Meat cutlets recipe. General principles for preparing juicy minced meat cutlets

Homemade cutlets are a very tasty, satisfying and quick dish to prepare. Homemade ones especially like them when they smell like garlic and have a delicate crust. They are prepared for holidays, weekends, served at any time of the day. Skillful housewives can make them in the oven, steamed, often fried, baked, stewed with sauce. Husbands and children love juicy, fragrant and very tasty cutlets, preferring them to soup, potatoes or a side dish.

There are many recipes for this dish. Restaurants usually serve chicken Kiev, at home they are made from minced meat, chicken, fish, adding rice, vegetables, and potatoes. Fried cutlets are the most delicious, but fatty, steamed - healthy, but without a crust, in the oven they turn out lush and soft.

The most delicious are beef, pork, chicken Kiev style. We will consider these recipes in detail, because it is very simple to make juicy homemade cutlets using them.

  • Meat for minced meat should be chopped with a meat grinder with large holes
  • If you add a little dry black bread to it, the cutlets will become more juicy, tender
  • Fragrant, delicious homemade cutlets will not work without the addition of onions and garlic
  • To make them more juicy, you need to add beef fat, lard to the minced meat.
  • For better frying, you need to close the pan with a lid, darken after cooking for a short time in the oven

  • In the presence of gastritis, stomach diseases, it is better to steam them
  • It is best to bake cutlets in the oven or steam them - they are less high-calorie, fatty, more healthy
  • It is recommended to make minced meat not from one pork or beef - the most delicious cutlets are obtained from mixed minced meat

How to fry lush cutlets in a pan?

You need to take:

  • 300 grams of pork and ground beef
  • 2 onions, garlic to taste
  • breading (flour or breadcrumbs)
  • a couple of slices of toasted bread
  • half a glass of milk
  • salt, a pinch of pepper, oil for frying

  • First, soak black bread, filling it with milk. You can first break it with your hands
  • Grind onion and garlic in a crusher
  • Salt the milk, knead the bread. Mix all the products in a large dish, adding spices
  • We make small oval cutlets, wetting our hands with water, roll in breading
  • We fry in hot oil, taking a frying pan with a thick bottom. When one side is browned and crusty, flip over. Now you can close the lid and fry on the stove until cooked.
  • If desired, you can put it in the oven for another 5 minutes, so that a delicious crust appears

Such homemade minced meat cutlets are fatty, juicy, very tasty. You can take only pork or beef, it depends on the taste of the hostess and household. For those who adhere to a strict diet, such a dish is not suitable - it is too high in calories. It is better for them to steam cutlets, bake in the oven without oil and fat.

How to make juicy minced meat patties in the oven?

You need to take:

  • half a kilo of any minced meat
  • onion, garlic, salt, pepper
  • half a cup of cream or milk
  • 1 egg
  • 120 grams of cheese
  • breadcrumbs for breading
  • a couple of slices of white bread
  • oil to grease the baking sheet

  • Soak a roll without a crust, fill it with cream or milk, chop the onion and garlic with a crush
  • Mix all the ingredients with minced meat to make cutlets
  • We form them into the desired shape, sprinkle with breadcrumbs
  • We grease the baking sheet with oil, set the temperature in the oven to 180-190 degrees
  • We spread the cutlets, sprinkle everything with grated cheese, bake in the oven for about 30 minutes

Cutlets baked in a hot oven are lush, juicy, not as greasy as when frying. The crust is delicious, everything inside is very well baked. Moreover, it is very simple to make them in any oven - you just need to put them on a baking sheet and set the desired temperature.

How to make delicious steamed minced meat patties?

Many people think that steaming does not make delicious dishes. This is not true. Steamed homemade cutlets are soft and delicate in taste.
You need to take:

  • a pound of any minced meat or chicken
  • onion
  • potato
  • salt, spices, herbs

  • Grind the greens, garlic, onion with a knife, rub the potatoes using a coarse grater
  • We mix all the products, make even cutlets of the desired shape
  • To make them for a couple, we take a double boiler, put it on the bottom of the mold, cook for 40 minutes. Let stand a little more, take out
  • To steam them in a slow cooker, you just need to pour 1 liter of water into the bowl, put the grate and put the cutlets on it. We turn on the "Steam cooking" mode, the time will be set automatically. Cooking, you can leave it on the heating later

How to make delicious chicken Kiev cutlets?

