A step-by-step photo recipe for cooking sun-dried tomatoes in the microwave for the winter. Dried tomatoes in the microwave

Sun-dried tomatoes in the microwave. Recipe with step by step photo

, student of the 8th grade of the MBOU "Basic Boarding School No. 3 named after the Hero of Russia Vladimir Elizarov", 13 years old
Supervisor: Tsybanova Galina Anatolyevna, teacher MBOU "Basic boarding school No. 3 named after the Hero of Russia Vladimir Elizarov", Tver
Purpose: autumn preparations.

Last year my family and I rested in Kabardinka. Here I first tried sun-dried tomatoes, at our landlady's they were dried in the sun, cut and laid on a baking sheet lined with foil.
Therefore, when they offered to choose a topic for project work, I immediately remembered this yummy.
After an hour of browsing the Internet, I found out that you can cook sun-dried tomatoes without the hot southern sun, for example, in an air grill, vegetable dryer, in an oven or microwave. The last method seemed to me the most suitable.
Description: The master class is designed for schoolchildren of grade 6 and older, their parents. This material may well be used by technology teachers when studying the "Cooking" section.
Target: Prepare tomatoes for future use by drying.
- expand the idea of ​​harvesting vegetables for future use;
- prepare for independent living;
- develop independence and self-control;
- Cultivate a cognitive interest in cooking.

To prepare the dish we need:


- dried fragrant herbs(basil, oregano, Provencal herbs)
- black pepper
- salt
- garlic
- vegetable oil

2. Equipment:

microwave oven

Shallow dishes
- glass jar with metal cover
- cutting board
- knife
- fork
- tea spoon


1. Selected the most beautiful, ripe and whole medium-sized tomatoes.
Elongated cream tomatoes are best suited. They are not as juicy compared to regular round ones, so the curing process will not be too long.
washed tomatoes thoroughly warm water, dried on a plate.

2. I cut large tomatoes into quarters, smaller tomatoes into halves.

I cut off the place where the tomato was attached to the twig. I removed the middle with seeds with a spoon - it contains a lot of moisture, which it takes a long time to evaporate.

3. Tightly, very close to each other, put the chopped tomatoes on a shallow plate, cut on top and placed in the microwave at maximum power for 5 minutes.

4. While the tomatoes were in the microwave, washed with baking soda jar with a lid and put in hot oven(100 - 110 degrees) for 15 minutes for sterilization.

After the microwave turned off, without opening the door, left the tomatoes inside for another 10 minutes.
5. She took out a plate, sprinkled tomatoes vegetable oil, salted and sprinkled each slice with aromatic herbs and ground pepper. If there was liquid on the plate (tomato juice), it must first be drained.

Re-placed the tomatoes in the microwave for another 3 minutes. Now it’s worth watching them, because if the tomatoes are small, then this time may well be enough, and then the tomatoes will start to burn. Again left for 10 minutes with the door closed after turning off.
6. During this time, I took out a jar with a lid from the oven and left it to cool. Then I peeled the garlic, washed it and cut it into thin slices.

7. Got tomatoes. Those slices that have a characteristic dried appearance and the liquid has ceased to stand out from them, put them in a jar with the pulp up, shifting with pieces of garlic. Previously, vegetable oil was poured into the bottom of the jar. I put the rest on the plate in the microwave for another couple of minutes.

Each layer sun-dried tomatoes layered with slices of garlic, dry basil, and again filled with vegetable oil. Thus, constantly alternating, filled the jar. Dried tomatoes should be completely immersed in oil, including the top.

8. Now close the jar, cool and you can put it in the refrigerator for a reasonable shelf life. Typically, such sun-dried tomatoes are stored for up to 6 months. But with us they won’t stand for so long, they will eat up in a moment.
Sun-dried tomatoes cooked at home are unusually fragrant and tasty. And the oil in which they are stored can be used as a salad dressing.
After trying delicious sun-dried tomatoes, I think you will be completely delighted with this homemade tomato delicacy.

