Black ground pepper - the benefits and harms. Calorie ground black pepper

Black pepper has been actively used in cooking and medicine since ancient times. From it they prepared funds for men, returning sexual strength. were less in demand different variants tinctures with general strengthening properties. With the help of seasoning, they coped with cosmetic defects. Finally, it was used to enhance the taste of familiar dishes and give them an appetizing aroma. Immediately after the product reached Europe, it gained immense popularity, which is still at its peak today.

Description and chemical composition of black pepper

Black peppercorns are the fruits of a plant of the same name from the Pepper family, which is native to Malabar, a province in India. They can be used whole or ground. The same fruits are the source of raw materials for the production of both black and white, pink, green types of seasoning. Long vines are harvested twice a year. The fruiting period of the green giant (it grows up to 15 m) is at least 20-30 years.

100 g of black pepper, regardless of its form, contains 250 kcal. This indicator does not play a special role, because it is added to food minimum quantities. Nutrient seasoning contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vegetable fiber. Due to this, the use of the product, especially ground black pepper, significantly enriches the dishes.

Tip: In black peppercorns useful material stored for a longer period than in their ground counterpart. Therefore, it is better to purchase the product in this form and grind it yourself as needed. True, it is better to use not a special mill for this, but a coffee grinder. Otherwise, the particles will be too large and provoke irritation of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach.

As for the medicinal and beneficial properties of the seasoning, they are provided by the presence of such substances in its composition:

  • Vitamins of groups B, A, C, E, K.
  • Minerals sodium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, copper, calcium, phosphorus and zinc.
  • Food resins.
  • fatty and essential oils.
  • Natural flavors.
  • The alkaloid underlying the hotness of the seasoning.

Studies have shown that the benefits and harms of pepper as a culinary ingredient do not particularly depend on its type (black, green, white or pink). But in the case of cooking medicines it is better to take into account the specifics of the recipe and not replace one component with another.

Useful properties of black pepper

The medicinal properties of the composition of plant origin are manifested even when it is included in the diet in a minimal amount. The main thing is that its presence on the menu should be systematic, and not one-time.

The therapeutic benefits of black pepper for the body are manifested by the following consequences:

  1. Digestion is improved by increasing the secretion of gastric juice. Constipation and manifestations of diarrhea pass, gases stop accumulating in the intestines. Toxins are removed from the body, all poisons and potentially harmful substances are neutralized.
  2. The active substances in the composition of black pepper contribute to a more active breakdown of fats, due to which fatty deposits gradually disappear.
  3. The antioxidant properties of the product lead to inhibition of the activity of free radicals. Studies have shown that the introduction of seasoning in the diet reduces the risk of developing skin cancer.
  4. Recipes that use black ground pepper or its analogue in the form of peas, allow you to get funds with therapeutic effects. They can be used to fight colds, coughs, dermatitis, bacterial infections, and even stomach ulcers.
  5. In cooking, black pepper acts not only as a flavor and aroma enhancer, but also as an effective dietary supplement. It is indicated for active sports, during seasonal beriberi, with a deficiency of mineral elements.
  6. The use of spices stimulates mental activity. The technology of this action of the product has not yet been fully studied, but this property has not been questioned for a long time.
  7. The benefits of black pepper for women are manifested in the fact that it improves work nervous system during hormonal disruptions. Thanks to him, you can not worry about mood swings against the background of PMS or menopause. Another useful property of the product is its activity in the fight against cellulite.
  8. The presence of black pepper in the diet has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Reduces the risk of caries and atherosclerosis.

Such consequences can be counted on regardless of what type of product is introduced into the diet. The main thing to remember is that it is better to add the ground product to ready meals, and black peppercorns are ideal for products that are to be heat treated.

Harm of black pepper and contraindications

The increased activity of substances in the composition of black pepper can be a source of problems. In particular, the inclusion of seasoning in the diet is contraindicated in such conditions:

  • Acute diseases of the digestive system.
  • Stones in the gallbladder.
  • Acute diseases of the kidneys and bladder.
  • Nervous and mental disorders.
  • During pregnancy and lactation, spices should be temporarily abandoned.

