Sauce for pasta: recipes. Delicious accompaniment with bacon

In this article, we will talk about how to prepare a sauce for noodles called teriyaki. This classic Japanese sauce is a dark thick syrup(sometimes diluted to a liquid state), which is considered universal, as it fits almost all dishes. Meat, fish, vegetable and mushroom dishes - all this can brighten up teriyaki. Next, let's talk about the features of cooking and combination with noodles.

What is he?

Japanese sauce is able to make any food spicy and juicy, it gives it a peculiar sweet and salty taste at the same time, as well as an attractive look. Based on it, you can prepare a marinade in which even the most tough meat becomes tender and soft after two hours. Although the name scares many amateur cooks, making teriyaki sauce is extremely simple.

How is it prepared?

It may seem incredible, but the ingredients for the sauce can be easily found in the store.

The classic sauce is prepared in this way: mix in a frying pan soy sauce, spices, sugar, honey, water, wine and pre-dissolved starch.

Usually noodle sauce is made with soy sauce, cane (brown) sugar, Japanese rice wine called mirina or sake. But since the Japanese alcoholic drinks- a rarely seen product, then it would be quite logical to replace them with dry or dessert wine, vermouth, sherry or wine vinegar (1 tablespoon is enough).

During the cooking process, potato / corn starch, garlic, honey, ginger, vegetable oil to choose from. Some recipes advise adding chicken or vegetable broth, pineapple, pepper, orange, sesame, herbs and various spices.

Exist various ways cooking teriyaki, but since we are interested in the sauce for noodles, in the continuation you will find the most common recipe designed specifically for this dish.

Teriyaki sauce is a space for culinary creativity, where you can vary the ingredients as you wish, change the processing and sequence of the bookmark at your own discretion.

Cooking at home

Since the cost shop sauce can cause an outburst of indignation, we suggest you cook it yourself.

We will need:

  • 1 st. spoon wine vinegar from white wine (1%);
  • 200 ml soy sauce;
  • 3 tsp dried ginger;
  • 3 teaspoons potato starch;
  • 3 teaspoons of dried garlic;
  • 10 cubes or 5 teaspoons cane sugar;
  • 4 teaspoons of honey;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of refined vegetable oil to choose from;
  • 150 ml of water;
  • glass container with a lid.

The cost of all products will be the amount within 300 rubles.

Cooking time will take no more than 15 minutes.

Step by step cooking sauce for noodles

First you need to turn on the medium flame under the pan or stewpan. Then gradually pour out and pour in the necessary ingredients.

First, pour in 200 ml of soy sauce, add sugar, ginger, garlic, one tablespoon of wine vinegar, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to choose from, 4 teaspoons of honey.

We mix everything. Continuing to stir, make sure that the sugar does not stick to the walls of the dish. It remains to wait until the noodle sauce boils.

Add the dissolved starch to the boiling sauce. Mix well and turn off the fire.

If suddenly it seems to you that the sauce is not thick enough, do not worry. You just need to wait 5-10 minutes, then it will have time to thicken and become denser.

Our sauce is ready! When it has cooled, pour it into a glass container with a lid and store in the refrigerator. Usually teriyaki prepared according to this recipe is good for consumption within one week.

Everyone who has tried this recipe says that the taste is excellent, but not everyone is satisfied with the shelf life - it’s not every day to eat noodles! Therefore, you need to cook in the quantities that you really need, otherwise it's just a waste of time and food.

Replacing the Ingredients

Instead of wine vinegar, you can take 100 ml of mirin (sweet rice wine) or dry white wine in the same amount.

Cane sugar can be substituted for regular sugar. Products can be used in place of dried ginger and garlic. Then they will have to be finely chopped, added to the pan with the rest of the ingredients, and after the sauce is ready, you will need to strain the teriyaki through a sieve.

If desired, you can change the amount of starch. If you want to receive thick sauce, which is perfect for noodles, ready meals and salads, it is better to add three to four tsp. spoons (without a slide). If you need a liquid sauce for marinade or frying ingredients, you can add only 1-2 tsp. starch or avoid it altogether.

Chicken and noodles with Japanese sauce

Meat dish designed for 5-6 servings. Preparation and cooking will take the hostess about 40 minutes in total.

You will need the following ingredients to make Chicken Noodles with Vegetables in Teriyaki Sauce:

  • 300 grams of soba noodles;
  • half a kilogram of chicken fillet;
  • 8 teaspoons teriyaki sauce;
  • 2 sweets bell pepper;
  • 1 leek;
  • 1 bunch green onions (for garnish)
  • 1 piece of onion;
  • 3 art. spoons of sesame;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of dried or a piece of fresh ginger;
  • 3 art. spoons of refined vegetable oil.

The cost of such a dish will be about 700 rubles.

Cooking noodles with chicken in teriyaki sauce

vegetable ingredients This recipe can be varied depending on taste preferences.

The dish is prepared quite quickly. The result is excellent.

If you want to get aesthetically beautiful dish, take peppers of different colors. bright and interesting dish will delight you and your loved ones!

