Recipes for light dinners for losing weight. Healthy quick dinner

« Give dinner to the enemy», « don't eat after 6», « you can have dinner only with a glass of kefir”- what kind of myths does not accompany the final meal. Today we will look at best dinner options for weight loss and touch on the basic principles of the formation of dinner.

The main principles of a healthy dinner

Before moving on to specific weight loss dinner options, let's first dwell on the basic principles of shaping healthy dinner. So, what is important to know about the last meal?

1. Dinner is necessary about 3 hours before bedtime. Not before, otherwise you will go to bed hungry. And not later, otherwise the food will not have time to digest.

2. In order not to overeat for dinner, be sure to have a full breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack.

3. Forget about the rule: do not eat after 18.00. Unless, of course, you go to bed at 21.00.

4. Also forget about the rule: "eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy." You need to have dinner, otherwise hungry evenings will definitely lead you to a food breakdown.

5. But you don’t need to overeat in the evening either. Avoid situations where you eat snacks during the day, and by the evening you decide to catch up on the whole day.

6. Generally dinner should be 20-25% in calories from the daily diet.

7. The ideal dinner for weight loss should include protein products and foods rich in fiber. Protein is a tool for building our muscles and bones, and fiber is a product that is not processed into fat cells.

8. If you still could not restrain yourself and ate too much for dinner, do not go on a hunger strike the next day. Better organize yourself an additional cardio workout.

9. You you can limit yourself to evening kefir (for example, with bran), but only in volume if during the day you eat your calorie intake. Not a minimum wage of 1200 kcal, but the norm.

10. The most important rule for weight loss: eat less than your body can use for the whole day. Therefore, yes, counting the calorie content of the diet and keeping the balance of BJU is the main principle of nutrition during the day, regardless of the correct “dinners” and “breakfasts”. BUT! If you learn how to correctly plan your menu during the day, you will come to losing weight. guaranteed faster.

Dinner for weight loss: do's and don'ts

If you want to get in great shape as quickly as possible, then the choice of dinner should be approached very responsibly. There are certain forbidden foods, but there is also great alternatives.

  • baking, flour, confectionery;
  • potatoes, pasta, white rice;
  • fried foods;
  • sweet fruits (bananas, grapes, peaches, watermelon, melon, mango);
  • dried fruits and nuts (it is better to postpone them for the first half of the day);
  • products containing industrial sugar(sweet yoghurts and curds);

It's also best not to eat for dinner. legumes and white cabbage due to possible digestive problems.

Dinner for weight loss: 7 best options

What then for dinner, you ask? In fact, there are many options, you can even combine some of the products below.

1. Lean fish or seafood

Fish and seafood is the perfect dinner option for weight loss. First, it is pure protein. Secondly, it is the source beneficial vitamins and micronutrients. Thirdly, it is satisfying and tasty. Only you don’t need to fry them, it is better to boil, stew or bake. You can add a portion of fresh vegetables to fish and seafood.

2. Lean chicken or turkey

Chicken breasts - classic version slimming dinner. Again, avoid the oil-fried option, otherwise the dish will cease to be so unconditionally useful. If you want to diversify meat menu, you can cook turkey fillet.

3. Curd

Another indispensable product for weight loss is cottage cheese. It contains a "long" protein casein, which is simply necessary for muscle recovery. Cottage cheese can be eaten with white natural yogurt. The only recommendation: try to avoid not only fatty dairy products, but also completely fat-free ones.

4. Vegetable salad with low fat cheese

Vegetables are the main source of fiber, which helps to normalize digestion. Therefore, an evening vegetable salad will come in handy. You can add pieces low-fat cheese. When choosing cheese, choose one with more protein.

5. Stewed or boiled vegetables

If you are not a fan raw vegetables, then stewed and boiled vegetables can be a great alternative. You can buy ready-made vegetable mixtures (just see if the composition is natural) or, for example, broccoli. You can also afford carrots and beets, though it’s better not to abuse them.

6. Boiled eggs

Dinner for weight loss can also consist of eggs, and it is better to boil them. The same vegetables can be added to the eggs, raw or cooked.

7. Dairy products with fruits

Well, still, we will not bypass kefir. For those who like to dine on hastily, fermented milk drink with an apple, other unsweetened fruit or berry will be an acceptable dinner option for weight loss. Of course, this is not a protein dish or fiber, but if you ate a balanced diet during the day, then such a dinner is the place to be.

If, after dinner, the hand still arbitrarily reaches for the refrigerator, then in a simple way will take away the body's appetite. routine teeth cleaning. Always remember that improving nutrition means 80% solving the issue of losing weight.

