eating behavior, and gradually the stomach begins to grow to meet the needs of the brain, and nothing prevents the patient from increasing the diet if the brain signals a lack of food.

Even worse, after the abolition of Xenical, the amount of food eaten will remain the same, and calories will be absorbed by 30% more (it retains 30% of fat). Together with fats, fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E) are absorbed worse, therefore, vitamin preparations should be taken in parallel (in the USA, even a special vitamin preparation has been developed for such patients). Well, another fly in the ointment. Fats that are not digested in the intestines have to go somewhere. They come out of the rectum. Outwardly, it resembles sea buckthorn oil, only the smell is different.

In addition to simple leakage, there can be various options. The manufacturer has compiled a classification of ways to excrete undigested fats: bloating, gas, loose stools, oily stools, frequent stools, and, most unpleasantly, fecal incontinence.

People taking Xenical usually either experience its effects and stop taking it, or continue to drink the drug without paying attention to them, or, when faced with side effects, begin to limit the intake of products that cause these effects. By limiting the intake of fatty foods, they reduce weight, and taking Xenical, they still strengthen dietary measures. One of the most beneficial effects of Xenical is the education of the person who takes it. If a person has eaten something fatty, Xenical will immediately “say”. This is useful for those people who do not yet know the food calorie table by heart. More news: meeting the wishes of the first and second groups according to my classification, the company began producing Xenical at a lower dose, 60 mg instead of 120. According to research, it has fewer side effects, but it is bashfully silent about effectiveness.

The drug that blocks the absorption of carbohydrates, vegetable. It is a component of bean pods. In Russia, it is produced under the name Calorie blocker phase 2, the American company Nature’s sunshine calls it Fet Grabbers (the difference is mainly in price), there is another variant of a similar action, but the “synthetic” one is acarbose (“Glucobay”), it is even used for mild diabetes mellitus. It retains 30% of the carbohydrates consumed. In the intestines, it is also not absorbed, and all side effects are due to the release of undigested carbohydrates. This is mainly bloating and passing gases, stools may become more frequent. No one has yet compiled a classification on this issue, so the data are scattered. The drug is also taken with food. Its action is similar to the action of Xenical - the drug works while it is taken. However, the metabolism of carbohydrates is different from the metabolism of fats, and if they are consumed less, there is a chance to improve metabolism, which will not return the weight lost as quickly as on Xenical.

Here are the ratings that Natalya Tanygina gave to each of the listed drugs based on her own experience. The figure is the number of patients out of 10 who showed the indicated effect.

Weight loss: 9-10
Good tolerance: 3-5
Weight retention: 5-7
Who can help: those who are not able to limit themselves to food, those who feel the need to eat at night. Suitable for young people who do not suffer from sleep disorders.
Meridia it is better not to try those who are characterized by excitability, irascibility, who suffer from insomnia, high blood pressure, pain in the heart, duodenal ulcer.

Weight loss: 2-3
Good tolerance: 8-9, except for the above-described effects associated with spontaneous stool discharge.
Weight retention: 1-2
Who it can help: Patients who are able to restrict themselves in food, keep a food intake regimen, and those who prefer meat products. Age and concomitant diseases practically do not matter.
Contraindications, who better not to try the drug: People with severe gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis. For those who do not have "free" access to the toilet (for example, drivers), it is better to start taking on vacation or on weekends.

Glucobay calorie blocker

Weight loss: 2-3
Good tolerance: 9-10, because nothing comes out of the rectum
Weight retention: 3-4. The effect is more pronounced than that of Xenical, because. the drug affects the metabolic process.

Who it can help: Patients who limit themselves in food, follow the diet, prefer sweets, bread, cereals, pasta - i.e. carbohydrates. Age and concomitant diseases practically do not matter.
Contraindications, who better not to try the drug: people with severe gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis.

Science does not stand still, and now a new drug with the easy-to-pronounce name rimonabant (Acomplia or Zimulti, manufactured by the French company sanofi-aventis) has already gone on sale. The drug belongs to the easily pronounced group of selective endocannabinoid receptor antagonists (cannabis - cannabis). Here it turns out, as can be seen from the name of the group, hemp on the contrary - you don’t feel like eating and there is no mood. And none so much that several suicides were noted while taking the drug.

In the United States, the drug was not allowed to be used, and, immediately after the board of the American Food and Drug Association (FDA) recommended not to approve the drug for use, the market value of the manufacturing company decreased by 5.8 billion euros per day.

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