Slicing sausage and cheese beautifully. Slicing sausage and cheese: tips, photos, videos

Decorate your holiday table with beautiful cutting from any products: cheese, meat, sausages, vegetables, fish and fruits. Ideas for cutting cuts are presented in this article.

Decorate the everyday, and especially the festive table, will help beautiful cut. You can make it from any ingredients: meat, cheese, vegetables or fruits. Pieces and slices of products can be laid out not in simple, but in original ways so that they remain unchanged. attracted attention, aroused appetite.

There are several cutting rules:

  • Choose to serve wide flat dish, preferably white. On such dishes, cutting will be look bright and attractive.
  • Do not combine plant and animal products. If these are vegetables, they have a separate dish, fruits also (they are considered a dessert). Meat and sausage can be combined.
  • Slicing should not be seasoned with any sauce or oil, as well as sprinkled with spices. If you think that you can decorate the taste of vegetables with sour cream or mayonnaise, offer guests them separately in a gravy boat.
  • Slicing (any) should always be very only cut into small slices (flat pieces). Rough and thick cutting of ingredients does not look aesthetically pleasing.
  • The main rule of beautiful cutting - sharp knife. The dimensions and material of the knife (ceramic or metal) are completely unimportant, you should be comfortable working with it.
  • Choose for cutting only quality and fresh products. Try to surprise guests with an unusual product.
  • Stick to one cut shape, for example, a semicircle or triangle, so that the whole dish looks organic.
Beautiful vegetable cutting

Large cut vegetable

Fruit cut in the shape of a heart

Unusual fruit cutting

Some types of cutting are so skillful that include many decorative elements from the same ingredients sliced: figures, flowers, unusual arrangement of pieces. In some cases, when cutting vegetables, you can use a special device for cutting - slicer.

Slicer for cutting meat, cheese. vegetables and fruits

Sliced ​​watermelon and melon on the festive table

Melons will also become a bright seasonal treat for guests. Such a treat can decorate main and dessert table. In any case, it will be appropriate and very "popular" among the guests.

You can cut a melon and watermelon in several basic ways:

  • Cubes- cutting is done with a knife. The peeled pulp of watermelon or melon, pitted, is cut. Pieces are laid out on a serving dish in a scatter or in half.
  • balls- for cutting, a special spoon is used, which forms a beautiful ball. Spread such a cut should be in wide bowls or bowls.
  • sliced- this method involves cleaning the fruit from the seed part and cutting into triangular slices along with the skin. IN this case you can use wooden sticks (for ice cream) so that the pieces can be conveniently taken from the dish and eaten.

Eating pieces of watermelon or melon is taken by piercing with a fork. In the event that your feast does not involve cutlery (buffet, picnic), you should stick a skewer and a toothpick into each piece.

Diced watermelon

Sliced ​​watermelon

Slicing watermelon into balls

Diced melon

Sliced ​​melon

Video: "Watermelon Fruit Basket"

Beautiful cheese slices: design and decoration

Cheese Sliced must be present on the holiday table. Only cheese lends itself to curly cutting making serving original and interesting. Very easy to cut cheese curly knives. They leave a grooved cut, as a result of which each piece has a certain shape.

Simplest cheese slicing knife- "wave". The knife allows you to cut cheese slices of any thickness. It is best to spread sliced ​​​​cheese on a dish on which lettuce leaves are laid out. This is necessary so that the cheese does not dry out quickly and looks appetizing.

Cheese is the only cut ingredient that can be successfully combined with pieces of sausage or meat, creating patterns and shapes. In addition, the combination will be unusually tasty. cheese with berries:

  • Grapes
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberry
  • blueberries
  • Grapes

The most delicious is considered to be that cheese sliced, which is made from different types of cheese. You can combine fatty with low-fat, salty with fragrant mummer milk, with nuts and herbs, with mold and paprika.

One of the best flavor combinationscheese with honey. This flavor combination gives one more interesting idea for cutting: in the center of the serving dish, you can put a small bowl with liquid honey. Around the bowl should lay out different types of cheese (various flavors), cheese can be supplemented with nuts: walnuts, almonds, cashews.

