Pasta cooking technology. Technological processes for preparing pasta dishes

Technological map No. 4.

Pasta cooking technology.

Nothing is said about the shape and configuration of pasta in the recipe. I reasoned logically that medium-sized flat pasta would look best in a sweet and short-cooking casserole, and opted for Russian-made flat noodles. Homemade milk, an egg too, I recalculated the recipe so as to use a whole egg, it turns out 4 servings according to kindergarten standards.

Mix milk with a whisk with an egg, thoroughly washed with soda (as the instructions say), and sugar. I took raw milk, homemade, of course, pasteurized milk is also suitable. I did not increase the sugar, the pasta is pleasantly sweet without cloying. The child helped to mix, he loves this business.

I broke the long noodles into four parts and abandoned them to boil in four times the volume of salted boiling water. Until ready, look at the packaging or try on the tooth, no “al dente”, full softness, remember that this is a kindergarten.

Drain the cooked pasta in a colander and return to the pot. Mix with butter and milk-egg mixture - lezon.

Grease a 30 x 15 cm baking dish with butter.

We spread the pasta mass and put in the oven heated to the maximum. The map has a vague figure of 220-280 degrees, my electric oven gives a maximum of 230, and I cooked it. After the specified ten minutes, the pasta was not covered with the necessary golden crust, and I continued to cook it for another ten minutes. She cooled the finished pasta to warm and offered to taste it to her son, he is 5 years old, and he does not go to kindergarten. The child ate with pleasure, I think, and we will eat for breakfast with the whole family, it is quite a pleasant and very budgetary dish, which is also very important in our time.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Orenburg State University

Correspondence faculty

Course work

on the course: "System of technologies of industries"

on the topic "Technology for the production of pasta"

Completed by: Shapovalov A.V.

Group: 99 c/o MM2

Checked by: Nasyrov A.G.

Orenburg 2001


1. Raw materials used in the production of pasta………………………………………………………………………………..4

2. Assortment, classification of products………………………………….7

3. The main stages of pasta production………………..10

4. The main technological schemes for the production of pasta ............................................................................................................

5. The main units of pasta production - a pressing device and a matrix……………………………………………………………….19

6. Environmental indicators of production……………………………...24

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………26

List of used literature………………………………………27


It has been historically proven that Italy is the birthplace of pasta. In the Middle Ages, pressing devices (a separate chapter is devoted to the device of these units) were driven by horsepower or water mills, and when the first machines appeared, steam units appeared.

The year of origin of the pasta industry in Russia is considered to be 1797, when the first pasta factory was opened in Odessa.

Pasta is a product molded from wheat dough in the form of tubes, threads of ribbons and figures and dried to a moisture content of 13%. They are characterized by good keeping quality, transportability, quick and easy cooking from them, as well as high nutritional value and good digestibility.

Pasta has a number of advantages over the most common food products. During storage, pasta does not become stale like bread, and is less hygroscopic compared to crackers, well transported and stored (up to a year or more) without deteriorating taste and nutritional properties. Pasta is superior in nutritional value to wheat bread, as it is made from wheat flour with a maximum protein content. They contain 9 - 13% proteins, 75 -79 digestible carbohydrates, 0.9 fats, 0.6% minerals and vitamins B 1, B 2, PP, etc. The calorie content of pasta is 360 kcal / 100 g. Their digestibility the human body is higher than the digestibility of cereals. Pasta proteins are digested by 85%, carbohydrates by 98% and fats by 95%. Of these, you can quickly cook a dish, since the duration of their cooking is 5 - 15 minutes.

1. Raw materials used in the production of pasta

The main raw material used in pasta production is flour. GOST 875-69 provides for the use of wheat flour of the highest or I grades as the main raw material for pasta production. At the same time, products of the best quality, having an amber-yellow or straw-yellow color, are obtained from special pasta flour of the highest grade (semolina), obtained by grinding grains of durum wheat or soft vitreous wheat. From pasta flour I grade (half-grains of durum or "soft vitreous wheat"), products with a brownish tint of greater or lesser intensity are obtained. Baking flour of the highest or grade I, obtained by grinding grain of soft wheat, is used in the absence of pasta flour. of the highest grade, they usually have a light cream color, and from grade I flour, they are dark cream with a gray tint.

In appearance, pasta semolina differs from baking flour in large particles (like semolina) with a yellowish tint. Semi-semolina consists of smaller particles than semolina, and therefore with a lighter shade (although it produces darker pasta). Baking flour of any grade consists of powdered particles, and the lower the grade of flour, the darker it has.

The most important indicators of the quality of flour for pasta are color, fineness, quantity and quality of raw gluten. Flour with a low gluten content produces fragile, crumbling products. The quality of raw gluten should not be lower than the second group. Grain flour is valued higher, as it absorbs water more slowly and forms a plastic dough. Flour used in pasta production should not contain significant amounts of free amino acids, reducing sugars and active polyphenol oxidase (tyrosinase), which causes darkening of the dough and deterioration in the quality of finished products.

Warehouses of flour are tare storage (in bags) or bulk. Both with tare and bulk methods, various options for storing, preparing and supplying flour to the presses are possible.

On fig. 1 shows a possible variant of the scheme for the container storage of flour, in fig. 2 - with bulk. Depending on the adopted scheme, one or another equipment is used in the flour warehouses of pasta enterprises. The equipment of flour warehouses is designed for receiving, storing and transporting it inside the warehouse and to pasta presses, as well as preparing for production (cleaning and weighing).

