What do you need for pizza. Traditional Italian pizza Margarita homemade recipe

Today's article will be about pizza. This Italian product, like pasta, has long taken root with us.

But one thing thin pancake, on which are several pieces of meat, sausage and vegetables, lightly covered with melted cheese on top, and another thing homemade pizzapie, in which you select all the ingredients and their quantity at your discretion. You can feed several adults with such pizza to satiety, at a small amount finance. Compare for yourself:

I will say right away that the number of products will be given based on one and a half baking sheets, since we usually leave a small baking sheet for those who have not eaten, and you are already themselves In the course of cooking, you will select the amount of products that you consider optimal.

We will need:

1. Boiled sausage - 500 grams (take "Doctor's");
2. Hard cheese - about 300 grams (usually we take "Dutch");
3. Sunflower oil;
4. Flour;
5. Yeast (dry);
6. Tomatoes - 4 pcs;
7. Onion- 2 heads;
8. Fresh cucumbers- 3 pcs;
9. Greens;
10. Mayonnaise.

mayonnaise and sausage good quality because we do it for ourselves. Bulgarian pepper is not for everyone, but keep in mind, it adds piquancy and flavor to pizza.

Let's start with yeast dough, which is prepared in the same way as for cooking.
We take 400 grams of warm milk, one egg, half a teaspoon of salt, and mix everything.

Pour about 300 grams of flour over the milk - do not mix. Pour a bag of dry yeast on top of the flour, and now the whole thing can be mixed.

While kneading the dough, gradually add flour. Don't make the dough too tight. Many recipes say that you need to add flour until the dough stops taking it and so that it does not stick to your hands. This case does not suit us, the dough should be soft, elastic. The denser the dough, the heavier the cake, and we need a light, porous cake. The dough will stick to your hands, but do not add flour, but rather grease your hands with sunflower oil.

This should be the dough, and now cover it with a towel and put it in a warm place for an hour and a half. You can fill the bathroom with warm water, and lower the cup of dough into it.

While the dough is rising, let's cut the products. Usually we do the cutting procedure with the whole family, it is fast, and everyone can say that they participated in the preparation of pizza. Let's start with the onion. Onion cut into half rings.

Cut the tomatoes into rings, if it doesn’t work out, then you can cut them into half rings. There is no fundamental difference here.

The next step is to cut bell pepper who does not like him, you can add, for example, fried mushrooms. In a word - improvise.

It is advisable to cut cucumbers for pizza into thin slices - they are so softer, and if the skin is hard, then cut it off.

We cut the sausage into small cubes. Once again, don't skimp on sausage, because you have to eat.

It remains to rub on coarse grater cheese, and wait for our dough to come up.

When the dough is ready, you will see that it has doubled in size.

Lubricate the baking sheet with sunflower oil, separate a piece about two to thirds in size from the main mass of the dough and distribute it evenly over the entire surface of the baking sheet so that you get a semblance of a large pancake.

Turn on the oven and set the regulator to 200 degrees. While you form the pizza, during this time your oven will heat up.
The final stage has begun. Take three teaspoons tomato paste and dilute them in water to make a thick tomato juice, and spread it with a spoon on the surface of the pancake. Leave a little tomato for the remaining piece of dough. Lay the sausage on top in a single layer.

Put cucumbers on the sausage and put a little mayonnaise on top. Adjust the amount of mayonnaise according to your discretion and taste.. Maybe someone loves a lot, and someone a little, again, use any mayonnaise, from classic varieties to light ones. Who loves.

Now we are laying the bell pepper, but since not everyone in our family loves it, therefore only half of the pizza is covered with pepper. Instead of pepper, you can put, for example, mushrooms. Sprinkle the whole thing on top with onion, and to make the onion juicier and softer, lightly crush it in your hand until juice appears, and again apply a little mayonnaise to the top layer.

We put tomatoes in one row, lightly apply mayonnaise and cover the whole thing with grated cheese.

Now put the pizza in the oven for about twenty to twenty-five minutes. But periodically lift the edge of the cake, and watch its bakedness so that it does not burn. The time depends on how your oven bakes..

You can also watch a video on how to make homemade pizza pie.

