Salad with crab sticks and green peas: a universal recipe for a holiday and on weekdays. A step-by-step recipe for making a salad with crab sticks and peas (photo)

If you are not yet familiar with the recipe for such a salad as salad with crab sticks and green peas I strongly advise you to write it down in your cookbook. There are several reasons to prepare it. Firstly, the salad is very "budgetary", it does not need expensive varieties fish or meat, the main ingredient is banal crab sticks.

Secondly, the cooking process is incredibly simple and fast, except for the time for boiling eggs, cutting and mixing all the ingredients will not take more than 15 minutes. And if we talk about taste, then the salad can take its rightful place on any holiday table.

  • 200 g crab sticks, if they are frozen, then defrost first;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 200 g canned green peas, peas of the so-called brain varieties are better;
  • 150-200 g pickled cucumbers;
  • 1 or 2 apples depending on size;
  • juice of 1/3 lemon;
  • salt;
  • 150 g, choose the fat content of mayonnaise according to your taste, if you want a lighter salad - take it with a small fat content, if you want more high-calorie salad- take high-fat mayonnaise;
  • optional fresh herbs to garnish the salad.

Salad with crab sticks and peas - recipe

Boil the eggs, there should be no difficulties, they must be put in boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes after boiling. If you pour ½ teaspoon of salt into the water, then the protein will not “run away” from the cracked eggs, as the salt will change the density of the water. Cool boiled eggs in cold water. When they have cooled, peel them from the shell and chop finely.

Drain excess water from peas, cut crab sticks and cucumbers small cubes. Leave a couple of crab sticks, cucumbers and a few peas to decorate the salad.

Wash the apple, peel the skin, remove the core and also cut into small cubes. Drizzle over cut pieces immediately. lemon juice so they don't darken.

All ingredients are prepared, put them in one cup, season with mayonnaise, mix. It remains to try "for salt" and add salt if necessary.

You can decorate the salad with fresh herbs or make a small flower out of the skin of an apple. Salad with crab sticks and peas ready. If you like the presence of onions in salads, then take a small onion of red or ordinary onions, finely chop and scald with boiling water, this will remove the bitterness from the onion, then it must be mixed with other products. You can also cook and

Preparing everyday or holiday menu, any housewife, of course, wants to make it inexpensive, uncomplicated and appetizing. And what is needed for this? Just pick correct recipes with simple and delicious ingredients. Salad with crab sticks and green peas fully meets these requirements. It is made from all the products loved by all, it turns out very tasty and satisfying. And cooking will not take much time, which is just as important when preparing, for example, a large holiday slot.

For 5-6 servings of salad with crab sticks, you need to prepare the following ingredients:


  • crab sticks or
    crab meat
    200 gr.
  • Canned
    green pea -
    300 gr.
  • Eggs - 3-4 pcs.
  • medium potatoes
    size -
    3 pcs.
  • small head
    onion -
    1 PC.
  • medium sized cucumber 1 PC.
  • Mayonnaise
  • fresh greens
    (onion, dill)
  • Salt


  1. Peel potatoes and boil in salted water for 20 minutes. So that the potatoes do not darken, it is enough to pour 1 teaspoon of table 9% vinegar into the water during cooking. Leave boiled potatoes to cool.

  2. Boil the eggs for 10 minutes also in salted water, but in this case, the salt is not used for taste, but so that the protein does not leak out after cracking during cooking. Immediately after boiling, cool the eggs in ice water, so they are much easier to peel.

  3. The rest of the products are prepared like this. Finely chop the crab sticks, onion and herbs, remove the skin from the cucumber, cut into cubes, drain all excess liquid from the peas.

  4. When the potatoes and eggs are completely cool, cut them into small cubes as well. If you start mixing warm and cold foods, the salad will be very difficult to store later.

  5. Put all the prepared ingredients in one cup, season with mayonnaise and mix, only then try the salad and, if necessary, add salt and mix again.

  6. Salad can be served in a large salad bowl, garnished with herbs, or you can serve it in portions. To do this, you need a special ring or a simple cut plastic bottle. Place it on a plate, fill necessary quantity lettuce, crush a little with a spoon, and then carefully remove the bottle (ring).

  7. Decorate the top with green onions.

  8. Salad with crab sticks and green peas is ready!

    For a more "winter" version of the salad, you can replace fresh cucumber for a few pickled or salted.

Published: 28.01.2015
Posted by: FairyDawn
Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: not specified

Each housewife will surely have her own recipe for a salad with crab sticks. Once upon a time, crab sticks were a great delicacy, and only a few lucky ones could please their loved ones with this product. However, now crab sticks are a completely ordinary thing and cooking from them various dishes you can at least every day, so the hostesses are looking for fresh and original recipes on the Internet.
Layered salad with crab sticks and green peas "Rainbow" is very easy to prepare, but thanks to the bright and juicy colors of the ingredients, it will serve as a decoration for any holiday table. Another recipe for sure will attract the attention of seafood lovers. This is a salad.

