Salo in cold brine is the most delicious. How to salt lard at home: a recipe in hot brine "Golden Bacon"

Many people are not limited to compotes, pickles and jams. If there is a cellar at hand, why not roll up something meaty? Yes, and for everyday use, without long storage, it will not be superfluous to cook a delicacy yourself. For example, pickle lard in a jar.

Most delicious recipe every hostess, no doubt, has her own. Experienced chefs even managed to discover certain tricks of the process and modify existing technologies “for themselves”. And for beginners, we will offer several ways to get delicious lard at home. And we will share all the available secrets of its salting.

Recipe for success

To make it soft and fragrant lard in the brine in the jar, the recipe of which you have looked at, you need to follow some rules. And the most important thing here is to choose wisely yourself original product. There are a few things to keep in mind when buying:

The only disagreement that causes in the bank is to wash it or not to wash it. A number of cooks believe that it is absolutely impossible to do this: they say that the product is salted unevenly. They offer all alluvial scraping off with a knife. However, most cooks still prefer to wash the lard, and then dry it with a towel. Whom to join - decide for yourself.

long-term reserves

If you are planning to prepare lard for the winter in jars, one of best recipes considered next. The original product is cut into fairly large slices (if only they climbed into the neck). The bottom of the jar is sprinkled with slices of garlic, laurel and peppercorns. Lard is laid in rows, each layer is sprinkled similarly to the bottom. per liter hot water one third of a kilo of salt dissolves. All of it will not disperse, some will settle to the bottom, but that's the way it should be. When the brine has cooled, it is poured into a jar. Make sure that it seeps to the very bottom and fills all the voids. Sedimentary salt is pushed on top of the fat, after which the solution is poured to the top so that it begins to flow out. The lid rolls up - and into the cellar. Such a preparation can be stored for a long time, and you can start tasting in a couple of days.

Express recipe

And if there is no time or desire to wait until the fat in the jar ripens? The most delicious recipe for many - giving immediate results. Then the original product should be cut a little smaller than for the previous version, and each piece should be rubbed generously and abundantly with a mixture of salt, lovingly selected spices and garlic. The slices are folded into a container, which is placed on a napkin - it extends the bottom of a small saucepan. The neck is covered, and the fat is sterilized for half an hour - as you do with winter preparations. When it cools down, you can take it to the table.

Dry salting

Lots of people love the classic. salted lard in the bank. The most delicious recipe in this case does without brine. Cutting the product is similar to the first method, the only clarification is that the pieces are not thinner than five centimeters. They roll well in salt. Only rough kitchen is taken, neither sea, nor extra, nor iodized are suitable. If desired, it can be mixed with spices (cumin, marjoram will be good), and pieces of lard can be shifted with garlic slices.

So, the slices are crumbled in coarse kitchen salt. Oversalting lard is even theoretically impossible, so do not spare the salt. If for the first time there are fears of overdoing it, take about four tablespoons for every kilogram of the product. A layer of salt is also poured onto the bottom of the jar, then the slices are folded - so that they are turned with the skin down. Salt again and the next row, now with the skin up. When the entire jar is full, it is corked and spends the first day in the kitchen, warm, and then rearranged in the cold.

Salo in brine

This is the name of a very strong salt solution. It is convenient to cook lard in brine in a jar. The recipe, however, also allows the use of an enamel pan, only in this case, for the time of salting, it is required to press down the future delicacy with oppression.

Salo is cut and packed in jars. This time, the styling should not be too tight. For aroma, it is sprinkled with ground pepper (black and red, or a mixture of five types), parsley, garlic and peas. Brined is made: a glass of salt is boiled in a liter of water. The density of the resulting brine should be such that the egg does not sink in it. Spice lovers can add dill umbrellas, marjoram and cumin when boiling. The cooled brine is filtered and distributed among the banks. Covers - usual, polyethylene. Salting lard in brine in a jar according to this recipe lasts from five days to a week - depending on how much container you took and how large the main component was cut. This fat has a delicate natural color and is stored for about a year. True, if garlic is added, then the period is noticeably reduced.

