Filling for pizza with chicken fillet. Chicken pizza - step by step recipes for homemade dough and toppings with photos

Pizza is a very, very “multifunctional” dish that will fit perfectly both at a fun party and at ordinary gatherings with friends, family, and loved ones. Also great option for romantic dinners.

This is such a popular food that - except for the Motherland of Italy - almost every country has its own "traditional" recipe.

With all this, from the moment of the first prototype in 1522, more and more new cooking options are still appearing, more and more pizzerias and cafes are opening in which pizza is the “nail” of the menu.

Pizza can be consumed anywhere and anytime. Breakfast, lunch, light snack, lunch, dinner - whenever you want! And besides, you can cook it relatively quickly with the minimum amount products by selecting the appropriate recipe.

Below I will tell you step by step how to cook any recipe for a similar dish with chicken and cheese at home. Getting used to it is a matter of time! Good luck!

Chicken pizza - about the most interesting

Comparing, for example, a recipe from Japan and Brazil, or the composition of a dish from any two other countries, you will find a very interesting pattern. Let's call it like this: What is the nationality - such is the composition.

Here in Asian countries, in most recipes, you can easily find a huge list of added seafood, and the same Brazil loves pizza with green peas. And we love chicken!

However, tomatoes, cheese, and a special “Italian flatbread” are the basis of any recipe for such a dish.

  1. Fantasy in cooking is our everything. Of course, you can immediately change the recipe for yourself, but for starters, of course, I advise you to study the basis, the base. This will help fill your hand, and each next dish will be better than the previous one.
  2. Modern life is very fast, which is why sometimes there is no time at all for small hobbies and joys.

How to speed up cooking? The sauce can be bought tomato paste or mayonnaise. Otherwise, these ingredients can be replaced with sour cream whipped with yolk.

Our Russian pizza with cheese and chicken

The first recipe is very simple. This kind of chicken pizza does not require much time, effort or money. Are you in short terms you can please your surroundings with wonderful and quick pastries!

Pizza with cheese and chicken - what to take:

1 piece of chicken egg; 1 glass of milk or boiled water; 1 teaspoon dry yeast; wheat flour is taken as much as the dough takes; 2 tablespoons vegetable / olive oil; 1 teaspoon of shortbread sugar; 1 teaspoon of salt.

And what about the filling:

1 piece of good onion; 1 more egg; 200 grams of fresh chicken fillet; 2 tablespoons of tomato paste; 15 pieces of olives; 1 teaspoon mustard; 100 grams of sour cream with any percentage of fat; 150 grams of any cheese.

Pizza with chicken fillet and cheese - we cook:

  1. Creating a dish begins with the fact that I take a bowl and dissolve the yeast there by dipping it in milk or water.
  2. I add salt and sugar.
  3. Separately, I begin to beat the butter with the chicken egg and butter. Then I pour the resulting mixture into the dishes with yeast. Should be elastic soft dough.
  4. The best thing to do is stuffing! First, I chop the onion in half rings and then fry it.
  5. I take a fillet, which I also cut, only in the form of straws.
  6. I grind the cheese on the fine side of the grater, and carefully cut the olives into half rings, as elsewhere.
  7. During the preparation of the filling, the dough should already have come up, so I use a rolling pin to roll it out in the shape of a baking sheet (preferably in a circle).
  8. I cover the baking sheet itself with baking paper and lay out a layer of dough there.
  9. I spread the pasta over the base, then the onions, olives, and the chicken will be the last layer.
  10. Now I'm creating a consignment. It remains only to thoroughly mix the sour cream with mustard, egg, ground pepper and salt - this will go on top of the fillet.
  11. The final touch will be a sprinkle of grated cheese.
  12. Pizza baked with delicious chicken up to 25 minutes at maximum oven temperature.

Everything, pizza appetizing chicken ready! Enjoy your meal!

Recipe for pizza with chicken and ginger

If you have never tried anything like this before, then you will definitely be surprised by its composition. chicken pizza, recipe with photo.

