Borscht for the winter with beets and carrots. Beet and cabbage dressing in jars - a simple recipe

Gathered to cook borscht with a jar? I wonder why? Isn't fresh vegetables in borscht more interesting, aren't they available? all year round?.. The questions are sly, because I cook such borscht myself. And I am sure that everything has its place and time.

Canned dressing for borscht for the winter is perfect option in three cases.

Who needs a dressing for borscht for the winter?

First case - you don’t have a store nearby where you can buy juicy beets, crispy carrots, tomatoes that smell like summer all year round. The market is far from you, and even if it were close, then carrying a kilogram of this, a pound of this and a couple of grams of this (and in total it turns out to be an unbearable sack) is somehow not funny. In this version, it’s worth going to the wholesale market once a year, buying a bunch of vegetables and bringing them home by taxi, so that later they can be processed and turned into a delicious borscht dressing for the winter, smelling of herbs, tomatoes and freedom.

Second case - you are a terrible lazy person, seeking to minimize any body movements associated with cooking. For you, peeling one carrot is a waste of resources. Dilute mud because of a small beetroot - like an execution. That is why once a year it is worth setting aside half a day to clean a mountain of carrots, a box of beets, process a centner of tomatoes, and then slowly stretch your hand into the pantry for the long and cold 3-4-5 winter months, take the first jar of borscht dressing that comes across, defiantly open it and lazily transfer the contents into a pot of broth.

Third case not subject to description. You just need to accept it as a fact and not try to understand anything: borscht is rolled into a jar because great-grandmother, grandmother and mother did it. And my sister and godmother do it too. And point.

So, if at least one of the three cases is yours, then my recipe will come in handy: in the bazaars, the prices for wind-smelling ground tomatoes, beets filled with juice and became as sweet as possible, carrots are ideal in terms of price-quality ratio. We buy everything necessary products, we stock up on a couple of new episodes of our favorite series, drive our family to the park and start.


Output - about 6.5-7 liters.


  • 2 kg of tomatoes;
  • 3 kg of beets;
  • 1.5 kg of bell pepper;
  • 1 kg of onions;
  • 1.5 kg of carrots;
  • a large bunch of greens;
  • 4 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 glass of vegetable oil;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp citric acid;
  • 150 ml of table vinegar;
  • 0.5 l of water.

How to prepare dressing for borscht

Well, are you ready? We start to create and dream.

BEET. Let's start with it, this is the most laborious. Beets, beauty and queen, require special attention. First of all, of course, we clean it and wash it. But then we begin to lovingly cut with a knife into long thin sticks. You can, of course, just grate it, but this is not serious in relation to beets - she is a noble lady with us, stereotyped treatment is not welcome with her.

CARROT. It’s easier with carrots - washed, peeled, grated. Any size - as you like. However, it is possible with blocks, blocks - but this is if you have a couple more fresh episodes from "Dr. House" or "Grace's Anatomy".

PEPPER. Pepper is a very simple comrade: after removing the stalk, cut it into thin strips.

TOMATOES. Tomatoes, of course, should be peeled. Of course, it’s necessary to tinker, but it’s not at all difficult: make a light cross-shaped incision on each tomato, pour boiling water over it. After 2-3 minutes, drain the water and absolutely simply remove the skin.
Cut the tomatoes into small cubes.

ONION. Clean, cut into small cubes.

GREENS. Grind, removing the stems.

Stew vegetables. We heat up the pan. Pour a little oil and fry the onion until golden. Transfer to a large saucepan.

We wipe the pan with a paper towel to remove the remaining onion cubes (otherwise they will just burn), pour in the oil, heat up and fry the carrots. In a saucepan.

We wipe the pan, add oil, fry bell pepper. In company with onions and carrots.

In order for the beets to retain their bright saturated color, add when frying citric acid.

Wipe again, top up again. This time it was the turn of the beets - and here everything is somewhat more complicated (she's the queen, remember?). First, fry, but with the addition of citric acid (it will help maintain a bright saturated color) and sugar (a subtle caramel flavor is great!). When the beets are soft, add the tomatoes. Fry for another 3-5 minutes, after which we transfer everything to the pan with the rest of the vegetables.

