Long rice for pilaf. People are greeted by clothes: how to choose good rice.

Rice for pilaf. Which rice is better

Rice for pilaf. What rice is better to use for pilaf?

The secret to the perfect taste of any dish lies in proper preparation products and in a good mood of the cook.

The unspoken law of any cook

What rice is better to use for pilaf?

At first glance, choosing the best rice for pilaf is not an easy task, because each of us has our own passions and preferences: someone likes it to be fat and satisfying, and someone can imagine nothing but lean pilaf with turkey ( rather does not want to). But it's really not as hard as it seems...

In our opinion, even the very attempt to award the palm branch of superiority to any kind of rice is meaningless. too much different tastes all of us. So it turns out that the best rice for pilaf is the one that you currently have (do not be nervous once again in search of “the very same”, ideal rice for pilaf). Well, or the one that you have already experienced and recognized as the most delicious.

Most likely, now the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe equality of all varieties of rice seems to you a little thoughtless, if not completely stupid. And we understand you very well. But! Let's still go a little further than simple emotional judgments and try to understand the physics of the pilaf cooking process.

How to choose and prepare rice for pilaf?

Instead of wondering what kind of rice is needed for pilaf, let's determine what determines the gastronomic assessment of pilaf. And most often the evaluation criteria are as follows:

  • friability ( perfect pilaf should be crumbly)
  • brightness (the brighter the better...or not?)
  • richness of taste (should be hearty, fat and rich - for most of us)

Let's take a look at each of these options in turn.

How to make rice in pilaf crumbly?

In order for the rice in pilaf to be crumbly, you need to take care of only one thing - to destroy the paste on the surface of the rice. There are three different ways to achieve this effect:

1. Choose the right kind of rice.

The least sticky are the following varieties: Dev-zira (and its varieties), Basmati, Sadri and other long-grain varieties of rice. Much more paste stands out from the varieties Bomba, Nishiki, Krasnodar, Lazar, Arborio, Jasmine and other medium and short varieties. Round varieties are usually the stickiest.

2. Rinse the rice well before cooking pilaf and thereby wash off all the starch from its surface.

It should only be borne in mind that when washing rice, it is better to adhere to a certain algorithm: first soak for half an hour or an hour in a clean tasty water- with salt and spices, for example (since rice absorbs water very actively in the first half hour), then you need to drain the water and replace it with just clean water. If necessary, repeat several times. To speed up the process, you can still wipe the rice grains with your fingers, but this is not for everyone.

3. "Burn" the paste during cooking.

Paste on the surface of rice is formed at a temperature of about 80°C. Therefore, when cooking pilaf, you should try to cross this threshold. Just do not be mistaken: if bubbles are visible on the surface of the pilaf, this does not mean at all that the temperature of 100 ° C is kept in the entire mass of the pilaf. On the surface, the temperature is 20 degrees lower.

To achieve the conversion of starch into glucose (the same “burning”), it is better to cook pilaf in thick-walled dishes. In this case, you need to wait for all the water to boil away, after which you need to tightly close the dishes with a lid and either leave the dishes on a minimum heat (in the oven, in the oven), or wrap the lid with a blanket. In any of these options, the starch will be gradually converted to glucose, making the rice crumbly. Optimal time unfortunately, you will have to look for keeping pilaf in this state on your own - there are too many variables in the process of preparing pilaf.

Separately, it should be said about two types of rice, which can be of any variety: brown and steamed. If you cook pilaf from brown or steamed rice, then it will almost always turn out crumbly. And without any preliminary manipulations.

What determines the brightness of the pilaf?

The appearance of pilaf depends on two factors: the type of rice and the spices used. White varieties of rice should be seasoned well with colored spices (turmeric, saffron, safflower), and colored varieties look quite good without additional additives. But how do you imagine pilaf without spices and spices?

Intense taste of rice

With saturation of taste, the situation is about the same as with brightness. That is, the variety and spices are decisive. And again, the variety and spices will have to be selected for yourself.

However, something else also affects the taste, or rather, the preparation of rice. We wrote about this above when we talked about soaking rice in clean and tasty water. If used for soaking and rinsing plain water from the tap, the taste will not be as rich.

Otherwise, different varieties of rice differ little in their hygroscopicity and absorb fats and zirvak approximately the same. So try not to get hung up on rice, use every opportunity to create a delicious pilaf. After all, even the same Uzbeks do not always prefer crumbly rice in pilaf and are happy to cook pilaf from any available rice.


