Recipe for delicious liver pancakes. How to cook pancakes from the liver

Yes, there is a situation when you decide to cook liver pancakes, but you didn’t find any eggs. You don't have to give up. It has already happened to me, so I’ll tell you how to fry pancakes from the liver.

It will turn out simple (since you don’t have to do anything special - all processes are familiar and simple), useful (especially for those who are contraindicated for eggs for various reasons) and tasty (so much so that even those who can’t stand this offal will ask additives).

Cooking time: 10 minutes to prepare the liver, 7-8 minutes to knead the dough and 10 minutes to fry

Complexity: medium, because here it will be necessary to guess with flour


    salt - to taste

    vegetable oil


Actually, the liver can be any, and not just beef - pork, chicken, turkey, etc. The main thing is that bile does not remain in it after processing. Otherwise, the taste of the cutlets will change for the worse, and you will have to throw them away, because they will be bitter.

So, we wash a piece of liver and cut it into such portions that it is convenient to chop finely or grind.

Onions will play several roles with us - as a dough thickener and as a flavor enhancer of the finished mass. We chop the onion finely so that it is convenient to grind.

I have garlic in my ingredients. You can not put it if you have enough ground pepper. In general, I love garlic, and I never make cutlets without participation. We crumble in a format convenient for a mixer or meat grinder.

That, in principle, is all that needed to be done. And now - to the blender (or the technique that you have at hand, up to the point that sharp knife grind to desired size). I seasoned it with pieces of liver, onion and garlic.

I decided to grind it all out a few times. I needed to get a mass similar to the usual one, that is, like for dough fritters.

By the way, about the bow. If you do not like its pungent smell and taste, simmer in oil for just a few minutes until it becomes transparent.

At this point I added some salt and ground pepper. Turning on the blender again, I mixed the ingredients and poured flour here. But I did it gradually - put a little, and beat. And so - until I see that the mass is obtained the desired consistency.

That's all, you can fry pancakes. I heat up the pan well. Then I pour oil so that it covers its entire surface, and heat everything again. Only then do I fry.

I collect the dough with a spoon (or a small ladle), pour it out so that the shape of the fritters is obtained. I fry without leaving the stove for a minute. I turn over to the other side as soon as I see that the first side has browned.

A hearty and budget snack are liver pancakes from beef liver. You can choose a recipe for yourself from a wide variety offered by modern chefs. Such pancakes can be combined with a variety of side dishes, or used as an addition to sandwiches.

Classic recipe for beef liver pancakes

This is the most common version of the dish. The end result is juicy and delicious. Dryness of the liver in it is not felt at all. In addition to the meat component (600 g of beef liver), you need to take: 2 chicken eggs, a large spoonful of fat sour cream, a white onion, 2-3 tbsp. semolina or flour, a clove of garlic, salt.

  1. The liver is thoroughly washed cold water and gets rid of noticeable films. It must be crushed so that the pieces pass into the meat grinder. You can turn the liver into puree with the help of a special blender nozzle.
  2. The liver is ground into minced meat along with onions and garlic.
  3. Flour or semolina, salt, sour cream and, if desired, any aromatic herbs are added to the resulting mass. AT last turn eggs are beaten into the mixture.
  4. The mass is thoroughly mixed.
  5. The mixture is laid out in hot oil in a pan with a deep spoon.

Wipe the finished pancakes with paper towels to remove excess fat.

Recipe with carrots

The more vegetables there are in the pancake dough, the healthier they will be.

The discussed treat goes well with carrots. For the recipe will be used: 350 g of liver, 2 large carrots, onion, 2 chicken eggs, 2 tbsp. wheat flour, spices, a piece of butter, salt. How to cook liver pancakes with vegetables is described below.

  1. The carrot is rubbed on a grater with small holes and fried until golden on butter. The main thing is that the vegetable does not burn.
  2. Beef liver is chopped in any convenient way along with the onion. The end result should be a thick paste.
  3. The meat mass is mixed with fried carrots. Flour, salt are added to these products, eggs are driven in. At this stage, any spices are used.
  4. Miniature pancakes are fried in oil on both sides.

