How to bake salo in the oven. How to deliciously bake lard in the oven: various options

Prepare lard baked in the oven for loved ones. Best Recipes in our selection.

It turns out the fat is delicious both hot and cold, you can use it as an appetizer. Try it!

  • Salo (fresh) - 1.5 kg
  • Garlic - 7 tooth.
  • Mustard - 20 g
  • Spices

Wash the salo, cut into small pieces. We rub with a mixture of spices, I had it for barbecue. Stuffed with garlic.

Coat on all sides with mustard.

Wrap in foil. And put it in the fridge overnight. In the morning we take it out and bake it in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 200g. But the time depends on the layer of meat in your fat. I didn't have fat.

After I open it and bake for another 10 minutes before frying.

Salo is eaten both hot and cold. I wrap the rest of the pieces, when cool, in foil and put them in the freezer. Then take out and cut. Delicious!

Recipe 2: lard baked in the oven (step by step)

I want to offer you today we will cook lard baked in foil together: a recipe in the oven with garlic. This dish is a favorite delicacy of many people around the world! A feature of this recipe can be called ease of preparation and an impeccable end result.

Having done a series of simple manipulations in the kitchen with bacon, you can cook incredibly tasty dish which will definitely be appreciated by all your guests at the table.

Do you love lard? Then put on a clean kitchen apron and go to the kitchen together. And I will try to tell you in detail about how to bake bacon correctly in order to get the most delicious result!

  • Salo - 1 kg.
  • Garlic - 30 gr.
  • Bay leaf
  • Dill fresh
  • Mayonnaise - 300 gr.
  • Paprika
  • Ground black pepper

First you need to prepare the marinade. Pour mayonnaise into a deep bowl.

Add finely chopped garlic and get this sauce.

We put dill. Mix everything thoroughly. The marinade with garlic will soak the bacon well and give it a unique taste. There is a separate article about dill on our blog, I advise you to look. From it you can learn two main secrets of the use of dill for medicinal purposes.

Let's move on to the main product! We cut the fat slightly along the side where the skin was attached. This will help it deform less during cooking, speed it up a bit and allow the marinade to penetrate deeper into the product.

We spread the fat on the glossy side of the foil, sprinkle generously with salt,

pepper and red paprika on each side.

We spread the bacon with a thick layer of marinade and on top.

Throw in a few bay leaves.

Then tightly wrap everything in a foil envelope and let it stand in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes. The sealed mixture of ingredients during this time will have time to marinate the bacon well and saturate it with its taste and aroma.

After the specified time, we take out the envelope from the refrigerator, put it on a baking sheet and send it to bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40-45 minutes.

After baking, you can still fry the bacon until you get a beautiful golden brown in a pan. Juicy, ruddy and amazingly smelling dish you want to eat immediately hot! But you can also wait a bit, letting it cool in the refrigerator, and then cutting it into thin slices.

Recipe 3: bacon baked in the oven in the sleeve

If you bought delicious lard at the market, great option will salt it or boil it, I had a small piece of lard left, the lard is clean, without a meat layer, and as usual, I cooked this lard in a sleeve in the oven with garlic and spices, baked it in a sleeve, in fact, today I will share the recipe with you with photo. If you like this kind of recipes, then you can safely focus on your taste in the choice of spices and spices, but I suggest adding a lot of garlic, paprika, hot chili, pepper, coriander, thyme. After baking, I sprinkle the lard with fresh garlic plates and chili rings - it comes out fragrant, burning spicy, instantly excites everything taste buds. For the process, you should prepare a bag, or, as it is also called, a baking sleeve.

  • fresh fat - 400 gr.;
  • garlic - 1 large head;
  • paprika, chili, thyme, coriander, allspice, bay leaf, dry herbs;
  • pepper, salt - to taste.

So, take one large head of garlic, disassemble it into cloves, then peel and cut each clove into medium-sized pieces. Transfer the garlic to a deep bowl. fresh chili cut into plates, throw literally a couple of rings into a bowl of garlic, leave the rest for later.

Pour all your favorite spices and spices to the garlic - sweet paprika, thyme, allspice, ground coriander, bay leaf, a little dry herbs. Now available at the supermarket ready mix spices for lard, so decide for yourself how it will be more convenient for you.

Rinse the lard and dry it with towels, then cut the lard into medium pieces, or you can bake it as a whole. Transfer the fat to the spices, mix and leave for a few hours alone.

After preheating the oven to 170-180 degrees. Transfer the lard with spices to a baking bag. Already now there is an incredible aroma from all the spices.

Release the air from the bag, hermetically seal the bag on both sides with special clips or tie with twine. Bake the salo for 15-17 minutes.

After baking, transfer the lard to a container and sprinkle with chili and fresh garlic.

Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 4, step by step: lard in foil with garlic

A savory snack goes well with boiled potatoes, grilled vegetables, and is also used in the preparation of sandwiches. Salo baked in foil can be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator for a suitable occasion. For example, guests unexpectedly came to you, you do not have time to cook dinner, or you just wanted to have a snack - you take out a piece of snack, cut it and serve it on the table. What could be easier? But such yummy will appeal to even the most sophisticated gourmets.

