Canned cucumbers with cherry tomatoes. How to preserve cherry tomatoes

Pickling cucumbers for the winter, and even so that your household "fights" for them, is not so simple. After all, without knowing correct ratio salt, vinegar and spices, instead of crunchy and really delicious cucumbers you can get tasteless, soft and forgotten by everyone, don’t understand what. It is in the properly prepared marinade that the secret lies. delicious snack and, of course, in a bouquet of herbs and spices.

Red or yellow cherry tomatoes will help to make conservation more diverse and contrasting. Such a preparation looks more appetizing, tomatoes will disappear from jars at no less speed than cucumbers.

Recipe "Cucumbers with cherry"

All ingredients are based on one liter jar:

  • 0.5-0.7 kg of small cucumbers;
  • 1 st. l. white granulated sugar;
  • 25 g of rock salt;
  • 40 ml of acetic acid;
  • 1 dill umbrella;
  • 1-2 currant and cherry leaves;
  • 3-4 garlic cloves;
  • 5 g of horseradish root;
  • a third of the middle sheet of horseradish;
  • 1 dried bay leaf;
  • 5 peppercorns;
  • 2 cloves;
  • 1/5 pod of bitter pepper.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. We start preparing snacks with cucumbers - they must be soaked in cool water for at least 5 hours, or even overnight. Especially if we are dealing with “not the first freshness” cucumbers that were harvested a few days ago, soaking will help restore lost moisture, make them elastic and crispy again, as if only from a bush. After soaking, we wash each cucumber manually, simultaneously inspecting for damage, traces of the beginning of the rotting process. We cut off the ends of the vegetables that have passed your strictest check and put them in a container with cool water, where they will stay until the preservation begins. Wash the cherry tomatoes, remove the stalks. All greens and spices are also thoroughly washed, soaked in cool water for 15-20 minutes, after which we cut into pieces large leaves, such as, for example, horseradish or dill umbrellas. Thoroughly wash the horseradish root, cutting off the skin and all areas in contact with the soil. Large garlic cloves are cut into several parts.
  2. At the bottom of a sterile jar we lay out all the spices, half of the prepared greens, horseradish root and hot pepper. Now you can lay cucumbers and tomatoes. Fill the jar tightly, leaving no gaps, alternating vegetables. Put the rest of the greens on top of the vegetables.
  3. It's time for the marinade. For its preparation liter jar it will take about 350 ml of purified water. It should be boiled. After the liquid boils, dissolve the salt and sugar in it. Pour vinegar into jars and pour boiling marinade on top. Covering the jars with sterile lids, sterilize them in a deep saucepan for about 10 minutes, then roll them up.

Bon appetite!

Cherry tomatoes do not differ much from ordinary tomatoes in taste, but they have a miniature size, for which they have become so popular.

They are convenient to use on sandwiches, put in various snacks and salads, and, of course, preserve.

The small size allows the fruits to marinate faster, save space in the jar and just look beautiful.

And, of course, the main advantage of miniature fruits is the ability to use small containers.

Cherry tomatoes for the winter - general principles of cooking

Preservation of miniature cherry tomatoes is not much different from harvesting ordinary tomatoes, but still there are some features. If large tomatoes can be poured with boiling water several times to steam them, then cherry tomatoes from such procedures can simply deteriorate, burst and lose their beautiful appearance. For preservation, dense, moderately ripe vegetables are used. Various spices are also added: salt, pepper, sugar, cloves, mustard. And vegetables: bell pepper, carrots, garlic, cucumbers. All ingredients must be thoroughly washed and dried.

General cooking principle:

1. Preparation of containers. Banks are washed and sterilized. We process the lids with boiling water.

2. Preparation of ingredients. Rinse the tomatoes and greens, peel the garlic, pepper and onion, cut if necessary.

3. Bookmark in a jar. We put everything tightly, trying to fill the space to the maximum. After steaming, it will become much larger.

4. Steaming. A jar of vegetables is filled with boiling water, infused for 10-20 minutes and the water is drained into a saucepan.

5. Cooking brine / marinade. More liquid is added to the drained water to an even volume, then spices are laid. Everything is boiled for 2-3 minutes after boiling.

6. Finishing filling. Banks are filled with boiling brine, vinegar is added and everything is immediately covered with lids.