The recipe for chicken Kiev cutlets with chicken bones is quite complicated, but the finished dish turns out to be delicious in taste. Many housewives pamper their household members with Kiev cutlets, making them according to their favorite recipes. It should be remembered that in Kiev it means from chicken, and not from minced meat, and the pieces must be taken with bones from the wing.

You need to take:

  • chicken breast with a bone from a wing - you need to take them according to the number of Kiev cutlets, respectively, increasing other ingredients at times
  • a quarter of a stick of butter
  • bunch of fresh herbs
  • 2 large eggs or 3 small ones
  • garlic, spices to your taste
  • frying oil
  • flour, breadcrumbs

  • First we make butter: chop the garlic, herbs. Add them together with all the spices to the softened piece, mix, form a roller. Wrap in foil and put in the freezer. This will be the inside of the chicken Kiev
  • We cut off a thin layer of fillet from the breast, a little smaller than what remains with the bone. We wrap both pieces with a film, beat off with a hammer until the pieces are flat. Salt, pepper
  • Cooking breading in Kiev: take 3 plates, pour crackers, flour and beaten eggs mixed with salt there separately
  • We put frozen butter on a large piece, close the fillet with a smaller one, twist it. Dip in eggs, then roll in breadcrumbs, repeat 2 times, then roll in flour
  • We fry the cutlet in Kiev in a preheated pan with vegetable oil until cooked on both sides

It doesn’t matter how you are used to making homemade cutlets: in the oven, steamed or in a frying pan, Kiev style or with the addition of rice, vegetables. In all cases, they are soft, fluffy and very tasty. You can constantly change recipes, pampering households with a variety of cooking options.

It is well known that cutlets are prepared from minced meat of different types of meat and not only. It is easy to work with minced meat - you can buy it ready-made or, using modern devices for chopping meat, quickly scroll fresh and even store it in the freezer until needed.

What can not be cooked from minced meat! Cutlets, meatballs, cabbage rolls, schnitzels, dumplings, fry for pasta in a naval way, include in various fillings for baking - minced meat is everywhere! A rare housewife needs to be taught how to cook cutlets correctly, but we still have some attractive secrets even for experienced home cooks in the recipes posted in this article.

When buying the original minced meat in the store, you should know that in addition to meat and fat, it does not contain those products that will make it a real cutlet material. Your task is to fill it with the missing very important ingredients (spices, herbs and some additives) that provide the real taste of the planned minced meat product.

Of the traditional additives, we will name raw potatoes, zucchini, cabbage, bread crumb for splendor cutlets, but not everyone knows that it is better to use not soft fresh bread, but stale bread, in order to avoid excessive stickiness from a fresh loaf that worsens the appearance of minced meat products.

General rules for preparing products for minced meat cutlets

Regardless of your preference for store-bought or homemade minced meat, the process for making cutlets is almost the same. If the minced meat was frozen, you should defrost it ahead of time or using a microwave in the defrost mode, but any of them needs flavorings according to the recipe, thorough mixing and even “whipping” the minced meat for the splendor of the finished cutlets. If the stuffing still seems dry in the end, you can try adding a small amount of water with vigorous stirring.

How to cook minced meat patties according to the recipe "Homemade"

Minced meat cutlets according to the “Homemade” recipe attract housewives with ease of cooking and a win-win result. In addition, even in its classic form there is room for some options. As a rule, cutlets come out lush, juicy and even attractive in appearance. They are good with various types of side dishes: pasta, rice, potatoes, boiled or canned vegetables - everything is in perfect harmony with Homemade cutlets.