  • Salo 1 kg.
  • Garlic 2 heads
  • Mustard 150 gr.
  • Salt 50 gr.
  • Seasonings to taste
  • A few sprigs of parsley

Fresh fat must be thoroughly washed, dried and cleaned with a knife. To do this, scrape off a piece of fat with a blade from all sides. After that, cut the piece into several parts (about 300 grams each).

We clean the garlic from the husk, wash the cloves and cut each into 4 parts. First of all, the fat must be stuffed with garlic. To do this, using a knife, we make holes of different depths in the pulp and insert slices into them. Next, rub the pieces well with salt and any seasoning that you like. It can be a mixture of peppers, or a special seasoning for pork or for grilling. Next, coat the lard with mustard and put the pieces in a bowl, which we cover and send to the refrigerator. It should marinate for at least 12 hours. It is best to prepare it in the evening so that it soaks overnight, and in the morning you can already start baking a delicious snack.

Using a knife, we take out the garlic from the fat, and wrap the pieces in foil. We put them on a baking sheet and send them to the oven, preheated to a temperature of 180 degrees. Maintaining the same heat, bake the dish for 40 minutes. If you are a lover of crispy crust, then 10 minutes before turning off, you can open the foil on top. If your oven has a "grill" function, then during the same period (for 10 minutes) you can turn it on. Then the appetizer will turn red and complemented by a pleasant aroma.

We take out the finished fat from the oven. After that, cool and remove the foil from the pieces. Cut the fat into thin slices, decorate with parsley and serve. The rest must be transferred to a well-closing container or jar and put in the refrigerator. Salo baked in foil can be safely stored for a week at sub-zero temperatures and not deteriorate.

Recipe 5: how to bake lard in the oven delicious

Salo baked in the oven can be cooked perfectly different ways And today we will talk about one of these methods. This recipe is one of those that have been aged for years and passed down from generation to generation. This recipe contains several secrets related to both the pickling itself and the method of baking. We will marinate the selected piece of lard in a wide variety of spices: you can adjust their number and type yourself. In order to soak the fat inside, we will make small incisions on its entire surface and put pieces of garlic and bay leaf into them.

Step by step recipe delicious fat with a photo will tell you how you can bake it in the oven on cherry sprigs at home. Thanks to a thick layer of dough on top of the mold, the lard will not only be saturated with all the spices, but will also retain all its juices and flavors. Marinate the meat in a cold place and for at least 4 hours. The easiest way is to marinate the meat in the evening, and continue cooking in the morning. Salo baked in the oven in this way will become a truly unusual delicacy on your table. Let's start cooking this dish.

  • pork fat - 0.5 kg
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pieces
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • flour - 0.5 cups
  • water - 0.5 cups
  • spices and seasonings

Pick up a piece of fresh lard with meat streaks for baking in the oven. The amount of fat is proportional to all other ingredients, so if you get more fat, then, accordingly, you also need more spices.

Salo can be cut into 2-3 large pieces for more convenient and better baking in the oven. We rub each piece of bacon on all sides with salt and a wide variety of spices: mixtures of peppers, basil, mint and lemon balm are suitable. Garlic cloves are peeled and cut into 4 parts, bay leaves break according to the garlic. On the side surfaces of a piece of lard, we make deep enough incisions with a knife, insert garlic and part of the bay leaf there. We send the lard to the refrigerator to marinate for at least 4 hours, and preferably all night.

After the specified time, we continue baking the fat in the oven. We cover a suitable deep baking sheet with washed fresh cherry sprigs. We put pieces of lard on top of cherry branches.

From the specified amount of flour and water, knead the plastic dough, roll it into a rectangular layer, which will be slightly larger than the baking dish itself.

We cover the form with bacon with a layer of dough as shown in the photo.

We preheat the oven to 250 degrees, send a baking sheet with bacon into it and bake it until cooked for 40-50 minutes.

Cut the finished dish into slices and serve as an appetizer. Salo baked in the oven is ready.

Recipe 6: lard roll baked in the oven

Salo is a product that many love, especially our strong half. However, it is not always possible to cook lard so that it is really tasty and not cloying. I propose to cook an appetizing and satisfying bacon roll with spices and lemon zest according to our home recipe. It can be served as a cold appetizer festive table. At an ordinary dinner, with a plate of hot borscht, such a dish will instantly fly away. And if you spread it with mustard or horseradish, there will be no limit to taste sensations.

The roll can be taken with you to nature, on the road. To prepare such a dish, you need to use thin fat from the peritoneum. The cooking process is simple if you follow step by step instructions. It will take about two hours to bake in the oven. So let's get started.

  • thin fat - 500 g
  • lemon salt - to taste
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • parsley - 1 bunch
  • garlic - 5 cloves.