We hope that after reading our article, the issue of choosing rice for pilaf will not be as acute as before. Indeed, by and large, the choice of products for our loved ones always depends only on our preferences. So, it’s up to you to decide what kind of rice you need for pilaf. Which is not so scary, and definitely easier than constantly doubting and looking for an unattainable ideal on kilometer-long supermarket shelves.

Happy cooking and don't be afraid to experiment!

Sometimes scientists, working on some project of a global scale, instead of scientific discovery they invent absolutely not what was expected of them. For example, they wanted a cure for angina pectoris, but received Viagra. What are the scientists! Any of us, having decided to cook pilaf, can end up with porridge with meat. And all because we do not know what kind of rice is needed for pilaf.

Say what you like, but choosing rice for pilaf is not very simple. Today, about 8,000 varieties of rice are cultivated on the planet, and each variety has its own characteristics. And if you know them, even if not all, but the main ones, then rice will no longer be so mysterious for us.

It is customary to classify rice according to grain length. Before choosing rice for pilaf, you need to study the characteristics different varieties, and this will help us make the best use of it in a particular dish.

long grain rice


Such rice is light and non-sticky (except for jasmine rice, which is a bit sticky). Long grains are easily separated from each other after cooking, if they are not stirred during cooking.


It is best to use long grain varieties in hot dishes as they solidify when cooled. You can safely choose these varieties for cooking soups or pilaf. Basmati is one of the most common varieties of long grain rice. It fits perfectly into light and fragrant Indian or Asian cuisine.

Variety names

"Plain Long Rice", "Fragrant Jasmine" and "Basmati".

Let's take a closer look at the most common varieties:

  • Rice is sticky, it is also called sweet or waxy, it can be both long and short. It becomes almost translucent after cooking. The best way his cooking - for a couple.
  • "Arborio" is indispensable in Italian cuisine. Its advantage lies in the ability to absorb a lot of water when cooking, after which it acquires a soft texture.
  • Rice "Jasmine" - long grained with a fragrant aroma. Among other varieties, it differs in that it becomes sticky during cooking and remains soft after cooling. It is ideal for sweet dishes.

Read also:

Most rice varieties are obtained from whole grains after processing. Depending on the degree of processing, the following types of rice are distinguished:

  • Amenable to minimal processing brown rice. It contains the germ and most of the bran. This species is the most nutritious.
  • The white look is the most famous, obtained after maximum cleaning - the so-called grinding.
  • Pre-parboiled rice - a type that lends itself to special high-temperature processing for maximum conservation in grain nutrients.

Thus, long grained brown rice can also be used for pilaf.

Cooking Uzbek pilaf in a cauldron

A distinctive feature of Uzbek pilaf is that rice is cooked in a meat broth known as zirvaka with vegetables over low heat. It is boiled until the liquid is completely evaporated or absorbed. In this case, the rice should remain crumbly. That is why long granular varieties are used for such pilaf. Usually it's Basmati.

Traditionally Uzbek pilaf cooked with lamb. Another feature of this dish is that barberry is added to it, which gives the taste of pilaf additional richness. Pilaf is cooked in a wide cauldron - a cauldron over a fire. In our kitchen conditions, you will have to use a cast-iron gas pan.


  • 1 kg boneless lamb leg (pieces up to 5 cm);
  • 400 g long grain Basmati rice;
  • garlic - 1 whole head;
  • 2 onions;
  • carrots - 4 pcs.;
  • 2 tbsp. l. cumin seeds;
  • coriander in seeds - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • black pepper - 1 tsp;
  • barberry - 100 g;
  • vegetable broth - 0.5 l;
  • salt - up to 2 tbsp. l.;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. refined vegetable oils.


  1. Rice is placed in a cup and poured with boiling water, and then infused for 40 to 50 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, the meat is lightly fried, after which it is cooked. meat broth with the addition of vegetables, spices and whole garlic. The broth is boiled for about half an hour.
  3. Then the rice is washed and, when ready, is added to the broth. It is necessary that the water covers the rice by about 6-10 mm, so boiling water is slowly poured into the cauldron, salted and mixed lightly.
  4. Pilaf is being prepared with the lid closed over low heat. The rice should soften and the water should be absorbed. This will take about 20-25 minutes.

If you have read everything carefully up to this point, then you probably already could guess which rice is best suited for pilaf. That's right - it's a long grained "Basmati" or ordinary, and the rice may be brown. To make pilaf in a slow cooker crumbly, take ordinary white long rice.

