How to pickle porcini mushrooms at home. How to salt white steppe mushrooms

Mushrooms are the most popular product that gives autumn time. Collecting them is a pleasure, and the prepared dishes are so varied that everyone will like it. the best way harvesting for the winter will be salting porcini mushrooms at home.

main feature mushrooms - they can be fried, boiled, marinated, dried, salted. Porcini mushrooms are tasty and healthy, so they are of particular value.

Classic salting recipe

To pickle the whites classic recipe first clean them of forest sand, leaves, debris and rinse well.


  • 3 kg white (sorted);
  • Spicy herbs - currant and cherry leaves;
  • Dill and horseradish leaves.


  • 6 art. l. rock salt;
  • 5-6 currant leaves;
  • 7-9 cloves for conservation;
  • 7-9 black peppercorns;
  • 3-4 bay leaves.

How to cook:

  1. Place the whites in a bowl and cover with water. Be sure to add salt and spices.
  2. Cook no more than half an hour. Then wash them in cold water, send to a colander and wait until dry.
  3. At the bottom of the jars lay some washed herbs, then white caps down. The next layer is again spicy herbs and mushrooms.
  4. Cover the containers with a cloth (without adding dyes), and put a load on top.
  5. Check that brine remains on the surface of the salted ones. If there is not enough brine, add cooled boiled water.

Video recipe

White mushrooms for the winter classical way will be ready to use in 2-3 days.

How to salt porcini mushrooms for the winter in jars

To enjoy porcini mushrooms not only during the picking season, but also in winter, it is best to pickle or marinate them in jars in a cold or hot way.

cold way


  • 1 kg white;
  • 30 g of rock salt;
  • 2-3 sprigs of dill brushes;
  • 3-5 leaves of lavrushka.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the mushrooms first. To do this, put in enamelware with water for a day.
  2. Prepare glass jars in which lay mushrooms in layers, alternating with herbs.
  3. The top layer should be brine. If it is not enough, add cold water (necessarily boiled).

hot way


  • 1 kg white;
  • 1-2 bay leaves;
  • 3-4 black peppercorns;
  • 2-3 cloves for conservation;
  • 1 dill umbrella.


  1. Prepare a brine from the indicated spices and spices. Put the whites into the boiling brine.
  2. Cook for no more than 15 minutes over low heat. Stir constantly and remove the resulting foam.
  3. After the time has elapsed, allow the mushrooms to cool slightly, and then decompose into pre-sterilized jars.
  4. To keep the mushrooms longer, pour a little salt into the jars, order and put them in a dark, cool place.

Salted whites according to this recipe can be consumed after 1.5 months, and the shelf life is about 9 months.

In order for mushrooms marinated in jars or other containers to be stored for as long as possible, the following rules must be observed.

  • Temperature regime . The storage temperature should be 6-8 degrees, so it is best to store pickles in a cool basement.
  • Lack of sunlight . The room should be as dark as possible, but at the same time well ventilated.
  • Brine quantity . Pay special attention to checking the brine in the mushroom container. He must cover them completely. If it is not enough, add brine with the calculation of 1.5-2 tbsp. l. rock salt per 1 liter of boiled and chilled water.

Cooked dishes from porcini mushrooms are delicious and very healthy, so make preparations for the winter and eat healthy food!

Let's say you come from a "quiet hunt" with a large supply of collected mushrooms. Many dishes can be prepared from mushrooms, in addition, it will not be superfluous to prepare them for future use. How to do it? The answer to the question of how to salt mushrooms, you will find below.

To begin with, let's get acquainted with the first way of how to salt mushrooms. For this you will need:

  • mushrooms - 10 l,
  • salt - 435 g.
  1. To salt, it is better to use young small mushrooms, they are more tender, fleshy and as a result will be tastier.
  2. It is necessary to clean the mushrooms, remove large debris from them, rinse under running water. After that, pour mushrooms with boiling water and put on low heat. Watch when the water boils. Immediately after this, start stirring vigorously. When you stop stirring, the water will boil again. Now we take out the mushrooms and pour over them cold water so they cool down faster. When the mushrooms have cooled to salt, they need to be dried.
  3. Now carefully place the mushrooms in a jar with caps up. Sprinkle salt on top and lay a row of mushrooms again. So you need to do until you fill the jar with mushrooms to the top. After that, put a wooden circle and press down with a small weight.
  4. After 3-4 days, pour into a jar of mushrooms vegetable oil. Such mushrooms should be stored in a cool, dry place.

And here is the second way to cook mushrooms for the winter. For it you will need:

  • mushrooms,
  • salt,
  1. As always, to salt, mushrooms need to be cleaned and washed. After that, put in a ceramic or glass dish. Metal won't work. Mushrooms need to be salted by eye. Hold the mushrooms for 24 hours, stirring no more than once an hour.
  2. Mushrooms will release juice. It must be drained through a fine sieve and slightly heated. After that, pour the warm juice back to the mushrooms. Leave for another 24 hours.
  3. Drain the juice again and reheat. This time the temperature should be higher than the previous time. Pour mushrooms again and leave for a day.
  4. Now the drained juice needs to be heated so that it is very hot, pour mushrooms over it. And the container in which you decided to salt mushrooms should be closed and kept for 3 days.
  5. Now put mushrooms on fire. Juice does not need to be drained. And boil. When the mushrooms boil, they need to be cooled and put in jars. Pour in juice again. Pour warm fat on top and tie with food paper.
  6. Before serving mushrooms to the table, they need to be soaked and kept for several hours in cold water, then slightly warmed up. Rinse mushrooms several times under running water to get rid of excess salt. Now salted mushrooms can be served at the table.

Salted porcini mushrooms can be used in salads and cold appetizers. The proposed recipes for preparing salted porcini mushrooms for the winter include different canning methods. This is first of all hot processing with preliminary boiling of raw materials. You can also cook salted porcini mushrooms in jars for the winter using a cold canning method. Whatever methods of salting porcini mushrooms are chosen for implementation on home cooking Always keep in mind that everyone's taste preferences are different. Therefore, you can vary the amount of salt, vinegar and other preservatives. Most often, salting porcini mushrooms for the winter in jars is accompanied by sterilization and hermetic clogging of containers. If there is no confidence in the absolute purity of mushrooms, then this should not be done in order to avoid the risk of infection with botulism. Read how salting porcini mushrooms is carried out at home and do these preparations correctly.

All housewives need to know how to salt porcini mushroom at home, since this is a traditional the old fashioned way mushroom preservation. The simplest harvesting method is based on the preservative effect table salt at a certain concentration. The only pity is that under the influence of salt decreases the nutritional value mushrooms and to a greater extent than with other harvesting methods, their taste deteriorates. Mushrooms are salted in three ways: dry, cold and hot. Each method is applicable to certain types of mushrooms, taking into account their properties. Barrels, jars and even buckets are used as dishes for salting. The following are recipes for salting porcini mushrooms for the winter different ways, hot and cold canning.

Salted porcini mushrooms cold recipe

Properly cooked salted porcini mushrooms according to a recipe using a cold canning method differ in taste and appearance.

Mushrooms intended for salting must be sorted out, cleaned of debris, poured with clean water and left for 1-3 hours so that the adhering particles of debris and dirt get wet.

Then the mushroom caps must be washed from adhering dirt and rinsed thoroughly in clean water.

