Boletus mushroom - a description of the mushroom with photos and videos, how to cook. Preparations for the winter and a festive feast: how to cook a boletus

Just like some types of mushrooms, boletus are the owners of a speaking name. What does it mean? The fact that the name of the mushroom says where it grows, where, accordingly, it is worth looking for and collecting, and also what is a 100% guideline that guarantees the presence of a truly rich mushroom place. For example, a boletus is a mushroom growing in a forest, a boletus is near an aspen, and birch groves are rich in the birch groves discussed in our case. And what to do with boletus after collection, this article will tell you.

When going in search of these forest beauties, you should pay attention to shady places near the trees. Nevertheless, it is not for nothing that these gifts of the forest received such a name. As practice proves, in most cases it is simply impossible to find an impressive mushroom catch in sunny glades and open areas.

In groves or deciduous forests, these mushrooms can be found in several types:

  • ordinary;
  • multi-colored;
  • ash gray;
  • blackening (chess);
  • white (marsh);
  • black.

All fruits, in addition to the color of the caps, which is already becoming clear by the name of each species, also differ in the place of growth. Despite this, the method of cleaning and pre-preparation of the collected fruits for further manipulations is the same for all varieties.

Collected fresh boletus should be carefully removed from the basket or basket and laid out on a wide horizontal surface, after covering it with newspaper, oilcloth or a piece of dry cloth. Immediately after the harvest, even before you start processing the forest harvest, you should:

  1. carefully inspect all the decomposed boletus mushrooms;
  2. clean the hats from adhering cobwebs, foliage, forest debris and other contaminants;
  3. process the legs of the boletus, carefully removing the remnants of soil, dirt, foliage and the rest of the mycelium with a knife;
  4. it will be right to once again inspect all the mushrooms and assess the degree of damage and the presence of putrefactive formations.

What to do if the mushrooms turned out to be wormy

Carefully examining the fruits, you need to make sure that they are not wormy. To do this, it is enough to either cut the mushroom, or simply break it. It is very important to check for damage to both the cap and the legs of the boletus. Fully wormy mushrooms should not be subjected to further processing, much less cooking. The best solution in such a situation would be to get rid of them.

How to wash

Competent processing of boletus includes the second stage. Now you need to properly wash the boletus in plain water. What are the recommendations for this? Use the following proven tips:

  • it is best to use running water (ordinary from the tap) at a cool temperature;
  • in the process of washing, additional cleaning of the boletus is also carried out, where with the help of a small knife, a culinary scraper or a hard foam rubber sponge, small contaminants and adhering particles are removed from the surface of the mushroom.

After all the manipulations, you can take on the further preparation of mushrooms.

Do I need to soak and how to do it

Is it necessary to soak boletus boletus, if it is not intended to preserve them? The question is moot. Experts in mushroom business and blanks argue that almost any mushroom should be pre-soaked:

  • you can soak the mushrooms in order to rid the fruits of a bitter taste;
  • since any mushroom, including boletus mushrooms, is a natural sponge that absorbs harmful substances that are both in the air and in the soil, the fruits should be soaked to avoid possible poisoning, harmful effects on the body, cleansing products from questionable components.

Such processing of boletus requires special attention if it is planned to prepare fruits for long-term storage, that is, one of the various canning recipes is chosen.

Boletus can be in several affordable and relatively simple ways:

  • Harvesting for the winter by pickling.
  • Blanks for lovers savory snacks and salads with herbs and spices.
  • Preservation of semi-finished products. In this case, clean and washed mushrooms are fried in oil with the addition of salt, spices and herbs (to taste) and then, half-cooked, rolled into jars and placed in a refrigerator or cellar.
  • You can simply peel, rinse the boletus, cut into pieces of the desired size and freeze raw.
  • A favorite preparation is the usual drying of fruits, which saves the cooks from unnecessary trouble and long preparations.