  • I offer you a recipe for the simplest do-it-yourself pizza with a photo that I know. It turns out very, very tasty pizza simply and easily! And inexpensive - I don’t understand at all why the delivery of a large pizza is offered for 1500-2000 rubles, if homemade pizza costs 200-250 rubles even after the price rises) Although, of course, it all depends on the filling - I make pizza from what I was lying around in the refrigerator, that is, I don’t buy anything special at all. If you don't have right products- then I recommend the online service instamart.ru they have fast delivery.

    So what is required for making yeast pizza in the oven:
    Ingredients for yeast pizza dough:
    -1 egg
    -Glass of water
    -4 mugs of flour
    - Half a teaspoon of salt
    - Packet of instant yeast
    - A little bit of butter for the pan

    For stuffing - whatever)

    For the pizza topping:
    The filling can be made from anything: add mushrooms, sausage, olives ...
    I have lying around in the fridge:
    3 sausages
    boiled eggs
    2 tomatoes
    Mayonnaise and ketchup.

    Oh yes - for those who keep their figure, go on diets and follow the benefits of food - you will have to forget about it for the evening)

    According to my ingredients, homemade pizza is large, 12 pieces of a good size. Enough for a big company!!!

    How to make pizza dough easy recipe:
    Take an egg, beat with a fork, add a glass of warm water (I take room water - boiled - and add a drop of hot). Stir with a fork until completely smooth. Sprinkle in half a teaspoon of salt. The dough will turn out quite bland, you can add more salt.

    Mix flour with instant yeast. I had a package of yeast that says "for 1 kg of flour". I'm lazy, so I poured half the bag into a mug of flour, mixed it with my finger, added it to the egg with water. Then also the remaining half of the package. And began to stir the dough.

    You just have to knead the dough well! Then put it in a warm place - I put it closer to the stove. And get stuffing! The dough will rise at this time.

    I chopped, as you can see in the photo, what was - a little onion (a third), 3 eggs (one is enough, but I like it with three), sausages, tomatoes.

    How to cook pizza:
    Sprinkle the table with flour, the rolling pin too.
    Roll out a large pancake the size of your baking sheet. Or a little more - bend the edges. From these proportions, the dough comes out onto a large pizza pan with an average thickness of the dough (you will see in the photo below, the dough will still rise in the oven from the thickness of the rolled out)

    Grease a baking sheet with a piece butter. I don't like sunflower oil pizza.

    Transfer the pizza dough to a baking sheet. I put a rolling pin on the dough in the middle, bend one edge of the dough onto it from above, then from below, quickly transfer and straighten it. If the dough is sticky, sprinkle with flour before this, it will be easier to transfer.

    Lubricate the dough with mayonnaise and ketchup. If you have a lot of cheese - here you can grate a layer of cheese on the dough - it will be tastier.

    Spoon this muck)

    Pour on top, evenly distributing pizzas, onions, eggs, sausages throughout the dough.

    Lay out the tomatoes. Tomatoes can be sprinkled with ground black pepper. If you like, add greens. And some more mayonnaise and ketchup.

    Rub cheese on a coarse grater on top of all this disgrace. I have two different pieces lying around - it will be even tastier)

    Bend the edges. In order not to rise too much later, press with a fork around the perimeter. Who is not lazy - you can melt a piece of butter in the microwave and grease the edges with a culinary silicone brush (I took it for 14 rubles in Auchan). This will give a golden brown.

    Put in the oven (I'm cold). I bake pizza at 200 degrees for 10 minutes! That is, the pizza is baked quickly! But I have a good new oven - there is a “pizza” mode - 15 minutes, 5 minutes it heats up to 200 degrees and bakes for 10 minutes. Before in the old-old gas oven I baked homemade pizza about 40 minutes at a maximum temperature that was not determined there)
    That's all! Simple and delicious pizza recipe hastily! Bon appetit) Even more recipes

    You can enjoy pizza in a pizzeria, in a cafe, restaurant, and you can also cook it yourself at home. How to quickly make pizza at home, read below.

    How to make delicious pizza at home?


    For test:

    • warm water - 225 ml;
    • granulated sugar - 10 g;
    • yeast - 1 sachet;
    • sifted flour of the highest grade - 335 g;
    • salt;
    • olive oil - 55 ml.