Before laying the mushrooms on the bottom of the container, you need to pour a layer of salt.

On top of it are placed blackcurrant, cherry and oak leaves, horseradish leaves and root, dill stalks - to give mushrooms better taste and aroma.

The legs of the mushrooms are cut off at a distance of 0.5 cm from the cap.

Mushrooms should be laid tightly, caps down, in layers of 6-10 cm thick.

Each layer of mushrooms is sprinkled with salt and spices (bay leaf, pepper, garlic).

35-50 g of salt per kilogram is taken fresh mushrooms or, according to old norms, one and a half to two glasses of salt per bucket of mushrooms.

From above, mushrooms should be covered with a layer of currant leaves, horseradish, cherries, dill, to protect them from mold, which may appear on the surface of the brine.

Then the mushrooms are covered with a wooden circle, a load (oppression, oppression) is placed on it and the container is covered with a clean rag.

For oppression, it is best to take a stone that does not dissolve in brine.

Do not use bricks, lime and dolomite stones, rusty metal objects.

If there is no suitable stone, you can take an enamel pan with intact enamel and fill it with something heavy.

The severity of the oppression should be chosen so as to press the mushrooms and force the air out of them, but not crush them.

After 1-2 days, the mushrooms will settle and give juice.

The whole salting process takes one and a half to two months, then the mushrooms can be used as food.

The temperature in the room during salting mushrooms should not exceed 6-8 ° C, otherwise they may turn sour or moldy, but should not fall below 0 ° C, because salting is slower at low temperatures. If the mushrooms freeze, they turn black and become tasteless. It is best to store ready-to-eat mushrooms at a temperature of 0-4 ° C. The brine should completely cover the mushrooms.

If there is little brine or it has leaked out for some reason, you need to pour the mushrooms with a 10% solution of salt in boiled water. If mold appears, remove it from the walls of the container with a clean rag moistened with a solution of salt or vinegar, and also rinse the wooden circle and the yoke in this solution. If the tub is not full, you can add mushrooms collected later. They need to be cleaned, washed, cut off the legs, then remove the yoke and the top layer of leaves, put the mushrooms on top of the salted ones, as described above, cover them again with a layer of leaves so that they completely cover the mushrooms, and put the yoke back in place.

Recipe for salting porcini mushrooms in a cold way

This recipe for salting porcini mushrooms in a cold way is characterized by the fact that the raw materials are not washed before salting, but thoroughly cleaned of forest debris and wiped with a damp cloth. After cleaning, they are placed in a container and sprinkled with salt (35-50 g of salt per 1 kg of mushrooms). As with the cold method, the stacked mushrooms are covered with a wooden circle, oppression is placed on it and the container is covered with a clean rag. After 1-2 days they give juice.

Hot-salted porcini mushroom recipes

Porcini mushrooms, salted in a hot way, must first be boiled in clean salted water, then let the water drain and cool. Boiling time depends on the type of mushrooms. Porcini mushrooms are boiled for 10-15 minutes. Hot-salted mushrooms are edible after 10-15 days. With this method, the mushrooms are washed, put in a bowl and blanched for 5–7 minutes in boiling salted water. Then porcini mushrooms, salted according to the recipe in a hot way, are discarded on a sieve and doused with cold water. It is impossible to blanch a new batch of mushrooms in the same liquid - they darken.

How to salt porcini mushrooms in a saucepan in a cold way (with video)

Before salting porcini mushrooms in a saucepan, you need to choose the right container. It should be enameled and wide enough.

  • Mushrooms prepared - 10 kg
  • salt - 500 g

This salting is for relatively sweet and juicy mushrooms. Before salting porcini mushrooms in a cold way, they need to be cleaned and disassembled, cut off the leg, put in a bowl, sprinkle with salt, close with a napkin, put a circle and a load on top. Salted mushrooms, separating their juice, are noticeably compacted. As they settle, you can add fresh tribes, sprinkling them with salt until the dishes are full and the settling stops. Mushrooms are ready to eat in 35 days.

Watch how to salt porcini mushrooms in the video, which shows the entire canning process.

How to pickle porcini mushrooms in a hot way

For 10 kg of boiled mushrooms:

  • 450–600 g salt
  • Garlic
  • tarragon or dill stalks

Clean and washed mushrooms are boiled in lightly salted water. Before pickling porcini mushrooms in a hot way, they are cooled in cold water. On the sieve let the water drain. Then the mushrooms are placed in a jar or barrel, mixed with salt, covered with a cloth and a lid with oppression. After a few days, the mushrooms will settle and more mushrooms should be added with the appropriate amount of salt. The amount of salt depends on the place of storage: in a damp and warm room there is more salt, in a well-ventilated room - less.

Seasonings are placed at the bottom of the dishes or mixed with mushrooms. After a week they become usable.

The brine during the entire storage period should completely cover the mushrooms in order to avoid mold.

If there is little brine, and it does not cover the mushrooms, you should add chilled salted boiled water(For 1 liter of water take 50 g, i.e. 2 tablespoons of salt).

During storage, fungi should be checked from time to time and mold should be removed. The lid, stone-oppression and fabric are washed from mold in soda water and boiled, the inner edge of the dish is wiped with a napkin moistened with a solution of salt or vinegar.

Salting porcini mushrooms for the winter in jars in a hot way

To pickle porcini mushrooms for the winter in jars, you need to take the following ingredients for 10 kg of raw materials:

  • 400–500 g salt (2–2.5 cups)
  • Garlic
  • parsley
  • dill or celery stalks

Salting porcini mushrooms in a hot way for the winter begins with the fact that the peeled and washed mushrooms are blanched: placed on a sieve, poured with plenty of boiling water, steamed or dipped in boiling water for a short time to make the mushrooms elastic. Then they are quickly cooled, poured with cold water or kept in a draft. Salt just like fresh mushrooms. After 3-4 days, blanched mushrooms are ready to eat.

Hot salting of porcini mushrooms at home

Hot salting of porcini mushrooms at home begins with the fact that they are put in a bowl and poured with cold salted water (1 liter of water per 5 kg of mushrooms). Cover with a napkin, then with a wooden circle, on top - a load. Dishes with soaked mushrooms put in the cold, better fridge so they don't get sour. Depending on the type of mushrooms, the soaking time is from 1 to 3 days. Water is changed at least once a day. Sometimes it is better to replace soaking with scalding. Porcini mushrooms are boiled in salted water for 5-8 minutes, and then salted in the usual way. Water after each cooking or scalding must be poured out. After cooking the mushrooms, the pan should be wiped well with dry salt, washed thoroughly and wiped dry.

Recipes for salting porcini mushrooms in a hot way


  • 1 bucket of white mushrooms
  • 1.5 cups salt

All recipes for salting porcini mushrooms in a hot way begin with the fact that it is recommended to dip the young mushrooms into boiling water, let it boil 1-2 times, put it on a sieve and pour it with cold water until it cools down. Let them dry on the same sieves, turning over several times. Then put the mushrooms in jars with their caps up, sprinkling each row with salt, cover with a dry circle, put a stone on top. After a few days, if the jar is not full, add fresh mushrooms, pour in melted, barely warm butter, and it is best to tie it with a bubble. Store in a cool dry place. Before use, soak the mushrooms for 1 hour in cold water (and if they have been salted for a long time, then you can soak the whole day), then rinse in several waters. Mushrooms prepared in this way do not differ in taste from fresh ones, especially if they are cooked in broth with porcini mushroom powder.