What to do with mushrooms: processing

There are some tricks that allow you not only to cook a dish of mushrooms correctly and tasty, but also to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences. Such rules include the following:

  • If the fungus is whole, intact, but still apparently old, you should always completely remove the spore-bearing core located at the very bottom of the stem of the fruit.
  • Old ripened boletus mushrooms are healthy and tasty, but if the cap of the mushroom is covered with mucus and unnaturally soft, then this indicates its long ripening period. In this case, it is better to completely remove such areas.
  • You can save yourself and your loved ones from intestinal disorders and possible poisoning by completely removing all ripe spores from mushrooms. As a rule, their increased content noted in plates, sponges. The thing is that this part is practically not digested. human body, and therefore, can be harmful to health.
  • Among experienced mushroom pickers there is an opinion that cleaned, processed and washed boletus must be lowered into ice water. It is enough to wait 30-40 minutes and continue cooking.
  • Regardless of the recipe, many experts advise soaking mushrooms in cold water. It is often recommended to soak the fruits even before peeling, in order to facilitate the removal of leaves, sand, earth and remnants of forest grasses.
  • Before implementing any canning recipe, you can immerse the boletus in cold water, changing it 3-4 times.
  • When soaking, you can add a small amount of ordinary table salt, thereby providing elementary measures for the disinfection of prepared products.

The secret used by our grandmothers was the addition of a regular head onion while cooking mushrooms. Excessive darkening, blackening of the bulb indicates the unsafe use, the content of harmful substances and, possibly, poisons. What to do with mushrooms that have such a "symptom"? It is better to throw it away so as not to endanger your family.

There are many options for preparing boletus and various recipes. Among them, everyone will find something to their liking and loved ones.

Mushroom time leaves no one indifferent. So it came to our area. I love mushroom hunting since childhood.

Early in the morning we went on a mushroom outing. The sun has not yet broken through the clouds of fog that enveloped the earth. But while we are going to the forest from the autumn guest, there will be no trace of fog.

We lingered a little at the edge, birch trees have a large mycelium white fungus, as many as 11 pieces of small white mushrooms were found. Great start!

When passing into the depths of the forest, mushrooms began to come across less.

We decided to walk along the edge to another forest area.

Ahead could be seen a small clearing, low birches and occasionally willow bushes, as if framing around the white-trunked beauties.

Let's think, let's take a look, because the sun bakes well through the still rare branches of birch trees.

You won't believe how surprised we were! The boletus cramped each other. Wherever you look, flocks of mushrooms, like soldiers, stood in even rows.

Bigger, smaller and quite crumbs.

The caps are mostly light grey, although they can vary in color from very light to dark brown, even black. They are sometimes called blackheads for this property.

The sun's rays played on the leaves of the trees, and our mood from picking mushrooms, warm sunlight was just as sparkling.

Baskets and buckets were collected very quickly, but we did not want to leave.

But we will definitely return, mushrooms will grow until November.

Only mushrooms for salting will come to replace the boletus, boletus and white mushrooms: white and black mushrooms, russula, meadow and stump mushrooms, volnushki, serushki. They already come across, but units.


The mushroom in its qualities can be equated with the king of edible mushrooms - .

The hat in diameter can reach 20 cm. But it is better to collect small mushrooms, their hat has not yet acquired a pillow shape. She is firm and resilient.

The leg can reach 15-18 cm, up to 3-4 cm thick. It can be thin and even, and sometimes it is found thickened at the bottom and curved. Outside, the leg is covered with small dark scales, when cut it is dense, white.

Boletus Growth

You can find boletus near white-trunked beauties in deciduous and mixed forests. Growing period from early summer to October, November. Boletus boletus are often found in clearings, forest edges, in rare groves. Where the earth is perfectly warmed by the sun. Mushrooms love sunlight.

What kind of names do not occur in the common people: blackhead, spikelet, obabka, black mushroom.

Boletus Composition

The composition of the boletus has a perfectly balanced protein, consisting of tyrosine, agrin, leucine, glutamine.

The vitamins found in useful mushrooms, groups B, C, PP, D, E.

Trace elements: manganese, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium.

Boletus Useful properties

  1. Perfectly absorbs and removes slags
  2. Reduces blood sugar levels, good for diabetes
  3. supports and strengthens nervous system
  4. used to treat kidney disease
  5. improves the condition of the mucous membranes of the body
  6. normalizes bowel function
  7. great for skin condition
  8. positively affects the musculoskeletal system
Boletus Recipes

When harvesting and cooking boletus mushrooms, it must be borne in mind that mushrooms change their color. They turn black when cooked. Maybe the name came from here - a black mushroom.

