Beautiful cutting of cucumbers and tomatoes. Beautiful decoration of vegetable slices

How beautifully cut tomatoes and cucumbers? This issue becomes especially relevant when the hostesses begin to prepare for the reception of long-awaited guests. It is worth noting that the presented vegetables are excellent helpers for good digestion of food. In addition, they help speed up the metabolism and remove toxins from the body. In this regard, nutritionists around the world recommend eating these products exclusively in their raw form. That is why most housewives are often interested in the question of how to cut tomatoes and cucumbers beautifully and present them correctly to the festive table.

In this article, we decided to present some simple and original variants unusual design of vegetables. So, together with us, you can make butterflies, petals, flowers, etc. from fresh tomatoes, and beautiful boats with stuffing inside from cucumbers.

The right choice of vegetables

Before you cut tomatoes and cucumbers beautifully, you should purchase ripe and maximally fresh vegetables. They should be washed well, and then immediately proceed to processing. At the same time, it is worth noting that it is advisable to take such products without various dents, spots, dots, wormholes, etc. Moreover, for decorative table decoration, it is best to buy elastic vegetables, since softer ones will not be able to long time keep their form.

Making butterflies from tomatoes

How to beautifully cut tomatoes and cucumbers in the form of a beautiful spring butterfly? The last ingredient for this is not suitable for us. But an original insect can come out of a tomato, which is good for decorating a salad border. Thus, you should take a few not very large tomatoes, and then cut each of them into 8 equal parts. After that, it is necessary to half-pull the skin from the pieces of vegetables by prying it with a knife. As a result of this, you should get tomato slices with a kind of curl. Putting two on a platter identical pieces(skin to each other), you will get the silhouette of a beautiful butterfly.

Unusual tomato petals

There is nothing difficult about cutting for a vegetable composition. For example, from fresh tomatoes you can make beautiful petals in a matter of minutes. To do this, the vegetable needs to be cut in half lengthwise, and then put the cut side on the board and make a diagonal cut, retreating from the edges by 1.5 centimeters. Next, you need to remove the resulting wedge and carry out the same manipulations with it. Thus, when making such cuts, you should get several slices that should be laid out on top of each other and shifted slightly along the axis.

Carving a sunflower from fresh tomatoes

You can make such a sunny flower in a few minutes. To do this, take a large tomato, and then slightly cut its skin as if you wanted to divide it into eight equal slices. Further, prying a hard peel in the center of the vegetable with a knife, it must be carefully separated from the fleshy part almost to the base, but without tearing it off. As a result of such actions, you should have a whole tomato, and around the edges - curls from the skin, which will play the role of sunflower petals. For a beautiful decoration, the fleshy part of the tomato can be sprinkled with poppy seeds or overlaid with olive rings.

Now you know how to cut tomatoes beautifully. You can see a photo of such a decoration for a vegetable composition in this article. It is worth noting that the presented ways of decorating tomatoes are far from exclusive. After all, other, no less original decorative elements can be made from such vegetables.

Cooking cucumber snack boats

A beautiful cut of cucumbers and tomatoes can even transform an ordinary dining table into a luxuriously laid one. In this section, we have decided to bring to your attention step by step way how to make a tartlet for snacks from fresh vegetables.

To prepare such a decor, you need to purchase young and most elastic cucumbers. They should be washed well and all navels removed. After that, each cucumber needs to be chopped into short pieces (6 centimeters long), which must be divided in half lengthwise. The resulting slices should be cut parallel to the central plane, not reaching the end of 2 centimeters. Next, you need to make a small hole in the vegetable, removing part of the pulp with seeds.

To give our boat a complete look, the incised cucumber plate should be lifted, bent in the opposite direction, and then secured with a toothpick, thereby making a kind of sail with a mast.

You can fill the cavity of the vegetable with any filling. For this, black or red caviar, a mixture of grated crab sticks, cheese, garlic and mayonnaise, as well as slices of slightly salted salmon or trout, sour cream with herbs and seasonings, etc.