We roll up. Salt, add water and simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes.
In the end add vinegar, bring to a boil again, after which we lay out the dressing in small sterilized jars (for me, 300 ml is optimal - just for one pan of borscht).

We cover with sterilized lids, roll up, turn the jars over and wrap them in blankets. After a day, the dressing can be transferred to the pantry, where it can be stored, using as needed.

What else is added to canned borscht dressing

If desired, you can add cabbage to the dressing, stewing it along with all the vegetables.

In addition, the following additives perfectly complement the taste of borscht in a jar:
- celery root;
- parsley and parsnip root;
Bay leaf, black pepper;
- garlic and a little chili pepper;
- zucchini;
- prunes or plums;
- applesauce.

Delicious to you winter borscht! Both in a jar and in a bowl.

Borscht is one of my favorite first courses. Moreover, I know about a dozen recipes for preparing this delicious hearty meal, because in each region borscht is cooked in its own way, using certain ingredients. I once read that there is special recipe royal borsch, consisting of about a hundred ingredients. Just think about the taste of this dish!
Well, I am far from royal borscht with quails and hazel grouse, but every time I try to come up with something original to decorate the taste of my dish. True, cooking classic borscht it takes time, you can’t cook this dish in half an hour. Although, here I managed and came up with such an original borscht dressing from fresh vegetables. In its composition, of course, beetroot (the brighter the color, the better), carrot root and turnip, as well as the fruit of salad pepper and ripe tomato.
This is a very convenient dressing for borscht for the winter, and if you are looking for recipes without cabbage, then here it is in front of you.
With such a preparation at hand, you can really cook a delicious fragrant borscht in half an hour. To do this, I put potatoes and cabbage in boiling broth (or just water), and when they are almost ready, I add dressing to taste. So I strongly recommend that you make such a preparation for the winter. By the way, it's still possible.

- beetroot (medium) - 3 kg
- tomato fruit - 1 kg
- salad pepper - 1 kg
- onion turnip - 1 kg
- carrots (root) - 1 kg
- vegetable oil - 500 ml
- table vinegar (9%) - 200 ml
- granulated sugar (white) - 200 g
- edible salt of medium grinding - 2 tbsp.

We wash the beetroot from dirt, then clean it from the skin. Next, chop it with cubes or simply chop it with a grater (for beautiful cutting you can take a shredder for Korean carrots).

We rub the peeled carrots on a grater, like beets.

Wash the peeled onion and finely chop.
We wash the peppers and cut them in half, remove the seeds and the stalk, and then cut them into strips.
Wash the tomatoes, dry with a towel and cut into slices.

Pour the oil into the saucepan (be sure to take refined without foreign odors) and as soon as it heats up, put the beets in it. Simmer for 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally so it doesn't burn.

Now everything is simple - add the rest of the vegetables to the pan, mix and add salt, sugar and pour vinegar.

On a small fire, we simmer the dressing for about an hour, during which time the vegetables will be stewed, but not boiled into "porridge".

Then we shift the dressing for borscht into pre-prepared jars and twist them with lids (it is very convenient to use jars with twist-off lids).
We cover the containers with a blanket and, after cooling, we transfer them to the basement for storage.

Enjoy your meal!

Look the same

Very helpful cold winter pre-prepared dressing for borscht with beets, carrots and cabbage. In summer, this dish is prepared from fresh vegetables and then placed in sterile jars.

The main component in this case will always be beets. And the rest of the vegetables can be added to taste - onions, carrots, potatoes and even peppers.

Now, when you decide to treat your family to borscht, you just need to open a jar and pour the vegetable mixture from it into a rich broth. In just a few minutes you will have your meal ready. In this article, we will look at the most delicious recipes cooking dressing for borscht for the winter in jars.

Dressing for borscht with cabbage


  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • carrots - 600 gr;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 500 gr;
  • onions - 600 gr;
  • cabbage - 2 kg;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • table vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • grows. oil - 130 ml;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.


The first thing we will do is cut the washed tomatoes into small slices. Next, remove all the seeds from the bell pepper and chop it into small slices.

Then pour the chopped tomato slices into the water and Bell pepper. Chop the onion finely and add it to the bowl. Next, add chopped cabbage and grated carrots.

