Sliced ​​sausage and cheese on the festive table. Slicing sausage: how to cut sausage beautifully and arrange sliced ​​​​boiled sausage for the festive table

A real festive table cannot do without a dish with appetizing cuts of meat delicacies and. This simple and spectacular appetizer will not only delight guests with taste, but can also become a real table decoration.

Large slices of boiled pork, loin or ham, it is good to put on a plate in waves or folding into bags, tubes and cones.

Using toothpicks and skewers, you can create beautiful three-dimensional flowers, butterflies and other figures.

Thinly sliced ​​cucumbers, sweet pepper rings, herbs and pomegranate seeds are suitable for sausage cutting as a decoration.

Boiled sausages make magnificent roses. To do this, roll thin slices of sausage into a tight roll and tie at the base with a green onion feather. Fasten each next layer of sausage a little looser than the previous one. Next, fold back the impromptu petals and place the rose among the lettuce leaves.

Servelat and boiled-smoked ones can be used to make luxurious callas. Slices of sausage, cut obliquely, are rolled up in the form of elongated flower buds, into which stamens are inserted from thin sticks of cheese, cucumbers and onion feathers.

Making a cheese cut

A cheese plate, as a rule, is formed from several varieties. And each type of cheese requires a special approach.

For hard cheeses, you need to use a massive and sharp knife.

For cutting blue cheeses, you will need a special tool with a thin line so as not to damage the mold.

It will acquire an unusual taste and appearance from sausages and cheese, which has been heated in a microwave oven for several minutes. The cheese, in this case, will melt slightly and soak the meat products with its aroma.

A great idea for decorating cuts is to use a pineapple. Slices of snacks on skewers can be strung on it, or divided into four parts, supplemented with cheese and honey.

A magnificent bouquet will turn out if you combine roses and callas from meat products with flowers from juicy and bright vegetables.

An excellent slicing option would be laying out ham, servelat and boiled pork around a plate, in the center of which there is room for several gravy boats and half an apple strewn with skewers with cubes of cheese and olives.

Try also smoked sausage rolls secured with skewers, put a small gherkin and a little spicy red sauce or ketchup. Get a separate and very tasty snack.

Use for slicing and fondue options. It is enough to take a large flat dish and place a fondue maker in the center so that it is convenient to dip the pieces of cut into the hot sauce.

Do not forget to practice making flowers and figures for a future composition in advance, so that during the design process, the lack of skill and dexterity does not interfere with the realization of your most daring and unusual ideas.

The main attribute of any celebration, of course, is the festive table, which should be beautifully served and decorated in the best modern traditions of culinary art.

And an important component of the festive table are all kinds of cuts - from meat and fish to vegetables, fruits and cheese, which should be done in the best possible way in order to please and, perhaps, pleasantly surprise guests.

It is precisely the amazing design of the table for the holiday that will “say” a lot about the hospitality of the hostess and her culinary skills.

And when making festive cuts, not only the beauty of the cold appetizers served is important, but also the deliciousness of the festive cuts in all their diversity. Different types of meat, sausages, cheese, vegetables and fruits should be used in table setting for a special occasion.

And it does not matter what holiday it is - New Year, Birthday or any other celebration that has special meaning for you. Complement your festive table with incomparable cuts that will become pleasant goodies in themselves and perfectly complement the main dishes.

The best cuts in modern culinary traditions will become indispensable and in demand everywhere and always. Therefore, having studied and selected for yourself beautiful table setting options that are most suitable for your type of celebration, you can start making holiday cuts.

In festive cuts, you can use all types of meat and vegetables, arranging them, and at the same time creating the most unique dishes in the form of beautiful cuts for the festive table.

It is not difficult to make beautiful holiday cuts, even if you have not dealt with the unusual design of the festive table before: a little patience, knowledge and skill - the best holiday cuts are ready!

To begin with, let's decide what cuts can be made on the festive table:

  • meat holiday cuts;
  • sausage slices;
  • cheese slices (or cheese plate);
  • fish cuts and snacks from fish;
  • vegetable holiday cuts;
  • fruit cuts.