For frying experienced chefs It is advised to use a wok, as it cooks dishes easier and tastier.

So! Let's start cooking.

We cut the leek in half, wash it inside, because often pieces of earth come across in its layers. By the way, only the light part of the leek should be taken for slicing.

Put a pot of salted water on the fire. Finely chop the garlic onion, ginger, chop the leek, peppers, chop the chicken there.

Put the wok or pan on a high flame. Pour a couple of tablespoons of sesame seeds onto a dry surface, fry them for 2-3 minutes, stir until the color begins to change. Pour it into a separate bowl. Pour oil into the pan.

Fry the spices for one minute and add the chicken pieces. Salt lightly. Fry and stir until the moisture is completely evaporated and the chicken is covered golden crust(usually it takes about 5 minutes on medium heat).

Then add peppers. We mix. Throw in leeks, onions. We mix. Fry for another five minutes.

If it suddenly starts to burn, we correct the situation by adding vegetable oil.

Each bunch of noodles equals one serving.

Next, add a couple of tablespoons of teriyaki sauce to the pan. Mix everything thoroughly, taste it. If there is not enough salt in the dish, add a spoonful of soy sauce, but if the filling overlaps the teriyaki, add two more spoons of soy sauce.

Sprinkle with sesame seeds to your taste. Continue frying until the noodles are cooked. Reduce fire to medium.

Next, we send the finished noodles to a colander and back to the pan if the pan does not accommodate it. Pour the contents of the pan pasta and mix thoroughly over the lowest heat for a few minutes.

So our noodles with soy sauce and chicken are ready.

We turn off the fire. Cut some green onions, take out a plate, prepare a fork. We put as much as we like, and we fly! Bon appetit!

Vegetarian Teriyaki Noodles

If for some reason you do not eat meat, the following recipe will be an excellent main course for you, which will energize you for the whole day.

To prepare noodles with vegetables with teriyaki sauce, we need the following list of ingredients:

  • 1 pack (udon);
  • 1 piece of red bell pepper;
  • 100 grams of frozen green beans;
  • 1 piece of carrot;
  • half a white stem of a leek;
  • 75 ml teriyaki sauce;
  • 75 ml soy sauce;
  • vegetable oil for frying in the required quantities.


Slice peppers, leeks and carrots. Heat a frying pan with high sides and pour into it olive oil. We take frozen beans, wash them in cold water, spread in a pan, fry, stirring, for 3-4 minutes over low heat.

Add carrots to the beans, fry lightly, then add Bell pepper, leek and soy sauce, fry for three minutes. Then pour in the teriyaki sauce and stir, simmer for another 1-2 minutes.

Boil the noodles until cooked, drain the water and immediately add to the hot cooked vegetables, mix and turn off the stove. Before serving the noodles to the table, if desired, you can sprinkle the dish with sesame seeds. Our noodles with vegetables and teriyaki sauce are ready! What would you add?

One of the most popular side dishes is pasta. Long thin spaghetti, curved horns, curly bows and spirals - they are served with beef, pork and chicken, cheese and seafood, vegetables and sausages, make casseroles and soup with pasta. And, of course, they prepare a variety of sauces and gravies for pasta. At the same time, the pasta from the side dish turns into independent dish, hearty and delicious.

You can prepare a variety of gravy for pasta: meat from chicken, beef or pork, vegetable, creamy from milk or sour cream, cheese, assorted. Thanks to the sauce favorite dish will acquire a new original taste.

Easy Gravy Recipes for Meatless Pasta

Easy vegetable sauce will help make your dish dietary and healthy. And our simple recipe with a photo will tell you in detail how to cook pasta deliciously.

Products used:

  1. onions - 100 g (2 medium heads);
  2. carrots - 100 g (1 medium);
  3. garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  4. flour - 2 tablespoons;
  5. water - 500 ml (2 cups);
  6. frying oil;
  7. seasonings, salt, spices - to taste.

Preparation time for ingredients: 10-15 minutes.

Roasting time: 5-10 minutes.

Total time: 20-25 minutes.

Volume: 500 ml.

How to make gravy

  • We clean vegetables. We cut the onion into cubes 1x1 cm, carrots can also be cut or grated on a grater with large holes.

  • Fry the vegetables until a pleasant brownish hue appears.

  • While mixing, add flour. Fry for 2-3 minutes.

  • We clean the garlic and finely chop or squeeze it through a garlic press. Add to the pan.
  • We also add seasonings, salt.
  • Add water and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil.

  • Finely chop fresh dill and add to the sauce. It will give our pasta gravy flavor and color. The resulting gravy can be used with pasta and potatoes.

Advice. Using broth instead of water, we get a brighter and richer taste.

The famous bechamel sauce for pasta

Delicious gravy for pasta - the famous Bechamel sauce. It can be used for both pasta and cooking lung dressing soup. There are many types of sauce: with mushrooms, cheese, onions, herbs. We offer recipes for a simple, but at the same time delicious, bechamel sauce.

