Pink Himalayan salt and Indian black salt. Black salt - the benefits and harms of culinary seasoning, features of its use

Indian Black Salt Have you ever tried black salt? For the first time I came across it in 2002, it seems - then it was something: with the smell of hydrogen sulfide and tasted like boiled egg. True, I got used to it pretty quickly; Now almost no meal is complete without black salt. And not only because I like it, but also because it is healthier than white salt. In India, black salt is known as Kala Namak and Sanchal ( Kala Namak, Sanchal). In fact, it is a volcanic rock salt. Although it is called black, outwardly it is pale pink (if it is sold in the form of stones, then the stones are pale gray-pink, slightly transparent). In India, it is very cheap, but it is also counterfeited! The devils are mixed with what, and an unnatural pink dye is added. I still have a bag lying around at home for the collection. By the way, it is possible that the name "black" salt got because when it gets into food (for example, in porridge, if it is added as a spice before eating), it really turns black, then dissolves. Why add it before meals? Yes, just its sulphurous taste gives food a certain zest. In general, it is used not only in India, but also in Pakistan, as well as in other Asian countries. Black Salt: Composition It consists of sodium chloride, which is the main component table salt, plus traces of impurities containing sulfates, sulfides, iron and magnesium. The sodium chloride provides the salty taste, the pinkish color comes from the iron sulfide, and the hydrogen sulfide gives the smell (yeah, that's it). Black Salt: Properties and Benefits According to Ayurveda (Ancient Indian Science of Health), black salt has a number of therapeutic properties. For example, thanks to high content iron, it cures flatulence and heartburn. In general, Ayurveda considers black and sea ​​salt quite useful, because, unlike ordinary white, table salt, sea and black do not increase the sodium content in the blood (for this reason, the use of ordinary salt is limited for people with high blood pressure), have a rejuvenating effect, improve digestion and, interestingly, vision. Black salt also helps with constipation and hysteria. If suddenly you were put on a salt-restricted diet because of high blood pressure, then this salt is an excellent alternative to the usual one, because. it has much less sodium. In addition, "dilution" of food with black salt, i.e. Reducing the consumption of white salt, and replacing it with black salt will have a beneficial effect on kidney health, since black salt does not retain water in the body, unlike white salt. That's what black salt is good for. By the way, it also seems to be called “Himalayan black salt”, although I don’t know for sure. One point: technology, so to speak, does not stand still, therefore, in India they also learned how to make artificial black salt, in which the sodium content is close to ordinary table salt, so it will no longer work at high pressure! Uses of Black Salt in Cooking It is used as a spice (flavoring additive, so to speak) in various dishes: chutneys, chaats, raits, salads, vegetable dishes. Fresh cucumber with black salt - a great thing in the Indian heat! Yes, they even eat fruit with her! Well, of course, I'm not such an extreme person, so it's somehow not for me. But in general, if you suddenly find yourself in India, and you will be treated there fruit salad on yogurt, be prepared: it’s not a fact that the salad will be sweet. I have already flown once, now I always find out in advance before gaining more. There are special soft drinks with cumin and black salt - it may be unusual for us, but they quench our thirst! In general, Indian black salt is a cool and useful thing. It's definitely worth a try! denissvetlichny ru India Is Waiting for Its Own India-Goa. Today is it more convenient for you to follow us on Facebook!? Then follow this link to us.

For those who want to eat healthier, but are not ready to give up salt, there are two great alternatives - Himalayan pink salt and black Indian salt(kala namak). Despite the fact that these are two completely different salts, they are often confused. Therefore, more about them below.

Himalayan salt, black salt, and other table salt alternatives

There are many other alternatives to table salt. The most popular is sea salt, which contains many trace elements in addition to sodium chloride. But due to pollution of the environment and the seas as well, this salt also contains harmful elements. Another great option reduce salt intake is to use ground kelp seaweed as salt. Grinded kelp can be bought at a pharmacy and salted with it ready meals or salads. In addition to its salty taste, it also gives a savory taste to the dish due to its marine origin. It is also worth mentioning that using spices you can reduce the amount of salt in a dish without losing taste. Indeed, when a bright bouquet of spices is used in cooking, the need to heavily salt dishes for taste sensations disappears. Look to Indian cuisine for inspiration, which is rich in spices.