    For filling:

    • salami - 45 g;
    • pepperoni - 45 g;
    • tomato sauce;
    • mozzarella balls - 2 pcs.;
    • capers - ½ tbsp. spoons;
    • cheese - 95 g.


    warm but not hot water we dilute sugar and dry yeast. Leave for 15 minutes for the foam cap to rise. Mix flour with olive oil, a pinch of salt, add the yeast mass and knead well. Lubricate the dough with olive oil, wrap with a film and send it to heat for 30 minutes. After rising, punch down the dough. This amount is enough for 2 pizzas.

    So, we divide it in half and thinly roll it out. We place it in a mold, grease with sauce, spread the grated mozzarella, lay out the salami sausage and pepperoni. Sprinkle with capers, crush with grated hard cheese. Bake until golden brown in a preheated oven.

    How to make pizza at home in the microwave?


    • Wheat flour higher grades - 175 g;
    • tomato sauce - 1 tbsp. spoon;
    • hard cheese - 65 g;
    • salt;
    • egg- 1 PC.;
    • cow's milk- 115 ml;
    • spices;
    • tomatoes - 1 pc.;
    • smoked sausage - 145 g.


    Sift the flour into a bowl with a slide, form a small depression in it, pour in the milk and beat in the egg. Knead pretty soft dough not sticky to hands. We crush the table with flour, put the dough on it, roll it into a thin layer. Place it in a microwaveable bowl tomato sauce and sprinkle with spices. Cut the ingredients for the filling into small cubes and spread on the dough. Top it all with cheese. At maximum power, cook for about 9 minutes.

    How to quickly make pizza at home in a pan?


    • wheat flour - 10 tbsp. spoons;
    • sour cream - 4 tbsp. spoons;
    • - 4 tbsp. spoons;
    • tomato - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • sausage - 175 g;
    • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • hard cheese - 135 g;
    • olives - 45 g.


    Stir eggs with sour cream and mayonnaise until smooth. All this is lightly beaten with a fork or whisk. Pour the sifted flour, stir again until smooth - it should come out batter. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil, pour out the dough, level with a spoon and gently grease with tomato sauce. We spread the filling, sprinkle with cheese and bake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes.

    How to make zucchini pizza at home quickly and easily?


    • zucchini - 245 g;
    • wheat flour - 95 g;
    • tomato - 1 pc.;
    • chicken fillet - 145 g;
    • - 35 ml;
    • refined oil - 10 ml;
    • baking powder - ½ teaspoon;
    • cheese durum varieties- 95 g;
    • chicken eggs - 1 pc.;
    • spices;
    • salt.


    Three zucchini on a grater, squeeze and drain excess liquid. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces, place in a deep bowl and pour soy sauce. We drive an egg into the squash mass, chop the dill, onion, salt and pepper. Add flour, baking powder and knead the dough. We cover the baking sheet with parchment, grease with oil and place the zucchini dough in the form of a circle 1 cm thick. Finely chop the tomato and lay it on top of the dough. Then we put the pieces of chicken, pepper, crush with spices. We bake pizza in a preheated oven for half an hour. Then we crush it with grated cheese and send it back to the oven for 5 minutes. And only after that we take it out, cut it into pieces and serve it to the table. Bon appetit everyone!

    If you love pizza, then do not rush to order it delivered to your home or buy ready-made in the store. Tasty dish it is quite easy to cook at home, especially since the products for it need the most ordinary.

    Delicious homemade pizza dough

    The most delicious pizza comes from yeast dough. For him, take:

    • dry yeast - 1.5 tsp;
    • sugar - 1 pinch;
    • salt - 1 tsp;
    • olive oil - 1 tbsp;
    • warm water - 125 ml;
    • premium flour - 200-250 g.

    Now start preparing the dough:

    • IN warm water add yeast and sugar. Stir them and let the mass bubble up.
    • Sift 200 g of flour into a large bowl and mix it with salt. Gather the flour into the center of the bowl in a heap.
    • Having made a recess in the slide, pour the yeast liquid mass into it.
    • Take a fork and use it to move the flour to the center and mix with the liquid.
    • When all the flour is mixed with the yeast water and a heterogeneous mass forms in the bowl, start kneading the dough with your hands. At the same time, add the oil to the bowl. If the dough turns out to be sparse, then add another 1 or 2 tablespoons of flour.
    • Roll the well-kneaded dough into a ball and leave it in the bowl. Cover the bowl with a damp towel and place it in a warm place (near the radiator or not far from the hot stove).
    • Keep the dough warm for 20-30 minutes. During this time, it will almost double in volume.