First, let's prepare the spicy mixture for the filling. Rinse the lemon well, pour over with boiling water. We take the zest. You can use a small grater or vegetable peeler. In the second version, cut the strips of zest into thin strips. Garlic peeled, chopped small pieces. Rinse the parsley, dry it with a paper towel. We cut off the leaves, throw out the coarsened twigs, cut into small pieces. In a bowl, mix chopped garlic, parsley, zest. Spicy mixture is ready.

Thin fat is well cleaned and washed, dried with a paper towel. If we use thick fat, we will not be able to wrap it in a roll. We rub with black ground pepper and lemon salt. Can be used simple salt. At this stage, you can use your favorite spices that will suit the fat.

Sprinkle the top with the seasoning mixture.

Roll tightly and tie with string.

We select the appropriate form for baking. We wrap the lard well in foil, in several layers, and send it to a preheated oven at 180 degrees, for about 1.5-2 hours. After 1.5 hours, you can open the oven, carefully unfold the foil, and check our roll with a wooden stick. If it is easily pierced with a bamboo stick, then you can turn off the oven and remove the roll from the oven.

Salo roll is ready. I invite you to a tasting. Cool - you can do it right in the foil, cut into portioned pieces and serve. We serve fresh vegetables, spicy herbs, mustard or horseradish to the bacon. Bon appetit!

Recipe 7: lard with mustard in the oven (with photo)

Today I want to offer you a simple and delicious recipe baked bacon in the oven in foil, with big amount garlic and spices. Thanks to the foil, the lard will turn out to be more juicy than just baked on a baking sheet, since it will soak during baking own juice. A special marinade, prepared on the basis of spices, will make it soft and fragrant.

  • Fat - 2 kg.,
  • Spices: Provence herbs, paprika, coriander, suneli hops.
  • Mustard - 1 teaspoon,
  • Sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp,
  • Garlic - 3-5 cloves.

The first step is to prepare the marinade for baking bacon in the oven in foil. Pour paprika, coriander, suneli hops, Provencal herbs into a small salad bowl. Instead of provencal herbs you can use basil, thyme, oregano.

Add the above amount of table mustard to the marinade.

Pour in the salt.

Add refined sunflower oil to the marinade.

Pour in the vinegar.

Mix the marinade. All, spicy marinade ready for baking bacon in the oven in foil.

Now we turn to the preparation of fat. As mentioned above, baking fat is best taken with a layer. Frozen lard must be thawed before baking. Fresh lard bought at the market or in a store is best rinsed before cooking. cold water then wipe it dry with a paper towel.

For baking in this recipe, I used a piece of undercut. Cut off the skin with a sharp knife. Peel the garlic. Cut each clove into two or four pieces, depending on the size. On the surface of the fat and on the sides, make small cuts with a knife. Insert garlic cloves into them. Adjust the amount of garlic in the fat as you wish.

Lubricate the salo on all sides with the resulting marinade.

Put the pickled undercuts on a piece of foil with the back side up. Wrap it in an envelope. Place the foil-wrapped lard on a baking sheet with the foil seam down. This way the foil will not unroll during baking.

Heat the oven up to 180C. The temperature of the oven, as you can see, is classic for baking lard and meat. Bake the salo for 30-35 minutes on the middle shelf of the oven.

After about half an hour, take the bacon out of the oven. Use a knife to make a slit in the top of the foil. Open the lard and place the lard back in the oven for another 10 minutes. Thus, the spices on the surface of the fat will dry out and turn into a fragrant crust.

Transfer the finished baked lard in the oven in foil to a bowl. You can serve it on the table immediately after baking hot, but not everyone likes this fat, as it turns out to be very fatty. After the fat has cooled to room temperature, it must be hidden in the refrigerator until completely cooled. Such a chilled lard tastes like boiled

Salo is traditionally considered a cold appetizer. It is either cut in the usual version into plastics or planed from a piece frozen in the freezer. But at the same time, in the form of a hot dish - fried or baked - it is extremely tasty and exquisite. So, for example, lard in the oven is considered an excellent delicacy from the meat category, which will easily compete with other delights on the table.

How to cook

The advantage of this product is the fact that it is fatty. So, in the process of baking, the fat from it will melt, and the piece will not be dry. True, in order not to spoil the taste of the very dish that should melt in your mouth, you need to take into account a number of simple recommendations. This:

  • The choice of fresh bacon - you need to take a freshly bought chilled bacon, no frozen or pickled options will give the desired effect.
  • The product is best chosen from a young pig. An excellent indicator of its quality will be a snow-white shade, at most it can be pink (slightly, slightly). Also, such fat can have a thin skin, it is also called tender.
  • Separate questions are caused by streaks of meat in such a product. They are found thin, but they are also a little thicker - here for an amateur and for the taste of the hostess. It is important to consider that there should be more fat in a piece than meat parts.
  • It is necessary to choose different spices - with them the dish will be more saturated and original.