- crab sticks - 200 gr.,
- canned peas
- cheese - 100 gr.,
- carrots 1-2 pieces,
- chicken egg - 3 pcs.,
- mayonnaise - one pack (150-200 gr.)

Step by step recipe with photo:

First of all, boil the carrots and eggs. Carrots should be boiled for 20-25 minutes. You can test for doneness by piercing with a knife or fork. If the carrot is already cooked, it will easily pierce.
Boil eggs for 10 minutes. To make them easier to clean, add a little salt to the water when cooking. And when the eggs are already cooked, put them under cold water for a few minutes.

Now let's start chopping the ingredients for the salad. Crab sticks cut into cubes.

We do the same with carrots.

Three cheese on a fine grater to make it airy.

We open a jar of peas and proceed to laying the layers of lettuce. This can be done in two ways.
First. We spread the chopped products in a transparent bowl in layers in the following sequence: crab sticks - peas - mayonnaise - egg - carrots - mayonnaise - cheese.
You can serve the salad in this way both in one large salad bowl, and in portions.

You can also make a side salad. To do this, line the salad bowl with cling film. We lay out the layers in the reverse order: cheese - carrots - egg - peas - crab sticks. IN this case, for better adhesion, each layer should be slightly smeared with mayonnaise. Before serving, cover the salad bowl with a plate and turn over. cling film carefully remove. For beauty, you can sprinkle a little more grated cheese. We also recommend a recipe for puff salad with

Salad of crab sticks and peas is a great alternative for a long time famous dish with corn. Other ingredients are added to its composition, complementing and revealing the taste of seafood. Mayonnaise is usually used as a salad dressing, but if necessary, it is easily replaced with sour cream or natural homemade yogurt. In this case, the dish comes out low-calorie and can be included in the diet during various diets. Below we present the most popular recipes salads. Step by step description Lets you cook them in just minutes.

Crab salad with corn and green peas

This dish is very juicy and filling. In addition, to prepare a salad of peas, corn and crab sticks, you will only need to boil hard-boiled eggs. The rest of the ingredients are sold in any store in a ready-made form.

You can make a salad step by step in the following sequence:

  1. Hard boil 4 eggs, dip them in cold water for 5 minutes, then peel them.
  2. Finely chop the onion and pour boiling water for 15 minutes. After a while, the water must be drained. This method will remove unnecessary bitterness.
  3. Crab sticks cut across. As a result, enough large pieces.
  4. Eggs are also cut into large, but only cubes.
  5. Peas and corn (1 can each) are leaned back in a colander to allow excess liquid to drain.
  6. Ingredients (crab sticks, onions, peas, corn and eggs) are mixed in a salad bowl. The finished dish is dressed with mayonnaise.

Salad with peas, cabbage and crab sticks

All the ingredients of this dish have a fairly neutral taste, and only pickled cucumber adds some spicy note to it. Lightness and delicate taste salad with green peas and crab sticks is provided by juicy Chinese cabbage. In general, the cooking process of a dish consists of several stages:

  1. First of all, frozen green peas are dipped in boiling salted water and boiled in it for 3 minutes. Then it must be thrown into a colander and dipped in ice water to preserve the bright color of the product.
  2. Crab sticks (100 g) and pickled cucumber are cut into cubes.
  3. A couple of sheets Chinese cabbage finely shredded sharp knife.
  4. Similarly, half a red onion is crushed and fresh dill.
  5. All salad ingredients are mixed, after which the dish is seasoned with low-fat mayonnaise.

Crab Salad with Rice and Egg Recipe

The dish prepared according to the following recipe is perfect as a side dish for meat. For a salad with peas, crab sticks and eggs, you will need boiled rice. It is with the preparation of this ingredient that the cooking process begins. Step by step, all actions are performed in this order:

  1. long rice(½ st.) is washed under running water and boiled in salted water. Cool well before adding to salad.
  2. Crab meat or sticks (300 g) are cut into cubes.
  3. Boiled eggs (2 pcs.) Are crushed in a similar way.
  4. Further added to the salad canned peas(1 can), finely grated cheese (100 g) and mayonnaise.
  5. All ingredients are mixed. Salt and pepper are added to taste. Before serving, the salad is laid out on a plate. The finished dish is decorated with fresh dill.

