I dreamed of eating chocolate. Modern dream book - it's time for you to have fun

Eating chocolate in a dream means that you are looking for an easier life in reality. You think you're working hard, but you're not getting any return. You are worried that others do not appreciate you. Cooking chocolate in a dream is interpreted as a desire to carry out unusual, extraordinary acts, amaze the imagination of others and cause a feeling of envy. This encourages you to search for events that would help you feel the urgency of life. You are treated to chocolate in a dream - it means that in reality they want to deceive you and get some benefit from it. Treat someone with chocolate - speaks of your intentions to appease someone and take advantage of this, but these plans fail because they will be unraveled.

Seeing chocolate in a dream means prosperity to you and people dependent on you. Dreaming of chocolates portends a good business partner and success in work. If, when eating chocolate in a dream, it turns out to be tasteless, then disappointment and illness await you. Drinking hot chocolate in a dream suggests that joy awaits you immediately after the end of a short period of failure.

Miller's dream book advises chocolate to choose stricter. According to his interpretation, even during sleep, it is recommended to pay attention to its appearance and expiration date. Disappointment in this delicacy in a dream can turn into poor health or difficulty in business in reality.

If you had to see chocolate in a dream, you will soon meet your love. A sea of ​​​​romantic experiences, sincere feelings and that special inspiration that is peculiar only to lovers awaits you, the dream book promises.

Chocolate is associated with the sweet life for a reason. Interpreting what this product, beloved by children and adults, is dreaming of, the films promise wealth and love. If a delicacy in a dream disappointed you, for example, turned out to be stale or too hard, do not rush to get upset: dreams symbolize only temporary difficulties and obstacles are quite easily removed.

Mayan films offer an equally interesting interpretation of what chocolate in the form of a bar means in a dream. The compressed form symbolizes the grandiose work around the house associated with a change in the situation. Perhaps you will start a renovation, or even decide on a long-awaited move.

Eating chocolate means having fun, being able to have fun and solving small problems without much effort. All problems and experiences after such a dream should be resolved by themselves. Also, a dream where the sleeper sees how he eats chocolate is a sign of giving someone help, which means that someone is very dependent on this person and without his tips and directions in life, he has a hard time. If you have a dream about eating chocolate, you must definitely not refuse help in prayer, not only the well-being of those in need will depend on this, but also special gratitude from otherworldly forces, gives help. If you dream of chocolate, in the form of chocolates, then this means work partners aimed at improving the financial situation and helping in all official matters. Such a dream is a harbinger of unexpected profits.

According to the dream book, eating chocolate in a dream can also symbolize the enjoyment of life in all its manifestations. If you, while eating this product, feel its aroma at the same time, then the pleasure will be full and harmonious.

Milk chocolate dreams of family harmony, peace and prosperity of your home. The interpretation of sleep largely depends on the profession of the sleeper. For a farmer, milk chocolate portends a rich harvest, for a girl - a successful marriage, and for family people - health and numerous offspring.

Black chocolate dreams of jealousy. It adds a bitter taste to love relationships. If you did not give your beloved a reason to be jealous, you should not be afraid. Everything will be alright. If there is such a reason - a slide of jealousy can spoil the taste of love before it is lost.

There is chocolate in a dream - some event situation causes a feeling of celebration against the backdrop of gray everyday life. It can be either a love date, or the beginning of an erotic romance, or any other incident that evokes pleasant excitement and experience.

Collection of dream books

What is the dream of Chocolate in a dream according to 25 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Chocolate” symbol from 25 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

The latest dream book

In a dream, why is Chocolate dreaming?

Chocolate - unexpected money; prize is a valuable gift.

New dream book 1918

Chocolate - good ideas will visit you.

Family dream book

Seeing chocolate in a dream- you can be sure that you will be able to provide well for those who depend on you.

Chocolates dreamed about- promise you excellent business partners.

stale chocolate- dreams of illness and disappointment.

If in a dream you drank hot chocolate- You will prosper. True, it will come after a short period of adverse events.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of Chocolate?

Seeing chocolate in a dream- means that you will provide prosperity and prosperity to those who depend on you.

see chocolates- predicts pleasant companions and good work.

If chocolate tastes bad- This dream will be followed by illness and disappointment.

Drinking chocolate in a dream- a harbinger of prosperity after a short period of troubles and hardships.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Chocolate is a reflection of dependence on something that seems pleasant.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Chocolate is - to the pleasant.

Dream Interpretation Longo

There is chocolate in a dream- means that in reality you strive for an easier life. It seems to you that you are working like an ox, not receiving the slightest return. People around you do not appreciate, and it depresses you.

Cooking chocolate in a dream- you like to do everything unusual, extraordinary, that could capture the imagination of others and cause their envious feelings. It stimulates you to some extent and makes you feel the sharpness of life.

Treat someone to chocolate- a dream means that in real life you are trying to appease someone in order to take advantage of this for your own purposes. Your intentions will be revealed and you will fail.

If in a dream you were treated to chocolate- in fact, they will try to deceive you in order to benefit. The probability of this is especially high in the first three days after the dream.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Chocolate bar - your loved ones will not know any need.

Chocolate candies- rapport with co-workers.

Drinking and giving hot chocolate to someone- all problems and troubles are coming to an end, success and profitable activities await ahead.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

If in a dream you eat chocolate- this means that in reality you seem to lack positive emotions, and you need to somehow try to brighten up your life.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

There is chocolate - for a love affair.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

There is chocolate - get gratitude.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

There is chocolate - for a pleasant pastime.

Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

If you dreamed that you were treating someone with chocolate- this means that in bed you are very gentle and can please even a very inexperienced person.

Hot chocolate - symbolizes your dissatisfaction with yourself in sex. You believe that only you and no one else are to blame for all the failures. However, intimate relationships may not go well due to the partner’s fault: perhaps he is just in a bad mood or you are not doing well in everyday life.

If you were burned in a dream with hot chocolate- this portends a meeting with a person with inexhaustible energy.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of Chocolate in a dream?

Chocolate is a good state of health.

Miller's dream book

Dream about chocolate- means that you will provide very well for those who depend on you.

see chocolates- promises you suitable partners in work.

If the chocolate is not fresh- then expect illness and other disappointments.

Drink hot chocolate- portends prosperity after a short period of adverse events.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see Chocolate in a dream?

There is chocolate in a dream- portends a deterioration in well-being during the coming day.

buy chocolate- to the loss of a significant amount.

Chocolate with nuts- a sign of satiety in love and the search for a new partner.

A dream where you are presented with a large set of chocolates as a gift- talks about the unfulfillment of dreams.

melted chocolate- to a frank confession and tears of remorse.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Dream about chocolate- means your ability to provide for people who depend on you.

see chocolates- to reliable partners in your business.

stale chocolate- portends illness or disappointment.

Drink hot chocolate- to the successful completion of an unfavorable period.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Chocolate according to the dream book?

Chocolate is a temporary joy.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

feast on chocolate- to well-being.

If you dreamed that you were drinking hot chocolate- In the near future, your affairs will go better, but only slightly.

buy chocolate- good luck in business.

If you dreamed that you were selling chocolate- your business will go a little worse, but it will not upset you at all.

In a dream, you gave someone chocolate- this person, not without your help, things will go very well.

If you dreamed of cocoa beans for chocolate- you have to start business that will bring you well-being and a solid income in the future.

Freud's dream book

Treat someone with chocolate in a dream- you are very gentle in bed, your caresses can warm up anyone, even a very demanding person, which means you have something to be proud of.

Drinking hot chocolate in a dream- do not take personally all the failures in sex. It is quite possible that the reason for the fiasco lies in the bad mood of your partner or some kind of trouble at work, which, of course, cannot but affect your intimate life.

Burn yourself with hot chocolate- there is a meeting with a person who will amaze you with his temperament and irrepressible energy.

Gypsy dream book

Eat or drink chocolate- you will soon survive the disease, although not severe.

Esoteric dream book

Chocolate - to receive, buy to bad health, weakness.

Eat and drink chocolate- to a disease of a protracted nature.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Chocolate according to the dream book?

Chocolate is a symbol that you will be able to provide for all your dependents.

More interpretations

According to the dream book, there is it- means to have a risk of getting sick in the near future.

You didn't like his taste- you will not be able to resist the pressure of negative factors.

Drinking hot chocolate in a dream- will live in abundance and luxury.

Bought it - spend a lot, but you won't regret it.

A dream in which you eat chocolate- says that you devote too much time to business and practically do not rest, you need to unwind, plunge into the atmosphere of the holiday.

You feel that its expiration date has already expired - you risk being upset because of unfulfilled expectations or a deterioration in well-being.

Video: Why Chocolate is Dreaming

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I dreamed of Chocolate, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what Chocolate is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    Good afternoon) I dreamed that I was in the house of an old witch who had different eyes. She tries to tell me something, but I interrupt her, I say that all this is not true. Then she asks for my hand, I refuse and want to leave, but she can't find her wallet, which she put on her table. She hands me a package containing a kilogram and a half of large, good-looking potatoes, and on top is my wallet. But even here I refuse, and shout: not potatoes, if you want to give me something, let me take an apple. I stretch out my hand and take a beautiful red big apple, but before taking a bite I ask: it is the same as in the fairy tale about the dead princess. She silently hands me a candy and a piece of chocolate. But the wallet still does not give. I urgently demand that my thing be returned to me and out of the corner of my eye I see that a woman has come to her to wait. Then the sorceress hands me a bag, I open it and air comes out with a sound. This made me very angry. I throw the bag and already very angrily demand to stop this disgrace and return my wallet to me. The witch really hands me my purse. I look inside to check if everything is in place. Everything is upside down, but nothing seems to be missing. I turn around and leave. Leaving her house, I called her an old fool in my hearts and immediately felt a gaze from the back. Turning around, I saw an old man with a female figure, and for some reason it seemed to me that this was the same witch just in disguise. Then I woke up.

    Hello! I had a dream before the New Year on December 30 ... Why am I asking about this particular dream, it is so important to me, there was a person who is not indifferent to me. So, the essence of my dream.
    » I walked hand in hand with a guy (who is not indifferent to me. We met on the Internet, but never met). We went to visit my mother. It was a sunny winter morning and there was snow .. We were so happy ... there was fire under our feet and we walked on this fire. Then, out of nowhere, the kids appeared in front of us, running merrily and some kind of old man .. as it turned out, they were supposedly relatives and friends of my lover. Then it was like this, my beloved hugged me from behind and whispered something in my ear from my left shoulder ... only I don’t remember what, but something was pleasant ... "that's all I woke up. In reality, he (my lover) meets with another and is already engaged to her ((


    Hello! I dreamed of a room, it contained my and my family's things. Things were all new, but worn slippers remained from the previous owners. Then it turned out that there was a public toilet in the corner of the room. I didn’t really like it, because I disdained it, besides, in the opposite corner of the room there was a place where a pig supposedly lives. The pig was big and alone. It was her permanent place, where she is fed and sleeps there. Despite my dissatisfaction, it still remained our dressing room with my husband. And then I left the yard and walked down the street, a boy of 7-8 years old offered me a ride in a car. When I sat down to him, he began to treat me with chocolate, but I refused and showed my own. I ate chocolate without desire, because I did not want to get better. But she noted that the chocolate was fresh and tasty, just the way I like it.

    i dreamed that a friend gave me her credit card and I needed to buy something for her, I went to the store, I wanted to buy myself a chocolate bar, but it’s so strange that I’ve never seen such a thing before, I bought myself one, and went up some hill then I woke up

    At first I was in a new red dress and ate chocolate and got smeared, then I was suddenly in another new green dress and I looked at him and it was also smeared with chocolate. I started scrubbing it but it didn't come off.

    I dreamed that I was picking up chocolates in a beautiful wrapper from a vase, there were also opened chocolates. But when I saw my teacher, I immediately put them back, saying: "I thought you left."
    What is it for???

    i bought 5-6 chocolate bars in different colored packages, put them in the fridge, went away when I saw that my mother chopped everything into small pieces, but the purple bar remained, but when I opened it there was not half, while I wanted to find out who ate it, it ended up in a jar I stirred it with hot water, it began to thicken and I began to pour it into molds.

    I dreamed that I was treated to a bar of chocolate by a guy whom I love, but with whom we are not together now. I share this tile with him ... We eat it, then I don’t remember an excerpt from a dream, but at the end we had sex with this guy. I clearly remember a bed with light blue sheets that were very wrinkled, and a pillow also fell, but he (the guy) then picked it up, after which I fell asleep on his shoulder.

