What to cook from fresh mushrooms and how to fry fresh mushrooms. Mushroom dishes

What to cook from fresh mushrooms. How to cook properly and tasty fresh mushrooms.
The huge and fertile forests of our endless Motherland have always been famous for the abundance of all kinds of berries and mushrooms. With the onset of summer days, many of us pick up baskets and go into the forest to collect these gifts of nature in order to later enjoy fresh ones. fragrant berries, as well as make all the necessary preparations for the winter. It's so nice when it's cold winter evening get a jar delicious jam for tea!
Towards the end of summer, mushroom time begins. Boletuses, boletus, honey mushrooms, chanterelles, milk mushrooms – all kinds of mushrooms you won’t find at this time, and they are all delicious in their own way. Most often, mushrooms are salted, pickled or dried for the winter. Salted mushrooms are eaten with boiled potatoes or stewed cabbage, and soup is made from the dry ones. But nothing can compare with freshly prepared mushrooms, which stood in a forest clearing just a couple of hours ago. Mushroom flavor, spilling around the house while cooking, will not leave anyone indifferent.
In addition to their taste qualities, mushrooms also have undoubted benefit for our body. They contain very a large number of vegetable protein, which is why mushroom dishes can easily replace meat. This becomes especially relevant during the period of Orthodox fasting or for a vegetarian food system. In addition, mushrooms contain a lot of vitamin A and C, B vitamins, as well as folic acid, fiber and minerals.
It is worth remembering that mushrooms are not recommended for consumption in large quantities by people with digestive tract problems, as well as by young children. When collecting mushrooms, carefully ensure that they are not rotten or wormy. Freshly picked mushrooms must be immediately peeled and thoroughly washed, and only after that you can start cooking them.
You can cook fresh mushrooms great amount all kinds of dishes. Casseroles with vegetables, julienne, mushroom soup, caviar, warm salads and many many others. Very often, mushrooms are used as a filling for pies, pizza and pancakes. But most popular dish Fried potatoes with mushrooms have always been and remain. Unfortunately, not every housewife turns out this common dish the way she would like. We will tell you how to properly fry mushrooms so that they turn out really tasty. After frying, you can use the mushrooms to prepare salads, light snacks or hot dishes.

How to properly fry fresh mushrooms

As mentioned above, before frying mushrooms, they must be properly prepared. Some housewives immediately send cleaned and washed mushrooms to the frying pan, while others pre-soak them in cold water or boiled. The first method is suitable for boletus, boletus or porcini mushrooms. But chanterelles, volushki, milk mushrooms and russula must first be boiled, since these mushrooms can be poisoned. Traditionally, prepared mushrooms are cut into small pieces or slices and placed in a hot frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil. Fry the mushrooms, stirring constantly, until the liquid has completely evaporated. Most often, mushrooms are fried with the addition of onions or sour cream. Mushrooms can also be fried in batter or breading, which most often use beaten eggs and flour. It turns out to be a very tasty and original snack.

What to cook from mushrooms and how to fry them correctly

How to properly fry fresh mushrooms. Useful tips experienced chefs.
1. The most suitable for frying are champignons, boletus, boletus, saffron milk caps and honey mushrooms. Moreover, it is best to use only the caps, and leave the legs for pickling or making soup.
2. It is best to first place the mushrooms in a dry frying pan. When the excess liquid has evaporated, you can add melted fat or vegetable oil and cook the mushrooms until cooked.
3. Sour cream and salt are usually added at the very end of frying, otherwise the mushrooms will turn out boiled rather than fried.
Next we will share with you the most interesting recipes dishes made from fresh mushrooms, in the preparation process of which pre-fried mushrooms are often used.
What to cook from fresh mushrooms - best recipes preparations

Recipe No. 1. Mushroom casserole

Very filling and delicious casserole made from mushrooms and potatoes will be a wonderful decoration not only for everyday, but also for holiday tables.
To prepare mushroom casserole you will need following ingredients:
1. Fresh mushrooms – 500 grams.
2. Potatoes – 5 medium-sized tubers.
3. Cheese – 150 grams.
4. Milk – 350 ml.
5. Chicken eggs – 3 pieces.
6. Vegetable oil for frying.
7. Onions – 2 heads.
8. Garlic – 3 cloves.
9. Salt, ground black pepper, spices and seasonings to taste.
How to cook casserole with mushrooms:
1. Clean fresh mushrooms, rinse under running water, dry and cut into small pieces. Peel the onions and garlic and rinse. Cut the onion into half rings and the garlic into thin slices. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, add chopped onion and garlic, fry until golden brown. Then add the mushrooms to the frying pan, mix, add salt and fry everything together until the liquid has completely evaporated.
2. Wash the potatoes thoroughly, put them in a saucepan, fill them with cold water and boil until tender. After this, drain the water, cool the potatoes, peel them and cut them into slices. Grease a baking dish with butter, place chopped potatoes on the bottom, salt and sprinkle with spices. Spread the fried mushrooms in an even layer over the potatoes.
3. Break the eggs into a deep bowl, add milk, salt, spices and seasonings. Beat thoroughly with a whisk or using a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Fill the contents of the mold with the egg-milk mixture. Place the pan in an oven preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees for fifteen minutes. Then take it out, sprinkle with grated cheese and put it in the oven again for five minutes.
Let the finished casserole cool slightly, then cut into portions and serve, garnished with finely chopped fresh herbs.
Mushroom casserole is ready! Bon appetit!