Simple cheese slicing with grapes

Cheese cut with vegetables

Cheese diced with nuts and grapes

Unusual cut from expensive varieties cheese

Cheese plate with honey and fruits

Video: "Cheese sliced, cheese plate decoration"

Beautiful cold cuts: design and decoration

cold cutsthe best snack and tasty treats for guests. Usually, cold cuts consists of from different varieties of salted, smoked meat, complemented by sausages. Cold cuts are allowed to be combined with a variety of cheeses, olives, lettuce or herbs. Vegetables in cold cuts can release "juice", which is highly undesirable for meat.

IMPORTANT: The exception is small cherry tomatoes, which do not need to be cut. They can be neatly laid out on top of the cuts, adding brightness and freshness to the dish.

from meat, cut into thin slices, it is very convenient to fold neat tubes, lay it with “scales” or roses. You can cut the meat very thinly and beautifully with the help of a sharp wide knife or a special “slicer” device.

Simple large cuts of meat

Original cold cuts with cheese

Meat cuts with fresh and salted vegetables

Appetizing meat cuts on a wooden plate

Video: "Beautiful cold cuts"

Beautiful cutting of sausage: decoration and decoration

Sausage- the most "frequent guest" on the festive table. You can serve sausage several interesting ways . It is necessary to do this in order to interest all those present and arouse their appetite.

Sausage can be combined with cheese, olives, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, physalis. From different varieties of sausage, you can lay out a variety of patterns and patterns.

Sausage cuts with "roses"

Festive sausage cut

Meat cut into large pieces

Video: "Sausage cutting"

Types of cutting vegetables, curly cutting

Vegetable cutting is a must must be on the table to "even out" the severity of some fatty dishes: meat, salads with mayonnaise, fish and potatoes. In order for vegetables to be “wanted to eat”, they should be Arrange on a serving platter in interesting ways.

Enough for cutting hard vegetables (carrots, beets, cucumbers) curly knives can be used, which cut vegetables in a "wave" or zigzag pattern. Small vegetables like cherry tomatoes should either be cut in half or left whole.

IN vegetable cutting you can add fresh onion . Onions are best used with less spicy varieties so that they cause only pleasant taste sensations: blue, white, leek, shallot. Cut the onion into neat and not thick rings.

Special knife for curly cutting vegetables

Flowers from vegetables: curly cutting

Cutting vegetables with a curly knife

carving: artistic cutting of vegetables

Video: "Festive vegetable slicing"

Beautiful slicing of tomatoes and cucumbers, onions: decoration and decoration

Such simple vegetables, like tomato, cucumber and onion, can be beautifully served on a plate and served at the festive table.

Slicing features:

  • Tomato very watery, so it should be cut into either large rings or half rings. Small tomatoes are best cut into slices (four things from one fruit). Cherry tomatoes are cut in half or left whole.
  • Cucumber allows several ways of cutting: rings, ovals (cutting obliquely), half rings, serpentine (using a special tool). The shape of the vegetable also allows you to cut it along slices, strips, cubes.
  • Onion cut only in rings, rings are placed either on top of all vegetables, or alternating with them. You can decorate the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bwith a bunch of fresh onion feathers, which are easily bent, stacked, and make a pattern.

Any cut of vegetables can be decorated with any herbs: parsley, dill, basil, lettuce.

Curly cutting tomato

Curly slicing cucumber

Curly slicing onion

Video: "How to make a cucumber rose?"

Beautiful vegetable cutting on the festive table: decoration and decoration

You can decorate vegetable slicing in both simple and original ways. For this you will need a few ideas:

Festive fruit slices on a platter

Curly slicing vegetables Meat slicing for the holiday

Meat slices on a slicer

Festive vegetable and cheese slicing Cheese and sausage diced

Sliced ​​​​meat and vegetables "butterfly"

How to cut apples beautifully so that they do not darken when cut?

Apple- one of the most useful and delicious fruits . Buying an apple is not a problem at any time of the year. If you eat an apple along with fatty foods, it is can help the digestion process. The acid in the apple helps break down complex fats and boost your metabolism.

You can choose sweet or sour apple. Its structure is dense enough that allows you to cut the fruit into thin slices and arrange nicely on a serving platter. Apple's only and main problem is a large number of it contains iron, which contributes oxidation of the fruit fresh air (we are talking about the pulp).