Various recipes

There are quite a few recipes for cooking lard in the oven - from basic to various complex dishes with their own quirks. You can choose from different ones. But in the beginning it is worth mastering the basic recipes.

mustard foil recipe

This version of a delicious experiment is original spicy taste and a certain point. To create something like this you will need:

  • A piece of fat - half a kilogram
  • Salt, preferably coarse - 2 tablespoons
  • Black pepper - to taste
  • Garlic - a couple of cloves
  • Laurel - 2-3 pcs.
  • Mustard - 2 tbsp.
  • Black peppercorns - 4 pcs.

First you need to clean the skin from hairs and other contaminants, because. it will not be deleted. After the piece is washed and cut in half. It is recommended to chop the garlic or pass through a press, tear the parsley into pieces. Make small cuts in the fat and fill them with prepared garlic and parsley. Separately, mix salt and pepper in a container - this will be a mixture for rolling.

It remains only to rub it with mustard. then the bacon will marinate for about an hour. After each piece must be wrapped in foil. It is necessary to put the product to bake in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Cooking time about an hour. Next, you need to put it to cool, and then send it to cool in a cold place for a couple of hours. Serve to the table in the form of thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bslices.

The most delicate fat in the sleeve

Salo in the sleeve is one of the basic recipes. This option will require:

  • Salo - 1 kg
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Salt and pepper (black and red ground)

First you need to disassemble the garlic into cloves and crush them. Pepper and salt are mixed together. A piece of bacon is washed, dried (it is best to choose paper towels for this). On the entire surface of the shmatka, it is necessary to create incisions and stuff it with garlic. Then a piece of the workpiece must be rubbed with pepper and tied with a thread from different sides. For pickling, it should be put in a cold place. Stay there for a couple of hours.

After pickling, the piece must be placed in the sleeve and clamped on both sides. After the workpiece must be moved to a baking sheet and sent to a preheated oven (180 degrees is enough) for at least 40-60 minutes. The final time is directly determined by what layer of meat the shmatka has - the wider it is, the longer the process takes. After that, you need to open the sleeve and leave the dish in the oven for a little more - 10 minutes is enough. This will allow him to get a pleasant and appetizing golden color. You can serve this dish as an independent appetizer, or as a hot dish with various side dishes.

Potatoes with bacon in the oven, lick your fingers

An excellent option would be to supplement with vegetables. Usually for this purpose they take potatoes. To prepare such a dish you will need:

  • Potato - 1 kg
  • Onion - 1 pc. medium size
  • Smoked or regular bacon - 200 g
  • Vegetable oil - a couple of spoons
  • Spices and spices - to taste

Potatoes should be peeled and cut into round thin slices. After it must be placed in a bowl, sprinkle with spices. Add vegetable oil to potatoes and mix well. Then the turn of fat. It must be cut into slices or straws. Peel the onion and cut into rings. Preheat the oven in advance (as usual, the temperature should be about 200 degrees).

On a baking sheet, greased vegetable oil, lay out the potatoes, then the bacon. It is allowed and vice versa. The dish is prepared in about 30 minutes. You need to navigate by readiness by the state of the potato - when it becomes soft, you can get it out and put it on plates.

Roll with potatoes

The original snack is obtained in this version. For cooking, you need to take:

  • Salo with skin - 0.5 kg (skin is better thin)
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Fresh parsley - 5 g
  • Mashed potatoes - 200-300 g
  • Salt and various seasonings to taste

The piece must be thoroughly washed and dried, the fatty part removed from the skin, and so that the shmat is not damaged. Garlic must be crushed under pressure, parsley cut. Shmatok is rubbed with spices and crushed garlic and parsley on both sides. Spread puree over it. It remains only to roll the workpiece into a roll and pack it in a skin. Then it must be secured with threads so that nothing moves out. The roll should be placed in the sleeve and tightly fastened on both sides - this will save the juice. It is advisable to make a series of holes in the film - this will allow steam to escape and not damage the structure.

The oven must be preheated to 180 degrees, the cooking time is an hour. By the way, you can not put potatoes. It is allowed to serve a roll in addition to boiled potatoes or all to the same puree. The roll is cut into thin slices. On the plate, this dish looks festive.

Original lard in a jar in the oven

An original recipe that came to us from our ancestors. After all, foil, sleeves, and ovens were not yet widely available. To prepare a snack you will need:

  • Salo - 1 kg
  • Seasonings different - 5 g
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Salt pepper

To create this dish, the bacon must be cut into cubes and rubbed with seasonings and garlic pressed under pressure. You can simply stuff the fat by making incisions in it. The pieces must be laid out in jars and covered with foil lids. Put the jars in the oven not heated. You need to bake for about an hour, while the oven should be set to 150-160 degrees. After turning off the fire, you must wait for the oven to cool completely - then you can get the jars.

Salo with mayonnaise

Fat flavored with mayonnaise, many may call the death of the liver and pancreas. Moreover, if you indulge in such a delicacy infrequently, then you can get great pleasure from it. For cooking you will need:

  • Salo with meat layer– 0.5 kg
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.
  • Paprika - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Bay leaf
  • Mayonnaise - 100 g
  • Dill
  • Garlic to taste

Shmatok should be washed and dried, and then stuffed with garlic and spices. It can be cut into pieces, or you can bake it whole. The garlic must be pressed through a press and mixed with the sauce, then you need to grate the lard with this mixture and marinate it for about an hour. At this time, preheat the oven (reference point - 200 degrees). The piece is wrapped in foil. It should be baked for 45 minutes. You can eat such a product both hot and chilled.

