Tagliatelle with ham and cream sauce. Pasta carbonara with ham and cream: a tradition in a new way! How to cook pasta carbonara with ham, cream, parmesan, mushrooms

Pasta alla carbonara is classic recipe Italian cuisine. The dish appeared not so long ago - in the first half of the 20th century, but there are many legends about its origin. According to the most common and plausible version, such spaghetti was prepared by coal miners. Indeed, the original recipe used pork cheek or bacon, sheep's milk cheese and durum pasta - a food available at that time, which, moreover, was stored for a long time.

Today, this actually simple dish is considered a delicacy, and all thanks to the ingredients used and their unique combination. You can easily prepare a dish like pasta carbonara, the recipe with ham and cream is ideal even for a beginner.

This is interesting: main feature spaghetti carbonara is that all the ingredients are combined when they are very hot, so that the sauce from raw yolks comes to readiness. But there is a risk that the egg will simply overcook and the texture of the sauce will be lost. Therefore, in some countries they began to prepare a dish with cream - they do not allow the yolks to seize too quickly.

creamy carbonara pasta recipe

The only thing that is unacceptable to remove from the list of ingredients is durum wheat pasta. Ham is a great substitute for pork cheek and bacon. Instead of Pecorino Romano and Parmesan, you can use a quality hard cheese of your choice. If olive oil is not available, use refined sunflower oil. Cream is replaced with milk or sour cream.

Important: Before cracking the eggs, wash the shells thoroughly under running water and then wipe them dry. This will help remove bacteria from the surface.


Servings: - +

  • Spaghetti 500 g
  • Ham 250 g
  • hard cheese 50 g
  • Heavy cream in a glass
  • Egg yolk 4 things.
  • Garlic 3 cloves
  • Vegetable oil2 tbsp. l.
  • Parsley 1 bunch
  • Black ground pepper taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Sugar to taste

per serving

Calories: 853 kcal

Proteins: 30.13 g

Fats: 39.43 g

Carbohydrates: 92.24 g

35 min. Video recipe Print

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Advice: so that the sauce has a beautiful yellow color, separate the yolks into a container 4 hours before cooking the pasta itself, salt and cover cling film. If the room is too warm, put them in the refrigerator.

Pasta carbonara with mushrooms in a creamy sauce

Mushrooms are often used in the preparation of spaghetti carbonara. Preference is given to champignons, white ones are also well suited. You can take both fresh and pickled product. To get al dente pasta, read the product packaging and cook it for 2-4 minutes less. On average, this should take you 10-12 minutes, depending on the spaghetti.

Cooking time: 35 minutes

Servings: 3

Energy value

  • calorie content - 722.22 kcal;
  • proteins - 30.49 g;
  • fats - 37.53 g;
  • carbohydrates - 63.82 g.


  • spaghetti - 250 g;
  • champignons - 150 g;
  • ham - 150 g;
  • cream - 200 g;
  • hard cheese - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil for frying - 2 tablespoons;
  • basil - to taste;
  • oregano - to taste.

Step by step cooking

  1. Rinse the mushrooms and cut into thin slices. Chop the ham into pieces about the same size as the mushrooms, but they should be thicker. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  2. Heat up a frying pan, add oil and put the mushrooms first and then the ham. You need to introduce the meat product after 2-4 minutes of frying the mushrooms.
  3. When the ingredients are fried until half cooked, add cream to the pan. Stir and cook over low heat until thickened.
  4. Boil water in a deep saucepan. Dip the pasta into it, but in no case breaking them. Boil for approximately 10 minutes.
  5. Salt the sauce with mushrooms and ham that is languishing in the meantime, and add dried herbs to taste. Stir.
  6. When the pasta is ready, drain it in a colander and combine it with the sauce right in the pan. So they are better saturated with seasoning. Garnish with cheese when serving.

Advice: if seasoning pasta with oregano and basil, you can add them to your taste, but keep the spice ratio 2:1.

Pasta with bacon and ham in a creamy sauce

This is a highly nutritious option that will keep you feeling full all day long. To reduce calories, you can use low-fat cream.

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Servings: 5

Energy value

  • calorie content - 816 kcal;
  • proteins - 41.1 g;
  • fats - 51.8 g;
  • carbohydrates - 44.3 g.


