How to remove excess salt from a dish? What to do if you over-salt the cutlets.

Answer from ---==(((MIX@L))==---[guru]
Lemon juice kills over-saltness, over-pepper and over-sweetness!!

Answer from Lee[guru]
Make a sauce (sour cream + tomato + unsalted spices + spoon of flour diluted in water = boil) and do not salt it... ;););)

Answer from tar rat[newbie]
Throw the salted ones in the trash and bake new ones.

Answer from Xanka[guru]
Have you fried it yet? If not, then add finely grated and squeezed potatoes. And if it was already that, they fried it. then try stewing them in water with sour cream. But if you have over-salted it, it may not help.
I found this, you can try it:
you just need to transfer it to a cup (bowl) with cold sour cream and let it stand until it cools. And then drain it all and make gravy, as I wrote above.
Good luck.

Answer from User deleted[guru]
give it to your neighbor and don't worry))

Answer from Vladislav Biryukov[newbie]
Complete bullshit! If the dish is ruined, it means it’s ruined! I “foolishly” poured salt from a plastic salt shaker (you know, the one with two compartments - one doesn’t spill out, half of it comes out of the other at once!” and fried the cutlets. Of course they’re salty, damn, But! in the morning in the microwave in a plate with big amount water for 2 minutes and voila! They turned out “steamed” (pale in appearance, absolutely “dummy”), but not so salty! Everything is OH KAY but this is not what I wanted to cook!

Answer from Yona[guru]
Mash the cutlets to mince and fry on it boiled pasta. It will turn out like “navy-style pasta”.

Answer from Anastasia Samoilova[guru]
In this case (although this does not happen often) I pour a little water into the frying pan, put it on high heat, and lay out the cutlets. The water needs to evaporate; it will pick up some salt. Then I add 1 pack to the cutlets in the same frying pan heavy cream, chopped greens and put it in the oven so that everything is steamed thoroughly. Of course, the result is a different dish, but the taste of salt should decrease. Depends on the amount of salt, so it may not work. And of course, the side dish should not be salty.

Continuing the topic of cooking on the Babushkina Dacha website, I couldn’t ignore the question: How to remove extra salt from a dish? It’s a sin, I over-salt it often. As it turns out, there are ways save the dish if it’s too salty, great amount! Some tips are so ingenious, but at the same time simple, that every housewife simply needs to take note of them!

Salt is out of the soup!

Over-salted soup is a classic of the genre! But it is possible to save the dish. How to remove salt from soup was discussed in Enjoy it for your health 😉

If you over-salted the meat...

The fried meat can be cut into pieces and stewed with potatoes. Naturally, there is no need to salt the dish again. Potatoes in the dish will absorb excess salt.

It will be good to pour over-salted stewed meat with sour cream and simmer. Alternatively, prepare unsalted sour cream or tomato sauce for the meat. Add rice to the meat while it is stewing - it will absorb excess salt. It’s good to add vegetables to fried or stewed meat (onions, carrots, cabbage, zucchini, eggplants, Bell pepper, tomato, cauliflower, beans) and simmer - you get a new, original dish.

The same potatoes will help remove excess salt from boiled meat: pour boiling water over the meat, add peeled potatoes and cook until the potatoes are ready. The result is a side dish and the meat becomes less salty.

Gravy with meat or meat with sauce They save it this way: drop a piece of sugar into the liquid on a spoon. As soon as it starts to dissolve, take it out. The disadvantage of this method is that you need to do the manipulations 5-6 times. Lemon juice and a spoonful of sugar added to the dish will save the situation. It is recommended to sweeten slightly and flavor with lemon juice stews, stews, stewed cabbage, pilaf.

The simplest thing is to serve over-salted meat with an unsalted side dish (potatoes, rice, corn, legumes).

The main thing is to use your imagination and additional products that will remove excess salt.

Over-salted the chicken...

No problem! Let's use our imagination and cook from boiled over-salted chicken… salad. Or cut the fillet into pieces and prepare gravy or sour cream sauce with meat (of course, no need to add salt). Additional ingredients in the dish will remove excess salt.

Large pieces of chicken, if over-salted, can be rinsed under running water. cold water, and then boil again.

If you over-salt the chicken when frying, pour a little water into the frying pan, add lemon juice and simmer. The salt will partially dissolve into the water - drain it.

How to fix over-salted fish?

Over-salted fried fish can be disguised with unleavened sauce with the addition of a small amount of flour. An excellent side dish for over-salted fish mashed potatoes, which they “forgot” to salt. With such additives, it is enough to simmer the fish for 2-3 minutes, and some of the salt will pass into them.

If you sprinkle the pieces fried fish lemon juice and lightly sprinkle with sugar, the dish will not be so salty.

Vegetables can absorb excess salt: onions and carrots are fried in oil, but not salted, then the fish and vegetables are placed in layers in a deep frying pan and simmered for 5 minutes.

The herring is soaked in milk or water to remove excess salt from this dish.

Over-salted stewed fish It’s easy to fix if you prepare any unsalted sauce and marinate the pieces in it.

And, in the end, cutlets can be made from salted fish. Additional ingredients will partially “pull out” the salty taste, and dinner will be saved

The salad is too salty...

If oversalted turned out to be salad, cunning housewives mask the salty taste of the dish... with grated green radish. Don't have any radishes on hand? Add any unsalted ingredient to the salad, preferably a vegetable.


Over-salted cheese Experienced housewives advise soaking in water: pour boiling water over it and leave for a day. Better yet, put a piece of cheese on a salad, on pizza, cheese pie, sauce or even soup.


Excessively salty cabbage will hide rice, tomato paste, sour cream, sugar and lemon juice. Experienced hostesses It is advised to add these ingredients to stewed cabbage to remove excess salt from the dish.

We over-salted the cutlets and minced meat: what should we do?

And finally what to do if you oversalt the minced meat. A common situation, isn't it 😉

The easiest way is to add it to the minced meat additional ingredients that will take away the salt: slices of loaf soaked in milk, boiled potatoes, flour, potato starch. The loaf and potatoes can be minced or grated on a coarse grater.

If the cutlets are over-salted, turn them into...meatballs. To do this, boil the rice until half cooked and combine with the minced meat. Simmer the meatballs in unsalted sauce and the dish will turn out mmmm... finger licking good!

Sour cream or an egg beaten into the minced meat can also remove excess salt.

Get creative: add vegetables (cabbage, carrots, mushrooms, zucchini, pumpkin) to over-salted cutlets/minced meat - this will give them a new original taste.

If you find that the cutlets have been over-salted when they are already fried, you can lightly steam them additionally: add water directly in the frying pan and simmer after boiling for 6-7 minutes. Then the water is drained. The cutlets become less salty.

What to do if you over-salt the cutlets?

    Over-salted dishes are one of the most unpleasant incidents in the kitchen. If you over-salt the minced meat for cutlets, then you can add grated zucchini, carrots, raw potatoes or boiled rice. They absorb excess salt and make the dish more tender and tastier.

    You can try to cook, for example, stewed vegetables without adding salt, and add cutlets to accompany them - even during cooking)) I believe that the lack of salt in the liquid environment and the excessive saltiness of the cutlets neutralize each other.

    You can turn the cutlets back into minced meat and add them to not-so-salty pasta - you’ll get navy-style pasta.

    And I always taste the first cutlets for salt; if they turn out salty, then I add something to the minced meat. so that it is less salty. The best option add more meat, fish or porridge (that is, what you fry the cutlets from), but if this is not left, then a loaf, bread, semolina, boiled rice will do.

    If you find that the cutlets are over-salted when they are fried, then this is more difficult, but you can also fix it if you stew them in gravy or serve them with sauce and sour cream.

    If I have such a problem as over-salted cutlets, then I add water to the pan. When the cutlets are almost ready, you need to pour water into the frying pan so that they are almost hidden, well, somewhere a little more than half of the cutlet should be in the water. Then I reduce the heat and cook for a couple more minutes on each side. When the cutlets are completely ready, the amount of salt in them should be less, but they will be soft. I read above the options with gravy. I agree with these authors, I did this too. It turns out very tasty and will save your cutlets.

    The best way to combat salt is water)

    If you have over-salted the cutlets, then you just need to do the following.

    Add a little water to the minced meat. Then mix everything and pour out the water.

    The salt will disappear from the minced meat with the help of water and you will have new cutlets).

    Usually what over-salted cutlets, we notice after the first frying pan, when you can already taste the cutlets well. In this case, you need to add grated potatoes, onions, carrots (if you have run out of meat) to the remaining minced meat. Stir and proceed.

    If all the cutlets turn out to be over-salted, you need to steam them in a cast-iron bowl with a small amount water. If this doesn’t help much, you should serve them with an unsalted side dish.

    If you over-salted the cutlets, it means you only tried them after all the minced meat had already been fried. In this case, you need a lightly salted side dish and be sure to warn everyone that the cutlets are over-salted. A flour and tomato gravy that is almost unsalted is also suitable. Another option is gravy with broth and onions. You can even safely steam your cutlets in this gravy, but first cut them in half each. Almost all of the salt will end up in the broth.

    If you fried some of the minced meat, and some of the minced meat is still raw, then raw minced meat add uncooked rice. Place the rice in cheesecloth and add a little water to form a dough. After 30 minutes, take out the rice; it has already taken out as much salt as it could. But this method is not very effective in case of strong oversalting. When the minced meat is so salted that it is impossible to eat, make meatballs from it. Do not add salt to the soup at all.

    I make cutlets right away with gravy. I fry the cutlets on both sides, put them in a cup, fry the onions in the same frying pan, maybe with carrots, and mix the mayonnaise and water separately. I put the cutlets in a frying pan with onions and carrots and fill them with water and mayonnaise. And this is how my cutlets work.

    So, if the cutlets are too salty (the minced meat itself, or when frying), then I make more gravy and you can replace the mayonnaise with sour cream if you have it. If not, then just water or a little bit of mayonnaise. The gravy will take some of the salt for itself.

    If oversalting is detected at the minced meat stage, then you can add meat, onion or loaf, then the salt balance will be redistributed. If this was already discovered in ready-made cutlets, then you need to serve a less salty side dish or salad, then the saltiness of the cutlets will not be so noticeable.

    I often have the same problem. Therefore, I came up with a solution - I always put little salt in the cutlets, but I always serve them with ready-made sauce from a bag, which needs to be diluted (there is already quite enough salt in there)))

    Another option is to simmer the cutlets in sauce - low-fat mayonnaise, pepper, other seasonings to taste. Before simmering, you can fry it a little so that it doesn’t fall apart so much later. And in the sauce, the salt is evenly distributed and it is much more difficult to over-salt.

    You can try to save cutlets that are already too salty and are ready. I did this - I put all the cutlets in a pressure cooker, added a little water and let it steam a little over low heat. It seemed to help - the cutlets were steamed, the salt evaporated a little. But you can already have them ready fried cutlets simmer in unsalted sauce.

Answers (8):

If the cutlets or meat are over-salted, put them in a saucepan and add a little water, and also add half a raw onion or one raw potato and simmer your cutlets. Onions and potatoes absorb salt.

You can color them and wrap them in pancakes, or you can stew them in large quantities water, but this is unlikely to correct the situation if the cutlets are too salty. Just some other dish.

You can also grind it. Or maybe just make mashed potatoes for them, not at all salty? I don’t even know what I would do in this situation. I would probably still grind it, add unsalted minced meat and make meatballs for the soup.

I remember this happened once. I over-salted the cutlets. I did this: I bought 20% fat cream and, without diluting it with water, I poured it over the cutlets. I sprinkled cheese on top. And simmered it for 30 minutes in the oven right in the frying pan. When I poured the cream, I tried to make sure that the cream was completely product. After stewing, I tried the cutlets and was delighted; the salty taste transferred into the cream. And the cutlets were saved!)))

I think the second option you suggested is the most optimal. Make navy-style pasta or casserole with minced meat and tomato sauce. If the dish itself is not salted, it should turn out delicious. Combination of fried minced meat with pasta - a win-win option.

There is no way to fix ready-made fried cutlets. Shouldn't we soak them? Therefore, I completely agree with your option - grind them and use them in dishes such as - meat casserole, empanadas, navy pasta, etc. And in order to remove oversalting, add overcooked onions to this minced meat, and undersalt the rest of the products.

If this is already detected in the finished cutlets, then it is necessary to serve a less salty side dish or salad, then the saltiness of the cutlets will not be so noticeable. And I would make naval pasta from the failed cutlets. Yes, it also happens to me that the cutlets turn out a little dry...

My relatives are already fed up with jokes about falling in love (((Tell me how to save me if I mess up again? If he still refuses to eat, then you can just serve them correctly. There could be no greater grief!!! That’s how I save myself. So far, only one option has saved me Lately, I’ve been managing to add too much salt, even though I’m doing everything as usual, but I had the opposite question.

I think that there is nothing wrong with the fact that you did not salt your daughter’s cutlets, since it is better not to accustom children to salty foods. The main thing is not to spare the greens. For children, you need to decorate food beautifully so that they eat, then they won’t even pay attention to the salt. I have the same problem with cutlets. But it’s okay if you give your child unsalted cutlets, but lightly add salt on top. My friends and I love to sit down with vodka and cucumbers, so I showed my wife these marinade recipes, and she was surprised.

I read above the options with gravy. I also liked the idea of ​​Navy pasta. If you cook it, you will get meatballs. Microwave or oven for 15 minutes and that’s it! So the problem with under-salting, over-salting, and dry cutlets is easily solved. Children love this dish. I then simply put them in a frying pan and add a little water or, if I have it on hand, milk. You just need to dip a bag of rice into the salted soup and cook until done.

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Mash the cutlets with a fork, mix them with boiled pasta, pour in the egg, and, if you like, your favorite sauce. You can serve it with pickles and potatoes; pickles, for example, will complement the cutlets. Break the cutlets into pieces and just add salt on top. Simmer the cutlets in tomato juice or any other sauce, and that’s it!!! The cutlets turn out soft and juicy, and the dish tastes like meatballs with sour cream. Based on about 150 gr. sour cream for half a liter of broth.