    Homemade pizza toppings

    For the filling, you can take any meat products: boiled or smoked sausage, ham, boiled or fried meat. Total meat products you will need about 200 g. Finely chop them all.

    Dice two large onions and one sweet bell pepper. From vegetables, ripe sweet tomatoes will still be required - cut 2 large or 4 small into thin rings.

    If there are mushrooms in the house, then take them. Mushrooms are good. Cut 200 grams of them into slices and fry until golden brown in one tablespoon of vegetable oil.

    Homemade tomato sauce for pizza

    For the sauce, take two tablespoons of concentrated tomato paste, half a glass of water and spices to taste.

    • Dilute the tomato paste with water.
    • Salt the sauce (1 tsp), pepper with the mixture ground peppers(1/2 tsp). Add some sugar (1 tsp) and lots of dry herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro, basil, marjoram). Instead of homemade sauce you can take any shop ketchup- 100 ml.

    Cooking pizza at home

    Before cooking, turn on the oven to heat it up.

    Bake any pizza at a very high temperature: 230-240 degrees. This temperature will contribute to the rapid frying of the dough and the melting of the cheese.

    Now start collecting pizza:

    • Place a sheet of baking parchment on a large cutting board or table. Pound him with flour. Put a ball of dough on the parchment and knead it first with your hands to a flat circle. Then roll out the dough with a rolling pin to a thickness of 2-3 mm. As a result, you will get a pizza base with a diameter of 30 cm.
    • Transfer the parchment with the pastry base to a baking sheet.
    • Put the sauce in the center of the base and use a spoon or silicone spatula to spread over the entire surface.
    • Place meat products, vegetables and mushrooms on top of the sauce. Place the tomato slices last.
    • Grate 150 g of any hard cheese high fatness. Spread the cheese evenly on top of the filling.

    Sheet with raw pizza place in preheated oven and bake for 10-12 minutes. The signal that the pizza is ready will be melted cheese and rosy sides of the pizza.

    The most delicious pizza "Margherita" at home

    If there were absolutely no meat products in the house, then you can cook the famous Margarita. It will surely become your favorite, because it turns out to be unusually tender and fragrant. Before baking this pizza, also heat the oven to the maximum and hold the baking sheet in it for about 10 minutes.

    On the dough prepared according to the above recipe, put homemade tomato sauce or any store-bought. Do not forget that the dough needs to be rolled out on parchment. On top of the sauce, in a chaotic manner, arrange small cubes of Mozzarella cheese - only 100 g. Place circles of very ripe tomatoes - 1 large or 2 small ones on top of the cheese. Salt the tomatoes generously and sprinkle with large ground black pepper. And be sure to put a few leaves of fresh green basil on the pizza.

    Transfer the pizza on paper to a heated sheet and place it in the oven for 5-6 minutes.

    Pizza should be served piping hot and eaten with your hands. Many housewives try to cut pizza with an ordinary kitchen knife, but as practice shows, it strongly crushes the dough and the filling stretches behind it. For cutting, it is better to use a special pizza cutter in the form of a rotating disk. It is also very convenient to cut pizza into portions using large kitchen scissors.

    One of the most popular dishes all over the world it's pizza. This dish is Italian national dish, looks like a round cake and is traditionally covered with tomatoes and mozzarella cheese.

    The prototype of Italian pizza has appeared in Europe since 1522, when tomatoes were brought in, in Naples. And in the 17th century, pizzaiolo appeared - people who cooked pizza.

    There is a legend that the famous Margherita pizza is named after the Italian Queen Margherita of Savoy, who simply adored her.

    The classic pizza dough recipe is made from a special kind of flour made from durum wheat – rich in gluten. Also natural yeast, olive oil, salt and water.