Also, here it will take you much less time to cook, since some of the indicated products, which usually take extra time to create, are purchased.

What does pizza with excellent chicken require?:

300 grams of the main ingredient - fillet; 3 cloves good garlic; 100 grams of mozzarella; 2 pieces of tomatoes; 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and the same amount of ground ginger, olive oil; purchased dough(puff / yeast) and green onions to taste.

How to cook? Step by step algorithm with photo:

  1. Finely chop the garlic and green onion, turn the tomatoes into half rings.
  2. Separately, I boil the chicken fillet, which is then chopped with a salt shaker and mixed with the sauce.
  3. Then I add onion, garlic and ginger.
  4. Almost done! It remains to roll out the dough in the form of a baking sheet, first distribute the sauce on it, then chicken, grated cheese and tomatoes follow.
  5. The oven is preheated to 250 ° C and the pizza is baked there for up to 20 minutes.

Delicious chicken dish is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Recipe for exotic pizza with pineapple and chicken

Unusual? Well, the name speaks for itself! A similar pizza with chicken, a recipe with a photo for real gourmets!

Pizza with hearty chicken and its composition:

How to make dough for a wonderful pizza with chicken can be found in the first recipe. 300 grams of breast (fillet); 150 milliliters of hot sauce; 1 can canned pineapple; 1 green and 1 red bell pepper; basil to taste and 1 onion.

Cooking with photo:

  1. I put water on fire with spices to taste and salt, boil the breast in it.
  2. The next step is rolling out with a rolling pin. ready dough which I carefully lubricate tomato sauce(sharp or not).
  3. I cut all the other ingredients and lay them out in layers: fillet, pineapple fruit, onion, pepper and finely grated cheese.
  4. The pizza is baked at 200°C for approximately 25 minutes.

Unusual pizza is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Meat pizza with pineapple and smoked chicken

Pizza and its composition:

ready dough; 400 grams of breast (smoked); 1 can of purchased pineapples; 150 grams of any cheese; 150 milliliters of spicy tomato sauce; 1 can of purchased olives and onions to taste.

Pizza and its preparation:

  1. I start by using a rolling pin to roll out the dough and transfer it to a baking sheet.
  2. I carefully distribute, smear the tomato paste.
  3. Then I shred the brisket on the salt shakers, I also chop the onion and cut the olives with cheese into rings.
  4. The layers will be in this order: first fruit, then chicken, onion, chopped cheese. Last olives.

The pizza turned out just perfect! Enjoy your meal!

My video recipe

Today we can confidently say that pizza is a multinational dish. She left the borders of her homeland long ago and became a favorite dish among citizens of many nations. Moreover, this dish not only appealed to many, but an endless number of pizzerias and cafeterias open every day around the world.

Pizza is a universal dish that is suitable for a friendly party, and for a picnic on fresh air. Especially the housewives prepare it on weekends, when all family members are at home and want to pamper themselves. different goodies. A variety of recipes and ingredients allows you to use pizza with fruit juice, and with wine. It's not surprising if romantic dinner not without delicious pizza. This dish can be served as a separate dish, for an afternoon snack, lunch, or in addition to salads and hot dishes.

Chicken Pizza - Food Preparation

If we consider the products that make up pizza, then each country has its own set of ingredients. Some people like it spicier and may add pepper to the dish. For example, in Japan, pizza is prepared with seafood, and in Brazil, it is certainly added to the recipe. green pea. However, it is still possible to single out a number of basic ingredients that form the basis of this “Italian flatbread”. Regardless of the country of origin and the preferences of an individual consumer, dough, cheese and tomatoes are the basis of pizza. In our country, it is chicken meat that is one of the main ingredients, thereby displacing sausages.

Chicken Pizza Recipes

Recipe 1: Pizza with Chicken and Cheese

Classics of the genre - chicken with cheese. If you need a recipe for making cheese for loved ones, which does not require large financial costs and a lot of time for cooking, we suggest paying attention to this method.