How to salt porcini mushrooms: a simple recipe with a photo

Before salting porcini mushrooms simple recipe, you need to take freshly picked autumn mushrooms, put them in a pot, salt and let stand for a day, stirring often. Then pour the resulting juice into a saucepan, filtering through a sieve, heat this juice on the stove so that it becomes barely warm, and pour mushrooms over it again. The next day, drain the juice again, heat it to a slightly higher temperature than the first time, and pour the mushrooms again. On the third day, heat the drained juice so that it is quite hot, pour over the mushrooms and leave for 3 days. Then boil the mushrooms together with the juice. When cool, transfer to a jar, pot or oak bucket with hats up, pour the same brine, and melted, but barely warm, butter on top and tie with a bubble. Before use, soak the mushrooms for several hours in cold water, then put them together with water on the stove, heat up and drain the water. Do this several times, changing the water, until all the salt comes out of the mushrooms.

See how to salt porcini mushrooms in the recipe with a photo, which illustrates all the steps.

White mushrooms, salted under oppression

To cook porcini mushrooms, salted under oppression, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 10 kg prepared mushrooms
  • 500 g salt
  • 20 g bay leaf
  • 6-8 g of allspice.

Mushrooms are cleaned, legs are cut off, boiled in salted water for 15 minutes (from the beginning of boiling), then washed in cold water and put on a sieve so that they dry well. Then they are placed in a bowl upside down, sprinkled with salt and shifted with spices, covered with a napkin, a circle and a load is applied.

How to salt porcini mushrooms in a hot way


  • 1 kg of mushrooms
  • 1-2 bay leaves
  • 2-3 blackcurrant leaves
  • 20 g dill greens
  • 10 g parsley
  • 1-2 garlic cloves
  • black peppercorns to taste
  • 30 g salt.

For brine:

  • 3 liters of water
  • 150 g salt.

Before salting porcini mushrooms in a hot way, they must be washed in several waters and cleaned of debris. Prepare a brine by dissolving salt in boiling water. Dip the mushrooms in the brine and cook over low heat, removing the foam and stirring occasionally. When the broth becomes transparent, and the mushrooms settle to the bottom, put them in a colander and let cool. Put the mushrooms in a jar, sprinkling with salt and shifting with currant leaves, bay leaves, dill and parsley, garlic and adding black peppercorns. close jar nylon cover and put away in a cold place.

After 30-35 days, the mushrooms will be ready to eat.

How to pickle porcini mushrooms in a cold way


  • 1 kg white mushrooms
  • 2-3 bay leaves
  • 150 g salt.

Young porcini mushrooms can be salted in a cold way. Before salting porcini mushrooms in a cold way, they must be washed and cleaned well, then dried slightly and cut into thin slices. Put in an enamel container, salt and leave for 2-3 hours. Then transfer to a jar, crushing tightly until the juice is released, pour salt and cover with bay leaves. Close the jar with a lid and put in a cold place.

How to pickle porcini mushrooms in a jar


  • 1 bucket of white mushrooms
  • 400 g salt
  • ox fat or lard

Before pickling porcini mushrooms in a jar, dip young mushrooms in boiling water, bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat, soak the mushrooms for a few minutes and bring to a boil again. Throw the mushrooms in a colander, rinse with cold water, let the liquid drain. Put prepared mushrooms in jars in layers (caps up), sprinkling with salt. Put a wooden or plastic circle on top, press it with oppression. After a few days, if the mushrooms settle too much, add fresh mushrooms (previously blanched) to the jar, sprinkle with salt, pour in warm cow fat or lard, close the lid and keep in a dry, cold place.

Recipes for salting porcini mushrooms at home


  • 1 bucket of white mushrooms
  • 500 g salt
  • Bay leaf
  • allspice to taste

These recipes for salting porcini mushrooms at home allow you to get fragrant and spicy preservation. Peel the mushrooms, cut off the stems. Boil prepared mushrooms in salted boiling water for 15 minutes, put in a colander, rinse with cold water, let the liquid drain. Put the mushrooms in a container in layers (tops up), sprinkling with salt and spices. Put a wooden circle on top and press it with oppression. Mushrooms will be ready in 7-10 days.

Recipes for pickling porcini mushrooms for the winter


  • 10 kg white mushrooms
  • 600 g salt
  • Dill
  • oak and currant leaves
  • allspice to taste

Before salting porcini mushrooms for the winter according to this recipe, you need to pour a layer of salt on the bottom of the barrel. Put porcini mushrooms in layers (caps down), sprinkling with salt, herbs, spices. Put a wooden circle on top and press it with oppression. After 7 days, when the mushrooms settle, pour off a little of the resulting brine, add fresh mushrooms. Repeat the procedure again (so that the barrel is full). On the top row put clean cabbage leaves. Cork the barrel, put on ice. Mushrooms will be ready in 1.5–2 months.

White mushrooms spicy salting for the winter.


  • 10 kg white mushrooms
  • 500 g salt
  • Bay leaf
  • Tarragon
  • Marjoram
  • Cinnamon
  • Carnation
  • allspice to taste

Peel the porcini mushrooms, cut off the legs. Pour prepared mushrooms with salted water, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes. Then recline in a colander, rinse with cold water, let the liquid drain. Mushrooms put in enameled dishes in layers (tops up), sprinkling with salt and spices. Place a flat plate on top and press down. Mushrooms will be ready in 7 days.

Blanched salted white mushrooms.


  • 10 kg mushrooms
  • 500 g salt
  • Garlic
  • parsley root
  • horseradish
  • Dill
  • oak leaves
  • black currant and cherry
  • pepper to taste

Put the peeled and washed mushrooms in a colander and dip in boiling water for 5-8 minutes. Then cool quickly by rinsing in cold water, allowing the liquid to drain. Put the mushrooms in a bowl in layers, adding garlic, parsley root, horseradish, dill, oak leaves, black currant, cherries, pepper and salt. Place a small load on top and keep in a cool place for 7-10 days.

Salted porcini mushrooms with onions


  • 1 bucket of mushrooms
  • 500 g salt
  • 200 g onion
  • black pepper to taste

To cook salted porcini mushrooms with onions, they need to be boiled for 20 minutes, cool in cold water. Then dry on a sieve, chop, sprinkle with a mixture of salt, pepper and chopped onions. Mix the mushrooms thoroughly and place tightly in a container for salting. Cover with a cloth, press with oppression and leave for 7 days

Salted white mushrooms with citric acid.


  • 10 kg mushrooms
  • 5 liters of water
  • 350 g salt
  • 35 g citric acid

Blanch mushroom caps in salted boiling water for 2 minutes, drain in a colander, cool. Put the mushrooms in prepared dishes in layers, sprinkling with salt. For brine, bring water to a boil, add salt and citric acid, cool. Mushrooms pour brine, cover jars parchment paper and place in a cool place.

Mushrooms will be ready to eat in 20-30 days.