“Give dinner to the enemy, and eat breakfast yourself,” says folk wisdom. Meanwhile, today's pace of life dictates completely different rules to us. We rarely eat breakfast in the morning, but we fill up to satiety in the evenings.
Is it correct? Of course not. And all because there is almost no time and energy for evening cooking at the stove. Is there a way out? I'm sure there is. Take advantage of my delicious and easy to prepare dinner recipes, which will be discussed today. There will be exactly 20 of them, there will be plenty to choose from! I will not say that these recipes will change your life, but they can make it better and richer.

Mushroom cream soup with potatoes
What could be faster and healthier for the stomach than hot cream soup? For mashed potato soup, I always take white dry wine, as it gives the soup a special taste and aroma.
Recipe: Take a big cast iron skillet and heat 15 grams of olive oil in it along with 20 grams of butter. If measured with spoons, this is approximately 1:1.5 tbsp. Pour 250-300 grams of coarsely chopped potatoes and 1 chopped onion there, cover and cook over low heat for about 5-10 minutes. Vegetables should become soft. After that, add 350 grams of champignons in pieces and 1-2 cloves of minced garlic. Pour in 1.2 liters of broth and 150 ml of wine. Cook for about 15 minutes until the potatoes are soft. The last step is to puree ready soup in a blender, pour back into the pan, bring to a boil and add a little parsley. I advise you to serve in portioned plates with cream or sour cream - it really tastes better!

potato gratin
I always bake gratin in chicken broth with cheese and onions. The dish never turned out raw, dry or tasteless. For my family, gratin is almost a universal side dish.
Recipe: Salt and fry 2 onions in half rings in olive oil, at this time preheat the oven to 200 degrees. After 8-10 minutes of frying, pour the onion with ½ cup chicken broth and steam for a couple of minutes. Lubricate a heat-resistant form with butter, put one layer of potatoes (circles 2-3 mm thick), half-rings of onion, thyme, salt and pepper and pieces of butter. Repeat two more layers of potatoes and the above ingredients. In total, you need 1.5 kg of potatoes. Pour the top layer with broth and send to the oven, sprinkled with chopped cheese (100 grams). Bake 50 minutes. Once the broth has boiled away, the gratin is ready to serve.

Crab crabs in batter
On the way home, you can run into the supermarket and take crab sticks - a quick and delicious dinner will be provided! Crab sticks in batter - perhaps one of the most fast food hastily. They can even be served on the festive table, guests will lick their fingers!
Recipe: To start, marinate crab sticks (500 grams) in a glass pot, adding 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil, salt and pepper. For batter, take 0.75 cups of warm milk and mix with 2 eggs, salt and pepper. Dip crab sticks in batter and fry in oil for 2-3 minutes on each side. It is best served warm with lemon slices and mayonnaise, sprinkled with herbs.

The easiest pie in the world
As a dessert for dinner, I offer a simple pie recipe. For its preparation, you will need no more than 1 hour.
Recipe: Beat 3 eggs with 150 grams of butter, add 200 grams of sugar, cinnamon and vanilla to taste. Mix with 175 grams of flour and be sure to add grated chocolate, which will give the cake a special taste. At the end of the batch, add a little soda, quenched lemon juice. Pour the dough into a mold and send for 35 minutes in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Before serving, you can decorate with powdered sugar.

Stuffed champignons in the oven
What are good mushrooms? Yes, at least the fact that they can be stuffed with any filling. So such a dish will be an excellent alternative to dinner when you don’t want either fish or meat. I advise you to buy mushrooms with a large hat so that it is convenient for you to fill them.
Recipe: Remove the stems from the caps, set aside separately, finely chopped. Fry in a skillet for 10 minutes along with pepper cubes (150 grams) and onions. Grate 100 grams of cheese and 50 grams hard cheese, mix with vegetables Boil mushroom caps for 10 minutes in salted water, put in a greased baking sheet, fill with stuffing and lightly grease with mayonnaise. Send to bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

lazy dumplings
Why are dumplings called lazy? Yes, because even the most lazy hostess- it will take only 20-30 minutes of time. In addition to classic recipe I offer such dumplings Alternative option watering.
Recipe: Knead the dough from cottage cheese (500 grams), 1 egg, salt and 2 tbsp. sugar, form a "sausage" and cut it into circles. Boil in salted water and put the finished dumplings on a sieve - let them cool. Meanwhile, mix sour cream with lemon zest, egg yolk and separately beaten protein, sugar and salt. Lay out lazy dumplings into a buttered form, pour our watering and bake in the oven. Before serving lazy dumplings on the table, they can be sprinkled with cinnamon and powdered sugar.