Now mix everything well, salt and add sugar. After the vegetables boil, they need to be cooked for five minutes.

While the vegetables are languishing over low heat, prepare the jars. Wash them thoroughly with baking soda. Be careful - on the banks in no case should there be cracks, chips, any stains. Crockery with flaws for preservation will not work.

Place the washed jars upside down on the pressure cooker. Nearby you can place covers for them. Sterilize your jars for approximately 15 minutes.

There is another method of sterilization - in microwave oven. To do this, pour some water into a jar and heat it in the microwave for five minutes. The remaining water after it must be poured out of the jar. Boil metal lids for 5-7 minutes.

It is interesting! In fact, there are many types of borscht. Some prepare it for meat broth with the addition of bacon, others prefer borscht with mushrooms. Still others add chicken, turkey or even fish to this dish. Borscht is served both hot and cold. The latter is usually prepared summer time based on kefir and beets. For taste, boiled eggs and fresh herbs are added to it.

Refueling for the winter without vinegar


  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • boiled beets - 1 kg;
  • sweet pepper - 300 g;
  • carrots - 300 g;
  • onions - 300 g;
  • cabbage - 300 g;
  • fresh parsley or dill - 100 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc;
  • vegetable oil - to taste.


In order to prepare a dressing for this delicious and healthy recipe First of all, take the onion and chop it. Then cut onion rings in sunflower oil.

Then take the tomatoes, scald them with boiling water and carefully remove the skin. Cut these vegetables into cubes. Then chop the rest of the vegetables, except for the beets, put them in a saucepan and simmer for about half an hour.

Grated beets are added to this dressing last. If you do this earlier, it will lose its rich red hue. Simmer the vegetable mixture in a saucepan for 15 minutes. After that you need to add lemon juice and move carefully. Without delay, divide your vegetable mixture into the jars prepared in advance.

rolled cans with vegetable mixture keep in a warm place until cool, and then transfer them to the cellar.

Fact! Borsch is one of the most ancient dishes of Slavic cuisine. Mentions of him in cookbooks date back to the 16th century. There is an assumption that at first it was prepared from an edible plant, hogweed, and only after that they began to add beets to this dish.

Borsch with beans for the winter

The following dressing recipe will appeal to bean lovers. If you have never cooked borscht on it, first we advise you to make a few jars to try it - whether you like it.


  • beets - 2 kg;
  • carrots - 2 kg;
  • onions - 2 kg;
  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • white beans - 2 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 ml;
  • hot water - 0.5 ml;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • salt - 100 gr.;
  • vinegar 6% - 150 gr.


In order to prepare the dressing according to this recipe, the beans must first be poured with water and boiled. After you need to do the frying - chop the vegetables and fry in sunflower oil. In the process, add some water, sugar, vinegar and salt to them. Simmer for half an hour.

Fact! Borscht with beans is perfect during Lent. To prepare it, boil cabbage and potatoes in advance and add steam to them for flavor. dried mushrooms. Now it remains to add a dressing with beans to the vegetables and a delicious, fragrant borscht is ready.

Winter dressing for borscht with hot peppers

This recipe will appeal to lovers of "spicy". To prepare it, you will need hot pepper.


  • carrots - 2 kg;
  • onions - 2 kg;
  • tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • sweet pepper - 2 kg;
  • hot pepper - 1-2 pcs;
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 ml;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc;
  • salt - to taste.


Peppers together with tomatoes wipe through a meat grinder. Then take beets, carrots and stew them in a pan for a quarter of an hour. Add the remaining vegetables, salt, bay leaf to them and simmer under the lid for about an hour.

The gas station is ready. Arrange it in sterile jars, roll up and place in heat.

Note! Hot pepper is useful because it contains great amount ascorbic acid. Thanks to this, it allows you to strengthen blood vessels, cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and toxins, and relieve excess weight. This vegetable is also great helper during the period of colds.

Refueling in a slow cooker for the winter

To make this easy dressing, you will need the following ingredients:

  • beets - 1.5 kg;
  • tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • salt - to taste.


First, chop the beetroot coarse grater. Next, peel the tomatoes. To do this, make cross cuts on each and them and lower them into boiling water. Remove the tomatoes from the water and remove the skin.

