How to cook spiral pasta in a pan. How to cook pasta in a saucepan - recipe

Macaroni is a versatile product. It is eaten as a main course, a side dish for meat and poultry, added to salads, soups. Italy is considered to be the birthplace of the product, but, oddly enough, China is fighting for the right to be considered the birthplace of pasta with a European country. Nowadays, pasta is an integral part of the diet. But these products are delicious when cooked correctly. After reading the article to the end, you will learn how to cook pasta.

Pasta is divided into groups and types. In Russia, it is customary to divide products into three groups (according to the type of flour that is part of the product).

  1. Group A: durum wheat flour of all varieties.
  2. Group B: flour soft wheat superior, first class.
  3. Group B: baking flour of the highest and first grade.

The most common are products of the first group. Hard varieties are long-term carbohydrates that do not provoke sharp spikes in blood sugar, take longer to digest and do not turn into fat. They are also lower in gluten, making them ideal for allergy sufferers and health conscious people.

Pasta is divided not only into groups, but also into types according to shape and size.

  1. Long: bavetti, cappellini, vermicelli, spaghetti, spaghettoni, spaghettini, bucatini, makeroncini, fettuccini, tagliatelli, mafaldine, linguini. Subspecies differ in length and width. The longest are spaghetti, according to the standard, their length is half a meter, but for convenience, the length was reduced to 25 centimeters. The thinnest - capellini, translated as "hair", diameter - 1.2 mm.
  2. Short: cellentani (spirals), fusilli (three twisted spirals), girandole (small fusilli), maccheroni (shell), penne (tubes with carved sides), pipe rigatti (snails).
  3. For baking: canelloni ( large tubules), lasagne (rectangular sheets).
  4. Soup: anelli (rings), stelline (stars), filini (noodles).
  5. Curly: different shapes starting from butterflies, ending with letters.

The composition of pasta may include spinach, tomatoes, eggs, greens.

By degree of readiness pasta are divided into two types.

  1. Aldente: in Russia - undercooked pasta, cooked on the outside, hard on the inside. Al dente pasta is suitable for main dishes.
  2. Pasta cooked to full readiness is fully cooked.

Cooking times for pasta vary by group. Products of group A are cooked two minutes longer than B and C. Cooking time for baking products is 25 minutes, for soups - 12. Long ones are cooked until al dente - 7 minutes, until cooked - 9. Short ones are cooked until half cooked for 5 minutes, if desired cook until fully cooked, then keep the products in boiling water for 7 minutes.

How to cook pasta correctly - the main ways

Cooking pasta is not difficult, the main thing is to follow the basic rules and cooking time. Traditionally, the product is cooked in a saucepan, but with the advent of new technologies in the life of housewives, new types of cooking have appeared.

in a saucepan

The first step is to bring the water to a boil. You need twice as much water as pasta. When the water boils, the pasta is thrown into the pan. Cook until the first boil, then reduce the heat and cook further for the required time.

Stir the pasta several times to prevent sticking.

Before boiling again, cover the pan with a lid, then cook without it. At the end of time, the water is poured through a colander. Macaroni is ready.

In a slow cooker

First, pasta is poured into the bowl, poured with water. Set the mode "Pilaf", "Cooking", "Pasta", "Steamed". Two minutes are added to the standard cooking time. For instance, long pasta al dente will cook for 9 minutes.

in the microwave

Cook pasta in the microwave only in glassware. First you need to boil water - pour required amount liquid in a bowl, put in the oven at full power for 10 minutes. Pour pasta into boiling water. There should be a little more water than when cooking on the stove. Turn on full power, set the timer for 7 minutes.

After the time has elapsed, leave the pasta to “cook” in a non-working oven for 5-10 minutes.

In a double boiler

Cook pasta not in the usual cooking compartment, but in the container itself with water. Pasta is immersed in cold water, set the temperature to 80-85 degrees, close the lid. Cook for 5-10 minutes longer than on the stove.

Do I need to rinse pasta after cooking?

It is believed that pasta must be washed in order for it to be crumbly. This method appeared in Soviet time when the pasta was of poor quality and quickly boiled. A modern product does not need additional washing.