My grandmother dried porcini mushrooms and boletus, each variety was stored separately.

From black mushrooms, she cooked various sauces, but noodles with black mushrooms were especially successful. She cooked it in a Russian oven. Mushrooms took exactly boletus. I often repeat her recipe, this is the taste of my distant childhood.

To do this, I, like her, dry boletus.

Boletus Drying

You can dry mushrooms simply traditional way, strung on a strong thread, placed over the stove or in the bright sun. After 4-5 days, the mushrooms will be ready.

Recently, I have been using the dryer more often for vegetables, fruits and mushrooms.

Cut larger mushroom caps into 3-4 parts, leave small ones whole or divide equally. Cut the legs into two parts or into quarters, can be divided into even rings. Who likes it. Place all parts of the mushroom in layers on the pallets of the dryer.

Turn on and wait for the finished product.

Keep dried mushrooms the best thing simple packages from paper. They need air and moisture does not get into such bags.

Boletus Frying

The most delicious dish is mushroom roast. Mushrooms can be fried boiled, or you can cook without boiling.

Take a frying pan with high sides.

We cut the mushrooms, having previously cleaned, washed and dried from excess moisture.

Add a couple of tablespoons of oil.

We fry, constantly stirring. In the middle of frying, add a large onion, finely crumbling it.

Salt at the end of frying.


boletus - 1 kg

onion - 200 gr

salt to taste

This method of cooking in our family was adored by my father, he did not recognize any additional additives. Purely mushrooms and onions with butter.

But my mother often cooked mushrooms with potatoes.

I added 4-5 medium potatoes to the existing composition.

It turned out no less tasty, but most of all I liked to make mushrooms like this.

It's the same mom's recipe.

Mushrooms boletus, boletus, a little white

cut and fried with a little oil until half cooked.

A couple of onions finely crumble and put in a dish.

When the mushrooms with onions are almost ready, 150 grams of sour cream is added.

Mushrooms languish with sour cream over low heat or in the oven.

Do not forget to constantly stir the prepared dish so that it does not burn.

It turns out very tasty.

Boletus mushroom soup

Soup from fresh boletus I cook traditionally.

At every collection mushroom soup instantly appears on the table. Nothing tastes better than this simple soup.


Mushrooms - 500 gr and more Well, I will not say that the spoon was standing. But about that!

Potatoes - 4 -5 pieces

onion - 1 pc.

carrot 1 piece

salt, spices to taste.


My mushrooms, cut, send to the pan. Let them boil until boiling, at the moment of boiling we put potatoes, evenly cut.

We clean the onions and carrots, cut them and put them in a saucepan. I very rarely fry onions and carrots, I just add chopped fresh ones.

At the end of cooking, be sure to pepper, Bay leaf, salt.

Serve with a spoonful of sour cream or homemade mayonnaise, and many prefer to gurgle vegetable oil, it will also be delicious.

Boletus Freezing

Mushrooms can be frozen in two forms: fresh and boiled.

I use both options.

I cut fresh mushrooms into small pieces, put them in containers or plastic bags and place them in the freezer.

I boil the mushrooms for a short time, removing the foam, for 10 minutes.

I cool, drain the water and freeze in the same way as fresh ones.

Boletus Marinating

For pickling, I select the youngest mushrooms, hard with elastic legs and hats.

I boil the selected mushrooms in two waters, transfer them to a separate pan.

I make the marinade like this:

for half a liter of water

1 tbsp sugar

2 tsp salt

bay leaf 1 pc

carnation 3-4 pcs

allspice peas - 3-4 pcs

vinegar essence 1 teaspoon (put at the end of cooking)

I pour the mushrooms with marinade and cook for a short time for 8-10 minutes. At the end of cooking add vinegar essence.

I lay out the pickled mushrooms in sterilized jars for seaming.

I store it in a cellar or refrigerator.

Boletus mushrooms can be cooked separately from other mushrooms, but they are very tasty in a mixture.

Contraindications : individual intolerance.

Boletus boletus is low in calories, only 20 kcal per 100 g of the product.