    Hello Tatiana! I dreamed that a woman I did not know was holding several bars of chocolate of different sizes. And here is one of these tiles, a smaller one, she gives me. I also wondered why she gives me a medium-sized tile. But I got chocolate. And before these, I dreamed of chocolates. I wanted to know what this dream was about?

    I was walking down a corridor. There were lockers (it seems like it looks like a school) it was a bit dark, but there was a light bulb 😀 there were some people. On the top of one cabinet there were a lot of slab chocolates in a package. I took one with someone and supposedly ran away. Like she stole. I thought that now I will bring it home and share it with my relatives. But then I could not steal like that and put it in its place. An unknown boy said to me like: Are you stealing other people's chocolates! I started to explain that I took chocolate, but then I realized that it was not right, etc. Then I kind of vanished. I saw a lot of delicious things on the shelf. But there was a few slabs of chocolates. The label had a pink rose. Very beautiful. I took one tile and I don’t remember further. I woke up

    My mother and I were looking or looking for something in the closet, and here on the upper shelves there were several boxes of Ferrero Racher chocolates, I ask my mother, oh mom, why does he say so much, well, these are stocks)))

    Good afternoon. I met the mother of my young man very sadly. I was kicked out of his house. It was June 6th. today I had a dream that while my MCH was with me, his mother came to us. to see how I live, what I can do, and whether I am a good hostess. She was basically satisfied, and changed her mind about me. What does it mean?

    Dream: I came to my grandmother and there some man taught us something (not just me with some boys), but the encouragement was chocolate, a lot of chocolate, I ate it and it was very tasty to me.

    I had a dream about chocolate in my dream, but I was an older girl, that is, a girl and a few other people whom I don’t know. Me and my children a few people started to take shkllad from kokoito shop for free and it was night and we took chocolate as much as possible and it was gray chocolate. Then we somehow found ourselves, I don’t remember how, in a cocoon room and there was a refrigerator, and in the refrigerator there was a lot of chocolate, just a bunch of papihans. The chocolate was in the form of coils / circles, there was both white and brown chicolate mixed and we started eating this shiolad, but as soon as I started eating it, I started to get turned on

    I had a 9th grade graduation at the Liniya store, we had to give out gifts, but in order to receive them, we had to complete the task, we were very strongly rocked on a rope swing in four (girls), well, we swayed and squealed, we were scared, but then we all somehow got down and gave us gifts: each of the 4 girls had their own color, but there were only gifts for three. but I only remember blue green and yellow. Here I have all the packages were green. in the first package (it was big) I don’t remember what was in the second large package there were sooo many different chocolates and in the third package I don’t remember what was either and we were given either red bags or red backpacks, so I took everything and unwittingly grabbed the boy’s notebook who handed out all the gifts there was something written there but I didn’t read it. we left the store it was dark I crossed the traffic light there was only red and blinking orange well I crossed the road and walk along the sidewalk I don’t notice how everything falls out of my hands but next to me are 2 girls from my class (really from my class), but as I remember, they were not given gifts. they said that everything had fallen on me, I went to pick up my things, but I only saw a bag of chocolates there and one chocolate bar came out of the bag, it was, I remember exactly “milka”, well, now I put everything in the bag and kristina and vika (that was the name of these girls ) we said, we told you that it means that your reward has fallen, and for some reason I gave one chocolate bar that fell milka. They formed. and what happened next, I don’t remember well, it was all mocking delirium. this is my whole dream

    I dreamed that I was buying a bar of chocolate in a supermarket with my friends. Then we went to the minibus, as we had to go home, when we sat down, I opened it and began to treat everyone. At what she ate not as usual - breaking off squares, but biting off straight from the tile.

    i dreamed that my ex-beloved person gives me mine or buys chocolate, a square tile, very tasty, and I eat it passionately, I like it very much, I often dream of him, although I am married and love my husband.

    I went to the store with a young man. we walked for a long time, looked at various products: shower gels, sprays, chose smells, sniffed. Then the young man found the designer at the bottom on the shelf. In such a little white suitcase. There were houses, animals, cars. We decided to buy it. We go to the checkout and I saw my favorite chocolate (with a magnet inside with a chocolate bar). I look, and all the wrappers are torn. I took one anyway. But since it was opened, I looked if I had such a magnet or not ... After which we sat on a bench in the store. There were three of us already. My mother was with us. I open a chocolate bar - and there are two of them: one whole bar of white chocolate and fragments (pieces) of dark or milk, I don’t remember. I started eating these pieces. And then some girl came up to my young man, clung to him, He says: Irina, well, well, that's enough, that's enough .. And the girl does not lag behind, smiles ... I drove her away. And she began to roar out loud, what is .. who is she, etc. After that I woke up.

    In a dream, I gave birth to twins (a boy and a girl), although I’m only 15 years old and I’m not married, and I don’t have a relationship. But there were no births themselves in a dream, my mom and dad just came to me and said “you have twins (a boy and a girl ) "then I cried, probably from happiness, although I can't imagine how much I cried

    hello, my name is Alena, I often have dreams, nightmares, all sorts of little horror stories, and today I dreamed of chocolate, there were a lot of them in a hellish package, and Ani was not my chocolate, but someone else’s, but I tried one and stole it)) and then they caught me and allowed my brother to have chocolates like this I had a dream, please tell me what it will lead to, I’m not Russian and therefore write with errors sorry))

    I dreamed that I was preparing hot chocolate with milk, it was so thick, appetizing, its preparation was a great pleasure with the thought that a couple more minutes and I would drink it, then with great pleasure, I would even say hunger, I used it, feeling that this is exactly what I was missing. Then I woke up with practically the taste of chocolate in my mouth and was so impressed that I had to buy a chocolate bar in the afternoon.

    First they gave me chocolate, then I noticed that I have a lot of different chocolates and chocolate bars. I wanted to eat them all, the chocolate in my dream tasted good. And I also tried a chocolate bar from the hands of a girl.

    I dreamed that I myself made chocolate. I stood with my feet in a vat of chocolate and rolled large balls of chocolate with my hands and laid them in a row, apparently intending to cut and shape them later. In general, until the chocolate began to solidify under my feet, I tried to roll as many balls as possible. Then water began to flow into the chvn and I stopped working.

    i dreamed that I drove up to my colleagues in a car, and they were talking about something, and they asked me to give them something, I don’t remember the conversation at all, I remember what I said, I owe you a snickers, and in the car I see 2 snickers 1 big other small one and hand them the big one and give it to them!

    I am pregnant for 4.5 months, and in a dream I was also at the same time.
    Having come to visit a friend, she saw a lot of different chocolate candies in bright shiny wrappers, my friend suggested that I eat as much as I want, at least everything. And I began to eat greedily with great pleasure. I ate a lot and took a couple of them with me.

    For the second time I dream that I am in a tunnel and the late uncle throws me waist-deep candies and chocolate to the waist, I get out of this tunnel and eat chewing gum. I had this dream a week ago, the same as today. Why is this??

    in a dream I wanted to buy something for tea, I went to the store, it was completely empty, there was only one chocolate bar and it was very expensive, I didn’t buy it. I went to the neighbors to ask for food, I was very ashamed, they gave me buns and chocolate and I paid them more than this chocolate bar cost.

    i was in the supermarket ... there were not very many people .. but there was no cashier .. and I bought what I needed .. I did everything at the checkout myself .. I sealed it .. I took a check so that they would not think that I had stolen .. but then they said that there was no one in the store at all and you can take whatever you want .. and I took a lot of chocolate bars .. so many that it didn’t fit in the bag .. then they said that there was a million on the street and checks the bags ... I put everything in place, but not everything seems to be ... but the policeman did not find chocolate from me, but checked the goods according to the check and let him go with a smile ... I also wanted to steal a blender, but I didn’t take it

    I talked on the phone and the guy told me that he would bring chocolate 1 bar, then he arrived and I told him to show me everything they were all multi-colored, I couldn’t eat them, broke them off but didn’t eat!

    I dreamed that I was eating milk chocolate with whole hazelnuts. The chocolate is thick and with a large whole nut. Nearby there were still large green grapes. I was very glad that I eat all this

    Good afternoon!

    I dreamed a lot of chocolate. And I ate it tile after tile. There were acquaintances around, I was ashamed that I was eating so much, but I could not stop. I almost never eat chocolate in my life, but in a dream I enjoyed it. He was so delicious!!! I don't even know how much I ate. Only when it was necessary for everyone to disperse, I noticed how much wrapping was left after my indefatigable feast. In general, the corner was filled with wrappers. At the same time, I wanted more and more. In a dream, in order to justify my behavior, I told everyone that I usually don’t eat so much chocolate, but maybe I have some kind of stress. This is where the body comes off.

    It was the birthday of my girlfriend, for whom I was preparing a gift - I ordered chocolate slabs in the store, and it was the slabs, they were huge and they were baked in the oven, and the other slabs were melted and poured into large ladles. The smell was stunning in a dream, and I fussily ran and checked the work of the confectioners so that they would be on time.

    I have a baby in my arms, but not mine, and next to him, his little mother also eats chocolate, and I scold her that she doesn’t give chocolate to the child, but eats herself, then she gave a piece and this child in my arms was all smeared with chocolate.

    Good afternoon! I dreamed that I was walking along the railroad, there are a lot of tracks, and I don’t go along the rails, but across the sleepers, and around me the whole earth is strewn with chocolates and I myself pour them under my feet. It was good, clear weather outside. What does this mean? Thank you)

    Hello. Today, after feeding the baby, I went to bed. I dreamed that I was going to the trains, looking at the guy and having mixed feelings for him. Anger on one side, desire on the other. After we got off the train, we went, as far as I understood, to the fair, that is. There were a lot of people there, most of them women. Approaching one of the girls, I began to eat chocolate, and in large quantities, I even felt it. Then, reaching for a chocolate chip cookie, I saw the same guy. He kissed me. The kiss was long, or rather the touch of his lips to mine was long. I even experienced excitement ... But after he finally broke away from my lips, I realized that he was disappointed, he even twisted his lips a little. I grabbed more chocolate and went ... After that, I immediately woke up. I want to add, I have a husband and we have absolutely no problems in bed, I would say the opposite!

    I dreamed that at first I see a store, I go to it, I see chocolates there and I want to steal them, but then I changed my mind. Then I go to another store, I see different chocolate bars there, I start choosing, I choose the one I like the most, while the seller looks at how much it costs, I bite off a piece and it turns out to be very tasty, then I don’t remember what it was ...

    i had a dream that my grandfather, being sick, made the figure of a woman like it was made of wax, only he made it completely out of chocolate, and when he felt bad, he sat down, took this figure, put it on his knees and began to cut it with a knife ...

    a work colleague girl treated me to 2 pieces of Alpin Gold chocolate, at that time I was going to go home from work, I was in a hurry, at first I refused, and then I took the chocolate and decided that I would eat it on the way home

    Hello Tatiana! Please help me interpret the dream. I dreamed that I was looking for the way home in some kind of impenetrable jungle (but it’s not even the jungle, but rather the mountains are covered with forest; I’m not alone, but with a guide, it’s the guide who is looking for the way and I’m with him; it’s more like what active rest - finding the way home). The guide falls off a cliff into a dirty, muddy river from a cliff, but gets out of it with a laugh, and I have a panic about this, because I could fall there, but I can’t swim. Suddenly we find a pointer where we should go (in the form of a luminous flashlight) and find ourselves in my hometown near the library. There are guys I know next to me and they have sooo much dark chocolate ... and I ate almost all of this chocolate, I just gorged myself on them ... I gave the rest to the guys, and I went home myself.
    Thanks in advance for your reply.

    Hello Tatiana! I dreamed of a lot of chocolate bars, and chocolate bars, lying on the shelf, I ate them with pleasure, very tasty and unusual all sorts of different ones, and treated my grandmother to them ..

    I dreamed of chocolate bars, Lindt brands, maybe some other, different tastes, not cheap, Swiss, I haven’t seen such in stores, imported in beautiful packages, they seemed to taste and discuss which one is tastier, I don’t remember exactly with whom, maybe with my brother, although maybe still with someone.

    Like I'm supposed to have a date with my ex-husband. And a very young man came and brought a box of real chocolate. I ask him why is he taking care of me? I am much older than him. Or maybe it's for the niece. Silent and looking

    There was a long corridor, I saw the inscription sell chocolates. I went into the room there was only a chocolate shop. The woman was sitting at the computer. I asked her that only chocolates are sold here, she said that we have many types of chocolate. I chose chocolate carefully and for a very long time. Bought one. Went out and went into another room. Again he slid into the chocolate room, looked and slid out. Then it clicked again, the woman was sitting near the computer and watching some kind of video. when the woman became a sound from the computer came. money pulled out 5 bills. The money was badly stacked, I put it on a stool. And I asked the woman I ate all these chocolates, advise another, and she showed chocolate coffee. In cans of black shock coffee was 20 cans and white chocolate coffee was also 20. I said that I don’t drink coffee, you can tell me another chocolate. The woman did not say anything and I began to choose coffee. I bought one, but I don't remember which one.