In addition to the festive cuts listed above, carving can also be distinguished, which is the art of cutting fruits and vegetables, when you can observe all sorts of figures, animals, flowers made from fruits and vegetables that effectively decorate the table.

To make amazing cuts in a festive style, you should look at the most beautiful variations of cuts and the design of exquisitely cut meat, sausage, fish, cheese, vegetables and fruits.

No matter how trite it may sound, but when slicing at home, it is important that the slicing knife is practical and sharp so as not to spoil the food, but to get beautiful slices and cuts of food.

You can lay out the cut in different ways: in a fan, overlap, in rows in equal parts, on which the result will depend on the form of a festive cut in different styles.

How to make the desired cutting on the festive table with meat, sausage, cheese, fish, vegetables and fruits? We offer you the best types of festive cuts for every taste more…

Meat cuts on the festive table

The main one among the many cuts on the festive table that we are used to watching with you on the table has been and will be cold cuts. Any celebration begins with cold cuts, so it is important to pay the most attention to its design.

Cold cuts can be created only from meat, as well as using greens and vegetables in its design, which will make cold dishes more attractive and appetizing.

By adding beautiful meat cuts to the festive table with sausage, as well as herbs and vegetables, you can get amazing assorted cuts that will help replace several cuts at once during the celebration.

It is worth creating cold cuts from thin pieces of meat laid out in sectors, in even rows (if the plate is square), in a fan. You can also create envelopes if the pieces of meat are large, using olives in the center of each. If desired, use greens on top to complete the cut.

Beautiful sausage cuts for the holiday

Sausage cuts are the easiest to make, as the sausage is more pliable and retains its fresh look and original shape longer.

A great idea for sausage slices is a flower made of several layers of sausage pieces, in the center of which there should be a sausage tube, and around it carefully lay out the rest of the sliced ​​​​sausage pieces.

In addition, you can simply lay out different types of sausages in sectors and rows because of the same principle as meat. Doubled pieces of sausage can be supplemented with small cucumbers, olives, cheese.

Do not forget about the greens and slices of vegetables, such as bell pepper, which can complete the wonderful sausage cuts on the festive table.

Festive vegetable cutting

At first, it may seem that vegetable slicing does not require a special approach and is as easy as shelling pears to make. But when starting to execute it, quite often there are problems with the design of vegetables on the festive table.

In order for everything to be in the best possible way, and the vegetable cutting was done at a height, you should follow a few simple, and at the same time important rules.

All vegetables must be thoroughly washed and cooled before cutting. It is also worth choosing the most identical vegetables in size in order to get a particularly beautiful vegetable cut.

The knife with which you will cut vegetables is also important - it must be sharp and with a thin blade so that the vegetables do not squeeze and are easily cut. Be sure to use greens in the performance of vegetable cutting, as well as its decoration.

Stunning vegetable cuts for the festive table can be made in slices and slices, straws and figured cuts of vegetables using special tools, which will make beautiful vegetable cuts especially attractive.

Beautiful cheese slices on the festive table

Cheese slices, or in other words, a cheese plate, is certainly made using several types of cheese, which is beautifully cut into a plate or a special board.

You can make cheese slices with a regular knife, as well as a special knife with a fishing line, cloves or a cheese spatula. It will depend, first of all, on the type of cheese.

You should not cut the cheese into thin slices: cubes and sticks of cheese look great in the form of cheese slices on the festive table, complemented by grapes, nuts and figs, which are in such harmony with the cheese.

If you want to serve cheese as a dessert, then by all means complement the excellent festive cheese slices with honey, placing it in the center of the slice.

Fish holiday cut

Like other types of cuts, fish should be on the festive table in the form of amazing cuts. Select several varieties of fish, which will make the fish slices more colorful and appetizing.

Fish cuts can be made from herring, pickled mackerel, salmon. To begin with, the herring should be removed from the skin and milled, and then laid out on a pre-chilled plate.

Assorted fish always looks great with slices of lemon, different types of pickles, for example, champignons, which can be laid out in layers or by dividing the plate into sectors, allowing you to make interesting fish cuts for the holiday.

From above, fish slices can be beautifully decorated with olives, as well as greens and caviar, and possibly other goodies.