Mushroom picking is the best outdoor activity for me, it gives indescribable pleasure.

Disassemble mushrooms, harvest for future use, cook mushroom dishes- It's also a lot of fun.

Useful properties of mushrooms are high.

Have a great mushroom outings, enjoyment and fun!

Sunny golden autumn, joy in the heart and soul.

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Boletus is one of the most common edible mushrooms in our forests and loved by many. Boletus boletus are found in forests where many birches grow, it is under these trees that they grow. These mushrooms are light-requiring and tend to the sun, so they are easy to find in clearings and edges, they like to grow along the paths. And you can cook boletus most different ways.

In different regions, the boletus is called in its own way: obabok, birch, black mushroom. It is true, because the cap of the mushroom can be colored from light brown to almost black. Boletus won its popularity because it is easy to cook, it does not require long preparatory procedures, it does not need to be soaked, boiled, etc. for a long time. Rinse the collected boletus well enough cold water and cook for 45 minutes. And then do whatever you want with them, including sending them to the freezer for the winter.

Finding a boletus in the forest is quite easy. If you see a cushion-shaped, dark hat of a mushroom with a diameter of 15-20 centimeters, and under it a scaly brown leg, then you have a bug in front of you. It grows very quickly and reaches its peak of maturity on the sixth day. However, it is better not to wait until the boletus outgrows and becomes unfit for food, it is better to cut it off in the middle of growth. Since boletus mushrooms are quite large mushrooms, it is possible to collect their whole basket in a fairly short time.

Composition and properties

For those who do not eat meat at all, it is useful to know that they can get the protein they need from the body from mushrooms, including boletus. In addition, they are rich in vitamins B, C, D and E. The fibers present in its composition absorb and remove toxins from the body, in addition, obabok is an excellent antioxidant.

Boletus mushrooms can improve the condition of a person suffering from diabetes, as well as diseases of the nervous system and kidneys. These mushrooms are useful for diseases of the bones, as they contain phosphoric acid.

At the same time, boletus mushrooms are low-calorie, so they can be safely consumed by girls who want to lose weight and are on a diet.

How to cook boletus

Boletus mushrooms are universal mushrooms, they are boiled, fried, dried, pickled and salted. Lots of recipes! In this case, you can use almost any utensils and appliances: a slow cooker, microwave, as well as a pot or pan. The oven is suitable for drying mushrooms for the winter.

Some experienced housewives dried boletus mushrooms are ground into powder and then added during the preparation of mushroom sauces and sauces. Because of this spicy additive, the taste of any dish is excellent!

Fried mushrooms with potatoes - another favorite of many delicious dish. Try adding them as pizza toppings, potato roll or pies, you won't regret it.

Cooking rules

  1. Boletus boletus spoils very quickly, so process them and start cooking as soon as you bring them home. Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly, cut off the leg somewhere in half, clean the sticky hat from debris.
  2. Put the mushrooms in a saucepan, add cold water and wait until it boils. This first water must be drained, filled with new water and boiled mushrooms again. So we get rid of all the toxic substances accumulated in the mushrooms.
  3. Boil the mushrooms for about an hour. If you are going to cook them right away, add a little salt, but if you are freezing, you do not need to add anything. It is better to remove the formed foam. As soon as the entire mushroom mass sinks to the bottom, you can assume that the boletus is cooked.
  4. Remove the finished mushrooms from the pan, and then add them as you wish to the roast, hodgepodge, potatoes or casserole.
  5. If you are going to cook mushrooms in a slow cooker, turn on the "baking" mode for half an hour.

Delicious boletus dishes

mushroom soup

Soup with boletus for their household can be prepared by every housewife. There is nothing complicated in this recipe. Boil the mushrooms until fully cooked, add chopped potatoes to them, put slightly poached onions and carrots there. At the end of cooking, add grated cheese, which is very good with mushrooms.

Pickled boletus

This recipe is very simple: boil peeled and prepared mushrooms for about an hour, at the end of cooking add a little vinegar, salt and sugar to taste and hold on the stove for a few more minutes. After that, arrange the mushrooms in jars, fill them with the brine in which they cooked, and close with plastic lids. Store pickled boletus under iron lids by no means is it possible.

