An appetizer of green tomatoes for the winter is fresh, tasty, bright, unusual. The best recipes for delicious green tomato snacks for the winter

Experienced housewives know that green tomatoes are not a waste product at all, you can cook a lot of them delicious snacks: from salads for the winter, caviar to barrel salting.

Appetizer of green tomatoes for the winter - general principles

To make the appetizer tasty and stored for a long time, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

1. Tomatoes should be dense, without cracks, spoiled places, traces of rot.

2. When preparing salads and caviar, it is permissible to use substandard, only in this case it is important to carefully cut out all spoiled places.

3. Unlike red tomatoes, green tomatoes require sterilization before seaming.

4. Green tomatoes go well with many other vegetables, so you can safely use cabbage, garlic, herbs, zucchini, carrots, beets and more when preparing snacks.

5. Usually snacks are seasoned with pepper, salt, sugar. Vinegar is used as a preservative. Sometimes they put herbs, oregano, suneli hops, hot peppers.

1. Appetizer of green tomatoes for the winter: Danube salad


800 g green tomatoes;

3 onion heads;

Carrot - 3 pcs.;

40 ml of acetic acid 9%;

40 ml of vegetable oil;

25 g of sugar and salt;

Lavrushka leaf;

Peppercorns - 7 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. First, wash the tomatoes and dry them on a paper towel, put them in a deep bowl. If your tomatoes are very large, then cut them into several pieces.

2. Peel the onion, cut into strips, put in a bowl with tomatoes.

3. Wash the peeled carrots, grate (you can use Korean), add to the rest of the vegetables.

4. Salt, sprinkle with sugar, mix everything thoroughly, let it brew under the lid for 2 hours.

5. Pour vinegar, vegetable oil into the salad, put parsley, allspice, transfer everything to a metal container.

6. Put on moderate heat and simmer for half an hour, covered with a lid.

7. Ready salad Spread directly while hot in clean jars, roll up the lids.

8. Put the jars in a warm place upside down and wrap in a blanket, leave it all night.

9. The next day, put the jars in the cellar.

2. Snack of green tomatoes for the winter in Korean


12 green tomatoes;

2 bell peppers;

Garlic - 6 cloves;

Acetic acid 9%, vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;

Sugar - 35 g;

1 teaspoon of salt;

Ground hot pepper - 10 g;

Greens - half a bouquet.

Cooking method:

1. Wash any greens (parsley, dill, sorrel) well and chop with a knife.

2. Wash the tomatoes, cut into random pieces.

3. Free the pepper from the stalk and seeds, wash and cut into thin strips.

4. Chop the peeled garlic in a garlic press.

5. Mix all prepared vegetables in a deep bowl, pour in vinegar, vegetable oil, salt, add sugar, add hot ground pepper, you can add any Korean seasoning, stir again.

6. Lay out the salad in a sterile container, close with plastic lids. Store in the refrigerator until winter.

3. Appetizer of green tomatoes for the winter in the form of caviar


Green tomatoes - 7 kg;

6 medium carrots;

5 onion heads;

2 glasses vegetable oil;

Sugar - 280 g;

Half a glass of salt;

Black pepper powder - 2 teaspoons.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the tomatoes, wipe dry with a towel, chop (you can chop in a food processor with a vegetable chopping attachment).

2. Grate the peeled carrots on a grater with large teeth.

3. Wash the onion and cut into small crumbs.

4. Take a deep cast iron pan, pour in the oil, heat it well, fry the onion over low heat until transparent.

5. Put the carrots in the pan, fry for another 7 minutes.

6. Add tomatoes, mix everything.

7. Pour in salt and sugar, pepper, pour in the remaining oil, mix everything and simmer for 3 hours over moderate heat.

8. Wash the jars thoroughly and heat in the oven.

9. Arrange the finished caviar from green tomatoes in hot jars, roll up tightly with metal lids, cool under a warm blanket and place in the cellar.

4. Appetizer of green tomatoes for the winter in a slow cooker


20 green tomatoes;

5 onion heads;

6 small carrots;

Vegetable oil - 120 ml;

Chili ketchup - half a glass;

Sugar - 140 g;

Salt - 35 g.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the tomatoes, cut into cubes. Cut the onion into crumbs, and grate the carrots on a medium grater.

