How long does it take to cook Thursday salt. Thursday salt: knead the mixture on Wednesday

Greetings to my regular and new readers! There is a phrase “Live and learn”. I live - I don’t grieve, I’m friends with white salt, but I recently learned about what Thursday salt is. I will tell you about this.

Thursday salt - what is it?

This salt is black, but not from nature, but from a special preparation. This product has a special flavor and less salty taste.

They prepare it on a clean Thursday before. Then the Thursday salt is consecrated along with Easter eggs and Easter cakes. It is said to have healing powers. During the Easter meal, salt is placed on the table to salt the consecrated eggs.

In Russia, this tradition has ancient roots. For example, in the 16th century, it was believed that magic crystals could give health and protect a person.

How to cook Thursday salt

The sacrament of salt preparation is that it is prepared at night from Wednesday to Maundy Thursday. On Wednesday, you need to buy coarse table salt without additives. Do not buy iodized, sea, or small and peeled.

Salt is mixed with thick bread kvass or rye bread soaked in water. You can add a little aromatic herbs (mint, basil) or chopped cabbage leaves to the salt batch.

The resulting hospitable mixture was placed in an oven or buried in ashes. Fire, according to popular belief, has a powerful cleansing power.

Nowadays, the mixture is calcined in a cast-iron pan, stirring with a wooden spoon (clockwise movements). The pan should have a thick bottom. A cauldron or a goose (duckling) will do.

After the salt has turned dark, let it cool. Then grind it in a mortar or manual coffee grinder. Often the finished product has a gray tint.

Important! In the process of preparation, you need to read a prayer aloud. This must be done sincerely and sincerely in order to convey positive energy to the crystals. Drive away bad thoughts and tune in positively. When you say prayers, your house is cleansed along with you.

By the way, when you cook, turn on the hood or open a window to avoid smoke.

Thursday salt: application

  • Store "magic" salt in a tueska or a dense fabric bag.
  • In the old days, salt was sewn into an amulet and worn along with a pectoral cross.
  • Taken internally for various diseases.
  • They took with them on a long journey or to war.
  • To avert trouble, they poured a pinch into the corners of the dwelling.
  • They added a little salt to the trough with water when bathing the kids so that the kids would not get sick.
  • Often a bag of salt was kept in the house behind the icons. No one was told about it!
  • Add to food instead of regular

Black salt: benefits and harms

  • Calorie content - 0. Suitable for diet meals
  • Beneficial effect on the metabolism in the body
  • Good for bones and teeth (calcium)
  • Removes toxic compounds (carbon) from the body
  • Normalizes digestion
  • Natural adsorbent, an analogue of activated carbon (help with poisoning)
  • Helps eliminate flatulence and constipation, has a laxative effect
  • For facial skin rejuvenation (component for masks)
  • The main advantage of black salt is in particular its preparation. In the process of burning, it is enriched with calcium. After heat treatment, salt crystals are freed from harmful heavy metals. Burning enriches ordinary salt.


Thursday salt is the purest natural product. With its moderate use, contraindications were not observed. With uncontrolled use:

  1. Increase in blood pressure
  2. Malfunctions of the kidneys and heart
  3. Edema


In this selection of videos, additional information about what Thursday salt is and how it looks ↓

Dear readers, write in the comments if you cook Thursday salt. How do you apply it? 🙂 See you on this site!

As many people know, Thursday is the day of "Male" and its patron is Perun, the Lord of Heavenly Fire and the patron of warriors.

Previously, not all food was salted, but only special ones. The one that was presented to the ancient gods and used in ritual meals. And this salt was not just used, it was prepared in a certain way in order to reveal its magical properties. Here is what the Book of the Hidden Tree of Life says about such salt:

“You need to take salt, the whitest, but such that it blazes like silver in the light, crush it in a wooden mortar. Do it when the moon is old. Keep all days in the house, closer to the hearth. And then wait for the Clean Day and take it to the priest. After the rite, return Salt to your house. That salt of All Salts will become Salt, it is protection from any evil.

If there is a sick person in the house, give him that Salt with water to drink.
If there is trouble in the house - pour it into every corner.
If there is a quarrel between spouses, put a bag of Salt under the pillow.
If someone left and does not return, throw a handful of Salt into the fire.
So that children grow up healthy, kind, beautiful and reasonable - throw a small pinch into the bathing water.
So that there is prosperity in the house - pour it into a wooden salt shaker, and put it in the middle of the table. If the ill-wisher came to the house - give him food, flavored with that Salt.
And if the enemy, then after his departure, sprinkle all traces of him with Salt.
So that there is harmony in the house - under each bed, under the very headboard, throw a pinch.