  • minced pork - 500 grams;
  • loaf pulp - 150 grams;
  • fresh milk - 1 glass;
  • fresh chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 onion;
  • fresh garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

Cooking homemade meatballs like this:

  1. Remove the pulp from the loaf, soak it in warm milk for a few minutes. At this time, finely chop the peeled onion.
  2. Put the minced meat in a suitable container, add the prepared onion and a loaf saturated with milk into it. Mix raw chicken egg and crushed peeled garlic.
  3. It remains to introduce salt and pepper to taste into the minced meat, finally knead until the mass is homogeneous and proceed in the usual way to sculpt cutlets, which should eventually be rolled in breadcrumbs.
  4. It is very important to first heat a dry frying pan and only after that pour the required amount of vegetable oil into it for frying cutlets. As soon as the cutlets “make noise” in the pan at high heat, the heat intensity should be reduced to medium or even low. After turning the cutlets, again add heat for a short time and fry in the usual manner, depending on the preference for the degree of rudiness of the crust of the finished cutlets.
  5. Ready-to-cook cutlets can be baked with minimal use of oil in the oven or with dietary food requirements - steamed in the way that suits you.

Recipe for minced meat patties with white cabbage

Such a recipe is likely to be chosen by those housewives who prefer cutlets with a lower fat content. In addition, the inclusion of white cabbage in minced meat will add special juiciness and originality to the finished cutlets. In addition, minced pork should be mixed with minced beef.


  • minced pork - 200 grams;
  • minced beef - 200 grams;
  • fresh white cabbage - 400 grams;
  • onion - 1 onion;
  • fresh garlic - optional;
  • salt and ground pepper - to taste;
  • premium wheat flour and semolina - for breading;
  • vegetable oil - for frying cutlets.

Cooking meatballs with white cabbage:

  1. Skip coarsely chopped, chopped onion and peeled garlic cloves in a meat grinder. Drain excess juice. Combine vegetable minced meat with ready-made meat and mix thoroughly.
  2. To the resulting mass, add salt, ground pepper, chopped fresh herbs and a raw egg, and mix until the minced meat is homogeneous.
  3. It remains to mold the cutlets, roll them in the breading mixture and, putting them alternately in the prepared pan, fry until cooked on both sides.

Recipe for homemade minced chicken cutlets with mushrooms

For such interesting and tasty cutlets, it is better to make minced meat at home from fresh chicken fillet, passed through a meat grinder, with the addition of minced meat from fresh zucchini, fresh peeled potatoes, garlic and loaf crumb. Salt and pepper - to taste.


  • minced chicken - 400 grams;
  • minced vegetable - 200 grams;
  • minced mushrooms - 200 grams;
  • chopped onion - 100 grams;
  • chopped parsley - by preference;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • breading material - by preference.

Cooking homemade minced chicken cutlets like this:

  1. Finely chop parsley and peeled fresh onions. Peel fresh porcini mushrooms, rinse, cut into slices and lightly fry with vegetable oil in a pan, then chop the fried mushrooms in a blender. Combine all the ingredients in a suitable container and, having salted and peppered, mix thoroughly until the minced meat is homogeneous.
  2. Next, stick cutlets from the resulting minced meat, roll them in the selected breading material, put them in boiling oil in a pan, fry until cooked on both sides and serve with a side dish or include in a complex sandwich with vegetables.

Recipe for homemade minced meat patties with cheese and tomatoes

Such original minced meat for homemade cutlets will also find its fans. Peculiar additives in the form of cheese and tomatoes give the cutlets an exquisite taste and aroma, special juiciness. Minced meat is better to use mixed: beef and pork.


  • minced pork - 300 grams;
  • minced beef - 200 grams;
  • crumb of stale white bread;
  • fresh onion - 1 onion;
  • fresh garlic - 3 cloves;
  • fresh tomatoes - 2 tomatoes;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • hard cheese - 150 grams;
  • fresh chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • ground pepper and salt - to taste;
  • ground breadcrumbs - 100-150 grams;
  • parsley and dill - a few sprigs to taste.

