Chicken ideas. Chicken cutlets

Usually, festive table does not do without refrigeration. The easiest and fastest to prepare is chicken jelly with the addition of gelatin. It freezes perfectly, it turns out fragrant and very delicate in taste. Cooking festive snack Additionally, during cooking in the broth ...

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I bring to your attention a very delicious recipe baked chicken with oranges. First, marinate the meat in orange juice with addition soy sauce, olive oil and spices. Then add pieces of onion and orange to the chicken, after which we bake everything in the oven ...

To pamper yourself and your loved ones Asian dishes, it is not necessary to go to a restaurant or fly abroad. Be sure that chicken in sweet and sour sauce at home will turn out even tastier, because we will cook it with love and only from …

If you want to quickly and tasty feed the whole family, I advise you to cook chicken thighs in a pan. They go well with any side dish and are liked by everyone without exception. I will tell you how to fry chicken thighs in a pan so that they turn out ...

Chicken with prunes in the oven - another one good recipe for everyday table or festive menu. You can use a whole chicken carcass or parts of it, such as chicken legs, thighs, drumsticks or wings. Thanks to the marinade of mustard, garlic and olive oil, the meat is ...

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I suggest you prepare an excellent replacement for the factory sausage - delicious satilson. Traditionally, it is prepared from meat, several types of offal and offal. The ingredients are pre-boiled, cut into pieces and filled with intestines or stomach. Then the saltison is again boiled or baked in the oven. I …

Chicken dishes are always loved by all segments of the population. They are cooked by the poor and the rich, they are served in restaurants and in every kitchen around the world. In our section you will find chicken main dishes with simple step by step recipes, you will learn how to cook chicken so that it is juicy and tasty. You can cook wonderful first courses from chicken: soups and broths, mashed soups and borscht and feed your family deliciously.

Look at the pages of the recipes section, and you will find many simple and delicious options dishes from chicken meat, be it breast, wings, legs or dishes from whole chicken. Chicken goes well with many products: mushrooms and cheese, vegetables and pineapples, it is perfectly complemented by sour cream and mayonnaise, soy sauce and various spices.

Interesting chicken dishes are often served in famous restaurants. There they are prepared in an unusual and original way, using exotic spices, seafood, mushrooms, etc. You, too, can cook something simple and light from chicken for the festive table, decorating it, and serving the dish in a completely different, not familiar form.

It must be said that even simple meals from chicken meat can become culinary masterpiece to please guests and family members. Prepare, for example, chicken in French, adding mushrooms and cheese to it, fresh tomatoes and onions, and you will see how your creation will delight loved ones. Chicken is good because it is easy to cook, and the dishes are tender and tasty.

True, all this applies to store-bought, easy-to-cook chicken. Poultry is often boiled for many hours, and its meat is not distinguished by tenderness. Domestic chickens are good for making medicinal and healthy broths that are served to sick, weakened people. Chicken broth boosts immunity, gives strength and can literally put anyone on their feet.

Dishes for the second chicken are very diverse. For example, chakhokhbili, or julienne with chicken and mushrooms, which will literally not leave anyone indifferent, but you can serve it in portions, in beautiful cocottes, and they will become a highlight festive feast. You can also make many salads from chicken meat, which include mushrooms, Korean carrot, cheese, cucumbers and other products. The combination of these well-chosen ingredients with chicken will bring joy to any gourmet, children and adults will like it.

If you are wondering what to cook for the second chicken, look through the pages of our rubric and you will find many options to diversify your menu. For example, cook chicken in a slow cooker with vegetables, bake it in the oven with potatoes, make chicken chops, cutlets with cheese inside - all this is delicious, simple, and does not require much effort and skill. And our simple recipes with photos will help you in cooking.

Simple meals from chicken will help to feed the household nourishingly and tasty, moreover, it is also not expensive. If you take offal, for example, you can make a wonderful pate from the liver, and serve close to tea on the edge of black bread, you can from chicken ventricles cook roasts, stew them in sour cream sauce It's delicious, simple, and affordable for any budget.
It is not difficult to cook delicious dishes from ordinary chicken, it is just a lifesaver for any housewife. We advise you to carefully look at our recipes with photos, and you will be able to please your loved ones with beautiful and delicious creations of home cooking.

Alas, in our vain age, all adult members often work in a family. That is why there is no one to prepare intricate and time-consuming dishes for an everyday lunch. But I want to eat! And therefore, many people, hurrying home from work, puzzle over what to cook Tasty dinner. From chicken, of course! This bird has dietary meat. Unlike beef, it cooks very quickly. Chicken goes well with all products: cheese, milk, vegetables, mushrooms and even fruits. It can be boiled, fried, baked, stewed, grilled, smoked. And you can buy chicken already butchered. This is an inexpensive type of meat. In addition, you can purchase both a whole bird carcass and its individual parts - quarters, breast, wings, drumsticks. Everyone can eat chicken, except maybe vegetarians. This product is permissible in both Islamic and Jewish religious diets. Now it remains only to figure out what to cook for dinner from chicken. The recipes with photos below will help you feed the whole family with a delicious meal.


Chicken meat has one feature. It is neutral in taste and completely “adapts” to related products. Therefore, even if you prepare a salad, soup and the second, no one will guess that the entire dinner consists of one type of meat. Let's start preparing dinner with appetizers. As such, we will make a salad. However, this dish is so easy that it can be left for later. Unless, of course, you have boiled chicken breast. But salads are served first. Therefore, telling what to cook for lunch from chicken, we will pay attention to this appetizer. There are many salads that have become classics. For example, "Caesar" often includes chicken fillet. But we will give a recipe for an even easier-to-cook dish. Let's boil one hard boiled egg. Clean it up and cut it up small cubes. We free two apples from the skin and fruit boxes. We cut them into thin slices. We chop one cucumber into half rings. We'll boil the chicken. We will remove 200-250 grams of meat from the bone. You can buy not a carcass, but a breast. Boiled meat cut into medium cubes. Mix all the ingredients. Salt, sprinkle with pepper, season with mayonnaise. The dish should stand in the refrigerator for a while before serving so that all the ingredients are soaked and in harmony with each other.

Winter salad

The previous recipe is good to implement in the summer, when there are juicy crispy apples and cucumbers plucked straight from the garden. But what about in winter, what can you cook for lunch from chicken for a snack? Here's a simple recipe for you. Boil the poultry breast (200-250 grams) until tender. Keep the broth for soup (see its recipe below). Take out the meat and cut into small pieces. Opening canned red beans sweet corn, strain the liquid from them. Add to the meat one hundred grams of the contents of each jar. We wash a small head of Chinese cabbage thoroughly and cut it thinly. You will need a quarter of a fork. Now all that's left is to fill winter salad. Dressing - to your taste. It could be mayonnaise vegetable oil, soy sauce, olandaise, aioli, some tabasco.