2. Pour oil into the capacity of the multicooker and fry the onion and carrot in the “frying” mode for several minutes.

3. Add tomatoes, chili ketchup to the container. You can use store-bought ketchup or make homemade tomato ketchup. spicy sauce according to the following recipe: wash 4 red tomatoes, cut into slices, put on a frying sheet, put the washed, unpeeled one next to it bell pepper and three cloves of garlic, bake for 60 minutes. After this time, transfer the pepper from the sheet to plastic bag, tie tightly so that steam does not escape, soak for 10 minutes. Remove the skin from the tomatoes. Soak the chili peppers in water for a few minutes. Remove the pepper from the bag, remove the skin and grind it in a blender. Free the chili pepper from the seeds, finely chop with a knife and add to the gruel of sweet pepper. Chop the tomatoes in a food processor, mix with tomato paste, oregano seasoning, 2 tablespoons of sugar and any broth (chicken, meat, vegetable and others). Add chopped peppers to the mixture, put on a strong fire, wait for the appearance of bubbling bubbles, then adjust the low heat and cook for a little less than half an hour. Refrigerate the finished sauce.

4. Pour salt, ground red pepper to all vegetables in the multicooker container (you can add any seasoning for more flavor), mix.

5. Turn on the "quenching" mode and stew for 2.5 hours.

6. Arrange the finished snack in hot jars, roll up tightly with a metal lid, cool in a warm place and store in the cellar until winter.

5. Appetizer of green tomatoes for the winter in Georgian


12 green tomatoes;

1 carrot;

Bell pepper pod;

head of garlic;

Chili pepper - 1 pod.

For marinade:

Acetic acid 9% - 30 ml;

Sugar - 80 g;

20 g of salt;

Water - 700 ml.

And of course none Georgian dish or an appetizer will not turn out to be truly fragrant and appetizing without chili peppers and various spicy spices. For this snack, you can take 1 teaspoon of oregano and suneli hops.

Cooking method:

1. As in other recipes, be sure to wash the tomatoes (take only good tomatoes, without traces of rot, as spoiled fruits can spoil the whole taste of the finished snack, and rolled up jars can explode during storage).

2. Cut the tomatoes a little in the middle sharp knife.

3. Prepare the filling: remove the seeds from the bell pepper, peel the carrots, cut into slices and chop in a blender along with the peeled head of garlic and the pod hot pepper. Pour oregano, suneli hops into the resulting vegetable gruel, mix everything well.

4. Stuffing in a small amount insert into the cut on the tomatoes.

5. Put the stuffed tomatoes in sterilized jars.

6. Prepare the marinade: pour water into a small container and boil over high heat. V hot water pour in vinegar, salt, put sugar, stir.

7. Pour the marinade over the tomatoes, cover with lids and sterilize in a container with water for half an hour. Roll up.

8. After cooling, store in the cellar.

6. Appetizer of green tomatoes for the winter with cabbage


4 green tomatoes;

4 fresh cucumber;

White cabbage- half a head of cabbage;

Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.;

1 carrot;

onion head;

Acetic acid 70% - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;

3 large spoons of sunflower oil;

Clove of garlic;

Salt - 35 g;

Any greens - 3 stalks.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and dry vegetables on paper napkins.

2. Cut carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes into strips.

3. Cut the cabbage into large strips.

4. Cut off the stalk of the pepper, remove the seeds, finely chop along with the herbs and the peeled onion head.

5. Mix all the vegetables together with herbs and chopped garlic in a bowl of suitable size, add salt (take more salt to make the salad a little salty), leave the salad under the lid for a few minutes to form juice.

6. Transfer the vegetables to a metal bowl and heat the mixture slightly without boiling.

7. Pour in the vinegar and oil, mix well.

8. Arrange in jars, cover with lids. Place the jars in a large container of water and sterilize for 2 hours.

9. After roll up, cool.

Snack of green tomatoes for the winter - tricks

The ideal maturity of green tomatoes is a light brown bloom.

For salting, it is better to take not large dense fruits, for salads - use any product, but watery tomatoes are not suitable for caviar.

In many recipes, it is recommended to cool jars with blanks upside down. This is necessary so that the brine or marinade thoroughly soaks the contents of the container. In addition, this cooling method is ideal for detecting leaks in missealed cans.

Store a snack of green tomatoes in a cool dark place. In the absence of a cellar or a large number places in the refrigerator can be put in each container with a blank for an aspirin tablet, then the snack can be stored at room temperature, for example, in the pantry or under the bed.