But if the pasta is accidentally overcooked, or they are of inadequate quality, you can correct the situation in a proven way. Cooked pasta is poured into a colander, and then washed under running water. cold water. But there is one minus - the side dish will cool down under water, you will have to eat a cold dish, or reheat it additionally.

Pasta can be washed when the main dish is not yet ready, and the side dish has already been cooked - this will stop the process of their further cooking. The longer the hot product is on the stove, the higher the likelihood of overcooking.

Overcooked, sticky pasta is the worst thing to serve on the dinner table. You can prevent sticking by knowing simple rules.

  1. Boil in enough water. The approximate ratio of pasta and water is ½, you can also calculate by the formula for 100 g of pasta - a liter of water.
  2. Throw products only into boiling water. If you throw it in earlier, the pasta will boil and stick together.
  3. Add salt to water until it boils. How much seasoning is needed is determined by taste. The approximate ratio is half a teaspoon per 100 g of products.
  4. Pour vegetable oil into the saucepan with pasta after boiling again. One or two teaspoons per liter of water will be enough.
  5. Choose pasta from durum varieties wheat, they are much harder than other varieties.
  6. Constantly stir the garnish during cooking. Be sure to stir immediately after the pasta enters the water.

If the pasta is still stuck together, a few simple ways will help fix the situation.

  1. Add a few tablespoons of melted pasta to cooked pasta. butter and mix well.
  2. Fry the side dish in a skillet, separating the pasta.
  3. Add sauce or broth, stir.

Pasta Cooking Secrets

Macaroni - good as a side dish and as an independent dish. A few simple rules will help make pasta even tastier.

  1. Cook products only in purified, drinking water. The product absorbs from 25 to 30 percent of the liquid. Eating plain cooked pasta tap water you run the risk of infecting your body.
  2. Macaroni will taste better if boiled in milk.
  3. After cooking, the product must be immediately discarded in a colander and drained of unnecessary water. But in the pan you need to leave a little broth in which the side dish was cooked. The water will prevent the pasta from drying out. How much water to leave - decide on the amount of pasta.
  4. Ready pasta usually interfere with a piece of butter - the garnish will not dry out even after a while. It is tastier not just to mix pasta with a piece of butter, but to pre-melt it in a saucepan and add a side dish to the already melted butter.

TOP 3 recipes for an unforgettable side dish

In addition to answering the question of how to cook pasta, real hostess must know the recipes for delicious side dishes.

  1. Tomato and basil will help diversify the usual dish. Diced tomatoes are mixed with vegetable oil on. Add some water. Simmer until the tomato gives juice. Add seasonings. Mix cooked pasta with sauce.
  2. Sprinkle finished pasta with grated cheese and mix well. It is best to add the cheese directly to the pot where the pasta was cooked. The cheese will melt a little and you will get a delicious viscous independent dish that goes well with all types of meat.
  3. Cut vegetables: zucchini, eggplant, tomato. Slightly stew with vegetable oil. Add pasta, pour soy sauce, add spices. Great option for an Asian style dinner!


Now you know how to properly cook pasta of different groups and types. This product goes well with various sauces, vegetables, and is suitable as a side dish for fried and stewed meat. Don't be afraid to experiment - sweet pasta with milk, sugar or jam favourite dish sweet tooth. Bon Appetit!

Dear readers, today we will talk about how to properly cook pasta so that it is tasty, and how to get the most out of such a dish. Tasty cooked pasta will be an excellent side dish for meat, fish, salad and sauce. Also, this dish belongs to fast food, the cooking process of which is very simple.

So let's take a closer look at step by step recipe how to cook pasta in a pot.

How to cook delicious pasta for a side dish in a saucepan

Kitchen appliances and utensils: saucepan, colander, hob.


Step by step recipe

Video recipe: how to cook pasta in a saucepan

Dear cooks, I invite you to watch a short video in which all the details of the recipe on how to cook delicious pasta. You will learn how much to cook pasta in a saucepan and how they will be when fully cooked.