Divide the tomatoes into two parts, remove the stalk from them and puree with a blender. Now salt the vegetables. Try to see if there is enough salt.

Under the lid, put out the dressing in a slow cooker for 1.5 hours. In this case, the "extinguishing" mode must be activated.

Distribute the workpiece according to glass jars hot and twist. Banks should be left warm, and then cleaned in a cool room. From the above ingredients, you will get about six half-liter cans of dressing. That's about thirty servings.

Borsch for the winter with cabbage and tomato juice

It is not necessary to fry vegetables for cooking borscht according to this recipe. You can adjust the taste of borscht, depending on the amount of vinegar added. The more vinegar, the more sour your dish will turn out.


  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • onions - 300-500 gr;
  • carrots - 300 gr;
  • bell pepper - 500 gr;
  • cabbage - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 2 tsp;
  • salt - to taste;
  • vinegar 70%;
  • hot pepper - to taste.


First, mash the tomatoes. To do this, we need a meat grinder or a blender. Finely chop the cabbage with a knife. Then we clean and chop the rest of the vegetables - onions, carrots, peppers.

Put on a moderate heat a saucepan with tomato juice and the rest of the vegetables. After the vegetables boil, remove the foam and add the cabbage to them. Then let this vegetable mass boil for 10-20 minutes over low heat. Stir the dressing often and don't let it burn.

In a boiling mass, add salt, sugar, pour vinegar. Transfer the dressing to sterilized jars, tightly close them with lids and wrap them in a warm blanket until they cool.

On a note! Despite the fact that the borsch itself is very tasty, it will look a little poor at the time of serving if nothing is added to this dish. What is suitable for this purpose? First, donuts from fresh white bread with garlic, secondly, bacon from the freezer with meat streaks, cut into slices. In addition, borscht will perfectly complement garlic and green onion. And of course, this dish will not do without sour cream. Be sure to add a spoon to the finished dish right before serving it.

Borsch for the winter with potatoes

What is borscht without potatoes! It's great that you can also prepare this dish in advance, and then just roll it up in jars.

To do this, you need to purchase:


  • potatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • white cabbage - 1 kg.
  • tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • onions - 500 gr;
  • carrots - 500 gr;
  • beets - 500 gr;
  • bell pepper - 250 gr;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • table vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.


Puree the tomatoes, carrots and beets using a food processor. Crumble the onions with a knife, chop the potatoes too, cutting them into cubes. Finely chop white cabbage.

Make a frying - mix onions, beets and carrots in a pan. Simmer for approximately 15 minutes. At the end, add the tomatoes table vinegar and spices.

Last, add white cabbage, peppers and potatoes to the overcooking. Leave to simmer for another half hour.

Even novice housewives can prepare dressing for borscht for the winter, but how great it will be winter evening cook soup out of it. Try several recipes and decide which one you and your family will like best.


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Preparations for the winter make life much easier for housewives - firstly, they help save money, and secondly, time. Many women prepare everything - vegetables, fruits, dressing for first courses, others go even further - they preserve borscht for the winter in jars in different form. In winter, they only have to cook the broth, cut the potatoes and put the contents of the jar into the pan. In 10 minutes they get the finished dish - delicious rich borscht. Do you want to do the same? "Popular about health" will share recipes for such blanks.

Borscht without pepper, canned

First, we will share a recipe for borscht for the winter without pepper. It can be useful for those who did not have this ingredient on hand or for those whose family does not like pepper. So let's get everything ready. necessary: beets - 1 kg, tomatoes - 2 kg, carrots - 1 kg, onions - 0.5 kg, garlic - 6 cloves, cabbage - 1 kg, vegetable oil - 120 ml, vinegar - 60 ml, sugar - 60 g, salt - 20 y.

We wash and clean vegetables. If you like beets and carrots to look beautiful in the finished dish, you will have to spend more time cutting these fruits with a knife. Not ready for the time investment - use a grater. Finely chop the onion heads. Garlic can be chopped or crushed under pressure. Tomatoes are easier to twist in a meat grinder. Finely shred the cabbage.