It is important to remember that ground black pepper and peas strongly irritate the nasal mucosa, so you should not use it during the recovery period after surgery. fragrant product will provoke sneezing, because of which the seams can disperse. It is strictly forbidden to eat dishes richly flavored with spices on an empty stomach, the product can provoke irritation on the gastric mucosa and even a burn.

Black pepper in any form is best combined with fatty foods. Its pungency and lipids mutually neutralize each other, so that the harm of both components is reduced. Individual intolerance to the product is extremely rare, but may occur against the background frequent use product. An overdose of the composition often leads to heartburn and problems with the digestion of food.

Black pepper in folk medicine

Some people purchase black pepper not for its nutritional value, but for the purpose of cooking. medicines. Of course, their use should be initially coordinated with a professional, but in practice, many of them have shown themselves well. Here are just a few of them:

  • Composition for the treatment of cough. A little in a glass warm water add black ground pepper in the amount of 1 g. Drink 2 times a day before meals. The tool not only relieves coughing fits, but also fights bacterial infections, improves appetite and serves as an effective prevention of worms.
  • Strengthening tincture. We take black peppercorns (7-10 pcs.), 2 teaspoons, a bitter sprig, a tablespoon of honey and a bag of black tea. Grind and mix all the ingredients, place in a glass container and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. The product must be infused for at least 3 months in a dark place under the lid and shaken from time to time. Take it in a teaspoon 3 times a day after meals for 2 weeks.
  • Means for male potency. In a glass of warm milk, add a teaspoon (without a slide) of ground black pepper and granulated sugar. Mix and drink. If the composition does not help, the procedure must be repeated every other day.

Such an active product as black pepper can have a positive effect on the condition of one person and not give any result in the case of another. If regular treatment does not give the desired effect and even causes Negative consequences, it is better to abandon the approach and consider other treatment options. You also need to remember that a product that does not have a strong aroma and burning taste- absolutely useless. Its introduction into the diet will lead to more severe pollution of the body, and not favorable changes.

One of the most popular spices in the world, it was originally grown in India and Greece, where it was highly valued. Pepper was not accepted to be added to food, it was used as a monetary equivalent and was considered sacred. The ancient Greeks used it for religious rituals, as a gift to the Gods. Subsequently, it began to be added to food. The reason for the popularity of the spice among culinary experts was its ability to refresh dishes, disguise the lack of freshness of products.

The benefits and harms of black ground pepper are in its composition. The spice contains manganese, vitamin K, iron, fiber, copper. In addition, it contains no calories, which makes it harmless for people with overweight.

The most important health benefit of ground black pepper is to improve digestion. Due to its ability to stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid, it can be used as a remedy for heartburn and indigestion.

The benefits of ground black pepper in the treatment of flatulence have long been recognized, in addition, it has diaphoretic and diuretic properties. In addition, it has antibacterial properties, helps the body absorb vitamins and minerals better, stimulates the liver, and removes toxins.

The great benefit of ground black pepper lies in its ability to inhibit tumor growth. It contains powerful phytonutrients that slow down the growth of cancer cells. In addition, spice, if poured on a wound, can quickly stop bleeding and destroy germs.

It has both positive and negative qualities. The harm of ground black pepper is known due to its peculiarity to irritate the gastric mucosa and cause bleeding. It is not recommended to use it for diseases of gastritis or ulcers.

In addition, there is harm to black ground pepper when it is regular use for the reproductive system. It negatively affects the production of hormones and reduces sexual desire.

Contraindications for the use of the product are colitis, kidney and liver disease. The harm of ground black pepper is possible for people with arrhythmia, angina pectoris and hypertension, such patients should limit the use of spices.