    I was sitting on a bench, suddenly a guy rides up to me on a bicycle (he was in the same class with me, I really liked him, but he didn’t like me), he lay on my knees, I felt cozy and warm, great love emanated from him. me, then he gave me a chocolate bar and that's it, the dream was interrupted

    I dreamed of a small dog, she was obedient and funny, I also bought in the toy department for 20 rubles, she turned out to be alive, then I and the other children went to the store while someone distracted the seller, I stole. Lots of chocolate

    hello. I saw in a dream that I was with a friend, everyone gathered, but we don’t know what we are celebrating, but I have a lot of nets on my hands, and there are a lot of things, chocolate, henna, and I don’t remember the rest. Everyone asks why are we here? I say her birthday is in April, so we won’t know until the end why we gathered? when we start to leave what is in my hands, I don’t give it to her, it’s like I brought it for her, I think I’ll eat good chocolates at home, I don’t give henna either, and I think no one gives anything, but why should I give? and I tell her I'll bring a gift later, and then I woke up.

    Hello! Today I had a dream that I had a whole mountain of chocolate in my closet and my own aunt asked me to share it, but I didn’t feel like it, she took out her big bag and began to coordinate, and I look at her and there is such hopelessness in my eyes, What If it could mean, please help explain.

    i had a dream where I eat chocolate with great pleasure, I found it from a friend and took it stealthily and stuffing more and more into my mouth .. I really wanted to eat it straight as if I was eating it for the first time)

    Hello Tatiana. I dreamed that I wanted to visit the man with whom I was in a relationship in a dream (although in fact I don’t have one at this stage of my life). I dream that I am wandering in the front door in search of him, but I don’t know exactly the apartment number. I am very surprised at how beautiful it is even at the entrance of the house, I understand that the house is a luxury class and I look at everything with surprise, because I have never seen anything like this before. Then I decide to propose to my man, from somewhere I get a white cake and I pour white chocolate on it myself, and it freezes in the form of beautiful shells. Nearby is my 6-year-old son and some random man, from whom I tried to find out where my man lives. Here I taste the white chocolate from the top of my cake, and it tastes amazing. The man standing nearby is trying to take away all the remains of the cake, but when I saw this, I did not allow him to do this, saying that I would drink tea with this treat with my fiancé. What surprised me the most was my intention to propose to the man herself. in life I will never take the first step, much less offer
    marry me, no matter how much I like this man.

    my ex-boyfriend was waiting for me from work somewhere near her (actually ex, but I don’t know in a dream) with some girl, but for some reason he left with her without waiting for me and handed me a pack of coffee, chocolate and something else I remember! Why was it all a dream?

    Good afternoon! In my dream, I feed chocolate to a guy that I really like in real life. At the same time, in a dream, we were sitting in the company of his friends, and I offered everyone a chocolate bar with nuts, everyone refused, except for him. And he asked me to put a piece of chocolate in his mouth myself. In the process, he was satisfied and enjoyed.

    I dreamed that my classmate was talking to me, took out chocolate with condensed milk, and offered to taste it. I refuse, but then I felt uneasy, and at the same time I really wanted to taste chocolate. So I didn’t eat this chocolate, then the dream changed, and I went through some kind of forest for firewood, on the way I met some kind of resistance from an unknown monster, and started running down the slope, making my way through the trees, got to some kind of edge, and for some reason my task was to bring two bags of firewood, but I didn’t have any bags. I asked two girls to borrow the sacks, filling the sacks halfway, and report back with their firewood, and then take these sacks to some man. I was refused this, and when I came to this man, he opened the chest from which he took out chocolate, but I never saw who he handed it to.

    hello, I dreamed that I was in a large hall where there were a lot of people, they were treated to chocolates. I took a lot as I had never seen chocolate, it was funny even in a dream. One of the races, sweets fell from me and the guy was a Muslim contra sat close to me picked it up and gave it to me. when I opened the candy Nutri had two chocolates. Yaya said, look how interesting it was that I got two times two chocolate wrappers inside.

    Hello! I dreamed of a former boyfriend who was driving a broken car. At that time, I asked the current young man if he could fix such a car, he answered of course. Then I dreamed that I saw my young man and wanted chocolate. Then I dreamed of a shared female shower, where my shower gel was stolen from me. I began to resent and an unfamiliar guy approached me with whom I went into the office. This guy had drawings on his hands, touching me, I felt scars. Then he turned his back. On the back was a beautiful painting in shades of green and yellow. A girl who looked like a bird was sitting under a tree. Thanks for the early!

    Hello! today (Friday morning) I had a dream, at first my classmate and I were on the street and climbed a small mountain, and we were the last ones (there was still a group of people, 4 of them were my groups). after I remember we settled in some kind of house, and so there were such boxes (as in American TV shows about school, only white wood color) and I went to this closet with a guy I feel sympathy for, and we talked about something, in this time, a classmate stole something from my locker (but I forced her to return it, took it by the scruff of the neck), and there was also a chocolate bar in my closet, I took a bite, then I gave the rest to that same guy. then it was night and they went to bed and were in the same room with the guy, only in different beds)

    Hello, I dreamed that I stole three chocolates at the celebration or just took them and then carefully tried to hide them from everyone, and then my classmate beat all the girls and told me to stop my game (I don’t know what he meant)

    I was in a room with a floor made of small wooden boards, and chocolate bars and candy bars were scattered everywhere. I didn’t collect everything, but only the most delicious ones (snickers, nestle, mars, etc.)

    Dad poured wine, but I took it from him and said that it was spoiled, looked into the bottle and there was a fly. She said that you definitely shouldn’t drink it, that now I’ll bring something else. Went for Whiskey. Then she opened the drawer and saw open packs of Snickers, Mars, Twix, Milkiway chocolate bars, and began to take two of each. In general, the dream was colorful with a beautiful renovation and rich furniture and a forged golden staircase.

    I was sitting at a school desk at a Russian language lesson. I began to get several chocolates out of my bag and then my classmate took one from me. He ate half and gave it back, as if nothing had happened.

    I dreamed today that I went into my kitchen, my father was sitting there, and on the refrigerator (where cookies are usually located, etc.) there are huge chocolate eggs (Kinder) in large quantities. I broke up with my boyfriend a long time ago, but we see each other almost every day, and in a dream I thought about him, what will he think when he comes to my house? Tell me, please, what is it for?)

    I was driving in a car with a man (to whom I felt some kind of tenderness and trust) along the usual road, and in parallel there was a road made of bird's milk in chocolate (cake), he offered, I refused and nevertheless agreed for the fifth time, we drove onto this road and he treated me to this cake (expensive), and when we went further along this “road”, it turned out to be from the “cake” of count ruins (like a bizet with cream) and again he treated me.

    i dreamed that I received a whole box of snickers of different sizes, bounty, etc. as a gift, but the box was open and they told me that this postal worker took 1 bar. What does that mean?

    I dreamed of many sealed chocolate bars, mostly blue and yellow. I took them out of the bag and put them on the table. I'm pregnant (not in my sleep, actually, 8.5 months). But I didn’t find the interpretation of “Why dream of chocolate for a pregnant woman”.

    the dream was actually colorful. i dreamed that I was in my city near my sister’s house, and on the contrary, they opened a modern store like a pyaterochka magnet. and the store clerk neatly and roomily puts something into a small urn, which is placed in squares near shops, and covers it with polythene so that even the urn is not visible. she leaves. and I go up and find chocolate there, I put it in a bag))))) and I leave and immediately stumble upon my sister. she starts asking me what I was doing there, I explain to her, boasting what a fine fellow I am, showing the contents of the bag, and there is also spaghetti in a pack and open. she looks at me and nods reproachfully like a fool you are a fool. it's good that this is a dream and that it will never come true.

    Hello! My name is Oksana, please tell me today I had a dream in the morning my mother gives me chocolate bars, but she has already died, and the strawberries are large in the beds, but in her hands and in the bag are small and she also fell to the floor, and I collected them for a dream, I didn’t she stayed in the apartment and talked with her mother, she laughed, waiting for an answer

    Hello. It was like 3 people had the recipe for liquid chocolate. Me and two others. I see myself carrying in some container ((I know that it is mine) and two others are carrying chocolate in large jars, but they sold the recipe and they are accompanied by people in white coats. Thank you

    I stole chocolate. And ate it. It was very, very tasty. I realized that it was imported, and I was tormented, how can I compensate for the loss of chocolate from the one I stole? After all, I can’t buy such chocolate in Russia.

    I dreamed that people I knew brought home 1 box of sweets and 4 wax candles, which 2 of them burned and 2 did not, they were together and were flooded. I extinguished them, they went out, and when I looked at them again, all 4 were already on fire, they themselves caught fire ...

    Good afternoon. I have a recurring dream of some kind of car repair shop. I'm like an observer from the sidelines. the client asks an expensive car to change the wings and there all the metal is for chocolate parts. explain to him. that it's hot outside and the car will melt, and he replies, these are your problems. today there are coatings that will not let it melt. and visually I see how it can be done. it just takes time. how to understand it .. it worries me.

    I had a dream from Monday to Tuesday. The dream was as follows: My ex-boyfriend's sister went with sweets from him, and I just looked at her. Then in another room I dream of a whole bunch of chocolate goodies from him, and I stand and look at her, and he and his sister stand next to her and smile at me. I wonder what that means, maybe something bad.

    school team, and when a deceased classmate comes up and says that today is my sister's birthday, and she was their director, and I pull out two boxes and they give them sweets.

    I’m 49 years old, in a dream I seem to be young and pregnant in a supermarket from the shelf I take a lot of chocolate bars I’m going to buy, the chocolate wrapper is bright - orange and I think it’s definitely black chocolate-bitter, it’s healthy and woke up.

    I remember the details very vaguely. I remember that I ate chocolate and I had the last square left. Then a guy approached me (with whom we used to meet, and then broke up - in real life). I took a bite of the chocolate bar and placed the rest in his palm. A thought flashed through my head - will he eat or not ?. And at that time, right from the palm of his hand, he threw a chocolate bar into his mouth. I became very calm

    Hello, I dreamed that I was dipping into a bath filled with hot chocolate, there was a feeling of luxury in the dream, there were gourmet dishes like lobsters around and I ate them while sitting in the bathroom

    I dreamed about my uncle and aunt, we were driving to my house on the way to treat me with very tasty chocolate. We came to my house to treat me with lard, but I cut red meat without blood, it was very tasty ate with my uncle and looked out the window at that time there was a big old clock showing half past six.

    I dreamed of an elephant that turned into a man, then remained an elephant and pursued me everywhere. I also dreamed about how I was buying a bun, and my friend bought himself a large bar of chocolate. I also wanted to buy, but then changed my mind.

    I sat on the floor and ate melted chocolate in front of my husband's acquaintance. Then I found myself on the couch where he was sitting, and he began to sit down next to me .. and even at that moment I clearly saw that my lips were covered in chocolate.

    In itself, the definition of "Modern" has its origins in the 19th-20th century, when a fundamentally new type of art arose in Europe, linking many elements of all possible directions of this moment.
    One of the central features of the Art Nouveau style is considered to be smooth curves and outlines, avoiding right angles as much as possible and preferring the most natural patterns that are characteristic of natural objects.
    Such a trend often seeks to harmoniously combine artistic and utilitarian principles in everything with which one has to work. Most of the interior elements produced in this style have a flexible and sophisticated shape.

    Hello, I had a dream. As if chocolate was brought to me on two trays. This is from my aunt. She stood nearby and I ate one. And I had to go on a long trip. and then I was going to give away a whole bunch of strawberries and all kinds of berries. but half was eaten. Then she began to cry that she didn’t have money left for food. And they were hungry. Then my mother and I went with my husband and some kind of child was either theirs or ours. As if we were resting in a house similar to Chinese, and they were the most friends. and even I assessed, from a distance for them, whether the house looked good. then, then we went shopping, and there my uncle's wife appeared in the store, who took us there. and I put on boots. they were soft genuine leather, but some tasteless. she said that she would make a very big discount. And then I don’t remember. I remember that we returned to our things and waited to be taken home and everyone was familiar with the driver

Chocolate seen in a dream is indicated in dream books in different ways, it depends on what month the sleeping person was born. For those born in spring and summer, chocolate means words of gratitude, for those born in autumn and winter, love and love affairs.