Green tomato salad can be prepared both for direct consumption and as a preparation for the winter. Unripe fruits give it a special unique taste.

  • Green tomatoes - 1 kg
  • onion - 300 g
  • Bulgarian red pepper - (weight of peeled pepper) 300 g
  • garlic - 50 g
  • hot pepper - ½ - 1 pc.
  • hops-suneli, ucho-suneli - 1 tsp each
  • cilantro - 1 bunch
  • 9% vinegar (or 5% wine vinegar) - 50 ml (or 90 ml)
  • sunflower oil - 100 ml
  • salt 1 tbsp +1 tsp

I made a tomato for 1 kg (I have so many left after salting), so it will not be difficult to count for a larger number. I got about 2 liters of ready-made salad.

We cut the tomatoes in half and then into thin slices, immediately salt the tomatoes with 1 tbsp. salt, and in the process of cutting, mix in a large container. While I am chopping other components, the tomatoes will be salted and juice will be released, then it must be drained and squeezed a little “without fanaticism” so as not to mash the tomatoes.

I cut the onion into thin half rings, the pepper into thin strips. Finely chop the garlic and cilantro.

Add all the chopped vegetables, dry spices, 1 tsp to the squeezed tomatoes. salt with a small slide, mix well. Then pour in the vinegar and oil. Put the salad in a saucepan (I did it in a 3-liter can), compact, cover with a plate and put a small load (a jar of water, I put 0.5 l).

Leave the salad warm for about a day, then you can put it in a jar and store it in the refrigerator.

You can try immediately or a couple of hours after cooling.

Surplus lettuce can be decomposed into jars, sterilized and closed.

Recipe 2: Delicious Green Tomato Salad with Nuts and Garlic

  • Green tomatoes - 3 pieces
  • Nuts - 200 Grams
  • Onion - 1 Piece
  • Garlic - 3-4 Cloves
  • Fresh herbs - To taste (parsley, cilantro)
  • Spices - To taste (fenugreek, hot peppers, coriander, salt)
  • Vegetable oil - 1 Art. a spoon
  • Vinegar - 6 Art. spoons
  • Salt - to taste

Cut green tomatoes into slices and place in a saucepan. Add 200 ml of water, salt, oil and some vinegar. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes.

Throw the tomatoes in a colander, add coarsely chopped onions.

Pass nuts and garlic through a meat grinder. Mix the resulting mass with spices, add 4 tbsp. vinegar and stir.

The resulting thick paste add to the salad, add fresh herbs there. Mix and send to the refrigerator for an hour or two. That's it, green tomato salad is ready!

Recipe 3: how to cook green tomato salad with carrots and onions

  • - green tomatoes - 3 kg
  • - carrots - 1.5 kg
  • - onion - 1.5 kg
  • - salt - 100 g
  • - sugar - 150 g
  • - vegetable oil - 300 g
  • - vinegar 9% - 60 g per 1 liter of juice
  • - pepper, Bay leaf- taste

Vegetables - green tomatoes, carrots, rinse well in cold water, then cut the tomatoes into slices, grate the carrots on coarse grater. Peel and cut the onion into half rings, you can also rings if it is not large. Put everything in a large enamel pan or a basin, sprinkle with salt, mix well (it is better to do it with your hands, not with a spoon) and put in a cool place for 10-12 hours so that the vegetables go limp and give juice.

Then the juice that has formed must be poured into another saucepan and measured in liter jars, that is, it will have to be poured again first into a jar and then into another saucepan - this is necessary in order to find out how much we need to add vinegar (see recipe).

We add sugar, vegetable oil and vinegar to this juice (as much as you need in jars), pepper and bay leaf to taste, if you like it spicier, put more, and if not, then less.

And we put the juice on the fire, when it boils, it is necessary to pour the boiling into the vegetables, mix gently and put it all together to cook. Cook the salad for 30-40 minutes.

Prepare jars in advance, they need to be washed and sterilized. Ready hot salad we lay it out in jars, roll it up, turn it upside down, wrap it with something warm and let it cool in this position. After cooling, the green tomato salad with carrots and onions is ready to eat.

Recipe 4: Green Tomato Garlic Salad

green tomatoes - 1 kg
garlic - 1-2 cloves
fresh parsley - 20 g
sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l.
table vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
a mixture of peppers - 2-3 g
chili pepper - to taste
salt - 1 tbsp. l.