How to make Thursday Salt today

Such salt should be bought by a man, on Thursday, without change and brought into the house - without talking on the way - the standard rules for acquiring most blanks for objects of the Force.

To make it, you will need a pack of the most common rock salt of the coarsest grinding and 12 tablespoons of rye flour. You will also need a heavy-bottomed cast iron skillet, a wooden spoon, and a clean linen bag.
Salt and flour should be poured into a frying pan and put it on fire. When you do this, be sure to say out loud (three times):

"Perunov Thursday, save from worms and every reptile and have mercy for a long time."

Then you must roast the salt along with the flour until the flour is completely blackened. In this case, you need to mix the flour with salt with a wooden spoon, be sure to clockwise.
Ready salt should be left on the stove until midnight, and then only poured into a bag, which should be tightly tied.

Why cast iron skillet? Because energy will not leak through cast iron, it has such a property. So if you don’t have a cast-iron pan at home, take it from any metal, but with a thick bottom and high walls. Just don't use aluminum cookware. Aluminum is a good conductor, which means that everything flows through it easily and quickly. And the power of the Thursday Salt in such a dish will not linger, it will flow away.
Instead of a linen bag, you can take any kitchen towel, only new, unused. And a wooden spoon ... or break off a twig from a young Christmas tree, clean off the bark and stir with this fragrant stick.

How to make the Thursday Salt come into force

The most important thing for any Object of Power is to make it, this Thing, reveal that same Power in itself:

Not every seed becomes a tree, and not every stream can lead to the ocean. It is necessary that the power that lives in them should come out, reveal itself completely, and then they will become what they should be. This is how it happens with things, there is a great power in them, but this is still half the battle. We need to help this force to unfold, to manifest itself fully. And then an ordinary, it would seem, thing will turn into a powerful one. And each of the Things requires a special approach.

In order for the Thursday Salt to truly “settle” in the house, its power must be revealed, and then, even if it is simply stored in the house, it will already “work” in a certain way, help people living in that house. But to treat the Thursday Salt, as with other Items of Power, should be treated with respect.
After the Salt is made, literally immediately, the next morning, you need to get up at dawn, at a time when the sun is still rising, go to the front door with a bag of Thursday Salt (I remind you that the bag itself must be linen, and it is better bandage everything tightly), stand outside the threshold, and then, stepping over it with your right foot, begin a complete bypass of the dwelling. You need to do this counterclockwise. But before you step over the threshold, you need to say the following words, you can whisper:

"All Salts Salt, from Perunov Thursday,
We are all dear
How did you come to the house
So bitter trouble is gone.
Protect and help
Save the house from dashing."

And when the whole apartment is bypassed - I repeat once again: you need to go into every room that has a door - again stand in front of the threshold, facing the exit, and say:

"All evil go away,
And happiness come.
I lock the word
I seal the salt."

It is imperative to store Thursday Salt in the kitchen, closer to the stove. But in such a way that the prying eye could not see it, and in no case tell anything to strangers about it. Such salt is a kind of panacea, it helps with many diseases, both physical and mental, “heals” and protects the family, brings happiness and prosperity to the house.

Here are the things that Thursday Salt should not be combined with:

Garbage, litter, dust, dirty water;
rusty nails or any other iron objects touched by rust;
food waste, spoiled food.

But if you look, then all of the above is unlikely to be in the house of good owners who take care of their home. So, if you follow the order, then the positive impact of the Salt of All Salts will not be limited by anything.

Salt of All Salts can be offered to Brownie. And to do this is not only possible, but also necessary, he will be grateful to you for this. For such an offering, a little Salt should be poured into a wooden or ceramic bowl or into an ordinary saucer and placed in a secluded corner, preferably under a cupboard, with the words:

"What's good for a man
That and Domovoy - for the good,
Accept, friend Brownie, Thursday's Salt,
For joy and health."

After a few days, when you feel that your Brownie gift was accepted and appreciated, the Salt should be removed. But at the same time, do not throw it into the garbage chute or rinse it off in the sink under running water. Items of Power cannot be treated disrespectfully, and even more so with Thursday Salt. It should be sent back to the world through the window or from the balcony, so that it all scatters in the wind, and at the same time say the following words:

"How I came from the good world,
So she went to the good world,
Dispelled by the wind,
Sowing into the earth with goodness."