Beautiful fruit cuts on the festive table

Fruit slices are a favorite delicacy of everyone without exception - both adults and children. And if you want to surprise your guests with pleasant goodies, then by all means make holiday cuts.

You can use a variety of fruits, creating beautiful fruit cuts in the form of slices, rows, as well as various shapes in the form of laid out sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits.

Pre-washed and cool the fruit, remove the seeds if possible. If you want to use sliced ​​apples, so that they do not darken, sprinkle the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bapple pieces with lemon juice, and then put them on a fruit plate.

For practicality, you can use skewers or toothpicks to hold the fruit together. The cutting itself can be very different - from slices, cubes, straws, to balls (watermelon), triangles. To a greater extent, it all depends on the fruits you choose to create a beautiful festive fruit cut.

Photo review - beautiful ideas for festive cutting for every taste more ...

Sausage and cheese are a universal snack for any occasion. They are used to make sandwiches for breakfast, add to salads and pizza, and also put on the table as a cut. You should not treat this method of serving with disdain, because the overall impression of the table depends on its type. To pleasantly surprise guests, you should know how to cut cheese and sausage beautifully.

How to make a beautiful cut?

One of the most important rules for beautiful cutting is a well-sharpened knife. A dull knife will only shred food without creating the right impression. With the help of a sharp knife, you will really cut sausage and cheese beautifully, because the cuts will turn out to be neat and thin.

You need to start cutting with sausages, because they retain their proper appearance longer. To cut the sausage beautifully, you should carefully divide it into thin slices. Then, you can roll it into various rolls, tubes, roses, etc. Inside the sausage tube, you can put sprigs of greens, olives or lemon. Sausages of small diameter can simply be beautifully laid out on a plate.

As for cheese slices, the size of the slices should be small (about 5 - 6 cm). To make the cut look beautiful on the plate, put lettuce leaves on the bottom. Sausage slices should take up 2/3 of the plate, and cheese slices - 1/3.

Meat tubes and rolls are placed at the bottom of the plate. Thin slices are laid out on top. You can put a small amount of vegetables on top of the sausage. Spread the shredded cheese over the rest of the plate.

This is a fairly simple way to beautifully arrange the cut.

Learning to cut sausage

  • Sausage cuts should consist of identical, even and thin pieces. To save time, you can use a special device called "Slicer", which is used for slicing. You can also stock up on curly knives to cut interesting figures from sausages with their help.
  • Before you cut the sausage, you should clean it from the film. To easily clean smoked or dried, put it briefly in cold water. If this method does not help, put the sausage in the freezer - then the film will definitely be easily cleaned.
  • If you wish, you can beautifully arrange sausage cuts, showing a little imagination. One of the easiest ways is cutting, laid out in the form of a flower. Put greens on the edges of a large dish, lay the petals from slices of sausage in a circle, the core of the flower is made from cheese. Moreover, you can cut the cheese with a curly knife to make the dish look more spectacular.
  • Dr. a slicing decoration option is kala flowers. Thin slices of sausage are rolled up in the form of a bud, and pieces of cheese or olives are inserted into the core. Sausage feces are laid out on a plate and decorated with sprigs of greens.
  • You can make roses from sausage. To do this, cut the boiled into thin slices, roll into a bud and tie with a green onion feather. Each subsequent layer of petals is laid out more freely and folded to the side. These roses will decorate any table.

Cutting rules

To give the cutting an original look, you can add additional elements. In addition to greens, olives and lettuce, you can use cherry tomatoes, fresh or pickled cucumbers, pomegranate seeds, strawberries, lemons, mushrooms, nuts, candied fruits, etc.

Some craftswomen decorate the cut with fresh or artificial flowers. You can get original design ideas from cookbooks by making something unusual and memorable.

To really surprise guests, some housewives heat sausage and cheese slices in the microwave. This will melt the cheese and partially cover the sausage, giving it an unusual taste.

Sliced ​​​​sausage and cheese can be served in the form of canapés. String pieces of sausage, meat, cheese, vegetables or fruits on a toothpick or skewer. Alternate the ingredients to make a really interesting cut that is easy to grab and eat.

Beautiful cuts on the festive table: what to serve with?