7. Sunset. We close the covers with a key, we twist the screw.

Next, the workpiece must be turned over on the neck, covered with something warm (a blanket, an old coat) and left to cool completely. We remove the jars in the basement and after two or three months you can take the first sample.

Recipe 1: Spicy cherry tomatoes for the winter with onions and plums

Very beautiful preparation of cherry tomatoes for the winter. In addition to tomatoes, plums and a small onion are added, the size of quail egg, which give spicy taste and irresistible aroma. We will preserve in small jars, which must be sterilized in advance. From this amount of products, 3 jars of 0.5 liters should be obtained.

0.2 kg of small onions;

1 st. l. Italian herbs;

Garlic, cloves, dill umbels, peppercorns.

1. At the bottom of the prepared jars, lay out dill umbrellas, throw one carnation each, a little peppercorns and pour a pinch of Italian herbs.

2. Tomatoes are freed from the stalks, washed. Peel the onion, cut the plums in half and remove the pits.

3. We put all the ingredients in jars, alternating with each other.

4. Fill with boiling water, cover with lids and let it brew for a quarter of an hour.

5. Drain the water into a saucepan, bring it to the amount of 1 liter, put it on the stove. Pour salt and sugar, boil for 3 minutes.

6. Pour in the vinegar, mix and pour the tomatoes with brine under the neck, roll up with a key.

Recipe 2: Cherry tomatoes for the winter in their own juice with aspirin

More precisely, in juice from ordinary tomatoes. For this preparation, you can use freshly squeezed juice or canned earlier, it does not really matter. We will preserve in half-liter jars, instead of vinegar, add an aspirin tablet to each.

800-900 grams of cherry;

3 aspirin tablets.

1. Dip the cherry tomatoes in boiling water for a minute, then pour cold water from the tap. We take off the skin. You can preserve it with it, but this way the workpiece turns out to be more tender and tastier.

2. We lay out the cherry in jars.

3. Fill with boiling water and let stand for 5 minutes, then drain the water and throw an aspirin tablet into each container.

4. If fresh tomatoes are used for juice, then they need to be twisted and boiled for 15 minutes. If ready-made juice is taken, then simply pour it into a saucepan and boil for 5-10 minutes, do not forget to add salt. If the juice is sour or tasteless, then you can add a little sugar or citric acid.

5. Pour prepared cherry fruits with tomato mass and roll up.

Recipe 3: Cherry tomatoes for the winter in apple sauce

To prepare such cherry tomatoes for the winter, you need natural Apple juice or purchased, but in banks, a packaged product will not work. Calculation of products per liter jar.

How much cherry will go into the jar;

0.5 l of apple juice;

1 teaspoon of vinegar;

A spoonful of salt without a slide;

1.5 tablespoons of sugar;

3 cloves of garlic;

Greens and dill optional.

1. Cut bell pepper vertically into strips. We clean the garlic and throw it on the bottom of a sterile jar.

2. We fall asleep washed and peeled cherry tomatoes, insert strips of pepper along the edges.

3. Fill with boiling water, cover with a lid and set aside while preparing the filling.

4. Pour apple juice into a saucepan, add salt and sugar, boil for 2-3 minutes.

5. Drain the water from the tomatoes, pour boiling juice, add vinegar and roll up.

Recipe 4: Cherry tomatoes for the winter "Sugar"

The recipe is very delicious tomatoes cherry for the winter. Like their larger counterparts, small tomatoes also love sugar, and the more of it in the marinade, the better.

300 grams of sugar;

8 cloves of garlic;

6 peppercorns;

Dill umbrellas, currant leaves.

1. We wash and dry the cherry tomatoes, pierce each tomato with a toothpick near the stem so that the skin does not burst and the fruit remains intact.

2. We clean the garlic, pour currant leaves with boiling water and put everything on the bottom of sterile jars.

3. Fold the tomatoes and pour boiling water. We insist 10 minutes under the lid.

4. Drain the water, bring the amount to two liters and send it to the stove. Pour salt, sugar and boil for 3 minutes, add vinegar and mix.