Vegetables are always fresh or canned on our holiday tables, and are a very popular snack. In this article we will talk about how you can beautifully decorate a plate with sliced ​​\u200b\u200bvegetables.

Fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables can be all year round buy in any large store, and although not everyone trusts such winter vegetables in terms of benefits, they are in high demand during the holidays. The same can be said about pickled, salted vegetables. It is difficult to imagine a festive table without vegetables - in any form they are an excellent snack, and without them, a meal on any holiday would be much more modest.

To the long-popular cucumbers, tomatoes and sweet peppers, as well as greens, in last years added vegetables such as celery, cherry tomatoes, avocados, etc. In general, today, even in winter, you can make a very beautiful multi-component snack from vegetables. Well, the design of such snacks will not take much time, if you use the ideas suggested in the photo.

Like other snacks, vegetable cuts can be beautifully decorated using greens alone.

Fresh vegetables can be supplemented with pickled, pickled or salted, for example, as in the next photo - sauerkraut.

Very often, in addition to greenery for decoration vegetable cuts products such as olives and olives are used.

For such a beautiful decoration, cut the carrots, Bell pepper red and yellow flowers and thick strips of celery, also use olives and cherry tomatoes. The cucumber must be almost completely peeled, leaving only thin strips of it, then cut into thin slices obliquely (at an angle of not 90, but about 45 degrees). Cover the dish with lettuce leaves, put the sauce in the center, put vegetables and olives in sectors, decorate the place around the sauce with curly parsley.

If you devote a little more time to decorating vegetable slices, you can make a very beautiful composition by cutting vegetables in the form of flowers, as in the next photo.

The flowers are carved from radishes, decorated with olives cut into rings, cucumber and tomato are also used. For cucumber and tomato flowers, cut these vegetables into thin long strips and roll them into flowers.

It will not be difficult to arrange such a vegetable cut: make a large flower out of a tomato, put it in the center of the dish on a pillow of greens, put a cucumber around. The cucumber should be cut lengthwise into long thin slices and overlapped in a circle, then rolled up like an accordion and stick a stick of greens into each (you can replace the greens with skewers or toothpicks).

Such beautiful cut it’s also easy to do: take plum tomatoes, cut them in a zigzag pattern on top - you get “tulips”, cut flowers from radishes, cut cucumber into strips and sweet pepper into strips, decorate everything with greens.

If you combine vegetables with cheese, you can make a very beautiful serving: tomatoes, cucumbers, cheese, basil, olives and finely chopped greens are used in the next cut.

In order to arrange such a plate, which will more accurately be called cheese and vegetable, take mozzarella cheese in the form of small and large balls, cut large ones into slices and overlap in a circle, put them on a flat dish with sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcircles of tomatoes, and put small ones along with cherry tomatoes along circle. Garnish with basil, tomato flower and sprinkle with herbs.

Decorate appetizers beautifully and enjoy a delicious and elegant table!

Cucumbers and tomatoes are excellent helpers for good digestion of food, and also contribute to proper metabolism. They contain a lot of water, sugar, fiber and various salts and trace elements.

Of course, these two types of vegetables are successfully used in cooking, but they can be used not only as products for salads and other dishes, but also to make beautiful cuts from them, which serve as an excellent decoration. holiday table.

The art of beautifully slicing cucumbers and tomatoes is the topic of this article. So, let's look at a few recipes for decorating dishes from tomatoes and cucumbers, but first about some useful tips when cutting vegetables.

1. To prepare " edible decoration» Always choose cucumbers and tomatoes carefully, it is best that they are firm, and the cucumber should have small grains.

2. Peeling should be done immediately before cutting.

3. If you make complex manipulations with vegetables, cutting out interesting shapes, spray them with water from time to time, preferably using a fine spray. This is done in order to prevent drying and wilting of vegetables.

4. Ready vegetable decorations can be stored for about a week if placed in cold water with ice.

5. When arranging vegetables on a platter, use a paper towel to remove excess moisture from cucumbers and tomatoes.

6. Before serving the dish, it is allowed to use sauces and ketchup to complement the decorations. The main thing here is to stick to the taste of the main dish. Well, now let's go directly to the recipes for cooking vegetable slices.