On the hot pan pour oil, put carrots in it, fry, add onion slices. When this ingredient becomes soft, pour the beets into the pan and roll them in fat. Now we need a voluminous pan or cauldron, where all the vegetables will be stewed, because there are quite a lot of them. We shift everything into it, immediately add salt, sugar, garlic and cabbage, tomato, mix. Having covered the cauldron with a lid, wait for it to boil, then note the time - exactly 20 minutes. Fire is a little above average. Then pour in the vinegar and simmer the mass for another 5 minutes. Conduct a tasting, you may need to add sugar or salt to the dish. If the taste does not require correction, proceed to canning. We distribute everything in sterilized glass containers, cork borscht in jars for the winter. We turn over, cover the container with warm clothes so that it does not cool quickly.

Borscht for the winter in jars without tomatoes

It also happens that they are going to make preparations, but there are no tomatoes. What then? Is it possible to give up on what you want? No, you can make borscht without tomatoes, however, you need tomato paste, you can’t do without it.

We present grocery list: you will need 1 kg of beets, take less onions and carrots - 0.5 kg each, sweet pepper - 400 g, garlic - a head, celery root - 100 g, cabbage - 1 kg, oil - 100 ml, take a teaspoon of citric acid, sugar - 60 g, salt - 20 g, tomato paste - 300 g.

Wash vegetables, clean them. Remove the seeds from the pepper, cut the celery root into small pieces. Grate or grind sharp knife beets and carrots. Chop the onion as finely as possible. Pass the garlic through a press. Pepper should be cut into long thin strips. Let's make a pan fry. Pour oil, put carrots and onions there, fry. Add beets, fry everything together again.

We shift the frying into a cauldron or a voluminous stewpan, we send the rest of the vegetables there - pepper, cabbage, celery root, as well as salt, sugar, citric acid and pasta. Stir, add half a liter of water and turn on the fire of medium intensity. Covering the saucepan with a lid, simmer the mass for 20 minutes (we detect after boiling). If you need a little more water, add, but not immediately, but when the vegetables start juice. We taste the dish, if necessary, add salt or add sweetness. We distribute everything in jars, sterilized in advance, we make a spin.

Similarly, you can make a harvest for the winter without a tomato in a jar and without pepper at the same time. In this case, you will also need a paste or tomato juice. Consider the recipe.

Borscht for the winter in jars without pepper and tomato with potatoes

Oddly enough, some housewives preserve first courses even with potatoes. In winter, having opened a jar, it is simply diluted with broth and boiled for a couple of minutes, after which the dish can be served. Let's cook products: potatoes - 0.5 kg, cabbage - 0.5 kg, beets - 1 kg, carrots - 4 pieces, 5 medium onions, garlic - to taste, a can of tomato paste, vegetable oil - 100 ml, vinegar - 50 ml, sugar - 60 g, salt - 20 g.

We clean the vegetables, rub the beets and carrots on a grater. Finely chop the cabbage, chop the onion in the usual way. We crush the garlic. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes and put in water. Fry onions in oil, then add carrots and beets to it, fry until soft. Add tomato paste and half a liter of water to the vegetables, simmer for 10 minutes. We shift the vegetables into a saucepan (pot), send cabbage, potatoes to them, add salt, sugar, some spices). If you need to add water, add more so that the potatoes are submerged in the liquid. We are waiting for the boil, cover the pan with a lid, simmer for 25 minutes, then add vinegar and simmer for another 3 minutes. Distribute the hot mass into jars, tighten the lids.

Even if you didn’t have pepper and tomatoes at hand, you can still prepare borscht for the winter. Try any of our recipes. It is not necessary to follow them exactly - you can adjust the amount of ingredients and spices to your liking. The main thing is to bring the products to full readiness and sterilize the container so that the jars do not swell.

Such a first dish, like borscht, surprises nutritional composition, satiety, pleasant taste characteristics. The most important thing is to know what scheme should be used to prepare borscht dressing for the winter with beets and carrots and cabbage. Available Recipes from the Internet allow you to cook delicious borscht in the bank.

In addition, you do not have to freeze cabbage and other vegetables, as a result of which the maximum of useful components can be preserved. The first dish will turn out very tasty, nutritious. It is not surprising that dressing for borscht or soup, properly prepared and pre-rolled in jars, will become a worthy basis for the first course in the cold season.