The content of the article:

Ground black pepper is the crushed fruits of the shrub of the same name. It belongs to the species of the genus Pepper and the Pepper family, cultivated in the tropics. Its homeland is India. The final product is a black powder with a pungent odor. In cooking, it is used as pure, and in the composition with other spices. It is added to soups, cereals, salads, etc.

The composition and calorie content of black ground pepper

This is one of those few spices that contain almost all existing vitamins, micro and macro elements, acids.

The calorie content of ground black pepper per 100 g is 255 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins - 10.95 g;
  • Fats - 3.26 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 38.31 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 26.5 g;
  • Water - 10.51 g;
  • Ash - 4.33 g.
Vitamins per 100 g:
  • A, RE - 15 mcg;
  • Beta-carotene - 0.156 mg;
  • Beta-cryptoxanthin - 48 mcg;
  • Lycopene - 6 mcg;
  • Lutein + Zeaxanthin - 205 mcg;
  • B1, thiamine - 0.109 mg;
  • B2, riboflavin - 0.24 mg;
  • B4, choline - 11.3 mg;
  • B6, pyridoxine - 0.34 mg;
  • B9, folates - 10 mcg;
  • C, ascorbic acid - 21 mg;
  • E, alpha tocopherol, TE - 0.72 mg;
  • Gamma-tocopherol - 4.56 mg;
  • Delta-tocopherol - 0.09 mg;
  • K, phylloquinone - 163.7 mcg;
  • RR, NE - 1.142 mg;
  • Betaine - 8.9 mg.
Macronutrients per 100 g:
  • Potassium, K - 1259 mg;
  • Calcium, Ca - 437 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 194 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 44 mg;
  • Phosphorus, Ph - 173 mg.
Trace elements per 100 g:
  • Iron, Fe - 28.86 mg;
  • Manganese, Mn - 5.625 mg;
  • Copper, Cu - 1127 mcg;
  • Selenium, Se - 3.1 mcg;
  • Fluorine, F - 34.2 mcg;
  • Zinc, Zn - 1.42 mg.
The composition of black ground pepper includes digestible carbohydrates in the form of mono- and disaccharides - 0.6 g.

Fatty saturated, polyunsaturated and unsaturated acids per 100 g:

  • Omega-3 - 0.16 g;
  • Omega-6 - 0.97 g;
  • Lauric - 0.03 g;
  • Myristic - 0.05 g;
  • Palmitic - 0.9 g;
  • Oleic (omega-9) - 1.01 g;
  • Linoleic - 0.97 g;
  • Linolenic - 0.16 g.

Useful properties of ground black pepper

The beneficial properties of black ground pepper are manifested in the fact that it:

  1. Activates the brain. The fatty acids contained in the spice normalize mental activity, improve both short-term and long-term memory.
  2. Prevents premature aging . This spice nullifies Negative influence junk food, alkalizing the blood. It promotes cell regeneration and an increase in the number of red blood cells. Hydration also plays a role. Together, all this prevents the appearance of wrinkles and allows you to significantly tighten the skin.
  3. Improves heart function. Black pepper normalizes its rhythm and reduces the risk of development various diseases- heart attack, stroke, rheumatism, angina pectoris, arrhythmias. This is due high content in the product fatty acids. This effect is due to the fact that it contains a lot of potassium.
  4. Provides vascular health. As a result, their walls are strengthened, they are cleared of toxins, the formation of blood clots is prevented, which can subsequently come off and clog the lumen, leading to cardiac arrest. it excellent tool for the prevention of atherosclerosis and varicose veins, since it reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood and thins it.
  5. Lowers arterial pressure . This is very healthy spice for patients with hypertension at all stages. Since it is a source of water, fiber and fatty acids, its use allows you to lower blood cholesterol levels and improve heart function, without which normalization of pressure cannot be achieved.
  6. Improves digestion. Containing a lot of fiber, black pepper restores the work of the stomach, intestines and pancreas. With its help, the process of bile production is activated and bilirubin decreases, constipation and diarrhea, heartburn and nausea disappear.
  7. Helps to lose weight. Despite the high calorie content, this spice is effective in the fight against excess weight. This can be explained by the fact that it contains a lot of insoluble fiber, which puts things in order in the intestines. This reduces the risk of developing obesity and often, as a result, diabetes.
  8. Strengthens the immune system. To normalize this indicator, it is necessary to replenish the reserves of vitamin C in the body, and black pepper is the source of ascorbic acid. It is also very important that it is completely absorbed, helping the gland in this. Thus, various ENT diseases can be prevented - runny nose, colds, SARS, flu, etc.
  9. Protects teeth. Black pepper is effective in the prevention of caries, periodontal disease, gingivitis, stomatitis. He is one of the main suppliers of calcium, which is more here than in any vegetable and meat. It is this mineral that tooth enamel needs for strength.
  10. Stops hair loss. Folic acid, iron and betaine, which strengthen the follicles and shaft, help prevent baldness. Thanks to them, the curls become elastic, shiny and beautiful.

