How can you reheat food without a microwave? How to heat food in the microwave correctly and without negative consequences

Despite the obvious advantages of using a microwave oven in the household, some people today prefer to do without a convenient device. Most often, they motivate this by the fact that, according to scientists, use the device in Everyday life harmful.

The results of the research indicate a number of negative points: you can neither cook food nor heat it in a microwave, even simply being a person next to the device can provoke the development of pathologies in the body. In response, supporters of household appliances give their arguments, so the debate has not subsided for many years.

You don't have to be a physicist or an engineer to understand why many experts believe that it is impossible to heat food and cook semi-finished products in the microwave. You can simply get acquainted with the results of numerous studies, the interpretation of which will be clear to everyone:

  • Microwaves change the polarity of each molecule of the product, which is accompanied by its deformation. This causes a change in the structure of amino acids, leading to the formation of their new toxic forms, which is undoubtedly harmful to the body.
  • Researchers have repeatedly conducted experiments using volunteers. One group of people could only eat fresh, pasteurized or thawed natural way products. Another group ate exactly the same food, but processed in the microwave. After some time, all participants in the experiment donated blood. The analyzes showed disappointing results - the second group had a marked deterioration in the quality of the blood. There was an increase in cholesterol levels, a decrease in hemoglobin, an increase in the number of leukocytes.
  • Having carefully studied food processed in the microwave to one degree or another, scientists have discovered completely new formations and compounds that are not typical for specific products, which can be considered alien, and therefore harmful.

As a result of research conducted by Russian scientists relatively recently, the following negative points were established:

  • The nutritional value of products after short-term or long-term processing is reduced by about half.
  • Even short-term exposure to electromagnetic waves on raw, cooked or thawed fruits and vegetables leads to the formation of carcinogens in them.
  • Microwave processing of milk, grains and meat also does not go to the products without a trace. In addition to changing their structure, various types of carcinogens are formed.

If you evaluate all of the above facts, it becomes clear why many oppose the use of microwave ovens. On the other hand, experts argue that the effect of harmful factors can be, if not eliminated, then at least significantly reduced.

How to reduce the negative impact of microwaves on food to a minimum?

The microwave oven will not be so harmful to others and cooked or reheated food if you pay attention to the following points:

  1. The use of metal, ceramic and porcelain utensils is strictly prohibited, all manipulations can only be carried out using heat-resistant glass. Even special Teflon containers are not actually intended for microwaves.
  2. It is better to refuse plastic containers and polyethylene parts. Such raw materials under the influence of high temperatures begin to react with nutrients, which leads to the formation of new chemical compounds. And their influence is very harmful to the body.
  3. The negative impact of cardboard boxes on food has not been proven, but just in case, it is better to remove semi-finished products from them before processing in the microwave.
  4. Although manufacturers claim that some products can be heated in sealed containers or packages, this approach should be abandoned. For the oven, this is really not so harmful, but the structure of the food components is undergoing radical changes.

Tip: To make sure the device is working, you need to conduct a very simple experiment. We take our mobile phone, put it in the cell and close the door tightly. Then we call the device from the same room. If the signal does not pass, then the tightness of the device is at a good level. If the call goes through, then such a device cannot be used. It is not even recommended to keep it turned off in the house.

It is strictly forbidden to cook or heat food in the oven for children and pregnant women. It is better for them not to be in the room at all at the time of operation of the device. Doctors and diagnosticians do not claim that it is the use of a convenient household appliance that is the cause of the rapid spread of diabetes, obesity, cancer, heart and vascular diseases, but consider it one of the provoking factors.

Moments that speak in favor of the use of a microwave oven

Despite all these points, no one undertakes to unequivocally state the dangers of microwaves. Any type of processing radically changes the structure dietary fiber, even safe approaches such as boiling and steaming. If you understand everything thoroughly, then the approaches familiar to cooking also do nothing but harm the products. Supporters of this theory do not tire of reminding that products stay in a microwave oven for a very short time, which should preserve the maximum amount of useful components in them.

Do not forget that some components, after processing in the microwave, become more convenient for digestion by the digestive organs. It turns out that the direction has not only dangerous disadvantages, but also useful advantages. If life without a functional device seems too troublesome, then it is not necessary to completely abandon it. It can be used for urgent processing of components, heating food in the absence of extra time. The main thing is that this does not become a habit, but remains one of the options for an express approach.

Meanwhile, heated food, especially food “invigorated” in a microwave oven, is not only not healthy, but, on the contrary, is very harmful! Most people, when discussing “suddenly” health problems, do not even realize that their cause lies in the constant use of heated food.

Doctors strongly advise all of us to make it a rule: eat only freshly prepared food! However, happy owners of microwave ovens (do not waste the purchased good!), every day open the door to their own ailments.