1. Wash green tomatoes thoroughly under running water, dry, cut out the junctions with the stalk. Cut vegetables into medium-sized pieces and transfer to a bowl.

2. Peel and chop the garlic (very finely chop with a knife, pass through a press or grate on a fine grater).

3. Rinse parsley, dry, finely chop with a knife.

4. Sharp capsicum wash, dry, remove the stalk and seeds, chop (pass through a press or finely chop with a knife).

The amount of this product is up to you. If desired, hot pepper can be replaced with red ground pepper or not added at all.
5. Chopped garlic, hot peppers, sugar, salt, a mixture of peppers and table vinegar add to bowl with tomatoes. Mix the vegetable mass well so that the sugar and salt crystals are completely dissolved.

6. Add sunflower oil and chopped parsley to the salad, mix again, close the bowl with tomatoes cling film(or cover) and place in the refrigerator for 1-2 days. To prepare this salad, it is desirable to use refined sunflower oil.

7. After 1-2 days, remove the bowl of salad from the refrigerator, mix the food, transfer to a salad bowl and serve.

To prepare this salad, I recommend using hot red peppers. It is in this case that the food will look brighter and more appetizing. In addition to parsley, you can use any other herb you like, such as dill or celery. At the same time, greens can be added both during the cooking process and immediately before serving.

Recipe 5: cooking green tomato salad in a slow cooker

  • Green tomatoes (800 g)
  • Sweet Bulgarian pepper (1 pc.)
  • Onion (2 pcs.)
  • Sugar (0.5 tsp)
  • Table salt (1 teaspoon)
  • Tomato (1 pc.)
  • Vegetable oil (2 tablespoons)
  • Carrots (3 pcs.)
  • Garlic (1 pc.)

Delicious, it is very tasty both cold and freshly cooked, still hot and with bread.

We clean the onion and cut it into small pieces. Pour vegetable oil into the bowl of the multicooker, and send the onion into it.

Peel the carrots, grate on a coarse grater, add to the onion.

Wash the bell pepper and cut into strips.

Peel the garlic and cut into slices, I had a small head, weighing 15 grams. Cook vegetables for 10 minutes on the "frying" mode.

Wash and cut the tomatoes as desired, and send them to the slow cooker.

We cook on the “stewing” mode for 1 hour, salt, add a little sugar. During cooking, the vegetables will release a lot of juice, if you don’t like it, you can evaporate and lightly fry the vegetables in the “frying” mode.

After the time has passed, the salad is ready. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 6: Green Tomato and Pepper Salad

1 kg green tomatoes, you can take slightly pinkish or yellowish, but always solid, I only had green ones,
1 pod of hot red pepper,
1 head of garlic
sugar - 2 table. spoons,
vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons,
vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons,
salt - 1 tablespoon,
parsley optional.

In a bowl, mix salt, sugar, vegetable oil and vinegar, add finely chopped pepper, garlic, squeezed through the garlic or also finely chopped. Stir until salt and sugar dissolve.

Cut tomatoes into slices

put in a bowl with a lid, you can put it in a jar and pour the resulting mixture,

Mix well, close the lid and put in the fridge for a day.
We take it out, put it in a salad bowl and sprinkle with parsley. Very tasty! It can be stored for a long time, but we eat this norm in 2 days.

Recipe 7: Green Tomato, Carrot, Garlic Salad

This recipe is used as a salad, appetizer, cold and hot and very tasty. Georgian cuisine.

  • 500 gr. green tomatoes
  • carrot-3 pcs
  • bulb-2 pcs
  • vegetable oil-3 tbsp
  • garlic-5 cloves
  • hot pepper-1 pc
  • parsley, salt, pepper

Cut the onion into half rings, tomatoes into small pieces, carrots into slices, finely hot pepper. Salt, pepper, pour vegetables vegetable oil and simmer for 25-30 minutes. At the end, add finely chopped garlic and parsley. Let cool.

according to the recipe, all vegetables should be stewed at once, without frying, but because I don’t really like “boiled onions”, I fry it first until golden brown, then add carrots, lightly frying tomatoes last.
Serve with meat or simply eat with fresh bread.

Recipe 8: Green Tomato and Cucumber Salad

  • cucumbers - 2 kg;
  • green tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • vegetable oil - ½ cup;
  • sugar - ½ cup;
  • table vinegar - to taste;
  • mustard - 1 tbsp;
  • table salt - 1.5 tbsp;
  • ground black pepper - ½ tsp;
  • garlic - 4 cloves.