Salad with crab sticks, cucumber and cabbage
Who said you can't have salad for dinner? If it's about hearty salad with crab sticks, after one serving you will not want any side dish or soup. Especially like those people who love crab sticks in any form.
Recipe: 200 grams of crab sticks, 5 hard-boiled eggs and 300 grams fresh cucumbers cut into large cubes. Mix with 100 grams of Beijing or white cabbage, onion and dill. Top with yogurt or mayonnaise. Best served cold.

fast pizza
Just a great pizza recipe! In just half an hour, two pizzas will be on the table at once. Naturally, pizza toppings can be anything, I'll take sausage, smoked meat and bell pepper.
Recipe: First, let's knead the dough. Dilute 6 grams of dry yeast in 250 ml of warm milk, adding also salt and sugar, 3 tbsp. vegetable oil. While stirring, gradually add 450-500 grams of flour. Leave the dough in a warm place and work on the filling. We cut everything into cubes so that the ingredients are evenly mixed: 2 medium tomatoes, 100 grams of smoked meat, 100 grams of sausage and 1 bell pepper. Also rub separately coarse grater 200 grams of cheese. Roll out the dough into two cakes, put in a greased form and lay out the filling. Bake each cake for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. That's it, pizza is ready!

Potato casserole with onions and cheese
The dish looks like a pie but tastes like a potato casserole. Can be served as a side dish or as a main dish.
Recipe: We will prepare a casserole for 8 servings. Boil 5 potatoes and crush them. In the meantime, beat 5 eggs in a bowl, add salt to taste and 50 ml of cream. Add our potatoes and stir everything until homogeneous mass. Also add 1.5 cups grated cheese, 0.5 finely chopped onion, a pinch of soda. Bake the resulting mass in the oven for 30-35 minutes at a high temperature of 230 degrees. The top should turn brown. Serve with ghee, green onion and sour cream.

Spaghetti with zucchini
Since we are talking about zucchini, it will not be superfluous to recall one more recipe. a simple dinner. It's about spaghetti with zucchini.
Recipe: Heat up 2 tablespoons in a pan. vegetable oil and fry zucchini circles (3 zucchini) on both sides. Boil Spaghetti in the usual way. Put the cooked zucchini to the spaghetti, pour in the oil from the pan as well. Add chopped basil, pepper to taste, mix well and sprinkle with 100 grams of cheese - parmesan is better.

Pasta baked with meat and cheese
While writing a recipe for spaghetti with zucchini, I remembered another wonderful way to cook pasta. This time we'll be making pasta casserole. Such a dish can replace a full dinner, you get a lot of pleasure from both the cooking process and the dinner itself!
Recipe: I start the casserole with the sauce. It is necessary to mix together 100 grams of mayonnaise, the same amount of sour cream, milk, cheese, 3 cloves of chopped garlic, salt and pepper. Boil 500 grams of pasta and put in a baking dish. Pour sauce over pasta and mix thoroughly. Fry in a pan 500 grams of minced meat with 1 onion. Add tomato sauce, mix with fried minced meat and put on top of pasta. Sprinkle 200 grams of mozzarella cheese on top, cover with foil and put in the oven for 15 minutes. After that, I recommend removing the foil and leaving it in the oven for another 10 minutes. Delicious to say the least!

This is not a recipe, but a real lifesaver for the hostess. We eat potatoes almost every day, and this recipe is great way diversify dinner and feed your family well.
Recipe: This is how I cook crispy potatoes. Take a small potato, peel and cut in half. Sprinkle with seasonings and roll in cornmeal. Next, you need to put the potatoes in a mold, grease it with oil and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for 25 minutes. An appetizing golden crust should form. Serve with meat or salads. As you can see, it is very simple, but how delicious!

Quick sausages in dough
The recipe is called so because sausages are prepared in just 30-40 minutes. And the trick is that we will not mess with the dough, but fill them with batter. You'll see how delicious it turns out!
Recipe: Let's prepare the batter first. Mix 2/3 cup flour with salt. Add 1 egg, 150 ml of milk. It is important to mix all these components thoroughly so that there are no lumps in the batter. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 220 degrees and bake in a greased vegetable oil sausage shape (400 grams) for 10 minutes. We take out, fill with batter and set to bake for another 20 minutes. By the way, instead of sausages, you can safely take meatballs or sausage.

Vegetable stew with potatoes and mushrooms
Completely Lenten dish. Despite the fact that Great Lent is still far away, I advise you to try this stew. First, it cooks quickly. Secondly, it doesn't fit.
Recipe: Peel 700 grams of potatoes and boil in water for 8-9 minutes. Drain and cut into large pieces. Then fry in a skillet until dark golden brown. Add 2 garlic cloves and 2 bell peppers, simmer for 3 minutes. For variety, you can take peppers of different colors. Put chopped tomatoes (3 pieces) and 100 grams of champignons, simmer for 5 minutes. Salt and add pepper. At the end of cooking, you can add a couple of tablespoons of tomato sauce, fresh basil or parsley. There are really many variations, and the taste is simply amazing!