How to cut cucumbers and tomatoes. Photo recipes

The following figures can be made from cucumbers: leaves, bells, circles, crow's feet, lilies, all kinds of beautiful ornaments. It is done very simply with the help of an ordinary kitchen knife of small sizes. Suitable for cutting not only fresh cucumbers, but also marinated with lightly salted. Choose vegetables that are medium in size and have good body (especially pickles). You can complement the green decoration with sprigs of greens and lettuce, but make sure that the salad and greens do not completely cover the cucumbers.

How to make a rose from tomatoes

Take a ripe tomato, wash it and dry it. Then cut in half, and each of the halves also cut into thin slices, while the slices should be divided into small, medium and large. Now roll up the small slices to form a bud. Then wrap around the bud with medium slices of tomato. And complete the flower in the same way with large pieces tomato. To give the rose a more believable look, fold back a few petals from the rolled tomato slices. Rose is ready.

Cucumbers and tomatoes. How to make an ornament

1. We take a few cucumbers and a couple of tomatoes. We cut each cucumber lengthwise and divide, thus, into 2 halves.

3. Tomatoes are simply divided into 2 halves.

4. We cut the cucumbers as follows: we cut across each half of the cucumber with a thin layer from the side of the skin, but not completely.

5. With a little effort, press the knife on the cucumber to give it a shape. 6. Put the halves of the cucumbers in a circle on the dish, and put ½ of the tomato between them.

How beautiful to cut a cucumber. Decoration "Fan"

1. Cut a piece of the vegetable diagonally from the very tip, and then cut 5 thin slices at the same angle.

2. Now you need to put together the resulting circles and cut through all the layers from the center to the edge.

3. Turn one end of the slices 180 degrees. And then straighten any of the ends, like a fan.

So the turn of the holidays has come - the eyes of the household are burning, looking forward to a hearty feast and extraordinary treats.

It seems that banal snacks will have to be cut into new way, that’s just how beautiful it is to cut cucumbers and tomatoes, because photos on the Internet beckon with their aesthetics, but you can’t repeat it at home ... Do not rush to despair - “Your Cook” knows everything about serving for the holiday, so it will teach you how to make good snacks on quick hand!

How beautiful and original to cut cucumbers and tomatoes on the table

At home, it is always more difficult to decorate a dish, because there is no necessary equipment at hand, and nearby - experienced chef or restaurateur. But it doesn't matter!

Traditionally, even our grandmothers treated guests at noisy holidays not only with hearty dishes, but also with ordinary cuts of vegetables. Of course, most often cucumbers and tomatoes flaunted on the table.

They were most often cut simply - in semicircles, slices or circles. And served on a large plate, fanned out or something else.

But in the modern world, such an unpretentious vegetable cut is unlikely to surprise anyone - you need to chop tomatoes and cucumbers beautifully so that guests want to try them. BUT beautiful dishes always require a lot of time and effort to create ...

But you can always do with your own skills and imagination. And if this is not going smoothly, then below you will find great ideas for slicing tomatoes and cucumbers for the festive table - something that will come in handy on the eve of the holidays!

Delicious vegetable cutting of tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers, photo

I would like to present ordinary household items in an original and unusual way. raw vegetables? Then choose fresh tomatoes, juicy cucumbers and bell peppers - it will be a real feast for the eyes, but how useful it is!

Step one

We wash our vegetables under running water, and then dry them with a clean towel or paper napkins. Cut the tomatoes into two halves. Cucumbers are also cut into two parts along. Half the pepper, remove seeds and core.

step two

Cucumbers are cut into long slices, thin enough, but not so translucent, otherwise they will quickly wither and not be juicy.

Step Three

Chop the tomatoes in half circles.

Step Four

We strip the pepper into medium-length plates or sticks.

Step Five

At the bottom of the plate we lay our cucumbers in a circle, depicting from them the long petals of an outlandish flower.