Served with an assortment of pickled vegetables.

With added oatmeal

Hercules makes the dish more satisfying and healthy. In addition to the liver, for a treat you need to take: half an onion, 5-6 tbsp. fat sour cream, 450 g liver, 3 carrots, 2 chicken eggs, 8 tbsp. wheat flour, salt.

  1. Oat flakes are poured with boiling water for about 25 minutes.
  2. The liver is washed, cleaned of films and finely chopped. Further, the offal with onions turns into small minced meat.
  3. Eggs are lightly beaten with salt and sour cream, after which they are mixed with squeezed oatmeal and liver.
  4. It remains to add flour to the mass and proceed to fry the pancakes.

The dish should acquire a crispy golden crust. Served with sour cream or garlic sauce based on yogurt.

Beef liver fritters with semolina

Wheat flour in the dish under discussion can be replaced with semolina. The taste of the finished snack will not deteriorate from this. In addition to beef liver (550 g), the following will be used: egg, onion, 5 tbsp. semolina, salt.

  1. First of all, the liver is thoroughly washed with running cold water. Next, the film is removed from the meat offal, and cut into small pieces. The liver must be turned into a homogeneous thick minced meat. To do this, you can use a blender or meat grinder. Although some pancake housewives finely chop the liver with a sharp knife.
  2. In the resulting mass is first added egg, and after thorough kneading - semolina and salt to taste. As spices, you can use ready-made kits for frying meat. A mixture of ground peppers is also great for such a dish.
  3. Since the test contains semolina, then after kneading it should be infused for 12-15 minutes so that the dry ingredient has time to swell and bind all the components.
  4. Spread the dough with a deep spoon into the hot vegetable oil. Then the pancakes will not stick to the pan.
  5. Fry until golden on both sides.

To remove excess oil, the dish is laid out on a paper towel. It is especially tasty to serve liver pancakes with semolina with sour cream and herbs.

Liver and potato pancakes

You can cook liver pancakes with the addition of potatoes. it great recipe for those who do not like the overt taste of offal in the dish. It includes: 350 g of liver, potato tuber, large egg, onion, 2-3 garlic cloves, salt, aromatic herbs, oil.

  1. Beef liver is washed well with cold water. It is advisable to change it several times. Carefully inspect the washed offal for any unremoved films left on it. If there is a suspicion that the liver will be bitter, you can pre-soak it in milk.
  2. It is better to grate potatoes for dough for pancakes on a grater with miniature cells.
  3. offal along with raw egg with the help of a blender it turns into a homogeneous minced meat. If there is no such device at hand, then the liver is scrolled through a meat grinder, and an egg is already driven into the resulting mass.
  4. Onions are cut with a sharp knife and, together with pre-prepared potatoes, are sent to minced liver.
  5. It remains to salt the mixture, add chopped garlic, aromatic herbs and any favorite spices.
  6. Fritters are fried in hot oil on both sides.

If you make them large, it will be difficult to turn them over as a whole. Therefore, it is enough to take the contents of a tablespoon.

With creamy sauce

This recipe will literally melt in your mouth. For its preparation you need to take: 650 g beef liver, 2 eggs, small white onion, 5 tbsp. flour, pinch nutmeg, 300 ml of water and heavy cream, a clove of garlic, a piece of butter, salt.

  1. The ducts are removed from the washed liver, films are removed that can greatly worsen the taste of the dish.
  2. Flour, eggs, salt, a pinch of nutmeg are added to the offal.
  3. Pancakes are baked from the resulting thoroughly mixed mixture.
  4. Onions and garlic are crushed and sautéed in butter.
  5. Flour is diluted with water and poured into a pan with vegetables. After a couple of minutes of cooking over high heat, the mass is salted.
  6. It remains to pour in the cream and, after boiling the sauce, put the pancakes into it. The fire is turned off, and the dish is infused for about 10 minutes.

The appetizer goes well with pasta.

Beef fritters with mushrooms

If they are used Forest mushrooms, then before adding to the offal, they must first be boiled for 15 minutes. Mushrooms (250 g) are also suitable. The composition includes: an onion, a pound of liver, 0.5 tbsp. fatty yogurt, a pinch of soda and salt, 2 eggs, 3 tbsp. wheat flour.