Cooking homemade meatballs with cheese like this:

  1. Peel onion and garlic. Rinse tomatoes and herbs. For 10 minutes, soak the crumb of white stale bread or a loaf in warm milk, squeeze out excess milk.
  2. Finely chop the onion and greens, cut the tomatoes and cheese into small cubes. Combine all the ingredients in a suitable container and, salt and pepper, mix thoroughly until a uniform mass.
  3. Stick cutlets from the resulting minced meat, roll them in breading material, put them alternately in boiling oil in a pan, fry the cutlets on both sides until cooked. Serve hot with any side dish or include in an elaborate vegetable sandwich.

  1. To make cutlets superbly tasty, it is better to use mixed varieties of beef and pork meat in equal volumes for minced meat.
  2. It is better to finely chop fresh onions for minced meat cutlets, fry in vegetable oil, cool and add to the contents of the minced meat.
  3. In minced meat from lean meats or chicken, a little butter should be added with some care so that the cutlets do not become loose and falling apart at the exit.

For lovers of cutlets with it is possible to steam them or bake them in the oven.

Any hostess knows how to cook delicious, fragrant, juicy, hot homemade cutlets. Classic cutlets are made from a mixture of two types of minced meat, these are beef and pork. If you add a new product to minced meat, you can get a variety of taste. They go great with absolutely any kind of side dishes.

Previously, a cutlet was called a piece of meat with a bone, in Russia they began to call minced meat products a cutlet only at the end of the 19th century. Cutlets are molded from various minced meat mixed with various ingredients.

Blinded raw cutlets are fried over high heat without covering the pan with a lid. Fry until cooked on both sides. When the cutlets are completely fried, cover the pan with a lid, and add 3-4 tbsp. broth or water, steam for another 3-5 minutes. This will be a guarantee of readiness and so you can keep the juiciness for some more time.

Delicious classic minced meat patties, step by step recipes

In our article, we will look at how to cook cutlets from various minced meats, they will undoubtedly be tasty and will delight your household.


People are very fond of homemade, juicy and fragrant meatballs. Experienced hostesses prepare minced meat for cutlets themselves, each using their own subtleties and tricks. The classic way of cooking cutlets is often used at home, as well as in catering places.

Little tricks for delicious cutlets:

1. You can add a little cold water to the minced meat, this will make the cutlets juicy.
2. Butter will make the cutlets airy.
3. Added various spices to minced meat for cutlets will give a spicy flavor.
4. And in order to get an appetizing crust, it is first recommended to fry the products over medium heat.


  • boneless beef - 0.5 kg
  • pork - 0.5 kg
  • white bread - 0.200 g
  • milk - 0.5 cups
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • salt pepper.


1. For minced meat, we take a little frozen. So it will be easier to scroll it through a meat grinder. Add a little water to the rolled meat so that the cutlets are juicier.

2. We also scroll the onion in a meat grinder, or grind it in a blender. Soak bread or loaf in milk and add to minced meat, break eggs into it, put salt and pepper. We mix everything. We have prepared minced meat.

3. Slightly moistened hands in water so that the stuffing does not stick to them. And for the ductility of the minced meat, we “beat” it on the table, or when shaping, we throw the cutlet from hand to hand. We beat off so that the cutlets do not fall apart during frying.

4. Molded cutlets roll in breadcrumbs or flour and fry in vegetable oil until tender.

We serve ready-made cutlets with a side dish for lunch or dinner.

Enjoy your meal!

2. Gravy for cutlets

Most people prefer juicy, tender, fragrant and tasty cutlets from various meats. And if they are supplemented with gravy, this will only make them tastier. If you decide to cook cutlets for the next dinner, do not forget about the sauce for them. What gravy for cutlets can be prepared, you will learn from our recipe.