Figure 1 - Scheme of a warehouse for container storage of flour:

1-car, 2-belt conveyor. 3 - pallet with bags; 4 - electric loader 5 - bag tipper, 6 - vacuum cleaner, 7 - pit; 8 - bucket elevator; 9 - sifter, 10 - large elevator, 11 - screw conveyor distributor, 12 - bunker

Figure 2 - Scheme of bulk storage of flour:

1 - automukovoz. 2 - receiving shield, 3 - flour pipeline, 4 - switch 5-silo. 6 - screw dispenser, 7 - screw conveyor. 8 - electric motor; 9 - blower, 10 centrifugal sieve, 11 air filter, 12 - hopper above the press

Water is an integral part of pasta dough. It determines the biochemical and physico-chemical properties of the dough. Use tap drinking water, which should be moderately hard and meet the requirements of GOST-R for drinking water.

Additional raw materials used in pasta production are divided into: enrichment, which increases the protein value of pasta; for flavoring and aromatic additives; improvers; vitamin preparations.

The main type of enrichment additives are protein enrichers, which include fresh eggs, egg products (melange, egg powder), wheat flour gluten, casein, whole and powdered milk, whey, etc.

Egg products are added at the rate of 260 - 400 eggs or 10 - 15 kg of melange per 100 kg. flour.

The nutritional value of pasta with the addition of 10% milk powder is almost the same as for products enriched with egg products.

When using wheat gluten, the content of protein substances in products can increase by 30 - 40%. Gluten is a waste product in the production of wheat starch and it is economically feasible to use it as a fortifier.

Protein isolates obtained from soybean meal, sunflower and other oilseeds are also used. They can serve as substitutes for egg products.

Natural, concentrated or dry vegetable and fruit juices are used as flavoring additives in the production of pasta. The most commonly used tomato paste and tomato powders.

Improvers are surfactants. They help to improve the quality of pasta, which stick together less during drying and better retain their shape during cooking.

In order to enrich pasta, you can use heat-resistant water-soluble vitamins B 1 , B 2 , PP.

The quality of pasta largely depends on the technological process.

Modern pasta production is a single automatic production line. It consists of the following main operations: preparation of raw materials, dough preparation, pasta molding, drying, packaging.

2. Range of manufactured products

Depending on the shape, pasta is divided into the following types: tubular, thread-like, ribbon-like and figured. In turn, each of these types of products is divided into types.

Tubular products, depending on the size of the cross section, are divided into types: straws (diameter up to 4 mm); special) diameter from 4.1 to 5.5 mm), ordinary (diameter from 5.6 to 7 mm), amateur (diameter more than 7 mm). The wall thickness of tubular products must be no more than 1.5 mm (up to 2 mm is allowed in an amount of not more than 5% of the mass of products in a packaging unit).

Tubular products include (Fig. 3): pasta - a tube with a straight cut at least 15 cm long; horns - a curved or straight tube with a straight cut from 1.5 to 10 cm long; feathers-tube with an oblique cut from 3 to 10 cm long.

Figure 3 - a - pasta, b - horns, c - feathers

Filamentous products (vermicelli) are divided into types according to the size in the section (Fig. 4); cobweb (diameter no more than 0.8 mm); thin (diameter no more than 1.2 mm); ordinary (diameter not more than 1.5 mm); amateur (diameter no more than 3 mm).

Figure 4 - Filamentous products. a - long, b - short

Ribbon-like products (noodles) are produced in various names (Fig. 5): smooth or corrugated, with straight, wavy or sawtooth edges, etc. Any width of noodles is allowed, but not less than 3 mm, its thickness should be no more than 2 mm.

Figure 5 - Tape-like products. a - long, b - short.

Figured products (Fig. 6) can be produced in any shape and size, but the maximum thickness of any part in the fracture should not exceed: for pressed products - 3 mm, for stamped products - 1.5 mm.

Figure 6 - Figured products - a - shells, b - scallops; c - stamped, d - curls, d - soup fillings

Depending on the length, pasta is divided into long (from 15 to 50 cm) and short (from 1.5 to 15 cm). Pasta is made only long; vermicelli and noodles - both long and short; horns, feathers, figured products - only short ones.

Finally, according to the method of forming, short products are divided into short-cut and stamped.

3. Main stages of pasta production

The pasta production process consists of the following main operations: preparation of raw materials, preparation of pasta dough, dough pressing, cutting of raw products, drying, cooling of dried products, rejection and packaging of finished products.

Preparation of raw materials. It consists in sifting flour, separating metal-magnetic impurities from it, heating (flour temperature must be at least 10 ° C), mixing different batches of flour in accordance with the instructions of the factory laboratory.

The water intended for dough kneading is heated in heat exchangers and then mixed with cold tap water to the temperature specified in the recipe.

The preparation of additives consists in mixing them in water intended for dough kneading. When using chicken eggs, they are pre-washed, and if melange is used, then it is pre-thawed.

Cooking pasta dough. It consists of dosing the ingredients (flour, water and additives) and kneading the dough.

Dosing is carried out using dispensers that supply flour and water with additives dissolved in it in a continuous flow into the kneading trough in a ratio of approximately 1:3.

In the kneading trough, flour and water are intensively mixed, the flour particles are moistened and swollen - the dough is kneaded. However, unlike bread or biscuit dough, pasta dough by the end of the kneading is not a continuous connected mass, but a lot of moistened scattered lumps and crumbs.