  • spaghetti - 300 g;
  • ham - 250 g;
  • bacon - 200 g;
  • cream - 150 ml;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • hard cheese - 200 g;
  • vegetable oil for frying - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.

Step by step cooking

  1. Cut the bacon and ham into equal-sized strips ahead of time. Ideally about 3 x 0.5 cm. Grate the cheese.
  2. Heat the water to a boil. Salt and leave the pasta to boil. Slightly undercook to make it al dente.
  3. While the spaghetti is cooking, heat the skillet. Pour in the oils. Its amount directly depends on the bacon, you may not need additional fat at all. First, send the bacon to the pan, and after 1-2 minutes, add the ham. When they turn golden, turn off the burner.
  4. In a bowl, combine eggs and cream. Season to taste and whisk thoroughly. To obtain a more delicate sauce, the components can be processed separately, and then diligently combined. Add some cheese.
  5. Drain the spaghetti into a colander. Pour into skillet. Send whipped cream with eggs there. Stir. All products must be hot for the sauce to set. When serving, sprinkle each serving with the remaining cheese.

Advice: To make it easier to whip the ingredients, remove them from the refrigerator shortly before cooking so that they warm up to room temperature.

Serving pasta carbonara

The dish is very high in calories, so it is most suitable for lunch or a late dinner. There are always limited quantities available. Such a paste cannot be heated, because it contains raw eggs, which are a favorable environment for the development of bacteria. IN fresh they are not dangerous, but use a quality product, from farmers you trust.

Spaghetti carbonara with ham is served immediately after cooking. It is impossible for the dish to cool, otherwise taste qualities are lost. Because they eat pasta large portions, it is extremely important that it does not have time to cool in the process of use. Therefore, the dishes for it are heated.

Use large or deep plates to keep the dish warm even longer. You can use the trick and put one plate on top of another. So you increase the effect and at the same time the serving will look as elegant as in a restaurant.

You can heat the dishes in microwave oven for a few minutes or by dipping it briefly in hot water and then wiping dry with a kitchen towel. Use a fork to layer pasta, forming neat swirls or a nest in the center of the plate. Pick up a few pieces of ham and place them on top of the hill.

In restaurants, it is customary to serve such pasta with a raw egg. Separate 1 yolk per serving in advance, they should remain intact, so proceed carefully. Let them sit for a while room temperature so that the product is not too cold when served. Lay the yolk in the center of the pasta slide. It is a natural sauce that will only make your dish tastier, perfectly complementing the combination of other ingredients.

Of the appliances, offer guests and household a fork and a tablespoon. Spaghetti should be wound on the teeth, and pasta "balls" should be picked up with a spoon so that they can be conveniently eaten. It also scoops up sauce and raw yolk.

Advice: Before serving, drizzle a couple drops of olive oil over the pasta for a delicious look and flavor.

Decorate the dish with your favorite herbs. It can be parsley, basil, chives or leaf salad. Dill is rarely used in carbonara recipes. It has a rather sharp taste and smell, which distracts from the spaghetti in the sauce itself.

Top the serving with olives, tomato wedges, cheese, or ground nuts in a blender. Pasta carbonara - independent dish and in principle does not require any accompaniment. But if you wish, you can serve it with a light vegetable salad or cheese slices. Just place everything in the center of the table on big platter, and guests can take something if they want.

From drinks, quality red or white dry wines are preferable. When an evening without alcohol is supposed, serve a good mineral water cooling it down a bit.

The dish is quite greasy, so don't forget napkins so that no one feels uncomfortable and can wipe their hands or mouth without getting up from the table.

This is interesting: according to the most popular version of the origin of carbonara, coal miners prepared it in large quantities. All ingredients were processed in order in one container, which allowed them to absorb each other's taste. They ate the dish directly from a thick-walled pot, thanks to which it remained hot for a long time.

The classic carbonara with ham and cream is easy to prepare, and the recipe with a photo will help you not to get confused in the cooking sequence, which is very important. This dish is an elite alternative to our usual pasta with sausages, although, in fact, the same ingredients are used.

Prepare carbonara at home with available ingredients. Just stick around step by step instructions and make sure that you find a complete replacement for all the components of the dish. Quality products and beautiful presentation will help arrange an unforgettable evening for loved ones. And on our website you will find many more variations of this dish.

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As, probably, and any pasta, it cooks very quickly. Creamy taste, some nutty notes from sautéed garlic, strips of ham and shavings of spicy parmesan on top - perfect, mmm!