Important! To keep maximum benefit ground black pepper, it is advisable to add it to dishes immediately before meals.

Harm and contraindications to the use of black ground pepper

This spice is biologically active, and therefore it is not recommended to use it at night. It has been proven that this can cause insomnia. If you get carried away with it, then heartburn, nausea, and abdominal pain will become possible. This is especially true for children under the age of 10-12 years. That is why you should not introduce ground black pepper into the diet in an amount of more than 10 g per day.

Of all the contraindications, the following should be highlighted:

  • Allergy to the product. It occurs very often, and mainly among the elderly, pregnant women and children, including infants. In this case, you can not eat this spice even in in large numbers.
  • Anemia. You should be careful here because very often this disease occurs as a result of bleeding in the intestines or stomach caused by an ulcer. With such a problem, severe pain in the abdomen can occur.
  • Acute inflammatory processes in the body. We are talking about inflammation of the kidneys, bladder, pancreas, liver, stomach and intestines.
  • Ulcer of duodenum and stomach. Black pepper can aggravate the course of the disease and lead to the opening of bleeding. It aggressively affects the affected walls of these organs, irritating them.
Strict contraindications of ground black pepper apply to its use in its pure form, this can lead to burns of the mucous membrane of the stomach and throat.

Black pepper recipes

This spice is widespread in the cuisines of Asian countries, although it is also loved in Europe. It is used to add variety to the first and second courses, side dishes, sandwiches. It can be used to highlight unusual taste and add spice to them. Not a single borscht, soup, pilaf can do without it, stewed potatoes, ketchups, sausages. Based on it, various marinades for barbecue are prepared.

Pay special attention to the following recipes:

