Cake "Negro in foam" with protein cream and bananas. "Negro in foam" - a cake with an unusual name and amazing taste

Cake "Negro in foam" - tasty, beautiful and quick to prepare pastry. It is ideal when the arrival of distant relatives or the arrival of guests is on the nose, and there is very little time. Anyone can bake this cake.


Cake recipe “Negro in foam”

  • Beat eggs with sugar, add cocoa or jam to the mixture, add flour. It is better to take dark jam, for example, currant, cherry or cranberry. Pour kefir into a separate bowl and add soda, it should be extinguished. Add 100 milliliters of sour cream. Combine contents of both bowls and mix well.
  • Bake the dough at 200°C for 20 minutes, then lower the temperature by 20°C and bake for another 20 minutes. At this time, prepare the cream: beat the remaining sour cream with vanilla and powdered sugar. Put it to cool in the refrigerator.
  • Let the finished cake cool slightly and cut into 2 parts. Lubricate the layers with cream, apply it on the sides of the cake. You can experiment a little with the shape of the product: smear the first layer with cream, and cut the second into cubes and arrange them in a slide on top, dipping each of them in the cream.
  • Decorate the cake chocolate chips, icing, fruit or crushed nuts. Before serving, put the product in the refrigerator for a short while so that everything is well soaked.


1. Grind the eggs with sugar until light air foam.

2. Pour in kefir and mix.

3. Add the sifted flour.

4. Mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

5. Pour jam into a separate bowl, add soda and mix. It is better to do this in a deep bowl, because this mixture will increase well in volume.

6. Combine the contents of the two bowls and mix well.

7. Grease the edges of the baking dish with oil, line the bottom with baking paper and pour the dough. The oven at an oven temperature of 180 degrees for about 35 minutes, as soon as the cake began to lag behind the bottom of the mold, you can get it out of the oven.

8. Cool the resulting cake well, then divide it into 2 cakes.

9. For cream, beat sour cream and powdered sugar. Lubricate the cakes and cake on the side with the resulting cream.

10. finished cake garnish with chopped chocolate. Before serving, the cake should be thoroughly soaked, for this, put it in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours.

Happy tea!

Tip: If in doubt that it will be possible to evenly divide the cake into 2 parts, you can divide the dough in half and bake alternately.

The name of the cake "Negro in the foam" was due to appearance. The cakes are made dark due to cocoa or jam, and the cream is light due to the main ingredient of sour cream or yogurt.

The classic recipe for the "Negro in foam" cake with cocoa


  • sugar - 285 g;
  • cocoa - 40 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 140 g;
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • baking powder - 15 g;
  • sour cream - 350 ml;
  • – 75
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • cocoa - 40 g;
  • sugar - 180 g;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • water - 30 ml,
  • vanilla.


Mix sour cream with eggs and beat. In a separate bowl, mix flour, baking powder, cocoa, sugar. Then pour the sour cream and egg mass to the dry mixture and prepare the dough, kneading thoroughly so that no lumps remain. Divide the dough in half and bake 2 cakes.

For fondant, mix sugar with cocoa and, adding an egg to them, beat well. Then add water and oil, knead and set to cook at the lowest temperature. It is very important to stir constantly, because. the cream burns very easily and quickly, especially to enamelware. As soon as it boils, boil for a couple more minutes and set aside. The mass turns out similar to jam. Beat sour cream with powdered sugar, the fatter your sour cream, the thicker the cream will be. If the cream turned out to be liquid, do not worry, but it will soak the biscuit better.

Now put a little fudge on the dish so that the cake does not fidget, put the cooled cake on top, flavor it with cream, put the next one on it. We first smear the second cake with fondant, and also carefully coat the sides and again fill everything with plenty of cream. You can decorate with chocolate chips or nuts.

How to cook a cake "Negro in foam" from jam?

In this recipe for the dark color of the cakes, we achieve with the help of jam. It is desirable that it be currant or or jam.


  • jam - 320 ml;
  • kefir - 280 ml;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 230 g;
  • banana - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 310 g;
  • syrup (can be from jam) - 35 ml;
  • soda - 15 g.

Cake "Negro in foam" on kefir is a deliciously tasty and satisfying dessert that will save you if unexpected guests appear on the threshold, and there is absolutely no time to bake something original. We offer you several recipes for the "Negro in Foam" cake, and you choose the most affordable for yourself.

Cake "Negro in foam"


  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • jam - 1 tbsp.;
  • kefir - 1 tbsp.;
  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • 100 ml;
  • baking soda - 2 pinches.

For cream:

  • vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • powdered sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • sour cream - 500 ml.


So, first beat the eggs well with vanilla and simple sugar. Then add the jam, pour in the flour and mix everything using a whisk. In a separate bowl, combine cold kefir with sour cream and a pinch of soda. Now carefully pour the contents into the egg mass and beat thoroughly. The resulting watery dough is poured into a mold covered with paper and smeared with oil. We put the cake in a preheated oven and detect for about 40 minutes, choosing a temperature of 180 ° C. Without wasting time, we prepare the cream: whip sour cream with vanilla sugar and gradually introduce powdered sugar. Cut the finished cake in half, coat well with cream and cover with a second one, slightly pressing down. We coat the "Negro in foam" cake on the sides and top, decorating with chocolate chips if desired.

Pie recipe "Negro in foam"


For cakes:

  • Strawberry jam- 200 ml;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • soda - 2 teaspoons;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • egg - 2 pcs.

For cream:

  • powdered sugar - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • biscuit crumb - 100 g;
  • chopped nuts - 100 g;
  • cream 33% - 500 ml;
  • vanilla sugar - 2 teaspoons.