Required Ingredients:

  • milk - 1 liter (4 cups);
  • flour - 100 g (4 tablespoons);
  • butter- 50 g (1/4 pack);
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • grated nutmeg, turmeric, Provencal herbs or other seasonings.

Preparation time: 5-7 minutes.

Cooking time: 25-30 minutes.

Total time: 30-40 minutes.

Volume: 10 servings.


  • Melt butter in a saucepan or deep frying pan over low heat.
  • Gradually, stirring constantly, add flour and continue to fry for 3-4 minutes. The mixture will turn a light brown color and a pleasant smell will appear.
  • Increase the heat to medium and begin to gradually add milk, stirring the ingredients.

Advice. It is convenient to use a whisk.

  • Then, when all the lumps of flour disperse, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for another 8-10 minutes.
  • At the end, add nutmeg or seasonings.
  • Serve ready-made sauce for spaghetti or as a gravy for potatoes.

Italian pesto sauce

What else is gravy for pasta without meat? You may have heard of pasta dishes with Italian sauce pesto. Classic Recipes- with basil, pine nuts and parmesan cheese, which makes the sauce spicy. If you do not have these products, then they can be replaced with parsley, walnuts or pistachios.

Products used:

  • fresh basil leaves - 3 cups;
  • walnuts - 1.5 cups;
  • olive oil - 1 cup;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • parmesan - 2 tablespoons grated cheese;
  • pepper and salt - to taste.

Cooking time: 5-10 minutes.

Total time: 20-30 minutes.

Volume: 10 servings.

In the birthplace of pesto sauce, in Genoa, it is prepared in a marble mortar using a pestle. If you're cooking in a food processor, make sure it doesn't get too hot.

  • Basil leaves with torn stems washed and dried.
  • We clean the garlic cloves.
  • Grind basil, nuts, garlic in a blender. Add grated cheese.
  • Pour olive oil in a thin stream, stirring the sauce.
  • Add salt and pepper to taste.
  • It remains to boil the pasta and serve them with a fragrant sauce.

Advice. Pesto sauce can be stored in the refrigerator, covered, for up to a month.

Tomato sauce for pasta

Leftover spaghetti from yesterday's dinner is easy to turn into original dish. It can be pasta patties or pasta casserole without meat. Tomato sauce is perfect for this treat.

Required products:

  • olive or sunflower oil - 70 ml (1/4 cup);
  • onions - 1 medium head;
  • tomatoes - 3 medium fruits;
  • tomato paste - 50 g (2 tablespoons);
  • pepper, sugar, salt - to taste.

Preparation time: 5-10 minutes.

Total time: 20-30 minutes.

Volume: 8 servings.

  • Onions and ripe tomatoes are peeled.

Advice. Tomatoes can be pre-scalded so that the skin can be easily removed.

  • Chop the onion into cubes and fry until translucent over medium heat.
  • Add the tomatoes, previously cut into small cubes, reduce the heat and simmer for another 5-7 minutes.

Advice. If desired, add finely chopped garlic for spice.

  • Posting tomato paste and simmer for another 10-15 minutes until thickened.
  • Our delicious pasta with tomato sauce can be served at the table.

Cheese sauce

What can be prepared from regular cheese? Of course, the most delicate cheese sauce. After cooking a casserole or pasta in the oven, add this fragrant gravy to them and the dish will take on a new taste.

Ingredients used:

  • milk - 200 ml (1 cup);
  • broth - 200 ml (1 cup);
  • grated cheese hard grade- 200 g (1 cup);
  • flour - 40 g (2 tablespoons);
  • butter - 50 g (2 tablespoons);
  • pepper, salt - to taste.

Preparation time: 5 minutes.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Total time: 15-20 minutes.

Volume: 8 servings.

Preparing a gentle cheese sauce:

  • Melt the butter in a deep pot over low heat.
  • Gradually add flour and simmer for 1-2 minutes.
  • We remove the dishes from the fire.
  • In separate containers, heat the broth and milk.

Advice. The sauce can be prepared with both vegetable and meat broth.

  • Slowly add milk to the flour first, and then the broth. In this case, the mixture is continuously stirred.

Advice. For mixing, use a wooden spoon or spatula.

  • Continuing to stir, bring the sauce to a boil over low heat. Simmer for 2-3 minutes until thickened.
  • Pour the grated cheese into the liquid, mix and immediately remove from heat.

Advice. If the sauce is too thick, add some milk or broth.

  • Serve to the table, adding chopped greens or grated nutmeg.

Hearty and flavorful cream soup

What else can you make with pasta? A hearty and flavorful creamy soup. We will cook our soup from canned tomatoes V own juice and small pasta.


  • tomatoes in their own juice - 800 g (one can);
  • onions - 150 g (2-3 onions);
  • carrots - 100 g (one medium root crop);
  • pasta - 100 g;
  • garlic - 1-2 cloves;
  • greens, salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying vegetables.

Preparation time: 10 minutes.

Cooking time: 15-20 minutes.

Total time: 25-30 minutes.

Volume: 5-6 servings.

Soup preparation:

  • Wash and clean vegetables.
  • We chop the onion into small cubes, finely chop the carrots or rub on a grater with large holes, finely chop the garlic and herbs.
  • Saute carrots, garlic and onions in a heavy bottomed pan for 5-7 minutes.
  • Remove the skin from the tomatoes, add along with tomato juice into the pot and simmer for another 3-4 minutes.
  • Add herbs, seasonings, salt and simmer for another 2-3 minutes. If it's too thick, add a little water.
  • We wipe the soup through a sieve or beat with a blender.
  • Mix soup and pre-boiled pasta.
  • Garnish with fresh herbs and serve.

Cheese sauce as gravy for pasta - cook according to the recipe from the video.

Recipes from pasta can be found in the cuisines of almost all peoples of the world. The variety of sauces in pasta cuisine is the variety of pasta dishes.
This collection contains recipes for sauces that are recommended for pasta,

Or rather noodles, homemade.

Sauces for homemade noodles you can cook on the basis of meat, smoked products, offal, mushrooms, on the basis of fish, seafood, only on a vegetable or only on a milk basis. The choice is large for every taste.

Making noodles at home is not as long and complicated as it seems. Try it and see for yourself.

Homemade noodle recipe:

On a large board or on the surface of the table, pour a hill of flour at the rate of 100 g per serving. In the center of the slide, make a recess where pour the eggs - one for every 100 g of flour, add a little salt. To make the dough softer, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of olive or vegetable salad oil. Now knead the dough, gradually taking the flour from the entire circumference. The flour should be completely absorbed by the dough. Knead for another ten minutes. And now, when the mass becomes homogeneous, roll the dough into a ball, wrap it in a cotton napkin and let it "rest" for 20-30 minutes in a cool place. This will add plasticity to the test.

The proportions of the components in the manufacture of the so-called hard dough used for dishes of Central Asian cuisine. In this case, for 1 cup of flour, take a third of a glass of water and a third of a teaspoon of salt.

Now it's time to roll out the dough. Dust both board and rolling pin well with flour. Flatten the test ball into a cake, roll it into a rectangular or round layer, trying to get the same thickness over the entire area - no more than 2 millimeters. Again, let the dough "rest" for 3-5 minutes, and then cut it as you like. If you like long products, roll a layer or lay several layers on top of each other and cut into strips of the desired width. In Asian cuisine, cutting homemade noodles into rhombuses is common (for beshbarmak, khinkali).

In Italian pasta cuisine the so-called green pasta is widespread, in the manufacture of which spinach is added to the dough. Take 100 grams of spinach for every 100 grams of flour, pre-boil it in water or steam, squeeze out the water and rub the spinach through a sieve. The resulting puree is placed in a clay bowl, a piece of butter is added and the bowl is placed for 2-3 minutes in a hot, but turned off oven. Then the puree is mixed with flour and eggs, as described above.
Homemade noodles can be tinted like this by adding beet or carrot juices to the dough.

According to the number of products, they are all designed for 4 servings.
In a number of recipes, edible fats are found among the named products. Most often we are talking about using them for frying or sautéing. For frying, it is recommended to use margarine or pork fat, for frying (that is, a shorter process), it is better to use ghee or liquid oils- olive, vegetable salad type "Kuban", corn.
Tomatoes in recipes can be replaced with tomato paste or tomato sauce, taken in a ratio of 4:1 and 2:1, respectively, and diluted in an amount of water, equal to the mass required tomatoes. For example, 200 grams of tomato pulp corresponds to 50 grams of tomato paste or 100 grams of tomato sauce diluted in 200 grams of water. To get the pulp of tomatoes, it is enough to dip them for a few seconds in boiling water, then take them out, remove the skin and seeds, and pass the rest through a meat grinder or rub through a sieve.
Fresh mushrooms in recipes can be replaced with dried ones in a ratio of 10: 1, that is, 200 grams fresh mushrooms correspond to 20-25 grams of dried.
You can also replace fresh herbs with dry ones, knowing that 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fresh herbs is equal to 1-1.5 teaspoons of dry.

Choose a recipe for homemade noodle sauce to taste and go!

Arishta plov (Azerbaijan)

1 kg lamb, 300 g homemade noodles, 400 g rice, 120 g ghee, 2 onions, salt, pepper.

Cut the meat into small pieces and fry until golden brown, add finely chopped onion, salt, pepper, garlic and simmer under the lid until tender. Separately, boil the noodles and crumbly rice, mix them, pour over the melted butter and mix with the meat.


400 g homemade noodles, 500 g lamb or beef, 100 g dietary fat, 1 onion, 2.5 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste, 250 g of radish, 120 g of sweet pepper, 2 cloves of garlic, 40 g of vinegar, pepper, salt, broth.

Cut the meat into thin slices, sprinkle with pepper, lightly fry in edible fat, add finely chopped onion, chopped radish and pepper, tomato paste, crushed garlic cloves, pour in the broth and simmer for 20-25 minutes.
Boil the noodles, drain the water. Season the noodles with the prepared sauce. Serve vinegar separately.

Dungan noodles

400 g homemade noodles, 300 g beef, 40 g sunflower oil, 1 onion, 1 garlic clove, 1 tsp. ground red pepper, 2 tbsp. vinegar, salt, broth

Cut the meat into thin sticks, fry together with finely chopped onion, season with salt, red pepper, vinegar, finely chopped garlic, add meat broth, close the lid and simmer until tender. (You can also add sweet peppers, eggplant or cabbage)
Boil the noodles, drain the water. Fill the noodles with sauce.

Plov-noodles with lamb (Tajikistan)

250 g homemade noodles, 500 g lamb, 400 g rice, 100 g butter, 1 onion, parsley, salt.

Prepare homemade noodles.
Cut the lamb into pieces of 25-30 g, fry, add finely chopped onion, close the lid and simmer over low heat until the meat is ready.
Boil the noodles and rice separately, drain the water. Mix noodles with rice in a deep saucepan, season with oil, lamb stew, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.

Ugro-pilaf (Tajikistan)

300 g homemade noodles, 450 g lamb, 100 g edible fat, 200 g carrots, 2 onions, 40 g green onions, salt, broth.

Cut the meat into pieces of 20-25 g, fry with onions and carrots, cut into strips, pour bone broth and cook until the meat is half cooked. Noodles from unleavened dough fry in an oven until golden yellow, cool and pound to the size of rice grains. Rinse the noodles cold water, put in a bowl with fried meat and simmer until lamb is cooked. Sprinkle with green onions when serving.

Homemade noodles with rabbit

400 g homemade noodles, 600 g rabbit meat, 1 onion, 1 celery root, 1 carrot, 1/3 cup grape juice, 60 g butter, 60 g grated cheese, 1 Bay leaf, 1 tbsp. flour, 1 tbsp. olive oil, salt, pepper.

Cut the rabbit carcass into pieces, sprinkle with salt and pepper, fry in a saucepan in a mixture of butter and olive oil, adding finely chopped vegetables.
Then add the bay leaf, increase the heat so that the water from the meat evaporates, and the meat itself is fried.
Sprinkle with flour, pour grape juice and, when it boils, close the pan with a lid, reduce the heat and continue to simmer for 2 hours. Then remove the meat, remove it from the bones, put it back into the pan.
Boil the noodles, drain the water. Fill the noodles with melted butter and grated cheese. Put on a warmed dish, spread the rabbit meat on top, pour over the sauce and serve.

Noodles with ragout chicken giblets

400 g noodles, 300 g chicken giblets, 50 g butter, 0.5 cup grated cheese, 1 tsp. tomato paste, 1 carrot, 1 celery root, 1 small onion 1⁄8 cup grape juice olive oil salt.

On half the butter mixed with 2-3 tbsp. olive, fry finely chopped carrots, celery, onions, add chopped giblets, grape juice and simmer for 3-5 minutes. Then add 1/2 cup diluted tomato paste hot water or broth, and simmer for another 30 minutes.
Boil the noodles, drain the water. Drizzle the noodles with the remaining butter, grated cheese and prepared sauce. Stir, transfer to a warmed dish and serve.

Homemade noodles with smoked sauce

400 g green homemade noodles (see recipe above), 150 g cooked smoked meats, 50 g butter, 1 onion, 2 tbsp. grape juice, 3 tbsp. sour cream, 4 tbsp. grated cheese, salt, pepper.

Finely chopped onion fry in butter, add boiled meat cut into thin slices and simmer over low heat for 2 minutes. Then pour in the grape juice, increase the heat, bring the juice to a boil, cook for 1 minute, remove from heat, pour in sour cream, add salt and pepper to taste.
Boil the noodles, drain the water. Season the noodles with the prepared sauce and serve.

Noodles with mushroom and sour cream sauce

400 g noodles, 100 g fresh mushrooms, 25 g dried mushrooms, 4 tbsp. sour cream, 50 g butter, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 1 garlic clove, grated cheese, salt, pepper.

Pour dried mushrooms for 30 minutes. warm water, then dry well with a napkin and cut into pieces. Strain the mushroom infusion through a paper towel.
Put the noodles to boil.
Fry crushed garlic in a mixture of butter and olive oil, add pieces of soaked dried mushrooms, half of the mushroom infusion and simmer for 5 minutes. Take out the garlic, put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin fresh mushrooms and simmer for another 5 minutes. Pour in the remaining infusion, let it evaporate, stirring the sauce all the time. Remove from heat, add sour cream and mix well.
When the noodles are cooked, drain the water. Season the noodles with the prepared sauce, transfer to a warmed dish and serve. Serve grated cheese separately.

Noodles with vegetable sauce

400 g homemade noodles, 400 g tomato pulp, 200 g green peas, 80 g butter, 3 carrots, 1 celery root, 1 small onion, olive oil, salt, pepper.

In a mixture of creamy and 2-3 tbsp. olive oil fry finely chopped onions, celery and carrots. Add crushed tomato pulp, salt and pepper to taste. Simmer for one hour, stirring occasionally and adding water or broth as needed.
boil green pea and the remaining chopped carrots, and then fry them in butter.
Boil the noodles, drain the water. Fill the noodles with butter, mix, put on wide dish, spread the prepared sauce on top, and around - peas with carrots. Serve on the table, where and mix.

Ears with turnip tops

400 g ears or homemade noodles, 800 g turnip tops, 4 pieces of herring or herring spicy salting, 1 garlic clove, olive oil, salt.

Wash the tops and remove the hardest parts, and boil the tops until half cooked (2-3 minutes), add the ears and cook further; in 2-3 min. until they are ready to drain. Simultaneously fry the garlic and herring in a pan, transfer the prepared ears to the pan and cook over low heat until they are cooked. Transfer everything to a dish and serve.

Delicious noodles

400 g of homemade noodles, 200 g of green peas, 100 g of butter, 50 g of cooked meat, 1 small onion, 1/2 stanan of grated cheese, 500 g of milk, 2.3 tbsp. l. flour, nutmeg, salt, pepper.

Make homemade green noodles.
Finely chopped onion fry with 1 tbsp. oil, add green peas, salt, mix well and simmer for 15 minutes. over low heat, adding hot water if necessary.
In a small saucepan, melt 50 g of butter, add flour and, stirring, pour in milk. Cook on low heat. until the sauce thickens. Remove from heat, add salt and pepper to taste, grated nutmeg on the tip of a knife.
Boil homemade noodles, drain the water. Season it with peas, the remaining butter, diced smoked meats, a few tablespoons of grated cheese and half the flour sauce. Mix well, transfer to a warmed dish, pour the remaining flour sauce on top and serve.

noodles with walnut sauce

400 g homemade noodles, 150 g kernels walnuts, 2/3 cup milk, 2-3 tbsp. olive oil, 2-3 tbsp. grated cheese, salt.

Peel nuts in a mortar, gradually pouring milk.
Boil the noodles, drain the water. Season the noodles with butter, nut sauce, grated cheese, mix, put in a warm dish and serve.

Noodles with honey and nuts

400 g noodles, 100 g honey, 2.5 tbsp. l. butter, a few walnut kernels.

Boil the noodles, drain the water. Season the noodles with melted butter, coarsely chopped nuts and hot boiled milk. Mix everything and serve.

Noodles with smoked fish

400 g noodles, 250 g smoked fish, 4 tomatoes, 1/2 lemon, 50 g butter, 60 g grated cheese, parsley, olive oil, salt.

Remove the fish fillet from the bones, cut into pieces and fry in olive oil. Add chopped tomato pulp and simmer for 15 minutes. Salt, add the grated lemon peel, pour in the juice squeezed out of it and remove from heat.
Boil the noodles, drain the water, season them with melted butter, put in a dish. Top decompose fish sauce, sprinkle with cheese and parsley.

Cream noodles

400 g noodles, 175 g cream, 2 tbsp. butter, 1/2 cup grated cheese, salt, pepper.

Pour noodles into boiling salted water. Melt butter in a large saucepan, add cream and simmer for 1 minute.
When the noodles are cooked, drain the water, transfer the noodles to a saucepan with cream, warm over low heat for 10-15 seconds, then remove the noodles from the heat, season with salt and grated cheese, put on a dish and serve.

Noodles with fruit sauce

400 g noodles, 1 kg apples or other fruits, 1/3 cup olive oil, 1 celery root, 1/2 lemon, salt, pepper.

Peel the apples, cut out the core, pass through a meat grinder.
Clean the celery and finely chop.
Heat olive oil, put celery in it, applesauce, juice of half a lemon, salt, pepper. Stir and simmer over low heat for 2-3 minutes.
Boil the noodles, drain the water, season with sauce and serve.

This is a very simple, quick and affordable side dish option for a weekday dinner. The modern rhythm of life does not always give time to create delicious dishes. However, vermicelli can be special if you know how to make gravy for pasta. This ingredient is sold in the store, but homemade sauce It will be tastier, healthier and you can make it yourself.

How to make pasta sauce

Better gravy cook immediately before eating, then the taste will be rich. There are many recipes where noodles, spaghetti pasta with gravy are prepared from a variety of ingredients. The ingredients should be selected based on personal preferences and the meat component (it is better to cook different sauces for pork and sausages). Exists great amount simple, complex and interesting ways how to make pasta sauce. The most popular, delicious options will be described below.

pasta sauce recipes

If you are tired of adding just ketchup to spaghetti and want something delicious, then it's time to try pasta with sauce own production. Recipes are not limited to tomato options, for every connoisseur there is delicious option gravy:

  • cheese;
  • garlic;
  • creamy;
  • mushroom;
  • minced meat;
  • vegetable, etc.


This is an easy version of gravy that gives a delicate, spaghetti flavor. All ingredients are low cost, easy to buy in any store. When cooking, cream is used, if it was not possible to find them, you can replace the component with fresh milk. It will also help reduce calories. ready meal if you comply diet menu. How to prepare cheese sauce for pasta with step by step photo described below.


  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt pepper;
  • greenery;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • butter - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • cream - 150 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour flour into a hot frying pan, fry for 4 minutes until a creamy shade appears.
  2. Next, put the butter, mix the mass and cook until the fat is completely melted.
  3. Add the cream to the pan, then cook the sauce by stirring the ingredients over low heat.
  4. Grind the garlic, cheese, finely chop the greens on a grater. Send all these components to the rest in the pan.
  5. Add spices to taste.
  6. Bring the mixture to the desired consistency over the smallest fire.
  7. Drizzle pasta with sauces and serve.


This gravy will help turn any pasta into gourmet dish. Spaghetti in cream sauce goes well with any meat: fish, meatballs, seafood. For cooking, all the ingredients are easy to find in the store. The creation process will not take much time, the recipe below is designed for 4 medium servings. The pasta will turn out light, airy and very satisfying.


  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • cream - 1 tbsp.;
  • spaghetti - ½ pack;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • salt;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • white and fragrant ground pepper;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the onion into cubes.
  2. Coarsely chop the garlic.
  3. Melt the butter in a deep saucepan, fry the onion and garlic over medium heat until they become soft.
  4. Pour in the cream, stir and simmer for about a minute over low heat.
  5. Put in saucepan ready-made pasta, stir well, warm up and remove from the stove.
  6. Finely chop the greens and decorate the finished treat with it.
  7. Serve hot with meat.


People are used to adding purchased vermicelli to vermicelli. shop ketchup, but you can make your own version of the gravy better. Tomato paste sauce for pasta has a richer taste, does not contain any preservatives or additional substances that they forgot to write about on the package. If you have homemade tomatoes, you can quickly prepare this dressing option. In this recipe with a photo, the number of components is calculated for 4-5 servings. You can add more spices for spiciness if you like.


  • salt, sugar - 1 tsp;
  • bulb;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • pepper, nutmeg - a pinch;
  • tomatoes - 800 g;
  • dried herbs - 1 tsp;
  • garlic - 3 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. You will need a high-sided skillet or skillet. Pour in the olive oil, add the chopped onion and sauté until translucent. Add the chopped garlic to the onion and cook, stirring, for 2 minutes.
  2. Peel off the skin from fresh washed tomatoes, cut into small cubes. If the tomatoes are canned, then immediately (without cutting) put them to the onion. Add spices to taste.
  3. Bring the mass to a boil, stirring constantly, then heat for 15 minutes over medium heat.
  4. To make the gravy more homogeneous, remove the sauce from the heat and grind the composition with a blender.
  5. Then return to the fire, bring to a boil.
  6. Put the dressing on the pasta, garnish with herbs and you can serve the treat on the table.

sour cream

This dressing option can be varied with all sorts of additives. A little more spices will add spice, and lovers delicate taste you should put them in less. Sour cream and cheese pasta sauce is often prepared with a small amount dry white wine, for special shades champignons, herbs, garlic, black pepper, barberry can be added. It is not recommended to put a lot of different spices at once, otherwise you will get a tasteless gravy. Photo and step by step recipe this gas station below.


  • flour - 2 tsp;
  • pasta (bows, horn, vermicelli) - 500 g;
  • white dry wine- 0.5 st.;
  • shallots - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon juice- 1 tbsp. l.;
  • heavy cream-1 st.;
  • spices;
  • green onion;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • grated parmesan - ½ tbsp.;
  • lemon zest - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the green onion and shallot.
  2. Heat a little olive oil in a large frying pan, add the prepared onion, fry over medium heat until soft.
  3. At this point, put flour on it. Quickly mix the ingredients, the onion should turn out to be a beautiful golden hue.
  4. Pour wine into the brazier.
  5. Keep the ingredients on medium heat until thickened.
  6. Then put to the total mass of cream, green onion, salt, pepper, lemon juice.
  7. Stir the ingredients so that they are evenly distributed over the brazier.
  8. After that, you need to add dente to the sauce (a little harsh, but ready-made pasta).
  9. Quickly mix the base into the sauce. If you see that the dish turns out dry, add a little water left from the pasta.
  10. After a couple of minutes, add 2 tsp. shabby finely lemon peel.
  11. Then immediately sprinkle with grated cheese, stir.
  12. The dish is ready.


Adding champignons to the gravy will give an unusual taste to the dressing. It will take almost an hour to cook, but the result will pay off all the effort. For cooking, you can use mushrooms in any form. Gravy goes well with any meat served with pasta. Mushroom sauce for pasta according to this recipe is designed for 4 medium servings. The dish is prepared as follows.


  • cheese - 100 g;
  • cream - 200 ml;
  • salt;
  • fresh dill;
  • champignons - 200 g;
  • ground black pepper;
  • butter - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash and cut the mushrooms into slices.
  2. Put the pan on the fire, melt the butter and put the mushrooms on it. Fry until golden brown.
  3. Next, pour the cream into the pan. When they boil, report the grated cheese, mix.
  4. Simmer the sauce until it melts.
  5. Add finely chopped dill.
  6. Keep the dressing on fire for another 2-3 minutes, remove from heat and pour over the finished spaghetti.

Minced meat sauce

If you want to make yourself an Italian-style dinner or lunch, you can cook delicious sauce for pasta with minced meat. The whole process will take about 30 minutes, of which 15 refueling is simply stewed. achieve unusual taste possible with the right spices. Before preparing the gravy, boil the pasta first. The recipe for this dish is as follows.


  • bulb;
  • Ground beef- 350 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • tomato paste - 200 g;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh basil;
  • lemon juice;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat olive oil in a pan.
  2. Fry finely chopped onions with diced tomatoes for 3 minutes.
  3. Then put the minced meat on the shortbread. First, it should be pepper, salt to taste. Cook, stirring, 5 minutes.
  4. Add the tomato paste to the ingredients.
  5. Bring the dressing to a boil, simmer for 15 minutes over low heat to thicken the sauce.
  6. 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking, taste the gravy, add spices if necessary.
  7. Put chopped greens, lemon juice.
  8. Pour gravy over cooked spaghetti and serve.


Pasta is not a diet food, and fatty gravy with cream or sour cream adds extra calories. If desired, you can reduce their number if you cook quick sauce for pasta with milk. Even if you are suddenly visited by guests who need to be treated with something tasty, then you will have time to boil spaghetti and season them deliciously. The milk sauce recipe is as follows.


  • wheat flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • turmeric (to taste);
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper, suneli hops;
  • milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • a bunch of fresh dill.

Cooking method:

  1. Sift flour through a sieve cast iron pan heat it for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from fire.
  2. Put suneli hops, salt, black pepper here and mix well.
  3. Pour in the milk in a thin stream, continuing to stir the ingredients. If this is not done, lumps may form.
  4. Chop the dill, put in the sauce.
  5. Put the minimum fire, hold for 3 minutes.
  6. Gravy can be thick or thinner. In the first case, you should put a little more flour, hold it on fire a little longer.
  7. To add satiety, you can put any finely chopped boiled vegetables or pieces of beef here.


This method of making spaghetti gravy was first invented in Italy. Some may mistake the dish for pasta in tomato paste, but the recipe has its own characteristics, the subtleties of cooking. Important role when creating a sauce, ingredients play, it is not recommended to replace them with something else. The method of cooking pasta with this sauce is described below.


  • bulb;
  • spices;
  • red semi-sweet wine - 150 g;
  • spaghetti - 400 g;
  • mozzarella cheese - 150 g;
  • carrot;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • minced meat - 300 g;
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • stalk of celery.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut and fry carrots, onions in vegetable oil.
  2. Put the minced meat in, keep on fire until it changes color.
  3. Immediately add sliced ​​tomatoes, tomato paste, spices (preferably basil, oregano).
  4. Next, pour in the wine, simmer under the lid until tender.
  5. Boil pasta, salt to taste.
  6. Arrange spaghetti on plates, drizzle with gravy and sprinkle well with finely grated cheese.

With Chiken

Most people consider vermicelli to be a primitive, "pass-through" dish that can be quickly prepared without thinking about the subtleties. Everything changes when you cook white sauce for pasta, you can greatly surprise your family or guests with a pleasant, special taste. You will spend a little more time on cooking (40 minutes), but all the effort spent is worth it to turn ordinary pasta into cooking masterpiece.


  • cheese - 100 g;
  • chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • salt pepper;
  • cream - 200 ml;
  • spaghetti - 250 g;
  • spices;
  • garlic - 2 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel, crush with the back of a knife and finely chop the garlic cloves.
  2. Heat oil in a frying pan, put the garlic, stirring, fry for 5 minutes, so that it is lightly browned.
  3. Clean the skillet, pour in the cream, bring to a boil and add the grated cheese. Stir and simmer on fire until melted.
  4. Chicken fillet rinse. dry and chop finely. You can fry it separately and add it to the sauce, or put it right away and keep it on fire.
  5. Season the ingredients with spices, pepper, salt and simmer for 20 minutes.
  6. Pour sauce over cooked pasta.


Many people love vegetable seasonings to different dishes. Some adhere healthy eating or vegetarian views. In this case, you can make a vegetable sauce for pasta, which contains fewer calories than the option with cream, sour cream. Cooking is not difficult, you should only take fresh vegetables. Great easy option For summer dinner.


  • tomato;
  • vegetable marrow;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • bulb onions;
  • carrot;
  • salt;
  • eggplant;
  • sweet pepper - 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash and clean vegetables.
  2. Cut the eggplant into cubes, salt and leave to soak for 3 minutes.
  3. On coarse grater chop the zucchini, carrots, finely chop the onion.
  4. Cut the pepper into small pieces.
  5. Soak the tomato in boiling water for 1 minute, then remove the skin from it and rinse with cool water. Cut into cubes.
  6. Put a heavy bottomed saucepan on the fire. Heat the oil in it, fry the carrots and onions a little. Put peppers, eggplants here too. Vegetables should be golden brown.
  7. Next, add the tomato, grated zucchini.
  8. Pepper, salt the mixture, simmer for 30 minutes.
  9. Arrange spaghetti on plates and drizzle with sauce.