Salad of crab sticks with peas and cucumber

Such a dish can be an excellent alternative to everyone's favorite Olivier. In a salad with green peas and crab sticks, fresh cucumbers are used instead of pickled cucumbers, and meat or sausage can easily replace seafood. In general, the dish is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Potatoes and eggs (3 pieces each) are boiled until tender. After cooling, they need to be peeled and shelled and cut into cubes.
  2. Similarly, sticks (200 g), onions and green onions, fresh cucumber are finely chopped.
  3. Peas are poured out of the jar into a colander and transferred to a bowl with chopped foods.
  4. All prepared ingredients are mixed with mayonnaise. After that, the salad should be tasted and, if necessary, add a little salt.

The same dish can be served in a different form. All the ingredients should be laid out in layers in a culinary ring, decorate the "slide" with mayonnaise, and before use, mix the salad on a plate.

Salad "Puff" with crab sticks and peas

This dish will look great on the holiday table. In addition to crab sticks and peas, they add to the salad boiled eggs(4 pcs.), fried on vegetable oil carrots, fresh dill and cheese. Such a puff salad is dressed with mayonnaise.

So, in the process of cooking, all the ingredients are laid out on a plate in layers. First, boiled eggs are rubbed on a medium grater. A mesh of mayonnaise is applied to them. Crab sticks (250 g) are rubbed on the plate as the next layer. You can also grind them in a blender. Next, a grid of mayonnaise is made. The next layer is pre-grated and sauteed in vegetable oil, carrots, as well as chopped dill. After the mayonnaise net, green peas are laid out. Top the salad generously sprinkled with grated cheese.

The dish is decorated as desired. green onion.

Original salad "Crab" with peas, apple and pickle

The dish presented below will appeal to all lovers of an unusual combination of ingredients. IN original salad with crab sticks and peas, both spicy pickled cucumber and juicy apple. The dish turns out spicy and refined, but no less tasty.

The steps in this case would be:

  1. Crab sticks (500 g) cut into small cubes.
  2. Chicken eggs (4 pcs.) Are boiled hard, cooled, cleaned and chopped in the same way.
  3. Small pickled cucumbers (3 pcs.), As well as a peeled apple, are cut in the same way.
  4. If desired, you can also add fresh cucumber here, which diversifies the taste of this dish.
  5. Before dressing the salad with mayonnaise or sour cream, it is recommended to mix all the ingredients first. Pepper, salt and herbs are added to the dish at your discretion. Before serving, the salad can be beautifully laid out in a culinary ring.

Step-by-step recipes for making crab salad with peas: classic, on hastily for half an hour, puff with sautéed carrots, with pickled cucumber and bell pepper

2017-12-29 Irina Naumova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

5 gr.

4 gr.


9 gr.

93 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Crab Pea Salad Recipe

Pledge delicious salad - the right combination ingredients. It is enough to take the standard ingredients that are used for most salads and change the ingredients, experiment and delight guests and loved ones. The combination of crab meat, green peas, chicken eggs checked by time. And if you add a fresh cucumber, potatoes, greens, you get a very tasty crab salad. Let's start with traditional recipe, which paints any festive table. For the base, you can take both crab sticks and crab meat - there will not be much difference.


  • packaging of crab sticks;
  • three hundred grams of canned peas;
  • four chicken eggs;
  • three potato tubers;
  • a small head of onion;
  • one fresh cucumber;
  • three tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • a couple of sprigs of dill and green onions.

Crab Pea Salad recipe step by step

If you have the opportunity to buy washed potatoes, you will save time. It is enough just to rinse it before cooking. If you have at home regular potato, rinse thoroughly, it is even better to walk with a clean sponge for washing dishes. Boil the potatoes in their skins, in lightly salted water.

Cook until tender, then drain the water and set aside.

Tip: If you are going to put dill or parsley in the salad. Cut off the roots and throw in water, the potatoes will be even tastier. Then the roots can be thrown away.

Boil the eggs in a separate bowl. Salt the water a little too. Then pour cold water, cool down.

Open the peas, drain the liquid.

Crab sticks cut into small pieces.

Peel the cucumber and cut into small cubes.

Rinse and chop green onions and herbs.

Finely chop the onion too. It can be pre-scalded with boiling water. It is also sometimes marinated. It is enough to put the onion in a bowl, add two spoons table vinegar and a spoonful of sugar. Then squeeze from the marinade and add to the salad.

Boiled potatoes in their skins are peeled and chopped with a knife. We clean the eggs from the shell and also chop or rub on a grater.

Important: Those ingredients that were previously boiled should be added to the salad cold. So ready meal will last longer.

It's time to collect our salad, season with mayonnaise and mix. You can taste it and add some salt if you like.

Feeding Method: Cut off the top and bottom of a clean plastic bottle. Put it on a serving plate, fill with salad - tamp a little, but do not press hard. Gently lift the bottle and, voila, the salad looks like it's in a restaurant. It remains to decorate with a sprig of greenery.