Salo baked with adjika

For such a sharp and original dish needed:

  • Fat - 2 kg
  • Adjika (you can choose the one you like best) - 300 g

Prepare a piece, as in many other recipes, coat it with adjika and leave it under oppression for a couple of days. Salt it before baking. Bake the product in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for about 20 minutes. After you take it out of the closet, grease it with rendered fat.

Potato accordion with bacon in the oven

A dish in the form of an accordion potato will be very interesting. For cooking, you need to take:

  • Long oblong potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Fat - 100 g
  • Salt, pepper, ground paprika - to taste

First you need to preheat the oven. Optimum temperature considered 200 degrees. Shmatok should be frozen beforehand - so it will be better to cut into even and not thick plastics. The potatoes must be washed well, because. you don't have to remove the skin. Each fruit must be cut across at the same distance. Fat should be placed in these incisions. Salt and pepper everything, sprinkle with spices. Potatoes should be put in the cupboard for 45 minutes. And here it is important to understand that the better the potatoes are baked, the tastier they are.

Salted lard in the oven

If tasty snack I really want to, but there is no fresh piece, you can deviate from the rules and take it. For such a dish you will need:

  • Salted lard - 1 kg
  • Salt - to taste
  • Black pepper
  • Garlic - about 8 cloves
  • Bay leaf
  • baking paper

It will take a couple of hours to prepare this dish. Lard should be cut into plastics about 3 cm, grate with salt and pepper. Place parsley and garlic halves on baking paper. Then the bacon must be placed on this structure, and then garlic and bay leaf again. So it is necessary to do with the existing slices. Wrap the whole structure and send it to the oven at 200 degrees.

Baked lard is easy to prepare, but at the same time the appetizer is very popular and loved. Of course, you can not eat such a dish often. But it is quite possible to cook from time to time.

Most of our compatriots are accustomed to seeing in fat cold appetizer, but hot dishes from it are tasty and tender. Those who have tried bacon baked in the oven consider it one of the meat delicacies, which is not a shame to put on the festive table. You can bake it directly on a baking sheet, in a sleeve or foil, even in a jar, but whatever recipe you choose, you can be sure that the lard will come out appetizing, fragrant, literally melting in your mouth.

Cooking features

Cooking lard dishes in the oven is easy: a large number of fat allows you not to worry that the piece will turn out dry. However, you need to know a few things to get a delicious baked lard.

  • Only fresh fat is suitable for baking. Experienced chefs do not recommend using a salted or frozen product for this.
  • The dish will be tastier if the meat of a young pig is taken for it. Good fat is white, sometimes even with a pinkish tinge, without the slightest hint of yellowness, as well as a soft thin skin.
  • How large the streaks of meat should be in a piece of bacon intended for baking, one can argue endlessly. In fact, it only depends on the taste of those who will eat it. It is only important that there is still more fat in the piece than meat, otherwise the fat can be rendered almost completely, which is why instead of fat you will take out an unsightly piece of hard meat from the oven.

You can cook lard with a variety of seasonings and spices, with or without garlic. Many housewives have their own recipe for baked lard. However, before experimenting, it is better to master the basic recipes.

Salo baked in foil

  • bacon - 0.8 kg;
  • mustard "Russian" - 50 g;
  • black peppercorns - 8 pcs.;
  • cloves - 4 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Wash and clean the fat thoroughly, scrape the skin with a knife. Dry with a kitchen towel.
  • Peel the garlic, cut each clove into 3-4 parts.
  • Cutting small holes in the fat with a narrow knife, stuff it with pieces of garlic.
  • Press peppercorns, mustard umbrellas into the fat.
  • Coat with mustard, leave for an hour in a cool place.
  • Remove a piece from the refrigerator, put laurel leaves on it.
  • Wrap in foil so that the glossy side is on the outside. It is advisable to wrap a piece in several layers of foil so that the fat cannot flow out of it onto a baking sheet.
  • Place the lard in foil on a baking sheet. Turn on the oven.
  • When the temperature in the oven rises to 180 degrees, put a baking sheet with bacon in it.
  • Bake at the indicated temperature for 45 minutes.

Salo baked in the sleeve

  • lard - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • coriander - 5 g;
  • paprika - 10 g;
  • cumin - 5 g;
  • ground black pepper - 5 g;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare the pieces of bacon for baking. To do this, it must be washed in warm water, clean the skin.
  • Mix salt with coriander, paprika, cumin and black pepper. Coriander and cumin can be used in seeds or ground - to your taste. Rub the resulting mixture into pieces of bacon on all sides.
  • Cut the peeled garlic cloves into 2-3 parts and, making shallow holes in the fat with a knife, stuff a piece.
  • Leave the bacon to marinate for half an hour.
  • Tie a baking sleeve on one side, put lard in it, tie it on the other side. Make a few small holes in the sleeve to let the steam out with a toothpick.
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, put a baking sheet with lard in it. Bake bacon in the sleeve for 45 minutes. If you have more than what is indicated in the recipe, the baking time must be proportionally increased.