Pressing dough. The goal is to compact the kneaded dough, turning it into a homogeneous, bound, plastic dough mass. and then give it a certain shape, mold it. Forming is carried out by forcing the dough through holes made in the metal matrix. The shape of the holes of the matrix determines the shape of the pressed out raw products (semi-finished product). For example, round holes will produce vermicelli, rectangular holes will produce noodles, etc.

Cutting raw products. It consists in cutting raw products pressed out of the matrix into segments of the required length and preparing them for drying. This preparation, depending on the type of manufactured products and the drying equipment used, consists either in laying out raw products on mesh conveyors, frames or tray cassettes, or in weighing long strands of raw products on special drying poles - bastuns.

Pressed out products before cutting or during cutting are intensively blown with air to obtain a dried crust on their surface. This prevents wet products from sticking to the drying surfaces and from sticking together during drying.

Drying products. The goal is to fix their shape and prevent the development of microorganisms in them. This is the longest and most important stage of the technological process, the correctness of which depends primarily on the strength of the products. Very intensive drying leads to the appearance of cracks in dry products, and very slow drying can lead to souring of products.

At pasta enterprises, convective drying of pasta is used - blowing the dried product with heated air.

Cooling of dried products. This process is necessary in order to equalize the high temperature of the products with the air temperature of the packaging compartment. If the pasta is packed without cooling, then the evaporation of moisture will continue already in the package, which will lead to a decrease in the weight of the packaged products.

Most preferably, the slow cooling of dried products in special bins and chambers, called storage stabilizers.

The cooled products are subjected to rejection, during which the products that do not meet the requirements for their quality are removed, after which the products are packaged.

Package. It is produced either in small containers (boxes, bags) manually or by filling machines, or in bulk" in large containers (boxes, boxes, paper bags)

4. Main technological schemes for the production of pasta

The production of any type of pasta always consists of the stages listed above, however, the type of products produced, as well as the availability of this or that equipment at the factory, determine the technological scheme for the production of these products at any particular factory. Pasta factories currently produce long products according to three schemes, and short products according to two. What are the distinguishing features of each of these five schemes?

Scheme of the production of pasta with drying in tray cassettes. According to this scheme (Fig. 7), pasta of any diameter with a length of 20-25 cm is produced.

A strand of raw pasta emerging from the press matrix 1 is placed into tray cassettes using a rolling table 2 and cut. At many enterprises, this operation is mechanized, it is performed by spreading and cutting machines.

Figure 7 - Scheme of the production of pasta with drying in tray cassettes

Cassettes filled with raw products are transferred to trolleys 5 or trolleys and transported to the drying department. Heatless drying cabinets 4 are installed here, to which trolleys with filled cassettes are tightly substituted, or cassettes are manually transferred from the trolley to the drying cabinet. Drying consists in the fact that the air flow from the fan of the dryer passes through the pasta placed in the cassettes. Upon completion of drying, the finished products in trolleys or on trolleys enter the packaging department, where the products, after cooling and sorting, are packed manually or placed in bulk in large containers. Empty cassettes in trolleys or trolleys are fed to the press, where the process is repeated again.

The main disadvantages of the cassette method for the production of pasta are that a lot of manual labor is expended and the pasta always turns out to be curved. However, until now, according to this scheme, the bulk of pasta is produced in our country. This is explained by the fact that the cassette method does not require complex and expensive equipment (drying cabinets, trolleys and trolleys are made in the workshops of pasta enterprises) and large areas.

In recent years, in order to reduce manual labor to a minimum with the cassette method of pasta production, a number of enterprises have created mechanized production lines. On fig. 8 shows a diagram of one of these lines. The strand of pasta pressed out by the screw press 1 enters the 2 spreading and cutting machine, where the pasta is mechanically stacked and cut into 3 tray cassettes. The filled cassettes are stacked manually in piles on two 5 chain conveyors passing on both sides of the dryer. The dryer consists of several cabinet dryers installed in a row. When moving stacks slowly

Figure 10. Mechanized production line for the production of pasta with drying in tray cassettes

cassettes conveyors dry the pasta. Dry pasta is removed from the cassettes on the packing table 6, and empty cassettes are fed to the cutting and laying machine for the next filling with raw products.

Scheme for the production of long pasta on automated production lines with hanging drying. According to this scheme, a relatively small amount of pasta is still being produced in our country. However, due to the high degree of mechanization and automation of all technological processes carried out by continuously operating machines and units that are part of the lines, this method of producing high-quality pasta (special pasta and sticks, vermicelli and noodles) is becoming more widespread in our country. At present, according to this scheme, the lines of the Italian company Braibanti and similar domestic lines B6-LMG, B6-LMV and LMB are operating in the pasta industry.

On fig. 9 shows a diagram of the B6-LMV line. A continuous-acting press 2 presses strands through a rectangular matrix, which are hung on bastuns by a special machine (self-weighting) 1. In this state, they go to dry. First, the pasta strands are dried in the pre-dryer 5, where moisture is intensively removed from the semi-finished product, and then in the final dryer 4, in which moisture is slowly removed from the products. In dryers, bastuns with products are moved by conveyors located in several tiers. Dried products on bastuns enter the stabilizer-accumulator 5, and then are removed from the bastuns by machine b and fed to packaging. Empty bastuns are fed by a chain conveyor to self-weighting. Usually the lines are equipped with packing machines for packing products into boxes.