You need (for 2-3 servings):
200g pasta
100g ham
3 large garlic cloves
200 ml cream
3 raw yolks
50g parmesan

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Put the pasta water on to boil. At this time, cut the ham into thin strips and chop the garlic.

In a separate bowl, lightly whisk the cream, egg yolks and finely grated Parmesan.

While cooking the pasta (ideally, until “to the tooth”, al dente, i.e. 5-7 minutes), put a frying pan on the stove, over high heat, pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil (sunflower, odorless - it’s also possible, but we’re preparing “pasta” ... sort of, “a la Italian” :))). When the oil warms up, throw garlic. Stir to prevent burning, fry for a minute, then add the ham strips. Without ceasing to mix everything with a spatula, cook so that
in the pan for another 2-3 minutes (here it is important not to let the garlic burn. Burnt - it will ruin the whole dish).

Drain the boiled tagliatelle in a colander to drain the water, then return them to the pot. Here - ham with garlic and prepared sauce.

Place over medium heat and heat through for 1-2 minutes. The sauce, due to the presence of yolks and cheese, will thicken when heated. Do not overexpose the pasta on the stove. It tastes better when the creamy sauce, enveloping each noodle, spreads a little more in the plate :)

Serve immediately, sprinkled with a handful of grated Parmesan.

Traditional italian dishes- just happiness for a gourmet.

One of the simplest, most satisfying and wonderful delicious meals- pasta carbonara.

By traditional recipe it is made with spaghetti, bacon (or brisket) and special sauce from eggs and grated parmesan.

Despite the fact that there is no cheese, cream, garlic, eggs in the traditional pasta a la carbonara, these ingredients are quite often used in various options this dish. Experiments can go so far that ham, cream, mushrooms become ingredients. Popular, for example, carbonara pasta with ham and cream. It turns out very tasty too! And most importantly, the Italians do not mind.

Pasta carbonara with ham and cream - general principles cooking

You can cook the most delicate, juicy carbonara pasta with ham and cream in just half an hour. The main thing is to boil the pasta correctly and not be late with the sauce.

In order to achieve the perfect result in spaghetti cooking, details matter. For example, for cooking, you need to choose large saucepan so you don't have to break pasta. This is bad manners. The proportions of water, salt and pasta should be as follows: for a pound of pasta you need five liters of water and two tablespoons of salt. This is a fundamental point that allows you to achieve almost Italian quality of the dish.

You need to throw spaghetti into boiling, pre-salted water. If the long pasta doesn't fit all the way into your pan, no problem. Literally after 5-10 seconds, they will soften enough, and it will be possible to gently tip the tips into boiling water with a fork.

As soon as the pasta is immersed in water, you need to note the time and measure it in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation. You can’t cook longer, because overcooked spaghetti will ruin the whole thing. (Ideal al dente is achieved in five to seven minutes.) It is also impossible to rinse the pasta with water: starch on the surface pasta needed to keep the sauce better.

Pasta carbonara with ham and cream

Delicate pasta carbonara with ham and cream - simple and fast food. It is very easy to make and turns out amazing!


Four hundred grams of paste;

Two hundred grams of any ham to taste;

Three cloves of garlic;

Half tablespoon vegetable oil;

An incomplete glass of cream (150 ml);

A little black pepper to taste;

Cooking method:

Put water for cooking pasta on the stove. When the water boils, add the spaghetti.

Cut the ham into strips or small cubes as you wish.

Peel and chop the garlic as finely as possible.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the garlic for no longer than a minute, stirring constantly. It is important that the garlic does not burn, otherwise you will have to do it all over again.

After a minute, send the ham to the pan and fry with garlic for about three minutes. Again stir almost continuously.

Drain spaghetti and return pasta to saucepan.

Put the ham on the pasta, pour in the cream, pepper.

Heat over medium heat for 3 minutes until the cream is hot.

Submit immediately.

Pasta carbonara with ham, cream and parmesan

A completely different taste is obtained if a little spicy fragrant parmesan is added to the carbonara pasta with ham and cream. Gourmets will surely give preference to this version of the dish.


Two hundred grams of paste;

One hundred grams of ham;

Two hundred milliliters of cream;

Three cloves of garlic;

a tablespoon of olive oil;

Fifty grams of parmesan;

Three chicken yolks (raw).