The mixture of seasonings with which the fat is rubbed can be changed, focusing on your taste.

Salo baked in a jar

  • fat - 1 kg;
  • complex seasoning for pork with salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the lard, scrape, cut into pieces of such a size that they easily pass into the neck of the jar.
  • Rub each piece with seasoning. Shake off excess.
  • Put the pieces in a jar. It must be clean and completely dry.
  • Place the jar on a baking sheet in a cold oven.
  • Turn on the oven. Let it warm up to 160 degrees. Make sure that the temperature in the oven does not rise above the indicated mark. Bake lard in a jar for an hour.
  • Turn off the oven and let the jar cool down gradually without removing it from oven until it gets warm.

Fat prepared in this way can be stored in the refrigerator in the same jar in which it was baked for 2-3 days. Before serving, it can be warmed up, then it will be a hot snack.

Roll of bacon baked in the oven

  • a thin layer of fat with a skin - 0.5 kg;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • fresh parsley - 50 g;
  • salt, seasonings - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Thoroughly wash the piece of lard and dry it. With the help of a big sharp knife separate the layer of fat from the skin, trying not to damage it.
  • Finely chop the peeled garlic cloves with a knife.
  • Cut the parsley.
  • Rub the lard on both sides with spices and salt.
  • Put a layer of fat on the table, sprinkle it with garlic and parsley, roll it into a roll.
  • Wrap the roll in the skin, wrap it with thread so that the skin does not unfold.
  • Put the roll in the baking sleeve, tying it on both sides. Don't forget to poke a few small holes in the film to allow steam to escape.
  • Bake the roll in the oven. The recommended temperature is 180 degrees, the baking time is 1 hour.

After the roll has cooled, it can be cut, removing the threads, into beautiful circles. If you arrange them on a plate, then such a dish will look festive. Your guests will certainly appreciate this unusual appetizer.

Salo baked with garlic and onions

  • lard with layers of meat - 1 kg;
  • onions - 0.4 kg;
  • ground coriander - 5 g;
  • ground black pepper - 5 g;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • mustard grains - 10 g;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash and wipe off the fat with a paper towel.
  • Cut the garlic cloves into thin plates.
  • Peel the onion, cut in half, cut into half rings.
  • Put the onion in a bowl, sprinkle with sugar and salt. Remember him well with your hands so that he starts up the juice. Add garlic, pepper, mustard and coriander to the onion, mix.
  • Set aside half of the mixture. In the rest, put 2 leaves of laurel, put lard on it.
  • Cover the lard with the remaining mixture, place 2 more bay leaves on top.
  • Put a plate on the fat, set oppression. Let the lard marinate in the refrigerator for 6-12 hours.
  • Put the marinated bacon along with the onion, garlic and spices in a foil or baking sleeve. Bake at 200 degrees for 45 minutes.

Wait for the fat to cool, cut it into slices and serve. Before serving, the dish can be decorated with fresh herbs.

Salo baked with potatoes

  • bacon (without interlayer) - 0.3 kg;
  • potatoes - 0.6 kg;
  • adjika - 50 g;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the bacon into thin slices, marinate in adjika. Real caucasian adjika it is very salty, so salt can be omitted. If you have moderately salty seasoning, then you can add a little salt to it. Salo should marinate in adjika for about an hour.
  • Peel and cut potatoes into thin slices.
  • Arrange potatoes and bacon in layers in a baking dish so that potatoes are on the bottom and bacon on top. Layers should be 4 or 6.
  • Place the mold in the oven. Cook at 200 degrees for 35 minutes.

This dish is a full meal, very satisfying.

Salo baked in the oven is a dish suitable for family dinner and for receiving guests.

Have you ever tried. If not, then be sure to cook this delicious dish. In fact, baked bacon in the oven means a large number of dishes. This includes a bacon roll, lard with potatoes in the oven, bacon kebab with potatoes, or baked lard in the oven in a whole layer. From time immemorial, our ancestors did not have a single holiday without oven-baked lard with garlic.

Salo can be used plain (without meat), but it tastes better if it is with a thin layer of meat. Suitable for these purposes undercuts or pitted. Such baked bacon in the oven in foil can be used as an addition to cold cuts on the festive table, and to complement the dining table with it. Recipes for lard baked in the oven in foil can be found in different cuisines peace.

Today I want to offer you a simple and delicious recipe for baked bacon in the oven in foil, with lots of garlic and spices. Thanks to the foil, the lard will turn out to be more juicy than just baked on a baking sheet, since during baking it will be saturated with its own juice. A special marinade, prepared on the basis of spices, will make it soft and fragrant.