Just like in the preparation of Uzbek pilaf, the rice is pre-washed well and poured with water for about an hour. During this time, you will have the opportunity to prepare the rest of the ingredients. You need to cook pilaf in a multicooker in manual mode, setting the temperature to 100℃, with the lid closed. Cooking time - 23 minutes. When ready, turn off the multicooker, and let the pilaf stand for another 10 minutes so that the rice is well infused.

Plov is not easy the National dish many eastern peoples. This is a true cultural tradition. Its preparation requires a special approach. Each ingredient is carefully selected and processed. And of course, real oriental pilaf is made only on an open fire and in a cauldron. Subject to all the rules, the same dish is obtained, reflecting the originality of the oriental table. At the same time, the biggest trouble that can happen to pilaf is sticky rice. For the hostess of the house, serving such a dish means disgracing herself in front of guests and relatives. And to prevent this from happening, it is important to know which rice is best for pilaf and why.

What kind of rice is there?

You can talk for a long time about varieties of rice. However, when you first go to the store, it is easy to get confused when you go to the shelves with cereals. Here you can see at least a dozen different varieties of rice. And it's not just the manufacturer. Sometimes it is really difficult to understand which rice to use for pilaf. However, knowing that it should not stick together during cooking, you can already weed out a number of popular varieties in the store.

Obviously, rice with round grains will not work. These are Krasnodar, Nishiki, Arborio, Bomb and some others. They are commonly used to make porridges, sushi, paella and risotto. Obviously, in all these dishes characteristics cereals only in the hands of the hostess. But this is completely unacceptable for oriental pilaf. It needs varieties that absorb liquid and aromas well. And besides, they should not be very starchy.

But it is worth taking a closer look at the rice that has more oblong grains. This is basmati, wild, steamed, brown or golden. They are distinguished by more low maintenance starch, which means they won't stick together like that. Basmati and steamed rice for pilaf are considered the most successful. They absorb liquid, oil and spices well, while cooking, the grains double in size and retain their shape. This is exactly what is needed for a good swim. From other types of rice, the dish will turn out no worse, but it will require a truly virtuoso mastery of cooking techniques.

The same girl

However, if you cook pilaf, strictly observing oriental traditions, only one variety is suitable - devzira. It grows near Ferghana, in the very heart of Uzbekistan. On the territory of this country, pilaf from another variety cannot be tasted. In addition, in the season it can be easily bought on the market. But what is so special about it and why is it even better than basmati and steamed rice for pilaf?

Devzira possesses simply unique properties. It is more capable of absorbing “tasty” liquids than other varieties. And this is perfect for swimming. It remains only to learn how to choose rice correctly. Devzira grains have an oblong shape and a brown tint. On closer inspection, you can see that they are covered with "dust". These are the remains of a shell, nothing more. If you rub such rice in your hands, then a small brown strip will definitely remain on the side. And now it's impossible to remove it. In addition, the grain will retain its integrity. You can even try on the tooth how hard it is.

Processing rice before cooking

By choosing suitable variety rice, you can take half the job done. However, it will not last long and ruin everything if it is not properly prepared the cereal before cooking pilaf. First of all, you need to get rid of excess starch. To do this, you need not just soak rice - it is poured hot water. With very starchy varieties, the procedure is repeated 4-5 times until the water becomes clear.

It is also very useful to add turmeric or saffron to boiling water. These spices will not only soak the rice to the very middle, but also allow it to retain its shape. And in order for the grains to swell, they must be left for a while in water. Devziru, for example, it is desirable to soak for 30-40 minutes. It is worth noting that the experienced chefs the question does not even arise which rice is better for pilaf. They believe that anyone. It's a matter of taste. The main thing is to properly prepare it.

Uzbek pilaf recipe

Having understood all the variety of varieties and types of rice and choosing your own, you can cook pilaf from yourself. The recipe for its preparation only at first glance seems simple. There are some tricks here. And you need to start with the choice of dishes. Ideally, this should be a cauldron or pan with a thick bottom so that all products reach readiness evenly. Classic pilaf It is prepared only from meat (lamb or beef), onions, carrots and rice. Nothing else needs to be added except liquids and spices.

The proportions can be slightly changed to your liking. Ideally, for 1 kg of meat take the same amount of other ingredients. So! Put the cauldron on a strong fire and warm it up well for about five minutes, then pour 300 ml of vegetable oil into it. It is good to ignite it until a characteristic smoke appears. Then put the chopped onion and fry, stirring, until golden brown. Now it's the turn of the meat, cut into fairly large cubes. It must be fried until a thin crust appears. And only now it's time to add carrots, cut into strips. Fry a little more, add salt, pour boiling water so that it covers the entire zirvak (this is the name of all products in pilaf, except for rice), reduce the heat, cover with a lid and cook until almost ready.