We light the oven in advance and leave it to warm up to about 190 ° C. In a bowl, beat eggs with a mixer, put strawberry jam, sour cream and pour sugar. Then we introduce gradually the flour, sifted with soda and salt, and knead homogeneous dough. After that, we shift it into a glass form and bake the cake for about half an hour. Next, the cake is completely cooled and cut into several parts. Now let's prepare the cream for the cake. To do this, we need: powdered sugar, cold cream, vanilla sugar, walnuts and biscuit crumbs. If you do not have crumbs, you can use any crushed cookies. So, beat the chilled cream well with powdered sugar and vanilla sugar until a fluffy foam is obtained. Then we coat with the resulting mass ready-made cakes and sprinkle with crushed kernels walnuts. We also grease the sides of the “Negro in Foam” pie with cream and sprinkle with crumbs or cookies. We decorate the finished delicacy as desired, let it stand for several hours, soak, and then serve it to the table!

Cake recipe "Negro in foam"


Sponge cakes are very popular today, because soft cakes are well soaked and combined with various types creams. The biscuit recipe can be chocolate, classic or butter. Very important in the cooking process sponge cake at home, follow all instructions and be careful.

Cooking a biscuit at first glance is not easy, but you will succeed if you follow the rules:

  1. The yolks are rubbed with sugar.
  2. If the egg whites are not whipping well, cool them down and add a pinch of salt.
  3. Mix the ingredients with flour in vertical movements so that the dough can breathe.
  4. It is best to use detachable forms.

This recipe needs to be taken into account, it will come in handy when guests decide to drop in unexpectedly, and there is nothing for tea. Cake "Negro in the foam" is tender with a rich taste. Light sourness gives jam. The recipe is very simple, it will take you only half an hour to prepare.
If you look at the photo of the dessert, you will see that there are brown cakes in the cake and sour cream. Probably, it is because of this combination that the delicacy got its name.

How to cook a cake "Negro in foam" at home

Today you can meet various ways and recipes for this dessert. It is convenient that the list of ingredients contains everything that is at home. Each housewife has her own tricks, someone adds poppy seeds, someone nuts or raisins. But classic recipe remains unchanged: the base is cakes baked from sour cream dough with the addition of jam, cream - sour cream.

For the test we need:

  • sour cream (20%) - 1 tbsp.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • jam (preferably with sourness) - 1 tbsp.
  • flour - 2 tbsp.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • soda - 1 tbsp. l.

To make cream, prepare:

  • sour cream - 500 g.
  • sugar - 1 cup.

To make the cakes softer, and our cake soaked faster, we will prepare the impregnation.

For this we need:

  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • water - 1 tbsp.
  • currant syrup - 0.5 cups.

The cooking process is divided into several stages:

  1. Sugar must be beaten with eggs. To do this, use a mixer or whisk. You should get a fluffy white foam. Add the jam to this mixture and beat until smooth. Add sour cream, mix and gradually add the sifted flour. Mix well to avoid lumps.
  2. Prepare a baking dish. Lubricate butter or lay parchment paper. Pour the dough into a mold and send it to the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 220 degrees. After the expiration of this time, we remove the temperature to 200 degrees and bake for another 20 minutes. Reduce the temperature again to 160 and leave in the oven for another 10 minutes.
  3. While our dough is in the oven, we proceed to prepare the syrup. Currant syrup dilute in water and pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan. We put on medium heat, pour sugar and weld until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. We cut the finished cooled cake in half and soak both parts with the cooled syrup.
  5. Now it remains to make the cream. To do this, start beating the eggs, slowly add sugar and beat until a fluffy mass is formed. Cakes should be well greased with cream. First we coat the inside, then the sides and top.
  6. Decoration. For this you can use nuts, grated chocolate, berries, etc. Bon appetit!

Cake "Negro" - an easy recipe for a delicious dessert

It is hard to resist such a delicacy, although it is prepared quickly and simply. After spending a few hours, you will end up with a delicious, delicate dessert that you can pamper your family or guests with.

For the cakes we need:

  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • flour - 160 gr.
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
  • sour cream - 800 gr.
  • soda - 0.5 tsp
  • salt - a pinch
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.
  • dark chocolate - 20 g.

Prepare in advance the right utensils it must be clean and dry. Turn on the oven to warm up and start preparing the dough.

We divide the cooking process into stages:

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Be careful when separating so that the yolk does not get into the whites.
  2. Beat the yolks with 300 g of sour cream. Proteins grind with a pinch of salt and a glass of sugar (no need to beat).
  3. Mix both yolk and protein mixture in a deep bowl and add 1 tbsp. l. cocoa. Mix well so that no lumps remain.
  4. Add a glass of flour (a glass of 250 gr.) And half a teaspoon of soda. We mix everything well.
  5. Pour the resulting dough into silicone mold(you can use a detachable one). Put in the oven for slow fire for twenty minutes. We check readiness with a match or a toothpick.
  6. While our dough is baking, we prepare the cream. Mix sour cream with sugar and one tablespoon of cocoa - beat until smooth. With a mixer, you can do it faster and better. The cream should stand in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
  7. We take out the baked cake from the oven and let it cool. Remove from the mold and cut into two pieces with a knife. We lay the first part of the cake on a flat dish and grease with cream. Lay the second half of the cake on top and spread the remaining cream (top and sides).
  8. We put our cake in the refrigerator for three hours. After you take the cake out of the refrigerator, you can decorate it with dark chocolate chips or you can use nuts to decorate.