Figure 11. Automated production line B6-LMV for the production of long pasta

Scheme of the production of long products on automated production lines with pre-drying on frames and final drying in cylindrical cassettes. According to this scheme, long pasta is made on automated production lines of the French company Bassano. There are two such lines in our country. The line includes a pasta press, spreader, pre-dryer, final dryer, storage stabilizer and a group of packaging machines. The main advantages of this scheme are the absence of dry waste and the production of absolutely straight products of the same length. This is achieved by the fact that the pasta cut into segments of the same length, after preliminary drying on the frames, undergoes final drying inside the rotating cylindrical cassettes. In this way, the products are dried by continuous rolling on the inner surface of the cylindrical cassettes, which makes them absolutely straight.

Scheme of the production of short-cut products on complex-mechanized production lines. The line (Fig. 10) consists of two main elements: screw pasta press 1 and continuous dryer 2.

The extruded products are continuously cut by some sort of short cutter and fed to the top belt of the steam conveyor dryer. Gradually pouring from the upper belt to the underlying one, the products are blown with heated drying air.

Rice. 12. Scheme of a complex-mechanized production line for the production of short-cut products

Dried products are cooled most often in vibration coolers 5 or simply on belt conveyors of sufficient length, which feed them to the packaging department.

A high degree of mechanization, circuit flexibility, and high productivity made it widespread in our country in the postwar years.

The scheme of production of short products on automated production lines. The production of pasta according to this scheme differs from the production according to the previous higher degree of mechanization and automation of processes, higher quality of the resulting products due to the use of longer drying, carried out in three stages - preliminary drying, preliminary and final drying.

In addition to dies and cutting mechanisms for producing short-cut products, the lines are usually equipped with slit-like dies for producing a dough tape and stamping machines, which also makes it possible to produce stamped products on them.

The line (Fig. 11) consists of a screw pasta press 1, a pre-dryer 2, a preliminary dryer 5 and a final dryer, a storage stabilizer 11, as well as auxiliary and transporting devices: bucket elevators 3, b and 9, product spreaders 4 and 7 and belt conveyors 10 and 12.

Figure 13 Bribanti automated production line for the production of short products

5. The main units of pasta production - a pressing device and dies

Screw presses are classified according to the number of mixer troughs (one-, two-, three- and four-trough), by the number of pressing devices or pressing screws (one-, two- and four-screw), by the presence and place of vacuuming the dough (in the dough mixer or in the screw chamber). ), according to the shape of the matrix and the design of the tube.

Currently, our pasta enterprises operate domestic pasta presses LPL-1M, LPL-2M and LMB. The latter are installed in automated production lines LMB, as well as automated production lines of the Italian company Braibanti, and the French company Bassano - press VVK 140/4.

The Rostov-on-Don Machine-Building Plant has started production of presses of the B6-LPSh series with a capacity of 500,. 750 and 1000 kg/h finished products.

In order to understand the principle of operation of the press and the purpose of its individual components, let us consider the technological scheme of a single-trough single-screw pasta press with a round matrix, shown in Fig. fourteen

The technological units of the press are flour 1 and water 2 dispensers, a dough mixer consisting of a trough 3 and a shaft 4 with blades, a pressing device including a screw cylinder with a water jacket 6 and a screw 7, a press head, a replaceable matrix 10, a cutting mechanism 11 and a blower 12. The rotation of the dough mixer and auger shafts is usually carried out from a single drive 5.

MATRIX Dough kneading, compaction of the resulting crumbly mass and molding of raw products are currently carried out in a single unit - in a continuous screw pasta press, the main working body of which is a matrix. The shape of the matrix holes determines the type of pressed products. By changing the matrices, it is possible to obtain almost any kind of pasta on the same press. Thus, presses and dies are the main equipment for kneading and pressing pasta dough.

In addition to this equipment, various machines and mechanisms for cutting raw products are used in the dough-forming departments of pasta factories (we will focus on them in the next chapter), as well as a number of auxiliary machines, which we will consider in this chapter.

The matrix, along with the pressing device, is the main working body of the pasta press. It determines the productivity of the press, the type of products (shape and dimensions of the cross section), and to a large extent affects the quality of the product (degree of surface roughness, bonding strength of pasta tubes, etc.). The matrices are made of metals that are not susceptible to corrosion, have sufficient strength and wear resistance, with low adhesive ability. Such metals are bronze, brass, stainless steel.

There are two types of matrices - round (disk) and rectangular. With the help of round dies, all types of long and short-cut products are formed, as well as dough strips for the manufacture of stamped products from them. Rectangular dies are used for molding long pasta (pasta, vermicelli, various types of noodles) produced on automated production lines.

Round matrices. Matrices, depending on the thickness, are used without supporting devices or with supporting grate devices. In matrices with underlay grates, strips are left that are located above the ribs of the grate, and in matrices with overhead (suspended) grates, the central part is occupied by a bolt with which the grate rib is attached. In this regard, there are fewer holes on grate dies than on non-grate ones.

The diameter of the matrix depends on the performance of the press. In LPL presses with a capacity of about 400 kg/h, matrices with a diameter of 298 mm are used. In LPSh presses, matrices with a diameter of 350 mm are installed.

The thickness of the matrix must meet the conditions of strength. In screw pasta presses, for each centimeter of the matrix surface area, the dough presses with a force of up to 100 kg or more. Matrices with a diameter of 298 mm, having a thickness of less than 60 mm, are used with support grates.

The backing grate also consists of a shell 1 made of strip steel with steel ribs 2 welded to it. Such grates are most often two- and four-ribbed. The outer diameter of the shell is equal to the diameter of the matrix. The grate is installed on the annular support of the matrix holder, on which the matrix is ​​laid.

Matrices with lining grates allow you to mold products that are cut in the suspended state - pasta, feathers, vermicelli, noodles.