Cooking method:

While the water boils, cut the ham into strips.

Grind the garlic, but do not pass it through the press, but simply chop it with a knife.

Separate the yolks.

Mix yolks with cream, beat.

Grate a piece of parmesan on the fine side of the grater and combine with beaten eggs. Mix.

Put the pasta in boiling water and immediately put the pan on the fire.

Throw garlic into well-heated oil, after a minute - ham (constantly stir both garlic and garlic with ham with a spoon). The frying time is three minutes.

Drain the pasta, return it to the pot, and immediately add the fried ham and egg-cheese mixture.

On the middle burner, heat all the minutes for two or three.

As soon as the cheese and yolks in the sauce thicken, turn off the fire. The main thing is not to overexpose the dish on fire so that the cheese spreads.

When serving, you can sprinkle with a pinch of grated Parmesan.

Pasta carbonara with ham, cream and bacon

Satisfying and very delicious option pasta, which involves using bacon and ham at once. Cheese is a must in this recipe. But parmesan can easily be replaced with any semi-hard cheese.


Half a kilo of pasta;

Half a liter of cream (10%);

Three hundred grams of bacon;

Three hundred grams of low-fat ham;

a tablespoon of olive oil;

Three eggs;

Pepper to taste (you can add spices if you really want).

Cooking method:

While the pasta is cooking, prepare the sauce.

Grate cheese.

Beat eggs with cream, cheese crumble, pepper and spices (if used).

Cut the ham and bacon into thin slices.

Heat olive oil in a frying pan, fry the meat slices.

Put the boiled pasta in the same pan, mix.

Pour in the beaten cheese-egg mixture, mix again (the fire must be on all this time).

When the sauce completely soaks the pasta, turn off the heat. If it turns out too thick, you can pour in a little more cream.

Serve pasta carbonara with ham and hot cream, sprinkled with grated cheese and herbs if desired.

Pasta carbonara with ham, cream and mushrooms

lovers mushroom dishes can cook extraordinary mushroom paste carbonara with ham and cream. Despite a significant departure from the original, the dish turns out to be amazingly tasty.


Three hundred grams of spaghetti;

Two hundred grams of ham;

Two hundred grams of semi-solid or hard cheese;

Two hundred grams fresh mushrooms;

A glass of cream;

A spoonful of vegetable oil;

Traditional Italian dried or fresh herbs (origano, basil).

Cooking method:

Boil the pasta according to the main recipe.

Cut the ham into strips, and the mushrooms into thin slices.

Fry the ham in hot oil.

After a few minutes, add mushroom slices and fry everything together.

Pour in the cream when the mushrooms are browned enough.

While stirring, boil the cream until thickened.

Add dried or fresh finely chopped herbs to the sauce.

Grate cheese.

Mix sauce and pasta.

When serving, add grated cheese to each plate.

Pasta carbonara with parma ham and cream

Spicy dry-cured ham gives any dish a mild taste and a sophisticated look. Pasta is no exception. In a duet with cream and parmesan, something absolutely delicious is obtained.


spaghetti packaging;

Two hundred grams of Parma ham;

Two hundred grams of parmesan;

Half a glass of drinking cream;

Three yolks;

Two tablespoons of olive oil.

Cooking method:

spaghetti boiled by basic recipe. You can add spices to the water when cooking, but this is not for everybody.

Separate the yolks from the whites, combine with cream and beat lightly.

Grate the parmesan, add a tablespoon of cheese crumbs to the eggs and mix again.

Cut the ham into translucent slices.

Fry the ham in oil for literally two minutes. Turn off the fire.

When the butter and fat stop sizzling, pour the butter-egg mixture into the pan.

Turn on the minimum heat again and wait for the cream to boil, without stopping stirring them. If you stop stirring, the yolks will go lumpy, curl up.

Simmer the sauce with bacon for five to six minutes.

Combine pasta and sauce in a deep saucepan, mix well.

When serving, sprinkle with cheese crumbs.

Pasta carbonara with ham, cream, pancetta and white wine

Original spicy taste gives pasta carbonara with ham and cream white wine. Delicious gentle sauce with spaghetta - the perfect end to a long day. The dish can be served with a glass of red wine.