  1. Beet caviar. Peel it from the peel (5 pieces), grate as finely as possible, sprinkle with salt to taste, crush with your hands and leave under the lid for 2-3 hours. During this time, she should start up the juice, which then needs to be drained. Next, heat the pan, pour into it corn oil, pour the beets and simmer it over low heat for 20 minutes. Then add chopped garlic (3 cloves) here, Apple vinegar(1 tablespoon) and ground black pepper to taste. Make sure that the dish is not bitter.
  2. Eggplant in Korean. Wash them (5 pcs.), peel, cut into strips, rub with salt and let them stand for 2-3 hours. Meanwhile grate 3 carrots, 2 sterling onions, 5 garlic cloves and 1 bell pepper. Mix all these ingredients, salt and pepper the mass again to taste, pour in 2 tbsp. l. vinegar and lemon juice (10 drops). Now fry it in a large amount of vegetable oil, then add ground coriander (2 pinches) and half a teaspoon of sugar. And now the dish is ready to eat! You can also preserve it in jars by sterilizing them with lids in advance.
  3. Adjika. Wash and peel tomatoes (1 kg). Then twist them in a meat grinder. Do the same with garlic (3 heads), capsicum (3 pcs.), sweet bell pepper(2 pcs.) And 1 bunch of cilantro. Mix all this, add salt (2 tbsp), sugar (1.5 tsp) and pepper to taste here. At the end, adjika can be laid out in sterilized jars, rolled up and sent to the basement until winter.
  4. Pilaf. soak long Brown rice(1 cup) and then put it to boil. In the meantime, fry grated carrots (2 pcs.), Onion (1 pc.), Meat from smoked beef ribs(350 g). Then mix all the ingredients and pour them into a bowl with porridge. Then pour into it vegetable oil(250 g) and simmer the mixture for 30 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly. 10 minutes before turning off, add salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Zucchini-potato zrazy. To prepare them, grate 3 pcs. corresponding vegetables without peel. Then mix them, salt, season with sour cream (2 tablespoons) and beat in one egg. Next, add a little flour to make a thick gruel, like on pancakes, and pepper it. Then heat the pan, pour oil into it and spread the mass with a spoon. Fry the meatballs until golden brown, turn over and wait for their complete readiness. After that, take them out on a plate and grease with sour cream seasoned with pepper and garlic to taste.
  6. Soup. Cut the washed champignons (300 g), fry them together with chopped carrots (1 pc.) And onions (2 pcs.). Then put it all in a saucepan, fill with clean water, salt and cook until tender. Before switching off the burner, add pepper to taste, dill and a little grated garlic.
Black pepper can be combined with other types of spices. It perfectly complements cardamom, asafoetida, basil, ginger, cinnamon, turmeric and more.

Interesting facts about ground black pepper

This spice has been known since the 5th century AD. In the wild, she was first met in India, where she grew along the coast. Over time, it began to be imported to European countries.

It was very popular among the kings of ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. It even got to the point that it was used as a bargaining chip during the auction. Barter with her participation regularly took place in the markets.

Since the 15th century, there was a monopoly on the export of ground black pepper to Europe. This was due to the fact that it was considered a delicacy and therefore not suitable for export. The ban on it was lifted only in the 18th century. In Russia, this spice was chosen only after 100 years. It must be said that it was on it that many millionaires of America made their fortune.

This pepper is very convenient to use in cooking, because it can be stored for years. To do this, it must be taken out of the package immediately after purchase and poured into a special container. Glass jars are best suited for this, plastic ones do not always retain moisture well.

You can get your own black ground pepper from ready-made peas. To do this, they must be ground in a combine or coffee grinder. If there is neither one nor the other, it will be enough to put them in a glass and crush it well with a mortar.

Watch the video about black ground pepper:

Since almost no dish can do without this spice, it is always relevant in the kitchen. It is also very important here that the price for it, one might say, is symbolic, so it would be simply strange not to buy it. With this spice, you can definitely find the most different recipes with black ground pepper and cook amazingly delicious first and second courses, various snacks.

Many of the spices known to man have a rich composition of active substances, and this allows us to use them even in medicinal purposes. Folk and traditional medicine has been studying the spices of the peoples of the world and beneficial features black peppercorns are well known to her. In this article, we have collected the most important information about the composition and methods of using a hot spice in order to effectively include it in your health care.

We get the well-known seasoning thanks to a plant from the pepper family. Originally growing in India, it proved to be so productive and easily renewable in a tropical climate that the whole area of ​​the country began to be called "the land of pepper."

Today, this plant is grown in many areas with a tropical climate - in huge quantities because it is popular in most countries of the world.

spice king

It is black pepper that proudly marches around the world under the name "king of spices". And the multi-colored varieties obtained from the same plant are significantly inferior to the culinary popularity and benefits of the black counterpart.

Curiously, black pepper is obtained from the fruit of an immature plant. Dried up in a special way fruits are black peppercorns. Grinded into dust, they make up that friable seasoning, which equally coexists on our tables next to salt.

Black pepper has earned its place in cooking thanks to its universal pungency. As long as possible, he keeps it in the form of peas. And in the ground form, the aroma, beneficial properties and taste of pepper will significantly weaken by the third month of storage.