Dough Ingredients:

Egg - 1 pc.;

Boiled water or milk - 1 tbsp.;

Dry yeast - 1 tsp;

Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;

Sugar - 1 tsp;

Salt - 1 tsp

Filling Ingredients:

Onion - 1 pc.;

Egg - 1 pc.;

Chicken fillet - 200 g;

Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons;

Olives - 15 pcs.;

Mustard - 1 tsp;

Sour cream - 100 g;

Cheese - 150 g.

Cooking method:

In warm water or in milk, depending on the chosen recipe, we dissolve the yeast. Add a pinch of salt and sugar to this. Beat the egg with butter, you can use vegetable and olive oil, add milk with yeast. We knead elastic and elastic dough.

Getting to the filling - onion cut into half rings, fry. Cut the boiled chicken fillet into strips, grate the cheese, and cut the olives into rings.

While preparing the filling, the dough came up. We roll it into a circle and put it on a baking sheet, which must be covered in advance with special paper. Next, grease the dough with tomato paste, the next layer is fried onions, olives and chicken.

Dressing is being prepared - mix sour cream, mustard, chicken egg, ground pepper and salt, beat everything well, pour pizza with dressing, pour cheese. The pizza is framed, it's time to place in the preheated oven for 25 minutes.

Recipe 2: Chicken Pizza (Ginger Mood)

An unusual set of ingredients will allow you to cook an excellent-tasting pizza.

Required Ingredients:

Fillet - 300 g;

Garlic - 3 teeth;

Mozzarella cheese - 100 g;

Tomatoes - 2 pcs.;

Soy sauce - 2 tablespoons;

Chopped ginger - 2 tablespoons;

Olive oil - 2 tablespoons;

Store-bought pizza dough;

green onion.

Cooking method:

This recipe involves the purchase of pizza dough and sauce from the store. This allows you to save a little time spent on cooking pizza. it gourmet recipe, which can please the invited guests.

Chop green onion, garlic. Tomatoes are cut into medium half rings. Boil the chicken fillet in advance, cut into strips and mix it with soy sauce, where green onion, ginger and garlic are added.

We roll out the dough bought in the store into a cake. Pizza is smeared with soy sauce and chicken meat is laid out. Next, crumble the Mozzarella, decorate with tomato rings. Pizza is baked in the oven for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 250 degrees.

Recipe 3: Chicken Pineapple Pizza

Spicy filling gives the dish enough interesting taste.

Required Ingredients:

Pizza dough - its description can be found in the first recipe;

Chicken breast - 300 g;

Hot sauce - 150 ml;

Canned pineapples - 1 b.;

Bacon - 100 g;

Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs. (green and red);


Onion - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

Boil the breast - you need to salt the water and add your favorite spices.

We roll out the dough, grease with tomato sauce, it is better to buy a spicy tomato. All ingredients are cut at the discretion of the hostesses. We put the ingredients in the following order - meat, pineapples, onions, then decorate with pepper, mozzarella cheese and bacon. Pizza is cooked for 25 minutes at 200 degrees.

Recipe 4: Smoked Chicken and Pineapple Pizza

Required Ingredients:

Pizza dough;

smoked breast- 400 g;

Canned pineapples - 1 b.;

Bacon - 150 g;

Cheese - 150 g;

tomato spicy sauce- 150 ml;

Olives - 1 b.;

Cooking method:

The pizza making process is very simple. Roll out the dough and put it on the mold. Next, coat the dough with tomato sauce. Cooking products - cut the brisket into strips, carefully finely chop the onion, bacon - into strips, olives - into small pieces, cheese slices.

We spread the filling - pineapples, breast, onions, bacon, cheese and olives.

Pizza provides a vast field for the realization of their culinary fantasies. But still worth exploring basic framework cooking pizza, to certainly show off the cooked dish.