Warm salad for lunch

If you follow the figure, then you can dine with one dish. It should be vitamin, light and at the same time satisfies the feeling of hunger. And if you are thinking about what to cook for chicken dinner, use the following recipe. Boil two pieces of chicken fillet until tender. Cut it into small pieces, keep warm. Grind two tomatoes and half a pepper pod. We cut a large bunch of lettuce, combine with vegetables. Three also 50 grams of hard cheese. Sprinkle with finely crushed almonds (a teaspoon). Now let's prepare the dressing. Pour into a saucepan: half a glass of vegetable oil, a third of a cup apple cider vinegar, a tablespoon of soy sauce. Add a pinch of ginger, ground pepper, garlic salt and sugar. We put the saucepan on the fire and bring the dressing to a boil. We combine chicken meat with vegetables. Pour hot sauce over and serve.


Parents often think about what to cook for lunch from chicken to take their child to school. Well, he won’t sip soup from a jar at recess, will he? Let's cook shawarma for the baby. To do this, we clean the chicken meat from the bone. We fit it in thin strips. Sprinkle with Caucasian spices and set aside to marinate a little. At this time, you can do vegetables for shawarma: chop a tomato, onion, chop cabbage, tear a leaf of lettuce or Chinese cabbage with your fingers. We put a frying pan on the fire, pour vegetable oil. Fry the chicken until done. We unfold the Armenian lavash and put the filling there. You can flavor it with mayonnaise or ketchup. Roll up the shawarma and put it in a tightly closed container.


And what can you cook for lunch from chicken from hot appetizers? We bring to your attention the recipe for julienne. it french dish will be to the taste of everyone without exception. To prepare it, you will need special miniature frying pans - “kokotnitsa”, but any small heat-resistant molds will do. For julienne, it is better to take not chicken breast, but legs - there the meat is not so dry. On the regular frying pan we pass the onion in vegetable oil (we cut one head as small as possible). When it turns golden, add chicken cut into pieces - 60-100 grams of meat without bone and skin. Fry until a yellow crust forms. Salt and pepper to taste. Pour cream or sour cream diluted with water (two tablespoons). You can add mushrooms at this stage - porcini or champignons - about a hundred grams. Simmer until meat is fully cooked. We distribute the contents of the pan into portioned heat-resistant molds with a narrow top. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake julienne for about half an hour.

Slavs do not share the opinion of Europeans that the first course should be eaten only for dinner. Without soup, lunch is not lunch, but just lunch. But on the other hand, the first courses are so difficult and long to prepare ... Here we do not urge you to cook complex Poltava borscht. Let's look at what to cook for lunch from chicken tasty and fast. The first thing that comes to mind is the broth. If you took raw chicken to prepare the salad, then you should now have an amber broth. All that remains for us is to "bring it to mind." We put in a decoction of roots for soup - parsley, celery. Pour vegetable oil into the pan. Saute onions, garlic, carrots. We send the frying to the pan with the broth. Cook over low heat for twenty minutes until the roots soften. There are several ways to serve such a broth: with crackers or croutons, with a boiled and cut into pieces egg and herbs. The soup will turn out even tastier if you add a spoonful of Madeira to each serving. And finally, traditional way filing chicken broth- With homemade noodles. Don't feel like messing with the test? Use rice pasta ("Rolton", "Mivina"). Place the noodles in the hot broth and cover with a lid to soften.


Consider other options for what soup to cook for lunch from chicken. If the soul wants something oriental, satisfy her desire, prepare lagman. It's not difficult at all. To prepare the dish, we need a cauldron. If you don't have one, a frying pan with high sides will do. Pour vegetable oil there, heat it well and add 300 grams of chicken fillet cut into pieces. Fry for about eight minutes over high heat so that the meat is covered golden brown. By this time, we should already have prepared, that is, washed and cut small pieces, vegetables. This is a large onion, two carrots, bell peppers and 2 tomatoes. All vegetables must be stacked separately. First add to fried meat onions, then carrots, after a couple of minutes pepper and finally a tomato. When the tomato starts up the juice, pour a spoonful of sugar and two pinches of salt into the cauldron. Leave covered to simmer for about a quarter of an hour. If you knew in advance what to cook for chicken dinner, then you already have noodle dough. Quickly roll it out, cut the pasta. Boil in a separate bowl in salted water. We throw it away in a colander. Add 2 tablespoons of chicken and vegetables tomato paste, three pinches of ground black pepper and half a glass of water. We continue to simmer for another five minutes. Wash and cut fresh herbs (cilantro, parsley, dill). Put the noodles in a deep bowl. Pour hot lagman on it. We decorate the dish with herbs.

Second courses: what to cook for lunch from chicken

Delicious recipes, and, moreover, very simple and budgetary, are offered to your attention. First on the list is "fake beef stroganoff". As is known, original dish is prepared from cow meat ("boeuf" in French - "beef"). But we will cook it from chicken in such a way that no one will guess about the substitution. For fake beef stroganoff, we take 500 grams of breast. Cut the fillet into thin small strips. Put it in the heated vegetable oil in a frying pan. Salt, season with seasonings and fry for about six minutes, stirring constantly. We chop a large onion into half rings. Add to skillet with meat. Continue frying until the onion turns golden. Add a spoonful of flour. Thoroughly roll the meat with onions in it. Pour 150 milliliters of 10% fat cream into the pan. Stir and leave covered with a lid to simmer over low heat. Mix 50 ml in a glass tomato juice with a teaspoon of mustard. We will send this gas station to the common boiler. We continue to simmer for another fifteen minutes or until the meat is completely cooked. Serve beef stroganoff with any side dish. It is especially delicious with mashed potatoes.


If we are already considering what to cook for lunch from chicken fillet, then it is impossible to ignore this recipe. We beat the meat so that the thickness of the piece is no more than half a centimeter. Grind three cloves of garlic, rub them on both sides of the chicken fillet. Salt it, season with black pepper and cardamom. From three eggs and a small amount of milk we make an omelette mass. We fry it in the form of thin pancakes. You can make chicken roulade from pancakes. I put the omelet on the chop. We try to match them in size. We turn the roll. We tie a thread at both ends so that the roll does not turn around. We put the bundles in a saucepan with water and boil over low heat. Cool the finished rolls under pressure. When serving, remove the threads and decorate with mayonnaise and herbs. If there is a desire and a mood for creativity, you can do otherwise. Put the slightly boiled rolls (already without threads) in a baking sheet. Put pieces of butter between the rolls. Sprinkle grated hard cheese on top. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven and bake until golden brown.