What can replace Thursday Salt

There are situations when there is no Thursday Salt in the house, it is all over or it was not possible to make it. In such cases, here's what you need to do - take the most ordinary, natural salt, without additives, and give it Strength for a while with the help of a special conspiracy. And you can use it in the same way as Thursday's Salt, but remember that the Power of such salt does not last long, no more than a month. And if you have to perform some ritual using Strong Salt, then prepare the salt the day before so that the Force does not have time to get lost in it.

Strong Salt Making Ritual

The ritual should be performed on the growing moon, best of all just before the full moon. You need 1 cup of table salt for this. To perform the ritual, you should stand in front of the window and take a glass of salt in your left hand, then take a pinch of salt from this glass with your right hand and, holding it in your hand, say:

"From heaven and earth
Gather strength to yourself
Become, Sol, strong,
Needed for any business."

Then you should put the charmed salt back into the glass with the rest of the salt. But it must be done in a special way. The charmed salt should, as it were, be “salted” from above, describing circles clockwise with your hand. Then you need to leave the salt on the window for a day, and then pour it into a linen bag. Such Strong Salt can be used in all conspiracies and rituals instead of Thursday, but at the same time, of course, one must not forget that the strength of such salt is much weaker, and such salt cannot be used in the house as the Main Subject of Power.

Information about Thursday salt will not be complete if you do not also mention the methods of its preparation.

Thursday salt consecrated with gold-silver

It should be clarified that the term "sanctified" in witchcraft means a thing, an object made using a certain rite and having additional characteristics compared to the original sample. Thus, consecrated salt has more powerful cleansing properties than those spoken through prayer.

To create such salt, you will need ordinary table salt, as well as gold and silver jewelry. It can be a bracelet, a chain, a ring - but without stones, from cast metal. The ideal decorations for the ceremony are a massive gold wedding ring and a cast silver wrist bracelet, or thick gold and silver chains - thin silver and gold chains are too lightweight and do not have strong energy. The ceremony is held for three days in a row in the morning.

First day: calcinate the salt in a pan over an open fire for 30 minutes, then, without letting it cool, pour it into a glass jar in which it will be stored, put a pure gold jewelry in it and close the lid tightly. Leave the jar in a dark place for a day.

Second day: remove the gold thing, calcine the salt over an open fire for 20 minutes and pour it back into the jar. Put a silver jewelry in it and close the lid for a day.

Third day: remove the silver item, ignite the salt a third time on fire for 10 minutes, then put the pan on the table in front of you and, while the salt cools, place your hands over the salt to feel the heat that comes from it. Breathing slowly and measuredly, hold your hands over the salt for about 10 minutes, charging it with your own energy. Then pour into a jar and tightly close the lid: the salt is ready.

How to make Thursday Salt.

On Thursday Kvass thick (after fermentation of the wort) mixed with coarse rock salt. Instead of kvass, you can use rye or Borodino bread (for 1 kg of salt 5 kg of bread), mix soaked bread with salt, place in an oven or oven heated to 250 gr. C and cook until the bread turns black. Grind the mixture and pass it through a sieve. The salt remaining in the sieve is poured into jars and used instead of regular salt.

Green upper leaves, taken from the cabbage head, chop and mix with rock salt. Then burn in the oven or oven.

Mix spicy herbs (oregano, mint) with rock salt and rye or Borodino bread (leavened thick) and burn in the oven or stove. This delicious and healing salt is still prepared in Kostroma and is called Kostroma black salt.
Such salt can be consecrated at the Temple - during the four biggest holidays of Kologda - Kupalo, Shrovetide, Kolyada and Radogoshch.

In ancient Russia, three days before Easter, they made a useful ritual seasoning for the Easter feast - Thursday salt. For modern people, the spice is exotic, unusual, while for great-grandfathers it is an ingrained symbolic seasoning.

Traditions of Slavic ancestors were eradicated for centuries. However, some have survived centuries and are confidently reborn. In ancient times, salt was identified with white gold, considered a panacea, a talisman. Contemporaries call white death, poison. The ritual use of salt is known even to the Proto-Slavic tribes, when with the help of a black flavor they scared away harmful forces, fought against spoilage.