Figure 15 - Round matrices: a - grateless; b, c - grate

The overhead (suspended) grate consists of a steel rib 1 inserted into the slot of the bolt 2. The bolt is inserted into the hole of the matrix 4 and attached to it from below with a nut 5. In this case, the matrix is ​​installed on the annular support of the press die holder (as well as without grate).

Matrices with overhead grates allow you to mold all types of both short-cut and long products.

Rectangular matrices. There are single lane and double lane. Single-strip dies are used in Bassano automated production line presses, in which the products being pressed out form one strand. Two-lane matrices are used in presses of automated production lines with hanging drying to obtain two strands hung simultaneously on two bastuns.

In each strip, the forming holes are placed in several rows so that they are located in one layer on the bastuns or on the roller table (Fig. 17). The number of rows in the matrix depends on the size of the cross-section of the products: in the matrices for special pasta and wide noodles in each strip, the holes are placed in two rows, for straw pasta - in three, for thin pasta - in seven rows.

Rectangular dies for automated production lines are produced with a length of 995 and a width of 100 mm. The thickness of the matrix can be from 31 to 50 mm.

Hole profiles. Matrix forming holes are of three types: with inserts for forming tubular and some types of figured products; without inserts for forming all types of products, except for tubular and stamped, and slit-like for forming a dough strip,

Figure 17 - Rectangular matrices: a - single-lane; b - two-way

intended for the manufacture of stamped products from it.

Holes with inserts are the most complex in design and consist of two main elements: a forming channel drilled in the body of the matrix, and an insert fixed in it.

6. Environmental indicators of production

The main harmful factors for food industry enterprises, and in particular for a pasta factory, are noise, dust and wastewater.

Measures necessary for environmental protection are usually divided into three groups:

a) technological measures related to changes in technological processes and the design of machines in the interests of environmental protection;

b) planning activities, including a set of technical solutions for the placement of machines and apparatus in departments, workshops, as well as the whole enterprise in the territory adjacent to the residential area

c) sanitary and technical measures, including the calculation of the coefficients of the required efficiency of treatment facilities and the selection of the necessary types of apparatus for the treatment of wastewater and emissions into the atmosphere, noise protection.

Harmful factors affecting the environment from the pasta factory are:

flour dust; the movement of flour through material pipelines (pipes through which flour enters by means of aspiration (blowing method) is accompanied by the release of flour into the air, which is taken into the air duct of the aspiration network and sent to the cyclone. However, sometimes there is not enough air in the cyclone and its emissions into the environment exceed the MPE ( maximum allowable emissions), (according to SN-1042-7З) is equal to 0.5 g/s;

Noise: the operating equipment is a source of constant noise, permissible sanitary norms of MPE noise: 35 dBA during the day, 25 dBA at night;

Wastewater should not exceed the sanitary standards for contamination with organic pollutants, the amount of which should not exceed the allowable 3 mg/l.


So, in my work, I tried to talk about the features of pasta production technology.

Physiologists have proven that the human diet should consist of 37% flour products, i.e. bread, baked goods, and pasta. Consumption of 100 g of pasta per day covers all human needs for proteins, 50% in starch, it has also been indicated that the proteins, fats and carbohydrates contained in pasta are highly digestible.

Unfortunately, in our city there is only one pasta factory located on the street. January 9. The range of products of our factory is not high enough, but the products are of high quality, and most importantly - low price. In the Russian market, the undisputed leader is the products of the Chelyabinsk macaroni factory "Makfa".

So, in conclusion, I would like to say that pasta production occupies an important and not the last place both in the human diet and in the basket of an ordinary consumer.

List of used literature

1. Medvedev G.M. Technology and equipment for pasta production. – M.: 1984. – 280 p.

2. Chernov M.E. Equipment for pasta industry enterprises. – M.: 1987. – 232 p.

3. Smirnova N. A., Nadezhdina L. A. “Commodity science of grain flour and confectionery products.” M.: 1990 - 241 p.

3. V. I. Teplov, V. E. Boryaev “Commodity research of food products.” M.: - 1989

Raw materials used in the production of pasta

Wheat flour of the highest or I grades is used as the main raw material for pasta production. At the same time, products of the best quality, having an amber-yellow or straw-yellow color, are obtained from special pasta flour of the highest grade (semolina), obtained by grinding grains of durum wheat or soft vitreous wheat. From pasta flour I grade (half-grains of durum or "soft vitreous wheat"), products with a brownish tint of greater or lesser intensity are obtained. Baking flour of the highest or grade I, obtained by grinding grain of soft wheat, is used in the absence of pasta flour. of the highest grade, they usually have a light cream color, and from grade I flour, they are dark cream with a gray tint.

The most important indicators of the quality of flour for pasta are color, fineness, quantity and quality of raw gluten. Flour with a low gluten content produces fragile, crumbling products. The quality of raw gluten should not be lower than the second group. Grain flour is valued higher, as it absorbs water more slowly and forms a plastic dough. Flour used in pasta production should not contain significant amounts of free amino acids, reducing sugars and active polyphenol oxidase (tyrosinase), which causes darkening of the dough and deterioration in the quality of finished products.

Water is an integral part of pasta dough. It determines the biochemical and physico-chemical properties of the dough.

When using wheat gluten, the content of protein substances in products can increase by 30 - 40%. Gluten is a waste product in the production of wheat starch and it is economically feasible to use it as a fortifier.

Improvers are surfactants. They help to improve the quality of pasta, which stick together less during drying and better retain their shape during cooking.

The quality of pasta largely depends on the technological process.