Fried rice with egg
In our family, rice is the second most popular product after potatoes. It would seem that everything has already been tried, but no. Recently read one interesting recipe fried rice with egg. The dish goes well both for breakfast and for dinner - try it, experiment.
Recipe: Boil 400 grams of rice in salted water, remove excess water. Heat up in a skillet 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oil and fry mushrooms in it. Add cooked rice, green onions, pre-chopped here. Fry for literally 2 minutes (no more), add 80 grams of soy sauce and remove from heat. Separately, fry the eggs and serve each family member or guest on top of fried rice. Believe me, a great combination!

Do you know why many children in childhood did not like semolina? Because their parents, grandparents cooked it wrong. Meanwhile, exactly semolina could be a great way to end the day. When you learn how to cook - cook more, your family will definitely ask for more!
Recipe: Be sure to take a metal pan, first pour a glass of water into it, and then 400 ml of milk. Another rule - milk should be fresh and fat (0t 4 to 6%). Next, put the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Make sure that the milk does not run away from you - this can happen in one second. In the meantime, mix in a cup 3.5 tbsp. semolina, 1-2 tablespoons of sugar and a little salt. When the milk-water mixture boils, pour the semolina into the middle of the mass in a very thin stream (a funnel should turn out). Stir regularly while pouring semolina, otherwise the porridge will turn out with lumps. Cook for 5 minutes at a low boil. At the end add vanilla. Remove from the stove, pour into bowls and put a piece of butter in each.

Liver fritters
Of course, you won’t be full of pancakes alone, but what’s stopping you from boiling vermicelli, rice or potatoes for them? It turns out royal dinner, even for breakfast will remain!
Recipe: Cut into pieces 500 grams of liver, chop vegetables into cubes (1 carrot, 1-2 onions). Grind the ingredients in a blender or meat grinder, beat in the egg. Add salt, pepper and 4-5 tbsp. semolina. Leave for 30 minutes for semolina to swell. Form cutlets and fry in a pan. If there is no side dish, you can eat it like a sandwich, putting liver pancake for bread or loaf.

Mushroom soup with meatballs
The recipe for another wonderful soup - light, tasty, with a pleasant aftertaste and rich aroma. It takes a little longer to prepare than all of the above dishes, but as a dinner, that's it!
Recipe: Salt and pepper the veal mince. Boil vegetables, cutting them into several pieces of medium size: 1 carrot, 1 large onion. We roll lumps of minced meat and throw it into boiling water, remove all the scale that begins to appear. Add the mushrooms after the meatballs float to the top and cook for another 20 minutes. As a cereal, it is better to take rice (2 tbsp). At the end of cooking, put a piece of butter into the pan and close the lid. Leave for 15-20 minutes so that the soup with meatballs is well infused.

Cheese cakes
Believe me, they really cook in 15 minutes! It doesn't matter what filling you put inside - you can do without it at all. Cakes can replace bread, they can be a hearty dinner with jam or used as sandwiches, putting sausage or sprats on top.
Recipe: Mix 1 cup of kefir with 0.5 tsp. salt, the same amount of sugar and soda. Add 2 cups flour and 1 cup hard cheese (grated), knead the dough. Divide the dough thus obtained into small koloboks and form a cake. I usually put ham inside, it all depends on your imagination. Fry over medium heat, covered with a lid.

Everyone who has thought about getting rid of excess weight has heard more than once that food should not be eaten after 18-00. In fact this is not true. Experts say that the abolition of the evening meal can seriously harm the body. In order for the digestive tract to function normally, and at the same time not to appear excess weight, you need to cook a diet dinner for weight loss. Properly selected products will help activate fat burning processes at night. The main rule of evening meals is to have dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

What to eat for dinner to lose weight

To get rid of the problem of obesity, you must follow many different rules. Many of them relate to the evening meal, because the most dangerous thing for a losing weight person is the deposition of fat during a night's rest. To interrupt this process and achieve the opposite effect - burning calories - you need to carefully monitor what you eat in the evening. Follow a number of rules listed below, and there will be no problems with this:

  1. Dinner should be light. The dish you prepare for the evening should be 97-98% fiber and protein. The normal number of calories for a diet dinner is 300-350. Fried and smoked must be excluded. Fiber will improve the digestion process, and proteins will strengthen muscle tissue. Having received in the evening light diet dinner, the body will quickly cope with it and give the brain a signal that the feeling of hunger is satisfied.
  2. The amount of food eaten at dinner should be moderate. The normal amount of food for a woman is 250 g, for a man - 350 g.
  3. Dinner should be eaten at an average speed, without being distracted by reading books or watching TV shows. During the meal, you must think about food, otherwise the body will need more food to signal satiety.
  4. The BJU ratio should be normal. In addition to the calorie content of food, you should also evaluate the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in it. The normal ratio of BJU for a losing weight person is as follows: proteins - 15-35%, fats - 20-35%, carbohydrates - 40-65%. In order to stick to these limits, you must pay attention to the nutritional value of the products used. Usually. On any factory packaging you will find a table with exact numbers.