Black pepper has long become synonymous with the spiciness of the dish: "salt and pepper - to taste" - isn't this message present in almost every recipe for first and second courses?! Salads, soups, sauces. Sausages, all kinds of meat, fish and game. And, of course, a variety of marinades - everywhere we find appetizing uses for the king of spices.

What are the benefits of black pepper? his unique composition which deserves a detailed description.

The unique composition of black pepper

100 g of black pepper contains:

  • 12.5 g of water,
  • 25.3 g fiber
  • 10.4 g of proteins,
  • 38.6 g of carbohydrates,
  • 3.3 g fat,
  • 4.5 g of ash.

A wide range of vitamins: provitamin A, B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, choline, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid) and the main antioxidants - vitamins C and E.

An equally wide list of mineral salts: phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, fluorine, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, iron.

The calorie content of black pepper is 250 kcal per 100 grams of ground product.

Special attention deserves the essential oils of black pepper and a special alkaloid - piperine. It is this alkaloid that allows nutritionists to give a confident positive answer to the question “is black pepper healthy?”

Piperine is an alkaloid with multiple effects

Piperine has long been studied by medicine for its use in the manufacture of medicines for several diseases. This is due to its diverse effects on the human body:

  1. High potency as a natural antioxidant
  2. The ability to regulate the production of a range of enzymes that are essential for proper metabolism
  3. Strengthening the processes of anesthesia at the stage of central nervous regulation, i.e. directly in the brain
  4. Stimulating the production of endorphins - "hormones of joy"
  5. Stimulation of the production of serotonin - the "hormone of appeasement"
  6. Harmonization of the contractility of the gastrointestinal tract
  7. Stimulation of the production of digestive enzymes (trypsin, amylase, chymotrypsin, lipase)
  8. Increased production of melatonin pigment
  9. Reducing asthma symptoms by dilating the bronchi

In research in the field of cosmetology, piperine has proven its special "transporting ability". It increases the bioavailability of most base ingredients from classic cosmetic formulations.

Thanks to piperine, black pepper is ideal for a warming and relaxing massage. It can be successfully used in masks and creams for hair loss by attracting blood to the hair follicles.

And in small quantities it is able to increase the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory drugs in mixed formulations for the treatment of skin rashes.

Nutritionists share the aspirations of culinary experts to include black pepper in the daily menu. However, there is no need to talk about the perfect safety of black pepper. Benefit and harm are two sides of the same coin. Usually, the more powerful the possibilities of active substances, the clearer contraindications to the use of the product.

The use of black pepper in food or in medicinal mixtures is contraindicated in the following pathologies:

  • Acute and chronic pyelonephritis, cystitis and urethritis
  • Chronic hepatitis
  • Acute inflammatory diseases of the stomach and pancreas
  • Acute colitis and UC
  • Conditions after any operations on the gastrointestinal tract

When applying to the skin products that include black pepper or its extract, you should be extremely attentive to the sensations. If there is a burning sensation, rinse the skin with plenty of clean water at room temperature.

Peas or ground, black pepper always gives us its beneficial properties in various areas of recovery.

To reduce fever in colds

Pour 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper into 0.5 cups of unflavored vodka, preheated to 50 degrees. We send vodka to infuse for at least 3 hours in a place inaccessible to light.

Ready strained vodka is useful for reducing high body temperature during a cold. When the temperature rises above 38 degrees, take 1-2 teaspoons at a time.

For dry cough (when there is little or no sputum)

Method 1. Add half a teaspoon of ground pepper to warm milk, shake and drink. We do this up to 3 times a day.

Method 2. The benefits of ground black pepper with an unproductive cough will be maximized if you combine it with honey.

  • In 1 cup of honey, 1 teaspoon of ground pepper and cinnamon.
  • Mix thoroughly and take up to 2 teaspoons of the mixture at a time after the main meals - breakfast, lunch, dinner.