Product range

Depending on the shape, pasta is divided into the following types: tubular, thread-like, ribbon-like and figured. In turn, each of these types of products is divided into types.

Tubular products, depending on the size of the cross section, are divided into types: straws (diameter up to 4 mm); special) diameter from 4.1 to 5.5 mm), ordinary (diameter from 5.6 to 7 mm), amateur (diameter more than 7 mm). The wall thickness of tubular products must be no more than 1.5 mm (up to 2 mm is allowed in an amount of not more than 5% of the mass of products in a packaging unit).

Tubular products include: pasta - a tube with a straight cut at least 15 cm long; horns - a curved or straight tube with a straight cut from 1.5 to 10 cm long; feathers-tube with an oblique cut from 3 to 10 cm long.

Filamentous products (vermicelli) are divided into types according to the size in the section; cobweb (diameter no more than 0.8 mm); thin (diameter no more than 1.2 mm); ordinary (diameter not more than 1.5 mm); amateur (diameter no more than 3 mm).

Ribbon-like products (noodles) are produced in various names: smooth or corrugated, with straight, wavy or sawtooth edges, etc. Any width of noodles is allowed, but not less than 3 mm, its thickness should be no more than 2 mm.

Figured products can be produced in any shape and size, but the maximum thickness of any part in a fracture should not exceed: for pressed products - 3 mm, for stamped products - 1.5 mm.

Depending on the length, pasta is divided into long (from 15 to 50 cm) and short (from 1.5 to 15 cm). Pasta is made only long; vermicelli and noodles, both long and short; horns, feathers, figured products - only short ones.

Main stages of pasta production

The pasta production process consists of the following main operations: preparation of raw materials, preparation of pasta dough, dough pressing, cutting of raw products, drying, cooling of dried products, rejection and packaging of finished products.

Preparation of raw materials. It consists in sifting flour, separating metal-magnetic impurities from it, heating (flour temperature must be at least 10 ° C), mixing different batches of flour in accordance with the instructions of the factory laboratory.

The water intended for dough kneading is heated in heat exchangers and then mixed with cold tap water to the temperature specified in the recipe.

The preparation of additives consists in mixing them in water intended for dough kneading. When using chicken eggs, they are pre-washed, and if melange is used, then it is pre-thawed.

Cooking pasta dough. It consists of dosing the ingredients (flour, water and additives) and kneading the dough.

Dosing is carried out using dispensers that supply flour and water with additives dissolved in it in a continuous flow into the kneading trough in a ratio of approximately 1:3.

In the kneading trough, flour and water are intensively mixed, the flour particles are moistened and swollen - the dough is kneaded. However, unlike bread or biscuit dough, pasta dough by the end of the kneading is not a continuous connected mass, but a lot of moistened scattered lumps and crumbs.

Pressing dough. The goal is to compact the kneaded dough, turning it into a homogeneous, bound, plastic dough mass. and then give it a certain shape, mold it. Forming is carried out by forcing the dough through holes made in the metal matrix. The shape of the holes of the matrix determines the shape of the pressed out raw products (semi-finished product). For example, round holes will produce vermicelli, rectangular holes will produce noodles, etc.

Cutting raw products. It consists in cutting raw products pressed out of the matrix into segments of the required length and preparing them for drying. This preparation, depending on the type of manufactured products and the drying equipment used, consists either in laying out raw products on mesh conveyors, frames or tray cassettes, or in weighing long strands of raw products on special drying poles - bastuns.

Pressed out products before cutting or during cutting are intensively blown with air to obtain a dried crust on their surface. This prevents wet products from sticking to drying surfaces and from sticking together during drying.

Drying products. The goal is to fix their shape and prevent the development of microorganisms in them. This is the longest and most important stage of the technological process, the correctness of which depends primarily on the strength of the products. Very intensive drying leads to the appearance of cracks in dry products, and very slow drying can lead to souring of products.

At pasta enterprises, convective drying of pasta is used - blowing the dried product with heated air.

Cooling of dried products. This process is necessary in order to equalize the high temperature of the products with the air temperature of the packaging compartment. If the pasta is packed without cooling, then the evaporation of moisture will continue already in the package, which will lead to a decrease in the weight of the packaged products.

Most preferably, the slow cooling of dried products in special bins and chambers, called stabilizers-accumulators.

The cooled products are subjected to rejection, during which the products that do not meet the requirements for their quality are removed, after which the products are packaged.

Package. It is produced either in small containers (boxes, bags) manually or by filling machines, or in bulk" in large containers (boxes, boxes, paper bags)

Assortment of pasta;

LECTURE № 24-25

Topic: "Production of pasta"


1. Assortment of pasta;

2. Pasta production technology;

3. Requirements for the quality of pasta and their storage conditions


The assortment of pasta includes more than 100 items. Depending on the quality and grade of flour from which they are made, pasta is divided into groups A, B, C: A - durum wheat flour products; B - products made from flour of soft high-vitreous wheat; B - products from baking flour of soft wheat and classes 1 and 2: 1 - products from flour of the highest grade; 2 - products from flour of the first grade.

The name of the enrichers is added to the group and class: group A, 1st class egg; group A, 1st class dairy; group A, 2nd class tomato; group B, 1st class carrots, etc.

Pasta, depending on the shape, is divided into the following types: tubular, vermicelli, noodles and figured products. In turn, each type of product is divided into types depending on their size. Types of pasta are divided into varieties depending on the type of flour and the addition of fortifiers.

Tubular products include pasta, feathers and horns.