  • tomato paste or sauce - 30 grams
  • onion 1 pc.
  • garlic 2 cloves
  • flour 2 tbsp
  • carrot 1 pc.
  • water 200 ml
  • ground black pepper, salt, spices
  • vegetable oil


1. We clean the onion and cut it finely. My carrots, peel, rub on a coarse grater.

2. Pour the oil into a frying pan and heat it over a fire. Put the onion in a preheated pan, fry it until golden brown, then add the carrots there.

3. Peel the garlic and cut into small plates. We put it to the fried vegetables, salt and interfere.

4. Put the tomato paste to the vegetables and season with spices. Mix well and add flour. As the mass begins to thicken, pour water until the desired density is formed.

5. Stew for about 5 minutes and remove from heat.

Our gravy for cutlets is ready.

Enjoy your meal!

3. Minced beef cutlets


  • 500 g ground beef;
  • salt;
  • onion - 1 medium head;
  • two pieces of white bread;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour for rolling;
  • 140 ml of milk.


1. Divide the bread into pieces and soak in milk for 10 minutes. After kneading the bread to a homogeneous consistency.

2. We clean the onion and rub it on a medium grater.

3. Put the ground beef in a bowl, add the grated onion, soaked bread, salt to it and break the egg. Mix everything thoroughly with your hands.

4. We form cutlets from minced meat.

5. Pour the flour into a plate and mix with a pinch of salt.

6. Roll each cutlet in flour.

7. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry all the cutlets on both sides until cooked. We put all the cutlets in a pan, add 3-4 tablespoons of broth or water, cover with a lid and let it steam for 3-5 minutes.

Serve cutlets with your favorite side dish, decorating with chopped herbs.

Enjoy your meal!

4. Minced pork cutlets

Even if you think about your figure, you can cook pork cutlets, and this stereotype that pork dishes get better is generally wrong. Naturally, pork cutlets are not a dietary dish, but with little use they do not harm the figure. So delicious minced pork cutlets are a great solution for a delicious and nutritious breakfast or lunch.


  • minced pork 0.5 kg
  • large piece of white bread
  • milk 100 ml
  • onion 1 pc.
  • egg 1 pc.
  • salt 3/4 tsp, a mixture of peppers (to taste)
  • vegetable oil 50 ml
  • wheat flour or ground breadcrumbs


1. Cut the bread into slices, the crusts can be removed. Pour the crumb with a little warm milk. Leave for 10-15 minutes so that the bread is soaked with liquid.

2. Peel and finely chop the onion

3. We use ready-made minced pork. Add onion, bread crumb, beaten egg to minced meat. We fall asleep salt and spices. Mix everything thoroughly and beat the minced meat.

4. We make small cutlets. Roll them in flour or crushed breadcrumbs.

5. Put a few pieces into hot oil. Fry over medium heat on one side. As soon as a crust appears, turn the patties over to the other side. Fry until tender and then let it steam for 3-5 minutes, with the lid closed, adding a little liquid 3-4 tablespoons.

6. Cutlets are ready. Enjoy the recipe.

Enjoy your meal!

5. Minced chicken cutlets


  • Chicken fillet - 500 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Bread - 100 g
  • Hard cheese (grated) - 2 tbsp.
  • Breadcrumbs - 4-5 tbsp.
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Cream 10% - 2-3 tablespoons
  • Salt - to taste
  • Pepper - taste
  • Vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp.


1. In a deep bowl, put minced chicken, bread, cheese, put an egg, cream, salt and pepper, onion.

2. Mix the minced meat for cutlets until smooth, let it brew for 10 minutes.

3. We form cutlets with wet hands, roll in breading.

4. Fry cutlets in a preheated pan on both sides until cooked.

5. Put the finished cutlets on a paper towel to drain excess oil.

6. Serve ready-made cutlets with your favorite sauce and side dish.

Enjoy your meal!

6. Cutlets from minced turkey

Poultry cutlets are especially tender and airy. With proper preparation, they are also suitable for dietary nutrition.