The modern rhythm of life does not always give a woman enough time that she can spend on cooking delicious pizza. However, she can use a few tricks. For example, grease the dough with ketchup or mayonnaise. In turn, mayonnaise can also be replaced with sour cream, whipped with egg yolk. Often, special ready-made pizza sauces are used, which significantly reduce the time for cooking fragrant pizza.

Among the ingredients of this recipe, in addition to poultry meat, tomatoes are included, Bell pepper and an egg. Of course, there was also cheese. And from seasonings, oregano, coriander, rosemary and ready-made pizza seasoning were used.
The size of the pizza mold in diameter is 24-26 cm. The cooking process takes about an hour.

Recipe Ingredients


  • dry yeast - 1 teaspoon,
  • milk - 1 glass,
  • salt - a pinch
  • granulated sugar - 2 teaspoons,
  • sunflower oil- 2-3 tbsp. spoons,
  • wheat flour - 9 tbsp. heaped spoons.


  • chicken thigh - 1 pc.,
  • hard cheese - 100 grams,
  • sweet pepper - ½ pcs.,
  • tomato - ½ pc.,
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.,
  • seasoning for pizza - ½ teaspoon,
  • oregano - ½ teaspoon.

Chicken pizza, recipe with photo

Pour the yeast into a bowl. Heat up in microwave oven a glass of milk. Pour it into the bowl with the yeast, stir well with a whisk until completely dissolved. Pour 2 tbsp. l. wheat flour and stir until the mass becomes homogeneous. Pour in sunflower oil, mix, add salt and sugar.

Add the rest of the flour, gradually kneading the dough. Leave the dough in a warm place for 15 minutes, then roll out the dough. The diameter should be a circle, slightly larger than the form in which you will bake the pizza. Put it in a mold and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Boil the chicken thigh in salted water. Then cool, remove skin and bones, cut into slices. Lay the chicken slices all over the dough. Sweet pepper clean, wash and cut into strips. Put the bell pepper in the form with the pizza dough.

Wash the tomato and cut into half rings. Beat the egg and add spices: coriander, oregano, rosemary. Lay the tomato slices around the edge of the mold, pour the egg into the center of the mold. Sprinkle the top of the pizza with cheese. Put the cake pan in the oven and bake at t 170 degrees for about 25 minutes.

Serve the pizza immediately after cutting it into portions. Don't forget that cold pizza is not tasty. And if you didn’t manage to overcome it right away, be sure to heat it up in the microwave afterwards.

Among the variety of options for savory pastries, pizza occupies a leading position. Such universal dish can be included in the daily menu or served to festive table. Among connoisseurs Italian cuisine chicken pizza is popular, for which chicken breast or thighs, bacon, cheese, tomatoes and other products are used. Baking is done in a preheated oven or on the stovetop. To make it tasty, you need to know about the intricacies culinary process.

How to cook pizza with chicken

Among the wide range of pastries, pizza is especially popular. it fragrant dish prepared in various interpretations, so it can please everyone in taste. The most common way to cook savory pastries is pizza with chicken. To make delicious beautiful dish for family dinner or a friendly meeting, you need to take into account all the nuances of the culinary process. The main thing is to knead the dough correctly, and the filling for chicken pizza can be different. Poultry meat goes well with vegetables, mushrooms, legumes, cheese.


The dish is made from a yeast base or preferred lean version. Both types of blanks for baking are kneaded for wheat flour. The basis for a real Italian dish is thinly rolled out, but its domestic counterparts can be much more magnificent. You can make your own dough or buy it from the store ready basis. For getting lush pastries worth sticking with simple rules while kneading:

  1. Flour must be sifted through a sieve.
  2. The base is warmed up for about 10-15 minutes (no less).
  3. In the process of rolling out, the dough loses gas bubbles, therefore, for the splendor of baking from a yeast base, it needs to be proofed for additional “growth”.