You should know that chicken is ideally combined with everything, even with other types of meat. It could be pork too. So if we have a real italian prosciutto(4 slices) or, in terms of import substitution, brisket, let's see what to cook from chicken for lunch. Recipes for a dish known to gourmets as saltimbocca are numerous. We propose to make this dish from chicken fillet. We roll out four of its pieces between two sheets of cooking paper so that they become the same thickness. Salt and pepper the meat. Place prosciutto on each slice of chicken fillet. Between them we place three leaves of sage. In a frying pan, mix a spoonful of olive oil and 40 grams of butter. We heat up and lay out the meat so that the pork is on the bottom. Fry for five minutes, then turn over. When the chicken fillet is browned, remove the meat from the pan, and in its place pour 150 milliliters of marsala, half a glass of chicken broth and a spoon lemon juice. Boil until thickened. String beans (200 grams) are boiled separately in salted water. We recline in a colander, and then, when all the liquid has completely drained, - into the pan. Add two tablespoons and butter. Mix and boil a little more. Pour this sauce over the saltimbocca. You can quickly cook a chicken dinner if these chops are served with some more simple sauce- sour cream, bechamel, mustard.

carcass dish

Before that, we gave recipes in which any parts of the chicken were an ingredient. Pretty easy to work with breasts. But it can get dry in the oven. What about a carcass? What to cook for lunch with chicken? simple recipes give you some ideas. Chicken tabaka is a classic of Georgian cuisine. Even a novice cook can cook this dish. The chicken needs to break the chest cartilage, put it on a cutting board with its back up and beat it off so that the carcass becomes slightly flat. Rub the chicken inside and out with the salt, pepper and garlic mixture. In a large skillet, fry the chicken in butter for 15 minutes on each side.

There is another recipe for cooking whole chicken carcass. We cook the bird with a side dish. We will also break the chest cartilage and remove the skin from the carcass. Butter must be mashed with a spatula with finely chopped garlic. Spread the carcass with this mixture. We pack a cut lemon, half an onion and a peeled garlic clove into the peritoneum. Place the chicken in a baking dish. Nearby we place chopped, watered olive oil and vegetables flavored with spices (this can be not only potatoes, but also zucchini, green beans or eggplant). If you want to make chicken without a side dish, you can limit yourself onion pillow. Pour in some broth. Grease the protruding parts of the chicken with butter and cover with a piece of foil. We send it to the oven. This dinner can feed the whole family.

This article will be a handy hint for anyone who is trying to find what to cook with chicken. There are a lot of dishes with the bird under discussion. Below are published only the most successful and delicious recipes.

What to cook from chicken in the oven?

Cooking chicken in the oven does not require a lot of time. Most of these treats are quick and easy to prepare. It is enough to grind the components, put them in a mold and send to bake.

Whole roasted chicken in spices

Ingredients: about 2 kilos of poultry carcass, vegetable oil, half a lemon, salt, a pinch of freshly ground black pepper, coriander, sweet paprika, ginger, curry and cumin seeds.

  1. The chicken is placed in a convenient bowl and rubbed on all sides lemon wedges. Then it is left for 20 minutes.
  2. All spices are carefully ground together in a mortar. Salt is added to them.
  3. The carcass is again rubbed with a dry marinade from all sides. And left under the lid for a couple of hours.
  4. The legs of the chicken are tied together, after which it is mixed into an oiled refractory dish.

From above, the container is covered with foil and the dish is baked for 40-45 minutes at medium temperature. Without coating, the chicken will brown in the oven for about half an hour already at 210-220 degrees.

Filet in French

Ingredients: 920 g skinless fillet, salt, 3 ripe tomatoes, 280 g of cheese, a mixture of peppers.

  1. The dried meat is cut into wide thin layers and beaten off.
  2. The blanks are transferred to the prepared baking sheet, salted and peppered.
  3. For each piece of fillet, several circles of tomatoes are laid out and grated cheese is poured out.

In a moderately heated oven, the dish is baked for 20-25 minutes.

Julienne with mushrooms and chicken

Ingredients: half a kilo of chicken, 270 g fresh champignons, large white onion, 90 g of cheese, a glass of medium-fat sour cream, 1 tbsp. l. first-class flour, 40 g butter, salt, a pinch of nutmeg.

  1. Chicken fillet is boiled in salted boiling water, cut into strips.
  2. In heated oil until transparent, only onion cubes are first fried, and then, together with mushrooms.
  3. When all the liquid has evaporated from the pan, you can sprinkle its contents with flour and spread the sour cream and meat.
  4. After a couple of minutes of roasting, the mass is salted, sprinkled nutmeg and laid out in special forms. Grated cheese is sprinkled generously on top.

Julienne with mushrooms and chicken is baked for no more than 20 minutes at 190 degrees. The finished dish will be covered with a delicious ruddy crust.

How to cook grilled chicken in the oven?

Ingredients: whole chicken carcass, 3-5 garlic cloves, salt, 1 tbsp. water, any spices.

  1. The washed chicken carcass is dried with paper towels, rubbed with a mixture of selected seasonings and salt.
  2. The meat will be marinated in coolness from 2 to 9 hours.
  3. Water is poured into a special rack for roasting chicken. On top of it is a carcass.

Grilled chicken in the oven will cook for 70-90 minutes at 200-220 degrees. Exact time roasting depends on the size of the carcass.

Breast baked with pineapple

Ingredients: 6 pcs. chicken breast (halves), a can of pineapple in syrup, 110 g light mayonnaise, 260 g cheese, salt.

  1. The fillet is cut from the bones, stripped of veins, cut into medium pieces, beaten off on both sides.
  2. Prepared meat is laid out on a baking sheet, greased with oil, sprinkled with salt.
  3. Pieces of canned fruit without syrup are distributed on top.
  4. Next comes coarsely grated cheese and mayonnaise mesh.

A treat is baked in hot oven about 40-45 minutes.

Potato casserole with poultry

Ingredients: half a kilo of potato tubers and chicken, 220 g of white onion and cheese, garlic to taste, 1.5 tbsp. sour cream, a little mayonnaise, salt, aromatic herbs.

  1. Chicken is cut into thin slices, garlic - slices. These products are mixed, salted, seasoned with herbs and poured with mayonnaise. The resulting mass should stand for about 20-25 minutes.
  2. The onion is cut into thin rings, the cheese is rubbed coarsely.
  3. Sour cream is salted and mixed with any aromatic herbs.
  4. The potatoes are cut into thin slices.
  5. An onion layer is laid out in an oiled form. Top with potatoes large quantity sour cream sauce.
  6. Next, the chicken is tightly packed and sprinkled with cheese.
  7. Layers are repeated until the products run out.

The casserole cooks for a little less than an hour at medium temperature. Its readiness is easy to check sharp knife.

Classic Chicken Tobacco

Ingredients: medium chicken carcass, 5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, small a spoonful of dried coriander and homemade adjika, granulated garlic.

  1. Chicken carcass gets rid of excess fat. It must be spread along the spinal bone, washed and dried.
  2. The bird is rubbed with dry garlic, adjika and coriander.
  3. Then you can leave the chicken to marinate or immediately send it to cook.
  4. First, the carcass is lightly fried on both sides in hot oil under a heavy lid (so that the meat does not lose its shape).