Half a kilo of spaghetti;

200 grams tender ham;

150 grams of pancetta (meat bacon);

Five yolks;

150 grams of grated parmesan;

50 grams of sheep's cheese;

Three cloves of garlic;

Three tablespoons of olive oil;

Half a glass of dry white wine;

Pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Cut bacon (pancetta) and ham into translucent plates.

Grate two pieces of cheese.

Chop the garlic with a knife.

Olive oil heat well and fry first the bacon, then the ham until crispy.

Add garlic to the pan, literally pour in wine in half a minute.

Simmer the sauce until the liquid boils down for 7-8 minutes.

Leave covered with a tightly closed lid.

Beat the yolks with cheese crumbs.

Put the boiled pasta in a large bowl, pour over the cheese-egg sauce, mix gently.

Put the bacon and ham stewed in white wine and mix well again.

Pepper and serve immediately.

Pasta carbonara with ham and cream - tricks and helpful tips

    A glass of water in which spaghetti was boiled must be left. If something goes wrong and too thick sauce will need to be diluted, a decoction is best.

    The worst thing about pasta carbonara with ham and cream is overcooked spaghetti. Pasta is better undercooked than overcooked.

    Cook pasta and sauce at the same time. If the pasta is already cold, you can not mix it with hot sauce: it will not soak the spaghetti.

    The combination of several types of cheese gives a special charm to the pasta. Something special happens if you add a small piece to the sauce blue cheese with mold. An excellent substitute for it can be the more familiar mascarpone cheese.

    You can’t add salt to the sauce: ham and cheese provide enough salt in combination with pasta boiled in salt water.

Cooking time- 35 minutes.

Servings – 3.

The classic Roman pasta carbonara is spaghetti with guanchale (salted pork cheek) and a sauce of eggs, black pepper and two types of fragrant cheese. Unfortunately, such a set of products rarely appears on the table of the average Russian. But don't worry - there are many variations. legendary dish adapted to the food baskets of the residents of the most different countries. For example, having bought in the nearest supermarket, you can cook a breathtaking pasta with ham and cream.


  • Spaghetti - 250 g;
  • Ham - 200 g;
  • Egg yolks - 4 pcs.;
  • Cream (from 23% fat) - 200 ml;
  • Cheese - 150 g;
  • Garlic - 1-2 large cloves;
  • Dried parsley - 1 tsp;
  • A mixture of peppers - ½ tsp;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Oil for frying.

You will also need:

  • cheese grater;
  • sauce bowl;
  • deep frying pan and spatula;
  • pot for cooking spaghetti;
  • colander;
  • kitchen stove.

Cooking process

  1. Place a frying pan with oil over high heat and, while it heats up, cut the ham into narrow sticks.
  2. Put the chopped ham on a preheated pan, squeeze the garlic in there after a minute, mix. As soon as the ham pieces are browned, reduce the heat to a minimum, but do not turn it off. At this stage, you can already put water to boil for cooking pasta (about 2 liters).

  3. Mix the egg yolks separated from the proteins in a deep bowl with cream and seasonings. You can lightly salt.

  4. Add salt (a little more than half a tablespoon) to boiling water and send the spaghetti to boil. If the paste is "correct" (from durum varieties wheat), it will be ready in 12-15 minutes.
  5. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Send half or a little more to a bowl with sauce. Stir.

  6. Increase the heat under the skillet to medium. Drain the finished (or almost ready) pasta in a colander and transfer to the ham. Stir.
  7. Pour the sauce over the pasta with ham, mix quickly and leave for a couple of minutes so that the sauce comes to readiness.

  8. When the creamy sauce has acquired a characteristic lumpy texture, you can lay out the carbonara on a la carte plates. Sprinkle the pasta with the remaining grated cheese before serving. Bon appetit!

Do not forget about the rule that is true for any dish: in order for the pasta to be a success, you need to use quality ingredients. Nothing good will come of the cheapest pasta that boils into porridge, "rubber" cheese and "chemical" ham. Choose the most natural products.

Ham can be substituted for bacon. Sausage - really a budget option which we do not recommend.

It is advisable to choose thick cream, rather fatty - from 23%. original recipe manages without them at all, but it uses an impressive amount of natural Italian cheese two types: parmesan and sheep's pecorino romano cheese. In our realities, it is usually impossible to reproduce such an option, therefore, we buy good cream.

Yolks can be separated from whites special device or in a long-known way - by breaking the shell into two halves and carefully transferring the yolk from one to the other so that the protein at that time drains into a substituted bowl.