  • Vegetable dressing for borscht
  • Simple cabbage dressing
  • Borsch dressing with potatoes
  • beet dressing

Classic dressing for borscht for the winter

How to cook borsch for the winter in jars? Classic recipe will allow you to understand how best to cope with the culinary task.


A kilogram of tomatoes;
about 0.5 kg of pepper, carrots and onions;
a couple of large cabbages;
glass of water;
a teaspoon of vinegar;
sunflower oil;
sugar and salt (in the same proportion).

Cooking method:

1. Peppers and tomatoes are washed, peeled and very carefully cut into medium-sized pieces. Preferably keep vegetable juice to improve the taste characteristics of the dressing.
2. Pour water, vinegar, vegetable oil into the pan. Everything is poured into a saucepan, where dressing for borscht will be prepared.
3. Bulgarian pepper is cleaned of seeds, cut into thin strips.
4. Tomatoes are placed in a saucepan. Turn on a small fire. After a while, bell pepper is added.
5. Onion chopped, after which they are sent to the rest of the vegetables.
6. Vegetables are thoroughly mixed. Add sugar and salt.
7. At the next stage, grated carrots are added.
8. Banks are prepared in advance. Used to wash containers baking soda because it is considered safe. The most important thing is to thoroughly rinse the baking soda from the cans. Use whole and sealed jars. Clean containers are placed upside down on a tier for sterilization. The lids are placed next to the jars. Sterilization takes 15 minutes. It is advisable to boil the lids in water for 5-7 minutes.
9. At the next stage, finely chopped cabbage is added. Such a dressing with cabbage will surely delight you with its nutritional composition and impeccable taste.
10. All components are cooked for about 5 minutes after the dressing boils. The cabbage should remain crispy.
11. Hot dressing is placed in jars, which are covered with a lid and rolled up with a special key for conservation.
12. Refueling is wrapped in warm clothes. In the future, you can store it in the freezer or in the cellar.

Note! Such simple recipes allow you to cook a very tasty dressing for the whole winter. Many housewives will note the amazing ease of cooking and will be able to please their family with nutritious, tasty first dishes. In addition, the classic borscht dressing with cabbage pleases with a truly amazing and harmonious taste, although it is simple and even novice housewives can handle it.

Vegetable dressing for borscht

In some cases, you can cook borscht for the winter even without cabbage. In addition, the dressing promises to be tasty and nutritious. The most important thing is to choose quality products.


1 kilogram fresh tomatoes and bell peppers, carrots and onions;
3 kilograms of beets;
250 milliliters sunflower oil;
8 tablespoons of sugar;
3 tablespoons of salt;
2 glasses of water;
150 milliliters of 9% vinegar.

Cooking method:

1. Initially, all vegetables are thoroughly washed and chopped. The beets are rubbed.
2. Oil is poured into the prepared container, grated carrots are placed and boiled. Then cut the onion and add to the rest of the products. Boil 10 minutes.
3. At the next stage, beets are added, water is poured. Boil 15 minutes.
4. Now throw the pepper, cut into thin strips.
5. Add diced tomatoes.
6. Salt, spices are added to the borscht and boiled for 10 minutes.
7. At the final stage, lay the greens, mix and simmer for up to 5 minutes.
8. Ready meal deposited in banks. Roll up the lids. It is best to put the jars under a blanket to cool.

Many housewives are interested in whether it is possible to cook tasty base for soup and borscht without cabbage. In fact, these recipes are ideal for preparing delicious original borscht in winter.

Simple cabbage dressing

If desired, you can roll up the dressing, in which there will be a minimum of ingredients and cabbage will become the basis. This cabbage dressing for borscht is ideal for cooking winter preparations. In addition, such simple recipes in the 21st century are becoming more and more in demand. How can you prepare the condiment?