Salted porcini mushrooms with garlic and butter

In order to cook porcini salted mushrooms with butter and garlic, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of mushrooms
  • 100 g salt
  • Garlic
  • Dill
  • Parsley
  • blackcurrant and cherry leaves
  • horseradish leaves
  • pepper to taste

Rinse the mushrooms, dry them, cut large ones into pieces. Finely chop the garlic and herbs. Put a few leaves of horseradish, blackcurrant and cherry on the bottom of the pan, then a layer of mushrooms with caps up, sprinkle with chopped garlic and herbs. So lay all the mushrooms, sprinkling the layers with salt and pepper. After filling the pan, put a flat plate on top and press down with oppression. Put in a cool place for 2 weeks.

Salted white mushrooms (method 1).

With the hot salting method, the sorted and washed mushrooms must first be blanched, then thrown onto a sieve to make the water glass, then put in a bowl prepared for salting, add spices and sprinkle with salt. For 10 kg of mushrooms:

  • 300-400 g salt

Spices and seasonings:

  • Garlic
  • Pepper
  • Dill
  • horseradish leaf
  • black currant leaf
  • Bay leaf
  • allspice
  • cloves, etc.

Salted white mushrooms (method 2).

Place the soaked mushrooms to the brim in the prepared dish (enamelled pan, barrel) with the legs up, sprinkle with salt at the rate of 3-4% by weight of the mushrooms, i.e. for 10 kg of mushrooms:

  • 300-400 g salt

Spices and seasonings:

  • Garlic
  • Pepper
  • Dill
  • horseradish leaf
  • black currant leaf
  • Bay leaf
  • allspice
  • cloves, etc.

put on the bottom of the barrel, on top, and also shift the mushrooms in the middle with them. On top you need to put a wooden circle and a load. As the mushrooms settle in the barrel, you can put a new portion of them, sprinkling them with salt, and so on until the container is filled. After that, the mushrooms must be taken out to a cold place. With the cold salting method, the sorted mushrooms must be soaked for 2-3 days in cold water, changing it many times to remove the milky juice. At this time, mushrooms should be stored only in a cold room, as they can ferment and turn sour when warm. For 10 kg of mushrooms:

  • 300-400 g salt

Spices and seasonings:

  • Garlic
  • Pepper
  • Dill
  • horseradish leaf
  • black currant leaf
  • Bay leaf
  • allspice
  • cloves, etc.

Salted porcini mushrooms.


  • Boiled mushrooms - 5 kg
  • Dill greens - 50 g
  • Bay leaf -8-10 pcs.
  • Peppercorns - 30 g
  • Blackcurrant leaves - 150 g
  • Salt - 500 g

Peel freshly picked mushrooms, rinse and boil in lightly salted water until tender. The readiness of the mushrooms is determined by their settling to the bottom and the cessation of foaming, while the broth becomes more transparent. The broth must be drained, put the mushrooms in a linen bag and placed under the load to completely remove the liquid. Lay the squeezed mushrooms in layers in a dish for salting, sprinkling each layer with salt and shifting with spices. Put the remaining blackcurrant leaves on top, then a clean linen napkin, on it - a wooden circle and a load. So that the top layer does not become moldy, it must be poured with cold brine. Mushrooms withstand 2-3 days at room temperature and then take it to a cold room. After about a month and a half, the mushrooms will be ready to eat.

Salted mushrooms.


  • Mushrooms - 5 kg
  • Salt - 250 g
  • Peppercorns - 1 teaspoon
  • Dill greens - 1 bunch

Peel the mushrooms, separate the caps from the legs and boil for 20 minutes in salted water. Then rinse the mushrooms under running cold water, put on a sieve and let the water drain. Place hats and stems in layers in a salting dish, sprinkling each layer of hats with stems with salt and pepper and shifting them with herbs. Cover with a linen napkin, a wooden circle and put a load on top, keep it in a room for 2-3 days and take it out to a cold room.

Porcini mushrooms of hot pickling in Oryol style.


  • 1 kg of mushrooms
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt
  • 5 allspice peas
  • 7 black peppercorns
  • red ground pepper

Borovik is considered the king of the entire mushroom kingdom. It surpasses even meat in protein content and is considered its natural substitute, for which it was nicknamed white meat. Therefore, it is worth including this product in the diet.

But if it is easier to get it in summer-autumn, then what to do in winter? Of course, eat delicious preparations made in summer. Let's learn how to pickle and jar porcini mushrooms.

What you need to know about white mushrooms?

For experienced mushroom picker not difficult to distinguish good mushroom from poisonous. But there are chances that the fungus may mutate and become unsuitable for food. Therefore, it is better to buy mushrooms, which are specially grown on farms.

The white fungus has a characteristic brown cap (color may vary depending on soil composition and age) and a white stem. Distinctive characteristic is the white color of its tubular layer between the cap and the stem, which will always be white regardless of the state or method of preparation.

Before cooking, you should make sure that there is no poisonous satanic or bile mushroom that accidentally got into it, which look like a boletus.

It is worth dealing with mushrooms in the very first hours after picking or buying them, since this product quickly deteriorates and it is better to prepare them for consumption or pickling in the first 5-6 hours. They can be pickled, salted, dried and frozen - they are tasty in any state.

First of all, you need to select good specimens, sort them by size and rinse.

A good mushroom must be strong, whole, not crushed and without wormholes, otherwise it will not only not be stored for a long time, but may also contain toxic substances.

Regardless of the method of further storage, they must first be sorted, carefully examined for dents, cuts, wormholes and the affected areas removed. It is best, of course, not to use spoiled mushrooms for long-term storage and eat immediately, but after removing the affected area, they can still be pickled or salted.

For preparation, you need a large container for washing and soaking. Of course, the size of the container depends on the amount of product, but it is better to take a large basin or use a bathroom so that the mushrooms fit freely in it in one layer.

They can be cleaned of dirt in three ways:

  • soaking first for 30 minutes, then again for 15 minutes in plenty of cold water;
  • doused with boiling water up to 5 times;
  • Rinse big amount running water.

As soon as the dirt and grass are washed off, the mushrooms must be dried and prepared for further cooking. Whatever storage method is chosen, it is best to use small and medium-sized specimens whole, and especially large ones - cut in half. For pickling or pickling, you can use only hats, and put the legs into food.

Marinated porcini mushrooms

Pickled mushrooms are perfectly stored for a long time in an airtight container. Usually they are pickled with acid - acetic or citric. There are many varieties of marinade, but boletus goes well with any of them. Consider the recipes for cooking for the winter, which, in our opinion, are the most successful.

Mushrooms marinated with citric acid

If you do not want to use vinegar, then it can be easily replaced with citric acid. The taste of the mushrooms is spicy and they are stored for the same long time as with the use of vinegar marinade.

  • boletus - 800 gr;
  • citric acid - 20 gr;
  • salt - 60 gr;
  • sugar - 10 gr;
  • water - 2 glasses.

Time spent: 3.5 hours.

Calories: 30 calories.

A quick recipe for marinated porcini mushrooms

Thanks to this marinade, mushrooms are stored for a long time. The recipe is based on the use of 1 liter jar.


  • white mushroom - 1 kilo;
  • water - 750 ml;
  • salt - 90 gr;
  • granulated sugar - 25 gr;
  • vinegar - 30 ml;
  • laurel - 2-3 pieces;
  • allspice and black peas - 3-4 pcs.;

Time spent: 30 minutes.

Calories: 25 calories.