  1. Chopped mushrooms are fried in a frying pan with butter until soft. Next, an onion chopped into cubes is sent to them. Together, the ingredients are cooked until the vegetable is transparent.
  2. The liver with a blender or with the help of a meat grinder turns into a homogeneous gruel.
  3. Soda is introduced into kefir. When the latter is extinguished, you can mix the liquid with the liver mass, add fry and eggs to the components.
  4. The dough is salted, seasoned with spices to taste and left for half an hour.

If desired, pancakes can not be fried in a pan, but baked in the oven.

Liver fritters are good not only as a main dish, but also as cold appetizer to festive table. Medium-thick fritters make a delicious hot dish, while thin fritters can be used to make mini cakes with garlic filling. Remember - the most delicious and juicy pancakes are obtained from the liver, passed through a large meat grinder grate!

If you prefer not minced meat, but a liver chopped into small pieces, it is better to give preference to a simple one. Well, today we'll start with classic recipe- the onion in it enhances the aroma of the liver, and the carrots give the pancakes a bright color and a delicate sweetish aftertaste.


Recipe for liver fritters with carrots

Rinse the liver under running water. Remove all blood clots and bile ducts. Make a shallow incision, pry with your finger and carefully remove the film from the liver. Cut the liver into several large pieces.

Wash and clean carrots. Peel the onion from the husk and cut into several pieces. Scroll the liver, carrots and onions in a meat grinder once. Vegetables - through a small grill, liver - through a large one. Add eggs, flour and spices to the liver mass.

Liver pancakes - incredible useful alternative cutlets Thoroughly mix the minced meat until smooth. Heat vegetable oil in a deep frying pan. Using a spoon, spread the liver dough into the pan and fry the pancakes until dark brown.

Recipe for liver fritters with semolina

Delicious liver pancakes. Semolina and sour cream make them airy, and garlic gives piquancy and a pronounced aroma. If desired, you can add a little greenery to the pancakes.

Ingredients Rinse the liver under running water. Cut off any visible fat. Peel the onion and cut into big chunks. Peel the garlic. Grind with a blender to a mushy state. Pass the liver and onion through the middle grate of the meat grinder.

Pour the mixture into a bowl, add garlic, sour cream, semolina and spices. Mix thoroughly until homogeneous mass. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. Spoon the liver mass into the pan and fry over medium heat for 3-4 minutes on each side.

Recipe for liver pancakes with buckwheat porridge

An unusual recipe for pancakes from the liver. This is satisfying full meal which is quick to prepare and very tasty. If desired, buckwheat can be replaced with rice, couscous and even oatmeal.

Even if you do not like liver and rarely cook it, this is not a reason to deprive the whole family of useful product. After all, you can cook the liver in such a way that it turns out tasty, and all the households will ask for supplements. Today we will learn how to make pancakes from the liver.

How to cook pancakes from the liver

Pancakes are easy to prepare, even a novice hostess will cope with the task. We recommend that you prepare everything you need to get started.


  • beef liver - 400 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • fresh eggs - 2 tons;
  • premium flour - 3 tbsp;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Preparing the dough and baking pancakes:

  • A piece of the liver must be freed from fat and ducts, cut into pieces so that it is more convenient to chop in a blender. Or this part of the work can be done using a standard meat grinder.
  • Then we clean the onion, also grind it in a blender, only solo. Transfer the cooked liver to a bowl.
  • We combine both products, put eggs, as well as salt, you can put a pinch of pepper.
  • Mix, add at first a spoonful of flour sifted through a sieve, knead the dough. It will turn out liquid, as it should be. The main thing is that the liver is evenly twisted and large lumps do not come across.
  • Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, turn on medium heat. We are waiting for the oil to warm up.
  • We take a tablespoon, pick up a full spoon with a slide of dough, carefully pour it into the pan, immediately, before it's too late, give the desired shape.
  • We also collect the dough and pour it into the pan again, making sure that there is a distance between the pancakes, so they will cook correctly and will not connect to each other.
  • On one side, in order to bake well, set aside 2 minutes, you need to turn over carefully so as not to damage. You may need to add a little more oil while frying.
  • Similarly, fry on the other side, and put the finished liver pancakes on a flat plate, previously covered with paper towels in several layers. Thus, we will get rid of excess oil, and the pancakes will not be so greasy.