How to cook tasty pasta with sausages

If you are wondering what delicious and quick pasta to cook with, then this recipe is especially for you. Let's cook sausages in cream, which will be a great addition to our side dish. Instead of sausages, you can use any boiled sausage. Choose quality products so that your dish will please you and everyone present.

Cooking time: 10 minutes.
Servings: for 4 people.
Calories: 237 kcal per 100 g of product.
Kitchen appliances and utensils: frying pan, hob, cutting board, knife.


Step by step recipe

Sausage Pasta Video Recipe

And now let's watch this video, which describes the entire cooking process in great detail. delicious sausages with cream. You will see to what degree of readiness they need to be brought and what the food will be like as a result.

Feed options

  • Put the food in portioned plates, garnish with a sprig of dill or parsley.
  • Apply to the product any vegetable salad or pickled vegetables.

cooking options

  • I recommend always serving. It is prepared very simply, but will make any pasta insanely tasty and satisfying.
  • They will be an excellent dinner. You can make minced meat for them yourself or buy it ready-made from any type of meat. Such a dish is prepared quite quickly and simply, even the most inexperienced housewife will be able to cook it for herself and her family.
  • Prepare if possible. With the help of technology, cooking has become much easier and takes a minimum of our time. Also, thanks to this miracle machine, we get a completely different taste of dishes that are already familiar to us.
  • And I'll leave you a simple recipe here. You can offer them to guests by adding delicious sauce and light salad. Take this recipe to your piggy bank and cook with pleasure.

Dear cooks, I hope today I was useful to you and pasta with delicious sauce is already ready in your kitchen. If you have any questions or suggestions, write in the comments, I will not leave them unattended. And now I wish you success and bon appetit!

Pasta has long been part of traditional cuisine not only in Italy but also in Eastern countries. Today, this product is ubiquitous, served as self-dish seasoned with sauces, or is an ingredient. A main secret deliciously cooked pasta is proper cooking product.

How to cook pasta

Some useful information about pasta

True pasta is created exclusively from two ingredients: water and wheat flour hard varieties. On Greek and Italian-made pasta, such products are usually labeled pasta di semola di grano duro or durum. Russian manufacturers write that the pasta is made from durum wheat.

Everything else is called pasta. They are usually made from soft wheat varieties, contain eggs or other ingredients. Such products swell in the soup, boil, stick together and spoil the whole dish. Moreover, they contribute to extra pounds at the waist.

Durum wheat pasta, created in compliance with all technologies, does not boil soft during cooking. In addition, such products do not get fat, as they consist of complex carbohydrates. And the starch in them during heat treatment is not destroyed, unlike pasta from soft varieties, but turns into protein.

A variety of forms of pasta allows you to cook the most different dishes. Large items are usually stuffed, pasta in the form of shells, spirals or horns is usually prepared as a side dish or used to make macaroni and cheese. Miniature bows look beautiful in salads, and spaghetti is served with sauce. For cooking casseroles, it is better to use pasta in the form of short tubes.

Durum wheat pasta has a smooth, even surface and a creamy or golden color. The fracture of such products is somewhat reminiscent of a glass fracture. In a pack of high-quality pasta, as a rule, there are no crumbs and flour residues. Pasta made from soft wheat varieties is distinguished by a rough surface, an unnatural white or yellow color. Traces of unmixed flour and various inclusions may be noticeable on them.

To weld delicious pasta, use a simple formula invented by Italian chefs: 1000/100/10. It means that for 1 liter of water there are 100 g of pasta and 10 g of salt.

Pasta should be thrown into already boiling salted water. And to prevent them from sticking to the bottom of the pot, it is important to stir them until the water boils again. If you miss this moment, you can spoil the dish.

Follow the cooking times indicated on the package. Usually it is 10 minutes, but it may vary depending on the type of flour from which the pasta is made. But the surest way to find out the degree of readiness is a test. Pasta should be firm but not hard.

If the pasta is being cooked for use in a dish that will be further cooked, such as a casserole, it should be slightly undercooked. Otherwise, in the end, their taste will be spoiled.

Rinse pasta after draining cold water no need - then everything will be washed off taste qualities. It is best to just leave them for a couple of minutes so that the water itself glass, and then stir with a spoon.