Eating chocolate means having fun, being able to have fun and solving small problems without much effort. All hardships and experiences after such a dream should be resolved on their own. Also, a dream where the sleeper sees how he eats chocolate is a sign of helping someone, which means that someone is very dependent on this person and without his tips and directions in life, he has a hard time. If you have a dream about eating chocolate, you must definitely not refuse help from those who ask, not only the well-being of those in need will depend on this, but also special gratitude from otherworldly forces to those who give help. If you dream of chocolate, in the form of chocolates, then this means work partners aimed at improving the financial situation and helping in all official matters. Such a dream is a harbinger of unexpected profits.

It is very important to remember what chocolate appeared in a dream. If it is fresh and a person enjoys eating, then one can hope for good luck in all endeavors. If the chocolate is stale or tasteless, then this is a sign of minor illnesses and ailments.

Why dream of eating chocolate? If the sleeper clearly sees in a beautiful wrapper, unpacks it, inside there is a pleasant-looking chocolate, but when he eats it, the taste is not pleasing, but bitter or disgusting, this means disappointment in life. Moreover, they can happen from a side where you absolutely do not expect them. The more disgusting the chocolate in a dream, the more unpleasant the disappointment in reality. Also, such a dream can mean some kind of betrayal by friends or relatives. After such a dream about tasteless chocolate, but a beautiful wrapper, you need to be attentive to changes in life and stop trusting dubious people. If you melt chocolate in a dream and drink it hot, then this is a sign of the successful completion of all dubious and problematic cases. You can also expect unexpected help from someone else. Dreaming of chocolate being inaccessible, for example, on a shelf in a store, is a sign of joy mixed with adversity.

In love affairs, a dream about eating chocolate means tenderness in sexual relationships. If you dream that someone gives chocolate to a sleeping person, and then he eats it, then in reality you can expect the appearance of a new admirer / admirer and the establishment of a serious relationship with him. Eating chocolate in a dream means trepidation in a love relationship and spending a stormy night of love. The tastier the chocolate, the brighter the sexual relationship will be. If you see in a dream how chocolate falls from your hands - this is a failure in sex. Dropped chocolate becomes dirty and disgusting? This means that an upcoming quarrel with a loved one is possible, after which it is unlikely that it will be possible to renew relations, rather the partners will become enemies in relation to each other. If you dream of chocolate that you don’t want to eat, this is a sign of problems and failures for your spouse. Such failures do not have to occur in the family, and troubles at work are quite possible.

Eating chocolate in a dream also means that the sleeping person can be visited by brilliant ideas that are waiting for their immediate implementation. White chocolate - to something unreal, but quite accessible after such a dream. Dark chocolate - you need to pay special attention to things happening nearby.

Eating chocolate in a dream is a good sign, most importantly, you need to enjoy the process, only in this case you can say with confidence about positive and pleasant changes in life. If you see in a dream how someone eats chocolate, this is a sign of envy on the part of the sleeping person. If chocolate is eaten with someone, it is a sign of unity and partnership between people.


What is the dream of Chocolate, dream book Chocolate to see in a dream what does it mean?

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

Why dream of Chocolate in a dream?

According to the dream book, to see Chocolate - Chocolate in any storyline indicates high incomes, prosperity and well-being. If you eat chocolate in a dream, then this is a sign of a very good deal or a very promising business proposal. If chocolates are present in your dream, this is a sign of the financial reliability of your partners, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why does Chocolate dream in a dream?

To see Chocolate in a dream means - Chocolate - financial assistance to someone to the detriment of their interests. Chocolates are worthy partners. Stale or dirty chocolate - to illness, disappointment. Drinking hot chocolate - a short period of failures will be replaced by good luck, prosperity, this is how such a dream is interpreted in the dream book.

Freud's dream book

What is the dream of Chocolate in a dream book?

In a dream, to see Chocolate - Hot chocolate symbolizes your dissatisfaction with yourself in sex. You believe that only you and no one else are to blame for all the failures. However, intimate relationships may not go well due to the partner’s fault: perhaps he is just in a bad mood or you are not doing well in everyday life. If you were burned in a dream with hot chocolate, this portends a meeting with a person with inexhaustible energy, as the dream book predicts.

Ancient dream book

What does it mean to see Chocolate in a dream?

According to the dream book Chocolate - If you dreamed that you were treating someone with chocolate, then in reality this is another confirmation that you are very gentle in bed, your caresses can warm up any, even a very demanding person, which means that this can be attributed to number of your virtues Drinking hot chocolate in a dream is a sign that you very often take personally all the failures in sexual relationships. Pay attention to such things: your partner’s bad mood, anxiety about problems at work, etc. You cannot relax, and as a result, your partner does not feel full return. Burning yourself with hot chocolate in a dream is evidence that you are going to meeting with a person who will amaze you with his temperament and irrepressible energy. You will get the pleasure you could only dream of

Summer dream book

Why does Chocolate dream:

Chocolate - Eat chocolate - get gratitude.

Autumn dream book

If you dream of Chocolate, what is it for:

Chocolate - There is chocolate - for a love affair, as the dream book says about this dream.

Psychological dream book

Why dream of Chocolate in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Chocolate - Eat chocolate - for carnal pleasures, desired and pleasant

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Chocolate, which means sleep:

Seeing Chocolate in a dream - Chocolate candies that you see in a dream promise you excellent business partners. Stale chocolate dreams of illness and disappointment. If in a dream you drank hot chocolate, then prosperity awaits you. True, it will come after a short period of adverse events. They drank hot chocolate in a dream - perhaps not everything has been going well in your personal life lately. Don't take these failures personally. The reason for the fiasco may be in your partner's bad mood or some kind of trouble at work, which, of course, cannot but affect your intimate life. Burnt with hot chocolate - meet a person who will amaze you with irrepressible energy and temperament.

Spring dream book

According to the dream book Chocolate:

Chocolate - there is chocolate - for a pleasant pastime.


I dreamed of Chocolate what it is, which means Chocolate in a dream

Slavic dream book The meaning of sleep Chocolate:

You dreamed of Chocolate, what is it for - trouble, illness. Excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures.

Jewish dream book What does Chocolate mean in a dream:

What does Chocolate mean in a dream - There is chocolate A dream that occurred on Monday night means that you will take some trifle for an important omen; a dream that occurred on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to good health; a dream that occurred on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to listening to flattery and praise. Buy chocolate A dream that occurred on Monday night warns that you are too trusting of a person who wants to deceive you; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that you are too worried about your health; a dream that occurred on the night of Saturday or Sunday warns that you need to pay off old debts or thank the person who once provided assistance. Receive a chocolate set as a gift A dream that occurred on Monday night is a joyful surprise; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to a variety of pleasant experiences; a dream that occurred on the night of Saturday or Sunday portends unexpected luck in a very difficult task.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina What does Chocolate mean in a dream:

You dreamed of Chocolate what it is for - Competitors use your gullibility. What you do brings you only losses, and they make a profit; Imagine that you are giving chocolate to some stranger, passerby or neighbor.

British dream book In a dream, I dreamed of Chocolate:

Chocolate - Chocolate holds a special place. Chemically, this is a very complex food that causes a number of pleasant reactions in the body (except for those people who are allergic to chocolate), very similar to falling in love. The name of the plant from which chocolate is made is translated as the food of the gods, and a huge number of people will completely and completely agree with this designation! Why dream: did you eat chocolate alone? With others? Did you give it to someone or did someone give it to you? Chocolate is a favorite gift for lovers for each other, a symbol of feelings. However, too much chocolate can make you gain weight: do you feel guilty when you eat it? Are you in love or did chocolate act as a substitute for romantic feelings?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great What does Chocolate mean in a dream book?

Why do you dream about Chocolate what is it for - you dream about chocolate - your ideas are your prospects; one by one, realizing your ideas, you will be at the beginning of a big business, from which you will feed all your life. It is as if you are drinking hot chocolate - failures will pass quickly, and prosperity will be long-lasting. Chocolate seemed stale to you - a dream of illness. You see chocolates in a dream - a dream promises you reliable, successful business partners.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife Dream had a Chocolate.

Chocolate, chocolates - expressions of gratitude for certain services; internal conflict arising from sexual dissatisfaction, broken relationships. Refusing to accept candy or chocolate as a gift is a way to attract attention.


Dream Interpretation White Chocolate

Why dream of white Chocolate in a dream from a dream book?

The dream book interprets white chocolate as a harbinger that all your problems and troubles are receding, only happiness, carefree joy awaits you.

If they treat you to it - in real life, with the help of flattery and nice gifts, they want to get some kind of service from you.


eat chocolate

Dream Interpretation Eat Chocolate dreamed of why in a dream Eat chocolate? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of eating chocolate by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

If you see chocolate in a dream, you can be sure that you will be able to provide well for those who depend on you.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

See also Candy.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

If you dreamed that you were treating someone with chocolate, this means that you are very gentle in bed and can please even a very inexperienced person.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate


Dip your hands in chocolate

Dream Interpretation Smear your hands in chocolate dreamed of why in a dream to smear hands in chocolate? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to smear hands in chocolate in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Smear your hands in shit

This dream promises wealth and honor

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

If you see chocolate in a dream, you can be sure that you will be able to provide well for those who depend on you.

Dreamed chocolates promise you great business partners.

Stale chocolate dreams of illness and disappointment.

If in a dream you drank hot chocolate, then prosperity awaits you. True, it will come after a short period of adverse events.

They drank hot chocolate in a dream - perhaps you have not been doing well lately in your personal life. Don't take these failures personally. The reason for the fiasco may be in your partner's bad mood or some troubles at work, which, of course, cannot but affect your intimate life.

Burnt with hot chocolate - meet a person who will amaze you with irrepressible energy and temperament.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

Chocolate - Treat someone with chocolate in a dream - you are very gentle in bed, your caresses can warm up anyone, even a very demanding person, which means you have something to be proud of.

Drinking hot chocolate in a dream - do not take personally all the failures in sex. It is quite possible that the reason for the fiasco lies in the bad mood of your partner or some kind of trouble at work, which, of course, cannot but affect your intimate life. Burn yourself with hot chocolate - you will meet a person who will amaze you with his temperament and irrepressible energy.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

Eating chocolate in a dream portends a deterioration in well-being during the coming day. Buying chocolate is a loss of a significant amount. Chocolate with nuts is a sign of satiety in love and the search for a new partner. A dream where you are presented with a large set of chocolates as a gift speaks of the unfulfillment of dreams. Melted chocolate - to a frank confession and tears of remorse.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

Eating chocolate means that in reality you are striving for an easier life.

It seems to you that you are working like an ox, not receiving the slightest return.

People around you do not appreciate, and it depresses you.

Cooking chocolate: you love to do everything unusual, extraordinary, which could capture the imagination of others and cause their envious feelings.

It stimulates you to some extent and makes you feel the sharpness of life.

Treat someone with chocolate: a dream means that in real life you are trying to appease someone in order to take advantage of this for your own purposes.

Your intentions will be revealed and you will fail.

If you were treated to chocolate: in reality, they will try to deceive you in order to benefit.

The probability of this is especially high in the first three days after the dream.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

If you dreamed that you were drinking hot chocolate (cook it that you want to drink chocolate), you will soon meet your love. To make love real, cut a heart out of paper, write your name on it and cover it with tobacco in a dark place.

If you dreamed of a bar of chocolate (you bite off it, break it, buy it), then in the near future you will have to do heavy repairs, which will probably drag on. So that this repair does not turn out to be a burden for you, bury a bar of chocolate near your house.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

Seeing chocolate - you will provide very well for those who depend on you;
to see chocolates - suitable partners in work;
stale chocolate - illness, disappointment;
drinking hot chocolate - prosperity after a short period of adverse events.
See also Candy.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

To dream of chocolate signifies your ability to provide for the people who depend on you. Seeing chocolates is a reliable partner in your business. Stale chocolate portends illness or disappointment. Drinking hot chocolate - to the successful completion of an unfavorable period.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

If you dreamed that you were treating someone with chocolate, this means that you are very gentle in bed and can please even a very inexperienced person.

Hot chocolate symbolizes your dissatisfaction with yourself in sex.

You believe that only you and no one else are to blame for all the failures.

However, intimate relationships may not go well due to the partner’s fault: perhaps he is just in a bad mood or you are not doing well in everyday life.