Recipe No. 2. Butter pie with mushrooms

We offer you a delicious recipe mushroom pie, which simply melts in your mouth. This pie is especially delicious when eaten warm with a cup of cold milk.
To prepare the mushroom pie you will need the following ingredients:
1. Butter – 200 grams.
2. Sour cream with a high percentage of fat content - 250 grams.
3. Wheat flour– 3 glasses.
4. Fresh mushrooms – 800 grams.
5. Chicken eggs – 4 pieces.
6. Onions – 2 medium-sized heads.
7. Baking powder for dough – 2 teaspoons.
8. Salt - a pinch.
9. Cheese – 200 grams.
10. Vegetable oil for frying.
How to make a butter pie with mushrooms:
1. Pre-remove the butter freezer so that it is frozen. So, grate the butter into a deep bowl on a coarse grater, sift a little more than two glasses of flour along with baking powder, mix with your hands so that you get butter crumbs. Then add sour cream, salt and the remaining flour, knead soft dough, which does not stick to your hands. Form the resulting dough into a ball and wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for thirty minutes.
2. While the dough is resting, we will prepare the filling for our pie. We clean fresh mushrooms, rinse under running water, dry and cut into thin slices. Peel the onions, rinse and cut into half rings. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan. First, add the chopped onion and fry it until golden brown. Then add mushrooms, salt and spices, mix and fry everything together until the liquid has completely evaporated, remembering to stir occasionally.
3. Break into a separate bowl chicken eggs, lightly beat them with a fork or whisk. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Place fried mushrooms and grated cheese in a bowl with eggs, add salt, ground black pepper and mix.
4. Line a baking pan with parchment paper or grease it with butter. Take the dough out of the refrigerator and divide it into two unequal parts. We put most of it in the mold and begin to distribute it with our hands along the bottom and sides so that the edges hang down a little. Prick the dough with a fork and lay it out mushroom filling. Roll out the second part of the dough, cover the filling with it, and pinch the edges tightly. Place the pan in an oven preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees for thirty to forty minutes.
Ready pie Cool slightly, then carefully remove from the mold, cut and serve.
Butter Pie ready with mushrooms! Bon appetit!

Recipe No. 3. Mushroom caviar

Wonderful caviar made from fresh mushrooms can be served as cold snack or used as a filling for pies, or you can simply eat it with boiled rice or buckwheat. To prepare such caviar, it is best to use chanterelles, volushki or russula.
To prepare mushroom caviar you will need the following ingredients:
1. Fresh mushrooms – 2 kg.
2. Onions – 5 large heads.
3. Table vinegar - 10 tablespoons.
4. Tomato paste – 10 tablespoons.
5. Carrots – 3 pieces.
6. Granulated sugar - 6 tablespoons.
7. Salt and ground sulfur pepper to taste.
8. Vegetable oil for frying.
How to prepare mushroom caviar:
1. Clean fresh mushrooms, rinse thoroughly under running water, dry and cut into medium-sized pieces. IN large saucepan Pour water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Place the chopped mushrooms in boiling water, reduce the heat and cook covered for twenty minutes. Then, using a slotted spoon, remove the mushrooms from the pan. You can strain the broth and cook a delicious mushroom soup.
2. Peel the onions, rinse and finely chop. Peel the carrots, wash them thoroughly and grate them on a coarse grater. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, add chopped onion and fry until golden brown. Then add the grated carrots, mix and fry everything together for another five minutes. Now add the mushrooms to the frying pan, stir and simmer over medium heat for fifteen minutes.
3. Place the contents of the frying pan into a blender bowl and grind until smooth. Transfer this mushroom mass into a saucepan, add vinegar, salt, granulated sugar, spices and tomato paste. You can also add a little vegetable oil if you wish if you want the caviar to be fattier. Mix everything and place the pan on slow fire, simmer the caviar for thirty minutes, then put it in sterilized jars and roll it up. Turn the jars over and let them cool completely. Caviar should be stored in the refrigerator.
Mushroom caviar ready! Bon appetit!

What to cook from mushrooms, Ekaterina Novoselova told

Perhaps no country in the world loves mushrooms as much as in Russia. At the end of summer and during autumn, avid mushroom pickers go on a “quiet hunt” for the gifts of the forest. Any mushroom dish, even the simplest one, turns out to be almost a delicacy. Mushroom dishes can be very different: these are mushroom soups, goulash and roasts, julienne, casseroles, dumplings and dumplings, pancakes, pies, pizza - you can’t list everything.

Cooking mushroom dishes, as in any business, has its own characteristics, tricks and rules.

It is advisable to consume fresh mushrooms within 1-2 days, no more.

Freshly picked mushrooms should be thoroughly washed, damaged and wormy areas should be cut out and cut into pieces. Then the mushrooms are rinsed with cool water and placed in a colander. After this, the mushrooms are doused with boiling water twice and the preparation of the dish begins.

. To prevent mushroom dishes from losing their taste and aroma, they should not be cooked over too high or too low heat. If you boil mushrooms, you need to set the heating temperature so that the broth boils slightly.

To preserve the flavor, do not add too much salt or strong spices to mushroom dishes.

The best spices for dressing mushroom dishes traditionally considered onions, parsley, garlic, dill.

If the recipe contains vinegar, then it is best to take some kind of sour juice (lemon, apple, etc.).

Mushrooms can be used to prepare appetizers, first and second courses, as well as sauces that highlight the taste of meat or fish dishes. We have selected several recipes for dishes made from fresh mushrooms for you, because mushroom season is just around the corner!

500 g fresh mushrooms,
100 g cheese,
100 g sour cream,
50 g butter,
salt, herbs - to taste.

Sort the mushrooms, rinse and boil in salted water. Drain the water, place the mushrooms in a frying pan with butter and fry until golden brown. Post it prepared mushrooms Heap onto a serving dish, pour over sour cream, sprinkle with grated cheese and herbs.

400 g fresh mushrooms,
400 g white cabbage,
3-4 potatoes,
2-3 onions,
1-2 cloves of garlic,
vegetable oil, salt - to taste.

Sort the mushrooms, wash and cut into slices. Place in a frying pan with vegetable oil, add shredded cabbage, diced potatoes, chopped onion, salt, add a little water and simmer covered over medium heat until tender. Place on a plate, sprinkle with crushed garlic.

200 g oyster mushrooms,
1 onion,
1 carrot,
1 parsley root,
1 liter of water or chicken broth,
1 tbsp. butter,
50-70 g noodles (preferably homemade),
salt, herbs - to taste.

Boil onions, carrots and parsley root, cut into slices, in broth or water. When the vegetables are almost ready, add the mushrooms cut into small pieces and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Cook the noodles separately. Place a portion of noodles in each plate, fill with broth with mushrooms and vegetables, add salt and sprinkle with herbs.

500 g fresh boletus or champignons,
1-2 onions,
4 tbsp. butter,
2 tbsp. flour,
1 liter of chicken broth,
3 yolks,
1 stack cream,
parsley and celery, salt to taste.

Chop the onion and sauté in butter until transparent, add the washed and chopped mushrooms and fry for 5-10 minutes, stirring constantly. Without removing from heat, add flour, mix thoroughly and fry a little, stirring. Pour in the broth, stir to avoid lumps, and cook for 40-50 minutes over low heat. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add the greens tied into a bunch. Strain the broth, discard the greens, and chop the mushrooms using a blender. Combine mushrooms with broth. Whisk the egg yolks with the cream and pour into the soup in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Add salt and heat the soup in a water bath to 70°C, not higher, otherwise the yolks will curdle.