If pasta is used as a side dish, it is customary to put a little butter in it. The dish will turn out tastier if the butter is first melted in a saucepan and only then mixed with pasta.

Cooking technology for pasta


  • durum wheat pasta - 200 g
  • water - 2 liters
  • salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Boil water in a thick pot. Salt the water and put the pasta in it. Stir constantly until the water boils again.

To cook spaghetti, dip one end of the pasta in water, wait a couple of seconds, and slowly lower the whole pasta. They will quickly soften and completely enter the pan.

Record the time allotted for cooking pasta. It must be indicated on the packaging. Take a sample a couple of minutes before the end.

Drain cooked pasta in a colander and drain. Mix them with melted butter or a sauce prepared in advance.

How to boil nest pasta

Today, pasta shaped like bird nests is quite popular. Such products can be stuffed by yourself different stuffing from vegetables to meat. During cooking, it is very important not only to keep them in boiling water for the required amount of time, but also to keep their shape.

Put the "nests" in a saucepan or deep frying pan with a wide bottom. They should not fit snugly against each other and at the same time have room to turn over on their side.

Fill them with water so that it covers the "nests" by only a couple of centimeters. Bring to a boil, add salt and cook for as many minutes as indicated on the package. Carefully remove the cooked pasta with a slotted spoon and place on a plate.

A rich assortment of pasta has long won the hearts of people around the world who prefer to savor refined taste variety of dishes prepared from them. However, not everyone knows that cooking pasta involves following certain rules. Treating this product solely as a side dish, our grandparents did not stand on ceremony in the process of their preparation, thoroughly washing the sticky boiled flour products water. While proper preparation pasta requires individual approach to all varieties of this product, which adorns the windows of most stores.

Why do they stick

Currently, there are more than seven hundred types of pasta, but universal prescription their preparation is not. Many people who cook them on their own often encounter sticking of these products during cooking. But why is this happening?

According to experts, sticking directly depends on the quality of the products themselves, which can be made from flour. different varieties. Before buying, you can independently verify which group the pasta you have chosen belongs to by carefully reading the information indicated on the pack:

  • Group A includes spaghetti and pasta made exclusively from durum wheat.
  • Group B - products made from soft and vitreous wheat.
  • To group B - pasta from baking wheat flour.

As a rule, durum wheat pasta sticks together much less than similar products made from other types of flour. Gluing during the cooking process most often leads to a violation of the elementary rules of cooking. The first thing to pay close attention to is the amount of water indicated in the recipe.. If the liquid is less than the specified proportions, the products will release too much starch, which contributes to the appearance of a paste in the pan. Under such conditions, the horns or spaghetti will not only stick together, but will also stick to the bottom and walls of the dish, burning and forming an excessive amount of foam.

In order for spaghetti to turn out elastic and tasty, it is recommended to take at least 1 liter of water for cooking them per 100 g of products.

Overcooked pasta looks unappetizing

Stir the pasta while cooking. If this is neglected, then the products can also stick together, turning from appetizing dish into an inedible flour mass.

How long will it take

It is equally important to take into account the duration of the preparation of the product. If the pasta is digested, they will not only lose their elasticity and hardness, but also lose a number of taste qualities. Traditionally, the cooking time of these products depends on the components that make up their composition. For example, durum spaghetti keeps its shape perfectly even with long cooking, and for cooking fresh homemade egg noodles enough for five minutes. Horns and bows traditionally take longer to cook than regular vermicelli. Refer to the packaging of this product for recommended cooking times.

The average cooking time for a product of group A can be from 7 to 15 minutes, while for group B optimal time cooking will be approximately 5-7 minutes. The same amount of time will have to be spent on cooking noodles. However, if you want to cook the horns, you need to cook them for 10-15 minutes. And the optimal time for cooking lasagna sheets is 5 minutes.

Rinse or not rinse?