Wash vegetables thoroughly and cut into large pieces. Put them in a deep saucepan, add sugar, salt, pepper, mustard and garlic. Pour in table vinegar and vegetable oil. Mix everything and leave for 4-5 hours.

After this time, spread the salad in clean, dry jars and send for sterilization. The process takes approximately 15 minutes. Then tightly roll up the lids, turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a warm blanket. Leave the blanks in this position for about a day - during this time the salad will cool completely and will be ready for storage. Place jars of snacks in a dark, cool place.

Recipe 9: Green Tomato Salad with Cabbage

Green tomato salad is a savory sweet and sour snack that goes well with meat and potatoes in different types, you can serve it by seasoning with unrefined vegetable oil. Apple cider vinegar gently marinates vegetables, retaining crunchiness and is not at all harmful, compared to table cider vinegar.

1 kg. green tomatoes (strong, whole fruits)
1 kg. white cabbage
2 large onions
2 sweet peppers
100 g of sugar (can be less)
30 g salt
250 ml apple cider vinegar 6%
5-7 peas of black and allspice

Yield: 1 liter of ready-made salad.

TO vegetable mix add sugar, Apple vinegar, black and allspice peas. Put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes over low heat. glass jars wash well, sterilize in hot oven or for a couple of 10-12 minutes, put the finished hot mixture in them, compacting well. If storage is planned outside the refrigerator, it is necessary to sterilize half-liter jars in boiling water - 10-12 minutes, liter - 15-20, then roll up under iron lids. I cover with a plastic lid, cool at room temperature and put the salad in the refrigerator.

It is very good to serve such a salad as an appetizer. boiled potatoes, baked meat or poultry. And a jar of salad can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.

Recipe 10: Quick Green Tomato Salad

I have been preparing green tomato salad according to this recipe for about 20 years. The whole family loves it, the salad is very tasty and fragrant, a bit like stuffed green tomatoes, but it's easier to cook. Minimum ingredients, quick preparation and amazing taste!

A quick green tomato salad can be served at the table within an hour or two after preparation. You can store in the refrigerator for more than a month, this salad is also suitable for conservation.

green tomatoes - 1.8 kg, completely green, milky ripeness, and brown are suitable;
bell pepper - 4 pieces, better than red, and brighter and tastier;
garlic - 2 heads;
hot pepper "chili" - half of one pod and a whole pod, if you like it spicier;
greens - 1 bunch of parsley + dill;

For the marinade you will need:
water 1 liter;
vinegar 9% - 100 ml;
salt - 50 ml;
sugar 100 ml.

boil water, add salt, sugar, vinegar, let it boil and remove from heat - the salad marinade is ready!

Wash tomatoes and cut into small pieces.

Add chopped bell pepper, hot pepper, finely chopped greens and garlic, passed through the garlic.

We mix everything and put it tightly in a 3-liter bottle or liter jars.

One serving of vegetables produces 1 bottle or 3 liter jars of salad.

Pour marinade over salad.

Depending on which marinade, cold or hot, you pour, the taste, speed of preparation of the salad and its shelf life will depend.
If the salad is poured with boiling marinade, then you can treat yourself to them as soon as everything cools down. Of course, it tastes better if you let it stand for an hour in the refrigerator. Store salad in the refrigerator.
If you want to prepare this salad for the winter. Pour boiling marinade over it and sterilize for 20 minutes. Cork after the jar. Taste canned salad will be slightly softer than fresh.
If the salad is poured hot, 60 -80 degrees marinade, then after everything has cooled down, let the salad brew for 8-10 hours at room temperature, and only then put it in the cold. This salad will be more crispy than the previous one and its taste will be brighter.
If you pour the salad cooled to room temperature marinade, then you need to insist it for at least a day, but such a salad can be stored in the refrigerator for more than a month.

I usually make a salad of 1.5 or 2 servings of vegetables, divide everything into 3 parts and fill each bottle with a marinade of different temperatures. Thus I have quick salad from green tomatoes for lunch and dinner. When the first jar is eaten, a well-infused and chilled second jar is on the way. And the third jar can be stored in the refrigerator until you want to eat green tomato salad again.
Serve a quick green tomato salad chilled. Before serving, you can add some fresh herbs and fragrant sunflower oil to the salad, or you can do without it, as you like. Bon Appetit!