Bake with vegetables in pots

Ingredients: medium eggplant, 420 g poultry fillet, 230 g zucchini, large tomato, leek (1 pc.), 2 bell peppers of different colors, 3-5 teeth. garlic, carrot, 2 tsp. seasoning broth, salt.

  1. The eggplant is cut into cubes, covered with salt, mixed and left for 20–25 minutes.
  2. At this time, straws of pepper and carrots are fried in hot oil. When the vegetables soften, all the rest are transferred to them - washed eggplant cubes, chopped zucchini, leeks, tomatoes.
  3. After a couple of minutes of frying, finely chopped garlic is poured.
  4. Together, the mass is stewed for 5-6 minutes.
  5. The fillet is cut into cubes and laid out in equal portions in four pots. Vegetables from the pan are laid out on top.
  6. Seasoning broth is added to each pot and salted water is poured into 2/3.

The dish is baked for a little over half an hour in the oven at 200-210 degrees.

Chicken baked with lemon and thyme in foil

Ingredients: 300 g each chicken drumsticks and thighs, a large lemon, 25 g of olive oil and butter, 2 garlic cloves, small. a spoonful of thyme, 90 ml of dry white wine.

  1. The chicken is washed, rubbed with salt.
  2. In a separate bowl, chopped lemon zest, thyme, two types of oil, crushed garlic are mixed.
  3. Rub the chicken pieces over the salt with the mixture from the previous step.
  4. The lemon left without zest is cut into 6-8 parts.
  5. Chicken is laid out in the form. Between its pieces are slices of fruit.
  6. Wine is poured from above.

The dish is baked for about 50 minutes at 190 degrees.

Hips in the sleeve

Ingredients: 9-10 thighs, 5-6 garlic cloves, a mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise, salt, spices.

  1. The washed and dried meat is moved to a deep bowl. It is salted and rubbed with spices. In this form, the thighs are left for 40 minutes.
  2. The meat is mixed with a sauce of mayonnaise, salted sour cream and crushed garlic. Then it is transferred to the sleeve for baking. The coating must be pierced with a toothpick in several places so that steam comes out.
  3. The workpiece is placed on a baking sheet.

The dish is cooked in a very hot oven for 40-45 minutes.

Wings in honey and soy sauce

Ingredients: a kilo of wings, 3 small. spoons of honey, 2 garlic cloves, ¾ tbsp. soy sauce without additives.

  1. Each prepared wing along the joint is cut into three parts. The thinnest edge is discarded or set aside for soup.
  2. Sauce is poured into the container, bee honey is added.
  3. Wings are laid out to the ingredients, garlic passed through the press is added. Products are well mixed directly by hand.
  4. It is advisable to leave the wings in the marinade all night.
  5. In the morning, parts of the bird are laid out in a heat-resistant oiled container. Pour some of the remaining marinade on top.

At 180 degrees, the treat will bake for about half an hour.

Chicken with buckwheat under cheese crust

Ingredients: medium chicken carcass, 2 tbsp. buckwheat and the same amount of boiling water, onion, dry garlic, salt, a pinch of suneli hops, mayonnaise and sour cream, 80 g of cheese.

  1. The groats are washed and immediately laid out on the bottom of the oiled form.
  2. Onion cubes and dry garlic are scattered on top.
  3. Next come the medium pieces of chicken.
  4. The meat is sprinkled with suneli hops.
  5. The chicken is smeared with a mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise, and is also poured with salty hot water.
  6. All grated cheese is sprinkled on top.

The future dinner is sent to the oven for about an hour at medium temperature.

In a slow cooker

The slow cooker does a great job of preparing a variety of chicken treats. For this, any device model is suitable.

Chicken jelly in a slow cooker

Ingredients: a whole chicken carcass of about 1.5 kg, 2 onions, 1 kg of chicken feet, 3 bay leaves, medium carrots, garlic, salt.

  1. The paws are washed, they get rid of the claws, they are cleaned. Next, they need to be soaked in cold water for a couple of hours. Separately, the chicken carcass chopped into pieces is also soaked in an ice liquid.
  2. The soaked meat is transferred to the bowl of the device. Other components listed in the recipe without garlic are also sent there. Vegetables - whole.
  3. The contents of the "smart pot" are filled with liquid so that it completely covers the food.
  4. In the mode intended for stewing, the future aspic languishes for 4–4.5 hours.
  5. Minced garlic is added 20 minutes before readiness. The broth is being tasted. If necessary, you can add it. If you are tormented by doubts about whether the jelly will harden, at this stage, dissolve a little gelatin in half a glass of broth and pour it into the multicooker bowl.
  6. Meat is removed from the bones, vegetables and lavrushka are thrown away.
  7. The broth is carefully filtered.
  8. Meat fibers are laid out in bowls and filled with liquid from the previous step.

Ready chicken jelly is left in the cool all night to solidify.

Delicious pilaf with chicken

Ingredients: a pound of poultry meat, 180 g of onion and carrot, 4-6 garlic cloves, 2 multi-cooker glasses of rice and 2 times more water, salt, a set of seasonings for pilaf.

  1. In the “Baking” mode without a lid, medium pieces of chicken are fried first. Then they are cooked already with chopped vegetables for another 10-12 minutes.
  2. Washed rice is poured over the roast, whole garlic cloves are laid out. Salt and seasonings are added.
  3. Water is poured onto food.

Chicken pilaf according to this recipe will be cooked in the corresponding program until it is completed.

Beshbarmak from chicken in a slow cooker

Ingredients: chicken carcass, 5 onions, 380 g of special noodles, 3–4 bay leaves, 30 g fresh dill, salt, spices.

  1. The chicken is cut into pieces, placed in the bowl of the device along with salt, 2 whole onions, parsley, spices. From above, the products are completely filled with water and cooked for 70 minutes in the Soup program.
  2. Thickness is removed from the broth. The meat is removed from the bones and divided into fibers, and the rest is thrown away. The remaining broth is brought to a boil. Thin onion rings are lowered into it in turn for about 30 seconds.
  3. Special noodles for beshbarmak are also boiled in the broth, according to the instructions.
  4. Noodles are first laid out on a flat dish. Chicken meat and onions are distributed on top.

Ready chicken beshbarmak is decorated with chopped dill and served to the table.

Light chicken soup with vermicelli

Ingredients: 270 g of chicken, fine salt, onion, 80 g of spider web vermicelli, carrots, 2 liters of purified water, 3 potato tubers, 3 stalks of green onions, a mixture of peppers.

  1. Randomly minced onions and carrots are sautéed in the smart pan in the baking program.
  2. When these ingredients are “golden”, pieces of chicken meat and potato straws are laid out to them.
  3. Immediately after this, water is poured in, peppers and salt are added.
  4. In the Soup program, the treat will be cooked for 60-70 minutes.
  5. 6-7 minutes before readiness, vermicelli is poured into the dish.

The soup is served with chopped green onions.

Dietary steamed chicken fillet

Ingredients: 2 breasts, 1 liter of purified water.