In order for this not to happen and the apple does not darken, it needs to be processed citric acid one of the ways:

  • Sprinkle apple slices with lemon juice
  • Rinse apple pulp (slicing) in water with lemon juice
  • Drizzle lime juice over apple before serving

Slicing an apple in the shape of a flower

Sliced ​​apple "leaf"

Sliced ​​apple "swan"

Video: "How to cut an apple beautifully?"

Beautiful sliced ​​​​orange on the festive table: decoration and decoration

Just like an apple, an orange is great addition on the festive and everyday table. Orange acid will help digest fatty foods and serve as a snack for alcoholic beverages.

Slicing an orange is quite simple. You can cut the citrus rings or half rings. You don't need to peel the orange, the crust will help keep the cut in shape. Fruit must be clear the bones that may be present in it.

You can combine orange slices with other fruits: lemon, apple, kiwi, grapefruit, banana, pear and berries.

Sliced ​​orange "flower"

Sliced ​​orange with other fruits

Video: "Orange Rose"

Beautiful sliced ​​​​pineapple on the festive table: photo

A pineapple - exotic fruit (in particular, scientifically it is considered a vegetable, as it grows in the garden). A pineapple ideal for cutting, which can decorate any table, especially a festive one. Pineapple on their own palatability can speak as a dessert, and can be combined with meat and poultry dishes.

The unusual shape of the pineapple allows several winning ways to cut it, resulting in a beautiful holiday dish. Pineapple has enough thick skin, to be cut with a knife. This is done carefully so as not to scratch the spikes on the skin of the hand.

Pineapple fruit cut in half, the pulp is cleaned. The pulp can be cut into slices and put them not on a plate, but in a bowl of pineapple, retaining all its features: skin and green tail. Such a cut will immediately delight the guests.

Pineapple as a cut can be successfully combined with other fruits: kiwi, pineapple, grapefruit.

Beautiful sliced ​​pineapple with berries

Sliced ​​pineapple "swan"

Diced pineapple

Sliced ​​pineapple rings

Video: "Pineapple slicing option"

Beautiful cutting of fruits on a children's holiday table: decoration and decoration

Children's cutting should "interest" children. That's why fruits are cut original way, repeat cartoon stories, interesting pictures.

The most popular ways to cut fruit slices:

  • Make a fruit skewers
  • Make a "fruit hedgehog" with toothpicks
  • Make a picture of fruit

Interesting fruit cut ideas for kids:

Fruit sliced ​​apple with berries

Herring often decorates the festive table, as it is a favorite "snack" for strong alcoholic drinks among the "Russian people". In order to give it a more "smart look", you should use several ways to decorate fish:

  • Cleaned fish can be put on a dish in pieces, alternating them with slices of fresh lemon.
  • Fish can be decorated white or blue onion rings, the onion can be inserted between the pieces.
  • You can decorate the laid out pieces of herring, sprinkled with chopped green onion (onions can be replaced with chopped dill or parsley).
  • The flesh of the fish is perfectly combined green olive flavor, which at the same time can decorate the serving.

Festive slicing of herring

Bright and beautiful cutting of fish

Video: "Fish cutting"

Any feast, and even more so a buffet table, begins with a beautiful cut.

Dishes placed on the festive table (and in everyday life) should look appetizing. Cuts served at the very beginning, along with snacks - even more so. Their purpose is to interest the guests with their unusual appearance.

Cheese and sausage (its different varieties) can be mixed and create a whole work of art, which is certainly hard not to notice on the table among other treats.

How to cut sausage and cheese

For beautiful dish the product must be neatly and beautifully cut, be sure sharp knife and always on a clean, separate cutting board. To make it easier to get a cut shape, the product is placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours (but not in freezer) - so the pieces will turn out not only smoother, but also thinner. For greater beauty, special knives are used. Neat thin plates come out from under their blades, fit into any pattern on the dish. Cheese is generally taken out of the cold at the last moment: otherwise it will soften and it will become problematic to cut it.

The nuance is the following: what shape to give cheese and sausage. With the latest clarity more. By table etiquette it is cut in circles perpendicular to the stick or cut obliquely and oblong ovals are obtained. The skin is naturally removed before cutting. The circles are cut evenly, retreating from the edge to half a centimeter. The rest is considered fat. With boiled sausage, a greater thickness is allowed, but for envelopes it is also reduced here.