9. By the same principle, I cooked Bell pepper.
I washed it well and cut the thick-walled pepper into slices, removed the seeds.

I found this recipe a few years ago on the net. I did a test spin and realized that I really like this option. Fast and not hassle. This is the only way I make tomatoes now. I am very satisfied with jars of 1 liter, because I do not like large ones.

Microwave Pickled Tomatoes Ingredients:

Microwave Pickled Tomatoes Recipe:

The number of ingredients is given based on liter jar. I use only them, because jars of 1 liter are placed in my microwave, no more. For jars of a different volume, you just need to calculate the amount of ingredients.
At the bottom of the jar (wash the jar well and scald with boiling water or sterilize) put peppers, garlic and Bay leaf. Lay washed tomatoes. Can be whole or cut. The most important thing is that the tomatoes are dense and fleshy.

Sprinkle salt and sugar. I use a measuring spoon. (on the picture)

Pour boiling water into the jar up to shoulder level. Put in the microwave at maximum power (I have 800W) BEFORE WATER BOILS! Boil time is different for everyone. It depends on the power of the microwave.
Time is chosen, as they say, by the "poke" method. I usually put in the beginning for 5 minutes. After the time has passed, I open it and see if the water in the jar is boiling or not. If not, I put another 5 minutes.

When the water boils, remove the jar, pour in the vinegar and roll up. Wrap well and leave to cool. I keep it in a closet.
After the first taste, the amount of salt, sugar and vinegar can be increased or decreased as needed for you.
Or, initially use your own proportions of ingredients. It does not matter. The most important thing is to bring the water in the jar to a BOIL!!!

I wrote in the recipe that the tomatoes can be stacked whole or chopped. So wow, I prefer pickled whole tomatoes. Chopped ones are softer. Although they also have their advantages. The pulp is mixed with the marinade and you can just drink it (the marinade). Which I also like.

Have you ever dried tomatoes in the microwave? Me not! But you have to try. I invite you to try it too. It's fast, tasty and appetizing! Great snack and filler for, salads and. By palatability, of course, it is a little different from real sun-dried tomatoes, here they turn out to be more baked, but still very, very tasty!

Let's prepare the snacks:

  • We need fragrant spices like thyme, basil or oregano, sea ​​salt, pepper, olive oil, but it is acceptable to take your favorite herbs and spices. I always take according to the presence of aromatic herbs at home.
  • Tomatoes need a small size, dense and fleshy, such as lady fingers or cream.

How to cook Sun Dried Tomatoes in the Microwave:

1. Cut the tomatoes in half, put on a flat plate suitable for microwave, season each half of the tomato with a mixture of spices and salt, sprinkle olive oil. If you wish, you can use refined sunflower oil, the final taste effect will not be the same, but it does not matter!

2. We put the plate in the microwave for 4 minutes at full power (I have 800 watts). When the timer goes off, do not open the microwave door immediately, do it after 10-15 minutes.

During this time, the juice from the tomatoes will stand out, it must be drained. It is useful for pouring ready-made tomatoes.

3. Put the plate back in the microwave for two minutes to dry. The time and number of visits depends on the microwave power and the desired degree of baking. I microwaved the bowl of tomatoes three times, for two minutes each time.

4. Cut the garlic into thin slices. We put dried tomatoes in a clean and dry jar, slightly compacting them and sprinkling garlic slices. Pour in odorless oil and separated juice.

The tomatoes should be completely covered in oil. In the future, this oil can be used to dress salads or pizzas (it turns out to be very fragrant and tasty).

5. Close the lids and send for storage in a cold place (in the refrigerator or cellar). Such sun-dried tomatoes are stored for 4 to 6 months, if you do not eat it earlier. :)

Bon Appetit!!!

Microwave Panasonic. Total power 800W.