So, the lard is ready, but do you know what is the best way to serve it? Baked bacon in the oven, just like meat, is best served with mustard, adjika, sliced fresh vegetables, horseradish with beets. And do not forget that black rye or Borodino bread is best served with such fat. By the way, you can make delicious sandwiches from such baked lard, cut into thin slices.

Enjoy your meal. I would be glad if this baked lard recipe in the oven Did you like.

Salo baked in the oven in foil. Photo

Although this article is about cooking bacon in the oven in foil, it’s still worth starting it with interesting fact.

If anyone has come across the word " xenotransplantation”, he certainly knows the meaning of this term and the fundamental principles of this direction of medicine. The essence of this direction lies in the fact that some cells and tissues of pigs, after modification and removal of antibodies, serve as a material for implantation into the human body.

Based on this fact, it is quite possible to assume that pork meat is the most valuable product, because his biochemical composition , even if in natural, not purified form, most suitable for the person, accelerating the renewal of cells in his body. Just one example: the well-known drug "Pepsin" is obtained from pig cells.

IN lard there is a group of vitamins D, vitamin E, choline; it is rich in selenium and zinc, lipids, a complete set of amino acids (albeit to a small extent), which is rarely found in herbal products, arachidonic acid - unsaturated fatty acid, responsible in the body for the excretion of cholesterol (!), stimulating reproductive activity, participating in the exchange and elimination of toxins.

Salo is a source of energy, promotes rapid recovery.

Of course, lard is a product that contains more cholesterol. But this cholesterol does not linger in the body when eating lard with garlic.

Salo in the oven in foil - general technological principles

Such properties of the product, of course, could not go unnoticed.

It is prepared for future use by salting and smoking. Once upon a time, there was a tradition in peasant families - pigs were slaughtered only at certain times of the year, which was mainly timed to coincide with large religious holidays, marked by the end of the fast. People were preparing for festive feast with great diligence, and, of course, meat was the main product from which many dishes were prepared: boiled, fried, baked. Everything that remained after the feast was prepared for the future: smoked and salted in order to save supplies, due to the lack of refrigerators.

The meat of cattle was a luxury - the ancient Slavs took care of the preservation of animals that give milk, an equally valuable source of animal food.

Pork served as the best option for obtaining meat. A significant part of the fat contained in pig carcasses was also harvested and used for food. In addition to salting and smoking, pork knuckles, diapers, brisket and other parts of the carcass were marinated, stuffed and then, wrapped in clay, baked in an oven or on the coals of a fire.

The advent of food foil and modern kitchen appliances significantly facilitated the process of baking lard in the oven, in foil.

In addition, being in a shell impervious to air and moisture, finished product retains its taste and nutritional properties subjected exclusively to heat.

The age of a pig for meat production is no higher than 10 months, and a carcass slaughtered after 12-15 months is more suitable for fat. In order to get lard with a layer, pigs are fattened according to a special technique, alternating nutritious and low-calorie feed in the pig's diet.

The choice of fat, like pork, is carried out according to the same criteria. The best fat, after all, it is easier to choose on the market, and it should be fresh, "paired". More delicate in density and consistency is the part of the back. The lard of the abdominal part - the brisket - looks very attractive in appearance. Rolls are prepared from bacon (or underlining).

When buying lard, which is usually cooked together with the skin, you need to pay attention to the quality of its processing. After slaughter, the pig carcass is roasted with straw to remove the bristles. This method is the most environmentally friendly, and gives the skin pork carcass pleasant aroma. Beware of buying fat, whose skin was tarred with a blowtorch filled with gasoline or kerosene. Such meat has a specific, unappetizing smell.

Another point to pay attention to is the age and gender of the pig. The meat of boars of adult males and females after mating also has bad smell. Therefore, when choosing lard or pork on the market, do not hesitate to conduct an independent organoleptic study before buying: in other words, smell it.

Coming home carefully wash the lard warm water (30-50°C), rub the skin with a brush.

Further actions depend on the recipe and processing method.

Recipe 1. Salo in the oven in foil - smoked bacon with oranges


Fresh orange juice 250 ml

Grated zest 100 g

Pepper, ground - black and allspice

Juniper berries, dried (ground)

Soy sauce 10 g

Basil, green

Sugar 30-40 g

Bacon (boneless, with meat layer) 1-1.5 kg


Place the prepared, smoked piece of bacon in a sealed container. Pour it with the prepared marinade, juice and cooked ground spices. Keep overnight in the refrigerator. Then take out and dry; place on a prepared baking sheet (lined with foil), also tightly cover the top of the form with a second sheet of foil and bake for no more than 20 minutes. When the bacon is ready, take it out of the oven only after it has cooled down.

Recipe 2. Salo in the oven in foil - brisket


Brisket (middle part, with a layer) - 2 - 2.5 kg

pepper, black (ground),

coriander (ground)

Bay leaf,

Sodium nitrite (additive, for color retention)

Garlic (optional)

Cooking method:

Before baking the brisket in the oven, salt it by preparing a solution. For this in suitable dishes pour water (cold, boiled) and pour enough salt into it so that the raw, peeled potato tuber is kept on the surface. Soak the pork part in the prepared brine for at least 72 hours. Remove the brisket, rinse, removing from the surface saline solution and dry it.