Step 1: Prepare the tomatoes.

Choose firm, firm green tomatoes without damage or unsightly spots. Rinse the vegetables thoroughly, it is even better to use a special brush or a soft sponge. Keep your tomatoes perfectly clean.

Step 2: prepare the pepper.

Remove the tail from the sweet pepper, cut out the seeds along with the core. Rinse the pepper, cut off the whitish partitions from its walls. Cut the peeled pulp into thin strips.
Hot peppers also need to be washed, peeled and chopped. But there is one little trick here. If you want the marinade and tomatoes to be spicier, don't de-seed the hot peppers.

Step 3: Cooking Green Tomatoes for Snacks.

Arrange tomatoes and prepared slices of hot and sweet peppers in clean sterilized jars. Let the vegetables lie tightly together, but try not to damage the tomatoes by pressing them too hard.
Boil clean water and pour it into the jar of tomatoes. close nylon cover with holes and leave everything in this form on 10 minutes.
Drain the cooled water from the can of tomatoes into a saucepan, we will prepare a marinade based on it. (In fact, you can take fresh water, and just drain the one that was in the jars.) To do this, the water must again be brought to a boil, but now having dissolved sugar and salt in it. After the liquid boils, the stewpan will need to be removed from the heat and vinegar will be added to the marinade.

Pour the boiling marinade over the jars of tomatoes and peppers. Close the blanks tightly with lids. Leave the snack tomatoes in the jars to cool at room temperature.
After the jars of tomatoes have cooled, transfer them to a dark, cool place with other blanks.

Step 4: Serve Diner Green Tomatoes.

Green tomatoes prepared according to this recipe are savory snack However, this is clear from the title. Therefore, just pull them out of the jar and serve them whole or after cutting them into slices. A jar of such tomatoes leaves me immediately after opening, and sometimes it doesn’t even have time to live up to holiday table and somehow in passing will come together during cooking. Very tasty, so cook and eat healthy!
Bon Appetit!

Many housewives prefer to use only apple cider vinegar for preparing blanks.

It is better to take the key water for the marinade, but not everyone, unfortunately, has such an opportunity. For example, I use store-bought bottled water or filtered tap water, but this is in last resort.

You can try green tomatoes prepared according to this recipe in 2 to 3 weeks.

When autumn comes, and there are still many green tomatoes left in the garden, many simply throw them away. But do not spoil the product, because there are many recipes for green tomatoes fast food. Vegetables can be pickled, fermented, salted, caviar can be made from them and variety of salads. The most useful are salted tomatoes. The result will please all relatives and friends.

Product selection

To prepare cut green tomatoes fast food should follow some rules when choosing them. The main ones are:

Slices with adjika and garlic

This preparation is best done in liter jars. Quick green tomatoes in the recipe include the following products:

To pickle green tomatoes quickly with garlic, you should do the following manipulations:

Whole in Korean

Tomatoes prepared according to this recipe are quite spicy, as they belong to Korean cuisine. They contain the following ingredients:

  1. Green very ripe tomatoes, the diameter of which is up to 5 centimeters - 500 g.
  2. Fresh parsley - 1 medium bunch.
  3. Garlic cloves - 7 pcs.
  4. Dried hot chilli pepper - 1 pc.
  5. Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.
  6. Natural apple or vinegar- 3 tbsp. l.
  7. Kitchen salt - to taste.

The recipe includes the following steps:

After the time has passed, you can eat instant green tomatoes for food.

Georgian style for the winter

This blank has a very attractive appearance and unsurpassed taste. The ingredients for cooking are:

How to make sharp Georgian blank for this recipe:

After that, the dish is cleaned in a cold dark place until winter.

Sauerkraut in Armenian

In Armenia, very popular are pickled tomatoes. To prepare them, you need the following set of products:

Quick green tomatoes according to this recipe are prepared as follows:

With mustard and aspirin

This method is called "cold", as it does not imply sterilization. The ingredients of the dish are:

In order to pickle green tomatoes in a cold way, it is necessary to carry out the following procedures:

It is ready for use in 2 months.

In barrels without vinegar

Salted tomatoes harvested in a barrel are unusually tasty and healthy, since they do not contain vinegar.

The recipe includes the following products:

To pickle tomatoes in a barrel without vinegar, you must do the following.