To cleanse the body (Ayurvedic practice)

Used black peppercorns. Take 3 peas after each meal. At the same time, observe a vegetarian moderate diet, consisting of 3 meals a day - breakfast, lunch, dinner.

The course of taking peas is 3 weeks. The benefit of the course is detoxification and getting rid of congestion in tissues.

To increase potency (Ayurvedic practice)

According to Ayurveda, any plant capable of "warming up the blood" increases the overall tone of the body. Black pepper is one of those plants. Therefore, to increase potency, an effective weekly course is offered with a drink of milk, ground pepper and sugar.

And the greatest optimism is caused by statements that the effect of the drug can be noticeable literally after 1-2 doses!

  • How to prepare a healing drink: for 1 glass of milk, add half a teaspoon of ground black pepper and sugar.
  • We accept regardless of food, closer to meeting with the woman you love.

The use of black pepper oil

Outdoor use

  • To speed up the resolution of bruises
  • As a warming rub for muscle fatigue, muscle and joint pain
  • On the chest area inflammatory diseases in the broncho-pulmonary system

For weight loss

Outwardly: on the area " orange peel» on the skin, during massage after physical education.

Inside: 1 glass of water - 3 drops of oil. Take after each of the three main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner). Promotes the excretion of end products of metabolism, enhances salivation and secretion of gastric juice, stimulates the entire digestive system.

The most common culinary seasoning after salt - black pepper. Whether it is peas, or already ground, its beneficial properties are diverse, and its uses are numerous.

We've talked about home remedies, though the benefits of using black pepper are everywhere, from the drug store pepper patch for sciatica to Hollywood star metabolism tips - "Want to lose weight? More spicy food!

All this can be adopted if you wish to expand the scope of the popular product. It only remains for us to remind you of contraindications and caution and wish you successful experiments for the benefit of beauty and health!

Among the spices known all over the world, black pepper is the undisputed leader. This seasoning, which is now in every kitchen, was worth its weight in gold in the old days. History has preserved documentary evidence even of the fact that merchants once made calculations with black pepper. By the way, in the Middle Ages, the rich gave this valuable spice as a dowry to their daughters.

The Secret to Black Pepper's Success

From the same ancient sources, it was possible to establish that this culture first appeared in India. With the development of navigation, this spice first spread in Asia, and only then came to Europe. The popularity of black peas with a specific spicy smell grew at an incredible rate and soon black pepper was already known on all continents.

Today, the cultivation of this crop is mainly carried out in regions with a tropical climate. This business is well organized in such countries as Indonesia and Brazil. Also, suppliers of black pepper to many countries of the world are small island states in the Pacific and Indian Ocean. The economy of these countries is based on the pepper trade.

What is a plant

As already noted, a favorable habitat for black pepper is the tropics. Shrubs, outwardly similar to a climbing liana, after violent flowering give many small pea fruits. To obtain high-quality spices, unripe fruits are taken: they are dried, then crushed on special equipment and packaged in containers that can reliably protect the precious powder from moisture and retain aroma. it important condition otherwise, a product that has lost its main qualities is of no value.

But dry peas, unlike ground peppers, are not as demanding and can be stored for many years. When ground, the spice loses its amazing aroma after three months.

Depending on the harvesting technology used, the color of the fruits of the pepper bush can be:

  • white - this variety is characterized by a delicate aroma and it is less pungent in taste;
  • red - this is the sharpest variety, which is obtained from well-ripened fruits;
  • green is fresh fruits, also often used in culinary practice.

Important point! The sharpness of black pepper and its taste characteristics largely depend not only on the variety, but also on the country that delivered the product. Indian pepper is considered especially hot.

Composition of black pepper

Seasonings and spices are a must for any kitchen. They are designed to improve the taste of dishes. But few people know that this category of products can be used for completely different purposes. For example, ground black pepper is often added to medicinal formulations. The ability to have a therapeutic effect is due to the fact that pepper contains a lot of useful substances:
  • alkaloids (piperine);
  • essential oil;
  • mineral elements;
  • a complex of vitamins, including C and E;
  • cellulose;
  • carbohydrates.