500 g champignons,
2 tbsp. butter,
1 tbsp. flour,
1 liter of broth,
1 stack cream,
2 boiled eggs,
1 tbsp. chopped greens,

Rinse fresh champignons and mince them together with onions, place the resulting mass in a frying pan with butter and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Add flour, stir, pour in broth and bring to a boil. Add the herbs, pour in the cream and remove from the heat. Serve sprinkled with chopped eggs.


300 g fresh champignons,
300 g cabbage,
1 onion,
3 tbsp. crushed green onions,
1 tbsp. crushed parsley,
½ lemon
4 tbsp. sour cream or mayonnaise,

Wash the champignons, dry with a napkin and cut into thin slices. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and drizzle it over the mushroom slices. Cut the cabbage and onion into very thin strips, add salt and pepper, and mix. Combine with mushrooms and green onions, season with sour cream or mayonnaise and sprinkle with parsley.

800 g of fresh mushrooms (moss mushrooms, milk mushrooms, saffron milk caps),
1.5 liters of water,
100 g flour,
550 g butter,
2 stacks sour cream,
50 g crackers,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Place the prepared mushrooms in salted water and bring to a boil. Wash them in a colander, roll them in flour and fry them in oil. Pour in sour cream, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and leave for 5-20 minutes. hot oven.

1 kg of any fresh mushrooms,
100-150 g flour,
50 g butter,
1-2 onions,
2-3 stacks. meat broth,
1 stack sour cream,
2 bay leaves,
3 black peppercorns,
3-4 cardamom grains,
1-2 tbsp. parsley
salt, ground red pepper - to taste.

Peel fresh mushrooms, rinse, dry, roll in flour and place in a deep frying pan with a lid. Simmer over medium heat until the mushrooms release their juice. Drain the juice, and add butter, separately sautéed onions, parsley, salt, red pepper, cardamom, bay leaf and black peppercorns to the mushrooms. Pour in the broth and sour cream, stir and simmer until the sauce thickens. Serve sprinkled with herbs.

800 g fresh mushrooms,
1.5 stack. cream,
50 g butter,
4 eggs,
2 onions,
1 dry white bun,
6 salted sprat,
salt, ground black pepper, nutmeg- taste.

Scald the prepared mushrooms, dry and chop. Bake the onion in a dry frying pan or in the oven. Peel and chop the salted sprat. Grate the dry bun. Combine all ingredients, knead the minced meat, form cutlets and fry them in butter.

500 g of any fresh mushrooms,
2 onions,
2 tomatoes
1 sweet green pepper,
30 g smoked brisket,
1 tsp ground paprika,
1 tsp thyme,
100 g sour cream,
salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Fry finely chopped brisket, add onions sautéed in oil, chopped mushrooms and Bell pepper, cut into strips. Simmer for 2 minutes. Meanwhile, scald the tomatoes, peel off the skin and remove the seeds. Add the tomatoes to the mushrooms, add the remaining ingredients and simmer for 15 minutes. Serve sprinkled with parsley.

1 kg honey mushrooms,
100 g cheese,
3 potatoes,
1 onion,
2 cloves of garlic,
3 tomatoes
1 sweet pepper,
100 g mayonnaise or sour cream,
salt, herbs.

Cut the potatoes into slices. Cut the tomatoes, onions, garlic and bell peppers into cubes. Grate the cheese onto coarse grater. Fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil. Combine all the products and place them on a baking sheet. Pepper and salt, pour sour cream and sprinkle with cheese. Place in a hot oven for 15-20 minutes.

300 g fresh mushrooms,
1 onion,
1 carrot,
3 stacks rice,
1 stack sour cream,
salt pepper.

Fry onions, carrots and mushrooms separately. Combine the fried foods in a frying pan, pour in sour cream (or milk), simmer, add salt, pepper, bay leaf and bring to readiness over low heat. Cook the fluffy rice, mix it with butter and place it in a baking dish with a hole in the center, compacting it so that the rice holds its shape. Turn out onto a flat plate. If there is no such form, then simply place the rice on a dish around the glass, compact it and carefully remove the glass. Pour the mushrooms into the hole along with the sauce and serve, garnished with herbs.

For pancakes:
1.5 stack. flour,
2 eggs,
1 tsp Sahara,
1 stack milk,
1 stack water,
2-3 tbsp. vegetable oil,
500 g fresh mushrooms,
5 eggs
1 tbsp. greenery,
salt pepper.
1 tbsp. butter,
1 tbsp. flour,
1 stack milk,
2 tbsp. tomato paste.

Bake thin pancakes. Boil the prepared mushrooms, chop and combine with chopped boiled eggs. Grind flour and butter in a frying pan homogeneous mass, pour in the milk, add salt, add tomato paste and cook until thickened, stirring. Add mushrooms and eggs to the sauce, bring to a boil, add salt and pepper, add herbs and cool. Place 1 tbsp on each pancake. filling, wrap it in an envelope and fry in melted butter.

1 kg fresh mushrooms,
4 tbsp. butter,
½ cup dry white wine,
2 stacks sour cream,
100-150 g hard cheese,
salt, black and red pepper - to taste.

Finely chop the prepared mushrooms and fry them in oil for 5 minutes. Pour in the wine, simmer over high heat for 2 minutes, then reduce the heat. Pour in sour cream, add grated cheese, salt and pepper and simmer over low heat until thickened.

Vegetable stew with mushrooms


500 g fresh mushrooms,
3-4 potatoes,
2 carrots,
500 g cauliflower,
2 tbsp. green peas,
2 tbsp. tomato paste,
1 processed cheese,
1 stack milk,
500 ml broth.

Boil potatoes, carrots and cauliflower, divided into inflorescences, in the broth. At the end of cooking, add green peas and tomato paste. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat. Meanwhile, chop the mushrooms and fry in oil, add the onion rings, simmer and pour in the milk. Bring to a boil and add processed cheese. Drain the finished vegetables in a colander, combine with mushrooms, salt and pepper. Serve sprinkled with herbs.

500 g champignons,
300 g porcini mushrooms,
1-2 onions,
30 ml vegetable oil,
20 ml lemon juice,
1-2 cloves of garlic,
salt pepper.