Pasta - dimensional products in the form of tubes 15, 22, 30 and 40 cm long. They are made of the following types: straws - with an outer diameter of up to 4 mm, special and special corrugated - 4 - 5.5 mm, ordinary and ordinary corrugated - 5, 5-7 mm, amateur and amateur corrugated - more than 7 mm. There are longitudinal grooves on the surface of corrugated products.

Feathers - tubes with beveled sections 10-15 cm long. They are produced in the same types as pasta, with the exception of straws.

Horns - tubes, curved in the form of an arc, 1 - 5 cm long. They are of the following types: straws - up to 4 mm in diameter, special and special corrugated - 4-5.5 mm, ordinary - 5-7 mm, multifaceted - face size no more than 7 mm.

The wall thickness of tubular products should be no more than 1.5 mm (for corrugated 2 mm.)

Vermicelli - products in the form of threads. Depending on the thickness of the thread, gossamer vermicelli with a diameter of up to 0.8 mm is produced; thin 1.2, ordinary - up to 1.5 and amateur - up to 3 mm. According to the length of the thread, vermicelli is divided into a short length of at least 1.5 cm, a long one - at least 20 cm, a long bent one - at least 20 cm long, bent in half. Cobweb and thin vermicelli are also made in the form of bows and skeins weighing up to 30 grams.

Noodles - products in the form of ribbons. They produce narrow noodles up to 3 mm wide, up to 2 mm thick, at least 1.5 cm long; wide - 3.7 mm wide, up to 1.5 mm thick, at least 2 cm long; long and long bent - up to 7 mm wide, up to 2 mm thick, at least 20 mm long; oval wavy, sawtooth - from 3 to 20 mm wide, up to 2 mm thick and at least 2 mm long (short) and 20 mm (long). Noodles are also made in the form of bows and skeins weighing up to 50 g.

Figured products - are produced in the form of flat and three-dimensional figures of certain sizes. They are divided into the following types: shells, ears, grains, stars, letters of the alphabet, etc.

The industry produces pasta of the following varieties: from semolina flour - extra grade and extra egg grade with the addition of 100 - 152 kg of melange per 1 ton of flour; from flour of the highest grade - the highest (without additives), the highest egg with the addition of melange or eggs, the highest milk with the addition of dry whole or skimmed milk (5-10% of the flour weight), the highest tomato with the addition of 15 kg of tomato paste per 100 kg of flour (content of 40% dry matter) and the highest for baby food with the addition of 400 eggs per 100 kg of flour and 3.5 kg of powdered milk; from flour of the 1st grade - the first (without additions), the first tomato, the first dairy and the first for baby food.

The technological scheme includes the following stages: storage and preparation of raw materials for production, dough preparation, product pressing, cutting, drying, cooling and packaging.

Storage and preparation of raw materials. Pasta is made from wheat flour, water and additional raw materials. Additional raw materials are divided into traditional (egg, dairy products) and non-traditional (bean seed flour, vegetable and fruit and berry powders, vegetable and fruit and berry purees, etc.). In addition, various food additives can be used for the manufacture of pasta: ascorbic acid, lecithin, methyl cellulose, carbulose, gelatin, etc.

The main raw material used in pasta production is flour.

Pasta properties of flour, which characterize the possibility of obtaining high quality pasta from it, are determined
four main indicators, namely: the amount of gluten, the content of carotenoid pigments, the content of dark inclusions and
grinding coarseness.

Pasta flour is significantly different from cotton. It has a granular structure with particles ranging in size from 250 to 350 microns, larger in grains compared to semi-grains; gluten content not less than 30…32%; must be yellow in color and not darken during processing

Gluten in pasta production performs two main functions: it is a plasticizer, that is, it performs a kind of lubricant that gives the mass of starch grains fluidity, and a binder that connects starch grains into a single test mass. The first property of gluten makes it possible to mold the dough by forcing it through the holes of the matrix, the second one to keep the shape given to the dough.

The uniqueness of gluten also lies in the fact that the gluten frame formed during the pressing of the dough, which holds the mass of starch grains in the pressed raw products and then hardens when the products are dried, when lowered into boiling water, i.e., when the products are cooked, not only does not liquefy, on the contrary, it is fixed, strengthened as a result of gluten denaturation.

For pasta production, the most valuable fraction is gliadin: it is its presence and properties that determine the fluidity and cohesion of the dough. However, glutenin also plays a certain role here, causing the necessary elasticity and elasticity of raw pasta. In addition, about 80% of flour lipids form bound and strongly bound complexes, which protect carotenoids from oxidation, namely with the glutenin fraction of the protein.

Usually, flour gluten is evaluated not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively, by determining the degree of its extensibility, resilience and elasticity. However, these properties of gluten mainly reflect the properties of the glutenin fraction, which is of secondary importance in the formation of the structure of pasta.

Because carotenoid pigments give pasta a pleasant amber color, flours with a high carotenoid content are most preferred for pasta production. This does not mean that flour, for example, white or cream-colored, cannot be used in pasta production, however, the color of products from it will be less attractive and the price of such products should be lower.

Particles of shells, aleurone layer, germ of wheat grain and particles of seeds of other crops present in the flour appear on the surface of pasta in the form of dark dots, worsening the appearance of the products. In addition, the presence of a significant amount of peripheral parts of the grain in flour indicates an increased content of amino acids and enzymes, in particular tyrosine and polyphenol oxidase, which are involved in the undesirable process of darkening of pasta during drying. Therefore, from the point of view of the appearance of pasta, it is desirable to use premium flour for their manufacture.