Serve immediately, while hot, with sour cream, garnished with fresh herbs. Enjoy your meal!

How to cook pork liver pancakes

And another great recipe a simple dish. Pancakes are prepared very quickly, they turn out incredibly tender and tasty.

Prepare the following:

  • pork liver - 0.5 kg;
  • fresh carrots - 1 pc.;
  • medium-sized onion - 1 pc.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • loaf - 1/3;
  • milk - 2 tablespoons;
  • flour - half a glass;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • fresh greens and sour cream - for serving ready meal.

Cooking order:

  • We clean the vegetables, chop the onions and carrots at random, put the pan on the fire, pour in the oil. As it warms up, send the vegetables, fry.
  • Liver - a piece should be washed under a stream of cool water, remove all unnecessary, cut into pieces so that it is convenient to grind.
  • The liver, together with the cooled vegetables, is sent to a blender or combine (or manually twisted in a meat grinder).
  • Soak the loaf in milk with the addition of water (if necessary). You just need to let the bread soften a little. We squeeze out the excess liquid, knead it in our hands, send the crumb of bread to the chopped liver and vegetables, mix everything well.
  • Put the egg into the mass, do not forget to put a pinch of ground black pepper and a little salt, mix again.
  • We free the garlic from the shell, pass it through a press, add it to the dough.
  • Sift the flour, knead a rare dough.
  • Fry the pancakes in oil, fry well on each side. Serve hot with sour cream and fresh herbs.

Liver dishes are specific and not everyone likes it. But liver pancakes, properly cooked, served with delicious sauce, even a child will like it. Products for making the dish are absolutely simple and affordable: liver, eggs, onions, flour or semolina. You just need to know how to cook the dough for liver pancakes and bake a delicious treat.

How to cook beef liver pancakes

Before you cook beef liver pancakes, you need to know the basic rules for choosing this healthy by-product. Fresh, high-quality liver of dark red color (it is called "the color of ripe cherries"), with light red blood, a pleasant characteristic smell. If you press on it with your finger, the dent will quickly disappear. The bile ducts must have light color. There should be no stains, dents, or damage on the product. A photo of a good, high-quality liver can be found on the net and cookbooks.

Beef liver pancake recipes

In cooking, there are many recipes and varieties of liver pancakes. They are prepared on the basis of dough with the addition of soda, with carrots, with cheese and mayonnaise, with oatmeal and even with buckwheat porridge. Large pancakes are smeared with cream and form a delicious liver snack cake. The recipe for this cake is very popular with housewives.

Liver fritters with rice

Delicious, tender, soft pancakes are sure to please even the most discerning gourmet. simple products, minimum complex processes and wasted time - such are the liver pancakes with rice. When serving, it is desirable to complement the dish sour cream sauce with greens or based unsweetened yogurt- this will emphasize the special taste of the offal.


  • liver - 600 g;
  • long rice - 100 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • large onion - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • wheat flour or starch - 100 g;
  • salt pepper,
  • seasonings - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. First you need to prepare the rice. Rinse it and fill it with salted boiling water. Let it cook until tender - for 20-25 minutes. Drain the cooked rice in a colander and rinse with cold water.
  2. While the rice is cooking, prepare the liver for processing. How to cook beef liver: carefully clean it from the duct, and then place it under a very hot water to make the film easier to remove. Remove it and cut the offal into small pieces.
  3. Peel the onion and pass it along with the pieces of liver through a meat grinder.
  4. In a deep container, combine all the ingredients of the liver dough (rice, onion with liver, eggs, flour), season with salt and spices and let stand for 10-15 minutes.
  5. With the help of a tablespoon, put portions of the dough into a pan with well-heated oil. Form nice, round pancakes.
  6. It is better to cover the dishes with a lid - then the products will bake well and become airy.
  7. Bake delicious liver pancakes until golden brown.