Only now you can add already prepared rice, pour more boiling water. Its level should be 2 fingers above all products. Cook until rice is cooked. You can add liquids at any time, the main thing is to do it carefully, without mixing the layers. When the pilaf is almost ready, reduce the heat to a minimum and let the dish stand for another 20 minutes. This is necessary so that the rice is saturated with the rest of the flavors.

Of course, with so much oil and fried meat plov can hardly be called diet dish. However, you can still add some usefulness to it if you use brown rice instead of regular rice. In fact, the same cereal, only not processed. This means that more vitamins and minerals will remain in its shell. Otherwise, the cooking recipe will be the same, only the color of the dish will turn out to be brighter. It is possible that someone will answer the question of which rice is better for pilaf: brown.

Instead of a conclusion

Everyone cooks pilaf in their own way. Indeed, even in Fergana itself, each cook has his own signature recipe and his own answer to the question of which rice is best for pilaf. The main thing is to be guided by common sense and taste preferences when choosing a variety.

Pilaf is an incredibly tasty dish. It is prepared in almost every home. But in order to cook the most delicious, most crumbly pilaf you need to choose the right main ingredient of this dish - rice. So what kind of rice for pilaf can be considered the best?

In the store you can find a variety of different varieties rice. But only some of them are suitable for cooking pilaf. Therefore, the best rice for pilaf is rice hard varieties. In addition, it must necessarily have an elongated shape and not be too thin. Thin varieties for pilaf are not suitable at all.

What rice for pilaf is considered the best

How to check if rice is suitable for pilaf? Everything is very simple. If, when chewed with teeth, dry rice did not crumble, but broke into 2 parts, then the most wonderful pilaf will turn out from such rice.

It is worth paying attention to the shelf life of rice. At the same time, you need to remember that the shelf life of rice before threshing is not at all important. But after threshing, rice can be stored for no more than a year. In addition, pilaf will turn out delicious only if the rice varieties are not mixed. This is due to the fact that different varieties of rice are cooked at different times.

That is why Devzira rice is best suited for pilaf. It is he who gives pilaf an unusual and magnificent taste. You can also cook pilaf from varieties of rice such as Arabic and Mexican. They are very hard, but at the same time, world chefs cook pilaf from such varieties.

But it’s also not worth using steamed rice for pilaf, which is new-fangled today. Indeed, instead of a dish called "Pilaf" you will get rice with meat or rice porridge with meat. But we need a completely different result.

Now you know exactly what kind of rice is needed for pilaf and your dish will be the most delicious and most crumbly.

April 24, 2016 10577

More than fifty tons of various types of rice are grown annually, because it can be used to cook great amount delicious meals. It is rich in protein, which contains about 8%, and also contains useful trace elements which are very important for health.

Now it is hard to believe that rice was forgotten for almost a millennium and a half due to the popularity of other cereals. But now it's impossible to imagine oriental cuisine without it delicious side dish. The first dish that comes to mind at the mention of rice is, of course, pilaf.

You can read about the secrets of its preparation and which rice is better for him to choose in this article.

types of rice

Traditionally, rice is divided into types according to the type of grain and the way it is processed. Having processed even the same variety of rice different ways, you can get a completely different taste and completely change its properties.

Types of rice by type of grain processing:

rice varieties

There are hundreds of varieties of rice, so it makes no sense to list them all. In the kitchen, only 4-5 types are most often used. Some species are quite rare to find on the shelves of shops near the house, as they are quite expensive. These include:

  • "Jasmine". This rice is one of the so-called elite varieties. He received such a title thanks to the subtle milky taste, softness and friability. It is often used to prepare oriental dishes with lots of spices. When cooked, it becomes very fragrant, moist and sticky, but does not stick together;
  • "Basmati". This type of rice is often referred to as the "king" for its unique nutty-milky flavor and aroma. He is one of the most expensive varieties, thanks to the long grains, which still increase during cooking. Basmati is an excellent side dish for oriental-style meat and fish dishes. It is processed most often with the help of steam, which, as already known, saves up to 90% useful properties in its composition;
  • Wild rice. This type of rice is the champion in terms of the amount contained in its composition. beneficial vitamins and minerals. True, not every average family can afford to eat it often because of its high cost. For girls who are watching their figure, it can be a real salvation, because with a low calorie content, it perfectly saturates and deprives the feeling of hunger for a long time. As a rule, grains of this type are black or dark brown, and can be used for both sweet desserts and savory side dishes. It is customary to mix it with long-grain parboiled rice;
  • "Arborio". It is excellent for making soups, as it becomes creamy during the cooking process, and is also often used for risotto;
  • Other varieties. There is a special rice for making sushi. Its uniqueness lies in the special adhesion of rice grains to each other. There is brown rice, dessert and puffed. There is also an amazing red rice, which contains a huge amount of fiber, and red-brown rice, which is used for Uzbek pilaf.