Salo in a water bath

Boiled bacon is popular even among those who do not approve of this product too much. However, the multi-stage process of its cooking turns many away from such a treat. We offer to cook lard boiled in a jar - the most delicious recipe is also the least laborious. Although it will take quite some time. For a kilo of two hundred fat, a third of a glass of salt, a few finely broken bay leaves, a crushed head of garlic and a spoonful of black pepper are mixed. Slices are rubbed with this composition and rammed into a jar. A napkin is placed in a deep pan, a jar is placed on it, water is poured - so that it is flush with the fat. It would be nice to find a pot that could be covered during cooking. When the water begins to boil, the fire is screwed down to a minimum, and water bath works 2-3 hours. The finished boiled delicacy is kept in the refrigerator after cooling.

Baked lard in a jar: the most delicious recipe

Baked dishes are loved by everyone who is not a principled vegetarian. Surely meat-eaters will also like the "oven" lard in a jar. The recipe is simple and the end result is amazing. It is only advisable to take fat with a plentiful cut, peritoneum or cheek. It is certainly thoroughly dried, even if no visual moisture is detected. Sliced ​​​​slices should be as large as possible - small ones will turn out tasteless. Each piece is rolled in meat seasoning; salt must be included in its composition, since it is not separately involved in this recipe. Excess spices are shaken off, and the fat is put into a dry jar. You don’t need to ram to the top: a three-centimeter space is left empty. The jar is placed in a cold oven, covered with a lid, and the oven is turned on at a minimum to warm up.

After ten minutes, the temperature is brought to 150-160 degrees. The product will be baked from 50 minutes to an hour, after which we turn off the oven, and tasty fat in jars, leave to cool right in it.

Those who avoid eating lard because they think it is very high-calorie product they just don't know anything about it. Pork fat is able to increase immunity, remove cholesterol and heavy metals from the body, and also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

The main thing in the use of this product is to observe moderation, then it will only bring benefits, and not extra pounds and health problems.

Classic recipe

The classic recipe for this dish can be classified as “simple and quick”. In addition to the fact that this recipe introduces the basics of lard salting technology, it also provides an opportunity for culinary experiments, since the choice of spices and their quantity is arbitrary (to taste).

The method of salting lard in brine in a jar:

  1. Dissolve salt in boiling water, let the brine boil a little and leave to cool;
  2. Cut the product intended for pickling into pieces that will easily pass into the neck of a three-liter jar, rub with garlic and put in a bottle, pressing lightly and sprinkling with spices;
  3. Pour everything with the cooled marinade, cover with a towel and leave alone away from direct sunlight for 2 days;
  4. Salted bacon, dry with a paper towel, wrap with parchment (foil or cling film) and store in the freezer.

Salted salo in brine with garlic in a jar

When salting lard, various spices are used: from classic black peppercorns and bay leaves to star anise. But without garlic, it will not have that appetizing aroma and piquancy. Therefore, it is possible to take only one garlic for salting from spices and as a result you will get a soft and fragrant bacon.

For salting lard in brine with garlic you will need:

  • 1000 g of lard;
  • 1000 ml of water;
  • 200 g of salt;
  • 50 g garlic cloves.

It will be possible to try salted bacon with garlic 6 days after it was put in a jar and poured with brine.

The nutritional value of the finished bacon is 815.6 kcal / 100 g.

Action algorithm:

  1. Because the saline solution used cold, the first step is to prepare the brine. For him, you need to boil water, dissolve salt in it and cool;
  2. While the brine is cooling, prepare the lard. It must be cut into medium pieces and rubbed with garlic on all sides;
  3. Then put the prepared pieces of the pork product into the jar, sprinkling their layers with the remaining chopped garlic;
  4. Pour the contents of the container with cooled brine and send to a dark, cool place for six days. You can leave it in the refrigerator or basement for this time.