The choice of products for cooking should be taken seriously. By reading the table below, you will find out what you can eat in the evenings and what you can’t:

Allowed meals

Forbidden meals

Stewed/boiled vegetables

Fatty meat (lamb, pork)

Dietary meat (turkey, rabbit, chicken breast)


Fermented milk products without chemical additives/flavors/fillers

Sweets, cakes, sweets, cakes


potato dishes

Berries/fruits of all kinds

Mayonnaise, fatty sauces/gravies

Chicken/quail eggs

fried foods

Lean fish (boiled / steamed)

Smoked meats

Delicious Diet Dinner Recipes

With a little culinary ingenuity, you can turn a healthy weight loss dinner into a unique delicacy. The ban on certain categories of products should not cause a feeling of limitation. On the contrary, you need to understand that by refusing junk food, you are doing a good deed for the body. Proper nutrition can be delicious! The sample recipes below will prove this fact!

Low calorie and light dinner

Do not know, ? Write down the recipe chicken breast With vegetable side dish. This light dish will fill the body with useful natural ingredients and provide a feeling of satiety. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • chicken breast - 450 g;
  • cauliflower - 300 g;
  • green beans - 60-70 g;
  • green peas - 40-45 g;
  • zucchini squash - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • peeled tomatoes - 150 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves.

Cooking a diet dinner quickly and tasty:

  1. Boil chicken breast.
  2. Chop the vegetables and send them to a saucepan (if you don’t have it on hand, you can use clay pots).
  3. Pour vegetable mix broth from boiled chicken.
  4. Turn on a slow fire on the burner and put the stew to stew for half an hour.
  5. Eat one serving of stew and a medium piece of meat for dinner.


Many nutritionists consider this option the most correct. Proteins are quickly absorbed by the body and contribute to the strengthening of many tissues. Great option for natural weight loss there will be a serving of egg chicken noodles. To prepare such a diet dinner, you will need the following:

  • chicken breast - 140-160 g;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • salt / spices - in moderation.

The process of preparing a dietary dinner:

  1. Boil chicken in a small amount water.
  2. Whisk chicken eggs and use them to make pancakes.
  3. Cool the broth, chop the chicken meat with your hands.
  4. Cut egg pancakes into thin strips, place in a container with broth and chicken meat.
  5. A portion of a diet dinner for weight loss is ready!


Quick diet meals for weight loss will be useful to those people who do not have time to create gourmet meals. culinary masterpieces. good option there will be a light omelette with tomatoes. In just 20 minutes you will have time to cook and eat it. By the way, experts recommend including light omelettes in diet menu not only for dinner, but also for breakfast. So, to prepare this dish, you will need:

  • medium-sized tomatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • butter- 20 g;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • salt / pepper - moderately.

The process of preparing a diet dinner for weight loss:

  1. We clean the tomatoes from the peel, cut into thin slices.
  2. Lay the tomato slices in the bottom of an oiled skillet.
  3. Simmer for a few minutes, until the juice appears.
  4. Whisk eggs with salt and pour into skillet.
  5. Reduce the fire on the burner to a minimum, detect 5 minutes.


If you have made a firm decision to monitor your figure and have already developed the right diet, do not let the festive events frustrate your grandiose plans! Yes, during the holidays, the tables are always bursting with a huge amount of food, but you will have a recipe for a wonderful diet meal in stock that will help you escape from extra pounds. This is a salad of shrimp and crab sticks. In addition, it can be prepared for romantic dinner. If you are interested, write down the list of ingredients:

  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • sea ​​shrimp - 500-550 g;
  • crab sticks - 220-240 g;
  • dietary mayonnaise - 30 g;
  • red caviar - 20-25 g;
  • onion- 60-70 g.

Cooking a dietary dish for a gala dinner:

1. Cook chicken eggs, clean, chop.

2. Finely chop the crab sticks.

3. Cook the shrimp on a burner with medium heat, in a saucepan with salted water.

4. We clean the onion, chop, pour over with boiling water.

5. Drain the water from the shrimp, chop.

6. Combine the ingredients, add mayonnaise, mix.

7. Diet salad is ready!

Video: how to cook the right dinner for losing weight

The video below contains simple recipes with visual photo illustrations that will help you quickly and comfortably lose a few extra pounds. Following the recommendations of experienced chefs, you will learn how to cook turkey diet dishes and understand how to use cottage cheese for dinner with benefits. After watching this video, you will learn what to eat to lose weight, and get a lot of valuable information about the rules of diet food for weight loss!

from turkey

Light salad

Cottage cheese dinner

In a slow cooker

Highly delicious barbecue in the oven - a recipe repeatedly tested! Meat is indistinguishable from grilled meat! Guests always ask where I fried the barbecue, because we live in an apartment)). The preparation is elementary, and the kebab in the oven turns out to be tender, juicy, slightly fried. Very tasty! Try it! I recommend!