Thursday salt: why kalili

It is striking that the ancestors had no idea about chemical reactions. However, they managed to remove excess chlorine, harmful compounds, and unwanted metal alloys from the substance. And it turned out that after burning on fire, the harmful food additive radically changed its properties, up to color and became a drug, a talisman.

On Maundy Thursday, they woke up early, swam early in the morning and shined in every nook and cranny of the dwelling. Salt was heated before dawn. Coarsely ground seasoning was chosen in advance. Dissolved in well water, mixed with kvass thick. In the middle of the canvas, a mass was placed, tightly rolled up and tightened with a knot. Pushed into a birch bark box or lime bast shoes. They were placed in the crucible of a Russian oven for cooling heat. They could just cover with warm coals, leaving until the evening.

When the Thursday salt cooled down, it was ground in a mortar and sieved. Full palms were collected by each of the family members, and poured into a canvas bag.

Going to the temple for a church service, they wrapped the bag with a new snow-white cloth. At the end of the service, they were majestically carried to the hut and hidden behind the icon.

In order to endow the flame with cleansing power, the stove was flooded with “Sunday” firewood. Birch logs were harvested on the Sundays of Great Lent. Looking for strong trees. The power of the fire, if desired, was increased by removing the spark by carving. According to popular observations, during calcination, the compound was impregnated with the cleansing feature of the flame.

When burned, fragrant herbs, cabbage saturated the calcined dark crystals with mineral components: potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, chromium, iodine. They became not only useful, healing, but also piquant.

When the stumps, spices, birch firewood burned out, a fire-resistant residue was obtained with a pile of mineral usefulness - ash.

Farmers processed seed raw materials with quadruple ash. When planting seedlings, grains, bulbs, they were bred in a bucket and poured into furrows and pits as a valuable fertilizer.

In folk medicine, the life-giving sorbent came to the rescue in the treatment of dermatological diseases, as it removed toxic microorganisms from the human body (similar to the current activated carbon).

Inseparably with Easter cake and krashanka, quadruple salt was consecrated in temples in order to receive a strong amulet with miraculous powers. They took care of the goddess for the icons. On the Feast of the Resurrection of Christ, the salt-cellar was filled to the top with holy grains. Placed next to the Easter cake, overlaid with painted eggs.

In the remote provinces of Russia, before Good Friday, they poured a salt shaker with a top and set it in a sieve filled with grains, next to the bread, under the faces of the saints. They stayed there until Easter. Twenty-five percent of urban Christians partially use this rite. On Pure Thursday, they are holy in churches, or placed on shrines.

Preparation of Thursday salt. Modern recipes

with herbs

Coarse-grained spice (1 kg) is vigorously mixed with four handfuls of dried crushed oregano, lemon balm, thyme, mint (choose your own which you like.). Spread on a baking sheet, high frying pan or in a spacious cast iron cauldron. At maximum temperature, heat in the oven until black. Get a delicious and life-giving culinary product.

With bread and kvass grounds

Mix kvass sediment in equal proportions with rock salt. Fill a fireproof vessel, preferably cast iron. Place on the middle shelf in a well-heated oven. Ignite until blackened. Cool down. grind. Through a metal strainer, grind the sieve and winnow. Remains put into business as a food additive.
Note: It is unrealistic to tear out the dishes. Easier to throw away.

With cabbage leaves

Inspect the fruit, remove damage, wash. Gently crush the strong outer leaves with a knife. Peremyaty with coarse salt. Place in an old cast iron. Burn on the stove at the optimum temperature or at high in the oven.

Cooking video

What is Thursday salt for and where to use it

Parables tell about the effectiveness of "black gold". No wonder it is ranked among the strongest amulets, a panacea for sores. In ancient times, they were poured into amulets, kept near the heart. The talisman protected on the military field, protected from troubles, evil in distant wanderings. He helped some people overcome physiological ailments, saved many from disagreements.

  • At the beginning of May, after the winter, when animals were driven out for grazing, the shepherds put a bundle with grains into their bosoms.
  • Sick cattle were poured into a drinking bowl, feed was added.
  • It was known as a unique drug for spoilage, evil eye and illness.
  • A piece was placed on the tongue after eating, the body was massaged with a solution and the face was washed.
  • The patient was soldered with small portions of a salt drink.
  • The corners in the hut were crushed to scare away trouble.
  • If you quarrel with your husband, put a bag of Salt under your pillow.
  • The head of the family threw a pinch of amulet into the fire if someone left and did not return.
  • Half a handful was thrown into the bathing water so that a healthy, kind, reasonable child would grow up.
  • For prosperity in the house in the middle of the table in a wooden salt shaker set.
  • To the ill-wisher who came to the house, a milligram was added to the dish. After the enemy left, the traces were sprinkled with salt.