Salting in hot brine

The recipe for salting bacon in hot brine is very common and has many fans, due to the fact that finished product it turns out much softer and more tender than in any other way. Another plus of this method is that the fat is salted out much faster.

To pickle a three-liter bottle, you need to take the following amount of the main product, as well as water and spices for the brine:

  • 2500 g of lard with a layer;
  • 2000 ml of drinking water;
  • 150 g of coarse table or sea salt;
  • 15 g dry mustard;
  • 10 g red ground pepper;
  • 30 g of garlic;
  • 15-17 black peppercorns;
  • 7-8 peas of allspice;
  • 5-6 cloves.

It will take no more than 20 minutes to prepare the main ingredient and prepare the brine, and the finished salted lard can be tasted in 2-3 days.

Fat filled with hot brine loses some of its fat and calories, therefore, depending on the presence of a layer, the calorie content of such a product will be from 450-500 kcal / 100 g.

Pickling sequence:

Recipe for salted lard in Ukrainian

Salo is considered a Ukrainian national delicacy. In Ukraine, as soon as they do not cook it: with onion peel, and with honey, and even in chocolate. Every Ukrainian housewife has her own recipe for lard in Ukrainian. All existing recipes this delicacy is enough for a whole cookbook. Below is one of them.

For this salting in Ukrainian you will need:

  • 1000 g of lard with a layer;
  • 1000 ml of purified drinking water;
  • 200 g of coarse sea or table salt;
  • 60 g (about 10 medium cloves) garlic;
  • 6 peas of allspice;
  • 6 black peppercorns;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 15 g dried (or 30 g fresh) herbs;
  • 1 star anise;
  • a little black ground pepper to taste.

The total time for salting will be three to four days.

The calorie content of this pickle will depend on the calorie content of the original product, and on average, per 100 grams, this figure will range from 724 to 816 kilocalories.


  1. First you need to prepare the fat. This culinary process will take place in two stages. On the first one, you need to soak the original product cut into pieces in cold water for three to four hours (or better night). This is done so that all the blood is washed out of the meat layer;
  2. After soaking, the pork fat should be loosely (so that it does not suffocate) in a prepared jar, not forgetting to add spices and spices between the layers;
  3. Prepare a brine from water and salt. Salt can be dissolved both in cold water, and in hot or boiling water. It is important to achieve complete dissolution of all crystals. pickle room temperature pour lard folded in a jar;
  4. Cover the container with a lid and leave to salt in the refrigerator for up to four days.

You need to be very careful when choosing pork fat for salting, so that unscrupulous sellers do not slip the fat of a boar, an old or sick animal. A good product has a delicate pink shade that is pleasant to the eye, and its meat layer does not stick to hands.

It is worth refraining from acquiring a gray-yellowish bacon with an unpleasant specific smell, on the skin of which there is no stigma indicating product certification.

Fat from the back and sides is perfect for salting, but it is better to refuse lard from the sternum and belly, since the sinewy layer passing through these parts of the carcass makes it too tough.

After buying fat, you should not store it together with other products that have a specific smell, since it is able to absorb foreign odors. But if suddenly pork product absorbed, for example, the smell of fish, it should simply be soaked for a couple of hours in boiled water with minced garlic.

Second main ingredient used in the process of salting lard in brine in a jar is salt. It is better to use a large sea or table. Salt will not only help save everything useful material but also remove excess moisture from it.

The amount of salt and spices indicated in the recipe can be adjusted to your liking, but do not be afraid to oversalt this product. Why? Because the fat will absorb only as much salt and spices as it needs and not a gram more.

You can speed up the salting process if you place the fat in the refrigerator under oppression. Care must be taken when storing salted pork fat. Except temperature regime light should also be maintained, because under the influence of sunlight the product will age and turn yellow very quickly.