Carbonara should be served immediately after preparation.

Carbonara is the famous guanciale pork cheek pasta.

It is not always possible to find a delicacy product on sale.

Therefore, carbonara is increasingly cooked with ham.

It turns out no worse!

Italian dinner tonight?

Pasta Carbonara with Ham and Cream - General Cooking Principles

For the dish, you can use pasta with the same name or buy ordinary spaghetti. It is desirable that they be from durum wheat. The pasta is boiled according to package instructions, then combined with ham. Pieces of meat product are pre-fried in a pan. At the very end, carbonara is poured over with sauce.

What is usually prepared filling:

Cheese, more often it is parmesan;

Eggs are fresh;

Cream is fresh;

Olive oil or butter.

All these ingredients are mixed. But sometimes cheese is used for sprinkling ready meal. Various spices can be added to the sauce. But most often it is Provence herbs, salt. After adding the sauce, the pasta is stirred and heated for literally a minute, you should not keep it on fire for a long time. In addition to ham, mushrooms are often added to the dish, different vegetables, bacon. For flavor lay garlic, fried onions.

Simple pasta carbonara with ham and cream (with eggs)

A variant of a simple pasta carbonara with ham and cream. You will also need raw eggs for the sauce. The fat content of the cream is arbitrary, 10-15% is enough.


500 g of paste;

90 g of cheese;

500 ml cream;

200 g of ham;

50 g of oil;

Italian herbs, salt.


1. Prepare the pasta according to the instructions that can be found on the package. Or just boil in in large numbers salted liquid, check the readiness, pour out the water.

2. While the products are being cooked, you need to cut the ham, put it in a pan with butter (it is better to take butter) and fry. Use a large bowl to hold the entire dish.

3. Beat eggs with cream, salt, season Italian herbs, you can just pour black pepper.

4. Grate the cheese, ideally Parmesan is used for carbonara. If not, take a different variety.

5. Put the pasta to the fried ham, pour over the sauce.

6. Stir, warm for two minutes and immediately lay out on plates. Decorate with herbs, serve.

Pasta carbonara with ham and cream (with mushrooms)

Another very popular recipe carbonara with ham and cream, to which champignons are added. A few things are enough to make the pasta unusually fragrant.


300 g of paste;

250 ml cream;

50 g parmesan;

200 g of ham;

150 g of champignons;

40 g of oil;



1. Cook pasta in boiling water like regular pasta. Make sure that nothing boils soft, the density is preserved.

2. Cut the washed mushrooms into thin plates. If the champignon hats are large, then you can first cut them into two or four parts, and then strip them with slices.

3. Heat up half of the oil until almost smoky. Lay out the plates, brown for a few minutes. Do not reduce the fire, otherwise liquid will appear in the pan.

4. Cut the ham into thin strips, transfer to the mushrooms. Fry the slices until light brown.

5. During this time, season the cream with spices, you do not need to add anything else. Pour mushrooms with ham.

6. As soon as the sauce warms up slightly, add boiled pasta to it.

7. Hold on fire for a couple more minutes, arrange in plates.

8. Immediately sprinkle with grated cheese, herbs.

Pasta carbonara with ham and cream (with bell pepper)

Option unusually fragrant dish with fresh notes. It is advisable to use ripe, fleshy pods bell pepper. You can take different colors to make the carbonara more beautiful.


200 g of paste;

150 g of ham;

2 small pods of pepper;

40 g of oil;

220 ml cream;

0.5 tsp provencal herbs;

40 g parmesan or other cheese


1. Boil the pasta, set aside, after removing all the liquid. If the products are prepared in advance, then it is advisable to grease or oil so that they do not stick together.

2. Rinse the pods, remove the seeds, cut into long but thin strips.

3. Heat the oil, put the pepper and fry for three minutes. The pieces should become soft, you do not need to cover the pan with a lid.

4. Add shredded ham.

5. While the food is fried, you need to beat the egg with cream, salt and provencal herbs. Grate the cheese and also add to the filling.

6. Put the paste to the pepper and ham, stir gently.

7. After a minute, water cream sauce.

8. Make the maximum fire, heat the dish for another minute, stir constantly.

9. Immediately lay out on plates. Garnish the carbonara with fresh herbs.

Pasta carbonara with ham and cream (with melted cheese)

For the preparation of such a paste, any processed cheese will do. You can use the mushroom flavored product or with other additives. Cream with any fat content.