Sprinkle an even, barely noticeable strip of potion on the threshold of housing so that witchcraft, strife, illness, and lack of money do not penetrate into the family hearth.

Our ancestors considered salt to be a magical object, with which many rituals and rituals are associated. The most important of these takes place on Thursday of Holy Week, at the end of Lent.

The sign says that it is possible to endow salt with healing power, which can protect you and your home from the evil eye and damage, only on the night from Wednesday to Maundy Thursday. Therefore, you need to prepare all the ingredients in the evening, and start cooking at night.
In ancient times, leavened thick or spicy herbs were used to prepare Thursday salt: they were calcined in an oven on coals. Salt turned black during cooking. Unfortunately, now not everyone has ovens, and it is difficult to find kvass thick. We have found alternative ways to prepare healing salt. With their help, everyone can cook Thursday salt at home.

Useful properties of Thursday salt

Our ancestors used the miraculous power of salt to drive away the disease in domestic animals, washed off sickness from themselves, sprinkled the earth for a fertile harvest. At present, its healing properties have not diminished at all. Black salt has beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on human health. Therefore, it can be added to food to increase your immunity and performance.
Also, the resulting salt can be used as a talisman against damage, the evil eye and ailments. To do this, you need to store it in the apartment throughout the year next to the icons. A solution of salt is given to the patient to drink or placed at the head of the bed. And if you add salt to the water when washing, you can preserve youth and beauty for many years. There are also some rituals that people perform with Thursday salt to protect themselves and their homes.

Preparing black salt

It is important to know that you need to cook salt at a strictly defined time, always with positive emotions and good intentions. Get coarse salt without any additives - it should be clean. Use a cast iron skillet or an oven heated to 200 degrees.
White salt must be mixed with the wet additive. In our case, we will use rye bread, mint, dill and oregano. For 1 kilogram of salt, you will need 4 loaves of bread and one hundred grams of each herb, which must first be dried and finely chopped.
Separate the bread crumb and soak it in water, leaving it for a while. Then you need to squeeze the bread crumb and mix it with herbs and salt. After that, you should fry the resulting composition in a pan, or send it to the oven. While the product is being prepared, it is necessary to read the prayer "Our Father".
Be sure to keep an eye on how the salt crackles as it cooks. If it cracks a lot, then there is damage to your house. Therefore, you will have to pierce the salt until it stops making sounds: this way you can protect your home from bad influences.
Ready black salt should be cooled, crushed and put into containers and bags. It is advisable to consecrate it in the church.
The ancient ritual of making salt is quite simple to perform. Each person is able to prepare Thursday salt from improvised means and thereby attract well-being into his life, get rid of many diseases and protect himself from the evil eye. Do not forget that Thursday salt will have great power if you prepare it on the night from Holy Wednesday to Maundy Thursday.

Many ceremonies and rituals are associated with the Bright Week among the people. Thursday salt is one of these traditions. But before we talk about how to make it, let's mention what it is.

In the article:

What is Thursday salt, benefits and harms

Thursday salt is a remedy of traditional medicine, which is used in magical rites and rituals. She is done only on Maundy Thursday. This is the name of one of the days of Bright Week, which precedes Good Friday.

Those who profess Orthodoxy know that this day is meant for purification. The rituals associated with it affected a person, his things, the surrounding space. A new fire had special power, which was lit from a candle brought from the church.

Many rites of Maundy Thursday are aimed at good luck in family life, abundant harvests, livestock health, protection of the home and family.

This is a great time to stock up on medicines. One of them is Thursday salt, a remedy prepared in a special way with the addition of herbs and other ingredients. The composition is different depending on the region, method of use.

Black Salt Recipes

Over the centuries, the ingredients have changed a lot. The recipe for kvass thick is old and one of the first. Today it is replaced with flour or bran.

You will need a frying pan or other vessel with thick walls for heating.

Put the thick, wait until the pan is hot, add salt and stir with a wooden spatula. Once the mixture turns black, turn off the heat.

Store the product for a year in a bag made of natural fabrics.