  1. Boil pre-prepared mushrooms for 20 minutes in boiling water;
  2. In parallel, boil the marinade: dissolve salt with sugar and vinegar in 500 ml of water;
  3. After the mushrooms are cooked in the first water, move them to the marinade and cook in it for 8 minutes;
  4. In a sterile jar, put bay leaves, peppers on the bottom, and mushrooms on top. It is necessary to lay carefully, as soft mushrooms are easily deformed;
  5. Fill the jar with marinade and roll up the lid using a special machine;
  6. Instant porcini mushrooms are ready for the winter. You need to store them in a dark cool place.

Salted porcini mushrooms

An equally popular storage option for porcini mushrooms is salting for the winter. This is the most ancient and proven way to store this product. There are several types of salting.

Classic recipe

It was in this way that most housewives used it at a time when neither citric acid nor acetic acid was widely available. Salted mushrooms are perfectly stored and have a unique taste.


  • 1 bucket of mushrooms;
  • 100 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 2 cups of salt.

Preparation time: 4 days.

Calorie content: 24 kcal.

  1. Pour the mushrooms with salt (they should already be cleaned and washed) and leave them for a day;
  2. After that, drain the resulting juice into a saucepan and heat a little. Pour the juice back into the tub and leave for another day;
  3. Repeat the procedure with juice, only heat it more;
  4. On the third day, drain the juice again, boil it and return it hot to the container;
  5. After three days, boil the mushrooms with the juice and cool;
  6. Put the mushrooms legs down in a container (it is better to use wooden tub) and pour juice;
  7. Pour vegetable oil on top, tie the container with a bag and cover tightly with a lid;
  8. Before use, you need to hold them for several hours in cold water, and then boil 2 times in two waters.

hot salting

Using this salting method for the winter, mushrooms are exposed to heat treatment in hot water. Their taste does not change from this, and time is saved.


  • mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • salt - 30 g for brine and 50 g for salting;
  • lavrushka - 3-4 pcs.;
  • cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • peppercorns - 3 pcs.;
  • cherry or currant leaves - 2-3 pieces;
  • dill - 30 gr.

Cooking time: 4 hours for cooking and 45 days for salting.

Calories: 40 calories.

  1. Boil water with salt and place mushrooms in it;
  2. As soon as foam forms on the surface, remove it and add all the spices;
  3. Cook for 30 minutes, stirring;
  4. Cool and arrange in jars, sprinkle with salt and fill with brine so that it covers only 1/3 of the jar;
  5. After 45 days you can eat.

Cold salting

Another option for salting for the winter, but without cooking, instead of which long soaking is used.


  • white mushroom - 1 kg;
  • salt - 30 gr;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • dill - 10 gr;
  • cherry leaves - 10 pcs.

Preparation time: 3 days for preparation and 40 days for salting.

Calories: 30 calories.

How to freeze porcini mushrooms for the winter

Freezing is the fastest and easiest way to preserve any food, and not just for the winter. This does not require much time and effort.


  • mushrooms - 1 kilogram.

Elapsed time: 15 minutes.

Calories: 24 calories.

  1. Dry the peeled and washed porcini mushrooms. For convenience, you can immediately cut them into pieces;
  2. Place them on a pallet so that they do not touch each other;
  3. Send to pre-freeze for 10 minutes;
  4. Get mushrooms and move to a bag or container;
  5. Send back to freezer. Defrost before using.

Any product can be turned into a masterpiece if it is prepared correctly. To avoid trouble, you need to use little secrets:

  1. When cooking mushrooms, you must use mushrooms of the same size or make them so, since small parts will boil quickly and lose their shape, while big chunks not yet ready;
  2. White mushrooms must be cooked separately from other species due to different cooking times;
  3. Follow the recipe exactly and do not change it;
  4. At cold salting on top of the surface of the tub, a small coating of mold may form, there is nothing to worry about and you can simply remove it with a spoon;
  5. When frozen, you can mix them with other frozen vegetables to get ready mix for soups or stews.

These tips will help you avoid mistakes and food spoilage. Using proven recipes and knowing the secrets of delicious preparation of blanks for the winter, you can all year round enjoy the unique taste of porcini mushrooms!

How to properly dry porcini mushrooms for harvesting them for the winter can be found in the following video.

In contact with

Porcini- the royal mushroom, the majestic handsome hero. It is especially appreciated by mushroom pickers, such a trophy is their pride. Fresh mushrooms are fragrant, satisfying and very tasty. healthy meals. But the mushroom season is not long, and you want to feast on mushrooms all year round. One of the ways to harvest forest beauties for the winter is salting. What you need to know so as not to spoil such valuable mushrooms?

White mushroom - royal mushroom, majestic handsome hero

Salting, like any other method of harvesting mushrooms, requires their preparation. First, the forest harvest must be sorted out, setting aside wormy and rotten specimens. It is also good to sort the mushrooms by size so that they are salted evenly.

Then they must be thoroughly rinsed, if necessary using a brush. Then slightly trim the darkened part of the leg from below. You also need to prepare a container for salting and a suitable oppression - a wooden circle and a load. Keep ready mushrooms follows at low temperature, and better in the cellar or refrigerator. Periodically, you need to check their condition so that mold does not form.

How to pickle porcini mushrooms (video)

How to salt porcini mushrooms in a cold way in jars

When salting mushrooms in a cold way, you can use jars, enamel pots or buckets, bowls. For a kilogram of mushrooms, you need three full spoons of salt, a few laurels, dill sprigs, a few peas of allspice, a couple of bitter peppers, a few currant or cherry leaves. How to salt mushrooms?

  1. Put the mushrooms in jars and pour them with salt and spices. About half of the salt is spent on this.
  2. When the container is full, it is filled with salt water, which was previously boiled and then cooled. This uses up the rest of the salt. Banks are closed with lids.
  3. After more than a month, when stored in the refrigerator, the product reaches readiness.
  4. Salted mushrooms should be washed before use.

When salting mushrooms in a cold way, you can use jars

Salting porcini mushrooms in a hot way at home

It is not difficult to prepare a delicious snack at home. To do this, you can use the following recipe, in which you need two (with top) tablespoons of salt, parsley, dill, allspice and cloves per kilogram of mushrooms. Just a few pieces.

Cooking steps:

  • First you need to boil the brine, and for this, boil water with all the ingredients.
  • Then put the whites there, and cook them for a quarter of an hour with constant stirring. The emerging foam should be removed with a slotted spoon. A sign of the readiness of the workpiece is the subsidence of mushrooms to the bottom of the container.
  • After that, mushrooms are taken out of the pan and wait until they cool down.
  • Then they are laid out in sterile jars, covered with salt, closed and placed in the refrigerator.

After a month and a half, a delicious snack is ready. It can be stored at a low temperature for several months.

Hot salted mushrooms

How to pickle porcini mushrooms in oil for the winter

When harvesting porcini mushrooms by the proposed method, per kilogram of forest gifts, you need two full tablespoons of salt and a liter of sunflower oil. At the same time, mushroom caps are cut into slices, laid out on the surface, dried for several hours. Then they are placed in containers and poured hot and pre-boiled. vegetable oil. In this case, the mushrooms are completely immersed in it. Then the containers are tied with a clean cloth and placed in the refrigerator.