Shiny side to the fat, lay the foil on the work surface. On it, start rubbing the brisket with cooked ground spices and spices. Properly wrap the prepared semi-finished product in foil: the package should be loose enough so that the hot steam does not tear it, and airtight to prevent the juice from escaping and burning or drying the product. Lard must be placed in the form with the skin down.

Salo, unlike meat, begins to bake in an unheated oven. It is better to set the thermostat to an average level so that the brisket languishes. Every pound of product - 15 minutes for baking.

If you want the brisket to be golden brown, 5-10 minutes before readiness, lift the top layer of foil and brush the surface of the brisket with soft mustard.

Recipe 3. Salo in the oven in foil - Belarusian lard

For this recipe, you can use dry salted bacon, without a layer, 3-4 cm thick. The amount of spices is adjusted to taste. But for the traditional Belarusian fat, there is a certain set of them.

Ingredients of spices:

Ground, black and allspice;

Dill, chopped (fresh)

Bay leaf (ground)

Oregano (dry herb)


If you are already using salted fat, without spices, then simply clean it of excess salt by scraping it off the surface of the bacon with a knife. After that, divide the layer in half by cutting it with a knife. Grate each half of the lard with the prepared, chopped spices and herbs and fold together, skin side out. Wrap the semi-finished product in foil, as indicated above. Baking time: for 1 kg - 40 minutes; for 2kg - 1 hour 15 minutes.

When the fat has cooled, remove the foil. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to one month, in an airtight container.

If you use unsalted lard for this recipe, then it must be cleaned, salted with coarse salt, and spices should be placed inside the two halves. Tightly wrap or place the pieces in an airtight container (it is better to use enamel or ceramic), and put the product away for a week in the cold. After stripping of salt, wrap in foil and bake.

Recipe 4. Smoked lard in the oven in foil - hot pepper roll


Belly fat (with thin skin) 1.5 - 2 kg

Salt (solution) 10%

Spices: coriander, bay leaf, red sweet and hot peppers(ground)


Take a strip of peritoneum, approximately 20x40 cm, so that it is convenient to wrap it in a roll. Strip the fat and beat it off on both sides. Put in saline solution, adding bay leaves and coriander. Keep in brine until completely salted, at least three days. Remove from brine, dry and beat again. It is necessary to achieve that the skin becomes very soft and begins to exfoliate. Remove it carefully with a knife and lay on the spread foil. Salo, again on both sides, rub with a mixture of red peppers and roll tightly into a roll. Wrap the prepared lard with the separated skin on top. If necessary, tie with thread or twine. Wrap roll in foil and bake. Readiness can be determined by the brownish edge on the folds of the foil.

Recipe 5. Salo in the oven in foil with potatoes

For this recipe, it is better to use potatoes with low content starch, crumbly varieties.


Fresh fat, with a layer of 0.5 kg

Potatoes, peeled 1.0 kg

Salt, garlic, pepper


Peeled tubers (preferably the same size) cut in half. Salo cut into slices. At the bottom of the form lined with foil, lay the slices of lard, season them with salt and spices. Lay potato halves on top, on each piece of lard. And finally, cover the potatoes again with slices of lard. Season again with salt and spices. Cover with foil and bake until the potatoes are done. Serve hot.

Recipe 6. Stuffed lard in the oven in foil with meat and prunes


Tenderloin, pork 0.5 kg

Prunes (pitted) 200 g

Mustard with honey (sauce)

Peritoneum, without skin (fat) - 700-800 g

Salt, spices


Prepare the tenderloin: cut it into transverse plates, 1.5-2 cm thick, beat off and rub with spices on both sides. Strip the fat from the skin by cutting it with a knife, also beat it off and process with spices. Lay the chops in a chain along the piece of lard. Put slices of chopped prunes on the chops. Close the roll. Rub it with garlic mustard and honey sauce. Wrap the finished roll in foil. Soak the lard with meat in the marinade so that it is properly soaked (leave overnight in the refrigerator). Bake the next day. The oven must be preheated.

Recipe 7. Salo in the oven in foil with rye bread


Borodino bread (slices) 500 g

Salo, salty 250-300 g

Garlic 50 g


Cut a loaf of bread (rectangular or square) into thin slices, and then divide each slice in half, diagonally. Lightly toast the bread in the toaster.

Prepare a paste from salted bacon with garlic and pepper by grinding all the ingredients in a blender or meat grinder.

Spread the prepared lard on the slices of bread and place them on a baking sheet. Cover a baking sheet with foil and bake in a preheated oven. Hot sandwiches with bacon, in the oven, in foil will be ready within 10 minutes.

    Fresh and salted lard can be stored in the refrigerator - use the freeze-dry method, after packing the lard in airtight containers or vacuum bags.

    Lard can be stored in brine, packed tightly in jars and preserved.