Salo is considered traditional Ukrainian dish loved all over the world. It is served with any side dishes and soups, and is also eaten with bread as a sandwich. Currently, salting lard is not difficult. There are a lot of recipes for this dish, so you can please even the most fastidious gourmets.

How to salt lard in brine: a recipe


  1. Salo - 2 kg
  2. Salt - 4 tablespoons
  3. Bay leaf - 10 pcs.
  4. Garlic - 8 cloves
  5. Water - 1.5 l


  • Rinse the lard well, peel it from the skin and cut into large bars.
  • Pour water into an enamel pan, add salt and dissolve it. Season the solution with pepper and bay leaf.
  • Peel the garlic, run it through a press and add to the solution.
  • Immerse the pieces of bacon in the brine, place a load on top. Salting takes place within 3 days in a cool place.
  • The finished fat is removed from the brine and each piece is dried with a paper towel.
  • Rub the pieces of lard with garlic and pepper.
  • The dish can be served at the table or packaged in a plastic bag or foil, stored in the refrigerator or freezer.

Salo in brine with garlic: how to cook?


  1. Lard- 1 kg
  2. Onion peel - 100 g
  3. Garlic - 10 cloves
  4. Black peppercorns - 10 pcs.
  5. Black ground pepper- 1 tsp
  6. Sea salt - 2 tbsp.
  7. Bay leaf - 7 pcs.
  8. Water - 1 l


  • Rinse the salo under running water, remove the skin and cut into pieces. big chunks. enamel pan fill with drinking water, put on fire, bring to a boil, salt and pepper. Add Bay leaf and chopped garlic. Boil the brine over low heat. Put the onion peel, stir well and put the pieces of lard. Thanks to the onion peel, it will acquire a golden color.
  • Boil the fat for 2 hours over low heat, stirring constantly. Readiness is determined with a fork or knife, piercing each piece in several places. They must be very soft.
  • Remove the finished fat from the brine, dry each piece and sprinkle generously with salt, ground pepper and finely chopped garlic.
  • Wrap the pieces in foil or a bag, put in the freezer for a day. After 24 hours, the fat will be ready for use.

How to salt lard?


  1. Pork fat - 2 kg
  2. Garlic - 6 cloves
  3. Peppercorns - 10 pcs.
  4. Sea salt - 5 tbsp.
  5. Water - 1.5 l


  • Fill three-liter jar water, add salt and garlic passed through a press. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Wash and clean the salo. Immerse it in a jar, pepper and cover the jar with a lid. Place the jar of lard in the refrigerator for a week. It turns out very fragrant, gentle, soft and tasty.
  • You can store the finished fat in the freezer, after packing it in foil or baking paper.

Salo in brine with cloves


  1. Pork fat - 1 kg
  2. Dijon grain mustard - 2 tbsp.
  3. Garlic - 5 cloves
  4. Black ground pepper - 2 tbsp.
  5. Sea salt - 5 tbsp.
  6. Onion peel - 200 g
  7. Bay leaf - 7 pcs.
  8. Carnation - 3 pcs.
  9. Water - 2 l


  • Wash the lard, cut it into large pieces. Pour water into a saucepan, add spices (finely chopped garlic, salt, pepper, mustard and cloves). Leave 1 tsp. seasonings for rubbing fat.
  • Add onion peel and bay leaf to the marinade. Boil the lard brine, put the pieces in it and cook until fully cooked (about 2 hours).
  • Remove the fat from the brine, rub with spices. Pack each piece in a separate bag or foil. Store in the freezer.