1. Initially, beets are prepared. It is washed, cleaned of the skin, roots, crushed with a grater. It will take 800 grams of beets for a rich taste.
2. Now they are engaged in a head of cabbage. All upper leaves are removed from it. AT without fail remove the stalk. A head of cabbage is chopped into thin strips.
3. Carrots are washed, cleaned of tops and roots. Carrots are rubbed on a grater. Taking into account the fact that carrots determine the taste of borscht, it is recommended to take 500 grams.
4. The peeled onion is washed, chopped.
5. Tomatoes are peeled, cut into large cubes or thin slices. For a harmonious taste of dressing, you need 500 grams of tomatoes.
6. Vegetables are poured into a large container. Add water, 100 milliliters of vegetable oil, spices. Cook the dish for up to 20 minutes.
7. At the end of cooking, pour 50 milliliters of vinegar, mix thoroughly. After that, they are removed from the fire.

The prepared dressing is laid out in glass jars and canned. Sugar and salt are added before preservation.

Important! Many housewives are ready to note that it is possible to prepare such a borscht dressing for the winter without any extra effort. The most important thing is to carefully study the cooking recipe and understand how best to cook tasty dish. In addition, such a dish can be stored even in freezer, being sure that the vegetables have already retained their nutrients.

Borscht dressing with tomato paste

How to prepare dressing for borscht with tomato paste? In fact, even such a dish can be prepared easily and quickly. The most important thing is to carefully study the recipe.


a kilogram of tomatoes, carrots, fresh cabbage and onions;
1.5 kilograms of beets;
500 grams of sweet red pepper;
a glass of vegetable oil;
100 grams of sugar;
chopped garlic;
salt and spices;
half a glass of vinegar 9 percent;
4 tablespoons of tomato paste.

Cooking method:

1. Finely cut the onion into cubes, as it will later be used as the basis for frying.
2. The remaining vegetables are finely chopped. Chopped vegetables are mixed with each other, poured with water and vinegar, vegetable oil, sugared and salted.
3. The basis of the workpiece is stewed for about 15 minutes. Then garlic is added and left on low heat for about 4 minutes.
4. Ready borscht is poured into glass jars and rolled up. Preservation is left under a blanket to cool. In the future, the dressing is stored in a cold place.

Having prepared such a dressing for making delicious winter borscht, you can be sure that even in the cold season you will be able to eat impeccable and nutritious first courses.

Borsch dressing with potatoes

Dressing can be prepared even with the addition of potatoes. What is the best way to deal with such a culinary challenge?


1.5 kilograms of potatoes;
kilogram of cabbage;
500 grams of carrots, beets and onions;
250 grams of bell pepper;
1.5 kilograms of ripe tomatoes;
a glass of vegetable oil;
a tablespoon of sugar;
2 tablespoons of salt and vinegar.

Cooking method:

1. Vegetables are washed, peeled and chopped. Carrots, tomatoes and beets are processed with a food processor, potatoes are cut into small cubes, cabbage is chopped into strips, onions are chopped.
2. Now fry the onion. Carrots, beets are added to it. All languish for 15 minutes. The presence of such roasting allows you to cook a delicious dressing with the addition of potatoes.
3. The next step is to add tomatoes, spices and vinegar.
4. Add cabbage, potatoes, bell peppers. Everything is stewed for about 1 hour.
5. Borscht is poured into jars and rolled up.

Advice! In what cases do we prepare such a dressing? It is best to use potatoes for classic borscht, as even in winter you want to enjoy a real first course.

beet dressing

Beetroot dressing also deserves attention. How to prepare beetroot dressing? In fact, this recipe is considered one of the easiest.

1. Vegetables are washed and cleaned. Grated carrots and beets. Chop the onion and pepper into cubes.
2. Tomatoes are peeled, chopped with a blender or meat grinder.
3. In a saucepan in vegetable oil, lightly fry beets with sugar, carrots. Then water is added and simmered.
4. After a couple of minutes, add the rest of the vegetables, 200 grams of sugar and 100 grams of salt.
5. Everything is thoroughly boiled, since the workpiece should be almost ready.
6. Add vinegar and boil for about 5 minutes.
7. Ready gas station immediately closed in banks.

Such beet dressing considered one of the best.

Dressing for borscht for the winter is the best option cooking delicious and useful first dishes. Besides different recipes allow you to choose which dressing to prepare for further long-term freezing. Properly prepared dressing will be better, more nutritious and tastier than frozen vegetables.