  1. The fillet is removed from the breast, from which all films must be cut.
  2. The bird is laid out on a special stand for steaming.
  3. Hot water is poured into the bowl of the appliance. A meat tray is placed on top.

Under the lid, the bird cooks for 40–45 minutes in the “Steamed” program.

Braised chicken with sour cream and garlic

Ingredients: medium chicken carcass, half a glass of fat sour cream, salt, 5-6 cloves of garlic, 5 tbsp. l. sifted flour, a glass of purified water, a mixture of peppers.

  1. The bird is chopped into medium pieces, rubbed with salt and pepper, rolled in flour. Next, the slices are fried until browned in a suitable program with a small amount of oil. They need to be laid out in a bowl in one layer and cooked in portions.
  2. The whole chicken is put into a container, sour cream and crushed garlic are added to it.
  3. After mixing the products, the “Extinguishing” mode is activated for 60-70 minutes.

The exact cooking time depends on the size of the meat pieces.

Chops with cheese in a slow cooker

Ingredients: large chicken breast, 80 g cheese, salt, seasoning mixture, a glass of first-class flour, 3 large spoons of mayonnaise, 3 raw eggs.

  1. The meat is cut into equal even pieces, beaten off. The slices are salted, sprinkled with seasonings.
  2. The eggs are beaten, flour is gradually added to them.
  3. The cheese is cut into pieces according to the size of the chops.
  4. Oil is heated in the bowl of the device. Slices of meat are laid out in it, immersed in batter on one side (it is with this part that they fall into the oil).
  5. A piece of cheese is placed on top of the chop and a little more batter is poured.
  6. In the "Bake" program, the dish is fried on both sides.

A ready-made dish is served with rice or vegetables.

Italian style chicken drumsticks

Ingredients: 6 drumsticks, 2 sweet peppers of different colors, 5 tomatoes, garlic, 2 onions, a couple of sprigs of marjoram, rosemary, a glass of tomato juice (thick), salt.

  1. First, in a suitable mode, the drumsticks rubbed with salt are fried on all sides.
  2. Further, onion rings, chopped garlic, pepper straws are poured to the meat. Together, the products are fried for another 6-7 minutes.
  3. Chopped tomatoes are loaded into the bowl of the device.
  4. Juice from tomatoes is poured from above, rosemary and marjoram, peeled from the stems, are added.
  5. The baking program starts for 40-45 minutes.

A treat is served along with the resulting gravy.

Stew with mushrooms and potatoes

Ingredients: 4 potato tubers, 380 g chicken fillet, carrots, 130 g fresh champignons, 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste, salt, a mixture of ground peppers, onion.

  1. Finely chopped meat is lightly fried in a suitable mode. All arbitrarily chopped vegetables and mushrooms are sent to the chicken. Together, the components languish for 8-9 minutes with frequent stirring. During this time, they should soften slightly.
  2. Next, pour into the container a small amount of water with salt, dry peppers and tomato paste.
  3. The dish is languishing until the potatoes are boiled in the “Stew” program.

The finished treat is served hot with homemade bread.

Macaroni with chicken in a slow cooker

Ingredients: 270 g chicken fillet, 170 g onion, garlic clove, 3 cups dry pasta, 2.5 tbsp. purified water, salt, freshly ground pepper.

  1. In the roasting program for 13 minutes, small pieces of fillet are cooked with the lid closed.
  2. 3-4 minutes before the end of the regimen, half rings of onion and pieces of garlic are sent to the meat. Products are fried together. The mass is salted and peppered to taste.
  3. Next, dry pasta and unboiled water is poured.

The dish is cooked in the Spaghetti program until the appropriate signal.

What to cook from chicken in a pan?

If the hostess in the kitchen does not have assistants in the form of a multicooker or oven, then even in an ordinary frying pan she will be able to cook delicious dishes from chicken. True, among them there are mainly options for a daily lunch, and not a festive table.

Chakhokhbili from chicken

Ingredients: 1.5 kilo chicken carcass, 370 g turnip, 60 g butter, 4–7 teeth. garlic, 720 g tomatoes, 220 g bell peppers, a bunch of any greens, half a chili pepper, 2 tsp. fine salt, a pinch of saffron and suneli hops.

  1. The carcass is cut into medium pieces. They are rubbed with salt.
  2. Sweet pepper is chopped into strips, and hot and garlic - into small cubes.
  3. Onions are chopped in half rings, peeled tomatoes are rubbed on a coarse grater.
  4. The greens are washed and finely chopped.
  5. In a dry frying pan, pieces of poultry are fried until browned. Then they are transferred to a warm place.
  6. On the remaining fat, mixed with melted butter, the products prepared in the second and third steps are fried, except for tomatoes.
  7. When the pieces of vegetables are “golden”, tomatoes are laid out to them, salt and chicken are added. Under the lid, the mass languishes over low heat for about half an hour.
  8. Fall asleep greens, all spices. The dish is stewed for another 8-9 minutes.

The finished chicken chakhokhbili is removed from the heat and left for 15-17 minutes.

Fried chicken pieces in a frying pan

Ingredients: 720 g chicken fillet, salt, 2 tomatoes, half a medium zucchini, a mixture of peppers, half an eggplant.

  1. The chicken is cut into small pieces, salted and quickly fried over high heat until golden brown.
  2. Then the meat is transferred to a separate bowl, and pieces of vegetables are cooked in the same container until soft.
  3. It remains to put the chicken to them, pepper the mass and simmer it over low heat for 10-12 minutes.

Over this time fried chicken in a frying pan it will be saturated with the aromas of vegetables and will become tender, soft.

Juicy chicken cutlets

Ingredients: 830 g chicken fillet, 2 pcs. turnips, large egg, salt, favorite seasonings.

  1. Large pieces of onion, together with poultry fillets, are crushed with a special blender attachment. For this purpose, you can use a meat grinder.
  2. Salt, spices, raw egg are added to minced meat.
  3. Products mix well.

The resulting mass with a spoon is laid out in a pan in the form of cutlets, which are fried on both sides.

in soy sauce

Ingredients: about a kilo of any parts chicken carcass, 2 pcs. turnips, 90 ml of soy sauce, a pinch of any dried herbs, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, salt.

  1. To large pieces chicken, salt and thin half-rings of onion are added.
  2. For the marinade, the remaining components are combined.
  3. The meat is poured with sauce and left overnight (if there is no time, 3-4 hours will be enough).

Marinated chicken, along with onions, is fried in a pan with well-heated fat.

Chopped chicken cutlets

Ingredients: 620 g chicken fillet, 80 g sour cream, large egg, onion head, 30 g sifted flour, a bunch of greens, salt, ground colored peppers.

  1. The fillet is cut into very small cubes with a sharp knife. Finely chopped greens are immediately sent to him.
  2. The remaining components are added to the mass.
  3. The mixture should not be too liquid, otherwise the cutlets will fall apart during frying.
  4. After the next kneading of the components of the "dough" is laid out in a pan with a wide spoon.
  5. Each cutlet is fried on each side for 6-7 minutes. No need to cover the pan with a lid.