Chicken Pizza Sauce

For the classic Italian food used tomato sauce own cooking, in which spices, spices and seasonings are necessarily added. You can buy something similar in the store, but to make it as tasty as possible, it is better to make chicken pizza sauce at home. As a rule, "gravy" is prepared on the basis of tomatoes: from fresh or canned fruits, tomato paste or juice, ketchup.

The sauce goes well with paprika, red pepper, basil, thyme. Garlic, onion, black pepper will add piquancy to the dish. A little sugar is added to the dressing, softening the acidity of the tomatoes and making the taste more tender. For those lovers of Italian dishes who do not eat tomatoes, you can make white sauce from cream or milk. This option matches perfectly with chicken meat, mushrooms, garlic, white pepper, nutmeg.

Chicken pizza - recipe with photo

There is a wide range of ways to cook chicken pizza. You can use yeast or yeast-free base, different sauces. The dish is made with boiled, fried or smoked meat birds. As additional ingredients use all kinds of vegetables, legumes, mushrooms, sausage, cheese, herbs, seasonings and spices. To get a tasty and appetizing result, you need to strictly adhere to the culinary algorithm.

With chicken breast

  • Time: about an hour.
  • Servings: 3-4 persons.
  • Calorie content: 163 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack, dinner.
  • Cuisine: European, Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

The first step-by-step recipe for chicken pizza is a chance to cook delicious, hearty meal for a short period of time. Unsweetened pastries with poultry fillet, tomatoes, sweet peppers and cheese conquers from the first tasting. Chicken pizza is easy to make, but the result is just “lick your fingers”. The dish can be served as a snack or a full dinner.


  • flour - 260 g;
  • breast - 1 pc.;
  • fresh yeast- 20 g;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • spices - to taste;
  • basil, Provencal herbs- taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the meat until done.
  2. Pour into a cup of warm water, dilute the yeast.
  3. Add oil after 10 minutes. Combine the resulting liquid with the sifted flour. Make a cool, soft dough. Leave it to come up for half an hour.
  4. Preheat oven to 200°C.
  5. Grease a baking dish with a little oil. Spread the foundation evenly over it.
  6. Treat it with a mixture of mayonnaise, ketchup, spices and seasonings.
  7. Arrange chopped peppers and tomatoes on top.
  8. Cut the meat into medium pieces, pour over the vegetables.
  9. The next layer is onions in thin half rings, then grated cheese.
  10. Sprinkle with dried basil.
  11. Cook in preheated oven for 25 minutes.

With smoked chicken

  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Calorie content: 250 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dinner.
  • Cuisine: European, Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Another way to make a delicious, unusual dinner or lunch is baking with smoked chicken meat. This recipe with a photo uses a minimum of ingredients, but this does not interfere with the preparation of pizza with a chic taste. An appetizing dish will require dressing (mayonnaise + ketchup), hard cheese (in our case, Russian), fresh tomatoes and homemade yeast dough.


  • dry yeast - 1 sachet;
  • sugar, salt - 1 tsp each;
  • smoked fillet - 400 g;
  • flour - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 250 g;
  • Russian cheese - 200 g;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method:

  1. In a deep container combine water, butter, sugar, yeast and salt.
  2. Flour is introduced in portions, a dense, elastic dough is kneaded. Leave for 30-60 minutes.
  3. The breast is crushed by hand. Tomatoes are chopped in circles, cheese is rubbed.
  4. Divide the workpiece into two parts. Roll out thinly.
  5. lubricate olive oil baking sheet, spread the base there. Cover it with dressing of ketchup and mayonnaise.
  6. Put pieces of meat and tomatoes on top. Sprinkle generously with cheese.
  7. Bake for half an hour at 180 ° C.

With chicken and pineapple

  • Time: 2 hours.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content: 150 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: breakfast.
  • Cuisine: European, Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

If you want to treat your loved ones to something special for breakfast, then chicken and pineapple pizza is great option. A step-by-step recipe gives you a chance to cook a fragrant, unusual, savory dish from a small amount available products. Dietary chicken meat goes well with sweet tropical fruit and tender cheese "cushion".