When serving slices of sausage and cheese, it is important to know how and with what to serve it. It is advisable to serve sliced ​​​​on the table no earlier than 1 hour before the arrival of guests. Vegetable salads, pickles, a side dish of potatoes and rice are ideal for slicing.

As for drinks, strong grape wines, vodka, cognac, whiskey and various tinctures would be ideal. Such drinks stimulate the appetite and are mainly snacked on sausage and cheese.

Ideas for holiday cuts on the table.

A birthday, wedding or family dinner, as a rule, involves a festive table setting. A special place at such feasts is given to meat, vegetable and fruit cuts. Beautifully cut and originally decorated dishes help set the right tone for lunch or dinner, making it special solemn and official.

Therefore, if you want your holiday to be remembered by your guests for a long time, then turn on all your imagination and arrange the cut in such a way that it looks like the most expensive dish of a Michelin restaurant with its appearance.

Beautiful cold cuts: design and decoration

Making meat slices

cold cuts

In addition to cold cuts, horseradish and mustard are well suited.

  • Cold cuts are a very important dish, because it is with it that guests start their festive dinner. For this reason, it is extremely important that the meat cause delight and appetite at the same time. To please all your guests, put meat of different varieties on the dish. It can be, for example, pork, beef and turkey.
  • If you do not have special skills in decorating holiday dishes, then simply cut the meat into neat thin slices and put them in a circle on a plate, slightly overlapping each other. To make such a dish look more original, you can put mustard or tomato skuy in the center of the plate and decorate everything on top with sprigs of fresh herbs. You can try to divide the dish into segments using chopped vegetables.
  • Put one type of meat in each segment, additionally laying olives and black olives on it. Try making edible tubes out of the meat and then laying them out in a large pyramid on a square dish. To make it convenient for guests to take them, you can put special skewers or simple toothpicks on the side near the cold cuts.

Beautiful cutting of sausage: decoration and decoration

Sausage cutting on the festive table.

Sausage with cheese

Sausage with vegetables

  • Sausage is more malleable than meat, so it can be used to create edible flowers. To do this, you will only need to make a tube out of one piece of sausage, and then carefully wrap it with other thin pieces. But since not every housewife can make such a flower, we offer you some more simple ways to cut sausage.
  • So, first cut it into thin slices, and then take the dough molds (preferably metal ones) and give the product the shape you like. Arrange the sausage in neat rows on a plate and garnish with pomegranate seeds or thin kiwi slices. You can also try to cut the sausage into the thinnest possible pieces, bend them in half and put a cucumber, tomato or hard cheese inside the resulting pocket.
  • The greens laid out along the edge of the plate and multi-colored bell pepper straws will perfectly fit into such a composition. But if you serve sausage in this way, then in this case it is undesirable to supplement it with ketchup or mustard. It will be better if you opt for spicy homemade mayonnaise or cheese sauce.

Beautiful cheese slices: design and decoration

Beautiful cheese cut

Cheese cutting on the festive table

Decorating a cheese plate

  • A properly designed cheese plate can become a real decoration of the festive table. But in order for you to have the opportunity to create a conceived composition, you must also be able to properly cut this product. It is necessary to choose a tool for these purposes, taking into account what type of cheese you will cut.
  • If you are going to put the so-called blue cheeses on a plate, then they need to be cut with a special knife, which has a strong fishing line instead of a steel blade. Soft varieties of this dairy product are best cut with a serrated knife, and hard varieties with a special spatula. Cheese, unlike sausage and meat, does not have to be cut into thin slices, if you are not afraid of experiments, then make cubes of the same size out of it and put them on a pillow of fresh herbs.
  • Garnish this cut with green and black olives and serve it to the table. But perhaps the most win-win option is the cheese plate. If you cut the cheese into thin slices and put it in a spiral on a plate, then the picture will turn out to be very picturesque. As a decoration for this dish, it is best to use seedless grapes, figs and nuts. If you are serving a cheese plate for dessert, be sure to put liquid honey in the center of the dish.