A ready-made treat is served with any side dish.

Chicken fillet chop

Ingredients: large egg, 4 tbsp. l. whole grain flour, 2 chicken fillets, a pinch of salt, the same amount of freshly ground black pepper, 6 tbsp. l. purified water, 1 tbsp. l. linseed oil, dry garlic.

  1. The fillet is cut into pieces suitable for chops. Then it is carefully beaten off, rubbed with a mixture of salt, dry garlic and pepper.
  2. To prepare the breading, the egg is beaten until foamy.
  3. Sprinkle whole grain flour on a separate flat plate.
  4. First, prepared pieces of chicken are dipped in an egg, and then rolled in flour.

Chops are fried in well-heated linseed oil.

Cooking in butter sauce

Ingredients: 330 g poultry fillet, 2 garlic cloves, large onion, 5-6 green onion feathers, 90 g sour cream, a pinch of salt and a mixture of ground peppers, 130 g heavy cream.

  1. First, the thinnest half-rings of onion and pieces of garlic are fried in a frying pan until golden brown.
  2. Next to them are laid out small pieces of chicken.
  3. Salt and pepper are added.
  4. After 10-12 minutes, you can pour in sour cream and cream.
  5. The mass is brought to a boil and stewed over low heat until fully cooked.

Chopped is added to the resulting gravy. green onion, after which it can immediately be laid out on a portion of the side dish.

Chicken thighs in a pan with a golden crust

Ingredients: 6 thighs, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of fat sour cream, 1 tbsp. l. raspberry vinegar, salt, 12 pcs. spicy plums, 6 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, a mixture of peppers.

  1. The skin is removed from the thighs. Non-through cuts are made on the meat, in each of which a half of a plum is placed.
  2. Next, the chicken is coated on all sides with salted and peppered mayonnaise.
  3. Dishes with a bird are covered with a lid and cleaned for a couple of hours in the cool.
  4. Prepared chicken is fried in a heated frying pan on all sides until golden brown. In this case, you can not add oil.
  5. Next, vinegar is poured into the pan and sour cream is laid out.

It remains to simmer for another 20 minutes.

How delicious to cook chicken wings in a pan?

Ingredients: 6 pcs. wings, a pinch of curry, salt.

  1. The wings are cut into three pieces. Phalanges without meat are removed.
  2. The remaining parts are sprinkled with salt and curry. It is not forbidden to add any other favorite spices to them.
  3. You can leave the chicken to marinate for a couple of hours or immediately put it in a frying pan and fry until a crust appears.

Delicious served with spicy ketchup.

Chicken snacks

Chicken in boiled, baked and fried becomes the basis of delicious snacks. Among them, many holiday options with appetizing original design.

Salad of boiled breast and Chinese cabbage

Ingredients: 180 g boiled breast, up to 270 g Peking, a handful of grains sweet corn(canned), 2 boiled eggs, a handful of white crackers, mayonnaise, dill, salt.

  1. They immediately go to the salad bowl corn kernels without liquid.
  2. Then they pour out straws of boiled meat, chopped fresh Pekin and cubes of boiled eggs.
  3. A salad of boiled breast and Chinese cabbage is dressed with salted mayonnaise.

Portioned decoration is sprinkled with crackers and chopped dill.

Chicken rolls with mushrooms

Ingredients: 820 g chicken fillet, 270 g fresh champignons, onion, 60 g semi-hard cheese, 1.5 tbsp. cream of medium fat, 4-5 sprigs of dill, salt, favorite spices.

  1. The chicken fillet is cut into thin plates and carefully beaten off on both sides.
  2. Rubbed with salt and pepper.
  3. Fresh mushrooms are cut into strips and well fried with onion cubes. All moisture should evaporate from the pan. The mass is salted to taste.
  4. For each prepared slice of meat, a little filling from the previous step is laid out. Pieces are twisted in the form of rolls and laid out in a pan with a seam down.
  5. First, the treat is well fried in hot oil on both sides. Then it is poured with salted cream, sprinkled with grated cheese and simmered under the lid until moisture is absorbed.
  1. The butter is melted, cooled, mixed with a beaten egg and a warm fermented milk product.
  2. AT homogeneous mass all dry ingredients are poured in turn.
  3. The finished dough is covered with a clean towel and left for 17 minutes.
  4. For the filling, tomatoes, mushrooms and chicken fillet are cut into slices, the cheese is rubbed coarsely.
  5. The dough is rolled out, the resulting layer is smeared with ketchup and sprinkled with oregano.
  6. The filling is randomly laid out on top. The main thing is that the cheese comes last.

The pizza will bake for 20-25 minutes in a hot oven.

Lavash roll with poultry fillet

Ingredients: 2 thin Armenian lavash(length 1 m), 230 g boiled fillet, mayonnaise, fresh garlic, 90 g of cheese, salt, spices.

  1. Boiled chicken is twisted by a combine to a state of fine crumbs. Crushed garlic and mayonnaise are added to it.
  2. The mass is salted, sprinkled with spices, kneaded well.
  3. The cheese rubs finely.
  4. On the first pita bread laid out chicken filling. You need to evenly distribute it over the base.
  5. The second sheet is placed on top. It is well smeared with mayonnaise and sprinkled with grated cheese.
  6. The design is folded into a tight roll, which is wrapped in cling film and cool down for a couple of hours.

Before serving, the appetizer is cut into medium pieces.

Chicken and prunes appetizer

Ingredients: 6 quail eggs, 7 pcs. pitted prunes, 3 large spoons of chopped kernels walnuts, 120 g cheese, 2-4 teeth. garlic, mayonnaise, breast cooked until tender.

  1. Eggs are beaten, salted and fried in a pan in the form of an omelet. When the cake has cooled, it is cut into strips.
  2. Finely chopped and pre-soaked in hot water prunes. That's where the nuts go.
  3. Straws of boiled poultry meat and grated cheese are added to the future salad.

The appetizer is seasoned with a mixture of salted mayonnaise and crushed garlic.

Salad with Korean carrot and cucumber

Ingredients: 220 g of boiled thigh fillet, 170 g of cheese, 2 fresh strong cucumbers, 170 g of prepared "Korean" carrots, sauce.

  1. The chicken is torn into fibers and sent to a culinary ring set on a flat plate.
  2. On top is carrots without brine.
  3. Next comes the cheese sticks and grated fresh cucumbers.
  4. Each layer of appetizer is smeared with salted sauce, for example, ordinary mayonnaise.

The culinary ring is removed from the salad and its top is arbitrarily decorated.

Mushroom salad with chicken fillet

Ingredients: 460 g of boiled salted fillet, 320 g of fresh champignons, 5 boiled large eggs, salt, sauce.