What is Himalayan Pink Salt

Himalayan salt acquired its name due to the fact that it is actually mined in the Himalayas. This salt is very many millions of years old, and these salt deposits were formed even before India became part of the Eurasian continent, then there was a world ocean in the place of the Himalayas. That is why Himalayan salt is considered pure, since at the time of the formation of these deposits, the planet was not yet polluted. Pink Himalayan salt is called precisely because of its color. Unlike conventional cookery Himalayan salt(if it is real) contains from 80 to 90 trace elements, but the content of sodium chloride itself is less. Therefore, Himalayan salt is considered more beneficial (or less harmful) than regular white salt. It can be a godsend for those who suffer from swelling due to fluid retention in the body - it does not lead to such a phenomenon (naturally, when used in normal, and not excessive amounts). The taste of Himalayan salt is almost the same as that of regular table salt. The only thing is that it is a little less salty, but its salinity is so capacious that it seems as if it captures more taste buds. Therefore, there is no need to salt it more. Himalayan salt can completely replace the use of regular table salt. Also, Himalayan salt can be successfully used to cleanse the body, taking a solution from it on an empty stomach every day. And it is not for nothing that salt lamps are made from it, which purify the room - after all, it is really useful.

What is Indian Black Salt or Kala Namak

Black Indian salt got its name in translation from Indian, where it is called “kala namak” in the common people. In appearance, this salt is not at all black - but pale pink, which is exactly what it becomes when finely ground. But in a piece, this salt has a really black color, hence the name. Also, when ingested and saturated with moisture, this salt darkens. Kala namak consists of sodium chloride with impurities of iron sulfide, magnesium and hydrogen sulfide. The fact is that the shifts of tectonic plates led to volcanic activity and salt deposits, including mixed with magma, were also saturated with hydrogen sulfide. It is hydrogen sulfide that makes this type of salt very special because of its characteristic smell, which this salt is rich in. Yes, Indian black salt has a specific smell of boiled yolk, but you should not be afraid of this. On the contrary, this property can be successfully used in cooking as a highlight of a dish, or when replacing the same eggs in classic recipes. Kala namak, like the Himalayan, unlike the table one, does not increase the sodium content in the body, so it can also be suitable for heart patients and those who suffer from swelling. And Ayurveda (ancient Indian medicine) claims that this salt can cure flatulence and heartburn, all thanks to its high iron content.

Where black Indian salt would be appropriate

  • for cooking real home or
  • to spice up salads
  • to replace eggs in some recipes,
  • to salt any other dishes just for a change, try it!

Is table salt harmful?

Scientists are still arguing about the dangers or benefits of table salt for human body. There is an opinion that table salt is especially harmful to people with work disorders. of cardio-vascular system, since an excess of sodium in the body contributes to an increase in pressure. They also say that an excess of salt can increase the risk of cataracts due to the same ability of sodium to increase blood pressure. But without salt, dishes cease to be so tasty. Therefore, we suggest using healthier alternatives like Himalayan salt and black salt.
Cook with pleasure and be healthy!

Black salt is a naturally occurring volcanic rock salt, also known as Sanchal and Kala Namak in India. Although it is called black, its color is pale pink. By the way, in India it is very cheap, but you should beware of fakes.

It is not known for certain why this salt is called black. Perhaps because when ingested, it first darkens, and only then dissolves.

The use of black salt

Black salt is widely used as a seasoning in many parts of the world. It is added not only during cooking, but also in ready-made dishes. Actually, black salt is used, like ordinary salt. Many gourmets are used to keeping it on the table in the salt shaker, like other seasonings, and seasoning soups, salads, side dishes, appetizers, sauces, vegetable pies with it.