Cheese durum varieties, going for cutting, cut into rectangles (this is the easiest way), triangles (according to the cut of the purchased piece) or rhombuses. Any of the options does not allow for large thicknesses. It is believed that the cheese should be a little translucent, but not crumble with a porous structure. The size of the slices should be small (about 5 - 6 cm).

How to lay out the slices beautifully

  • Sliced ​​cheese and sausage parts are laid out on a dish, alternating, creating a pattern and a contrast of colors. It may turn out to be a flower, a fan, a circular solution.
  • Another of the popular ways to cut cheese and sausages is into strips. From such blanks, chrysanthemums and huts are created, hedgehogs are laid out for a children's feast.
  • Large sheets of cheese and sausages are filled with salads. Rolled envelopes can be turned into callas, putting sausage sticks into cheese ones, and cheese into sausage ones.
  • Having given free rein to your imagination, you can put together anything from pieces of sausage and cheese: from a flower meadow to cute little animals.
  • You can roll the cut slices into various rolls, tubes, roses, etc. Inside the sausage tube, you can put sprigs of greens, olives or lemon. Sausages of small diameter can simply be beautifully laid out on a plate.
  • To make the cut look beautiful on the plate, put lettuce leaves on the bottom. Sausage cuts should take up 2/3 of the plate, and cheese cuts should take 1/3. Meat tubes and rolls are placed at the bottom of the plate. Thin slices are laid out on top. You can put it on top of the sausage a small amount of vegetables. Spread the shredded cheese over the rest of the plate. This is a fairly simple way to beautifully arrange the cut.
  • To give the cutting an original look, you can add additional elements. In addition to greens, olives and lettuce, you can use cherry tomatoes, fresh or pickled cucumbers, pomegranate seeds, strawberries, lemons, mushrooms, nuts, candied fruits, etc.
  • If you work a little harder, you can create a more complex and impressive composition. For example, a rose. To make it, sausage pieces are rolled up and pressed tightly against one another. Many bandage the base with green onions. The second layer is made looser and slightly arched outward. And the third is laid out simply on a plate.
  • Another idea of ​​​​how to cut cheese beautifully is to cut it into cubes and complete it with halves of grapes on special skewers. You can also use olives or any other fruits and vegetables you like.
  • Sliced ​​​​sausage and cheese can be served in the form of canapés. String pieces of sausage, meat, cheese, vegetables or fruits on a toothpick or skewer. Alternate the ingredients to make a really interesting cut that is easy to grab and eat.

A real festive table cannot do without a dish with appetizing cuts of meat delicacies and. This simple and spectacular appetizer will not only delight guests with taste, but can also become a real table decoration.

Large slices of boiled pork, loin or ham, it is good to put on a plate in waves or folding into bags, tubes and cones.

Using toothpicks and skewers, you can create beautiful three-dimensional flowers, butterflies and other figures.

Thinly sliced ​​cucumbers, sweet pepper rings, herbs and pomegranate seeds are suitable for sausage cutting as a decoration.

From boiled sausages make great roses. To do this, roll thin slices of sausage into a tight roll and tie at the base with a green onion feather. Fasten each next layer of sausage a little looser than the previous one. Next, fold back the impromptu petals and place the rose among the lettuce leaves.

Servelat and boiled-smoked ones can be used to make luxurious callas. Slices of sausage, cut obliquely, are rolled up in the form of elongated flower buds, into which stamens are inserted from thin sticks of cheese, cucumbers and onion feathers.

Making a cheese cut

A cheese plate, as a rule, is formed from several varieties. And each type of cheese requires a special approach.

For hard cheeses, you need to use a massive and sharp knife.

for slicing blue cheeses required special device With thin fishing line, so as not to damage the mold.

Unusual taste and appearance will acquire from sausage products and cheese, which was heated for several minutes in microwave oven. The cheese, in this case, will melt slightly and soak the meat products with its aroma.

A great idea for decorating cuts is to use a pineapple. Slices of snacks on skewers can be strung on it, or divided into four parts, supplemented with cheese and honey.