Rules for choosing rice for pilaf

So what kind of rice is better to choose for pilaf from all this variety?

Of course, you can follow a simple path and take the one in the store that is marked “for pilaf” on the package, but if there is none in your store, then use the following tips:

  1. For a crumbly pilaf structure, use steamed rice, Jasmine, Basmati, or a mixture of steamed and wild rice;
  2. Try the grain “by the tooth”, if it was easy to bite it, then it is better to refrain from cooking from it: you risk cooking rice porridge, not a real pilaf;
  3. Check the surface of the grain: it should not be smooth, but slightly ribbed;
  4. Choose oblong varieties long grain rice. Round is not suitable for pilaf;
  5. If during cooking you notice that the rice does not increase in size and burns, then do not use it for pilaf next time. Perhaps it will turn out delicious dressing for soup or porridge;
  6. Read the composition carefully: there should not be any GMOs in it;
  7. Choose packaging in which you can clearly see the grains: they should not be broken and contain debris;
  8. Before cooking, feel the aroma of rice: it should not be repulsively unpleasant.

What special rice is better to use for pilaf

It is important to know what exists special kind, which was specially bred for cooking pilaf, is "Devzira". Thanks to special growing conditions and processing, it is not only very fragrant, but also able to absorb a lot of water, meat fat and spices, which gives the finished pilaf an indescribable rich taste.

True, unscrupulous producers often try to fake this type of rice. To avoid being fooled, check it out:

Processing rice before cooking

In order to get a crumbly and tasty pilaf, it is not enough to choose right rice, it still needs to be properly prepared:

  • Thoroughly wash off all the starch from the rice, because it is it that can contribute to gluing;
  • Soak the rice in warm salted water for half an hour. Here you can add some spices for pilaf or saffron.

Pilaf recipes

Uzbek pilaf in a cauldron

This is a real delicacy and many men consider it their duty to be able to cook real Uzbek pilaf. Every self-respecting culinary specialist, for sure, has his own cooking secrets. Here is just one of many options.


  • 3 heads of garlic;
  • A kilogram of lamb;
  • 300 milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • A kilogram of rice;
  • A kilogram of carrots;
  • 3 onions;
  • Hot pepper and cumin.

Pour into a cauldron vegetable oil and heat it up over a big fire. Fry the peeled onion in it.

Fry the meat until golden brown and take it out.

Heat the oil again and fry the onion, coarsely chopped into rings, add the meat to it and fry again. Add chopped carrots to the meat and onions and fry for ten minutes.

Add zira and pour everything with hot water so that it covers the contents of the cauldron by one centimeter. Add pepper, and when the water boils, reduce the heat and simmer for forty minutes. Add a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of red pepper. Insert the unpeeled garlic into the mass and cover with rice. Top with a liter hot water so that it covers him and rises one and a half centimeters.

Increase the heat again and reduce it immediately after boiling. After the rice has absorbed all the water, cover it with a lid and leave until cooked on low heat for about twenty minutes.

Pilaf from brown rice in a slow cooker

To enjoy delicious pilaf, it is not necessary to have a cauldron, it is enough to be the owner of a home assistant - a multicooker.


  • Half a kilo brown rice;
  • Half a kilo of pork pulp;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 3 onions;
  • head of garlic;
  • 700 milliliters of water;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Spices.

Rinse the rice well before cooking and leave to soak in a bowl of water.

Cut the meat into small pieces and fry on the “frying” mode for ten minutes.

At this time, cut the onion into half rings, and the carrots into strips. Set the time on the “frying” mode for another five minutes and throw the vegetables into the bowl.

While the meat and vegetables are roasting, peel the garlic, but do not cut it, and boil the kettle.

After frying, add spices and garlic, and also fill everything with water.

Salt to taste and leave to stew on the "Extinguishing" mode for twenty minutes.

After the end of the quenching, add rice and put the slow cooker on the “Cooking” mode for an hour.

For the final preparation, leave the pilaf for fifteen minutes under a closed lid.

Enjoy your meal!

As you can see, choosing the perfect rice for pilaf is not so difficult. If you follow all the rules, you can cook delicious dish, which can become a favorite in your family! Good luck!