There are many ways to harvest tomatoes. Each housewife chooses according to her taste and preferences of the family. Cooking sun-dried tomatoes in the microwave is not a secret for many. And for those who do not know, it should be noted that finished product turns out to be of high quality and does not lose useful properties.

Properly prepared blanks are stored for a long time and help to diversify the preparation of winter dishes.

In order to make sun-dried tomatoes for the winter, you should:

  1. Pick the right variety.
  2. Cut and remove the seeds, they contain a large number of moisture. It takes a long time to evaporate.
  3. Prepare the ingredients and exactly follow the instructions given in the recipe.
  4. Spices are placed in a jar immediately before seaming. So they give more useful properties and spicy aroma.
  5. The finished mixture is stored in a special room or refrigerator.

The vegetable is also dried in the sun, but this is a very long process. Special fixtures help make it easier and faster. The use of a microwave oven significantly reduces the time for preparing sun-dried tomatoes for the winter.

How to choose tomatoes

The main ingredient is tomatoes, their correct selection will guarantee a positive result.

Selection of tomatoes:

  • only ripe specimens are selected;
  • the size of the fruit is medium or large, it is not advisable to use small ones; after drying small fruits, only the skin remains;
  • varieties are selected fleshy, not too juicy;
  • color does not matter, it all depends on the preferences of the household.

The selected fruits, depending on the size, dry quickly or for a long time. Before you start, you should decide how much time to spend on cooking. Based on this, they decide which fruits are better to use. Vegetables are sorted and prepared for the next step.

Vegetable preparation

Instances selected for drying are washed well and allowed to dry. To speed up the process, they are robbed with a towel. Cut into pieces according to size.

Very small enough to be divided into 2 halves. Larger fruits are cut into slices. The core is hit with a knife or spoon. It contains a large amount of liquid, which must be evaporated for a long time.

Selected middles are used for cooking tomato paste or other tomato preparations.

Spread the finished cut on special baking sheets or dishes for the microwave.

How to make sundried tomatoes at home

There are several ways to harvest tomatoes. The choice remains with the housewives, their personal preferences and the wishes of the household. By following the recipe exactly, you get tasty addition for winter meals.

Classic recipe

It takes a little time to complete. But the result is excellent. Classic is always fast and tasty.


  • tomatoes;
  • tomato juice;
  • garlic;
  • basil;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • butter;

1 kg of tomatoes are thoroughly washed in cold running water, dried with a towel. Cut into slices depending on the size of the fruit. Small in 2 parts, larger specimens in large quantity. Be sure to remove the middle.

Spread on a plate, sprinkle with salt and drizzle with oil. V microwave oven maximum power is set. The workpiece is sent there for 10 minutes, after this time it is left for another 5 minutes without opening the door. Then they take out and drain the juice that appeared at the bottom of the baking sheet.

Place the tray back in the microwave oven for 5-7 minutes. You should carefully monitor the tomatoes in the cooking process. Depending on the selected variety, the cooking time is reduced or increased. Control is necessary, overdried vegetables are unsuitable for food. Repeat if necessary until the moisture has evaporated.

Some of the greens are placed in ready-made sterilized jars. The head of garlic is crushed and ready-made tomatoes are shifted to them. 15 g of hot pepper and the remains of the herb are added on top. 1 l tomato juice put on fire and add 100 g of salt. Allow to boil and pour the workpiece. Roll up and put away for storage.

With cloves and thyme

Adding to Sun Dried Tomatoes herbs leads to the appearance unusual taste and aroma. This appetizer should be served with meat dishes.


  • tomatoes;
  • garlic;
  • Carnation;
  • thyme;
  • salt;
  • sunflower oil;
  • Bay leaf.

For the preparation of sun-dried tomatoes according to this recipe, medium vegetables are used in the amount of 2 kg. Cut into 2 halves and remove the middle. Spread cut on a baking sheet, on which the foil is spread. Salt to taste. Put in oven for 10 min. and look after them carefully. appearance without drying out.