Original recipes for cooking dishes with salted lard

Meat rolls with pickled cucumbers and lard


  1. Pork neck - 300 g
  2. Salted lard - 100 g
  3. Pickled cucumbers - 5 pcs.
  4. Mustard - to taste
  5. Salt and pepper - to taste
  6. Vegetable oil - for frying


  • cut into pork neck into thin slices, beat them well. Salt, pepper and brush each with a thin layer of mustard.
  • Cut cucumbers into strips. Place 2-3 cucumber strips on the edge of each piece of meat, roll up.
  • Cut the fat into thin slices. wrap each one meatloaf and secure with a toothpick. Heat up a frying pan, add some oil and fry each roll until crispy. Lower the heat, close the lid and bring the dish to full readiness.

Salo in chocolate


  1. Salted lard - 200 g
  2. Dark chocolate - 300 g
  3. Butter - 100 g
  4. Chili pepper - ¼ tsp
  5. Ground ginger - 1.5 tsp
  6. Black ground pepper - 1.2 tsp
  7. Nutmeg - ¼ tsp
  8. Cardamom -1.5 tsp


  • Grind salted lard in a blender and form a thin layer from the resulting mass. Roll it out using a regular rolling pin. The thickness should be about 1 cm. Send to the refrigerator until solidified.
  • Break the chocolate into small pieces, mix it with spices and butter. Melt the mixture in a water bath or microwave.
  • Fill in liquid chocolate ice molds. Lay the squares of fat cut into small pieces on top. Top with chocolate again and put in the freezer for 2 - 3 hours. Ready lard in chocolate can be served with tea, coffee or wine.

Salted fat - delicious product which enjoys well-deserved popularity in many countries. There are a sufficient number of proven recipes for preparing this dish. Each hostess can choose a cooking method to her liking.

Today we will salt lard in brine for various recipes, with garlic and spices. I think I will not be mistaken in saying that this is a product loved by everyone. Ask a Belarusian, Russian, Ukrainian and representatives of other nations - at the word "lard" you will see a wide smile. Both the prim Englishman and the cheerful Frenchman will start up.

A favorite product will evoke positive emotions in a German, Swiss, Austrian, Italian. Salo is smoked, boiled, turned through a meat grinder, salted in a dry way and in brine. I am sure that each country has its own methods of salting. We also will not lose face, there is something to surprise.

Salting lard in brine at home

There are so many recipes for salting lard that you can get lost in the variety. Therefore, I will explain a little. Salt can be salted in brine and without it. In this case, the brine for salting is used hot and cold. According to some recipes, lard is pre-boiled, adding spices. For zest and beautiful color put onion peel.

If you want to get appetizing bacon at the exit, follow a few rules that guarantee successful salting:

  • A market product must have a stigma - a sign of control.
  • Choose a piece of an attractive color - white, pale pink. Yellowness is a signal of the serious age of the pig.
  • Skin requirements: thin and soft. A thick-skinned piece can be salted, but be prepared that the fat will be harsh.
  • Be sure to scrape the fresh fat bought on the market with a knife. You don't need to wash it. But if you are not sure about the tenderness of the product, hold it for 12 hours in cold water, it will become more pliable.
  • Fat, intended for long-term storage and folded into jars, it is advisable to pour brine.

Salo in brine - the most delicious recipe

An amazing recipe for salting lard in cold brine. I advise you to take small pieces, they will salt out faster. A small meat layer is welcome. Guaranteed to be incredibly tasty and fragrant. If you want to keep it in a jar for the winter under the lid, do not put garlic.


  • Salo - 400 gr.
  • Salt - 120 gr.
  • Mustard, seeds - a small spoon.
  • Bay leaf - a couple of pieces.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves.
  • Black peppercorns - 5 pcs.
  • Water - 700 ml.
  • Allspice peas - 3 pcs.

Step-by-step salting recipe:

  1. Add spices to cold water except garlic. Bring the water to a boil, cook for five minutes, and cool the brine.
  2. While the brine is still warm, throw in the chopped garlic and leave to cool completely.
  3. Fill the jar with pieces of bacon and pour cold marinade, covering the contents completely.
  4. Close the lid and refrigerate for 3 days. If the pieces are not too large, then two days will be enough.
  5. Take out the fat, dry it, and hold it in the freezer for a while before serving. For long-term storage, also put the product in the freezer.