  1. Pre-cooked chicken is cooled and randomly chopped. You can cut it into cubes or tear it into fibers.
  2. Mushrooms are cut into very small pieces and fried until tender. In the process, they need to be salted to taste.
  3. Rubs against the cooled champignons egg white. Next, the resulting mass is laid out in the first layer in a salad bowl.
  4. Fillet with sauce (for example, with mayonnaise) is placed on top.
  5. The last layer is crumbled egg yolks.

The salad is served to the table after a couple of hours of soaking in the cool.

Appetizer of chicken breast in tomatoes

Ingredients: 2 ripe tomatoes, chicken breast, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil and low-fat sour cream, 1 tsp. balsamic vinegar, 8-9 basil leaves, 2 sprigs of fresh oregano, salt, garlic to taste.

  1. Large ripe tomatoes cut off the tops with a sharp knife. With a small spoon, the soft core is cleaned out of them.
  2. The breast is boiled until tender, chopped into cubes, mixed with chopped oregano leaves and garlic.
  3. Vinegar, oil, chopped basil, salt and sour cream are added to the future filling.
  4. Vegetable cups are rubbed with salt. The stuffing is laid out in them.
  5. The blanks are sent to the oven for 8–9 minutes at 150–160 degrees.

Optionally, you can bake tomatoes with a “cap” of grated cheese.

Vegetable salad with chicken and croutons

Ingredients: 380 g chicken fillet, 130 g cheese, a handful of white wheat croutons, 2 pcs. tomatoes and fresh cucumbers, red and yellow bell peppers, garlic to taste, mayonnaise, salt.

  1. The meat is cooked until tender, torn into strips and placed on the bottom of a flat plate.
  2. Tomato cubes are sent on top, mixed with crushed garlic and salted mayonnaise.
  3. Next come the colored cubes of peppers. Mayonnaise is distributed.
  4. It remains to make layers of straw fresh cucumbers, crackers and grated cheese.

The resulting snack will infuse in the cool for about 1.5 hours.

Layered salad with chicken breast and corn

Ingredients: 70 g each of low-fat sour cream and mayonnaise, dry garlic, 3 boiled eggs, 230 g boiled chicken breast, 90 g canned corn, strong fresh cucumber, salt.

  1. The fillet is cooled, after which it is cut into cubes with a sharp knife. It will be the very first layer of lettuce. You can immediately coat the meat with a sauce of sour cream, mayonnaise, salt and dry garlic.
  2. Next, randomly chopped boiled eggs. The easiest way is to cut them into cubes.
  3. The next layer will be cucumber straws with sauce.
  4. Sweet corn grains are the last to fall asleep for a snack.

Can be decorated to taste ready salad any fresh herb. Before taking a sample from it, you need to let the dish brew for 2-3 hours.

Hot salad with chicken, peppers and green beans

Ingredients: half a kilo of chicken fillet and green beans, red and yellow bell pepper, large purple onion, 20 ml quality oil olives, 40 ml each of soy sauce and balsamic vinegar, table salt.

  1. String beans without prior defrosting are immersed in boiling salted water for 2 minutes. Then she leans back into a colander. To keep bright saturated green color product, you can pour it with cold water.
  2. The chicken is boiled until cooked, torn into fibers. If desired, fillet pieces can simply be fried in hot butter until golden brown.
  3. Onions are cut into thin half rings, and peppers of two colors are cut into bars. Both vegetables are fried in hot oil for 2-3 minutes.
  4. In the remaining fat, the beans also warm up.
  5. All prepared components are combined in one salad bowl, mixed, salted.

According to statistics, the most popular type of meat, which is most often cooked by housewives every day and for holidays, is chicken. It’s not even worth talking about how different this meat can be. One thing

For example, when a whole carcass is being prepared, it is another matter when thighs or legs, wings or breast, fillet are being prepared.

Chicken dishes: recipes with photos, simple and tasty, are placed in this separate section of the site, so that even in a situation of limited time, it is easy and quick to find out which dishes to cook and how unusual to serve chicken. It should be understood that even adding a new spice to the usual marinade can change the taste. ready meal. That chicken is good: it is constantly different in taste.

We are sure that even a young housewife will definitely have her own options for what to cook from chicken for dinner quickly and tasty with a photo. But you always want to discover new dishes, new combinations of products. Chicken is good because it can be served on the table in absolutely any form. Salads, cold and hot appetizers are made with it. Chicken is perfect for preparing any first course.

Chicken recipes with photos are simple and varied. delicious addition what can be cooked for the second. Chicken can be cooked whole, there are dozens of ways: on salt, in foil, stuffed, on a bottle, in various marinades. You can cook in the oven just different parts of the chicken, after marinating them. You can boil chicken meat and serve it to the table in this way: it is not only tasty, but very healthy. Someone prefers to follow the traditions and fry the chicken exclusively in a pan.

This section within the framework of our culinary project will definitely help you decide what to cook from chicken and how exactly to approach this product. Separately, I would like to note that chicken meat is often used for minced meat, rolls, and stuffing. The last cooking option is when the chicken is freed from the bones, but the skin remains. The pulp is then mixed with additional ingredients, and this stuffing refills the skin of the chicken.

Choose those chicken dishes and recipes with photos that are simple and delicious that you are interested in using unusual culinary cooking techniques. Trying to cook something new is the desire to add variety to your life. Such a desire is always commendable.


Bean soup in tomato sauce

Ingredients: chicken wing, fillet, potatoes, carrots, onions, butter, peppers, beans, parsley, salt

It is not for nothing that many people love bean soup very much, especially if it is cooked with meat or smoked meats. Today I am sharing one of these soup recipes with you.


- 200 grams of chicken wings;
- 150 grams of fillet;
- 2 potatoes;
- 1 carrot;
- 1 onion;
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
- half sweet pepper;
- 450 grams of beans in a tomato;
- 1 bay leaf;
- 1 tsp dried parsley;
- salt;
- black pepper.


Chicken chops in batter

Ingredients: chicken breast, egg, flour, milk, cheese, salt, pepper, spice, oil

Chicken chops are a very tasty and easy-to-cook meat dish. The recipe is quite simple and fast enough. The meat is tender.


- 250 grams of chicken breast;
- 1 chicken egg;
- 2 tablespoons wheat flour;
- 70 ml. milk;
- 60 grams of hard cheese;
- salt;
- black pepper;
- spices for chicken;
- 3 tablespoons vegetable oil.


chicken galantine

Ingredients: chicken skin, minced meat, olive, mushroom, onion, oil, rosemary, parsley, thyme, gelatin, semolina, salt, pepper

Chicken galantine can be cooked both on weekdays and on holidays - it will always come in handy. In addition, as a rule, everyone really likes such a dish, so the housewives are happy to make it.
- 4 chicken skins;
- 700 gr of minced chicken;
- 10 pieces of olives;
- 120 gr of champignons;
- 0.5 bulbs;
- 1.5 tablespoons vegetable oil;
- a few sprigs of fresh rosemary;
- 1 tbsp dried parsley;
- 1.5 tsp thyme;
- 1.5 tsp gelatin;
- 3 tablespoons decoys;
- salt;
- pepper.