Slicing herring on the festive table: decoration and decoration

Sliced ​​herring

Original serving of herring

Herring with potatoes and onions

  • If you plan to serve sliced ​​​​herring on the festive table, then the first thing you should do is remove the skin from it and mill it. After this is done, the fish should be slightly dried with paper napkins and it can be cut into pieces of the desired size. The best option for such a dish would be a fish no more than 1 centimeter wide.
  • It is best to spread the herring in rows and shift them with lemon slices. We all know that herring is very friendly with pickles, so you can divide the plate into two zones (this can be done with the help of greens) and fill one of them with pieces of fish, and the other with gherkins and pickled champignons.
  • And to make the fish look more festive, decorate it with mustard seeds on top. You can try serving herring on fried bread toast. But since you are preparing a festive dish, make sure that their size is the same as that of the herring. Connect the toast and fish with a skewer and garnish with pickled onions.

Beautiful slicing of fish on the festive table: decoration and decoration

Photo with fish slices

Beautiful fish cut

Assorted fish

Fish cuts, as well as cheese and meat cuts, can be served on the table in the form of a platter. But in order to make such a dish colorful, it is best to put fish of different varieties on a plate, for example, pickled mackerel and salmon.

The different colors of these products will create a contrast that will draw attention to the dish. Cut the fish into thin slices and immediately spread them on a pre-chilled dish.

Such a little trick will allow you to avoid winding up the product, and will also help to reveal the taste and aroma of the snack much better. If you want to really wow your guests, then try layering the fish on your plate, alternating white and red. From above, such an appetizer can be decorated with black caviar, olives and pieces of butter frozen with herbs.

  • Many housewives think that cutting vegetables does not require any special knowledge and skills. But as soon as it comes to the process itself, women begin to have problems. Soft vegetables do not want to be cut into thin slices or, in general, are pressed down or unequal thicknesses are obtained. With what it can be connected?
  • As a rule, when preparing a gala dinner, ladies think little about kitchen utensils and use what they have available. But if you want your vegetable cutting to be perfect, then spend a little extra money and buy yourself a ceramic knife with the thinnest blade possible.
  • It will cut the softest vegetables and fruits well and, best of all, will not start the process of oxidation of their pulp. For cutting dense fruits, you will need to use the central part of the knife, and for cutting soft vegetables and fruits, its tip. They are good at cutting bananas, mushrooms, tomatoes and nectarines.
  • Before cutting, all the fruits must be washed very well, dried, cooled and only then chopped. And remember, if you want your snacks to look as attractive as possible, then choose fruits of the same size for serving. So you can stack them in even rows and not worry that some piece spoils the overall picture with its size.

Types of cutting vegetables, curly cutting

Figured cutting of vegetables

As you probably already understood, figured cutting of vegetables plays a very important role in the design of a festive dish. For this reason, it would be better if you use fruits that are not chopped in a completely standard way to create your culinary masterpieces.

Types of figured cutting of vegetables:

  • Straw. First, the fruits are cut into thin slices, and then they are crushed into long strips of the desired width.
  • Cubes. First, the vegetables are cut into thick plates, which later will also need to be divided into sticks. Of the latter, you will make cubes of the desired size.

If you are unsure of your abilities, then buy a special vegetable cutter in the store that will help you cut your cucumbers and tomatoes into thin circles, neat straws, and even vegetable spirals.

Beautiful slicing of tomatoes and cucumbers, onions: decoration and decoration

Sliced ​​​​cucumbers and tomatoes

Vegetable mix

Rosettes from tomatoes

  • Cucumbers and tomatoes are the most popular cuts in our country. Due to the fact that these vegetables are not very expensive even with the advent of cold weather, every housewife can afford to please her guests with such a festive dish.
  • Beginning cooks can simply cut them into large slices and put them on a porcelain plate mixed with fresh herbs. If you wish, you can make an edible rose from a tomato, and leaves from a cucumber for it. We already told how a flower is made at the beginning of our article, so now we will teach you how to make leaves for it.
  • If you don't want to bother, then just split the cucumber in half, and then make transverse grooves on it and cut it into small pieces, holding the knife a little obliquely. Spread the resulting pieces in a fan near the tomato rose and complement everything with dill and parsley sprigs.
  • You can also add onions to this composition. It is best to cut it into half rings and pre-marinate in lemon juice, salt and black pepper.