300 g of paste;

200 g of ham;

3 tablespoons of oil;

100 g of processed cheese;

300 ml cream;

1 clove of garlic.


1. Cook pasta according to instructions.

2. Heat oil in a frying pan. If you want to get a fatty dish, then you can pour in a little more.

3. Cut the ham into long strips. Put in a skillet.

4. While the pieces are fried, you need to prepare the filling. To do this, grind processed cheese with garlic, add cream and egg. You can put it all in a combine and beat it, it will turn out even faster.

5. Season the sauce with herbs, mix, salt.

6. First add the pasta to the fried ham, after a minute the creamy sauce.

7. Increase the heat to maximum, close the pan, turn off the stove after a minute.

8. Let the carbonara stand under the lid for ten minutes so that the sauce comes to readiness and soaks the pasta.

Onion pasta carbonara with ham and cream

The recipe uses onion. After roasting, he will give Italian carbonara with ham unusual taste and aroma. It is advisable to cook this dish with a mixture of oils.


200 ml cream;

2 onion heads;

150 g of ham;

50 g of oil;

70 g of cheese;

1 spoon of flour.


1. Cook the pasta. Add a spoonful of oil, stir, let the products wait their time.

2. Onions must be peeled and cut into half rings. Then sprinkle the pieces on top with flour, mix with your hands.

3. Put the rest of the oil in the pan, heat it up.

4. Lay the pieces of onion in flour, fry until light brown. Stir often so that the flour does not burn, the pieces do not char.

5. Add ham. It can be cut into cubes or strips.

6. While the main products are frying, mix the egg with cream, grated cheese and seasonings. The sauce should be ready.

7. Add pasta to the fried onion, stir.

8. Immediately pour the cream sauce, stir again.

9. Reheat the dish until the desired readiness of the sauce. Serve the carbonara while it's hot.

Pasta carbonara with ham and cream (with bacon)

Real carbonara is prepared with pork cheeks. But they can easily be replaced with regular bacon. It is advisable to choose pieces with a plentiful amount meat layers, it will taste better.


300 g of paste;

150 ml cream;

120 g bacon;

150 g of ham;

Spices, oil:

Cheese for topping.


1. Cook spaghetti. Follow the instructions on the pasta packaging.

2. While the pasta is cooking, heat some oil in a frying pan.

3. Ham and bacon should be cut into long strips. Make the width about 5 millimeters.

4. Lay out meat products into a frying pan. Cook for three minutes, stirring often, but do it carefully.

5. Mix the egg with cream, add spices to the sauce.

6. Transfer spaghetti to bacon and ham, stir, warm.

7. Pour the cream sauce over the dish, stir again, sprinkle cheese on top and turn it off immediately. Let stand for five minutes.

Lazy pasta carbonara with ham, cream and mushrooms

A variant of mushroom carbonara with pickled champignons. The dish is ready in just 20 minutes. If the pasta is already cooked, it will turn out even faster.


150 g of ham;

200 g of paste;

80 g marinated mushrooms:

200 g cream;

50 g parmesan;

30 g butter.


1. Throw the pasta into boiling water, cook until tender.

2. Heat the oil over high heat, add the chopped ham.

3. Cut the pickled mushrooms too, add to the fried ham.

4. After a minute, lay out the boiled pasta. Warm everything up together.

5. Mix cream and egg, add grated cheese and salt, quickly shake with a fork and pour over hot pasta.

6. Stir with a spatula, cover and turn off after a minute

7. Additionally, you can sprinkle cheese on top of the dish.

Pasta Carbonara with Ham and Cream - Tips and Tricks

Carbonara is not prepared ahead of time. This dish does not tolerate reheating. But you can always set aside some of the boiled pasta and other prepared ingredients, so that later in a few minutes you can build italian lunch or dinner.

Instead of ham, you can use any sausage. But it is desirable to choose a high quality product. Also, any recipe can be adapted for chicken, lard, meat.

If there is no parmesan, then use any other cheese for carbonara. Delicious even with processed cheese.

Pasta loves all kinds of spices and peppers. IN acute variant the dish turns out to be especially tasty, burning, awakens the appetite. For spiciness, you can use a dry mixture of peppers or add natural adjika from hot pods.