5. Throw peppercorns into jars, pour tomatoes with boiling brine and immediately close with a key.

6. Turn upside down, cover with a warm blanket and hold until completely cooled.

Recipe 5: Honey cherry tomatoes for the winter with garlic without vinegar

Honey tomatoes have unusual taste and an incomparable aroma, and the brine flies out of the jar very first. The recipe requires sterilization. From this amount of products, two liter jars of the workpiece should be obtained.

6-8 garlic cloves;

4 peppercorns;

1. First of all, we remove the stalks from the tomatoes and wash them, let them dry.

2. Scald dill with boiling water and put in jars, add bay leaves, peppercorns there.

3. Peel the garlic cloves and cut into long pieces.

4. We pierce each tomato with a piece of garlic and throw it into a jar. You need to fill the container to the top.

5. Boil a liter of water, add salt, honey and pour tomatoes. Cover with lids.

6. Put in a pan on a cloth, pour hot water and sterilize the jars for 15 minutes.

7. Take out and roll up, cool upside down.

Recipe 6: Pickled Cherry Tomatoes for the Winter "Mustard"

To prepare vigorous cherry tomatoes for the winter, you will need dry mustard, spices and quite a bit of free time. Simple recipe, no heat treatment. Water is needed clean, filtered or spring. The number of products is calculated on three-liter jar, tomatoes may go a little less or more, depending on their size and stacking density.

20 grams of dry mustard;

A pod of hot pepper;

How much garlic will go;

Horseradish leaves, dill umbrella, lavrushka, herbs as desired.

You will also need a small piece of cotton fabric, which must be steamed or ironed in advance.

1. Peel the garlic, cut into long pieces.

2. We pierce the tomatoes with garlic sticks, it is advisable to do this near the stalk.

3. Distribute greens and spices at the bottom of a sterile container, put hot pepper cut into thin strips.

4. Lay cherry tomatoes with garlic, if desired, you can lay them with herbs, horseradish leaves. We put the tomatoes just above the shoulders, you don’t need to fill the jar to the very top.

5. Dissolve sugar and salt in a glass of purified water, pour into a jar.

6. Fill in filtered water, pour it on top mustard powder, put the prepared fabric and also lightly powder with mustard.

7. Leave the jar in a warm place for a week, then close it with a tight lid and put it in the basement for two weeks.

Recipe 7: Cherry Tomatoes for the Winter in Vinegar in English

An unusual recipe for harvesting mini tomatoes in vinegar. The British like such "picks" with a pronounced sour taste and a peculiar aroma. And, in general, it turns out a wonderful snack for strong drinks. It is better to store such a blank in the refrigerator, where the cherry will definitely stand until spring and nothing will happen to them. We cook in small jars, preferably with a screw cap.

A small bunch of rosemary.

1. We wash the cherry, dry it. Rinse rosemary.

2. Put tomatoes with herbs in a jar, add peppercorns.

3. Boil vinegar with salt, cool.

4. Fill the tomatoes, twist the lid.

5. We put it in the refrigerator for storage, you can take a sample in a month.

Recipe 8: Cherry tomatoes for the winter in Mediterranean oil

Similar recipes are in Italian cuisine, and they are prepared on the basis of sun-dried tomatoes. This appetizer is made with fresh tomatoes cherry. use better olive oil, preferably straight pressed. You also need to stock up on dried oregano spice, without it, the workpiece will not turn out the same.

0.3 kg of cherry tomatoes;

1 hour a spoonful of oregano;

5 basil leaves;

1 tablespoon of wine or apple cider vinegar;

1. We put the washed and dried basil leaves in a jar, we also send the processed cherry tomatoes and the onion cut into thin rings.

2. Sprinkle oregano.

3. Mix salt with vinegar, send to a jar.

4. Fill everything with oil to the brim. Cover and refrigerate for at least two months.

5. Then we take it out and use it with Italian mozzarella or just like that.

Recipe 9: Winter Cherry Tomatoes with Gherkins

What could be more charming assorted vegetables from miniature tomatoes and the same small cucumbers? Such a blank looks beautiful not only in the bank, but also on the table. Miniature vegetables can be decorated meat cuts, sandwiches, salads. We take the number of vegetables to our taste, you can equally, take more cherry or gherkins. Banks can also be used any, but better up to one liter.

Pepper yellow and red;

For laying in a jar: parsley, horseradish leaf, garlic, dill umbrella, peppercorns.