23.08.2013 04.09.2016 by gotovlyu v mikrovolnovke

Those who are already familiar with such a product as sun-dried tomatoes are unlikely to be able to refuse them. Because deliciousness. But the real Italian ones with olive oil, standing on the shelves of stores, are, frankly, not cheap. And this is justified, because the Italians dry them under the sun, or rather dry them according to all the rules. Although there are industrial-scale dryers that make this delicacy. And they do not take everything in a row, but only certain varieties.

And tomatoes have become a delicacy not only and not so much because of the price, but like all delicacies because of the small amount. No, there are a lot of jars with them in stores. But for one such jar you need a whole kilogram, or even more, of vegetables.

Well, we will make sun-dried tomatoes, the recipe of which is simple, the taste is amazing, the cooking time is not so long. Let's cook them in the microwave. Although by and large the result is, rather, baked, but no less tasty from this.

How to cook Sun Dried Tomatoes

You can do it in several ways. One of them is traditional, i.e. under the sun. It will take quite a long time and will be labor-intensive, because you need to constantly monitor the cutting at the time. The second way is to use the oven. It turns out excellent and somewhat easier to do. But there is a “but” - in a hot summer, when the air temperature is already so high, turning on the oven, but not for one, but for at least 3-4 hours, is just a feat. Yummy lovers know that there is a third, best option to make at home, a recipe in the microwave - this is without much hassle and a hot oven.

Video recipe

Dried in the microwave

So that you do not get confused and did everything as it should, I offer a photo for the cooking process. So, let's begin. There will be no exact proportions, since it is better to stick to what is called "taste" here. You will need: tomatoes, sugar, salt, olive oil, garlic, dry herbs (you can take ready-made, for example, Mediterranean herbs or Provence, or you can assemble your own bouquet, for example, from basil, rosemary and other herbs).

For this dish, you need fleshy fruits that contain moisture to a minimum. Cherry or cream of small sizes are considered the best. By the way, you can make not only from red ones, but orange ones turned out beautiful and tasty.


Wash the tomatoes and cut into halves. If you still took large ones, cut them into 4-6 parts, remove the liquid center along with the seeds (it is convenient to do this procedure with a small, tea or coffee, spoon).

If you make a large amount, then you can use a microwave plate, if a little, then any flat dish (plate). Cover them with parchment (then you don’t have to wash anything) and lay out the halves.

Drizzle with olive oil. Do not regret, it should go to all halves.

Be sure to sprinkle with sugar, no matter how sweet you think fresh tomatoes, after heat treatment, they will sour, but we do not need this.

We put all this beauty in the microwave.

How to cook? According to this schedule: 5 minutes at maximum power, open the door and let the steam come out, cool slightly (5–7 minutes), if there is a lot of liquid on the paper, be sure to carefully drain it. There is practically no fleshy liquid. Here's everything we've been able to pull off.

Then again in the microwave for 5 minutes and rest again. The third and subsequent times at your discretion - if the tomatoes have shrunk enough, then enough to avoid burning them; if they seem almost raw, repeat. You can set not for 5 minutes, but for 3-4 and check. Rest between preparations is required (be sure to open the door).

Finely chop the garlic. Put some garlic in a container and pour a drop of oil.

Fold the cooled tomatoes alternating with garlic.

Pack well, but without fanaticism, and pour with olive oil so that they are completely covered.

Refrigerate and let them sit for at least a day to soak up the garlic and herb flavors. And then ... and then you can put sun-dried tomatoes in oil wherever you want, or you can eat it just like that. Wherever you want - it's in salads, in pastries (focaccia, buns, pizza, etc.), in pasta, in sauces, etc. Now that you know how to make them quickly, you will cook them often and there will always be a dish for which, well, dried ones are just perfect.

How to store: in the refrigerator, the period is up to three months, but it is unlikely that they will last that long.