The harm of heated food has been proven repeatedly in experiments on mice. Feeding exclusively heated food led the unfortunate animals to premature death. Such food does not become the desired material for the intensive renewal of the cells of a living organism. The ingredients necessary for metabolism are found only in fresh dishes. They are destroyed immediately after cooking, even outside the microwave, "in normal conditions' within the first few hours.

In a situation of time pressure, often accompanied by mild stress, when the human body is already not disposed to digestion, it is much more useful to prepare a salad of fresh vegetables. Reheated, difficult-to-cook meals, readily consumed on the run, in a calm situation, would probably ruin our appetite.

Back in the 70s, it was proved that microwaves accelerate the decay of products, change their elemental composition, simply speaking, making them not what they were originally.

The use of products “modified” in this way (not the best demonized by the modern public consciousness of GMOs) is fraught not only with digestive disorders, but also with malfunctions of the body's lymphatic system. At the same time, the body weakens in terms of resistance to malignant neoplasms (colloquially, cancer). It has been statistically proven that the number of cancer cells in the blood of a person eating "from a microwave" is growing. Carcinogens have been found in large quantities in milk and grains, and especially in previously cooked meat that has been in microwave ovens. Cancer-causing free radicals were especially intense in raw root crops.

The general degeneration of peripheral fiber, the destruction of the digestive and excretory systems, the growth of malignant tumors of the stomach and intestines were detected in a significant number of people who constantly used such an unsafe miracle of modern technology.

The absorption of B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, minerals and lipotropics necessary for successful life (substances that accelerate the breakdown of fats in the body) - all this suffered in the majority of adherents of products heated in a microwave oven. The microwave fields next to the oven also caused ailments and later serious health problems.

Microwave ovens heat food, initiating the process of molecular friction, while complex vitamin molecules are destroyed, and the saturation of products with natural phytonutrients (vegetable medicines). And can it be wholesome food, no longer containing useful substances? Tasty and healthy food turns into a microwave oven, speaking in the language of teenagers, into a "havchik" that is by no means more useful than a piece of asphalt from the roadway. It has been found that microwave heating can reduce nutritional value products only up to 3% of the original!

The effects that microwave ovens can have on the human body have been well studied, although the results of many studies are not widely publicized. The unified bodily nature of living organisms, similar chemical, cellular composition make us assume that the mutation of products is somewhat similar to those processes that invisibly occur under the influence of microwaves in our body.

It is not always possible to prepare food in such a way that there is no surplus. Then the uneaten food has to be saved until the next meal. What is the best way to reheat food: in the microwave, in the oven, in a frying pan? We are considering all options.


Even heating food cannot destroy the microbes that have formed due to improper storage of food. When you have cooked a dish, make sure it has completely cooled down. Transfer it from the dish in which it was cooked to any other container, put it in a cool place, away from the stove and wait about 1-1.5 hours. Then the food can be safely transferred to the refrigerator, the temperature of which should be below +5 degrees. If you cooked hot with a side dish, then be sure to separate them into different containers or bowls. You can store leftover food for no more than 2 days.

Toasters and roasters

This technique allows you to only slightly heat or dry the products. If the bread has become hard, then The best way“reanimate” it - sprinkle it with water and put it in a toaster for 5 minutes, then you will get like freshly baked bread. Suitable for any roaster bakery products, pizzas and pies.


Many people wonder if it is even possible to reheat food in a microwave oven. Yes, this is a completely safe method, and soups, stews, sautés, steamed vegetables, rice, pasta, casseroles, stir-fried dishes are suitable for it. The microwave oven works in such a way that it is not the food that is heated, but the liquid that is part of it. To make sure food stays warm, cover the container it's in with a paper towel.


This method brings the food as close as possible to the state when it was just cooked. Put it on medium heat and stir constantly to achieve perfect heating. Recommended dishes: soups, cereals, roasts and stews, rice, pasta.

Water bath

This option requires more hassle, since you put a pot of boiling water under the container in which the food is located. The escaping steam will heat up the dish. This delicate process is ideal for sauces or any kind of puree.

Double boiler

If you have stored the dish in an unsealed container, it will become dry after a while, so you should use this method. Lost softness and tenderness will return to dim sum and steamed fish.

What can not be heated

The Food Standards Agency has identified a number of foods that release toxic substances when reheated:

  • celery
  • spinach
  • beet
  • mushrooms
  • nuts
  • seafood
  • any kind of meat
  • cream or milk sauces

This does not mean that you will immediately feel bad from the newly heated scrambled eggs. However, if you also stored it incorrectly, then there is a high probability of food poisoning.