We put vinegar at the rate of 1 teaspoon of essence per liter jar.

1. We release cherry from the stalks, wash and dry on a towel.

2. We also wash the gherkins, cut off the tails on both sides with a knife and send to dry. If the cucumbers are stale, then you need to pre-soak them for 3-4 hours. During this time, change the water a couple of times.

3. Rinse horseradish and other greens, put them on the bottom of the jar. Add garlic, peppercorns to taste.

4. Peel the peppers, cut into rings or strips. Carrots in thin slices.

5. We put cherry tomatoes with gherkins in jars, lay out multi-colored pieces of peppers and circles of carrots. It is advisable to do this along the walls of the jar, it will be more beautiful.

6. Fill the filled containers with boiling water and, as usual, leave for 10-15 minutes.

7. Drain the water, boil again and add spices, boil for a minute.

8. Fill the workpiece, add vinegar under the lid and roll it up. Cool by turning over the neck.

Recipe 10: Spicy cherry tomatoes for the winter with carrot tops

For conservation spicy tomatoes cherry tomatoes for the winter Bell pepper, red or green. Red is sharper, so you can take a little less of it. Also, fresh carrot tops are laid in the jar, giving the workpiece a special taste. If desired, you can add thin rings of the carrot itself.

A bunch of carrot tops;

2 sharp pods;

6 cloves of garlic.

Vinegar at the rate of 1 teaspoon per liter jar.

1. We wash the cherry and tops, leave to dry.

2. We cut sharp pods into thin rings, it is better to work with pepper with gloves.

3. We clean the garlic, and cut each clove in half.

4. Put tomatoes in jars, lay layers carrot tops, sprinkle with pepper rings and garlic.

5. Fill with boiling water, drain after 10 minutes.

6. Cook the brine from the drained water, brought to two liters. Add salt and sugar.

7. Pour hot cherry tomatoes, add essence and roll up jars.

So that the tomatoes do not crack when pouring hot brine, you can pierce them in advance in several places. Also, this technique will allow the fruits to marinate faster and reduce the salting period many times over.

If you need to insert pieces of garlic into the cherry, it is better to make a hole sharp knife right in the stalk, and then insert a piece there. This will not only facilitate the stuffing process, but also allow you to keep the beautiful appearance of the tomatoes, keep the juice inside.

A large amount of spices and herbs overshadows the aroma of tomatoes, so you do not need to put everything that is in the house. If a spice does not suit you in some recipe, then you can always exclude it or change it to your favorite.

If there are no fresh horseradish leaves, then peeled pieces of the root can be added to a jar of tomatoes.

Peppercorns, bay leaves and clove stars fully reveal their flavor only during storage. Therefore, you do not need to abuse these spices, otherwise the brine will acquire an overly intrusive aroma and may even be bitter.

I love it very much - in winter they are very good with many dishes (as an alternative fresh vegetables, which are grown in greenhouses during the cold season and are much inferior in taste to the "summer brothers"). That is why, among my homemade preparations, pickled cucumbers are unconditionally in the lead. But still, I try to somehow diversify the slender rows of jars of cucumbers. As an option, I add cherry tomatoes to the company. Then such preservation looks much more appetizing. And in winter, it happens, cherry tomatoes from open jar scatter before pickled cucumbers.

For 1 liter jar:
- 500-600 g of cucumbers;
- 100 g cherry tomatoes;
- 15 g of sugar;
- 25 g of salt;
- 40 g of vinegar (6%);
- 1 dill umbrella;
- half a leaf of blackcurrant;
- half a cherry leaf;
- 4-5 cloves of garlic;
- 4-6 g of horseradish root:
- a piece of horseradish leaf (about 5x10 cm);
- 1 bay leaf;
- 5-6 black peppercorns;
- 3-4 peas of allspice;
- 2-3 cloves;
- a piece of red hot pepper (about 1/5 of a medium pod).

Recipe with photo step by step:

Let's do cucumbers first. We soak them in cold water for 4-5 hours. This is especially true for those cucumbers that were picked a few days before - after being in the water, they will again become elastic and dense, as if they had just been plucked from the garden. Then I wash each cucumber with my hands, checking the integrity of the skin, the absence of other damage. We cut off both ends of the cucumbers and put the cucumbers in a container with clean cold water. So in the water and stand the cucumbers before canning. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly, remove the stems.