If you get burned with hot chocolate, this portends a meeting with a person with inexhaustible energy.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

There is chocolate in a dream - you will protect someone, take care of someone, in general, you will patronize someone.


Have delicious chocolate

Dream Interpretation There is delicious chocolate dreamed of why in a dream there is delicious chocolate? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of eating delicious chocolate by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

If you see chocolate in a dream, you can be sure that you will be able to provide well for those who depend on you.

Dreamed chocolates promise you great business partners.

Stale chocolate dreams of illness and disappointment.

If in a dream you drank hot chocolate, then prosperity awaits you. True, it will come after a short period of adverse events.

They drank hot chocolate in a dream - perhaps you have not been doing well lately in your personal life. Don't take these failures personally. The reason for the fiasco may be in your partner's bad mood or some troubles at work, which, of course, cannot but affect your intimate life.

Burnt with hot chocolate - meet a person who will amaze you with irrepressible energy and temperament.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

Chocolate - Treat someone with chocolate in a dream - you are very gentle in bed, your caresses can warm up anyone, even a very demanding person, which means you have something to be proud of.

Drinking hot chocolate in a dream - do not take personally all the failures in sex. It is quite possible that the reason for the fiasco lies in the bad mood of your partner or some kind of trouble at work, which, of course, cannot but affect your intimate life. Burn yourself with hot chocolate - you will meet a person who will amaze you with his temperament and irrepressible energy.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

Eating chocolate in a dream portends a deterioration in well-being during the coming day. Buying chocolate is a loss of a significant amount. Chocolate with nuts is a sign of satiety in love and the search for a new partner. A dream where you are presented with a large set of chocolates as a gift speaks of the unfulfillment of dreams. Melted chocolate - to a frank confession and tears of remorse.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

Eating chocolate means that in reality you are striving for an easier life.

It seems to you that you are working like an ox, not receiving the slightest return.

People around you do not appreciate, and it depresses you.

Cooking chocolate: you love to do everything unusual, extraordinary, which could capture the imagination of others and cause their envious feelings.

It stimulates you to some extent and makes you feel the sharpness of life.

Treat someone with chocolate: a dream means that in real life you are trying to appease someone in order to take advantage of this for your own purposes.

Your intentions will be revealed and you will fail.

If you were treated to chocolate: in reality, they will try to deceive you in order to benefit.

The probability of this is especially high in the first three days after the dream.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

If you dreamed that you were drinking hot chocolate (cook it that you want to drink chocolate), you will soon meet your love. To make love real, cut a heart out of paper, write your name on it and cover it with tobacco in a dark place.

If you dreamed of a bar of chocolate (you bite off it, break it, buy it), then in the near future you will have to do heavy repairs, which will probably drag on. So that this repair does not turn out to be a burden for you, bury a bar of chocolate near your house.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

Seeing chocolate - you will provide very well for those who depend on you;
to see chocolates - suitable partners in work;
stale chocolate - illness, disappointment;
drinking hot chocolate - prosperity after a short period of adverse events.
See also Candy.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

To dream of chocolate signifies your ability to provide for the people who depend on you. Seeing chocolates is a reliable partner in your business. Stale chocolate portends illness or disappointment. Drinking hot chocolate - to the successful completion of an unfavorable period.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

If you dreamed that you were treating someone with chocolate, this means that you are very gentle in bed and can please even a very inexperienced person.

Hot chocolate symbolizes your dissatisfaction with yourself in sex.

You believe that only you and no one else are to blame for all the failures.

However, intimate relationships may not go well due to the partner’s fault: perhaps he is just in a bad mood or you are not doing well in everyday life.

If you get burned with hot chocolate, this portends a meeting with a person with inexhaustible energy.

Dream Interpretation - Delicious to eat

There is something tasty in a dream - to get to some kind of banquet.

Dream Interpretation - Delicious to eat

There is something tasty in a dream - to a good relationship in love affairs.


donated chocolate

Dream Interpretation Gifted Chocolate had a dream about what a gift of chocolate is dreaming of in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a gift of chocolate in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

If you see chocolate in a dream, you can be sure that you will be able to provide well for those who depend on you.

Dreamed chocolates promise you great business partners.

Stale chocolate dreams of illness and disappointment.

If in a dream you drank hot chocolate, then prosperity awaits you. True, it will come after a short period of adverse events.

They drank hot chocolate in a dream - perhaps you have not been doing well lately in your personal life. Don't take these failures personally. The reason for the fiasco may be in your partner's bad mood or some troubles at work, which, of course, cannot but affect your intimate life.

Burnt with hot chocolate - meet a person who will amaze you with irrepressible energy and temperament.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

Chocolate - Treat someone with chocolate in a dream - you are very gentle in bed, your caresses can warm up anyone, even a very demanding person, which means you have something to be proud of.

Drinking hot chocolate in a dream - do not take personally all the failures in sex. It is quite possible that the reason for the fiasco lies in the bad mood of your partner or some kind of trouble at work, which, of course, cannot but affect your intimate life. Burn yourself with hot chocolate - you will meet a person who will amaze you with his temperament and irrepressible energy.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

Eating chocolate in a dream portends a deterioration in well-being during the coming day. Buying chocolate is a loss of a significant amount. Chocolate with nuts is a sign of satiety in love and the search for a new partner. A dream where you are presented with a large set of chocolates as a gift speaks of the unfulfillment of dreams. Melted chocolate - to a frank confession and tears of remorse.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

Eating chocolate means that in reality you are striving for an easier life.

It seems to you that you are working like an ox, not receiving the slightest return.

People around you do not appreciate, and it depresses you.

Cooking chocolate: you love to do everything unusual, extraordinary, which could capture the imagination of others and cause their envious feelings.

It stimulates you to some extent and makes you feel the sharpness of life.

Treat someone with chocolate: a dream means that in real life you are trying to appease someone in order to take advantage of this for your own purposes.

Your intentions will be revealed and you will fail.

If you were treated to chocolate: in reality, they will try to deceive you in order to benefit.

The probability of this is especially high in the first three days after the dream.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

If you dreamed that you were drinking hot chocolate (cook it that you want to drink chocolate), you will soon meet your love. To make love real, cut a heart out of paper, write your name on it and cover it with tobacco in a dark place.

If you dreamed of a bar of chocolate (you bite off it, break it, buy it), then in the near future you will have to do heavy repairs, which will probably drag on. So that this repair does not turn out to be a burden for you, bury a bar of chocolate near your house.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

Seeing chocolate - you will provide very well for those who depend on you;
to see chocolates - suitable partners in work;
stale chocolate - illness, disappointment;
drinking hot chocolate - prosperity after a short period of adverse events.
See also Candy.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

To dream of chocolate signifies your ability to provide for the people who depend on you. Seeing chocolates is a reliable partner in your business. Stale chocolate portends illness or disappointment. Drinking hot chocolate - to the successful completion of an unfavorable period.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

If you dreamed that you were treating someone with chocolate, this means that you are very gentle in bed and can please even a very inexperienced person.

Hot chocolate symbolizes your dissatisfaction with yourself in sex.

You believe that only you and no one else are to blame for all the failures.

However, intimate relationships may not go well due to the partner’s fault: perhaps he is just in a bad mood or you are not doing well in everyday life.

If you get burned with hot chocolate, this portends a meeting with a person with inexhaustible energy.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

There is chocolate in a dream - you will protect someone, take care of someone, in general, you will patronize someone.

Dream Interpretation - Chocolate

Chocolate - Receive, buy - to bad health, weakness. Eat, drink - a disease of a protracted nature.




I dreamed that a friend gave me chocolate in the shape of a pig! looks like a piggy bank, but it's an edible chocolate wine .. I don't understand what it's for ..)


I dreamed that a friend gave me chocolate in the form of a pig! looks like a piggy bank, but it's an edible chocolate pig... I don't understand what it's for..)


i dreamed that I was wiping the guy's face, stained with chocolate. what is it for?


Hello! I dreamed that I was happy to eat chocolate with bread. Moreover, chocolate is liquid and with nuts.


see chocolate flowers


Collect a lot of chocolate bars and sweets in a bag


Good afternoon) I dreamed that I was in the house of an old witch who had different eyes. She tries to tell me something, but I interrupt her, I say that all this is not true. Then she asks for my hand, I refuse and want to leave, but she can't find her wallet, which she put on her table. She hands me a package containing a kilogram and a half of large, good-looking potatoes, and on top is my wallet. But even here I refuse, and shout: not potatoes, if you want to give me something, let me take an apple. I stretch out my hand and take a beautiful red big apple, but before taking a bite I ask: it is the same as in the fairy tale about the dead princess. She silently hands me a candy and a piece of chocolate. But the wallet still does not give. I urgently demand that my thing be returned to me and out of the corner of my eye I see that a woman has come to her to wait. Then the sorceress hands me a bag, I open it and air comes out with a sound. This made me very angry. I throw the bag and already very angrily demand to stop this disgrace and return my wallet to me. The witch really hands me my purse. I look inside to check if everything is in place. Everything is upside down, but nothing seems to be missing. I turn around and leave. Leaving her house, I called her an old fool in my hearts and immediately felt a gaze from the back. Turning around, I saw an old man with a female figure, and for some reason it seemed to me that this was the same witch just in disguise. Then I woke up.


Hello! I had a dream before the New Year on December 30 ... Why am I asking about this particular dream, it is so important to me, there was a person who is not indifferent to me. So, the essence of my dream.
» I walked hand in hand with a guy (who is not indifferent to me. We met on the Internet, but never met). We went to visit my mother. It was a sunny winter morning and there was snow .. We were so happy ... there was fire under our feet and we walked on this fire. Then, out of nowhere, the kids appeared in front of us, running merrily and some kind of old man .. as it turned out, they were supposedly relatives and friends of my lover. Then it was like this, my beloved hugged me from behind and whispered something in my ear from my left shoulder ... only I don’t remember what, but something was pleasant ... "that's all I woke up. In reality, he (my lover) meets with another and is already engaged to her ((


i dreamed that there was a lot of chocolate in the refrigerator and it was broken and when he ate it he was unpleasant. then I left the house and plucked a rose of an incomprehensible color


there was a strong desire for chocolate ....... and I bought it in a stall .... besides this, eaten things were beaten (like a moth) only two small pouches (light beige) climbed out of these holes




Hello! I dreamed of a room, it contained my and my family's things. Things were all new, but worn slippers remained from the previous owners. Then it turned out that there was a public toilet in the corner of the room. I didn’t really like it, because I disdained it, besides, in the opposite corner of the room there was a place where a pig supposedly lives. The pig was big and alone. It was her permanent place, where she is fed and sleeps there. Despite my dissatisfaction, it still remained our dressing room with my husband. And then I left the yard and walked down the street, a boy of 7-8 years old offered me a ride in a car. When I sat down to him, he began to treat me with chocolate, but I refused and showed my own. I ate chocolate without desire, because I did not want to get better. But she noted that the chocolate was fresh and tasty, just the way I like it.


as if a lot of people were sitting in the same room and a young man clicked and he had a lot of packages of chocolate in his hands and gave them to everyone and I got one like everyone else and gave the other one to choose from


i dreamed that a friend gave me her credit card and I needed to buy something for her, I went to the store, I wanted to buy myself a chocolate bar, but it’s so strange that I’ve never seen such a thing before, I bought myself one, and went up some hill then I woke up


At first I was in a new red dress and ate chocolate and got smeared, then I was suddenly in another new green dress and I looked at him and it was also smeared with chocolate. I started scrubbing it but it didn't come off.


I drank with a young man with whom we don’t know each other, but we know each other by sight, then we talked under water, then we bought chocolate, he bought it for me


I dreamed today that I was looking for meat in the store, but I saw a showcase with fish, took two bars of chocolate and went to pick up an egg


I dreamed that I was picking up chocolates in a beautiful wrapper from a vase, there were also opened chocolates. But when I saw my teacher, I immediately put them back, saying: "I thought you left."
What is it for???


i bought 5-6 chocolate bars in different colored packages, put them in the fridge, went away when I saw that my mother chopped everything into small pieces, but the purple bar remained, but when I opened it there was not half, while I wanted to find out who ate it, it ended up in a jar I stirred it with hot water, it began to thicken and I began to pour it into molds.


I dreamed that I was treated to a bar of chocolate by a guy whom I love, but with whom we are not together now. I share this tile with him ... We eat it, then I don’t remember an excerpt from a dream, but at the end we had sex with this guy. I clearly remember a bed with light blue sheets that were very wrinkled, and a pillow also fell, but he (the guy) then picked it up, after which I fell asleep on his shoulder.