Mushroom hodgepodge


  • medium head of cabbage, about a kilogram,
  • half a kilo of boletus, carrots, onions and tomatoes,
  • a few peas of allspice,
  • 2-3 bay leaves,
  • glass of water,
  • half a glass of any vegetable oil,
  • 3 tablespoons of 9% vinegar,
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar and salt.


  1. Pre-boil the mushrooms slightly, no more than 10-15 minutes.
  2. Carrots and onions also need to be prepared in advance by cutting and lightly frying them in a pan.
  3. Cut the cabbage and tomatoes as you like.
  4. Place all ingredients in a saucepan and simmer for about half an hour.
  5. At the very end, add some vinegar.
  6. Put the resulting hodgepodge into jars, tighten the lids, wait until your workpiece has completely cooled down and put it in the refrigerator.

Boletus casserole


  • 1 kg of mushrooms
  • 1-2 bulbs
  • 1 tablespoon mustard
  • 250 ml cream,
  • 2-3 tablespoons of olive or any other oil,
  • 200-300 gr. cheese,
  • 1 tablespoon flour
  • salt and pepper to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Carefully process the boletus, chop the onion, rub the cheese as you like.
  2. Lubricate the form with any vegetable oil, put the mushrooms and onions first, salt and pepper them.
  3. Put in the oven at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
  4. When the bolete mushrooms are lightly browned, sprinkle the casserole with grated cheese and top with a batter of flour, cream and mustard.
  5. Simmer in the oven for a few more minutes.

Everything, the dish is ready! Your guests will surely appreciate your culinary delights. Enjoy your meal!

Boletus mushrooms are one of the most useful mushrooms in the mushroom family. Boletus is recommended for people with diabetes. And also for the prevention of those who have kidney disease and plus strengthens the nervous system. Boletus mushrooms are often used in their menu by vegetarians and people who fast. If you know how to prepare mushrooms for the winter, there will be something to surprise relatives and guests, tasty snack will be ready.

The first thing to do before pickling mushrooms is to prepare them well:

  • mushrooms are washed well under running water, removing dirt and sand with a brush. If the sand and dirt are not washed off with a brush, you need to soak the boletus in cold water for 15 minutes, but not more, and not, then the mushrooms deteriorate and swell.
  • mushrooms are processed, cleaned, cut off at the bottom of the leg. You can pickle only mushroom caps, then the legs are cut off and another dish is made from them.
  • bad boletus mushrooms are thrown away, if there are any on it, the damaged places are removed. Large mushrooms are cut into equal parts. All these maneuvers must be done quickly or else the mushrooms will darken from contact with air.
  • before marinating, mushrooms are boiled. At the time of cooking, you need to carefully monitor the foam that forms during cooking, it must be removed. As soon as the mushrooms sink down to the bottom of the pan, they are removed from the oven and the water is drained.
  • mushrooms are packed in sterilized jars.

When pickling mushrooms, you should strictly follow the recipe. If there are few or vice versa many ingredients, this will affect the taste and their storage.

Pickled boletus recipe for the winter


  • mushrooms 1 kilogram
  • drinking water liter
  • salt - two tablespoons
  • sugar - two tablespoons
  • vinegar 9% - 125 ml
  • cloves - 3 pcs.
  • lavrushka - 2 pcs.
  • peppercorns - 10 pcs.

How to pickle boletus step by step recipe:

  1. Process boletus, clean, wash, cut into pieces. Place in water and cook for 25 minutes, removing the foam, as soon as the boletus sinks down, the water must be drained.
  2. Put the boletus in a colander so that all the water is glass.
  3. Rinse the mushrooms under running water, pour water and cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Add salt, sugar, vinegar and cook for another 25 minutes.
  5. Arrange hot mushrooms in sterilized jars
  6. Pour the mushrooms with brine, completely filling the jar.
  7. After, roll up the jars, wrap them in heat, they should cool.

As the banks have cooled down, they are moved to a dark cool place before winter. This recipe is for lovers classic dishes. Those who love original blanks, there are other options.