There is an opinion that pasta should be washed after cooking. In fact, this step is sometimes recommended to be skipped. The reason is that the water washes away the starch needed to better absorb the sauce, giving the dishes a richer flavor. After the cooking process is completed, it is enough to throw them in a colander and let the broth drain. So that the cooked pasta does not turn into one big lump, it is recommended to put a piece of butter in them, regardless of what kind of wheat they are made of.

However, there are varieties that require mandatory rinsing after cooking. These include lagman noodles, widely used in Asian cuisine.

But since there is no definite answer to the question of whether pasta should be washed, each housewife has the right to independently decide what to do with them after cooking is completed.

How to check the degree of readiness

Usually the degree of readiness is checked by sampling. Depending on personal preference, you can cook the pasta to al dente, which leaves the pasta slightly undercooked and firmer. Or boil them to a softer state.

The concept of al dente refers to the degree of readiness various products. Especially often it can be found in the descriptions of the preparation of pasta. Al dente pasta is a slightly undercooked product, however, it is ready to eat and has a tangible firmness when bitten. Al dente (al dente) from Italian is translated into Russian as "on the tooth."

If for some reason you don't want to taste the pasta while it's cooking, just place a few pasta on a clean, dry plate. If they stick to it, then the product can be considered ready. Giving preference to quality products, you will insure yourself against disappointment during their preparation.

Attention! When cooking pasta, there is a classic ratio of product, water and salt equal to 1000:100:10 (1 liter of water, 100 g of pasta and 10 g of salt).

How to cook pasta

Master class on cooking pasta from chef Ilya Lazerson - video

Spaghetti with chili, sardines and oregano from Gordon Ramsay - video

The secret to cooking soft wheat pasta without sticking

If for some reason you prefer to buy cheaper varieties of pasta made from soft wheat varieties, you can also insure yourself against pasta sticking using the following method:

How to cook soft wheat pasta - video

I found a simple way for myself how to cook pasta so that they do not stick together, just add a little sunflower oil at the beginning of cooking and stir occasionally. The husband claims that it is more effective to rinse with cold water after cooking.


God forbid washing pasta! This is exactly why they stick together - you sharply lower their temperature. You can't do that. Oil can also be omitted. If next you will add sauce or serve them with gravy. If without everything or just with cutlets, for example (that is, without a liquid component), then you can throw a small piece of butter into the ready-folded pasta. If you're good with smell olive oil(some men do not like), then you can add 1/3 teaspoon (for two servings of boiled pasta).


Fry dry (not boiled) pasta in a frying pan with refined vegetable oil until golden brown (constantly stir !!!). Then, little by little, pour water into it (little by little) and simmer until cooked, like risotto. It turns out a completely different taste.

maria kipke

Using these recommendations, you can cook pasta correctly, while avoiding unwanted sticking. Compliance with the rules of cooking pasta will allow you to preserve the taste of these products, as well as to please your guests. gourmet dishes Italian cuisine with impeccable appearance.

Many Russians enjoy eating dough products - pasta. The most popular pasta (pasta) received in Italy. Indeed, the Italians know a lot about cooking pasta, not without reason they are called macaroni. Most often, pasta is made from wheat flour. Sometimes flour made from rice, buckwheat, mung bean, etc. is used. The very word "pasta", according to linguists, comes from the Greek "macaria", which means "food made from barley flour." Even in ancient times, the Slavic peoples had dough dishes: noodles, dumplings, dumplings. Pasta has become one of the most common and favorite side dishes in domestic and foreign cuisines. This is not surprising, because it is delicious and nutritious dish can be prepared in just 15 minutes! Let's look into the intricacies of cooking pasta.

How to cook pasta?

When choosing pasta in the supermarket, make sure that the products are of high quality and made from durum wheat. You can also determine the quality of pasta directly during cooking. The product is of high quality if the water remains clear during cooking (starch is not released); pasta does not boil, do not stick together, do not break. The selection of pasta is great. In stores you will find products of various shapes: feathers, horns, stars, rings, spaghetti, etc. Pasta can be divided into the following groups: long, short, pasta for flowing, for soups, curly. The choice depends on your culinary preferences. The cooking method for all types of pasta is the same.