With the advent of winter, the need for hot food invariably increases. Remember about simple rules, and then the food will always warm you and give you a pleasant feeling!

Was last modified: December 1st, 2016 by Margarita Ivlieva

Today, microwave ovens, in which you can quickly heat up cold food and bring semi-finished products to readiness, are found in so many homes and offices. People continue to use devices, despite the fact that a few years ago, some experts began to argue that for human body even being near the device is harmful. Since then, a lot of scientific research has been carried out, but even they have not allowed to confirm or refute such claims. Therefore, on the one hand, scientists clearly explain why the microwave cannot be used on a regular basis. On the other hand, the scientific facts were never provided, and some people are not able to refuse such a convenient device.

Users who are told that heating food even in the highest quality microwave is potentially unhealthy respond with many arguments in favor of the device. Here are just a few of them:

  1. Of course, it is better to warm up food than to eat it cold. After heat treatment it not only tastes better, but is also better absorbed by the digestive tract.
  2. With the help of the device, you can significantly save time, which is important for many people in the frantic pace of modern life.
  3. In the microwave it is difficult to overheat food, bring it to such a state that it runs away. The abundance of programs allows you to use your own approach to each type of dish.
  4. Even a child can cope with a microwave oven. Moreover, such an approach in terms of safety is much more preferable than using a gas and even an electric stove for the same purposes.
  5. Microwaved food is heated without adding oil, which reduces the risk of cancer, according to the latest American research.
  6. Studies have shown that if you use a functional apparatus to cook and heat some products, you can maximize the preservation of vitamin C in the finished dish.

One cannot but agree with the above statements, but still sacrificing one's health for the sake of additional comfort and saving time is rather stupid. Even if the risk is only potential. Better get used to cooking every time fresh meals And not for a few days, but only once. But the introduction of semi-finished products into the diet can and should be completely abandoned, otherwise health problems are guaranteed, how can you not warm up such food.

So, many have heard that heating food in the microwave is very harmful, but few people know why this should not be done. Scientists say that the whole point is how the components are heated. While the dishes maintain their temperature, their contents are heated by the rotation of water molecules.

This is much safer for the cook than using the stove, but according to scientists this process is fraught with the following consequences:

  • The nutritional value of the components of the dish is significantly reduced, vitamins and trace elements are mostly destroyed or converted into forms that are not absorbed by the intestines.

Tip: Pregnant women and young children literally on a subconscious level feel the negative coming from devices such as a microwave, TV, computer. Their proximity causes headaches, mood swings, and poor health in these populations. So in such cases it is better not to take risks and, at least for a while, abandon convenience in favor of a healthier approach.

  • Microwaves act on some chemical compounds in such a way that carcinogens are formed, which makes even the most healthy food potentially harmful. And in the case of semi-finished products, when it is not even completely clear what is included in their composition, such experiments are especially dangerous.
  • Based on the results of numerous studies and tests on volunteers, a theory has been put forward according to which people who eat food heated in the microwave noticeably change the composition of the blood. Hemoglobin falls, the volume of cholesterol and lymphocytes increases.

Even though there is no direct evidence that the use of a microwave oven is harmful to the body, some scientists associate the increase in the incidence with this device. diabetes, oncology, various metabolic disorders. Moreover, the risks are equally high, regardless of the quality level of the device used.

Even the rare use of a microwave oven is harmful to the body. True, there are several rules, following which you can minimize the negative impact:

  1. We use only special or glassware, but not metal.
  2. Do not heat food in the microwave, which is a liquid in an airtight shell. This includes eggs in the shell, sausages in the film, soups in bags and other similar dishes and devices.
  3. It is best to completely abandon semi-finished products. The only exceptions are meals. self cooking, with a clear and safe composition without the addition of preservatives, dyes, flavors (including various sauces).
  4. Plastic bags and plastic are also unacceptable when starting a microwave. Not only can these components respond negatively to exposure, under the influence of high temperatures they also react with food. As a result, food is saturated with toxic compounds harmful to the human body.
  5. Despite the fact that the principle of operation of the microwave oven can be easily explained even to children, you should not let the little ones near it. Still, the absence of a harmful effect of products on the human body has not yet been proven.

IN without fail immediately after purchasing the device and from time to time during its use, it is necessary to check its tightness. This can be done using a mobile phone. We place the device inside the device and close the door. We call him from another phone and check the signal quality (no need to go to another room for this). If the signal does not pass, the tightness of the furnace is high level. Otherwise, the product is damaged or simply of poor quality. Even being near him is a danger to humans.

Everything today large quantity people are inclined to believe that even the obvious convenience microwave ovens does not justify their possible negative impact. Therefore, housewives are massively returning to the use of more troublesome, but familiar household items.