Recipe for pickled mushrooms for the winter - boletus with garlic and cinnamon


  • mushrooms - kilogram
  • water liter
  • peppercorns -10 pcs.
  • vinegar essence - 70%
  • lavrushka - 3 pcs.
  • cloves - 5 pcs.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • salt - two tablespoons
  • sugar - two tablespoons
  • onion - head

How to pickle boletus for the winter in jars:

  1. Sterilize jars and lids.
  2. Mushrooms are cleaned, washed from pollution, cut into pieces, put in a saucepan.
  3. Mushrooms are boiled, removing the foam until tender, along with peeled onions. After boiling the mushrooms, they should be washed in a colander under running water, after which the water should drain, the onion and the broth will no longer be needed.
  4. To prepare the marinade, you need to take a liter of water, add cloves, pepper, parsley, salt and sugar to it. Bring to a boil.
  5. Mushrooms are dipped into the boiling marinade and cooked for about 10 minutes.
  6. Peeled garlic is cut into plates and added to the mushrooms. Cook for 6 min.
  7. Pour in vinegar essence and cook for another 4 minutes, turn off.
  8. Place mushrooms in jars.
  9. The marinade should boil, boiling marinade should be poured over the mushrooms.
  10. Roll up the jars, insulating them in a blanket until they cool completely.

Pickled boletus mushrooms in this way are fragrant due to the combination of cinnamon and garlic. While serving mushrooms to the table, it is recommended to pour them with vegetable oil.

Pickled boletus mushrooms for the winter without vinegar


  • mushrooms - 2 kg
  • water - 4 l
  • sugar - a tablespoon
  • lemon - 4 gr.
  • lavrushka - 2 pcs.
  • rock salt - tablespoon
  • allspice with peas - 10 pcs.

How to pickle boletus at home:

  1. Mushrooms prepare, wash, peel, cut into equal pieces.
  2. Pour in water, add salt, boil.
  3. As soon as the water starts to boil, remove the foam. Cook until the mushrooms sink to the bottom of the pot.
  4. Transfer the mushrooms to a colander and wait until the water drains, no need to rinse.
  5. Prepare the jars, they need to be sterilized, use the lids that are convenient for you, but it is better to use plastic ones, since this recipe is not suitable for winter.
  6. Pour two liters of water into a saucepan, add sugar, cinnamon, parsley and pepper. Boil marinade
  7. When it boils, put the mushrooms and cook for another 15 minutes.
  8. Add a lemon and after 2-3 minutes put the mushrooms in jars.
  9. Tamp the boletus in jars with a spoon and pour boiling marinade.
  10. Close the jars and wait until they have cooled down completely. room temperature. Place in refrigerator after cooling.

Pickled mushrooms according to this recipe have an unusually mild taste and spicy aroma. The downside of this recipe is that you need to store it in a cold place.

Whatever recipe is used, you need to remember that mushrooms can only be eaten after one month.

Pickled boletus step by step recipe

For one serving of mushrooms we need:

  • 1l. water,
  • 85g salt
  • 1 pinch ground cinnamon and 1 d.l.
  • 9% vinegar is for the brine.
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.,
  • black pepper and allspice peas - 5 pcs.,
  • cloves - 2 pcs.,
  • sprig of dill
  • 3 cloves of garlic.

How to pickle boletus for the winter step by step recipe:

Before cooking, mushrooms must be carefully cleaned, washed well and cut into pieces, to your taste. Young mushrooms are best suited for pickling, and those “older” boletus mushrooms can also be cut, put in portions in bags and frozen to make soup or mushroom gravy. Large mushrooms can also be dried and then used as a seasoning for soup, but then, after drying, it is best to grind them in a coffee grinder.

  1. To begin with, bring 1 liter of water to a boil and pour 85 g of salt there - this will be our brine. It should taste very salty. Spices must be folded into a container and pour boiling water for 10 minutes.
  2. Next, we proceed to the preparation of the mushrooms themselves. We put the washed and chopped mushrooms in a saucepan and pour in the brine. You do not need to pour too much brine, it will be enough to fill the pan by a third.
  3. Mushrooms in brine must be brought to a boil and boiled for 5 minutes. Try the brine, add salt if necessary, it should be viscous in consistency.
  4. We put spices at the bottom of the jars, then we put the mushrooms and fill everything with strained brine. Cover with lids and set to sterilize for 15-20 minutes.
  5. After, add cinnamon and vinegar, top up if necessary hot pickle. Roll up, turn over and leave to cool. Store in cellar or refrigerator.