  • Turkey fillet 0.5 kg
  • onion 1 pc.
  • sour cream 2 tbsp
  • garlic 1 pc.
  • egg 1 pc.
  • starch 2 tbsp
  • salt, pepper to taste


1. My fillet and cut into small cubes. The smaller the pieces, the more tender the finished cutlets will be.

2. We also finely chop the onion, and pass the garlic through a press.

3. All these ingredients, along with the rest of the recipe, are transferred to the prepared turkey. After mixing, the mass is sent to the refrigerator for infusion.

4. On a greased baking sheet, lay out the meat cakes formed with wet hands.

Juicy turkey cutlets in the oven are baked for about 45 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Enjoy your meal!

7. Video - Cutlets with gravy

Pozharsky cutlets, Kiev style, turkey, pork, beef, fish, vegetable and cereals… Who would have thought that the original European recipe for cooking meat on the bone would gain such development and popularity. And despite the fact that the housewives cook this dish quite often, many of them are puzzled by the question of how to make the cutlets juicy and fluffy.

According to the cooking technology, 2 types of meat cutlets are distinguished: a chop cutlet and a cutlet made from minced meat. It is when preparing minced meat cutlets that housewives are interested in the answer to the main question: how to fry cutlets so that they are juicy. But before the frying stage, the process of their preparation is a whole cycle of actions with conditions that must be met and little secrets, knowing which you can cook a wonderful dish not only for the everyday menu, but also for the holiday.

The whole cooking process consists of several technological operations:

  1. Choice of meat.
  2. Preparation of additional ingredients.
  3. Grinding meat.
  4. Minced meat preparation.
  5. Cutlet molding.
  6. Heat treatment.

The choice of meat for cooking cutlets

You can talk about what kind of meat is best to use, choosing pieces on store shelves that perfectly match the recommendations, but the hostess does not always have such an opportunity.

When preparing meat for minced meat, it is better to follow the important rule of combining different types of meat: pork and beef, and even poultry. It is believed that cutlets made only from beef will be too lean and tough, and those made from pork will be too fatty. But no matter what the recipes prescribe, each housewife will still proceed from the preferences of her family, taking into account the usual diet.

It is usually recommended to choose not too lean meat for minced meat, observing the proportion of the ratio of pulp and fat of 80% to 20%. If the hostess does not have much choice, or she adheres to the rules of dietary nutrition, you can still make juicy and tasty cutlets by adding poultry meat and additional ingredients.

It is believed that the most delicious and juicy cutlets are obtained from chilled, and not from thawed meat. However, this condition cannot always be met, and when using meat from the freezer, it is important to consider that it must be frozen once, and not thawed and frozen several times.

Selection and preparation of ingredients for future stuffing

Here are examples of additives for minced meat (based on 500 grams of meat).

  1. Onion- a mandatory component (a pair of medium or one large onion is enough). Options for its preparation: either chop very finely with a knife, or grate on a fine grater, or coarsely chop into slices for further processing in a meat grinder along with meat.
  2. Garlic, is used at will and is not a mandatory ingredient (2-3 cloves).
  3. Additives for softness and splendor of cutlets. Among them, there are several options chosen at the discretion of the chef:
  • raw potatoes, peeled and grated on a fine grater (1 - 2 potatoes);
  • can be used instead of potatoes vegetable marrow, and also grate it, but with the condition of pre-cleaning the skin, if the zucchini has already grown and its skin is thick enough (the amount should be comparable to the volume of the grated potato);
  • White bread(120 - 150 gr.), But not soft and fresh, but stale, lain for several days, with a hard crust previously cut off and soaked in water or milk;
  • can be a substitute for bread semolina(1 - 2 tablespoons), but with the use of semolina it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the cutlets will lose their juiciness.
  1. Spices, the use of which is a matter of taste and habit. It is important to carefully consider the dosage when adding them, as they will either spoil the taste of the patties, or provide them with a pleasant aroma and additional taste.
  2. Water or milk, with priority towards ordinary cold water, can be boiled (100-200 ml, the volume must be determined after scrolling the minced meat, see how wet it turned out).
  3. Salt.
  4. Pepper.
  5. Egg- at the discretion of the cook, but if possible, then either completely abandon the eggs, or use only the yolk.
  6. Butter.
  7. Chipped ice.