Option 2: Quick Crab Pea Salad Recipe

It would seem that such a salad is prepared quickly. But you can reduce the number of ingredients and assemble the salad in half an hour, taking into account the boiling of eggs. It is prepared quickly and easily, and the taste is just as pleasant and delicate.


  • packaging of crab sticks or meat;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • one hundred grams of green peas;
  • three tables of mayonnaise or sour cream for dressing;
  • salt as desired.

How to quickly cook crab salad with peas

The eggs take the longest to cook, the rest of the ingredients are ready. Therefore, immediately put them to cook. Enough 15-20 minutes. Then we'll fill ice water and let it cool down.

During this time, we will immediately begin to collect the salad. Pour the peas into a large bowl, from which the liquid was previously drained.

Cut the crab sticks into rings and add to the peas.

Chop the cooled eggs with a knife, send to the same container.

Season with mayonnaise and mix.

If you have some dill or parsley, chop it up and add it to the salad.

Option 3: Layered Crab Salad with Peas

Such a salad will look more interesting if it is formed in layers and it is interesting to decorate. Add some carrots, which are lightly fried.


  • crab meat packaging;
  • four boiled chicken eggs;
  • a jar of green peas;
  • one carrot;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • one hundred grams of mayonnaise;
  • 70 grams of cheese;
  • cucumber for decoration;
  • four leaves of green salad.

How to cook

We will form the salad immediately in the salad bowl. Put the washed lettuce leaves on the bottom.

The first layer is boiled grated eggs. Lubricate with mayonnaise using a spoon or silicone brush. You can also make a mesh of mayonnaise.

Finely chop the crab meat with a knife and sprinkle with the next layer. Let's make a mesh of mayonnaise.

Grate carrots, sauté on butter, cool and put on top.

Rinse the dill well and chop finely, sprinkle on top of the carrots.

We make a mesh of mayonnaise.

Now open a jar of peas, drain the liquid and put the peas on the mayonnaise. Distribute evenly.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater and sprinkle on top.

Wash the cucumber, cut into thin rings and arrange along the edges of the salad.

Decorate with a sprig of dill on top.

Like all puff salads, we insist in the refrigerator for at least an hour. Although you can eat it right away, it is already very tasty.

Option 4: Crab salad with peas, pickles, chinese cabbage and bell peppers

Very tasty, airy and spicy salad. pickled cucumber gives unusual combination with the rest of the ingredients. But it can be replaced with fresh if you do not like pickles.


  • crab meat packaging;
  • one small pickled cucumber;
  • three boiled chicken eggs;
  • three tablespoons of green peas;
  • two sprigs of dill and green onions;
  • head of Beijing cabbage;
  • two table spoons olive oil;
  • four bell peppers;
  • one hundred grams of red caviar.

Step by step recipe

Rinse a head of Chinese cabbage. Separate a few leaves for decoration, finely chop the rest with a knife.

Chop boiled eggs.

Cut pickled cucumber into small cubes.

Wash and chop dill and green onion.

Combine all of the above ingredients in a bowl. We send three spoons of peas there, season olive oil. Stir.

Rinse bell peppers, remove seeds. Cut into long triangles.

On a large flat dish, put the Chinese cabbage leaves, then the triangles of peppers, with sharp tips towards the edges of the salad bowl. It turns out like the rays of the sun.

We take plastic bottle cut off the top and bottom. We put it in the middle and fill it with salad. Carefully raise the bottle, we got a salad cake. Put some red caviar on top.

Decorate other portions in the same way. Or just create one big portion and then everyone puts it on their plate.

Option 5: Crab Salad with Peas, Tomatoes and Apple

Another salad recipe crab meat and peas as main ingredients. If you take sour apple, you get a very spicy taste.


  • packaging of crab sticks;
  • two tomatoes;
  • one apple;
  • one bulb;
  • one hundred grams of green peas;
  • one hundred grams of mayonnaise;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a pinch of black pepper.

How to cook

Crab sticks cut into small pieces.

Wash the apple, remove the peel, core. Cut into small cubes. If you grate it, the taste will not be so bright.

Rinse the tomatoes with water, remove the base of the stalk and cut into small slices. To do this, cut the usual large slices across into several parts.

Peel the onion from the husk and chop finely.

Open a can of peas and drain off any liquid.

Put all the ingredients in a salad bowl, put the mayonnaise and stir. Now you can taste and add salt and black pepper.

Garnish with tomato slices and herb sprigs.

Advice: Optionally, you can add boiled eggs, three are enough. They are boiled hard-boiled, cooled, peeled and finely chopped with a knife or grated.