We sort out fresh herbs and spices, rejecting the unusable ones, and soak for 20 minutes in cold water. Then wash thoroughly. Large spices - horseradish leaf, dill umbrellas, cut into small pieces that are easy to place in a jar. Wash red hot pepper and cut into half-centimeter rings. Thoroughly clean and cut the horseradish root (it is not permissible to leave surfaces in contact with the ground).
We clean and wash the garlic. If the garlic cloves are very large, then cut them in half.

Wash jars and lids in water with the addition of soda, then rinse thoroughly with hot running water. After that, we hold the lids for 4-5 minutes in boiling water, and sterilize the jars - in the oven or for a couple, as you prefer.

At the bottom of each jar we lay out about half the norm of fresh herbs, hot pepper and horseradish root. We put the rest of the spices and spices completely.

Then lay out the cucumbers. The first row is vertical, close to each other, trying to leave fewer voids. Then - cherry tomatoes, again a few cucumbers, and again tomatoes.

Put the missing greens, hot pepper and horseradish root on top of the vegetables.
So gradually fill all the banks.

Now let's prepare the marinade. 1 liter jar will require 350-400 ml of water.
We boil right amount water, add salt and sugar, let stand until they are completely dissolved and boil over low heat for a couple of minutes. Pour vinegar into jars, and pour boiling marinade on top.

We cover the jars with lids, but do not roll up (do not twist). We put a flat stand (or plate) at the bottom of a wide pan. We put the jars and pour up to the neck of the jars warm water. Put the pot on high heat, bring to a boil. We sterilize liter jars in boiling water for 10-12 minutes, half-liter jars - 7-8 minutes, two-liter jars - 20.

Then we take out the jars with special tongs and cork them with lids - screw them on or roll them up. Be sure to tilt the jar and see if a drop of water appears - this is how we check the reliability of the corking. If the marinade leaks out, you need to screw the lid back on (or still scroll with a seam). Turn jars of pickled cucumbers and tomatoes upside down and set to cool. Then turn over and put in a dark place for storage.

Tips and Tricks for the Pickled Cucumbers with Cherry Tomatoes Recipe:
Cucumbers for this type of preservation should be small, no longer than 7-8 cm. Try to choose cucumbers with a relatively regular shape, without any damage - then they will look beautiful in a jar.

Tomatoes should be firm, not overripe. Better choose brown tomatoes- during pickling, they are guaranteed not to boil. Maybe, of course, the skin will crack (it is very tender for cherry tomatoes), but the tomato will remain whole, and will not fall apart. You can also prepare separately.
As for spices, they must also meet certain requirements.
It is not permissible to use spoiled, moldy, musty spices - they completely lose their aroma. And then their addition will not only be useless, but also harmful, because it can bring various microbes into canned food.
If you are using dry red peppers, discard any pods and pieces of pods that have lost their red color before use without regret or hesitation.
The used fresh spicy greens are first carefully sorted from yellowed, gnawed by pests, withered stems and leaves. We also remove accidentally caught extraneous herbs.
Can be used regular banks with metal lids that need to be rolled up or jars with screw caps. The latter option, it seems to me, is more convenient - you do not need to have a seaming machine, and the process of capping cans is noticeably simplified.
Sterilize jars and lids just before you fill them with vegetables, don't do it ahead of time. Immediately after sterilization, turn the jars upside down on a clean towel, and fold the lids in the same place. And we store there until laying cucumbers and tomatoes.
In the process of filling jars with cherry tomatoes and cucumbers, try to alternate them with each other so that the jar looks beautiful. If the cucumbers are all small (no longer than 4-5 cm), you can pour them in bulk, like tomatoes, shaking them slightly for a tighter packing.
When preparing the marinade, take a little more water- at the rate of plus 20-30 ml for each jar. If the marinade remains, it’s okay, but if it’s not enough, it will be very disappointing.
Well, of course, we recommend that you cook.

1. We cut off all the tails of the cherry. Wash all vegetables in cold water. Cut sweet pepper into strips, bitter - into rings. Cucumbers are simply cut into four parts lengthwise, and then chopped across. Peel the garlic and leave the cloves whole.