Hello Tatiana! I dreamed that a woman I did not know was holding several bars of chocolate of different sizes. And here is one of these tiles, a smaller one, she gives me. I also wondered why she gives me a medium-sized tile. But I got chocolate. And before these, I dreamed of chocolates. I wanted to know what this dream was about?


The dream was like this, I was visiting a friend and her child treated me to a chocolate bar and I ate it with pleasure, and ate quite a lot.


I was walking down a corridor. There were lockers (it seems like it looks like a school) it was a bit dark, but there was a light bulb 😀 there were some people. On the top of one cabinet there were a lot of slab chocolates in a package. I took one with someone and supposedly ran away. Like she stole. I thought that now I will bring it home and share it with my relatives. But then I could not steal like that and put it in its place. An unknown boy said to me like: Are you stealing other people's chocolates! I started to explain that I took chocolate, but then I realized that it was not right, etc. Then I kind of vanished. I saw a lot of delicious things on the shelf. But there was a few slabs of chocolates. The label had a pink rose. Very beautiful. I took one tile and I don’t remember further. I woke up


My mother and I were looking or looking for something in the closet, and here on the upper shelves there were several boxes of Ferrero Racher chocolates, I ask my mother, oh mom, why does he say so much, well, these are stocks)))


Good afternoon. I met the mother of my young man very sadly. I was kicked out of his house. It was June 6th. today I had a dream that while my MCH was with me, his mother came to us. to see how I live, what I can do, and whether I am a good hostess. She was basically satisfied, and changed her mind about me. What does it mean?


Dream: I came to my grandmother and there some man taught us something (not just me with some boys), but the encouragement was chocolate, a lot of chocolate, I ate it and it was very tasty to me.


I had a dream about chocolate in my dream, but I was an older girl, that is, a girl and a few other people whom I don’t know. Me and my children a few people started to take shkllad from kokoito shop for free and it was night and we took chocolate as much as possible and it was gray chocolate. Then we somehow found ourselves, I don’t remember how, in a cocoon room and there was a refrigerator, and in the refrigerator there was a lot of chocolate, just a bunch of papihans. The chocolate was in the form of coils / circles, there was both white and brown chicolate mixed and we started eating this shiolad, but as soon as I started eating it, I started to get turned on


I had a 9th grade graduation at the Liniya store, we had to give out gifts, but in order to receive them, we had to complete the task, we were very strongly rocked on a rope swing in four (girls), well, we swayed and squealed, we were scared, but then we all somehow got down and gave us gifts: each of the 4 girls had their own color, but there were only gifts for three. but I only remember blue green and yellow. Here I have all the packages were green. in the first package (it was big) I don’t remember what was in the second large package there were sooo many different chocolates and in the third package I don’t remember what was either and we were given either red bags or red backpacks, so I took everything and unwittingly grabbed the boy’s notebook who handed out all the gifts there was something written there but I didn’t read it. we left the store it was dark I crossed the traffic light there was only red and blinking orange well I crossed the road and walk along the sidewalk I don’t notice how everything falls out of my hands but next to me are 2 girls from my class (really from my class), but as I remember, they were not given gifts. they said that everything had fallen on me, I went to pick up my things, but I only saw a bag of chocolates there and one chocolate bar came out of the bag, it was, I remember exactly “milka”, well, now I put everything in the bag and kristina and vika (that was the name of these girls ) we said, we told you that it means that your reward has fallen, and for some reason I gave one chocolate bar that fell milka. They formed. and what happened next, I don’t remember well, it was all mocking delirium. this is my whole dream


I was in a chocolate dress at some holiday, I was waiting for my beloved, I wanted to surprise him with this, but he didn’t come ... he was offended by something .. I was upset ..


I dreamed that I was buying a bar of chocolate in a supermarket with my friends. Then we went to the minibus, as we had to go home, when we sat down, I opened it and began to treat everyone. At what she ate not as usual - breaking off squares, but biting off straight from the tile.


i dreamed that my ex-beloved person gives me mine or buys chocolate, a square tile, very tasty, and I eat it passionately, I like it very much, I often dream of him, although I am married and love my husband.


I went to the store with a young man. we walked for a long time, looked at various products: shower gels, sprays, chose smells, sniffed. Then the young man found the designer at the bottom on the shelf. In such a little white suitcase. There were houses, animals, cars. We decided to buy it. We go to the checkout and I saw my favorite chocolate (with a magnet inside with a chocolate bar). I look, and all the wrappers are torn. I took one anyway. But since it was opened, I looked if I had such a magnet or not ... After which we sat on a bench in the store. There were three of us already. My mother was with us. I open a chocolate bar - and there are two of them: one whole bar of white chocolate and fragments (pieces) of dark or milk chocolate, I don’t remember. I started eating these pieces. And then some girl came up to my young man, clung to him, He says: Irina, well, well, that's enough, that's enough .. And the girl does not lag behind, smiles ... I drove her away. And she began to roar out loud, what is .. who is she, etc. After that I woke up.


in a dream I took two Snickers, one big and one small, then I went and changed the small one to a big one and I had two large Snickers I was very pleased that I changed two large ones


A young man was sitting in the barbershop, he was cutting his hair and he treated me to a mars bar, but inside the chocolate was broken in half.


My sister and I were behind the counter looking to buy chocolate. then the store closed and we bought it by persuading the saleswoman. but were not satisfied with the size of the bag. expected more.




Hello! Over the past 2 weeks, I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend 4 times. We broke up with him 5 years ago, and before that I had never dreamed of him, I thought that I had forgotten him and let him go, because then I decided to break off the relationship. The first dream I have is that I am driving a car, my dad is driving, my mom is next to him, and I am in the back seat. We are looking for something to buy. Then my dad drives back and we end up in my ex's yard. There were his mother, grandmother, sister with a boyfriend and him. I get out of the car to greet them! I went up to everyone, and then to them, I don’t remember what they first talked about, but in the end he answered me, “Me too.” We hugged, kissed and walked down the street together, holding hands. But I experienced very pleasant feelings, and when I woke up, it seemed to me that it was all real! Then a week later the second dream: I’m standing near a skyscraper and looking at it, I saw an advertisement for the sale of an apartment or just a bathroom (I don’t remember exactly). This advertisement for the sale was made by my ex (this is his apartment). Then I go to him and get into the bathroom, everything was done perfectly there. Then I take a shower and put on a black jacket and a black scarf, I go out to him, and he is standing near the window. He gives me a package, and the package was a chocolate bar and something else (it seems like clothes) and he says to me: “Hold it. My dad passed it on to you through my grandmother, because he didn’t have time to see you either ”(his dad died when we broke up and we really never saw each other). But I do not want to accept the gift, and he takes this chocolate bar, breaks off a piece and eats it himself. Then I stand with his sister near the window in the apartment and watch how a new house is being built opposite. All I woke up. Then a week later, I have a dream again, we talk on Skype and he shows me the funny hat and scarf that I gave him! Then I call him on the phone (it was Saturday) and say how are you, what are you doing? And he told me: “Why are you calling me so early, maybe I’m still sleeping?” but without reproaches and raids. And then he says that he is free, but he must now go and do a medical examination. And again I talk to his sister and she says hello to me! Then I went to take a shower because I have to meet him! And again I have some elevated feelings during sleep and after waking up. And today he dreamed that I wrote him an e-mail (I really want to do this in reality, but I can’t decide yet) about my feelings for him, he answers me, but only in general phrases, not to the point . .And that's it, I woke up on this! I would like to somehow connect everything in order to get an answer from dreams. I will be grateful to you for your answer! Thanks


I dreamed that my man and I ate black and milk chocolate, in large chunks. It was very tasty and sweet.


I was just with a friend and she shared a chocolate with me, I wanted more and I tried to take another piece from her, but she did not allow.


In a dream, I gave birth to twins (a boy and a girl), although I’m only 15 years old and I’m not married, and I don’t have a relationship. But there were no births themselves in a dream, my mom and dad just came to me and said “you have twins (a boy and a girl ) "then I cried, probably from happiness, although I can't imagine how much I cried


hello, my name is Alena, I often have dreams, nightmares, all sorts of little horror stories, and today I dreamed of chocolate, there were a lot of them in a hellish package, and Ani was not my chocolate, but someone else’s, but I tried one and stole it)) and then they caught me and allowed my brother to have chocolates like this I had a dream, please tell me what it will lead to, I’m not Russian and therefore write with errors sorry))


I dreamed that I was preparing hot chocolate with milk, it was so thick, appetizing, its preparation was a great pleasure with the thought that a couple more minutes and I would drink it, then with great pleasure, I would even say hunger, I used it, feeling that this is exactly what I was missing. Then I woke up with practically the taste of chocolate in my mouth and was so impressed that I had to buy a chocolate bar in the afternoon.


i dreamed that my ex-husband came to me to put up and pulls two chocolates to choose from, I chose white with coconut


First they gave me chocolate, then I noticed that I have a lot of different chocolates and chocolate bars. I wanted to eat them all, the chocolate in my dream tasted good. And I also tried a chocolate bar from the hands of a girl.


hello. I see how dad bought a huge grid with chocolate bars, I choose for a long time, take 3 bars, and start eating greedily. the chocolate was very tasty.


I have a dream that I pay off my debt with money, and when the money ran out, I began to pay with chocolate bars


Some young man gave me small bounty chocolates. I asked him for a larger size, supposedly for my granddaughter, and he gave me


I dreamed that I myself made chocolate. I stood with my feet in a vat of chocolate and rolled large balls of chocolate with my hands and laid them in a row, apparently intending to cut and shape them later. In general, until the chocolate began to solidify under my feet, I tried to roll as many balls as possible. Then water began to flow into the chvn and I stopped working.


i dreamed that I drove up to my colleagues in a car, and they were talking about something, and they asked me to give them something, I don’t remember the conversation at all, I remember what I said, I owe you a snickers, and in the car I see 2 snickers 1 big other small one and hand them the big one and give it to them!


I am pregnant for 4.5 months, and in a dream I was also at the same time.
Having come to visit a friend, she saw a lot of different chocolate candies in bright shiny wrappers, my friend suggested that I eat as much as I want, at least everything. And I began to eat greedily with great pleasure. I ate a lot and took a couple of them with me.


For the second time I dream that I am in a tunnel and the late uncle throws me waist-deep candies and chocolate to the waist, I get out of this tunnel and eat chewing gum. I had this dream a week ago, the same as today. Why is this??


in a dream I wanted to buy something for tea, I went to the store, it was completely empty, there was only one chocolate bar and it was very expensive, I didn’t buy it. I went to the neighbors to ask for food, I was very ashamed, they gave me buns and chocolate and I paid them more than this chocolate bar cost.


I dreamed that I was falling asleep, and a young man approached me and put a chocolate bar under my pillow. and at the same time he said in his ear: I left you a chocolate bar.


i was in the supermarket ... there were not very many people .. but there was no cashier .. and I bought what I needed .. I did everything at the checkout myself .. I sealed it .. I took a check so that they would not think that I had stolen .. but then they said that there was no one in the store at all and you can take whatever you want .. and I took a lot of chocolate bars .. so many that it didn’t fit in the bag .. then they said that there was a million on the street and checks the bags ... I put everything in place, but not everything seems to be ... but the policeman did not find chocolate from me, but checked the goods according to the check and let him go with a smile ... I also wanted to steal a blender, but I didn’t take it


I talked on the phone and the guy told me that he would bring chocolate 1 bar, then he arrived and I told him to show me everything they were all multi-colored, I couldn’t eat them, broke them off but didn’t eat!


I bought chocolate bars in a dream. I also dreamed as if I were in the forest and in the distance a wolf howl and I jumped onto a cocoon of a log


I sat in the car and suddenly wanted to eat. I found chocolate bars in a bag in the back seat. Eagerly tore open the package and began to eat. It was delicious but I couldn't stop.



[email protected]


The boy that I like gave me a chocolate bar ... I walked down the street and went into the store with him, he bought a chocolate bar Airy and Alpen Gold AIR TAKED AND ANOTHER (Alpen gold) He gave it to me.


I dreamed that my dad (already deceased) gave me chocolate through my older sister. But I didn’t see chocolate.