Marinated boletus for the winter a simple recipe

Here comes the autumn best time engage in quiet hunting. For those who are lucky enough to pick up young boletus, we present a recipe for pickling these wonderful mushrooms.

For 1.5 liters of mushrooms we need:

  • 1 l. water,
  • 4 tsp salt,
  • 3 tsp Sahara,
  • 2 tsp 70% acetic acid,
  • Bay leaf,
  • black and allspice peas,
  • carnation,
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 2 tbsp. l. boiled vegetable oil

How to pickle boletus for the winter in jars:

  1. Initially, the mushrooms must be thoroughly cleaned and washed. If the boletus is very young, small in size, there is no need to cut them. If there are larger specimens, cut to your liking.
  2. Mushrooms need to be boiled in slightly salted water, during cooking it is necessary to remove the foam, so that the boletus does not darken, it is best to throw them into boiling water. After 10 minutes, strain the mushrooms through a colander and rinse.
  3. Prepare the brine: add all the necessary spices to the water and bring to a boil, then boil for 10 minutes.
  4. Next, add boiled mushrooms to the prepared marinade and cook everything together for 15-20 minutes, remove the pan from the stove and add vinegar.
  5. Put hot mushrooms in pre-sterilized jars and pour boiled oil on top. Roll up with sterilized lids and leave to cool, wrapped in a blanket. Store together where the temperature is slightly below room temperature, but not cold.

These mushrooms are best served with onions and seasoned with sunflower oil, you can also add vinegar to taste. Such an amazing dish will be a stunningly unsurpassed addition to any table.

How to pickle boletus mushrooms for the winter

Absolutely any hostess, no matter whether she is a beginner or already a “professional”, will enjoy the compliments received from guests or just loved ones for the phrase: “I marinated it myself” ... After all, even the most inexperienced will cope with this recipe for boletus marinated for the winter.

The recipe is suitable for any mushroom, but it is worth following it exactly in order to maintain the correct proportions.

For cooking you will need:

  • mushrooms - 1kg,
  • hot water - 1l,
  • salt and sugar 2 tbsp each,
  • Bay leaf,
  • carnation,
  • black peppercorns
  • vinegar essence - 1 dess. spoon (or 0.5 cups of 9% table vinegar).

How to pickle boletus for the winter without sterilization

You should not postpone the preservation of mushrooms (maximum, they can lie down for an hour and a half).

  1. To begin with, you should carefully sort out the mushrooms and choose the best ones for pickling, cut into pieces, rinse in cool water.
  2. Next, the mushrooms should be poured with boiling water and brought to a boil over a fire, boil for no more than 5 minutes. After that, the boletus should be washed in cold water so that they retain their beneficial substances.
  3. For cooking marinade: sugar and salt, 3 cloves, 2 bay leaves, 10 peppercorns and vinegar.
  4. Boletus mushrooms are completely filled with a liter of boiling water and boiled with spices for 10 minutes.
  5. After adding sugar and salt to the mushrooms, boil the mushrooms in the marinade for about 15 minutes over low heat.
  6. The last step is to arrange the mushrooms in jars into which it is worth pouring vinegar. Then the jars must be tightly closed tin lids so that air does not get there and the brine does not flow out, after turning the jars upside down and wrapping them in something warm.

Before winter, mushrooms should be left in a cool place so that they can fully form. Before serving, it is advisable to season the mushrooms with vegetable oil or homemade sour cream. You can add fresh herbs and fresh onions to the dish.

After preparing all the above recipes, you will not only be able to surprise everyone you would like, but also create an unsurpassed impression of who you are. good hostess. After all, it is these recipes that make it clear how well you know how to cook and create incredible masterpieces!

Exists great amount and others no less interesting and delicious recipes blanks for the winter, which we also shared with you on our website - and, and many others.