    The whole process of preparing the dough is carried out manually: kneading and rolling out a thin layer of the sheet. Usually the thickness of the sheet is 0.5 cm, but it can vary up to 2 cm. The dough is covered with tomato (tomato) sauce, and then you can use any fillings: vegetables, seafood, meat with vegetables, mushrooms and olives, sausage and others.

    In all types, there are cheeses, mainly mozzarella cheese.

    Also, in the near future I plan to show another recipe for delicious pizza from puff pastry. We will consider it in one of the following articles.

    And today, we will prepare the following recipes step by step:

    Pizza Margherita - Neapolitan classic pizza with cheese and tomatoes

    This Italian pizza recipe, you can say the queen among pizzas, comes from Naples. The Margarita pizza recipe has been known in Italy since 1889 and still occupies a leading position.

    Products for the test:

    • 800 g flour
    • 500 ml water
    • 10 g yeast
    • 25 g salt
    • Olive oil

    Sauce Ingredients:

    • 150 g canned tomato
    • basil

    Filling products:

    • 150 g tomato sauce
    • 150 g mozzarella cheese
    • 1 sprig of basil
    • 50 g Pecorino cheese
    • butter
    • ground black pepper

    Test preparation:

    • Pour warm water into a bowl and dilute in it fresh yeast. We knead with our hands so that they dissolve in water.

    • Sifted flour, with one hand, add handfuls to the yeast, and with the other - do not stop stirring. This process lasts 7-8 minutes, until we have 2/3 of the flour according to the recipe. Salt is added only when the bulk of the flour is gone.

    • Next, we shift the dough onto a table sprinkled with flour, and continue to knead the dough, spending all the flour, leave a little to add when rolling out the dough.

    • The dough should be soft and stretch easily, but not stick to your hands. Let him rest for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the sauce and toppings.

    Preparing the tomato sauce:

    • Canned tomatoes, interrupted in a blender, without skins.
    • We chop the basil.
    • Combine tomatoes with basil and salt. Mix everything.

    Filling preparation:

    • Mozzarella cheese cut into cubes or three on a grater.
    • We chop the basil.
    • Grate Pecorino cheese.

    Collecting pizza:

    • Rested dough, we got it about 1 kg, divide it into 3 parts: roll out 1 part on pizza, and set aside the other two.

    • They open the dough with their hands, as pizzaioli say, gradually forming a sheet with a diameter of 30-32 cm and a thickness of 0.5-2 cm.

    The Italians believe that when the dough is rolled out by hand, it retains the warmth of the hands and becomes tastier, the dough grows. The rolling pin kills the yeast.

    • We grease the baking sheet vegetable oil, put a sheet of dough, and grease with tomato sauce.
    • Top with mozzarella, basil and a little Pecorino cheese.

    • We send it to the preheated oven for 10 minutes. The temperature in the oven is 190-200 degrees.
    • Ready pizza is served, garnished with a few leaves of fresh basil, pepper, a little olive oil, and on top - a ball of mozzarella.

    How to cook pizza at home with sausage and cheese. Step by step cooking in the oven:

    The Italian dish - pizza, smoothly migrated to Russian cuisine. Our pizza recipes have been “domesticated” and now every housewife has at least one homemade pizza recipe in her arsenal.

    Products for the test:

    • fresh yeast - 25 g
    • warm water - 350 ml
    • sugar - 1 cup
    • sifted flour - 600 g
    • olive oil - 2 tbsp.
    • salt - 0.5 tbsp.

    Sauce Ingredients:

    • fresh or canned tomatoes– 150 g
    • dry oregano, in powder - 1 tsp no top, maybe a little less
    • clove of garlic
    • olive oil - 1 tbsp.

    Filling products:

    • mozzarella cheese - 150 g
    • ham - 100-150 g (can be replaced with sausage to taste)
    • champignon - 1 large mushroom
    • red bell pepper - 1 pc.


    1. Cooking yeast dough. Add fresh yeast to warm water, knead them. Pour sugar into yeast and a little flour, mix everything. We cover the dough cling film and put it in a warm place.

    2. Let's do the tomato sauce. Tomatoes, without skins, we interrupt in a blender, add oregano, squeezed through the garlic, garlic and olive oil, mix everything.