Beautiful vegetable cutting on the festive table: decoration and decoration

Beautiful vegetable cutting on the festive table

Vegetables with sauce

Making vegetable slices

  • A vegetable plate should be at every holiday feast. Such a simple dish at first glance can be a great addition to meat, fish and hot dishes. And if you try to supplement it with 2-3 sauces, then your guests will be able to make a light salad out of vegetables to their taste. The best part is that in this case you do not have to make some kind of curly rifling.
  • You can quite easily cut the vegetables into circles and just decorate them with herbs in the right way. But that doesn't mean you can afford to just chop dill and parsley and sprinkle them over your vegetables. You can try to lay out the vegetables in layers, as if creating a kind of pyramid and insert a few sprigs of cilantro or basil into the very top of this vegetable structure.
  • If you want to get a more picturesque picture, then, for example, cut cucumbers and bell peppers into large strips, put them in small piles and shift with cherry tomatoes, olives and olives. Juicy green onion feathers will be a wonderful decoration for such a vegetable plate.

Sliced ​​watermelon and melon on the festive table

Watermelon, diced

Summer dessert of melon, watermelon and kiwi

Original melon serving

  • The most spectacular serving and melons will be neat balls made from the pulp of these fragrant fruits. They can be served both on a separate dish and directly in the watermelon peel. You can make such balls using a semicircular spoon for applying ice cream.
  • But keep in mind that in order for such an appetizer to turn out to be as fragrant as possible, before making it, watermelon and melon must be cooled in the refrigerator. Juicy balls are best decorated with mint or pieces of dark chocolate. If you do not have such a spoon, then just cut the pulp of these fruits into a large cube and carefully place them in large glasses.
  • To make it convenient for guests to eat them, be sure to stick a skewer or toothpick into each glass. If you want to be original, then shape the watermelon and melon pulp with dough cutters. In this case, you can create a multi-level structure and decorate it with ice cream balls.

Beautiful sliced ​​​​orange on the festive table: decoration and decoration

Sliced ​​citrus fruits

fruit cut decoration

fruit cut decoration

  • With the onset of cold weather, an orange is the best option for fruit cutting. But our housewives are used to not bothering, so they simply cut this fruit into circles or slices and serve it to the table in this form.
  • Of course, such a serving does not have any effect on the taste of the orange itself, but there is no need to say that such a dish pleases the eye. Therefore, if you want an orange to be the decoration of your dinner or lunch, then cut it using the crab technique. Make grooves in its fragrant peel, and only then cut into rings or half rings.
  • An orange cut in this way is best laid out in several balls, gradually reducing the size of the circle from the largest to the smallest. As a decoration for such a dish, you can use slices of banana, nectarine or almond petals.

How to cut apples beautifully so that they do not darken when cut?

apple flower

Apples with oranges and kiwi

  • Apples have one small feature, after cutting they literally begin to darken within an hour. For this reason, many housewives refuse to add this product to a fruit plate. But still, if you know one secret, then it will be quite easy to make apple slices for the festive table.
  • So, wash the apple, dry it and cut it the way you like. Then, put the resulting pieces in a bowl and sprinkle them with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Leave them in this state for just a couple of minutes and you can safely start putting apples on a plate. If you are afraid that pure lemon juice will make them very sour, then dilute it with boiled water.
  • But keep in mind that the effect in this case will be weaker and at the end of dinner, apple slices may still begin to change their color. If we talk about the cutting method, then here you can use any method that we described above. It can be circles, and straws, and sticks. The main thing is that before you start cutting, be sure to remove its core from the fruit.

Beautiful sliced ​​pineapple on the festive table

Beautiful sliced ​​pineapple on the festive table

pineapple slices

Fruit skewers with pineapple

  • Pineapple is one of those fruits that you can’t cut so easily. In this case, you will definitely have to remove not only the peel, but also its core. If you don’t, then your guests will have to cut it out, and they won’t be very pleased to do it at the festive table.
  • If you will be adding pineapple to fruit slices for the first time, then simply cut this exotic fruit into four parts, and then use a sharp knife to separate the pulp from the peel and be sure to cut off the top of the piece. After that, cut the pineapple into slices 1 centimeter wide and put them on a plate. If you did everything right, then you should end up with irregular rectangular pieces.
  • You can also apply the crab technique to the pineapple. To do this, make shallow grooves on it, and then cut it into a circle. At the end, be sure to remove the core from the pineapple. This can be done using a special device, a knife or a small steel ring.