Pork, onion, vinegar, sugar, lemon juice, spices, salt, pepper

French chicken rolls with mushrooms and cheese - excellent hot snack for any holiday table.

Chicken fillet, mushrooms, cheese, sunflower oil, milk, seasoning, mayonnaise, lemon, vegetable oil, salt, allspice, bay leaf, turmeric

chic recipe pizza. In just half an hour you will have two pizzas. The filling can be any, according to your taste. The only condition is that it must be ready. Pizza bakes so fast! :)

Flour, milk, salt, sugar, dry yeast, vegetable oil, bell pepper, sausage, smoked meat, tomatoes, hard cheese, ketchup, mayonnaise

Delicious casserole With minced meat and mushrooms, shifted with cabbage leaves.

Fresh mushrooms, butter, seasoning, milk, flour, amber cheese, onions, carrots, smoked cheese, hard cheese, minced meat, tomato paste, tomato sauce, vegetable oil, salt...

Lavash is simply a miracle of cooking. You can do so many delicious things with it! And most importantly, quickly, if there is a piece of boiled or fried chicken. I recommend a quick dinner - pita bread with chicken and vegetables.

Pita, chicken legs, chicken fillet, white cabbage, Korean carrot, carrot, mayonnaise, ketchup, butter, salt, pepper

It has long been recognized by all, "folk" recipe. Naval pasta has not lost its popularity over the years. A simple recipe - naval pasta is prepared from a minimum amount of products, you can use any meat (or mixed minced meat). Plus, it's hearty and very delicious recipe. Naval pasta can gather a whole army of its fans.

Pasta, meat, margarine, onion, broth, salt, pepper, herbs

What do grandmothers cook for dinner for their grandchildren? That's right, all different goodies. And what do Tatar grandmothers cook for dinner for their grandchildren, and even if it's frosty outside the window? Of course, Azu in Tatar!

Beef, lamb, potatoes, onions, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, canned tomatoes in their own juice, tomato paste, melted butter, meat broth...

Do you already have unexpected guests? Well, let them go, we are always glad to have guests :) Crab salad with croutons "Instant". Up! And already on the table!

Crab sticks, croutons, canned corn, Chinese cabbage, hard cheese, mayonnaise, garlic, salt, ground black pepper

I often cook meat in French with mushrooms for the holidays. Its advantage is that it does not require a side dish at all. Easy to prepare and select ingredients, but very tasty.

Pork, beef, champignons, tomatoes, sweet pepper, onion, cheese, garlic, mayonnaise, salt, pepper, butter, herbs

Chicken always comes to my rescue. Quickly prepared, but delicious as, mmm! I present a recipe for beef stroganoff from chicken breast, I think you will like it. FROM beautiful design will go as a hot dish on New Year 2016.

Chicken fillet, onion, flour, cream, tomato juice, mustard, salt, pepper, vegetable oil

I want to show how I cook chakhokhbili. And this recipe of mine is a fusion of recipes from at least three different inhabitants of the North Caucasus region - my mother, my father's mother and one Tuapse Georgian who cooked chakhokhbili so spicy that molten lead seemed cool water compared to it.

Chicken, onion, tomatoes, red pepper, red pepper, sweet pepper, coriander seeds, zira, cilantro, salt

French-style potatoes baked in the oven with meat and onions. A very simple recipe, but French potatoes are always very tasty and appetizing. Yes, and it looks quite - why not hot dishes for the New Year 2016?

Potatoes, butter, pork, onion, mayonnaise, hard cheese, salt, pepper

Instant Salad! By the time unexpected guests take off their coats and sit down at the table, you will already have a delicious hearty snack. And if the guests didn’t come, prepare a sprat salad for yourself;)

Canned sprats, canned corn, canned beans, hard cheese, garlic, croutons, herbs, mayonnaise

Cooking potatoes baked with vegetables is easy and simple. Put all the vegetables in a sleeve with spices and ... rest until cooked, because you do not need to stand over the pan and mix. You can just mind your own business.

Potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, garlic, vegetable oil, salt, spices

You can quickly cook a pie with cabbage according to this recipe without yeast and, believe me, it will be very tasty! Making yeast dough takes time and skill, and even a novice cook can make a pie without yeast.

Eggs, kefir, flour, soda, salt, cabbage, onion, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, eggs, eggs, mayonnaise, cheese

I somehow found these on the Internet, either puff pastry pies with minced meat, or minced meatballs in dough ... But delicious! whatever you call it)

All experts in the field of nutrition, describing nutrition schemes for body shaping, specify that in the evening it is necessary to load digestion to a minimum. However, not everyone explains what you can eat for dinner on a diet so that you don’t want forbidden foods closer to the night and the body is satiated. What dishes will not contribute to weight gain, and how to eat right in the evening?