  • boiled chicken- 400 g;
  • flour - 200 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 160 ml;
  • gouda - 100 g;
  • canned pineapples - 1 can;
  • dry yeast - 1 sachet;
  • tomato paste - 150 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix flour with yeast, salt, sugar. To stir thoroughly.
  2. Add oil warm water. Bring in the dough. Leave in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours.
  3. Drain liquid from pineapple and cut into cubes.
  4. Chop the breast with a knife into medium pieces.
  5. Preheat oven to 200°C.
  6. Grease a baking sheet with oil. Distribute the suitable base inside.
  7. Spread it with tomato paste, put meat on top, then pieces of fruit.
  8. Grind the cheese on a grater, sprinkle the workpiece.
  9. Bake for about half an hour.

With mushrooms

  • Time: 1 hour 20 minutes.
  • Servings: 10-12 persons.
  • Calorie content: 218 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dinner.
  • Cuisine: European, Russian.
  • Difficulty: below average.

Baking with mushrooms is very popular in many families. This product harmonizes perfectly with a variety of ingredients, including white, tender meat. A dish of chicken breast and champignons with two types of cheese, spices, seasonings is delicious, hearty option for all occasions. It can be prepared for a family dinner or festive feast with friends.


  • ready-made yeast dough - 1 pack;
  • champignons - 400 g;
  • mayonnaise - 50 g;
  • breast - 1 pc.;
  • feta, mozzarella - 300 g each;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • salt - to taste.

For sauce:

  • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp.;
  • marjoram - to taste;
  • mixture ground peppers- taste;
  • curry - to taste;
  • basil - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the meat, cut into cubes.
  2. Chop the onion in half rings, mix with the fillet, add a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise. Marinate 15-20 minutes.
  3. Cut the mushrooms into slices, fry a little in oil, salt and simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. Add meat with onions, mix. Cook 10-15 minutes.
  5. Make a sauce by combining mayonnaise with spices and seasonings.
  6. thin dough put in a baking dish, make small sides. Lubricate with dressing, lightly crush with grated cheese.
  7. Put the stuffing inside. Sprinkle plenty of cheese on top (you can put it in slices).
  8. Bake at 200°C for about 20 minutes.

Puff pastry with chicken

  • Time: 60 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content: 280 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: breakfast.
  • Cuisine: European, Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

The perfect way to cook a meal for a romantic dinner or family breakfastair baking from puff pastry. This type of base is well combined according to palatability with any filling, but one of the best options- chicken, mushrooms, sausage, corn, hard cheese. This recipe with a photo uses a store-bought puff yeast base.


  • chicken fillet - 400 g;
  • canned corn- 100 g;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salami - 200 g;
  • yeast puff pastry- 0.5 kg;
  • mushrooms - 150 g;
  • hard cheese - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the dough from the pack half an hour before the start of cooking.
  2. Boil the meat in salted water.
  3. Put the defrosted base on a baking sheet covered with parchment for baking. Make a few punctures in it with a fork or toothpick (for even lifting).
  4. Spread the base with mayonnaise, spread the sausage cut into circles on top. Drizzle with ketchup.
  5. Chop mushrooms into slices, put on ketchup.
  6. The next layer is chicken pieces, then corn.
  7. Bake for 20 minutes at 180°C.
  8. Sprinkle with grated cheese five minutes before cooking. Send to the oven until it melts.

With chicken and cheese

  • Time: 20-30 minutes.
  • Servings: 4-6 persons.
  • Calorie content: 267 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dinner.
  • Cuisine: European, Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Almost no Italian recipe is complete without the use of cheese. Appetizing, fragrant, simply melting in your mouth pastries with chicken meat will not leave anyone indifferent. To prepare this option homemade pizza come in handy boiled breast, two types of cheese and any pickled vegetables. Store-bought yeast dough is used as the base.