Wash all herbs thoroughly and pat dry.

In a half-liter jar we put tarragon, dill and purple basil. Next, pour out the sweet peas, throw the hot pepper rings and peeled garlic cloves.

2. Put some cucumbers and bell peppers in a jar.

3. Gently, tightly to each other, put the cherry tomatoes in a jar.

4. We report the remaining cucumbers with peppers, then tomatoes again, so that there is a full jar. Pour sugar and salt.

5. We put a kettle of water on the stove and wait for it to boil. Pour boiling water over vegetables. Add vinegar and cover the jar with a lid (just cover the neck).

Pour water into a deep saucepan, put a cloth napkin on the bottom and turn on the gas. As soon as the water heats up, put the jar (make sure that the water is a centimeter below the neck of the jar). We sterilize our vegetables on low heat for 10 minutes.

6. After the specified time, we take out the jar and tighten the lid. This is how cherry tomatoes with cucumbers are simply marinated, but they turn out very tasty. Try it for sure!

By the way, last time I suggested making marinated cherry tomatoes with cinnamon. Have you tried?
Author - Alena

Unbelievable, but true: it is not easy to prepare pickled cucumbers with cherry tomatoes for the winter. We are talking about really tasty, crispy cucumbers, excellent snack and a real delicacy in winter, and not about soft, tasteless, orphanedly bored on the table after dinner or a feast.
Extremely mouth-watering pickled cucumbers with yellow cherry tomatoes create a bright, contrasting duet, but real secret successful preservation - in the marinade recipe, more precisely, in a balanced ratio of sugar, vinegar and salt. And, of course, in a bouquet of herbs - the aroma, the pleasant crunch of preservation, its elasticity and juiciness depend on them.
Fragrant currant leaves, spicy tarragon and fragrant dill create a rich bouquet of aromas and a special, multifaceted taste, garlic and red pepper add sharpness and piquancy.

Taste Info Cucumbers for the winter

Ingredients for assorted cucumbers and tomatoes are based on 3-3.5 liters of preservation

  • Cucumbers 1.4-2 kg;
  • Cherry 0.5 kg;
  • Bulgarian pepper 1-2 pcs;
  • Garlic 1 head;
  • Hot pepper 1 pc.;
  • Currant leaves, dry dill, tarragon (tarragon) 1 bunch.
  • For marinade:
  • Vinegar 90-100 g;
  • Salt 35-45 g;
  • Sugar 110-120 g;
  • Water 1.4-1.5 liters.

How to cook pickled cherry tomatoes with cucumbers for the winter

Wash the cucumbers selected for canning, make sure there are no damage, spoiled areas. Overripe, especially large ones should be discarded.
Peel cherry tomatoes from the stalks without breaking the integrity of the skin. Sometimes cherry tomatoes are pierced at the base to prevent cracking. You can follow the advice, or you can select for harvesting only small fruits, elastic, not overripe.

Prepare Bell pepper: after removing the seeds and stalks, cut into long slices.

Hot peppers are placed entirely. Peel the garlic, wash, cut into slices.
Put a layer of currant leaves on the bottom of the jar, then garlic cloves and herbs - tarragon, dill umbrellas.

Fill the jars as tightly as possible, filling the space between the cucumbers. yellow tomatoes, slices of pepper and garlic cloves.

Prepare marinade: required amount Boil water, lower all the components of the marinade, stir. A small nuance: be sure to try the marinade - its taste should not seem too sour or sweet to you. If necessary, change the ratio of ingredients: everyone has different taste preferences, you can’t meticulously follow the recommendations in such a painstaking task as canning.
The next moment is the most crucial: pour boiling brine to the very edge of the jars sterilized over steam, cover with lids and leave for 10-15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3 times, draining and bringing the brine to a boil. Cucumbers should warm up properly - a simple manipulation replaces this case sterilization.

Cork assorted cucumbers and tomatoes with a seamer. It will not be superfluous to turn the jars of assorted upside down to check the integrity of the seam. This technique will allow the caps to retract under the pressure of the liquid, which will ensure the tightness of the closure.
The final stage- Wrap up to keep warm for a couple of hours.
You will love these pickled cucumbers with cherry tomatoes, they will be approved in the family circle, they will not stagnate on the shelf until the very spring - rest assured.