Thursday salt - how to cook at home

It will take a kilogram of coarse salt and twelve tablespoons of flour. You can not take iodized or sea. Choose any flour: wheat, rye, rice.

Mix everything, pour into a frying pan with high sides. Wait until it heats up and say three times:

Pure Thursday, save and save from worms and every reptile for a long time.

Stir clockwise with a wooden spoon. Leave alone until midnight, then pour into a bag made of natural fabric. Tie tightly and do not leave open for a long time.

The next morning they get up in the predawn twilight, take the bag, go beyond the threshold. After going around all the rooms. But before you enter the house, say the following:

All Salts Salt
from Maundy Thursday
How did you enter the house
So the terrible problem is gone.
Help and save
Protect your family from misfortune.

The ritual is repeated at each door.

Then return to the entrance threshold and whisper the plot:

All evil go away
And prosperity come.
I lock the word
I seal the salt.

The mixture is stored in the kitchen, closer to the stove. But so that others cannot see.

There are sources where it is mentioned that the effect is not its own salt. It is considered good to assemble it “from three houses” with the qualities that you would like to have. Or get good health from friends who are happy in marriage, having prosperity.

How to make potion in the oven

In the old days, food was cooked in an oven, so to get real Thursday salt, it is better to use an oven instead of a frying pan.

You will need a baking dish. One part of salt and four soaked bread are placed there. The container is placed in an oven preheated to 250 degrees. Keep the mixture until blackened. You need to complete the preparation before the onset of Good Friday.

According to special recipes, the potion is prepared without flour or bread. Take one part of salt, two parts of kvass, add laurel and mint. One hundred grams of herbs per kilogram of salt.

Put cabbage leaves at the bottom of the container, place the mixture on top. Wait for it to turn black. It will become a solid, monolithic piece. After it is crushed and sifted with a sieve. Salt will come out fragrant and unusual. The doctors who examined it recognized the undoubted usefulness of the product. Such a mixture is rich in trace elements that are beneficial to the body and without magic. The composition includes zinc, phosphorus, calcium and manganese.

Replace flour or bread with oatmeal. Soak them in cold water for half an hour. Then drain. mix "hercules" with salt. Put the mixture in the oven. Readiness is determined by the appearance of smoke. The recipe is ancient.

Monastery recipe

Monasteries have their own way of preparing the remedy. Seven birch logs were harvested in advance. They lit the flame and waited for only coals to remain. After that, a bundle was carefully placed with a mixture of salt, various herbs, and leavened thick or cabbage leaves were also added.

The bundle was periodically turned over to warm evenly. At the same time, the monks read prayers. It is said that the ceremony is carried out today. And the tool has incredible power and helps with various misfortunes.

In some areas, salt is necessarily consecrated in churches, in others, only monks in the monastery have the right to prepare it. It is believed that she has gained healing power, to keep it under the icons for Bright Week. But many sources agree that the salt must be purified by fire.

How else to use Thursday salt

This was added to food for sick relatives or to water for sick cattle. People believed that it was. Sewn into an amulet to be worn around the neck, it saves from a bullet in a war or from dashing people on the road. Goatherds would pour a pinch into their bosoms when they first went to herd the flock. When a husband and wife quarrel, grains of salt under the bed will help the family find peace and tranquility.

The drug is also mentioned in various ancient rituals as a protection against any evil. When a family member falls ill, it is recommended to give water with this salt to drink twice a day until complete recovery. So that children do not suffer from illnesses, do not act up and quickly fall asleep - add it to bathing water.

As salt does not rise, so there will be no contention

To get rid of spoilage, prepare a saline solution (three teaspoons per two liters of water). Half is drunk, and the rest is poured onto the thing that has been harmed. Whenever you want to protect yourself from a possible atrocity, sprinkle a salt line in front of all entrances to the house, including windows.

A magical remedy is used for the house. Wait until the day before the full moon and place a bowl of water on the windowsill with a handful of Thursday salt added. Everything is left before the onset, after which they wash themselves with moisture at the same time saying:

As the month grows, so shall I be rich.

The rest is poured out at night outside the window or threshold.

Also, to attract abundance, pour the product into a wooden salt shaker and place it in the middle of the dining table. And when you know that an ill-wisher or an envious person has come into the house, give him flavored food. The enemy has come - after leaving, sprinkle his mark with this agent.

Is it worth it to sanctify

This is an important point, and there is no single answer to it. In all sources, the recipe for Thursday salt at home is timed to coincide with