What is weight loss

Reducing the calorie intake to almost zero, eating greens and drinking kefir is the path to erosive changes in the gastrointestinal mucosa, but not figure correction, although weight may go away, only water will be lost. Competent weight loss is the burning of fat reserves, i.e. impact on the quality of the body, depending on the quality of nutrition. It is carried out by reducing the number of calories that a person should consume, but within reasonable limits. Giving food to the enemy in the evening, as the proverb says, is not worth it - the damage to digestion is too great: you just need to find out what it is - the right dinner for losing weight.

What to eat for dinner to lose weight

Food can help burn fat if it has a so-called. "zero" calories. This concept does not mean literally 0 kcal, but the predominance of the amount of effort that the body will make to process it and get energy over the number of calories that it contains. These foods can help you lose weight, but they're not the only foods you should eat at dinner to lose weight. Evening meal, according to doctors, must include and very nutritious foods but low in calories. Mostly these are light proteins, but they are not always useful.

Dinner at proper nutrition for weight loss should include something from following products:

  • greens (fiber and low calorie);
  • vegetables (especially cruciferous, i.e. cabbage), better fresh;
  • spices (disperse metabolic processes).

The main principles of a proper dinner

Breakfast and lunch raise much fewer questions than an evening meal, as nutritionists vied with each other - you can’t load the body before bed. To dig a little deeper and try to form an approximate filling of a plate of food, the main principles sound like this:

  • Try to eat in the evening 25-30% of the daily calorie allowance.
  • If possible, make 2 dinners - the last one will be 3 hours before bedtime, will be less than 10% of the daily calorie content of the menu and will be represented mainly by a sour-milk group of drinks (ryazhenka, kefir, sourdough).
  • The right dinner for weight loss is a reduced proportion of carbohydrates (exclude simple ones completely) and the absence of high GI foods.
  • You can’t have dinner with potatoes, just like you shouldn’t eat in the evening boiled beets and carrots if you're hoping to lose weight.
  • Fruits, if you really want to, take green (or citrus fruits), because. the rest, when used for dinner, will interfere with weight loss.
  • Do not overeat - a portion should saturate you, but not to the point of wanting to lie down and not move: imagine that after dinner you need to jump more. Can you? If the answer is yes, all is well.
  • Do not mix cereals with protein at dinner (i.e. cook meat with herbs, not rice).
  • If you have to drink alcohol, then only dry wine.
  • The maximum serving of animal protein is 100 grams.
  • Avoid sweets, caffeine sources, fatty/smoked meat products for dinner.

What foods can you eat in the evening

This issue is of particular relevance for people attending events after work: it is difficult to completely refuse food here, it may look disrespectful, so you have to urgently decide which of the proposed ones will harm the figure to a lesser extent. For such a situation, nutritionists advise giving preference to red wine and hard varieties cheese. Perfect option- Parmesan and its "relatives", i.e. species that have a long exposure (from a year): they have low fat, low carbs.

As a classic dinner in the evening, you can eat foods that are low in calories and fat:

  • boiled eggs (use without yolk);
  • seafood;
  • lean fish - mackerel, pollock, flounder;
  • poultry meat;
  • herbal teas;
  • vegetables (preference for zucchini, cabbage, celery, pumpkin);
  • legumes;
  • hard cheese, or Tofu;
  • kiwi, apples, dried apricots, pineapple, prunes;
  • dairy products;
  • maybe a little honey;
  • juices from vegetables / fruits that are made at home (i.e. no additives);
  • nuts and seeds are allowed in the minimum portions for dinner - they have a high calorie content, but they are very satisfying.

Dinner options

The choice of products for preparing an evening meal is completely determined by whether you will have a load today, or you already have, or you lead an absolutely sedentary lifestyle. Deciding what to eat will have to be based on the calories already eaten, and even after answering the question of when you will go to bed. Universal dinner options, according to a number of nutritionists, are as follows:

  • Cottage cheese casserole(only egg white + low-fat cottage cheese, it is allowed to add some sour berries) and natural yogurt.
  • A portion of kefir or fermented baked milk (up to 500 ml is possible), but it is better to leave this option for the 2nd dinner, which is closer to bedtime.
  • Smoothies (preferably vegetable, because fruits have a higher percentage of sugars that are dangerous for weight loss).
  • Fish and seafood prepared without additional fats - you can bake, stew, boil, but do not fry. For marinade, juices, wine, soy sauce.
  • stewed mushrooms.
  • Turkey/chicken cutlets or meatballs that have been baked in the oven or steamed.
  • Omelette, but with a minimum of yolks or without them, supplemented with vegetables.
  • Boiled chickpeas or lentils with stewed tomatoes, zucchini and a bunch of greens.


Nutritionists are ready to advise this version of evening food only to people who have physical activity during the day. Then the protein will go to the structure of the muscles, and will not be processed into fats, making it difficult to lose weight. However, there are certain reservations here: useful protein dinner- This is a small (!) Portion of boiled or steamed poultry or fish (the norm is up to 100 grams), and leaf lettuce, dill or other kind of greens. You can take a cucumber if you do not like animal protein without plant foods.