Step Six

A tomato is sent from above, which we lay out in layers - two or three is enough, but more is possible to make a voluminous flower.

step seven

We spread thin slices of pepper between cucumber and tomato, creating the so-called "arrows" of the flower.

This is how you can quickly make amazing cuts of tomatoes, cucumbers and sweet peppers.

"Gifts of Autumn" - a festive vegetable plate step by step

This master class is also very simple and will not take much time, so you can serve fresh cucumbers and tomatoes in this way at least every day.

Step one

We prepare vegetables: we wash the tomatoes and halve them, we also wash the cucumbers, bell pepper wash under the tap and cut into two parts, cleaning it. Also for this cut we need olives - black and pitted.

step two

We cut the tomatoes into circles of medium thickness and lay them like a fan on half the plate, trying to do it neatly and beautifully.

Step Three

We also cut cucumbers in circles, but slightly diagonally, so that more beautiful slices come out - as in a restaurant cut. We lay them in a semicircle opposite the tomatoes.

Step Four

We chop the bell pepper into large cubes, and then fold them into the remaining empty space on one side. Thus, our plate is conditionally divided into 4 parts.

Step Five

The last part is occupied by olives - we put them in a small slide on a dish.

Step Six

Place cucumber shavings in the center of the plate and bell pepper, which will decorate our cutting.

Cucumbers are not only tasty and healthy vegetable, but also an excellent basis for realizing your hidden or explicit artistic talents. If cooking for you does not end with just cooking, then our article on how to beautifully cut a cucumber for decoration will be of interest to you, especially on the eve of the holiday. Today we will consider not only simple cutting methods and options for their design, but also give a couple of simple, but very beautiful carving workshops.

How to cut cucumbers into cubes on a festive table

Recently it has become popular, especially for smorgasbords, cutting vegetables into cubes. In this form, the vegetable plate looks colorful and original. In addition, it is very convenient to take a snack in such a serving. And the sauce just adds to the dish.

  • My cucumber, wipe it and cut off the edges from it.
  • After pre-treatment cut the fruit across into pieces of 6-8 cm, that is, the length of the piece will be equal to the length of the straw.
  • Now, each piece of cucumber, holding the fruit vertically, is cut lengthwise into layers of the desired thickness (8-10 mm).
  • Next, we put the layers in a stack of 2-3 pieces and cut them lengthwise into bars, retreating from each subsequent cut by 8-10 mm.

The second way of slicing cucumber into cubes is a derivative of the Japanese slicing technique called katsura flour. In the Japanese version, the vegetable is cut into a thin wide ribbon along the skin and then, rotating the fruit.

AT this case you also need to act, but the thickness of the cut will be thicker - 8-10 mm, that is, the same as the thickness of the bars we need.

We cut the prepared cucumber into several pieces, the length of each is 5-8 cm.

We cut the skin on the side with a wide sharp knife and, scrolling the cucumber, cut off a whole layer of cucumber pulp up to the seed core. The thickness of the cut should be equal throughout the entire formation (8 mm).

  • Now we cut the layer across into 2-3 pieces for the convenience of cutting and, folding all the layers on top of each other, chop them across with cubes (8 mm).

Classic slicing cucumbers for the holiday

If you view various photos from the table setting, you can understand that the most popular cut for cucumber is a slice, that is, shredding in thin circles, or, if you cut the fruit at an angle, in ovals. The larger the cut angle, the longer the slices will be.

How to thinly slice a cucumber

To make the slices really thin, you need to use a well-sharpened knife for cutting or use a shredder.

  • To do this, the edge of the cucumber must be cut to the desired cutting diameter across or at an angle.

  • Next, chop the cucumber on a grater, lowering it from top to bottom at an angle, depending on the desired size of the slices.

Undoubtedly, this type of cutting is convenient, and with a well-composed composition, it looks great on a plate.

However, there are tricks that can make incredible beauty out of ordinary slices.