Beautiful cutting of fruits on a children's holiday table: decoration and decoration

Fruit slicing for children

Grape caterpillars

Beautiful cut fruit

Fruit cutting for children should be especially colorful and attractive. If you want the child to be interested in it, then try to make real pictures out of sweet fruits.

Make an exotic palm tree with kiwi and bananas or a fabulous peacock with sweet pear and blue and green grapes on your plate. You can try to make a funny face or make an original fruit cake, in which the biscuit will replace the pulp of melon and watermelon.

Video: Beautiful cutting presentation

You need to start cutting with sausages, because they retain their proper appearance longer. To cut the sausage beautifully, you should carefully divide it into thin slices. Then, you can roll it into various rolls, tubes, roses, etc. Inside the sausage tube, you can put sprigs of greens, olives or lemon. Sausages of small diameter can simply be beautifully laid out on a plate. As for cheese slices, the size of the slices should be small (about 5 - 6 cm). To make the cut look beautiful on the plate, put lettuce leaves on the bottom. Sausage cuts should take up 2/3 of the plate, and cheese cuts should take 1/3. Meat tubes and rolls are placed at the bottom of the plate. Thin slices are laid out on top. You can put a small amount of vegetables on top of the sausage. Spread the shredded cheese over the rest of the plate. This is a fairly simple way to beautifully arrange the cut. Sausage cuts should consist of identical, even and thin pieces. To save time, you can use a special device called "Slicer", which is used for cutting. You can also stock up on curly knives to cut interesting figures from sausages with their help. Before you cut the sausage, you should clean it from the film. To easily clean smoked or dried, put it briefly in cold water. If this method does not help, put the sausage in the freezer - then the film will definitely be easily cleaned. If you wish, you can beautifully arrange sausage cuts, showing a little imagination. One of the easiest ways is cutting, laid out in the form of a flower. Put greens on the edges of a large dish, lay the petals from slices of sausage in a circle, the core of the flower is made from cheese. Moreover, you can cut the cheese with a curly knife to make the dish look more spectacular. Dr. the slicing decoration option is kala flowers. Thin slices of sausage are rolled up in the form of a bud, and pieces of cheese or olives are inserted into the core. Sausage feces are laid out on a plate and decorated with sprigs of greens. You can make roses from sausage. To do this, cut the boiled into thin slices, roll into a bud and tie with a green onion feather. Each subsequent layer of petals is laid out more freely. Stay tuned for more details in our next posts! ;-) RULES FOR CUTTING DESIGN To give the cut an original look, you can add additional elements. In addition to greens, olives and lettuce, you can use cherry tomatoes, fresh or pickled cucumbers, pomegranate seeds, strawberries, lemons, mushrooms, nuts, candied fruits, etc. Some craftswomen decorate the cut with fresh or artificial flowers. You can get original design ideas from cookbooks by making something unusual and memorable. To really surprise guests, some housewives heat sausage and cheese slices in the microwave. This will melt the cheese and partially cover the sausage, giving it an unusual taste. Sliced ​​​​sausage and cheese can be served in the form of canapés. String pieces of sausage, meat, cheese, vegetables or fruits on a toothpick or skewer. Alternate the ingredients to make a really interesting cut that is easy to grab and eat. BEAUTIFUL CUTS ON THE FESTIVE TABLE: WHAT TO SERVE WITH? When serving slices of sausage and cheese, it is important to know how and with what to serve it. It is advisable to serve sliced ​​​​on the table no earlier than 1 hour before the arrival of guests. Vegetable salads, pickles, a side dish of potatoes and rice are ideal for slicing. As for drinks, strong grape wines, vodka, cognac, whiskey and various tinctures would be ideal. Such drinks stimulate the appetite and are mainly snacked on sausage and cheese. Bon Appetit!