Easy dinner for weight loss

Are you not subjected to physical exertion, do you have an office job, do you not take walks, and do you go to bed early? Delicious light dinner for weight loss in your case will exclude meat, because. it will not be digested and will poison the body, but the fish ( lean types) can. Suitable for dinner and seafood. A serving of such protein should be about 50 g, and the rest of the plate will be occupied by vegetables. An alternative to losing weight can be an omelette (if you don’t appreciate marine life), but always with plant products.

Dinner after workout

The main requirement for nutrition after physical activity if you are aiming to lose weight by burning fat, is to create a "window" between it and food. Dinner after a workout for weight loss should be carried out after 1.5 hours, so that just eaten calories do not go to replenish energy. Protein becomes the center of your plate, so here are all the options for meat or fish compositions, seafood, cottage cheese dishes allowed, but without fat. It is desirable that all products are low-calorie, i.e. for 150-200 kcal, no more, and was not accompanied by cereals.

Diet dinner recipes

You can't figure out how to create a grocery set in the evening so that it turns out to be healthy, but tasty, and go to bed without feeling hungry? Check out these recipes diet meals, which attract with simplicity and low calorie content of prepared food. The basis of these options for the evening plate is eggs, which are a must-have product on the menu, and cereals - buckwheat and rice.


  • Cooking time: 7 minutes.
  • Servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 104 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Kitchen: home.

If you don’t recognize meat and fish in the evening, but without them you don’t know what you can eat for dinner while losing weight so that you don’t want to eat something harmful after, try a light omelet. You can cook it in a pan, but it must have a non-stick coating, or you can cook it in the oven, but this will increase the baking time. An omelette for dinner exists in 2 variations: in milk (it is desirable that lactose is contained in minimum quantity, it interferes with weight loss), or on the water. For taste and nutrition, you should add greens or vegetables. You can throw a couple of grams of hard cheese.


  • egg whites - 3 pcs.;
  • milk 1.8% low lactose - 50 ml;
  • spinach - 100 g;
  • tomatoes - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the washed spinach, cut the tomatoes into slices.
  2. Share on hot pan, pour egg whites whipped with milk.
  3. Putting a lid on top, wait until the surface of the omelet grabs.
  4. Turn over, brown the other side. Roll up before serving.


  • Cooking time: 35 minutes.
  • Servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 114 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Among the dinner options in the recommendations of nutritionists occasionally slips boiled rice, but not white, but only wild varieties. An excellent choice for weight loss is black rice for dinner, which goes well with seafood. An additional plus is the reduced calorie content of this cereal, so the portion size can be slightly increased. This is the best option for what is on a woman who does not eat enough vegetables.


  • black rice (dry) - 50 g;
  • shrimp i / m peeled - 50 g;
  • water - 210 ml;
  • cucumber - 100 g;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the groats until the flowing water is transparent.
  2. Boil for half an hour using stainless steel cookware. Salt is minimal - for dinner this is best avoided.
  3. Throw shrimp into boiling water for a minute.
  4. Cucumber cut into slices, decorate the main dish.


  • Cooking time: 25 minutes.
  • Servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 179 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If you stick to the principles healthy eating, cereals in the evening on weight loss, it is advisable to avoid or consume until 19-20 hours. After that, you should not eat cereals, but there is an exception - you can eat buckwheat for dinner. This cereal, according to nutritionists, is an excellent fat burner, and it is safe for people with food allergies (mainly gluten). If you don’t know what you can eat hearty for dinner while losing weight,.


  • buckwheat - 40 g;
  • water - 170 ml;
  • salt;
  • butter - 5 g;
  • green beans - 70 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Cook buckwheat by pouring it into boiling water for 25 minutes with the lid closed and low heat. Add oil (better without it).
  2. Separately brown the frozen beans (pan dry). Serve without mixing.


  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 72 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If an hour after the main evening meal you realized that it was far from night, hunger again made itself felt, and you couldn’t decide how to drive it safely and reliably, boil eggs for dinner. However, they may not saturate solo, so it is additionally worth going through the list of products allowed for weight loss. Here you will need greens (be guided by the presence in the refrigerator), sweet peppers, Tofu cheese (an alternative is Adyghe). It is allowed to serve such a dinner with whole grain bread.


  • eggs 1 cat. - 3 pcs.;
  • greens - 20 g;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 70 g;
  • Tofu cheese - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil eggs. Technology is not important, because you remove the yolk. Cut the protein lengthwise to make halves-boats.
  2. Grind pepper, cheese and herbs. Mix.
  3. Spread this mass with a teaspoon into the protein halves. Dinner tonight is ready!

Video: What to eat for dinner when losing weight