Coarsely chop the peeled mushrooms and place in a preheated frying pan with vegetable oil. Place over medium heat and cook for 10-15 minutes until most of the moisture has evaporated. Separately, saute the chopped onion until transparent. Place the mushrooms and onions in a blender, add the remaining ingredients and blend until smooth.

5-7 champignons,
2 eggs,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil.

Chop the champignons coarsely and fry in vegetable oil. Pour in the scrambled eggs, salt and pepper and cover with a lid. Scrambled eggs can be sprinkled with grated cheese.

1 kg mushrooms,
500 g onions,
200-300 g cheese,
salt, pepper, garlic - to taste.

1 stack sour cream,
4 large onions,
1-2 carrots,
2 tbsp. flour,
1.5 stack. water,
3 tbsp. butter,
3 tbsp. vegetable oil,
4-5 cloves of garlic,
salt pepper.
For the test:
1 stack water,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
a pinch of salt,

Prepare the dough for dumplings. Leave it for an hour in a warm place. Finely chop the mushrooms and simmer without oil until the liquid evaporates. Separately, sauté the onion in vegetable oil, mix with mushrooms, add salt and pepper and simmer for 10 minutes. Cool, add garlic and grated cheese. Make dumplings and boil in salted water. For the sauce, fry the onion, cut into half rings, in a mixture of butter and vegetable oils, add grated carrots and simmer for 5-7 minutes. Add flour, stir, pour in sour cream, then water, salt, and bring to a boil. Before serving, add crushed garlic.

This, of course, is not all mushroom dishes. There are no commonly known snacks here, e.g. stuffed hats champignons or tomatoes with mushrooms, jellied mushrooms or mushrooms in pots - but on the pages of our website you can always find these recipes. We have collected simple recipes, which can be used not only during the mushroom season, but also all year round using champignons, oyster mushrooms or frozen forest mushrooms.

Bon appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Mushrooms can be considered a gourmet product. Depending on the type they are used for cooking various dishes. Mushrooms add aroma and amazing flavor notes to any culinary creation. And if these are forest representatives, then the dish will turn out unusually appetizing. Now let's find out how

First of all, you need to know which one you intend to use. The nature of the dish and the cooking technology depend on this. The most common type is champignons. They can be fried, boiled, pickled, salted and even dried. In addition, they are sold in any store. In order to cook fried champignons, let's take about 500-600 grams of this product. Before they need to be washed well and cut into pieces. Then pour vegetable oil into the frying pan and put it on the fire.

Add chopped mushrooms and fry. During the frying process, moisture will appear and should evaporate. Meanwhile, finely chop one onion. Add it to the pan with the mushrooms. Fry the ingredients together for 3-5 minutes. Now you can add salt to taste and add pepper if desired.

Another common type of mushroom that can be easily purchased year-round is oyster mushroom. This product can be used as an ingredient in any dish. But this is a recipe that will perfectly decorate any holiday table. You will need about 500 grams of this type of mushroom. They need to be washed well and dried. Then cut the mushrooms into small pieces.

First, put the pan on the fire and pour water into it. When the water boils, place the mushrooms in it and cook for about 10 minutes. Then we drain the water. Next, add a quarter teaspoon of salt to the mushrooms, about one small spoon of granulated sugar, a little ground pepper(to taste), finely chopped garlic clove and chopped herbs. We also add 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar and pour in vegetable oil. Let the mushrooms brew for an hour. Then they can be eaten. Here

Well, how can we not talk about porcini mushrooms? This is true king mushroom. In its own way nutritional value it is equivalent to meat. I’ll tell you how later. We will prepare a wonderful soup. Take 500 grams of porcini mushrooms and cut into pieces. Naturally, they must first be washed and cleaned of dirt. Place the pan on the fire and pour in water. Place the mushrooms in it and cook. When the water starts to boil, you need to remove the foam that appears. Then add salt and peppercorns. While the mushrooms are cooking, you need to peel and cut the potatoes into cubes. After 10 minutes, lower it into the pan. Next, take one medium onion and chop it very finely, and grate one carrot or also chop it quite finely. Fry all the ingredients in a frying pan, adding vegetable oil. Place the contents of the frying pan into the soup. After 10 minutes, add the herbs and turn off the heat. This soup should be served with sour cream. Here's how to cook mushrooms different ways. In this recipe, you can use other types of mushrooms that are available as a base.

If there are a lot of mushrooms, they can be frozen or dried. We only take the best specimens for freezing. We make sure that they are not wormy or spoiled. Then boil the mushrooms in slightly salted water and drain in a colander. After this, they need to be placed in a container and placed in the freezer.

There are many options for how to cook mushrooms. Each experienced housewife I have my own in stock original recipe. Perhaps you have found a cooking method that you and your loved ones will like.

Since ancient times, they have firmly entered into Russian cuisine. Our ancestors not only prepared dishes based on them, but also stocked up on mushrooms for future use. In other cuisines, mushrooms have also always been given pride of place. French julienne, fragrant European chanterelles with vegetables, expensive truffles - a huge variety of options, among which you can find something of your own.

A little about the benefits and disadvantages of mushrooms

Fresh mushrooms contain a large amount of proteins, sugars, beneficial enzymes and even essential oils. There is more protein in mushrooms than in meat. They also contain fiber, amino acids, lecithin, fatty acid. This is why mushrooms help prevent atherosclerosis.

As for vitamins, there are more of some in mushrooms than in grains - for example, vitamins PP, D, A. Mushrooms contain a lot of sulfur and polysaccharides, so they are useful for preventing cancer. It is believed that dried porcini mushrooms are a reliable prevention of cancer. Butter oil contains a substance that relieves the symptoms of gout.

Any mushrooms are rich in extractive substances; they make the most aromatic and flavorful broths, sauces, and gravies. Their taste allows you to combine mushrooms with many other products - meat, fish, vegetables, seafood.

Despite the presence of proteins, mushrooms are poorly digestible by the human body and their the nutritional value small. Mushroom caps have less mushroom fiber, so they are easier to digest than stems.

Dry mushrooms ground into flour are best absorbed. That is, if you are a big fan of mushrooms and cannot live without them, then you can eat them a little more often in the form of pancakes.

Dry mushrooms contain a substance called fungin, which puts additional stress on the liver. Nutritionists advise eating mushrooms no more than 2 times a week. Pediatricians recommend giving mushrooms to children no earlier than 7 years of age.

Many types of mushrooms tend to mutate over time, and even very experienced mushroom picker will not be able to distinguish a false mushroom from a real one. Therefore, collect only those simple mushrooms that you are confident in.

Mushrooms accumulate nitrates and harmful substances from the area in which they grow. Therefore, it is important to collect them in ecologically clean areas and, when buying at the market, ask what area they are from.

People with chronic gastritis, ulcers, liver, duodenal and kidney diseases should consult their doctor about the systematic use of mushrooms. You should not eat overripe, old or softened mushrooms.

Each dish has its own mushroom

For dishes, champignons, chanterelles, porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, honey mushrooms, butter mushrooms, morels, oyster mushrooms, and milk mushrooms are most often used. Mushrooms are suitable as in fresh, and boiled, fried, salted, pickled, dried.

Broths and sauces are prepared from porcini mushrooms, they are fried, marinated and salted. Boletuses and boletuses are never used for making soups and broths. It is better to fry them, stew them, marinate them.

Butter can be dried, boiled, pickled. They should not be fried or stewed, as they secrete a specific slippery juice. Chanterelles are great for frying. They can also be pickled, although they are not very elastic. They are also used for open pies and quiches. But we do not recommend drying or cooking chanterelles. They are bitter, and when dried they are almost tasteless.

Champignons and oyster mushrooms can be prepared however you like. Grilled champignon caps, lightly sprinkled, turn out very tasty. olive oil and salt.

Black and white milk mushrooms are ideal for pickling; they are prepared only in this way. These are noble and very delicious mushrooms, used exclusively in Russian cuisine.

For Julienne good choice There will be porcini mushrooms and honey mushrooms. Champignons are also used in julienne, but their taste is quite neutral. From dried mushrooms very aromatic soups and broths, gravies for meat and vegetables are obtained.

Preparing mushrooms

Mushrooms collected independently should be processed and cooked as quickly as possible. It is most useful to do all this on the day of collection. To get rid of worms in fresh mushrooms, you need to immerse them in heavily salted water for 2-3 hours and then rinse them. We recommend keeping peeled fresh mushrooms in cold, salted and acidified water. For a liter of water use a teaspoon of salt and a couple of grams citric acid. Then they won't turn black.

For porcini mushrooms, boletus and aspen mushrooms, you need to cut off the skin from the stems and rinse very thoroughly. You don’t need to peel the champignons, just wash them well. After cutting off the lower part of the stem and washing, we recommend boiling chanterelles and morels in salted water for about 15 minutes, then rinsing them again and only then using them for cooking. Chanterelles are not attacked by insects, so this mushroom does not need to be soaked in water for a long time. The film is always removed from butterflies, the legs are cleaned and washed thoroughly. The caps of the morels are separated from the stems and soaked in cold water for an hour, changing the water several times.

In old mushrooms, it is recommended to cut off the tubular layer under the cap, as spores form there. It is important to cook peeled mushrooms immediately, as mushroom fibers absorb excess odors very quickly.

It is not recommended to wash mushrooms before drying; it is enough to clean them of debris, trim the roots, separate the caps from the stems and cut the too large parts in half.

The preparation of dried mushrooms involves washing them, pouring boiling water over them and soaking them in cold water for 4 hours. Such mushrooms are then boiled in the same water in which they were lying.

General rules preparations

You can pamper yourself with fresh mushrooms right in the forest if you wipe them well with a napkin, sprinkle with vegetable oil and salt and fry over a fire using a wire or twig.

Champignons change their taste and smell very easily, so we do not recommend adding sharp-smelling spices to them. Salted or pickled mushrooms should be rinsed with cold water before adding to the salad to remove excess salt and acid.

You can freeze any mushrooms. In this form they are stored for a long time and are easy to prepare. Moreover, they do not need to be defrosted; it is enough to put them in the dish being prepared at the right time.

You can prepare a hot dish from salted and pickled mushrooms or use them in salads if you boil them in water for 5-7 minutes to remove excess salt and acid. If you use salted mushrooms, you can soak them in cold water for about 5 hours.

To season mushroom dishes, sour cream, onions, garlic, dill, parsley, and apples are most often used. IN minimum quantities We recommend adding nutmeg, cloves, allspice. Especially little spices are required for saffron milk caps, milk mushrooms, chanterelles and white mushrooms.

We advise you not to use vinegar when cooking, but to replace it lemon juice. Mix while cooking different types mushrooms are not recommended; it is better to cook each type separately. The exception is frying.

Frying and stewing mushrooms

All lamellar mushrooms Before frying, be sure to soak and boil, otherwise there is a risk of poisoning. You can simply fry the mushrooms, or you can fry them breaded. Only when frying can you mix several types of mushrooms; for other cooking methods this is not recommended. The average time for frying mushrooms is 20-30 minutes. Pour the sauce over the mushrooms after they are well browned and completely fried.

Stew better mushrooms, pre-dried with a paper towel so that they do not contain too much moisture. We recommend adding mushrooms

on an already heated frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil. First, the mushrooms are stewed over low heat in own juice about 20 minutes, then you can add vegetables or onions and simmer for about 10 more minutes until they are ready, at the end you can add additional liquid or filling and simmer without a lid for several minutes, stirring.

It is very tasty to stew mushrooms in sour cream, rabbit broth or white wine. These stewed mushrooms can be used as independent side dish, or as part of a complex dish.

Cooking mushrooms and broths

When cooking fresh mushrooms, we recommend putting a peeled onion into the water; if it turns blue, it means there is a poisonous mushroom in the pan.

Any mushrooms should be cooked for no more than 20 minutes after boiling. Boil milk mushrooms and russula for 5 minutes, boletus – 7 minutes, white and aspen mushrooms – 10 minutes. Boil morels in salted water for 15 minutes. Chanterelles and valui – 20 minutes. After boiling, the mushrooms should be rinsed with cold boiled water. Large mushrooms cook faster than small ones.

Dried chanterelles will boil better if you add a pinch of baking soda to the water. Peeled boletus legs will not darken during cooking if you cook them without cutting them. To prevent the mushrooms from losing their taste and aroma during cooking, we recommend cooking them only over medium heat. When cooking honey mushrooms and boletus mushrooms, try adding bay leaves to boiling water; the aroma will become more pleasant.

It’s easy to check the readiness of mushrooms - raw mushrooms float up, and the finished ones settle to the bottom.

Salting and marinating mushrooms

For pickling, mushrooms can be pre-boiled, or they can be cooked in their natural, processed form. You can cook it immediately in the marinade.

If you salt or pickle mushrooms yourself, do not use metal lids. It is best to cover the jar with several layers of wax paper, tie it tightly with twine and place it in a cool place. When marinating, try adding a little cloves, star anise and cinnamon to the marinade - this will add a spicy original aroma.

Only unspoiled and known types of mushrooms should be collected.

The nutritional value of mushrooms can hardly be overestimated, because they have a beneficial effect on health:

  • strengthen the heart and blood vessels, break down and remove “bad” cholesterol;
  • have hematopoietic ability;
  • restore nails, hair and improve skin condition;
  • improve immune status;
  • normalize metabolism;
  • have a positive effect on the function of the pituitary gland in producing hormones;
  • slow down the aging process;

Disadvantages and hidden threats

Mushrooms can be harmful in some circumstances to the human body. There are three main reasons for this:

  • low-quality product (spoiled or poisonous mushrooms are consumed);
  • individual intolerance;
  • negligence regarding storage and processing rules;

The consequences range from mild stomach and intestinal upset to serious poisoning. There are also known cases of death. You should pay attention to such nuances as:

  • an excess of chitin in some types of mushrooms makes it difficult for humans to digest;
  • frequent consumption of mushroom dishes overloads the gastrointestinal tract, as the secretion of gastric juice slows down;
  • allergic manifestations deserve a separate discussion. Mushrooms are famous for their high ability to absorb toxins. If the crop was harvested along railways, highways or near a plant, problems are guaranteed;

A toxic factor is also formed in mushrooms due to improper storage.

This is what edible and inedible mushrooms look like

  • In the forest, collect only familiar, well-known types of mushrooms;
  • Feel free to sweep spoiled mushrooms aside, whether you harvest them yourself or buy raw materials at the market (throw away wormy, moldy, softened ones without regret);
  • No cooking experience - better buy in reliable stores finished products from well-known brands in the food industry;
  • Hot mushroom-based dishes are recommended to be eaten immediately. Refrigeration for more than 12 hours increases the risk of food poisoning;
  • Mushrooms should be used with caution by pregnant women, children, and adults with inflammatory diseases joints, kidneys and liver, stomach;

Which mushrooms are suitable for which dishes?


He is rightly called the “King of Mushrooms”. In most regions of the country, whites are considered almost the only ones worthy of attention. White is appropriate in almost any form. It is dried, fried, pickled, added to soups in raw and dried form, and ground into powder to prepare various sauces.

Porcini mushrooms are rightly called “Kings”

Boletus mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, moss mushrooms

Boletus mushrooms are most common in fried and pickled forms. There is no point in drying them - they turn black and lose their structure density. When crushed, they find use in sauces and gravies, in meat-based soups, among stewed vegetables.

Boletus mushrooms are most common in fried and pickled forms.


Notable for their bright yellowish-orange color. They have a delicate nutty flavor (especially young ones). The structure is dense and tight, a little “rubbery”. Pickling chanterelles is highly popular. In addition, chanterelles fried with sour cream or mayonnaise are served instead meat dish with side dishes - potatoes, rice, buckwheat. Chanterelles are added to stew; Sauces, soups and roasts are prepared with them. But it is not customary to dry them.

Can't be confused with anything

Honey mushrooms and boletus

They are eaten dried, boiled, canned (pickling and pickling are equally popular). Young mushrooms are much softer than adults and have a neat, even shape. Therefore, they are often used to decorate dishes on festive table and as an element of transparent jellied snacks.

Whole cooked honey mushrooms retain a neat and attractive appearance.


There are two “lines” of milk mushrooms - white and black. They differ from each other in terms of aroma. The gastronomic charm of milk mushrooms is maximally manifested only in its salted form. Pickled mushrooms are eaten with sour cream, onions, horseradish and garlic; crushed into filling for pies, less often added to soup. It is recommended to soak before salting.

There are two “lines” of milk mushrooms - white and black. They differ from each other in aroma


Their popularity has increased at a time when Russians have become fascinated by subtleties French cuisine. The specific aroma and tenderness of the pulp are the main trump cards of champignons (not to mention their usefulness). Range of applications: baking, sweetish pickling, chopping into gravy, stewing, stuffing pies and meatloaf. Marination is preferable with a piquant sweetish tint, but salting champignons is not accepted. Drying is also due to the pulp being too fragile - practically nothing remains of it when dried.

Their popularity increased at a time when Russians became fascinated by the intricacies of French cuisine.

Oyster mushrooms

Today, oyster mushrooms are not so much obtained from natural reserves as they are grown artificially. Popularity due high content useful substances (the mushroom is considered dietary and is able to remove toxins from the body). The taste characteristics are also interesting: something similar to rye bread, with a slight aniseed tint. The culinary spectrum is quite wide. Salads, pie filling, soups. Many people love oyster mushrooms fried and even as an ingredient in minced dumplings.

Today, oyster mushrooms are not so much obtained from natural pantries as they are grown artificially


They appear briefly in the spring and soon disappear. Valued for their effectiveness in the fight against eye diseases, including cataracts. These mushrooms are fried in oil, sometimes with the addition of sour cream. You can also dry it, but not less than 3 months, so that you can subsequently soak, stew and cook soups. It must be prepared after soaking and boiling in changeable waters.

Perhaps one of the most unusual looking mushrooms

Preliminary preparation

If mushrooms emit a bitter-pungent odor, it is necessary to soak them in clean water for 1–1.5 days (milk mushrooms for pickles, volushki, white mushrooms). Air temperature not higher than 16 °C; change water 2-3 times a day. Making sure they're soaked enough is easy. If previously the hat broke when pressed in your hands, now it bends.

How to cook. General rules

If the cook does not act properly, mushrooms can turn into a product hazardous to health. And this is instead of delighting with gastronomic advantages. Compliance with basic rules will protect against negative consequences.

  • The ideal option is if the mushrooms have time on the same day: sorted, processed, cooked, eaten;
  • It is often not possible to cook mushrooms immediately after cleaning them. A solution of citric acid or salt (concentration 1–2%) based on boiled water. Dip the products that you will cook later into the improvised brine/marinade. Rinse shortly before cooking to remove vinegar/salt odors;
  • Semi-finished method: processed and washed mushrooms are chopped and blanched for 8–10 minutes in boiling water. Place in clean glass jars“under the lid”, adding 1/4 tsp for preservation. and 0.5 tsp. 9% vinegar per liter of volume. Pour vegetable oil on top; The preparations are stored for no longer than a week in the refrigerator and are used for soups, frying, and stewing. It is recommended to throw away what is not eaten;
  • It is not advisable to use aluminum cookware. The metal is not called “light” for nothing. It quickly releases its molecules when heated. This is why food in such pots and saucepans quickly oxidizes;
  • Be careful with the shelf life of prepared mushroom dishes! At minus 1–4 °C, a whole day is devoted to ensuring that the dish is safe for further heating and consumption. If the temperatures are above zero, then it’s better not to risk it and limit yourself to 12 hours;
  • To mushroom broth not darkened, cook soup from white boletus, boletus or honey mushrooms;
  • It is advisable to cook mushrooms of the same type together. The exception is frying and pickled assortments, for example: boletus and boletus and mushrooms. Do not mix white mushrooms with honey mushrooms, chanterelles with milk mushrooms, morels with boletus mushrooms, and so on;
  • Consider the characteristics of some mushrooms. So, champignons are too tender and spoil in the open air after 6-7 hours. Morels are classified as “conditionally edible”. They cannot be cooked unless the product is soaked for several hours and boiled in 2-4 waters, because morels contain the maximum possible amount of toxins;
  • Salted mushrooms used as filling for pies and rolls must be soaked so that excess salt is released from the product.

Seasonings that go best with mushrooms:

  • fresh herbs - dill, green onions, thyme, rosemary, oregano, garlic;
  • dried herbs are the same, with the exception of green onions and garlic;
  • nutmeg (especially good in sour cream and mushroom variations);
  • leaf and root parsley;
  • garlic;
  • onion;
  • Bay leaf;
  • star anise;
  • coriander (cilantro seeds, but not greens);
  • caraway;
  • black peppercorns;
  • white, green and red pepper;
  • cinnamon;
  • allspice;
  • horseradish leaves and root;
  • mustard seeds;
  • carnation.

Methods for preparing mushrooms. Popular recipes

Cooking mushrooms and broths based on them

Delicate varieties take no more than 25 minutes to cook

Basic rules:

  • From the moment of boiling, cook tender mushrooms for no more than 20–25 minutes, otherwise they will spread. This applies to white mushrooms, champignons, and boletus mushrooms. Honey mushrooms and chanterelles take longer to cook, 40–45 minutes (the elastic structure allows);
  • For meat soups Boil the product in advance, drain the water;
  • large mushrooms cook longer than small ones;
  • add the mushrooms to the soup mixture for the specified time before they are ready;
  • Be sure to remove the foam;
  • put a fresh onion in the broth and watch its color. If the water turns blue, it means there is a poisonous specimen in the pan.

Fresh champignon broth

  1. Wash mushrooms (12–15 medium-sized pieces), remove films, lightly dry;
  2. Pour 1.75 liters of water into a saucepan and set to heat. When boiling, add chopped champignons, chopped parsley root and one potato weighing 150–180 g;
  3. Season the broth with sweet peas;
  4. Separately, fry the carrots and onions in vegetable oil until golden brown. Take a larger onion to make the broth fragrant. Carrots - close in size to potatoes;
  5. Add salt to taste;
  6. Cook for 20 minutes over moderate heat;
  7. Turn off, add bay leaf and oregano sprig;
  8. Serve with a spoonful of sour cream or mayonnaise, topped with garlic croutons.

Dried honey mushroom broth


  • 2 cloves of garlic,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • carrots and onions weighing 75–90 g,
  • spices to taste.


  1. For 3/4 of dried honey mushrooms you will need 1.5 liters of water;
  2. Soak the honey mushrooms until they swell slightly;
  3. Drop the mushrooms into the boiling water and reduce the heat to medium. Honey mushrooms tend to give rich foam during cooking. Cover the pan with a lid, leaving a small gap (otherwise the mushroom foam will rise and boil out onto the stove);
  4. Add some salt. Cook for at least half an hour, optimally 50 minutes or even an hour;
  5. Separately mix 1 tsp. flour without a slide with cold water so that lumps do not form. Add the liquid into the broth in a thin stream while stirring evenly;
  6. In a frying pan, sauté onions, carrots and tomatoes (it can be replaced with tomato paste in the amount of 1 dess. l.);
  7. Pour the dressing into the mushroom broth 10–15 minutes before it’s ready;
  8. At the same time, add coarsely chopped pepper and coriander;
  9. Season the broth with crushed garlic, a couple of cloves will be enough;
  10. Before serving, sprinkle the dish with chopped fresh dill, serve with pickled cucumbers, a slice of lemon and rye bread with butter.

Frying and stewing

Fried champignons go well with vegetables

General tips:

  • Mushrooms are fried after boiling and draining the water;
  • The average duration of frying boiled mushrooms is 20–30 minutes, finishing stewing in sauces and sauces is another 10–15 minutes;
  • For frying, both vegetable and animal fats (lard, butter) are used;
  • Stewing allows you to diversify the menu with savory additions (white wine, rabbit meat broth), as well as vegetables.

Chanterelles in sour cream

  1. Heat 85–100 ml in a thick-walled frying pan sunflower oil cold pressed;
  2. Place 250–300 g of pre-boiled chanterelles, after draining all the water from them. They should fit in one layer, the optimal diameter of the container is 24–26 cm;
  3. Brown lightly over high heat, stirring vigorously to prevent food from burning;
  4. Reduce heat, then vigorously beat in 150 ml of sour cream and the same amount of water;
  5. Add chopped onion at the same moment;
  6. Salt;
  7. To cover with a lid;
  8. Simmer until the total cooking time takes half an hour;
  9. Serve to the table, sprinkled with chopped parsley and paprika.

Stewed boletus mushrooms with vegetables

  1. Place the boiled mushrooms in a saucepan and cook at medium temperature with a small amount of water (100 ml per 300 g of boletus mushrooms);
  2. Extinguishing duration is 15 minutes;
  3. Add 1 bag of frozen vegetables from the store. Homemade equivalent - approximately 650 g vegetable mixture (green bean, celery root, bell pepper, tomatoes, carrots, onions). You can add some corn;
  4. Salt to taste;
  5. After this it will be highlighted a small amount of water. Reduce heat and simmer for another 20 minutes;
  6. Turn off the heat and sprinkle immediately ready dish chopped sprigs of dill and oregano, caraway seeds and ground white pepper;
  7. Cover with a lid and wrap with a warm towel until completely cool.


Oyster mushrooms, champignons, and boletuses are suitable for baking.

  1. Take approximately 400–450 g of boiled and well-squeezed mushrooms; they should not be very small. Champignons, oyster mushrooms with a trimmed stem, caps of young white or aspen mushrooms are suitable;
  2. Place the mushrooms on a baking sheet greased with any fat;
  3. Separately mix 100–120 g mayonnaise and 180–200 g grated cheese medium hard (add 1 tsp adjika here, salt to taste);
  4. Heat the oven to 150ºC and place the dish to bake. After 15 minutes, increase the temperature to 200ºC. After 30–40 minutes cooking masterpiece ready.

Grilled mushrooms

Grilled mushrooms are a great idea for cooking over a campfire.

  1. Take some choice white or medium-sized mushrooms;
  2. After boiling in salted water in advance, squeeze in a colander until the water has completely drained;
  3. Thread 2-3 mushrooms onto 1 skewer, close to each other;
  4. Grill until the first brown crust appears;
  5. After this, roll in a mixture of crushed garlic, crushed coriander seeds and allspice (a little sugar will add a piquant taste);
  6. A thick golden crust will indicate the readiness of the dish;
  7. Remove the mini-kebabs, sprinkle with lemon juice and serve.

Salting and marinating mushrooms

Add to marinade cherry leaf for spice

Cold salting of milk mushrooms

  1. For 5 kg of soaked and washed (but not boiled) milk mushrooms you will need 250 g of coarse salt;
  2. The raw materials are placed in layers in a container with a wide bottom - a miniature tub or enamel pan, always with the caps down. Sprinkle each layer with salt;
  3. At the top you need to press down the mushrooms with a heavy object. The role of oppression will be played by a smaller lid with a stone placed on it or a 3-liter jar of water;
  4. To protect the product from fermentation, the bottom and sides of the container are covered with horseradish leaves;
  5. Peppercorns, berries and currant or cherry leaves are added for flavoring;
  6. The pan is put away for a couple of months in a cold place - a basement or cellar, where the air temperature is kept no higher than 15ºC.

Marinated boletus

Pickled boletus can be eaten after three weeks

  1. For the marinade you will need 3-4 sprigs of cloves, 10 allspice peas, 5 medium bay leaves, 15 ml of vinegar essence, 50 g of salt, a couple of tbsp. l. granulated sugar, 1 liter of water;
  2. For the indicated quantities, take 5 kg of selected butter, pre-boiled (see above for the rules for preparing mushrooms);
  3. Boil the ingredients for the marinade until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved;
  4. Place the butter on the bottom of pasteurized jars. Do not lay it too tightly, otherwise hot marinade will not penetrate into all places;
  5. After 5 minutes, drain the marinade back, bring to a boil again and repeat pouring and draining a couple more times;
  6. When completing the final filling, place the filled jars on the bottom of a wide saucepan and sterilize in boiling water for 20–25 minutes;
  7. Pour in 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil, roll up quickly and carefully;
  8. Cover with a warm blanket until completely cool. Store in a cool cellar. You can eat after 2.5-3 weeks.

How to serve mushroom dishes - photo gallery

Roses made from chips - original and delicious decoration for mushroom dish
Mushroom caviar will be an excellent filling for baked potatoes
Cheese barrels with honey mushrooms will become worthy decoration festive table


So that the mushrooms retain most of their useful properties After processing, you need to be able to properly preserve them. Below are the most popular methods for storing preserved mushrooms.


When dried, mushrooms release moisture, and the dry residue is concentrated useful material. For example, the amount of protein compounds in dried porcini mushrooms reaches 75%. Storing dried products does not cause much trouble if you follow a few rules.

Mushrooms strung on a fishing line are hung to dry in ventilated places.

  1. For drying, mushrooms are cut into slices or plastics. The cube shape is undesirable because it is more difficult for air to penetrate inside and there is a risk of rotting.
  2. Particularly “beautiful” mushrooms are cut in profile, preserving the shape of the mushroom on the cut.
  3. In order for the air to better blow around the product from all sides, it is recommended to string the mushrooms on a thick thread or thin fishing line, then hang them in well-ventilated places.
  4. The mushrooms should not be exposed to direct sunlight (otherwise blackness will appear, and the mushroom will not have time to dry).
  5. Method without hanging. Sliced ​​mushrooms are laid out on clean paper in one layer, as freely as possible without crowding.
  6. Small honey mushrooms and young boletus mushrooms (they are called porcini mushrooms) are dried whole.
  7. Drying in the oven saves time, but requires monitoring the result. The temperature is not higher than 40–43ºС. The oven lid must be slightly open. From time to time, the mushrooms should be gently stirred.
  8. Readiness is determined by touch: the mushrooms should not crumble, but their elasticity is already minimal - now they can be put into bags, wooden containers or canvas bags.
  9. Store for no more than 2-3 years and only in dry places where humidity will not cause mold to form on your workpieces.


Frozen mushrooms store better than dried ones. However, the freezer has to be unloaded every now and then. With repeated thawing, the product loses its quality. As a rule, the freezing temperature in home (domestic) refrigerators is low, so try to eat all the prepared mushrooms within one season. Next year, get a fresh harvest.

Frozen mushrooms should be used one season at a time.

  • Fresh mushrooms, not boiled in water, are carefully sorted and cleaned of debris. Chop into large pieces or send whole for freezing;
  • Take it out as needed, defrost it slightly, and boil it. Then use it in accordance with the recipe of the dish;
  • Boiled mushrooms are also frozen. Putting them in durable plastic bags without holes. Hermetically packaged, folded compactly according to varieties (species) - separately white, champignons, honey mushrooms, chanterelles, and so on;
  • It is convenient to freeze mushrooms in briquettes of different sizes. If you need to cook soup or cook a roast, a small block is removed and sent for cooking. We decided to fry a whole frying pan - a larger block would be used;
  • Make sure that the mushrooms do not absorb foreign odors due to their proximity to other products. Use extra-dense materials.

Video: how to freeze mushrooms

Storing canned mushrooms

Become lovers of mushroom dishes once and for all. Learning how to cook this unique product, you can diversify the family table and provide your household with healthy natural food. Even before the procurement work begins, calculate how many mushrooms are enough for the family, taking into account the invited guests. Make an adequate supply and do not store excess for longer than recommended.