Liver fritters with carrots and onions

Soft, tender liver pancakes with carrots will not leave anyone indifferent. Even small children are happy to eat this dish on both cheeks. To properly prepare the liver, you must first prepare it: clean it, free it from the film. Photos of all these processes can be easily found on the net and in cookbooks. Some housewives advise frying chicken pancakes or pork liver, but do not do this - beef (meat and liver) is the most useful.


  • liver - 800 g;
  • large onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 150 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • egg - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the vegetables and chop: onions - into cubes, and grate carrots with small cells.
  2. Saute vegetables in butter until soft. It is better to use this type of oil - it makes pancakes tender and tasty.
  3. Free the liver from the veins, duct and film. Cut offal into medium pieces.
  4. Pass it through a meat grinder or chop with a blender.
  5. In a deep bowl, place minced liver, sautéed vegetables and an egg. Stir and season to taste. Enter the flour - the consistency of minced meat should be similar to the dough for pancakes.
  6. Place a tablespoon of the dough on a well-heated pan and fry the pancakes in a small amount oils.
  7. Do not forget: liver products are cooked very quickly and it is important not to overdry them.

Pancakes from the liver with semolina

The recipe for liver pancakes is suitable even for those who do not like this one. useful offal. The secret lies in proper processing liver - it must be carefully cleaned, the film removed so that it is as soft as possible. Get rid of the specific smell and taste will help and lemon juice- It is worth adding just a few teaspoons to the dough.


  • beef liver - 600 g;
  • semolina - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots and onions - 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking method:

  1. Process the liver traditional way. Step by step photos of the process can be found in cookbooks. The main thing is to remove the ducts, veins and film.
  2. Clean the vegetables and cut into cubes.
  3. Place the liver, vegetables in the blender bowl and grind until gruel.
  4. Add the egg, mix, season with salt and spices. At the end, sprinkle everything with semolina, stir again.
  5. At this stage, you need to give the dough time to stand for 30 minutes to swell the semolina.
  6. Put the dough in a pan with well-heated oil and brown over medium heat until cooked on both sides.

Pancakes from the liver and potatoes

These liver pancakes are good because, due to the content of potatoes, they almost completely lack the taste and smell of the liver. The dish is well cooked and for the future - after heating it does not lose its palatability. Another advantage of this recipe is the ability to use boiled potatoes left over from last night's dinner.


  • beef liver - 400 g;
  • boiled potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise or fat sour cream - 60 g;
  • potato starch - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Treat the liver in the traditional way: remove the ducts, veins and film.
  2. Peel the onion and, together with the offal, pass through a meat grinder. For this purpose, you can use a blender.
  3. Place the liver mass in a deep bowl and add the egg, starch and salt and pepper.
  4. Peel pre-boiled potatoes and grate on a fine grater.
  5. At this stage, combine all the ingredients and add sour cream or mayonnaise. These components give special tenderness to pancakes.
  6. Stir the minced meat and let stand for 20 minutes.
  7. Fry the fritters on both sides until golden brown in well-heated vegetable oil.

How to make liver pancakes in the oven

Beef liver pancakes are tender, fragrant, lush - they are very useful for everyone without exception! There is a little secret that helps to complement the special taste of the by-product - this is coriander. It is worth adding a few grains or a pinch of ground seasoning, and the taste of the finished dish will sparkle with new colors. Cooking the dish in the oven, as well as steaming, will minimize the calorie content and make the pancakes even more healthy.


  • liver - half a kilogram;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • oatmeal - 1 cup;
  • processed cheese- 150 g;
  • raw potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • a pinch of coriander;
  • salt - to taste;
  • flour or breadcrumbs for breading.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the liver, potatoes and onions and cut into large cubes.
  2. Pass all these ingredients and oatmeal through a meat grinder.
  3. Grate the melted cheese on a grater and add to the mass.
  4. Season the mince to taste. You should get a thick mass.
  5. Form patties or pancakes with wet hands.
  6. Roll each pancake in breadcrumbs and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment or foil.
  7. Bake beef liver pancakes in the oven at high temperature for 20 minutes.

Video: Beef Liver Pancakes Recipe