1. Carbing

The application of notches or notches to the surface of a product is called carburation. In order to make a decoration out of a cucumber or just a beautiful cut, you can use shallow symmetrical carving or make some figures out of the fruit: flowers, stars, hearts, such as, for example, from carrots.

  • Gently with a knife or a special nozzle on a vegetable peeler, we make longitudinal sections on the skin along the length of the cucumber.

  • After that, at an angle or evenly across, cut the cucumber into slices. The thickness of the slices must be adjusted independently.

  • Also, the fruit can be cut in half lengthwise and make an original snake out of cucumber slices.

2. Knife for wavy cutting

Surely you have seen it for sale at least once, and it is quite possible that you have already purchased a knife for wavy slicing potatoes. It's time to use this kitchen appliance for the original cutting of cucumbers.

The fruits can be cut into ordinary circles, and after carving the cucumber. Such slices will look quite original, and such a design will take a minimum of time.

But not only circles can be cut in this way. With the help of such a knife and sticks for a vegetable plate will look more picturesque.

3. Rosette from cucumber circles

From thin circles you can make a magnificent rose in just a couple of minutes. For fixing, we need toothpicks, and for cutting - a shredder, a vegetable peeler or very sharp knife, which will allow you to chop the vegetable quite thinly.

  • We chop the cucumber across with thin circles and lay them overlapping in a row. The more circles, the larger and more magnificent the rose will turn out.

  • Now from the edge we begin to tightly fold the circles, like a roll.

  • We fix the bottom of the rose with toothpicks crosswise and correct the petals.

How to make cucumber decorations with cookie cutters

simple and original way creating a cucumber decoration. For this we need small metal molds for cookies.

  • Cucumber cut into circles across or layers along.

  • Cut out figures from cucumber slices with cutters.

Cucumber slices for decorating dishes

It is not difficult to make long slices of cucumber. It is only necessary to cut long and thin ribbons along the entire length of the cucumber with a vegetable peeler.

What can be done with such slices?

  • If you lay the slices folded in half along the plate with an overlap, you get a very beautiful composition, especially when contrasted with a red tomato.

  • Tube-rolled slices, decorated bow arrows, will also give serving creativity.

From such ribbons you can make a beautiful rose or carnation.

How to beautifully cut a cucumber for decoration

From a cucumber cut lengthwise and in half, you can also make very beautiful leaves, as in the photo, which can be used to decorate dishes on their own or in composition with other decor.

  • We cut the cucumber lengthwise into 2 parts and chop the fruit across the fruit into thin slices, but without cutting it to the end.

  • After that, we divide the cutting into blocks of 3,5,7 or more slices.
  • Next, we turn the extreme slice inward and, alternating, we turn all the slices through one to get such a leaflet.

How to cut pickled cucumbers for serving

All considered cutting options fresh cucumbers also suitable for cutting pickled and pickled cucumbers.

If you cut the cucumber into slices, then you can make such a beautiful composition for decorating Olivier or other dishes that may include these ingredients.

From pickled cucumber New Year you can make a beautiful Christmas tree:

  • To do this, cucumbers should be cut into circles at an angle.

  • We stick a bamboo skewer into an apple and put cucumber slices on it one by one, distributing the slices on different sides or spirally, as in the example of a fresh cucumber.

  • The top of the tree is the edge of the gherkin. But you can cut a carrot star or a red pepper cone.

DIY cucumber flower

To make such a magnificent lily out of a cucumber, you will need a thin and sharp knife with a small blade and this step-by-step master class.

  • We take a half of a cucumber cut into 2 parts across and, stepping back 1-1.5 cm from the upper and lower edges, we make long serrated cuts, inserting the knife deep into the fruit to the center. At the end of the cut, the cucumber should calmly split into such beautiful halves.

  • Next, gently bend the incised skin with a knife, leaving a cut cone based on the cucumber.

As you can see, it is not difficult to cut a cucumber beautifully for decoration. And even if you can’t make perfect flowers and other elements of culinary decor the first time, then the second or third time carving will definitely succumb to you.