So, for example, in the well-known Indian seasoning"Chat masala" black salt is the main active ingredient. Chat masala is used to add to fruit salads and toasted nuts. You can often find black salt in high-end restaurants in New York, where it is served with various dishes.

Nevertheless, one should not confuse natural Indian black salt with the one that has been made in Russia since ancient times on the eve of Easter. She was also called black in the old days. thursday salt, as it was made on Black Thursday. For this purpose, they took large piece rock salt, burned it in the oven along with cabbage leaves, herbs or kvass thick. Already finished product consecrated in the church along with Easter cakes and eggs. Unfortunately, almost all recipes for preparing such salt have been lost forever.

Composition of black salt

Black salt is mined in deposits that contain substances containing hydrogen sulfide. In general, due to its natural composition, the use of black salt is more beneficial for humans, and it tastes less salty than regular salt. Its properties can be compared with soy sauce, as it contains substances that act on the body like enzymes that improve digestion.

But, judging by the reviews, black salt cannot completely replace table or sea salt, as it has a specific smell and taste, similar to a hard-boiled yolk. This is due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide in its composition. But there is much less sodium chloride in it than in ordinary salt, therefore, if we talk about the deposition of salt in the joints, then black salt is preferable for humans.

The benefits of black salt

In medicine, the benefits of black salt have already been scientifically proven, as it increases appetite, eliminates gas formation and helps relieve constipation. In addition, it is indicated for use to eliminate the severe consequences of poisoning. The substances contained in it enhance intestinal motility and have a mild laxative effect.

According to reviews, black salt perfectly helps to clear the stomach of the remnants of undigested food. To do this, you need to prepare next composition: 2 teaspoons of calamus, 0.5 teaspoon of licorice root pour a glass of boiling water and hold on low heat for 15 minutes. After that, close the vessel with a lid and leave to cool. When the infusion has cooled, strain and add 0.5 teaspoon of salt, and drink in one gulp. Drink the infusion with 2-3 glasses of pure boiled water. After some time, the person feels the urge to vomit.

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Since I decided to post my recipe for peanut masala nuts with beer, it became necessary to familiarize the cooks with one of the ingredients of this dish - black Indian salt. I looked through the Internet, studied the information and realized that the material is quite voluminous, so it is better to put it in a diary.

I want to warn you right away: black Indian salt has nothing to do with black (or Thursday) salt, which is prepared in a special way here in Russia.

So. Black salt, known in India as Kala Namak or Sanchal, is a natural crude salt, mined from rocks of volcanic origin, the deposits of which are located mainly on the sulfur lakes of northern India and Pakistan.

As you can see in the picture, it is not black at all. And she got her name "black salt" because of the special property - in contact with a wet surface. food products this finely crystalline pale pink substance turns black.
The main mineral component of Indian black salt is sodium chloride. However, the content of this substance in Kala Namak black salt is significantly lower than in table salt familiar to all of us.
Kala Namak black salt is very rich in iron and sulfur compounds. It is thanks to the content contained in this natural product iron sulfide salt Kala Namak has a pinkish tint, and the sulfur compounds present there cause its specific sulfurous smell and characteristic sour "egg" taste.
Black Indian salt Kala Namak also has a high content of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iodine necessary for the human body.


Black salt is the main ingredient in Chat Masala, a well-known spice in India.

It is often added to various cold appetizers, sauces, pickles and marinades (they are called "achar"), soups.

Do not do without it and fruit, vegetable salads, Indian vegetable stew"sabji", traditional yogurt salads"rights". It gives exceptional taste even fruit juices and soft drinks.

A variety of snacks (chips, masala nuts, papadamas, etc.) are inconceivable without black Indian salt.

Used daily by any housewife in India and Pakistan, black salt is served as a gourmet spice in high-end American and European restaurants. At the same time, Kala Namak is a favorite seasoning for vegetarians in many countries of the world. This is mainly due to the fact that Indian black salt, when added to certain foods, can mimic the taste of a real chicken egg.
Used by gourmets as a condiment and substitute for table salt, spicy taste and aroma, Indian black salt Kala Namak goes well with all egg dishes. At the same time, it subtly emphasizes and sets off the natural taste of sheep and goat cheese, as well as made from cow's milk paneer (Adyghe cheese).