A magnificent bouquet will turn out if you combine roses and callas from meat products with flowers from juicy and bright vegetables.

An excellent slicing option would be laying out ham, servelat and boiled pork around a plate, in the center of which there is room for several gravy boats and half an apple strewn with skewers with cubes of cheese and olives.

Try also in rolls smoked sausage fastened with skewers, put little gherkin and some hot red sauce or ketchup. Get a separate and very tasty snack.

Use for slicing and fondue options. It is enough to take a large flat dish and place a fondue maker in the center so that it is convenient to dip the pieces of cut into hot sauce.

Do not forget to practice making flowers and figures for a future composition in advance, so that during the design process, the lack of skill and dexterity does not interfere with the realization of your most daring and unusual ideas.

If you are going to cut sausage, then you need to do it beautifully, and it doesn’t matter for holiday table or the routine you'll be cooking. Photos will help you see with your own eyes how bright and easy it is to make a festive mood in a few minutes.

Often, vegetables, fruits, herbs and cheese help to decorate a sausage plate beautifully. Smoked sausage is best cut obliquely (diagonally) into thin slices. For cutting sausages, it is better to use several varieties of sausages, and you can also add loin, meat balyk. Yes, and do not forget to peel the sausage from the film before slicing. And now let's look at several options for cutting sausages for a festive mood.

Smoked sausage should be cut across, slightly obliquely. The more you open the angle (the stronger you make the diagonal), the longer the slices are. Long slices can be wrapped in bags, rolls or folded in half. Long slices are often used for interesting decoration.

We take four varieties of smoked sausage and cut it a little obliquely. We cut bell pepper, radish, cucumber, tomato rings. And right on a small cutting board, we beautifully lay out vegetables around the edges, and then cut slices of sausage in rows. This design option for cutting sausages is perfect for evening gatherings with friends.

This cutting option looks great, but not everyone can cut it. Therefore, I propose the simplest option, namely, contact the seller in the supermarket when you buy sausage, so that she cuts it for you right away. They will be able to cut according to your desire with a special slicing machine. You can also ask and cut the cheese, when buying. This option is very convenient. All you need to do at home is arrange the sausage on a platter and top with cherry tomatoes and basil tops, if desired.

We cut the smoked sausage into slices and roll it into tubes, we do the same with ham. We cut the hunting sausages into sticks of 4-5 cm each. We lay out the tubes of ham and sausage on one side of the dish, and on the other side the sticks hunting sausages, and in the middle, beautifully stack the halves of cherry tomatoes, olives or black olives, curly parsley leaves, pieces Adyghe cheese And .

We cut the ham and smoked sausage into slices, the cheese into triangular slices and small cubes. In the center of the dish, spread the smoked sausage with a fan, and the edges with ham and triangles of cheese. From one side of the ham add cubes of cheese and grapes, and from the other side we lay out a hill of grapes with a leaf of parsley.

We cut meat balyk, smoked sausage and dried meat into thin slices. Spread slices around the edge of the dish. We cut the ham into slices and form tubes from them, fastening them with toothpicks, which we lay out in a circle in the center. We beautifully place pickled chili tomatoes and olives on toothpicks on the tubes. This beautiful bouquet can be prepared in 15 minutes.

Cut several types of smoked sausage and ham with nuts into slices. Spread on a dish with a fan several slices of sausage, and roll the ham into tubes and spread next to the sausage. In the middle, stick a few slices of raw smoked sausage rolled into a tube.

We cut hard cheese into triangles, sausage and ham into slices. Beautifully on a square dish, lay out the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfan. First, slices of sausage, half-cover with slices of ham, half-cover with slices of cheese and finish with slices of sausage.

On the edge of all the plates we lay out the slices of ham rolled into tubes, on the tubes with the second tier we spread the raw smoked sausage with a fan. We lay out the center with slices of cheese, rolled into little bags. Place a quarter of an olive in each bag.

Cut smoked and raw smoked sausage into slices. We place the first layer around the plate with smoked sausage, and lay out the center raw smoked sausage.

In a circle of the dish, lay out slices of smoked sausage, ham, dry meat. For meat slices of several types hard cheese, and parsley leaves on the cheese and a rosette of slices of smoked sausage in the middle.