Salo in brine - a recipe for smoking

For smoking at home, large pieces are usually taken, so you will need a fairly large pan.


  • Fresh fat - 1 kg.
  • Water - 0.5 liters.
  • Head of garlic.
  • Coarse salt - ½ cup.
  • Laurel - 5 pcs.
  • Spices as desired.


  1. Boil the brine, flavored with spices, fall asleep garlic at the end. Cool down.
  2. Fold the bars of bacon into a saucepan, fill to the top with cold brine.
  3. Keep in a cold place for 3 days. Take out, drain the brine and pat dry. Then start smoking.

Salo in hot brine - a quick five-minute recipe

Delicate boiled lard with soft skin. Already cooled, sprinkle it with paprika, dried herbs and help yourself. Remaining - store in the freezer. Bribes that salting passes quickly.

The recipe is perfect for canning homemade lard for the winter. The finished product can be transferred to jars and sent for long-term storage in the cellar.


  • Salo (with layers) - 1 kg.
  • Water - litre.
  • Garlic - head.
  • Lavrushka - 5 leaves.
  • Salt - 4 large spoons.
  • Ground black, red pepper, black peas.

Salting fat with hot marinade:

  1. Boil the brine: Boil the water, immediately adding the spices indicated in the list of ingredients, except garlic.
  2. Look at a piece of lard, peel off excess plaque from the skin and cut into small pieces.
  3. See if the salt has dissolved in the brine. If this happens, put the pieces in a saucepan.
  4. After boiling, reduce the heat, remove the scale and cook for 5 minutes.
  5. After the specified time, add chopped garlic to the pan. Let it boil and remove from heat.
  6. Transfer the pan to the cold and hold for 12 hours.

On my site, a good selection of salted lard recipes has been selected. Follow the links and you will learn how to do it:

Lard in brine under an iron lid for long-term storage

The recipe is great for home canning fat in a jar under the lid and long storage. With a guarantee it will lie all winter if you keep rolled up cans in the cellar.


  • Pork fat - kilogram.
  • Coarse salt - ½ cup.
  • Water - 5 glasses.
  • Spices: peppercorns and bay leaf.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Sterilize jar and lids.
  2. Make a rich brine with water and salt. Cool down.
  3. Cut fresh bacon into bars that can go through the neck of the jar. Lay in layers, sprinkling with parsley and pepper.
  4. Pour the contents of the jar and roll up under the lid. After a week, you can try.

Salo in hot brine with onion skins

I know several recipes for making delicious and tender bacon with a handful onion peel. The method that I propose now, I consider the most successful. You can get to know others.

  • Pork fat - kilogram.
  • Water - litre.
  • A large handful of husks.
  • Coarse table salt - 100 gr.
  • garlic cloves and spices.

How to pickle delicious lard in onion peel:

  1. Put chopped bacon into a saucepan, sprinkling with husks and salt.
  2. Fill with water and put on gas. After boiling, cook for 10 minutes. Leave to cool directly in the pan.
  3. Take out the cooled pieces, dry with a towel.
  4. Grind the garlic into gruel, crush the peppercorns. Rub the pieces with seasonings, wrap in cling film and put in the freezer.

Salted lard in brine in a jar


  • Pork fat - 1 kg.
  • Garlic cloves - 10 pcs.
  • Salt is a glass.
  • Water - litre.
  • Spices: bay leaf, star anise, allspice, black peas, a large spoonful of dried parsley with dill.