Widely known in Ayurveda ( traditional system Indian medicine) black salt has the following beneficial properties:

Activates intestinal peristalsis and has a mild laxative effect
- Improves digestion of food like digestive enzymes, and also helps to eliminate flatulence and heartburn
- Beneficial effect on the functional state of the visual apparatus
- Helps improve brain function.

It is worth noting that the black Indian salt Kala Namak retains water in the body to a much lesser extent than traditionally eaten table salt, in which the content of sodium chloride is much higher. It is for this reason that Indian black salt is an excellent alternative to table salt for kidney disease and gout. In addition, this useful replacement table salt for patients with arterial hypertension who are prescribed to limit the amount of salt in the diet, as well as for those who follow a low-salt diet in order to lose weight.

Have you ever tried black salt? I first came across it in 2002, it seems - then it was something: with the smell of hydrogen sulfide and tasted like a boiled egg. True, I got used to it pretty quickly; Now almost no meal is complete without black salt. And not only because I like it, but also because it is healthier than white salt.

In India, black salt is known by the names Cala Namak and Sanchal(Kala Namak, Sanchal). In fact, it is volcanic rock salt. Although it is called black, outwardly it is pale pink (if it is sold in the form of stones, then the stones are pale gray-pink, slightly transparent). In India, it is very cheap, but it is also counterfeited! The devils are mixed with what, and an unnatural pink dye is added. I still have a bag lying around at home for the collection. 🙂

By the way, it is possible that the name "black" salt got because when it gets into food (for example, in porridge, if it is added as a spice before eating), it really turns black, then dissolves. Why add it before meals? Yes, just its sulphurous taste gives food a certain zest. 🙂

In general, it is used not only in India, but also in Pakistan, as well as in other Asian countries.

Black Salt: Composition

It consists of sodium chloride, which is the main component of table salt, plus trace impurities containing sulfates, sulfides, iron and magnesium. Sodium chloride provides the salty taste, the pinkish color comes from iron sulfide, and hydrogen sulfide gives the smell (yeah, it's the one :)).

Black Salt: Properties and Benefits

According to (Ancient Indian Health Science) black salt has a number of therapeutic properties. For example, due to its high iron content, it cures flatulence and heartburn. In general, Ayurveda considers black and sea salt to be quite useful, because, unlike ordinary white, table salt, sea and black salt do not increase the sodium content in the blood (for this reason, the use of ordinary salt is limited for people with high blood pressure), they have a rejuvenating effect , improve digestion and, interestingly, vision.

Black salt also helps with constipation and hysteria. If suddenly you were put on a salt-restricted diet due to high blood pressure, then this salt is a great alternative to regular salt, because. it has much less sodium. In addition, "dilution" of food with black salt, i.e. Reducing the consumption of white salt, and replacing it with black salt will have a beneficial effect on kidney health, since black salt does not retain water in the body, unlike white salt. That's what black salt is good for. By the way, it also seems to be called “Himalayan black salt”, although I don’t know for sure.

One moment: technology, so to speak, does not stand still, therefore in India they also learned how to make artificial black salt, in which the sodium content is close to ordinary table salt, so it will no longer work at high pressure!

Uses of Black Salt in Cooking

It is used as a spice (flavor, if I may say so) in various dishes: chutneys, chaats, raits, salads, vegetable dishes. Fresh cucumber with black salt is a great thing in the Indian heat! Yes, they even eat fruit with her! Well, of course, I'm not such an extreme person, so it's somehow not for me. But in general, if you suddenly find yourself in India, and you are treated to a fruit salad on yogurt there, be prepared: it is not a fact that the salad will turn out to be sweet. I have already flown once, now I always find out in advance before gaining more. 🙂

There are special soft drinks with cumin and black salt - it may be unusual for us, but they quench our thirst!