    1. Opara came up, and we start making dough. Pour flour into a bowl with dough and, stirring with a spoon, add salt, again flour to 2/3 of the total volume, olive oil. We stir constantly. When it becomes difficult to stir with a spoon, transfer to the table.

    1. Knead the dough so that all the flour is gone. It should turn out soft, viscous, but not stick to your hands.
    2. Transfer the dough to an oiled bowl and set aside for at least 40 minutes, covering it with something warm.

    1. Let's deal with the filling: - cut the cheese into cubes; pepper - divided into 4 parts and cut; ham - straws.

    1. We will divide the finished dough into 3 parts: we will bake pizza with one, and put the other two in the freezer. The next time we decide to bake pizza, it will come in handy.

    8. Roll out the dough with your hands or a rolling pin, according to the size of the form. We can make pizza square or round, it's up to everyone.

    1. We grease a baking sheet with oil, put a sheet of dough and grease it with tomato sauce. Top with mushrooms, then pepper, ham and sprinkle with mozzarella cheese.

    1. Bake in the oven (190 degrees) for 20 minutes.

    Pizza in a pan in 10 minutes. Step by step recipe with sausage and cheese

    In the 21st century, everyone is chronically short of time, I want to do a lot, and time flies very quickly. just met New Year, and Maslenitsa is already on the way. Therefore, I want fast and delicious recipes cooking.

    One of these dishes is pizza in a pan, which is cooked in minutes, but very tasty.

    Products for the test:

    • eggs - 2 pcs
    • sour cream - 4 tbsp.
    • mayonnaise - 4 tbsp.
    • flour - 9 tbsp. without a slide

    Filling products:

    • sausage (you can also use sausages or sausages) - 100 g
    • smoked sausage - 100 g
    • pitted olives 0-15 pcs
    • cherry tomatoes - 4 pcs
    • hard cheese -120 g
    • red bell pepper - 1 pc.
    • garlic - 1 clove
    • salt, pepper to taste
    • vegetable oil, for frying - 2-3 tbsp.


    1. Mix the broken eggs with sour cream and mayonnaise.

    2. Add flour to them and mix until the consistency of thick sour cream.

    1. Preparing the ingredients for the filling:
    • sausage, sardeli and pepper cut into strips
    • olives - rings
    • cheese on a grater
    • Cut the tomatoes into 4 pieces.

    4. Pour oil into a preheated pan, spread it over the pan and pour the dough, leveling the pan with a spatula. Put the filling on top of the dough in the following order: sardelli - sausage - garlic - pepper - tomatoes - olives.

    1. Top with cheese.

    1. We bake on low heat, under the lid, until the cheese is melted.

    As a result, in 10 minutes we get a quick and tasty pizza. Recommended!

    Calzone - a type of quick and tasty pizza

    A variety of pizza is calzone, outwardly - similar to large chebureks baked in the oven. Well, at least that's how it seems to me. We're getting ready and we'll see.


    • yeast dough - 300 g (we use what is left in the pizza freezer)
    • tomato sauce - 50 g
    • zucchini - 50 g
    • sweet pepper - 50 g
    • eggplant - 50 g
    • mushrooms - 50 g
    • ham - 50 g
    • mozzarella cheese - 50 g
    • fresh basil
    • picarino cheese - 30 g
    • tomato - 1 piece, medium size


    1. For the filling, fry zucchini, sweet pepper, eggplant, mushrooms. Cut vegetables before frying.

    2. Cut the ham into strips, and mozzarella into small cubes.

    3. Roll out the sheet from the dough. Grease a baking sheet with olive oil, lay a sheet of dough and level it.

    4. Lubricate the strip in the middle of the dough with tomato sauce. Top with mozzarella, ham, vegetables fried until half cooked.

    5. Cover with the second half of the dough and pinch the edges. It turned out to be a large calzone pie. From above, in the middle, we make a hole for air to escape.

    6. Lubricate the calzone with tomato sauce on top, lay the tomato slices, sprinkle with chopped basil and sprinkle with Pecorino cheese.

    7. Place in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 190-200 degrees. Enough fast cooking. So be careful not to burn!

    8. Ready calzone, before serving, top with tomato sauce, sprinkle with Pecorino cheese and sprinkle with a little olive oil.

    Pizza Heart - video recipe

    Bon appetit!