I came to the house of my ex-deceased husband, his older sister lived there with her daughters and I ate chocolate and got my hands very dirty


I only remember the dream in moments, at first I saw a bear in the forest but he didn’t attack, then I got to a colorful fun party and at this party I saw only chocolate and friends !!!


ya pokupala shokolad, a na nei nadpis dlya beremennix. jivota u menya ne bila prosta znala chto beremenno.. otkrila mnogo bonbonerak i kupila odnu


My husband and I ate a lot of chocolate, one bar was with marmalade and not tasty, the other two were with whole hazelnuts and we really liked it.


i dreamed that my beloved man handed me a chocolate bar. I asked my friend to buy it and she handed it to me, but I didn’t take it in my hands


I was with a friend drinking tea and eating chocolate (bar), there was a light filling inside)
and girlfriend told how impatient she was to have sex ahah
I just listened and ate


I dreamed that I was eating milk chocolate with whole hazelnuts. The chocolate is thick and with a large whole nut. Nearby there were still large green grapes. I was very glad that I eat all this


Good afternoon!

I dreamed a lot of chocolate. And I ate it tile after tile. There were acquaintances around, I was ashamed that I was eating so much, but I could not stop. I almost never eat chocolate in my life, but in a dream I enjoyed it. He was so delicious!!! I don't even know how much I ate. Only when it was necessary for everyone to disperse, I noticed how much wrapping was left after my indefatigable feast. In general, the corner was filled with wrappers. At the same time, I wanted more and more. In a dream, in order to justify my behavior, I told everyone that I usually don’t eat so much chocolate, but maybe I have some kind of stress. This is where the body comes off.


It was the birthday of my girlfriend, for whom I was preparing a gift - I ordered chocolate slabs in the store, and it was the slabs, they were huge and they were baked in the oven, and the other slabs were melted and poured into large ladles. The smell was stunning in a dream, and I fussily ran and checked the work of the confectioners so that they would be on time.


I have a baby in my arms, but not mine, and next to him, his little mother also eats chocolate, and I scold her that she doesn’t give chocolate to the child, but eats herself, then she gave a piece and this child in my arms was all smeared with chocolate.


Good afternoon! I dreamed that I was walking along the railroad, there are a lot of tracks, and I don’t go along the rails, but across the sleepers, and around me the whole earth is strewn with chocolates and I myself pour them under my feet. It was good, clear weather outside. What does this mean? Thank you)


In a dream, I was treated to a good, very pleasant chocolate (expensive) by a man with whom I had a holiday romance. We lay on the lawn and ate it together while talking pleasantly!


Hello. Today, after feeding the baby, I went to bed. I dreamed that I was going to the trains, looking at the guy and having mixed feelings for him. Anger on one side, desire on the other. After we got off the train, we went, as far as I understood, to the fair, that is. There were a lot of people there, most of them women. Approaching one of the girls, I began to eat chocolate, and in large quantities, I even felt it. Then, reaching for a chocolate chip cookie, I saw the same guy. He kissed me. The kiss was long, or rather the touch of his lips to mine was long. I even experienced excitement ... But after he finally broke away from my lips, I realized that he was disappointed, he even twisted his lips a little. I grabbed more chocolate and went ... After that, I immediately woke up. I want to add, I have a husband and we have absolutely no problems in bed, I would say the opposite!


I dreamed that at first I see a store, I go to it, I see chocolates there and I want to steal them, but then I changed my mind. Then I go to another store, I see different chocolate bars there, I start choosing, I choose the one I like the most, while the seller looks at how much it costs, I bite off a piece and it turns out to be very tasty, then I don’t remember what it was ...


i had a dream that my grandfather, being sick, made the figure of a woman like it was made of wax, only he made it completely out of chocolate, and when he felt bad, he sat down, took this figure, put it on his knees and began to cut it with a knife ...


a work colleague girl treated me to 2 pieces of Alpin Gold chocolate, at that time I was going to go home from work, I was in a hurry, at first I refused, and then I took the chocolate and decided that I would eat it on the way home


Hello Tatiana! Please help me interpret the dream. I dreamed that I was looking for the way home in some kind of impenetrable jungle (but it’s not even the jungle, but rather the mountains are covered with forest; I’m not alone, but with a guide, it’s the guide who is looking for the way and I’m with him; it’s more like what active rest - finding the way home). The guide falls off a cliff into a dirty, muddy river from a cliff, but gets out of it with a laugh, and I have a panic about this, because I could fall there, but I can’t swim. Suddenly we find a pointer where we should go (in the form of a luminous flashlight) and find ourselves in my hometown near the library. There are guys I know next to me and they have sooo much dark chocolate ... and I ate almost all of this chocolate, I just gorged myself on them ... I gave the rest to the guys, and I went home myself.
Thanks in advance for your reply.


Hello Tatiana! I dreamed of a lot of chocolate bars, and chocolate bars, lying on the shelf, I ate them with pleasure, very tasty and unusual all sorts of different ones, and treated my grandmother to them ..


At the meeting, a guy I knew gave me a chocolate bar and said that we would talk about relationships later. The dream was warm and joyful.


I dreamed of chocolate bars, Lindt brands, maybe some other, different tastes, not cheap, Swiss, I haven’t seen such in stores, imported in beautiful packages, they seemed to taste and discuss which one is tastier, I don’t remember exactly with whom, maybe with my brother, although maybe still with someone.


I saw that the chocolate seemed to have fallen into a shopping cart. It seems like in a store, but in fact he got, as the common people say, "for free."


Like I'm supposed to have a date with my ex-husband. And a very young man came and brought a box of real chocolate. I ask him why is he taking care of me? I am much older than him. Or maybe it's for the niece. Silent and looking


There was a long corridor, I saw the inscription sell chocolates. I went into the room there was only a chocolate shop. The woman was sitting at the computer. I asked her that only chocolates are sold here, she said that we have many types of chocolate. I chose chocolate carefully and for a very long time. Bought one. Went out and went into another room. Again he slid into the chocolate room, looked and slid out. Then it clicked again, the woman was sitting near the computer and watching some kind of video. when the woman became a sound from the computer came. money pulled out 5 bills. The money was badly stacked, I put it on a stool. And I asked the woman I ate all these chocolates, advise another, and she showed chocolate coffee. In cans of black shock coffee was 20 cans and white chocolate coffee was also 20. I said that I don’t drink coffee, you can tell me another chocolate. The woman did not say anything and I began to choose coffee. I bought one, but I don't remember which one.


I was sitting on a bench, suddenly a guy rides up to me on a bicycle (he was in the same class with me, I really liked him, but he didn’t like me), he lay on my knees, I felt cozy and warm, great love emanated from him. me, then he gave me a chocolate bar and that's it, the dream was interrupted


I dreamed of a small dog, she was obedient and funny, I also bought in the toy department for 20 rubles, she turned out to be alive, then I and the other children went to the store while someone distracted the seller, I stole. Lots of chocolate


She saw me pouring hot chocolate into a bowl. the smell was pleasant. I wanted to try, but I woke up ((((


hello. I saw in a dream that I was with a friend, everyone gathered, but we don’t know what we are celebrating, but I have a lot of nets on my hands, and there are a lot of things, chocolate, henna, and I don’t remember the rest. Everyone asks why are we here? I say her birthday is in April, so we won’t know until the end why we gathered? when we start to leave what is in my hands, I don’t give it to her, it’s like I brought it for her, I think I’ll eat good chocolates at home, I don’t give henna either, and I think no one gives anything, but why should I give? and I tell her I'll bring a gift later, and then I woke up.


I got dirty with chocolate, but I didn’t see it, I assumed it was chocolate, I got my skirt dirty, and the man with me also got dirty, and we hugged like


Hello! Today I had a dream that I had a whole mountain of chocolate in my closet and my own aunt asked me to share it, but I didn’t feel like it, she took out her big bag and began to coordinate, and I look at her and there is such hopelessness in my eyes, What If it could mean, please help explain.


i had a dream where I eat chocolate with great pleasure, I found it from a friend and took it stealthily and stuffing more and more into my mouth .. I really wanted to eat it straight as if I was eating it for the first time)


Hello Tatiana. I dreamed that I wanted to visit the man with whom I was in a relationship in a dream (although in fact I don’t have one at this stage of my life). I dream that I am wandering in the front door in search of him, but I don’t know exactly the apartment number. I am very surprised at how beautiful it is even at the entrance of the house, I understand that the house is a luxury class and I look at everything with surprise, because I have never seen anything like this before. Then I decide to propose to my man, from somewhere I get a white cake and I pour white chocolate on it myself, and it freezes in the form of beautiful shells. Nearby is my 6-year-old son and some random man, from whom I tried to find out where my man lives. Here I taste the white chocolate from the top of my cake, and it tastes amazing. The man standing nearby is trying to take away all the remains of the cake, but when I saw this, I did not allow him to do this, saying that I would drink tea with this treat with my fiancé. What surprised me the most was my intention to propose to the man herself. in life I will never take the first step, much less offer
marry me, no matter how much I like this man.


my ex-boyfriend was waiting for me from work somewhere near her (actually ex, but I don’t know in a dream) with some girl, but for some reason he left with her without waiting for me and handed me a pack of coffee, chocolate and something else I remember! Why was it all a dream?


Good afternoon! In my dream, I feed chocolate to a guy that I really like in real life. At the same time, in a dream, we were sitting in the company of his friends, and I offered everyone a chocolate bar with nuts, everyone refused, except for him. And he asked me to put a piece of chocolate in his mouth myself. In the process, he was satisfied and enjoyed.


I dreamed that my classmate was talking to me, took out chocolate with condensed milk, and offered to taste it. I refuse, but then I felt uneasy, and at the same time I really wanted to taste chocolate. So I didn’t eat this chocolate, then the dream changed, and I went through some kind of forest for firewood, on the way I met some kind of resistance from an unknown monster, and started running down the slope, making my way through the trees, got to some kind of edge, and for some reason my task was to bring two bags of firewood, but I didn’t have any bags. I asked two girls to borrow the sacks, filling the sacks halfway, and report back with their firewood, and then take these sacks to some man. I was refused this, and when I came to this man, he opened the chest from which he took out chocolate, but I never saw who he handed it to.


hello, I dreamed that I was in a large hall where there were a lot of people, they were treated to chocolates. I took a lot as I had never seen chocolate, it was funny even in a dream. One of the races, sweets fell from me and the guy was a Muslim contra sat close to me picked it up and gave it to me. when I opened the candy Nutri had two chocolates. Yaya said, look how interesting it was that I got two times two chocolate wrappers inside.


Hello! I dreamed of a former boyfriend who was driving a broken car. At that time, I asked the current young man if he could fix such a car, he answered of course. Then I dreamed that I saw my young man and wanted chocolate. Then I dreamed of a shared female shower, where my shower gel was stolen from me. I began to resent and an unfamiliar guy approached me with whom I went into the office. This guy had drawings on his hands, touching me, I felt scars. Then he turned his back. On the back was a beautiful painting in shades of green and yellow. A girl who looked like a bird was sitting under a tree. Thanks for the early!

Aliya Zhumazhanova:

Hello! today (Friday morning) I had a dream, at first my classmate and I were on the street and climbed a small mountain, and we were the last ones (there was still a group of people, 4 of them were my groups). after I remember we settled in some kind of house, and so there were such boxes (as in American TV shows about school, only white wood color) and I went to this closet with a guy I feel sympathy for, and we talked about something, in this time, a classmate stole something from my locker (but I forced her to return it, took it by the scruff of the neck), and there was also a chocolate bar in my closet, I took a bite, then I gave the rest to that same guy. then it was night and they went to bed and were in the same room with the guy, only in different beds)


Hello! i dreamed about how I eat a very melted bar of chocolate, then a woman comes up to me and says to share with her, I give her in the end she asks for another piece and more ....


Hello, I dreamed that I stole three chocolates at the celebration or just took them and then carefully tried to hide them from everyone, and then my classmate beat all the girls and told me to stop my game (I don’t know what he meant)


I was in a room with a floor made of small wooden boards, and chocolate bars and candy bars were scattered everywhere. I didn’t collect everything, but only the most delicious ones (snickers, nestle, mars, etc.)


There was chocolate in my mouth and I kissed a man I knew and felt the taste of chocolate


instead of one bar of chocolate, they bought a lot with my money, I was nervous because of the money, but there was a lot of chocolate, meaning chocolate bars


I was at school, and my classmate comes up to me and gives me chocolate! I also gave him chocolate, and he said something, I didn’t hear it!


I dreamed that they gave me a package there were yellow ripe bananas and chocolates were on top


ate with friends a lot of chocolates in multi-colored packages, different shapes, fillings, sizes. I rarely remember dreams! Almost never


Dad poured wine, but I took it from him and said that it was spoiled, looked into the bottle and there was a fly. She said that you definitely shouldn’t drink it, that now I’ll bring something else. Went for Whiskey. Then she opened the drawer and saw open packs of Snickers, Mars, Twix, Milkiway chocolate bars, and began to take two of each. In general, the dream was colorful with a beautiful renovation and rich furniture and a forged golden staircase.