It is not necessary to have absolutely all of the above listed ingredients on hand. If you plan to add bread, then semolina is not required, and if you decide to add potatoes, then you can completely do without bread.

Meanwhile, some cooks, bearing in mind the saying that you can’t spoil porridge with butter, decide to use almost all additives. In this case, you need to decide what goal is set: to increase the amount of minced meat or still preserve the taste of the meat dish and get juicy cutlets.

Minced meat preparation

During the absence of meat grinders, minced meat was prepared with the help of. To this day, it is believed that this is the most acceptable way to preserve the juice in future cutlets. But since there is not always time for this, and a meat grinder has long been invented, minced meat is most often prepared with its help.

Meat and onion cut into pieces, if it has not been prepared in advance with a grater or chopped with a knife, are scrolled in a meat grinder. How many times it is necessary to skip the meat, the decision is made by the hostess: someone likes cutlets of sufficiently coarse grinding, and someone prefers to scroll the meat 2-3 times.

After grinding the meat, it is necessary to add the ingredients prepared in advance in accordance with the planned composition to the resulting mass: salt, pepper, seasonings, soaked bread, which should not be strongly squeezed, grated potatoes or zucchini.

Since the dish must be juicy, cold water is poured into the prepared mass.

After mixing, you need to saturate the minced meat with oxygen and improve the adhesion of the ingredients to each other. To do this, you will need not only to knead it well, but to beat it off, with force throwing the minced meat into the container, about 10 times. Next, the container with the contents can be sent for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

Forming cutlets

Minced meat is ready, and you can start sculpting cutlets. To do this, the hands must be wetted with cold water, otherwise the mixture will stick to the hands.

And since it is necessary to fry juicy cutlets, you can use one of two methods to increase their juiciness, in addition to cold water added directly to the minced meat:

  1. put a small piece of crushed ice in the middle of each cutlet;
  2. add a small piece of butter to the middle of the workpiece.

It is better to roll each formed cutlet in breadcrumbs or in flour, so that later a crust forms during frying, which will prevent the juice from flowing into the pan.

What cutlets should be in size, the choice is up to the cook, but it is better to take into account the rule: the smaller the cutlet, the less juicy it will be, and large portions are difficult to fry. You need to choose the golden mean.

Heat treatment

While cutlets are molded, you can already put a pan on the stove and start heating it with sunflower oil.

To fry soft and juicy cutlets, they must be laid out in a preheated pan. It is important that the heating temperature allows for the formation of a crust in the first minutes of roasting.

To achieve this, after the first minutes of cooking, the temperature must be lowered and the cutlets allowed to sweat on the side to be fried. Then they need to be turned over, and, adding temperature, fry the second side, then reduce the intensity of heating the pan, cover with a lid and let it cook for about 10 - 15 minutes.

For those who are afraid to overcook the cutlets, after the formation of a crust on both sides, you can remove them from the stove, move them to a preheated oven and bring them to full readiness in this way.

Each chef conducts his own experiments, changing the ingredients added to minced meat, adjusting the temperature and roasting methods. It is better to write down the most successful results and create your own recipes, choosing the composition and technology for preparing the most delicious, juicy and lush cutlets.

This article is searched for:

  • how to make meatballs juicy
  • juicy cutlets
  • how to make juicy meatballs
  • how to make cutlets juicy and fluffy from minced meat

Did you know that the cutlet is French? Of course, not in the banal form in which it often appears on our tables, but many, many decades ago, it came to us precisely from refined and sophisticated France. Then the "young lady" looked like a piece of juicy beef on the bone ("cotelette" translated into Russian means "rib" - it was this part of the carcass that was taken to cook the dish).

Over time, the Russian people began to transform the "French woman" to suit their tastes and ideas about beauty - they began to beat the meat, and years later they turned it into chopped meat. Removing, respectively, the bone. So the "foreign" fashionista became a Russian cutlet.