  • boiled fillet- 100 g;
  • ketchup - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • parmesan - 50 g;
  • mozzarella - 120 g;
  • pickled pepper, cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • finished puff base- 500 g;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Take half of the dough, roll it out thinly.
  2. Put it in a baking dish, previously greased with oil.
  3. Coat the cake with ketchup, spread the pieces evenly on top boiled chicken.
  4. Cut the pepper into strips, cucumber into cubes. Spread over meat in layers.
  5. The next layer is pieces of mozzarella, then grated parmesan.
  6. Cook the dish at 200 °C for 15-20 minutes.

  • Time: 30 minutes (+1 hour).
  • Calorie content: 190 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dinner.
  • Cuisine: European, Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

juicy, fragrant pastries with tomatoes and tender chicken meat the perfect complement for the daily menu. Yeast dough for a savory dish, you can cook it yourself or buy it ready-made in the store. The fillet is fried in advance until cooked and then cut into plates. Additional products: fresh tomatoes, cheese, dressing and spices.


  • flour - 380 g;
  • dry yeast - 1/6 tsp;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • warm water - 250 ml;
  • mozzarella - 250 g;
  • fried chicken- 100 g;
  • tomato paste - 150 g;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Dissolve the yeast in water, combine the liquid with oil, flour, salt.
  2. Knead the dough (knead at least 15 minutes). Leave for an hour to rise.
  3. Roll out two cakes from the resulting mass.
  4. Lubricate the blanks with tomato paste, on top - half the cheese.
  5. Put the tomatoes in rings, then the chicken meat and the remaining mozzarella.
  6. Cook for 20 minutes at 220 degrees.

Hawaiian pizza with corn and chicken

  • Time: 1 hour 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 2-4 persons.
  • Calorie content: 238 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: breakfast, snack.
  • Cuisine: European, Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Original, bright and incredibly tasty Hawaiian chicken pizza is served in many cafes and restaurants. This type of baking has a lot of fans. It is made from yeast dough, the filling for which will be fresh chicken breast, canned pineapple and corn, tomato sauce. You can also use your favorite spices, seasonings, spices, fresh or dried herbs.


  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 210 g;
  • sugar, salt - ½ tsp each;
  • dry yeast - 1 pack;
  • water - 70 ml;
  • breast - 200 g;
  • Russian cheese - 100 g;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tsp;
  • tomato sauce - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • pineapples - 150 g;
  • corn - 110 g;
  • dried basil, red pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. In a deep bowl, combine sugar, yeast, salt, warm water. Mix well.
  2. Add oil, beat in the egg. Introduce the sifted flour in portions.
  3. Knead an elastic, cool dough and roll into a ball.
  4. cover cling film leave in a warm place for an hour.
  5. Roll out the blank, put it on a baking sheet with parchment.
  6. Brush with tomato sauce.
  7. Wash the breast well, cut into small pieces. Lay the meat on top of the sauce.
  8. The next layer will be pineapple rings, then corn is poured out.
  9. The workpiece is sprinkled with basil, red pepper and grated cheese.
  10. Cook the dish at 200 ° C for 15-20 minutes.

With chicken and bacon

  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 4-6 persons.
  • Calorie content: 198 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: lunch.
  • Cuisine: European, Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Another interesting step-by-step recipe is pizza with chicken fillet and bacon. Fragrant, hearty dish will be appreciated, especially by men. It is equally well suited for spiritual gatherings. big company friends or family dinner. To get a delicious, edible result, pastries should be cooked exclusively according to cooking instructions.