If you do not know how to cook pasta correctly, then follow the instructions below:

  • Boil pasta in a large saucepan. Take the amount of liquid at the rate of 1 liter of water per 100 grams of product. When calculating the amount of water, keep in mind that pasta will expand by about 3 times after boiling.
  • Put the water on a high heat, add 7-10 grams of salt per 1 liter of water and bring to a boil.
  • Quickly pour the pasta into the boiling water and stir before it sticks together. You can add a tablespoon to the water vegetable oil to prevent sticking. However, if you plan to finish the dish with special sauce, then this should not be done, since the oil film will not allow the pasta to completely absorb the sauce. If you are cooking spaghetti, do not break them. Gently press them down until they are soft enough to hot water. Then put them in a bowl.
  • Wait for the water to boil again and lower the heat to medium or low. Do not cover the pasta with a lid. Stir your dish periodically while cooking.
  • Usually pasta is cooked for 10-12 minutes. Most the right way determine the readiness of the product - taste it. If the pasta is firm, cook for 2 more minutes. It is impossible to overexpose pasta on fire - this is fraught with the fact that all products stick together and turn into a tasteless sticky mass. Remember that thinner and smaller pasta cooks faster than larger ones.
  • After cooking, drain the water and put the finished products in a colander. It is not necessary to pour out absolutely all the water, otherwise the pasta will dry out quickly. Do not rinse pasta with cold water. Products made from durum wheat (almost the only ones now sold) do not stick together. The tradition of washing pasta took place in the Soviet Union, when the products were not of very high quality, they released a lot of starch and, as a result, stuck together.
  • Your dish is ready! You can arrange the pasta on warmed plates, flavoring them with butter, ketchup, soy or cheese sauce. If you are using spaghetti, use spaghetti tongs. Raise the tongs high to separate one portion from another. Some people prefer to fry pasta for a delicious crispy crust. You can also sprinkle hot pasta with grated cheese.

How to cook pasta in the microwave?

Almost everyone has a microwave in their kitchen these days. It can be used to make pasta. The principle of cooking is the same as on the stove.

  • Use large capacity cookware. Pour in 2 times more water than the amount of pasta. Salt and bring water to a boil. Put the pasta, if desired, add vegetable oil.
  • It is better to cook pasta in the microwave in a container with a lid with a hole. Cook at full power for 6-9 minutes, and then let the dish stand in a sealed container for another 8-10 minutes. After that, the water must be drained. Macaroni is ready. When cooking in microwave oven products do not stick.

How to cook pasta "nests"?

Not so long ago, interesting pasta appeared on store shelves, outwardly resembling bird nests. In the process of cooking, the "nests" often lose their shape and turn into ordinary vermicelli. How to prevent this and keep their original form?

Restaurants use a special aluminum mold to make nests. At home, ordinary tin cans with the lid and bottom removed can serve for this purpose. The form from the inside must be lubricated with oil, put the "nest" inside. Pour a mixture of vegetable and butter into a frying pan in a one-to-one ratio, set the molds on the frying pan. Fry the pasta on both sides over low heat. Ready meal squeeze out of the mold, stuff with vegetables.

You can also cook pasta "nests" without spoiling them appearance. Use a skillet with high sides or a wide bottomed pot. Pour the required amount of water (so that it closes the nests by a couple of centimeters) and bring it to a boil, add salt. Place the nests in the dish so that they lie flat on the bottom and cannot roll over on their side. Cook products strictly as much as indicated on the package. Finished goods can be stuffed with mushrooms minced meat, top with grated cheese or cheese.

Pasta is used not only as a side dish for fish and meat dishes but also how required ingredient in many other recipes. They are used to prepare soups, salads, casseroles, snacks, etc. V Italian cuisine one of the most important attributes pasta dishes is the sauce. Italians often prepare cheese, cream, meat and other sauces.

There is a common misconception that pasta makes you fat, but this is not true. Durum wheat pasta contains complex carbohydrates, which do not affect the increase in body weight (if pasta is made from other flour, for example, egg, then their calorie content is much higher). Therefore, do not be afraid to put on weight and feel free to include pasta in your diet.

Now you know how to cook pasta the right way. Bon Appetit!