Chicken tobacco in the oven

Ingredients: chicken, spice, salt, garlic, butter

In the oven, you get an excellent tobacco chicken - tender, with a crispy crust, beautiful and tasty. It's much easier than cooking it in a pan. Don't believe? See for yourself by reading our recipe.

- chicken - 1 carcass weighing 700 gr;
- spices for tobacco chicken - 1.5 tsp;
- salt - 1 tsp without a slide;
- garlic - 3 cloves;
- butter - 2-3 tbsp.


Delicious and beautiful salad "Pine cone"

Ingredients: chicken fillet, egg, cheese. potatoes, corn, onions, almonds, mayonnaise

During the winter holidays, most often New Year, I'm preparing a salad "Pine cone". The recipe is very simple and fast enough.


- 200 grams of chicken fillet,
- 4 eggs,
- 2 processed cheese,
- 1 potato,
- 100 grams of canned corn,
- 1 onion,
- 250 grams of roasted almonds,
- 100 grams of mayonnaise.


Salad "Derevensky" with cucumbers and champignons

Ingredients: potato, chicken fillet, mushroom, onion, cucumber, salt, pepper, oil, mayonnaise

Today I suggest you cook a very tasty salad "Rustic" with mushrooms and pickled cucumbers. The recipe is very simple and fast.


- 2 potatoes,
- 200 grams of chicken fillet,
- 6-8 champignons,
- 1 red onion
- 5 pickled cucumbers,
- salt,
- black pepper,
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oils,
- 1 tbsp mayonnaise.


Chicken goulash with gravy

Ingredients: chicken fillet, sweet red pepper, carrots, onion, refined vegetable oil, salt, finely ground black pepper, ground sweet paprika, tomato sauce, wheat flour, water,

One of the best food for family dinner or dinner can be considered goulash. Once it was cooked on a fire, and it was right to use beef for goulash. Cooked for a long time, why the meat became soft and juicy. Today, goulash can be easily cooked on the stove, and chicken can be used instead of beef.

Products for the recipe:
- 400 gr of chicken meat;
- a pod of sweet red pepper;
- 1 carrot;
- two heads of onions;
- 4 tbsp. vegetable oil boats;
- salt - to taste;
- finely ground black pepper - to taste;
- 1.5 teaspoons of ground paprika;
- 4-5 tbsp. spoons of tomato sauce;
- 25 g flour;
- 1.5 cups of water or broth.


Salad "Hedgehog" with chicken and Korean carrots

Ingredients: mushroom, pepper, chicken breast, onion, butter, egg, cheese, carrot, mayonnaise, salt

For the festive table, I suggest you cook a very tasty and beautiful salad"Hedgehog" with mushrooms and Korean carrots.


- 300 grams of chicken breast,
- 1 onion,
- 2-3 tablespoons sunflower oil,
- 200 grams of pickled mushrooms,
- 3-4 eggs,
- 200 grams of cheese,
- 300 grams of Korean carrots,
- mayonnaise,
- salt,
- black pepper,
- 2 peas of allspice.


Okroshka on Tanya

Ingredients: potato, egg, chicken fillet, cucumber, dill, greens, onion, tan, sour cream, seasoning, lemon juice

On the dance it turns out very delicious okroshka. How to cook delicious summer dish I have described in detail for you.


- 2-3 potatoes;
- 2-3 eggs;
- 1 chicken fillet;
- 2 cucumbers;
- a bunch of dill;
- a bunch of parsley;
- a bunch of green onions;
- one and a half liters of tan;
- 200 grams of sour cream;
- salt;
- black pepper;
- lemon juice.


Village potato with chicken

Ingredients: chicken legs or thighs, potatoes, garlic, vegetable oil, salt, ground coriander, ground ginger, ground sweet paprika, ground black pepper

Rustic potatoes are always delicious! And if you bake it with chicken legs or thighs - it will be doubly tastier. In addition, this option is hearty and beautiful, just what you need for a family lunch or dinner.
- 600-700 grams of chicken legs or thighs;
- 1 kg of large potatoes;
- 1 head of garlic;
- 5 tablespoons vegetable oil;
- salt to taste;
- 0.5 tsp ground coriander;
- 1 tsp ground ginger;
- 1.5 tablespoons sweet ground paprika;
- 1 tsp ground black pepper.


Salad "Women's whim" of chicken with pineapple

Ingredients: chicken fillet, cheese, pineapple, garlic, mayonnaise, salt

We are offering to you classic recipe with a photo of the salad "Women's Caprice" from chicken with pineapples. But you can also experiment and add your own ingredients.


- 300 grams of chicken fillet,
- 100 grams of hard cheese,
- 150 grams of canned pineapple,
- 2 cloves of garlic,
- mayonnaise,
- salt.


Salad "Hedgehog" with Korean carrots

Ingredients: chicken fillet, egg, mushroom, onion, oil, salt, carrot, sour cream, cheese, spice

For children, be sure to prepare a very tasty and beautiful salad in the form of a hedgehog. The kids will love this salad.


- 200 grams of chicken fillet,
- 2 eggs,
- 150 grams of champignons,
- 1 onion,
- 1 tbsp vegetable oils,
- 3 pinches of salt,

- 4 tablespoons sour cream or mayonnaise
- 70 grams of hard cheese,
- 1/5 tsp spices.


Salad "Lady's whim" with chicken and pineapple

Ingredients: chicken meat, egg, cheese, pineapple, salt, mayonnaise

salad recipes Ladies whim"A lot. Today I bring to your attention a recipe for salad "Lady's Caprice" with chicken and pineapple.


- 300 grams of chicken meat,
- 2 eggs,
- 100 grams of hard cheese,
- 200 grams of canned pineapple,
- salt,
- 2-3 tablespoons mayonnaise.


Salad "Anastasia" with Korean carrots

Ingredients: chicken fillet, ham, cabbage, egg, carrot, onion, walnut, butter, mayonnaise, pepper

In the salad "Anastasia" different ingredients are very well chosen, which, in combination with each other, create a magical extravaganza of taste. It is quite easy to prepare it.


- 1 chicken fillet,
- 150 grams of ham,
- 200 grams of Beijing cabbage,
- 2 eggs,
- 150 grams of carrots in Korean,
- a couple of green onion feathers,
- walnuts,
- vegetable oil,
- mayonnaise,
- black pepper.


Pasta Casserole Lazy Wife

Ingredients: pasta, ham, chicken fillet, milk, water, egg, cheese, herbs, salt, spice, oil

If you don't have time to cook, then check out my great recipe delicious, and most importantly quick, pasta casserole recipe " lazy wife".


- 250 grams of pasta;
- 150 grams of ham;
- 150 grams of chicken fillet;
- 300 grams of milk;
- 300 grams of water;
- 2 eggs;
- 150 grams of hard cheese;
- greens;
- salt;
- spices;
- vegetable oil.