What do you make cutlets at home? Pork, beef, chicken, turkey? Still for sure fish, seafood, liver, mushrooms. Often there are recipes with cereals and vegetables. And, I'm sure, every housewife has her own secret of delicious cutlets.

I don't have any secrets. There are rules that I, of course, do not always follow, but if we are talking about cutlets from the category of "you can swallow your tongue", then I strictly observe them. Today we are talking about meatballs.

So here are ten tips for how to cook delicious meatballs.

1. Minced meat - only homemade. No purchase compromises, even if they are a thousand times proven quality.

2. Meat - quality. "The third grade - not a marriage" will do, but we will leave it for ordinary cutlets, everyday ones, and for a local culinary masterpiece, buy a good back of pork, veal tenderloin on the market. Pork is fatter, beef or veal is lean.

3. Minced meat - freshly prepared. Of course, you can get it out of the freezer and defrost it, you will also get cutlets in this version, no one argues, but we are talking about tasty and juicy cutlets, right? Then - we take out the meat grinder and twist the minced meat.

4. You can - cut. finely. As small as it gets. Meat fibers in this version do not choke on the circles-knives of the meat grinder, retaining more juice. But this advice, let's say, is from the category of theoretical ones, I don't have enough patience for such delights.

4. Bread. Necessarily. Thanks to him, the juice that stands out from the meat during frying remains in the cutlets, soaking into the bun. By the way, about the bun. Not necessarily - there are lovers of rye bread. I am a conservative: I take three or four slices of the day before yesterday's loaf (for 500 g of minced meat), cut off the crusts, pour milk (or low-fat cream - so that it was completely "ah!"). When the crumb gets wet, I squeeze the bread.

5. Egg. I do not add. It makes the minced meat more dense and firm. I do not like. It is usually taken to ensure that the cutlets do not fall apart during cooking, but to prevent such incidents, I have another secret hidden in my pocket, so I just don’t add it.

6. Other additives.

Onion. Necessary. It's juicy, it's flavorful. You can also add a few cloves of garlic. It's not for everyone, but we like it. You can have a lot of onions - some lovers, in the person of my husband, manage to stick quite nice cutlets, despite the fact that the share of onions is a third of the total minced meat. I can not do that. I limit myself to one large onion per pound of meat.

I twist the onion together with the meat in a meat grinder. Can be grated. Cutting is also possible, but I don’t like it when onion comrades meet in homogeneous minced meat.

If the meat is very lean, it is good to add a little bacon or other fat - again for the juiciness of the cutlets.

Vegetables - whatever you like. However, if we are talking about meat cutlets, then I recommend leaving pumpkin, carrots, zucchini, cabbage, potatoes and other useful things for the next serving.

Spices - I do not recognize anything but black pepper. But again, in the classic version. In general, you can add everything that, in your opinion, is combined with meat.

7. Knead. With diligence and care - this is a guarantee that the cutlets will be evenly juicy, tasty and very tasty in all places.

8. Repulse. Necessarily. A lot of. Gather the minced meat in your palms, raise your hands and forcefully throw the meat back into the bowl. So - at least 15 times. Better than 30. That's when none of your cutlets will fall apart during the frying process.

9. Butter or a piece of ice in the middle of the patty.

I think it's overkill. If the minced meat is of high quality, fresh and fatty enough, no oil-ice will make it even tastier, they will only add work. If you doubt that you are lucky to buy the "right" cutlet meat, bother with butter or ice.

We sculpt with hands moistened in water - so that it does not stick.

The right frying pan - with a thick bottom. Cast iron is perfect.

Breading - optional. My mood sometimes takes flour, sometimes semolina, sometimes crackers. And most often - without breading at all.

The oil is hot, the pan is clean. After each toasted batch, carefully remove any burns.

Fire - close to the minimum.

We fry on both sides. When pressed, the finished patties should ooze a little. On the cut - grayish. Not red, not pink.

I wish you good luck in cooking delicious meatballs and in addition I suggest you several proven recipes for delicious chops from zest: