Cheese sauce for chips. Cheese sauce for nacho chips - recipe

Mexican cuisine has given us many delicious and interesting dishes, among which nachos corn chips. This appetizer, which is very popular all over the world, is always served with sauce, on which its unique and inimitable taste depends. Nachos sauce is an integral part of the dish, which gives it piquancy and originality. Note that most of them are prepared extremely quickly and from the most affordable products. What else can be attributed to a clear advantage - the finished sauce can be used with other dishes.

We recommend that you prepare a wonderful snack that is suitable for everyday snacks and for noisy parties. But in order for it to really make a splash, it should certainly be served with sauces, the best recipes of which we are happy to share with you. If you manage to master their preparation, you will now have signature dish, which all friends will tirelessly praise.

Cheese sauce for nachos


  • butter - 50 g
  • hard cheese - 200 g
  • cayenne pepper - 1 teaspoon
  • sour cream - 50 g
  • basil and dill - 10 g each
  • salt - 3 g
  • chili pepper - 2 pinches

Add the grated cheese to the heated butter, mix well, add sour cream, salt, cayenne and chili peppers. Cook the sauce for a few minutes, then add chopped dill and basil to it. Serve warm with nachos, as they thicken a lot over time. You might be interested.

Tomato salsa for nachos

What immediately becomes clear thanks to the translation of the word "salsa", this sauce is very spicy. So, if you like all this, then we advise you to leave your choice on it.


  • chili pepper - 0.5 pcs.
  • tomatoes - 5 pcs.
  • lime juice - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • onion - 0.5 pcs.
  • celery - 1 stalk

Peanut sauce


  • walnuts - 100 g
  • hard cheese - 200 g
  • olive oil - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • basil - 1 bunch.
  • garlic - 3 cloves

Just mix all the ingredients in a blender bowl and get a very original and sophisticated addition to nachos.

Cheese sauce with peppers


  • milk - 300 ml
  • butter - 30 g
  • cheese - 200 g
  • sweet green pepper - 1 pc.
  • chili pepper - 0.5 tsp. spoons
  • flour - 1 tbsp. spoon

We cut small cubes pepper and larger cheese. Dilute flour in a spoonful of milk so that there are no lumps, mix with the rest of the milk. Roast the peppers butter, pour in the milk as soon as the vegetable acquires a golden color. Cook the sauce for 3-5 minutes, add grated cheese and season with chili pepper.

Helpful advice :

If you want to experiment, you can combine different varieties cheese. For example, it will turn out very interesting if you take part of the hard and part of the mozzarella.

Chili peppers can be replaced with other peppers and supplemented with various spices.

Potato sauce for nachos

If you want to get not just a snack, but hearty meal check out this sauce.

Required products:

  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • chili pepper and paprika - 5 g each
  • lemon juice - 10 ml

First of all, boil the potatoes in the usual way, then beat in a blender with the rest of the ingredients. However, care must be taken to ensure that the sauce remains thick.

Chips are one of the most sought-after snacks that usually goes well with Coca-Cola, beer and other drinks.

Potato snacks are often eaten while watching a movie or a football match.

Manufacturers mix new spices and additives, change the very form of chips.

This is probably why fans of snacks do not have time to get bored with the same taste. You can also give the appetizer a “zest” by preparing a unique sauce for chips.

How to make sauce for chips, recipes

sauce recipe from cream cheese- simple and does not take much time, besides, the products for its preparation can always be found in the refrigerator.

Ketchup - 1 tsp

Cream cheese - 150 g.

Paprika (powder) - 1 tsp

Mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. l.

Red pepper - a pinch.

Put the cheese in a small deep plate (without additives). Add red pepper and paprika. Stir the mixture and send it to the microwave for about one minute. Mix the hot mass with mayonnaise and ketchup. Let cool at room temperature.

  • Sauce for nacho chips

Recently, corn chips have become an alternative to potato chips. These differ in density and peculiar taste, so a special sauce will suit them.

Tomatoes - 4 pcs.

Onion (medium size) - 2 pcs.

Acetic essence (rice) - 1 tbsp. l.

Black pepper, salt and other spices to taste.

Sunflower oil (for frying).

Peel the onion from the husk and chop very finely. Put the pan on the fire and heat the oil in it. Add the onion and sauté for no more than three minutes. Chop tomatoes into small cubes. Pour tomatoes, spices or fresh herbs, simmer for a couple more minutes. At the end we add rice vinegar. Put the finished sauce on a plate to cool.

  • Cream cheese sauce for chips

This universal recipe sauce will complement not only chips, but also sandwiches, croutons and. Sour cream and cheese make the dressing tender and tasty.

Ketchup - 1 pack (200 g.)

Cheese (any hard grade) - 300 g.

Garlic - 3 heads

Sour cream (20% fat) - 8 tbsp. l.

Spices to taste.

Squeeze out of the package into the pan. Heat over low heat and stir continuously. Rub the cheese with coarse grater and pour into ketchup. We also send sour cream and garlic there. Stir the ingredients until the cheese is completely melted. Then salt and pepper.

  • spicy sauce

For lovers of all things spicy fit recipe spicy sauce. As a rule, the most “fiery” spices are added to it - curry, paprika, ground black or red pepper.

Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.

Bulgarian Bell pepper- 2 pcs.

Granulated sugar - 1 tsp.

Black pepper, salt for taste.

We clean the pepper from seeds and tails, cut into four parts. Cover with foil or parchment paper baking sheet and lay the pepper on the sheet with the pulp down. We send it to a preheated oven at 200 ° for twenty minutes.

Transfer hot peppers to paper towels and let cool. Cut off the skin with a knife and chop the pepper. Mix it with sugar and salt, other spices and tomato paste, mix thoroughly.

At thick sauces there is a special name for chips - dip (from English dip - “dip, dip”)

Fat Tamer

Sauce with beets and nuts

What you need:

4 large beets, boiled or baked
250 g low fat sour cream
A handful of peeled and crumbled walnuts
10 mint leaves, chopped


Because this sauce is like the Olympic team against fat cells, fortified with beetroot antioxidants. Walnuts protect the arteries from the formation of sclerotic plaques (they are inevitable if you have a lot of fatty foods in your diet). And calcium (he is in sour cream) helps to reduce the level of fat in the blood.

What to do:

Use a blender to turn the cooked (and cooled) beets into porridge, add sour cream and mix. Add nuts and stir too. Garnish with mint on top.

Fighter with cholesterol

Sauce with ricotta and artichokes

What you need:

60 g fat-free mayonnaise (preferably homemade)
110 g lean natural yogurt
50 g ricotta
60 g finely chopped green onion
1 can canned artichokes, chopped


Because studies have been conducted that have proven: unpasteurized (live) yogurt can reduce the level of so-called bad cholesterol in the blood. The cyanine contained in artichokes (it is this that gives the plant a bitter taste) enhances this effect.

What to do:

Mix all the ingredients in a heat-resistant bowl and bake in the oven at 180°C for 20 minutes. Serve the sauce hot, warm or cold.

Salt pacifier

Avocado and mango sauce

What you need:

2 ripe soft avocados
1 mango, diced
100 g fat-free natural yoghurt
Juice of half a lemon
Handful of chopped parsley leaves
Handful of shelled and chopped walnuts
Dried ground chili


Because salty foods (the same) tend to increase blood pressure. And potassium, which is found in avocados, yogurt and walnuts restores salt balance.

What to do:

Mix avocado, yogurt and lemon juice with a blender. Top with mango, parsley, nuts and sprinkle with chilli powder.

In modern food industry there is such a trick: to replace fats in products with fat substitutes in order to significantly reduce their calorie content. Do it with chips too. But here's what happened to a group of scientists who fed rats chips different type, including "fat-free".

Those rats, which, along with the usual high-calorie food, received either regular, fatty, or “light” chips, soon began to eat more and get fat. With those who, along with the food received the usual fatty chips, nothing like this happened. Scientists explain this fact by an energy imbalance that occurs as a result of the fact that animals no longer recognize by smell and taste which food is satisfying, high-calorie, and which is not.

Enough time has passed when Mexican nachos made the whole world crunchy. Despite the fact that many write and talk about the dangers of chips, we bought, buy and will buy them in stores.

If you're a big fan of this dish or if you're in a fun party, you can make your own, so today I'm going to show you how to make nachos at home.

Firstly, it is much more economical than buying in packages, and secondly, such a meal will bring much less harm you and everyone who will crunch them.

Nachos recipe at home

Kitchen appliances and utensils: convenient utensils for kneading dough, a saucepan, a frying pan, an oven, a baking sheet.


Step by step recipe

Cooking nachos

Recipe for cheese sauce for nachos

  • Often nachos are made only from cornmeal, but then the cakes are very difficult to roll out. In this recipe, we also added wheat flour for stickiness, but you can reduce the amount to a minimum so that you can feel the corn flavor in the finished product.
  • You can add a little garlic and pepper directly to the dough so that the taste of the chips is not too bland.
  • For the first time, you can stick to the above recipe and figure out for yourself how to make nachos to get exactly the taste you prefer from them.
  • After kneading the dough, be sure to let it rest for at least half an hour, then it will become more elastic and pliable.
  • Roll out the dough as thin as possible to get the perfect corn chips.
  • Cheese for the sauce is better to use cheddar, but you can also use any other.
  • Taste the sauce while boiling and add your favorite spices to it.
  • The sauce can be very thick and will thicken even more as it cools. so add more milk to it. Let it be hotter than you like. When it cools down, you will get the desired consistency.

video recipe

Cooking process corn chips nachos are quite simple, but if step by step recipe Since the photo was not completely clear to you, you can watch a short video in which the whole process is described in great detail. You will see how the dough turns out, how to roll it out, and what happens when it is fully cooked. And also you will understand how to properly prepare the sauce.

I thought: what do they eat nachos with? After all, they have a rather bland taste, even for the first course they can be served instead of bread. In fact, it is, because this baked tortilla is called a tortilla in Mexico, and it is served with absolutely any meal, and they can also be the basis for various pastries. It was later that the Mexicans thought of making triangles out of the tortilla and serving with sauce.

  • For such chips, you can use various sauces, thanks to which we will change the taste finished product. I like to experiment, so for our evening gatherings I prepared a bucket of nachos and two types of sauce: cheese and guacamole.
  • I like the reaction of friends to the name of the second sauce: they have such an admiring look, as if now Paradise apples will eat. This sauce is actually pretty easy to make.
  • We love spicy, so I cooked it that way. You can combine the sauce with various spices of your choice. The main thing is to try it while cooking, so as not to overdo it with seasonings.

homemade guacamole sauce

Cooking time: 10 minutes.
Servings: 350-400 g
Calories: 188 kcal per 100 g of product.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: blender, cutting board, knife.


Step by step recipe

video recipe

Now take a couple of minutes of your time and watch the whole process of creating delicious sauce, which is suitable not only for chips, but also for any other food.

Feed options

  • Usually, a gravy bowl with sauce is placed in the center of a large, flat plate, and chips or any other food is placed around the edges.
  • If your party has a lot of people, serve the sauce to everyone in portions, and you can put the chips on several common plates.
  • Nachos can also be served with cheese and bacon, and will complement the appetizer light salad from fresh vegetables.

cooking options

This is how the famous nacho chips are cooked at home. Of course, it is easier and more familiar to buy such products in a store in bright packaging, but if you look closely, you can cook them at home in a very short time and get the same product, even tastier and healthier than sellers can offer. And so I still leave you a few more recipes for such a treat, which will save your budget a little and give you unforgettable pleasure.

  • When you want something to crunch, remember thin Armenian lavash and cook. More budget meals it just doesn’t happen, and you can make any sauces for it, for example, those that I left for you above.
  • Continuing this topic, I want to leave a recipe for you. Even if you have gatherings with friends, people will get hungry, and there should be some food on the table. Here are the sandwiches various fillings will be just right not only for friends, but also for snacks during the day.
  • In our house are very welcome. They can be made from absolutely any bread, and you can also add different seasonings to them, the main thing is that you like the finished product.
  • But the Italians' answer to our usual sandwiches is, the recipe of which I will leave you here. So now you can spice up any sandwich by following the directions in these recipes.

Dear readers, I would like to believe that everything worked out for you, and you are already enjoying the taste of chips with sauce. If during cooking you have any suggestions or comments, you can leave them in the comments, I will definitely take a look. And now I wish you success and bon appetit!

Crispy chips made from corn tortillas, usually served with original flavored sauces.

Vegetable Salsa Recipe:

  1. Peel the onion and garlic and remove the seeds from the pepper. Cut vegetables randomly, water them olive oil and bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.
  2. Cool the vegetables, remove the skin from the tomatoes. Transfer the products to the blender bowl and grind them. Ideally, the sauce should turn out to be heterogeneous, it should contain small pieces of vegetables.
  3. Mix the resulting mass with lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper.

Cool the finished supplement, garnish with chopped cilantro and serve. vegetable sauce goes well not only with appetizers, but also with first and second courses.

Cheese sauce for nachos

A flavorful addition with a rich taste is prepared quite quickly, so you can easily prepare for a Mexican-style party or meeting unexpected guests.

Cheese Sauce Recipe:

  1. Melt 30 g of butter in a frying pan.
  2. Pour in 20 g wheat flour and fry it until golden brown.
  3. Pour 250 ml of milk into the pan, add a pinch each of salt and cayenne pepper.
  4. Bring the liquid to a boil, and then mix it with 300 g of grated cheese.
  5. Stir the sauce with a whisk or spoon until it is smooth.

When the cheese topping is ready, pour it into a gravy boat or a regular bowl.


This legendary sauce prepared differently in all regions of Mexico, but lime, avocado and salt are used everywhere.

Recipe for guacamole:

  1. Peel half an avocado and cut it randomly into small pieces.
  2. Finely chop 1 garlic clove, half an onion and a bunch of parsley.
  3. Squeeze juice from 1 lime.
  4. Mix all prepared ingredients in a blender.
  5. Cut 1 large tomato into cubes and mix the pieces with guakmole. Add to taste ground pepper chili and salt.

Pour the sauce into a small bowl and place it in the center of the tray. Spread the chips around it, and then bring the snack to the table. Avocado paste also goes well with fish, meat and poultry.

Having prepared sauces according to our recipes, you can enjoy amazing flavors traditional mexican cuisine.