I saw a girl, she was lying and her face was covered in chocolate, and the other was constantly pouring liquid chocolate on her face! Why this dream?


I saw a girl, and her face was covered in chocolate. Another poured liquid chocolate over her face!


I was sitting at a school desk at a Russian language lesson. I began to get several chocolates out of my bag and then my classmate took one from me. He ate half and gave it back, as if nothing had happened.


That my mother gives me a chocolate bar with nuts and told me to put it in my room


There is a pile of chocolate bars on the table. And a friend offers me to eat, but I refuse. What is it for?


I dreamed today that I went into my kitchen, my father was sitting there, and on the refrigerator (where cookies are usually located, etc.) there are huge chocolate eggs (Kinder) in large quantities. I broke up with my boyfriend a long time ago, but we see each other almost every day, and in a dream I thought about him, what will he think when he comes to my house? Tell me, please, what is it for?)


I was driving in a car with a man (to whom I felt some kind of tenderness and trust) along the usual road, and in parallel there was a road made of bird's milk in chocolate (cake), he offered, I refused and nevertheless agreed for the fifth time, we drove onto this road and he treated me to this cake (expensive), and when we went further along this “road”, it turned out to be from the “cake” of count ruins (like a bizet with cream) and again he treated me.


I dreamed that it was the day of an angel in me, here I perform on the stage and everything is in me and I give a bar of chocolate and leather


dreamed of an eight-year-old daughter who asked to buy chocolate and shorts, she lives separately with her mother


i dreamed that I received a whole box of snickers of different sizes, bounty, etc. as a gift, but the box was open and they told me that this postal worker took 1 bar. What does that mean?


I dreamed of many sealed chocolate bars, mostly blue and yellow. I took them out of the bag and put them on the table. I'm pregnant (not in my sleep, actually, 8.5 months). But I didn’t find the interpretation of “Why dream of chocolate for a pregnant woman”.


the dream was actually colorful. i dreamed that I was in my city near my sister’s house, and on the contrary, they opened a modern store like a pyaterochka magnet. and the store clerk neatly and roomily puts something into a small urn, which is placed in squares near shops, and covers it with polythene so that even the urn is not visible. she leaves. and I go up and find chocolate there, I put it in a bag))))) and I leave and immediately stumble upon my sister. she starts asking me what I was doing there, I explain to her, boasting what a fine fellow I am, showing the contents of the bag, and there is also spaghetti in a pack and open. she looks at me and nods reproachfully like a fool you are a fool. it's good that this is a dream and that it will never come true.


Hello! My name is Oksana, please tell me today I had a dream in the morning my mother gives me chocolate bars, but she has already died, and the strawberries are large in the beds, but in her hands and in the bag are small and she also fell to the floor, and I collected them for a dream, I didn’t she stayed in the apartment and talked with her mother, she laughed, waiting for an answer


Hello. It was like 3 people had the recipe for liquid chocolate. Me and two others. I see myself carrying in some container ((I know that it is mine) and two others are carrying chocolate in large jars, but they sold the recipe and they are accompanied by people in white coats. Thank you


a large bar of chocolate, I seemed to break openwork pieces from the sides and eat, there was a feeling that I overate it +


I stole chocolate. And ate it. It was very, very tasty. I realized that it was imported, and I was tormented, how can I compensate for the loss of chocolate from the one I stole? After all, I can’t buy such chocolate in Russia.


I dreamed that people I knew brought home 1 box of sweets and 4 wax candles, which 2 of them burned and 2 did not, they were together and were flooded. I extinguished them, they went out, and when I looked at them again, all 4 were already on fire, they themselves caught fire ...


I dreamed of chocolate mountains and I seemed to be running along them, but I can’t collect chocolate


I dreamed that the guy I like, but we don’t personally know the news in chocolate, and warm delicious chocolate flows everywhere, and I’m watching everyone.


Good afternoon. I have a recurring dream of some kind of car repair shop. I'm like an observer from the sidelines. the client asks an expensive car to change the wings and there all the metal is for chocolate parts. explain to him. that it's hot outside and the car will melt, and he replies, these are your problems. today there are coatings that will not let it melt. and visually I see how it can be done. it just takes time. how to understand it .. it worries me.


Hello! Lately I've been dreaming of a guy that I like. Today in a dream they gave me a chocolate bar from him. What does it mean? Thanks in advance.


Hello! Lately I've been dreaming of a guy that I like. Today in a dream they gave me chocolate from him. What does it mean? Thanks in advance.


I saw a lot of chocolate, but I didn’t buy it and didn’t cook it


I had a dream from Monday to Tuesday. The dream was as follows: My ex-boyfriend's sister went with sweets from him, and I just looked at her. Then in another room I dream of a whole bunch of chocolate goodies from him, and I stand and look at her, and he and his sister stand next to her and smile at me. I wonder what that means, maybe something bad.


At first, I dreamed of some kind of food on the table, a lot. After some time, a woman who seemed to be a close friend or relatives. held out a few bars of chocolate. Like help yourself - this is for you.

Our subconscious in a dream uses the language of symbols and signs, so dreams cannot be taken literally. Each dream is a signal for something, often very distant from what we saw in the dream.

The probability of fulfilling dreams by day of the week

Do you want to know if your dream will come true? And how soon will that happen? Pay attention to the day of the week and always be ready to meet a joyful omen in reality.

Miller's free online dream book is your guide from the world of mysterious dreams to the realities of the present

Do you want to combine the scattered, intricate images of a dream into a colorful mosaic of reality? Look into the famous dream book of Gustavus Miller! Discover the amazing research of the great psychologist!

Sleep and the human subconscious

A dream is a unique magic that captivates the subconscious of a person into the world of the unknown. Creating problems for ourselves in reality, we hope that sleep, the guardian of our peace, will resolve them.

Why dream of Chocolate

Chocolate in a modern dream book

The dream in which you see chocolate portends promising ideas, the successful implementation of which will allow you to lead your business and receive a stable income over a long period. A dreamer who drank hot chocolate in a dream is destined for minor setbacks, but success will not be long in coming. Dreamed chocolates signify reliable business partners and good luck in doing business.

Chocolate in Miller's dream book

Chocolate that appeared in a dream marks financial freedom. If in a dream you ate chocolate, it means that in reality you will be able to satisfy not only your needs, but also provide financial resources for loved ones. Chocolates indicate the right choice of business partners. There is expired, low-quality chocolate in a dream - to a deterioration in well-being, chagrin, disappointment. A dreamer who drank hot chocolate in a dream can count on prosperity after overcoming minor obstacles.

Chocolate in Vanga's dream book

Dreaming of chocolate in large quantities portends hypocritical, unrealizable promises that can harm the dreamer. The dream in which you ate chocolate promises clear business success in the presence of common sense and stubbornness. Quarrels, troubles in a close environment portends a dream in which you, eating chocolate, stained your clothes and hands.

Chocolate in Freud's dream book

A dreamer who treats someone with chocolate in a dream is gentle in bed, his exquisite caresses will please even a very demanding partner. If you drink hot chocolate in a dream, it means that in reality you consider unexplained sex to be your personal fiasco. In fact, there are many more reasons for this: the unavailability of a partner, problems in the service. A dream in which you burned yourself with hot chocolate promises a meeting with a passionate person. His excitement and energy will leave indelible impressions in your memory.

It is impossible to completely manipulate people as long as they continue to dream.

Dream interpretation for the whole family / E. Danilova

Chocolate in a dream

Chocolate, chocolates - expressions of gratitude for certain services; internal conflict arising from sexual dissatisfaction, broken relationships. Refusing to accept candy or chocolate as a gift is a way to attract attention.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream of Chocolate

Chocolate - Seeing chocolate means your ability to provide for people who depend on you. Seeing chocolates is a reliable partner in your business. Stale chocolate portends illness or disappointment. Drinking hot chocolate - to the successful completion of an unfavorable period.

Freud's dream book

Analysis of the dream in which Chocolate was dreamed

Chocolate - Treat someone with chocolate in a dream - you are very gentle in bed, your caresses can warm up anyone, even a very demanding person, which means you have something to be proud of. Drinking hot chocolate in a dream - do not take personally all the failures in sex. It is quite possible that the reason for the fiasco lies in the bad mood of your partner or some kind of trouble at work, which, of course, cannot but affect your intimate life. Burn yourself with hot chocolate - you will meet a person who will amaze you with his temperament and irrepressible energy.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why dream about Chocolate

Chocolate - You will be visited by good ideas.

What did Chocolate dream about according to spiritual sources (Bible dream book of Azar)

There is chocolate - To the pleasant

Miller's dream book

Why dream of Chocolate in a dream

Chocolate - Seeing chocolate means that you will provide very well for those who depend on you. Seeing chocolates predicts suitable work partners for you. If the chocolate is stale, then expect illness and other disappointments. Drinking hot chocolate portends prosperity after a short period of adverse events.

Culinary dream book

Features of a dream about Chocolate

Chocolate - Drinking chocolate in a dream is a sign of some kind of loss and violence, this is how you decipher what you dream about.

The meaning of sleep about Chocolates (Modern dream book)

Chocolate - Quarrel, family troubles.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of Chocolate

Chocolate - Eating chocolate in a dream means that in reality you are striving for an easier life. It seems to you that you are working like an ox, not receiving the slightest return. People around you do not appreciate, and it depresses you. Cooking chocolate in a dream - you love to do everything unusual, extraordinary, which could capture the imagination of others and evoke their envious feelings. It stimulates you to some extent and makes you feel the sharpness of life. Treating someone with chocolate - a dream means that in reality you are trying to appease someone in order to take advantage of this for your own purposes. Your intentions will be revealed and you will fail. If in a dream you were treated to chocolate, in reality they will try to deceive you in order to benefit. The probability of this is especially high in the first three days after sleep.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

Chocolate as an image in a dream

Esoteric dream book

Chocolate in night dreams

Chocolate - Receive, buy to bad health, weakness. Eat, drink to a protracted illness.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Chocolate in a dream why dream

Chocolate - Good health.

Slavic dream book

Chocolate in a dream why dream

Chocolate - trouble, illness. Excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures.

The meaning of the dream about Chocolate dessert (Jewish dream book)

Chocolate - There is chocolate A dream that occurred on Monday night means that you will take some trifle for an important omen; a dream that occurred on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to good health; a dream that occurred on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to listening to flattery and praise. Buy chocolate A dream that occurred on Monday night warns that you are too trusting of a person who wants to deceive you; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that you are too worried about your health; a dream that occurred on the night of Saturday or Sunday warns that you need to pay off old debts or thank the person who once helped. Receive a chocolate set as a gift A dream that occurred on Monday night is a joyful surprise; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to a variety of pleasant experiences; a dream that occurred on the night of Saturday or Sunday portends unexpected luck in a very difficult matter.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Meet Chocolate in a dream

I dreamed of Chocolate - Competitors take advantage of your gullibility. What you do brings you only losses, and they make a profit; Imagine that you are giving chocolate to some stranger, passerby or neighbor.

Dream Interpretation Taylor Joles

Dream interpretation. Interpretation of over 1000 characters: Chocolate

Chocolate – Chocolate holds a special place. Chemically, this is a complex food that causes a number of pleasant reactions in the body (except for those people who are allergic to chocolate), very similar to falling in love. The name of the plant from which chocolate is made is translated as the food of the gods, and a huge number of people will completely and completely agree with this designation! Have you eaten chocolate alone? With others? Did you give it to a person or did someone give it to you? Chocolate is a favorite gift for lovers for each other, a symbol of feelings. However, too much chocolate can make you gain weight: do you feel guilty when you eat it? Are you in love or did chocolate act as a substitute for romantic feelings?

Large modern dream book / Zaitsev S., Kuzmin S.

Interpretation of 7777 dreams: Chocolate

Chocolate - You dream of chocolate - your ideas are your prospects; one by one, realizing your ideas, you will be at the beginning of a big business, from which you will feed all your life. It is as if you are drinking hot chocolate - failures will pass quickly, and prosperity will be long-lasting. Chocolate seemed stale to you - a dream of illness. You see chocolates - a dream promises you reliable, successful business partners.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with Chocolate mean, taking into account the date of birth

In the spring, why dream of eating chocolate in a dream - for a love affair.

If in the summer you dreamed of eating chocolate in a dream - to receive gratitude - this is the meaning of what this dream is about.

In the fall, why did you dream of chocolate - There is chocolate - for a pleasant pastime.

In winter, why dream of chocolate - Transient joy.