There is another way when oil is used when pickling mushrooms, but already butter. At the same time, for three kilograms of white, you need half a glass of salt and 80 grams of butter. Technological sequence:

  1. Boil water, send the prepared mushrooms there and cook for a few minutes.
  2. After that, throw the semi-finished product into a colander and cool.
  3. Put the product in a container, pouring salt in layers.
  4. Place oppression on top and leave for several days in a cool place.
  5. After that, tightly spread the mushrooms into sterile jars and pour a layer of oil on top. Store in refrigerator with lids closed.

How to pickle porcini mushrooms for the winter (video)

How to pickle white mushrooms under oppression

Often, mushrooms are salted, compacted for the duration of the process with the help of a load. For oppression, a wooden circle is best suited and a stone treated with boiling water as a load. Technological process consists of the following steps:

  1. Pour prepared whites with water and leave to soak for a day.
  2. Put a five-centimeter layer of mushrooms on the bottom of the jar. Sprinkle them with salt and spices.
  3. Repeat this until the container is full. The last layer should be spices and salt.
  4. Cover the dishes with gauze, put oppression on top and put the workpiece in the cool.
  5. When the mushrooms start up the juice, and it rises to the top, its excess is poured into a separate bowl. If the juice does not appear, then you need to weight the load.
  6. The procedure for pouring out the rising juice is repeated several times. And after a few weeks, the food is ready.

If you want to speed up the process, then you can pre-blanch the mushrooms by pouring them into a sieve and holding them in boiling water for several minutes. Then the whites should be cooled under running cold water. And then the salting process is no different from the previous one. In this case, a delicious dish will be ready in a couple of weeks. Wash excess salt before use.

Salting porcini mushrooms under oppression

dry pickled mushroom recipe

Mushrooms are cut into slices with minimal time, and the taste of the resulting dish is striking in its sophistication and piquancy. With such salting, two kilograms of mushrooms need one and a half glasses of salt, a few cherry, currant and oak leaves. The sequence of obtaining a mushroom snack:

  1. Mushrooms are cut into slices, placed on paper towels and dried.
  2. Then they are laid out in a sterile dish so that there are no gaps between the layers. Layers are abundantly sprinkled with salt, evenly distributing green leaves.
  3. The jars are sealed with sterile lids and placed in the cold.

With dry salting, mushrooms are cut into slices

Another variant:

  1. Soak prepared mushrooms for several days in a 3% saline solution, placing them in a cool place for this time.
  2. In order for the liquid to completely cover the mushrooms, it is better to put a load on top.
  3. The brine is changed twice a day.
  4. Soaked mushrooms are allowed to drain. Then spices are poured into an enameled container and its bottom is covered with salt.
  5. Lay the mushrooms in layers upside down, sprinkling them with plenty of salt. Then oppression is put on the container covered with gauze and placed in coolness.
  6. After the mushrooms cease to secrete juice, the dishes with the snack must be rearranged in the cellar.
  7. If this is not possible, then the mushrooms are laid out in jars and rolled up.

Marinade for porcini mushrooms (video)

Porcini mushrooms are rich in proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, potassium, phosphorus, amino acids, which have a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, skin, hair and nails. It is nutritious and at the same time low-calorie product. When salted, whites retain all the beneficial properties and are even enriched with vitamins. As a result of lactic acid fermentation, they become softer and better absorbed.

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Once upon a time there was no such thing as "pickling", and all vegetables, mushrooms and products were salted in barrels or tubs. Today, of course, very few use the sides, but the salting process itself has remained and is being successfully improved further. Salting porcini mushrooms in a cold way allows you to get juicy mushrooms in winter, while saving their vitamins and original taste. Then such mushrooms can be eaten just like that, or you can cook other dishes from them. You can cook mushrooms using the cold method not only porcini, but everything that you will have. As a rule, mushrooms, milk mushrooms, brilliant greens, volnushki, russula, rows and even chanterelles were chosen earlier. First you need to decide on the dishes for salting. Of course, if you have small (or large) barrels or tubs, then feel free to take them, initially dousing them with boiling water several times. But these are not present in every home, so the main thing is that the dishes do not oxidize. Plastic buckets, bowls, enamel pots, and more can serve perfectly. Of course, everything needs to be washed well and rinsed with boiling water. Then you should prepare the mushrooms themselves and other ingredients for salting. For one kilogram of mushrooms, prepare the following products:

  • 30 g salt
  • 5-8 bay leaves,
  • 3-4 sprigs of dill,
  • 7-8 pieces of allspice,
  • 1-2 hot peppers
  • 3-5 garlic cloves,
  • 3-6 leaves of fresh currant.
To prepare the mushrooms before salting, they need to be washed very well and, if necessary, cleaned of unnecessary defects. Many people prefer to salt only hats and cut off the legs one or two centimeters before it. Then you just need to pour the mushrooms with cold water and leave to soak. White mushroom should stand in water for at least a day. For some other species, such as wavelets, 4-5 hours will be enough. Some housewives recommend simply boiling the mushroom for several hours, but this will already be more of a pickled option, rather than salting. When the mushrooms get wet, you can proceed to direct salting. To do this, put a layer of mushrooms about 5-10 centimeters on the bottom of the dish that you will use. Sprinkle it with salt and lay out some of the prepared spices, then you can lay out the next layer of mushrooms and lay out as many mushrooms as you can. The last layer must include salt, spices and spices. For a while, that's all. On top of the dish, you need to cover it with gauze and put either a wooden circle on top, and if not, then you can also use a regular plate that is suitable in size. Put a load on top of it and take everything out to infuse in a cool place. After a couple of days of infusion, on top of the gauze you will see a brine, which is obtained when the mushrooms settle. The brine should be drained a little, and new mushrooms can be put on top. Repeat this procedure several times, there should be quite a lot of brine, so if this is not the case, then just put a little more weight. After about a month and a half, porcini pickled mushrooms can already be eaten, and if you didn’t make porcini mushrooms, then earlier: mushrooms - in a week, milk mushrooms or waves - in a month.

mushrooms are enough useful product in addition, it is not difficult to get them, you only need to know their signs and recognize them. It is also worth paying attention to the choice of the right place of collection, this greatly affects the quality of the product.

Salting boletus mushrooms requires a large amount of salt. It helps to form the correct saline solution, in which the mixture will be stored. For this recipe, it is recommended to choose younger plants. They have a fleshy texture and are more tender in taste, such a preparation will turn out to be more tasty.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mushrooms - 10 kilograms;
  • Salt - 435 grams;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons.

How to pickle mushrooms for the winter:

  1. To salt mushrooms for the winter, it is better to choose the youngest plants, it is these plants that are well suited for salting, the mixture will turn out delicious and tender. First you need to clean the mushrooms from debris, peel, rinse;
  2. Now put on the stove large saucepan with water, wait for it to boil. Put the fruits in boiling water and wait until the water boils, boiling must be prevented by constant stirring and low heat. After boiling the mushrooms for a few minutes, you can throw them in a colander. Now, for faster cooling, the mushrooms are doused with cold water. Wait until they drain a little and transfer to a paper towel. The mass will be better salted if it is completely dried;
  3. Now you can transfer the mass to a separate container for salting. Hats should be facing up. After the layer of the plant is laid, you can begin to sprinkle it with salt. It must be taken large, it is it that is ideal for the process of salting any products;
  4. When the whole mixture is laid out in layers with salt, oppression can be installed on the surface. Before this, it is necessary to cover the mass with gauze, put a flat dish or lid, and then put oppression. The load should be small;
  5. Such a workpiece should be stored at low temperatures; the cellar or underground would be ideal places for storing pickles;
  6. After a few days, on the surface of the mass should form saline solution and during this period it is worth adding a few tablespoons of vegetable oil.

How to pickle boletus mushroom

To prepare this recipe, you will not need to process and cook mushrooms for a long time. But it is worth paying great attention to cleansing and soaking the pulp, these procedures will help make the pulp more uniform and get rid of all that is superfluous. Also, the pulp is best cleaned from a rough peel.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mushrooms - 1 bucket;
  • Salt - 1.5 cups.

How to salt mushrooms recipe:

  1. The harvested crop should be washed well, transferred to a large container. The container should be suitable for the salting process. Together with the pulp, pour a measured amount of salt into the container, mix well. It is necessary to ensure that all the pulp is completely mixed with salt;
  2. Leave the mass in a room with a warm temperature and stir very often so that the salt crystals are well mixed with the pulp and distributed throughout the mixture. The mass should be infused for a day. If a little brine has formed, then you can leave the mass for a longer period;
  3. Then you can transfer the mass to a separate container, and pour the solution into a saucepan, strain thoroughly to remove all debris and put on the stove. The solution only needs to be warmed up a little;
    Pour the mushrooms again with a warm solution for a day;
  4. Then again drain the solution and heat on the stove. Only this time it is necessary to heat the solution to a higher temperature and pour it over the mass again;
  5. The third time you need to drain the solution, heat it to a hot state and pour it over the plant. This time it is worth putting for insisting for 3 days;
  6. After this time, you can put the pan on the stove and bring the whole mass to a boil. After complete cooling, the pulp can be transferred to separate containers and rolled up with lids;
  7. Before use, the pulp should be soaked in clean cold water and boil a little in fresh water, changing it several times during cooking.

How to salt boletus mushrooms for the winter

Collecting a bucket of mushrooms is not so difficult, but in order to properly prepare it, you should try. The main thing is to prepare the plants themselves. It is worth getting rid of the peel, even if the pulp is quite tender and young. After that, it is worth taking care of removing debris and earth; for this, the mass is well washed or soaked in cold water for a long period of time.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mushrooms - 1 bucket of 10 liters;
  • Coarse salt - 1.5 cups.

Recipe for salting mushrooms for the winter:

  1. Young plants are more suitable for salting, and in such a plant it is possible not to separate the caps from the legs. But in an adult plant, it is recommended to separate the hat from the stem;
  2. While preparing the pulp, you can put water on the stove to boil;
  3. Sort the mushrooms, separate the damaged parts;
  4. Dip the pulp in boiling water, wait until it boils, then with continuous stirring, you need to boil the pulp a little, immediately put it in a colander and pour over with cold water. You can dip the pulp in a colander into ice water so that the mass cools faster;
  5. Then put the mass on a wire rack or on a paper towel, there should not be excess water in the pulp;
  6. Now it is worth decomposing the pulp into a large container or a special wooden tub for salting. The plant should be head down. Each layer must be sprinkled with plenty of salt;
  7. Cover the mass with a napkin or towel, put on it big dish or a lid smaller than the size of the pan and put oppression on it. The oppression must have such a weight that the mass is well compacted;
    After a few days, the mass should become more humid and compacted a little, during this period new plants can be added to the pan so that the container is full;
  8. Such a blank should be stored throughout the entire period of storage in a dry room with low air temperatures.

Salting mushrooms for the winter in jars

We are often asked: “How to salt mushrooms for the winter in jars and what is needed for this?” For cooking, you do not need to prepare other ingredients, except for salt and the plant itself. Moreover, mushrooms can not be heavily processed, just need to be removed from them a large number of earth and garbage. Even cutting is not necessary at all, the plant can be salted with either whole caps or whole legs. But the legs are not often used as they are too hard.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mushrooms - 5 kilograms;
  • Salt - 300-500 grams.

Salt mushrooms recipe:

  1. First, prepare the mushrooms for pre-soaking in cold water. To do this, they are washed, sorted, damaged parts are removed, transferred to a large container, added a small amount of salt and mix well. Salt should be completely distributed on the surface of the pulp. Periodically it is necessary to mix the mass, it is worth stirring every hour. The mass must be infused for 24 hours;
  2. After that, the resulting juice must be poured into a separate container and warmed up a little. Pour the pulp with a warm solution and leave for 24 hours;
  3. After that, drain the juice again, strain, heat to a hot state and pour the prepared mass over it. In this solution, the mushrooms must be kept for three days;
  4. After that, you can boil the whole mass a little and begin to shift it into prepared separate jars. They must be sterilized and dried. The pulp is laid out on the banks a little ram and always hot. After that, you can wrap the blanks in a warm blanket and leave to cool;
  5. Such blanks are perfectly stored for several months in a cool room.

Is it possible to salt mushrooms in a hot way

To salt mushrooms in a hot way, it is necessary to use plants that are large in size and age. Young mushrooms with this cooking method will become too soft and lose their taste qualities. Therefore, this recipe is perfect for pickling mature and large mushrooms that other pickling recipes won't do.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mushrooms - 10 kilograms;
  • Salt - 0.5 kilograms;
  • Water - 1.2 liters;
  • Bay leaf - 1 piece.

How to salt the boletus mushroom in a hot way:

  1. Mushrooms should be peeled from a hard peel, washed well or cleaned with a stiff brush;
  2. In the meantime, put a large pot on the stove and pour water into it. While it boils, you need to prepare the pulp;
  3. IN hot water lower the pulp and cook over low heat. It is necessary to constantly remove the foam that forms on the surface of the water. Cook on low heat for 20-25 minutes;
  4. After recline the pulp in a colander and let the liquid drain. For faster drying, you can use paper towels, they quickly absorb moisture and the pulp will quickly become dry;
  5. While the plant is drying, prepare a brine of water and salt. Water with salt is simply boiled and filtered;
  6. We remove the pulp in a large container, ram it a little, pour it with hot brine and put a large oppression on the surface of the mass. Oppression is necessary so that the mushrooms do not float to the surface of the solution;
  7. The mass is stored in a cool room, it is worth covering it with a towel or gauze from above so that debris and dust do not get into the mixture.

Mushrooms are most often not harvested, but a large number of snacks, main dishes, soups, and so on can be prepared from these mushrooms. The main thing is to properly salt the plant itself. Mushrooms are similar in composition to meat, so they simply need to be consumed in fasting and for people who are contraindicated in meat products.

Mushrooms are a fairly useful product, in addition, it is not difficult to get them, you just need to know their signs and recognize them. It is also worth paying attention to the choice of the right place of collection, this greatly affects the quality of the product.

Salting boletus mushrooms requires a large amount of salt. It helps to form the correct saline solution, in which the mixture will be stored. For this recipe, it is recommended to choose younger plants. They have a fleshy texture and are more tender in taste, such a preparation will turn out to be more tasty.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mushrooms - 10 kilograms;
  • Salt - 435 grams;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons.