Cooking method:

  1. Salo will turn out to be the most tender if you pour it overnight before salting cold water. In the morning, remove excess liquid, dry a little and cut into pieces suitable for a narrow neck.
  2. Fold the bars into a jar, but not too tightly so that it salts evenly. Spread the garlic between the pieces.
  3. Boil brine from water with salt, and cool to about 40 ° C.
  4. Put the rest of the spices in the jar and pour in the brine.
  5. Leave in the kitchen for 4-6 hours, covered with a lid. Then move to the cold for 3-4 days.
  6. Remove the pieces, pat dry with a towel and rub each with the seasoning mixture. Make a mixture of garlic, paprika, parsley and different types of pepper.
  7. Fold the finished product into bags and send it to storage.

Salo in brine cold

It is believed that this is a recipe in Ukrainian. But I want to say that my parents - immigrants from the middle part of Russia, salted lard with cold brine only in this way.


Pork product - 1 kg.

  • Salt - ½ cup.
  • Head of garlic.
  • Water - 5 glasses.
  • Laurel - 5 pcs.
  • Peppercorns, black and allspice - 4 pcs.

How to pickle lard in a cold way:

  1. The day before, boil the brine and cool to room temperature.
  2. Fold the product in a jar or other container in rows, alternating with chopped garlic and seasonings.
  3. Pour in the brine, press the fat with oppression, if you become salt in a saucepan. Send to the cold.
  4. After five days, drain the liquid, dry the pieces. Wrap in cling film and store in the freezer.

Recipe for salting lard with garlic in brine

Almost a folk version of homemade salting of lard in brine. Garlic will make the product fragrant and damn appetizing.

  • Salo, fresh - a kilogram.
  • Garlic - ½ head.
  • Paprika, different types pepper, laurel

Step by step cooking process:

  1. Make a brine in advance by dissolving salt in water at room temperature. Make sure it fully unfolds.
  2. How to salt, decide for yourself - in a jar or other container. Cut into suitable size pieces.
  3. Cut garlic cloves lengthwise into 2-4 parts.
  4. Make cuts in the fat and insert the cloves.
  5. Grind seasonings and mix in a separate bowl.
  6. Put the bars stuffed with garlic in a container for salting, sprinkling with a mixture of spices.
  7. Fill with brine, press down with oppression and, putting in a cold place, wait four days.
  8. Drain the brine, dry the pieces, wrap in foil and send to freeze.

Video recipe for salting lard in brine, here you can find out step by step recipe pickles. And may you always enjoy it.

Tasty, well-salted lard on black bread, with pickled cucumber and garlic - this is a classic set hearty snack And traditional snack under a glass of strong alcohol. If you love and respect this truly "folk" food, you just need to know how to salt lard at home. Moreover, it does not require special skills. The main thing is to purchase high-quality raw materials, and with the help of our advice, an excellent result is guaranteed even for an inexperienced hostess.

The classic recipe for salting lard in Ukrainian

Ukrainian lard is still considered exemplary. This is largely due to the diet of pigs - they are usually grown on grain feed, so the taste of meat and fat is significantly different for the better. It is important to know and the right recipe how to salt lard in Ukrainian, so that it comes out soft and fragrant.

Cooking method:

  1. rinse one kg of fresh fat with water and carefully scrape the skin with a knife;
  2. cut into large sticks;
  3. prepare brine (salt pickle) - pour 3 tablespoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of ground black pepper into a wide saucepan, put 5 - 6 peas of allspice, 5 cloves of garlic and parsley. Fill with cold water and stir until the salt is completely dissolved;
  4. put the bacon in the brine and press down with oppression from above so that it is completely immersed in water;
  5. this is where your mission ended - you just need to leave the dishes of the day for five days in a cool place, tightly covered with a lid;
  6. after the lard is completely salted - pour out the brine and dry each piece with a paper towel;
  7. the product is already completely ready for use, but it is recommended to eat it after cooling in the refrigerator or in the freezer.

Advice! Never use sea or iodized salt for salting. To get a well-salted piece of bacon, only classic stone, or extra without additives, is suitable.