  • breast - 300 g;
  • bacon - 150 g;
  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • tomato puree - 100 g;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • mozzarella, parmesan cheese - 100 g each;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • soy sauce - 30 ml;
  • tomatoes - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tsp;
  • fresh basil, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Crack eggs into a glass, pour in warmed milk. Whisk the ingredients well.
  2. Introduce flour in portions, knead the dough. Roll the mass into a ball, grease with olive oil and set aside for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Meat cut into cubes, fry until golden brown.
  4. Chop the bacon into small pieces too.
  5. Line a baking sheet with baking parchment. Put the rolled out cake on it.
  6. Coat it with soy sauce tomato puree, put fillet pieces on top, then bacon.
  7. Next - tomato mugs, basil sprigs.
  8. Cut the mozzarella into cubes, chop the parmesan on a grater.
  9. Sprinkle with mozzarella and parmesan.
  10. Cook for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Chicken pizza in a pan

  • Time: half an hour.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content: 260 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: breakfast.
  • Cuisine: European, Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

When there is very little time for cooking, the following recipe will help out - lush, tender pizza on a frying pan. It is nutritious, tasty and appetizing dish easy, quick to make, so even a novice cook can cook it. For the filling you will need smoked poultry meat, champignons, cheese, tomatoes. Spices and seasonings are added to taste.


  • sour cream, mayonnaise - 8 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 450 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste.
  • tomato paste (ketchup) - 100 g;
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • mushrooms - 8 pcs.;
  • smoked fillet - 200 g;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • butter - 30 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Put sour cream, mayonnaise in a deep container. Beat eggs, pour flour. Knead liquid homogeneous mass.
  2. For sauce, combine tomato paste with mayonnaise.
  3. Mushrooms and fillets are cut into slices, cheese is rubbed, tomatoes are chopped into circles.
  4. Grease the frying pan butter, pour half of the dough. Gently brush it with some of the sauce.
  5. Spread some of the cheese, meat, mushrooms, tomatoes on top in layers.
  6. Sprinkle with the rest of the cheese, spices. Lay out the greens.
  7. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes with the lid closed.

Secrets of cooking delicious pizza from chefs

To make delicious, fragrant pizza, you should follow certain rules. Here are a few useful tips from experienced chefs:

  • products are best cut into thin slices or small pieces;
  • the sauce must be non-liquid, otherwise the chicken pizza will simply float;
  • the base will be tastier if you take whey or milk for its preparation;
  • delicious pizza is obtained with capers, olives, it can be sprinkled with oregano, marjoram.


  • 120 ml of water
  • 200 grams of flour
  • a teaspoon of dry yeast
  • a pinch of salt,
  • a pinch of sugar
  • two tablespoons of olive oil.
  • one chicken breast
  • 300 grams of hard cheese,
  • sauce or ketchup
  • mayonnaise,
  • seasoning Curry,
  • salt.

Cooking process:

Pour barely warm water into a bowl, add yeast and a pinch of sugar to it, mix and leave for 10 minutes in a warm place. Then add olive oil, flour, sprinkle salt on the flour. Knead elastic dough. I kneaded for fifteen minutes, greasing my hands and the plank with olive oil. But you can still mix in quite a bit of flour along the way. The dough for pizza according to this recipe is elastic. We cover it with a napkin, put it in a warm place for 40-60 minutes.

Add chicken breast and marinate in a mixture of mayonnaise and curry: about two tablespoons of mayonnaise and a tablespoon of curry. Leave for half an hour (this can be done overnight).

After a while, cut the breast into large pieces.

We send chicken meat to a heated pan with vegetable oil. Fry on all sides for twenty minutes.

Cut the breast into pieces of medium size.

We rub the cheese on a coarse grater.

We divide the dough into two parts, put one of them on a round shape greased with vegetable oil and distribute. We form a thin cake - the basis for pizza. Top with a little sauce.

Lay out the next layer of chicken fillet pieces and sprinkle with cheese.

Put a few tablespoons of mayonnaise on top and spread it over the surface.

Chicken pizza is baked in an oven preheated to a maximum temperature of 250 degrees. Chicken pizza is ready in 10 minutes.

It turns out thin, soft and juicy. We eat hot!

How to cook delicious pizza with chicken and cheese told Yulia Kolomiets, recipe and photo of the author.