How to pickle mushrooms for the winter:

  1. To salt mushrooms for the winter, it is better to choose the youngest plants, it is these plants that are well suited for salting, the mixture will turn out delicious and tender. First you need to clean the mushrooms from debris, peel, rinse;
  2. Now put a large pot of water on the stove, wait for it to boil. Put the fruits in boiling water and wait until the water boils, boiling must be prevented by constant stirring and low heat. After boiling the mushrooms for a few minutes, you can throw them in a colander. Now, for faster cooling, the mushrooms are doused with cold water. Wait until they drain a little and transfer to a paper towel. The mass will be better salted if it is completely dried;
  3. Now you can transfer the mass to a separate container for salting. Hats should be facing up. After the layer of the plant is laid, you can begin to sprinkle it with salt. It must be taken large, it is it that is ideal for the process of salting any products;
  4. When the whole mixture is laid out in layers with salt, oppression can be installed on the surface. Before this, it is necessary to cover the mass with gauze, put a flat dish or lid, and then put oppression. The load should be small;
  5. Such a workpiece should be stored at low temperatures; the cellar or underground would be ideal places for storing pickles;
  6. After a few days, a saline solution should form on the surface of the mass, and during this period it is worth adding a few tablespoons of vegetable oil.

How to pickle boletus mushroom

To prepare this recipe, you will not need to process and cook mushrooms for a long time. But it is worth paying great attention to cleansing and soaking the pulp, these procedures will help make the pulp more uniform and get rid of all that is superfluous. Also, the pulp is best cleaned from a rough peel.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mushrooms - 1 bucket;
  • Salt - 1.5 cups.

How to salt mushrooms recipe:

  1. The harvested crop should be washed well, transferred to a large container. The container should be suitable for the salting process. Together with the pulp, pour a measured amount of salt into the container, mix well. It is necessary to ensure that all the pulp is completely mixed with salt;
  2. Leave the mass in a room with a warm temperature and stir very often so that the salt crystals are well mixed with the pulp and distributed throughout the mixture. The mass should be infused for a day. If a little brine has formed, then you can leave the mass for a longer period;
  3. Then you can transfer the mass to a separate container, and pour the solution into a saucepan, strain thoroughly to remove all debris and put on the stove. The solution only needs to be warmed up a little;
    Pour the mushrooms again with a warm solution for a day;
  4. Then again drain the solution and heat on the stove. Only this time it is necessary to heat the solution to a higher temperature and pour it over the mass again;
  5. The third time you need to drain the solution, heat it to a hot state and pour it over the plant. This time it is worth putting for insisting for 3 days;
  6. After this time, you can put the pan on the stove and bring the whole mass to a boil. After complete cooling, the pulp can be transferred to separate containers and rolled up with lids;
  7. Before use, the pulp should be soaked in clean cold water and boil a little in fresh water, changing it several times during cooking.

How to salt boletus mushrooms for the winter

Collecting a bucket of mushrooms is not so difficult, but in order to properly prepare it, you should try. The main thing is to prepare the plants themselves. It is worth getting rid of the peel, even if the pulp is quite tender and young. After that, it is worth taking care of removing debris and earth; for this, the mass is well washed or soaked in cold water for a long period of time.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mushrooms - 1 bucket of 10 liters;
  • Coarse salt - 1.5 cups.

Recipe for salting mushrooms for the winter:

  1. Young plants are more suitable for salting, and in such a plant it is possible not to separate the caps from the legs. But in an adult plant, it is recommended to separate the hat from the stem;
  2. While preparing the pulp, you can put water on the stove to boil;
  3. Sort the mushrooms, separate the damaged parts;
  4. Dip the pulp in boiling water, wait until it boils, then with continuous stirring, you need to boil the pulp a little, immediately put it in a colander and pour over with cold water. You can dip the pulp in a colander into ice water so that the mass cools faster;
  5. Then put the mass on a wire rack or on a paper towel, there should not be excess water in the pulp;
  6. Now it is worth decomposing the pulp into a large container or a special wooden tub for salting. The plant should be head down. Each layer must be sprinkled with plenty of salt;
  7. Cover the mass with a napkin or towel, put a large dish on it or a lid smaller than the pan and put oppression on it. The oppression must have such a weight that the mass is well compacted;
    After a few days, the mass should become more humid and compacted a little, during this period new plants can be added to the pan so that the container is full;
  8. Such a blank should be stored throughout the entire period of storage in a dry room with low air temperatures.

Salting mushrooms for the winter in jars

We are often asked: “How to salt mushrooms for the winter in jars and what is needed for this?” For cooking, you do not need to prepare other ingredients, except for salt and the plant itself. Moreover, mushrooms can not be heavily processed, only you need to remove a large amount of earth and debris from them. Even cutting is not necessary at all, the plant can be salted with either whole caps or whole legs. But the legs are not often used as they are too hard.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mushrooms - 5 kilograms;
  • Salt - 300-500 grams.

Salt mushrooms recipe:

  1. First, prepare the mushrooms for pre-soaking in cold water. To do this, they are washed, sorted, damaged parts are removed, transferred to a large container, a small amount of salt is added and mixed well. Salt should be completely distributed on the surface of the pulp. Periodically it is necessary to mix the mass, it is worth stirring every hour. The mass must be infused for 24 hours;
  2. After that, the resulting juice must be poured into a separate container and warmed up a little. Pour the pulp with a warm solution and leave for 24 hours;
  3. After that, drain the juice again, strain, heat to a hot state and pour the prepared mass over it. In this solution, the mushrooms must be kept for three days;
  4. After that, you can boil the whole mass a little and begin to shift it into prepared separate jars. They must be sterilized and dried. The pulp is laid out on the banks a little ram and always hot. After that, you can wrap the blanks in a warm blanket and leave to cool;
  5. Such blanks are perfectly stored for several months in a cool room.

Is it possible to salt mushrooms in a hot way

To salt mushrooms in a hot way, it is necessary to use plants that are large in size and age. Young mushrooms with this method of preparation will become too soft and lose their taste. Therefore, this recipe is perfect for pickling mature and large mushrooms that other pickling recipes won't do.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mushrooms - 10 kilograms;
  • Salt - 0.5 kilograms;
  • Water - 1.2 liters;
  • Bay leaf - 1 piece.

How to salt the boletus mushroom in a hot way:

  1. Mushrooms should be peeled from a hard peel, washed well or cleaned with a stiff brush;
  2. In the meantime, put a large pot on the stove and pour water into it. While it boils, you need to prepare the pulp;
  3. Dip the pulp into hot water and cook over low heat. It is necessary to constantly remove the foam that forms on the surface of the water. Cook on low heat for 20-25 minutes;
  4. After recline the pulp in a colander and let the liquid drain. For faster drying, you can use paper towels, they quickly absorb moisture and the pulp will quickly become dry;
  5. While the plant is drying, prepare a brine of water and salt. Water with salt is simply boiled and filtered;
  6. We remove the pulp in a large container, ram it a little, pour it with hot brine and put a large oppression on the surface of the mass. Oppression is necessary so that the mushrooms do not float to the surface of the solution;
  7. The mass is stored in a cool room, it is worth covering it with a towel or gauze from above so that debris and dust do not get into the mixture.

Mushrooms are most often not harvested, but a large number of snacks, main dishes, soups, and so on can be prepared from these mushrooms. The main thing is to properly salt the plant itself. Mushrooms are similar in composition to meat, so they simply need to be consumed in fasting and for people who are contraindicated in meat products.