Not inferior in taste even to the noble boletus. Even the peculiar feature of the fungus - darkening almost to blackness - does not frighten true connoisseurs. His hat is delicate, real delicacies are prepared from it. But the leg is quite dense. Some do not eat it at all, but many just like it because of its crispy texture. These mushrooms are great for cooking various dishes. How to cook boletus - you decide! Here are some recipes, classic and unusual.

Mushroom boletus: habitat, special signs, collection time

The name betrays all the secrets - this fungus loves to live in birch forests and other deciduous forests. The heat-loving boletus settles on the edges of ravines, clearings, edges - where the sun's rays warm the soil sufficiently. The first harvest is at the end of May. There are 4 types of fungus:

. the black;
. marsh (white);
. rosy.

Ordinary is the most common and has the most pronounced mushroom flavor. All varieties of boletus are suitable for cooking, drying, salting, pickling.

Mushroom preparation

Before cooking the boletus, it must be peeled, washed and cut into pieces. Forest mushrooms usually end up in kitchens in a rather grimy state - they are full of sand, sticks, twigs, small leaves and even forest dwellers. With the help of a small knife, remove the skin from the mushroom, cut off the damaged areas. You need to wash them in running water, you can use a toothbrush or washcloth for washing. Many mushroom pickers advise pre-soaking them in cold water, with the addition of a small amount salt. There is no fundamental difference. Here's how it's more convenient for someone ...

Boletus caps are often fried for cooking various dishes. And hard legs can be dried or cooked from them mushroom caviar. Depending on the chosen dish, cutting is made. Before preparing any dish from boletus, they must be boiled for at least an hour. After that, the broth should be poured, rinse the mushrooms and only then proceed to cooking.

Cooking fresh boletus. Recipes for a feast

From freshly picked boletus, you can cook a lot wonderful dishes. It cannot be allowed to Forest mushrooms long languished in anticipation of their hour. It is advisable to cook them on the day of collection.

Fried boletus match perfectly with potato. To do this, pre-boiled mushrooms are fried in oil in a pan, combined with onions and continue to stew under the lid. It is better to fry potatoes separately, and only at the end of the process combine them with mushrooms. You can serve such a delicacy with herbs, homemade pickles, seasonal vegetables.

Boletus boletus are great addition to a side dish of pasta, rice, buckwheat. To do this, a little sour cream, garlic, chopped herbs are added to boiled mushrooms. Mushrooms are laid out simply on top of porridge or pasta.

Filling for the pie from boletus is quite common. To prepare it, boiled mushrooms are fried in oil with onions.

Harvesting for the future: pickle, dry, freeze

It is quite possible to prepare boletus for the winter. There are several ways to do this. Sliced ​​mushrooms can be dried. To do this, they must be strung on a rope and hung in a draft. You should not take too thin a thread for this business - it will simply cut through the pieces and they will fall. Usually a week is enough for the boletus to dry completely. Excellent for drying electric dryer. A portion of mushrooms will be ready in it in 6-8 hours. Dried mushrooms in the oven. To do this, the pieces need to be laid out on a baking sheet, turn on the minimum temperature and leave the door ajar. Once every half an hour, boletus must be stirred. It is advisable to store dried mushrooms in glass jars, rolled up. Otherwise, kitchen moths can start in them.

Pickled or salted boletus are very tasty. It's not too hard to cook them. Pre-boiled and washed mushrooms must be folded into enamel pan and fill with brine. To prepare it, you need to take 5 liters of water for every 10 kg of mushrooms, add a glass of table vinegar, 2 tablespoons of salt and a pinch of sugar. It is not recommended to use spices, especially spicy ones. After all, boletus mushrooms have an expressive aroma on their own, and spices can kill it.

There are other ways to cook boletus for future use. It is very convenient to just freeze them. You can do this in different ways. The most reliable and convenient way is to freeze boiled mushrooms. Then they will take up less space in the freezer, and in winter it will take much less time to cook. But you can send it to the freezer and raw mushrooms. And cook them already in the winter, without defrosting first.

What to cook from boletus?

Boletus mushrooms are great for making gravy, roasts, pie fillings, noodle dressings, and soups. They go well with most cereals and vegetable side dishes. The time depends on how to cook the boletus heat treatment However, you should always spend at least an hour on it.