In minimal doses, proteins and fats are present in the seasoning. This health benefit kit can provide a range of properties that help manage disease.

Pepper - useful and effective

The ability of black pepper to have a healing effect makes it the most useful of all seasonings. Seasoning has the following qualities:

  • improves appetite;
  • stimulates the production of digestive enzymes;
  • has a pronounced antibacterial property;
  • is a natural antioxidant;
  • improves blood circulation, which has a positive effect on cardiac and brain activity;
  • prevents the development of malignant tumors;
  • has analgesic properties;
  • is an excellent expectorant;
  • due to the ability to thin the blood, prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • stimulates sexual activity.

It activates the production of endorphin (the “happiness” hormone) and serotonin, a hormone responsible for many functions in the body, including immunity and good sleep.

What diseases can pepper be used for?

All the qualities listed here allow us to consider ground black pepper as effective remedy treatment of such pathologies and conditions:

  • digestive disorders;
  • constipation;
  • thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • hyperthermia;
  • pneumonia;
  • dysfunction of the liver, kidneys.

Ground pepper is suitable for solving preventive problems. For example, it can be used to effectively resist such insidious diseases as a stroke or heart attack. It has a beneficial effect on the immune system, and its specific aroma does not allow a viral infection to penetrate into the body.

Ways to use

In culinary business, black pepper is widely used in any form: as part of mixed seasonings, in the form of peas, ground. Its bright smell remains for a long time. Pepper is especially good when added to meat and fish meals. Improving the taste of food, it imperceptibly has a huge benefit to the body. Given the low energy load, which is equal to 250 kcal per 100 grams pure product, ground pepper can be considered a truly unique spice. Indeed, in order to “eat” as many as 100 grams of pepper, it will take years.

AT medical purposes pepper is used mainly as a component additive to vegetable or other compositions.

Outdoor use

  1. The only situation when it is allowed to use ground pepper in its pure form is the treatment of wounds and scratches. The wound is simply sprinkled on top with powder. This cleans the damaged surface of germs and stops bleeding.
  2. Pepper can cure ringworm by mixing a little seasoning with soy flour and olive oil. All ingredients are taken in equal parts, mixed, and problem areas are subsequently treated with the resulting ointment.
  3. This spice copes with catastrophic hair loss. Alopecia, and this is the name of the pathology from which many men suffer, can be cured if you prepare such a composition: salt, black pepper, onion juice. All components must be mixed, then applied to the scalp and left for 30 minutes. After that, the healing mask is washed off.

weight loss with pepper

According to diet experts and experimenters in this field, it is easy to lose weight if you drink a glass of kefir on an empty stomach every morning with a pinch of pepper dissolved in the drink. They say that in such a simple way it is possible to lose up to 2 kg per week. But this recipe can only be used by those who do not have stomach problems.

home therapy

  1. To strengthen male power, as well as prevent the appearance of prostate adenoma, it is recommended to prepare a mixture of sugar and pepper. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions and simply mixed, and then added to the dishes.
  2. Alcohol tincture on black whole pepper, that is, peas, helps to get rid of pain in sciatica and arthrosis. And, if you regularly add spice in any form to food, this will help to eliminate white spots in vitiligo.

All of these properties make ground pepper indispensable if consumed in moderation.

When pepper is contraindicated

Of course, a product with such special qualities as pepper has a number of limitations. It is better to refuse it for people who:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • anemia;
  • acute cystitis and other inflammatory processes in the kidneys;
  • trauma;
  • abdominal operations (due to the threat of bleeding).

Although pregnant women and nursing mothers are not strictly limited to the use of pepper, the presence of this hot spice in their menu should be minimized, and it is better to completely abandon it for a while.

Video: the benefits and harms of black pepper