Grinding size (granulometric composition, flour particle size). All other things being equal, the flour particle size within 150.. .400 microns does not have a noticeable effect on the quality of dry and cooked pasta. The granulometric composition of flour has a significant impact on its water absorption capacity, and, consequently, on the physical properties of compacted dough and raw products, on the ratio of their strength and elastic-plastic properties.

Drinking water (GOST 2874-73), used to prepare dough, must meet the requirements for drinking water supplied by centralized drinking water supply systems.

At pasta factories, water is used for kneading pasta dough, washing matrices, heating or cooling pressing devices.
cylinders of presses, heating of water heaters of dryers, as well as for sanitary needs.

At a pasta factory, special attention should be paid to the quality of water intended for kneading dough; for this, only drinking water is used that meets the requirements of GOST 2874. It must be transparent, colorless, without foreign tastes and odors, and not contain organic impurities and suspended particles.

In addition to the listed organoleptic indicators, water is characterized by general hardness. The value of this indicator depends on the content of calcium and magnesium salts in the water and is expressed in milligram equivalents per 1 liter (mg.equiv.). 1 meq. cruelty corresponds to the content of 20.04 mg Ca or 21.16 mgM in 1 liter of water.

Water hardness does not significantly affect either the course of the technological process or the quality of pasta, so water of any degree of hardness can be used to knead the dough. For kneading pasta dough, usually warm water is used at a temperature of 40 ... 60 'C, which is obtained by mixing cold tap and hot water in the desired ratio. Hot water can be supplied centrally (from the city water supply), or it can be obtained at the factory by heating cold water in a heat exchanger - a boiler.

In Russia, a small part of pasta is produced using additional raw materials - additives. Additives are divided into enrichment and flavoring.

Enrichment additives increase the nutritional value of products, often also changing their color and taste. In Russia, eggs and egg products (egg powder, melange), as well as dairy products (powdered milk, low-fat cottage cheese) and some
vitamins. Flavoring additives do not increase the nutritional value of products, but give them a specific taste and color. These additives include primarily a variety of vegetable pastes, purees and powders.

Egg products are added at the rate of 260-400 eggs or 10-15 kg of melange per 100 kg of flour.

The nutritional value of pasta with the addition of 10% milk powder is almost the same as fortified egg products.

When using wheat gluten, the content of protein substances in products can increase by 30-40%. Gluten is a waste product in the production of wheat starch and it is economically feasible to use it as a fortifier.

Vegetable and fruit natural juices, concentrated or dry, are used as flavoring additives in the production of pasta. The most commonly used tomato paste and tomato powders.

The improvers are surfactants. They help to improve the quality of pasta, which stick together less during drying and better retain their shape during cooking.

In order to enrich pasta, you can use heat-resistant water-soluble vitamins B 1 , B 2 , PP.

The non-traditional raw materials of pasta production include mainly processed grains and seeds of various plant crops (except wheat), tuber crops, as well as by-products of their processing.

Among the variety of these raw materials, triticale flour, flour and starch of gluten-free starch-containing cereals, legumes and tuber crops are primarily of interest.

Pasta dough is significantly different from all other dough masses. It is not subjected to fermentation or artificial loosening. Since the amount of water added to the flour during kneading is about 1/2 of the amount that the main flour components - starch and protein - can absorb, the dough requires a long kneading period of 20 ... 30 minutes.

The dough is a friable mass of crumbs of various sizes, which only in the process of further processing turns into a dense plastic mass suitable for molding.

The recipe for pasta dough depends on the quality of the flour, the type of product, the drying method and some other factors. It indicates the amount and temperature of flour and water, the moisture content and the temperature of the dough. The amount of water is given per 100 kg of flour.

When calculating the recipes, the moisture content of the dough is specified, the value of which determines the type of kneading: solid (moisture content of the dough is 28 ... 29%); medium (dough moisture content 29.1...31%) and soft (dough moisture content 31.1...32.5%). Medium kneading is the most common, while the dough turns out to be finely lumpy, the products after pressing retain their shape well, do not wrinkle, do not stick together when laying out and drying in several layers. The higher the moisture content of the dough, the faster and more uniformly the flour particles are moistened, the dough is easier to mold and the better quality products are obtained from it. However, at a very high moisture content, raw products do not retain their shape well (stick together, stretch), and the drying process is lengthened.

According to the given moisture content of the dough, the required amount of water for kneading is calculated:

where M is flour dosing, kg; W - moisture content of flour and dough, %

Then the dough temperature is set based on the fact that after kneading it should not be higher than 40 ° C. At the same time, it is taken into account that during the molding of products in screw presses, the temperature of the dough increases by 1 0 ... 20 ° C, and in front of the matrix it should be 50 ... 55 ° C.

Depending on the temperature of the water used to knead the dough, there are three types of kneading: hot (temperature 75...85 °C), warm (temperature 55...65 °C)** and cold (temperature below 30 °C) . In practice, warm kneading is more often used, which makes it possible to obtain a medium-lumpy, loose dough that fills the auger coils well. The process of kneading dough using warm water is faster than using cold water, the dough is more plastic, well formed, and the surface of the products is smoother, the color is more yellow than with other batches.

Hot kneading is used relatively rarely, since when hot water comes into contact with flour, part of the proteins denatures, as a result, the dough partially loses its elasticity. Hot kneading is applicable only for flour with a high content of gluten, excessively elastic in quality, when it is necessary to obtain a less viscous and sufficiently plastic dough.

Cold kneading is used for the manufacture of products intended for long storage, as well as for flour with a low gluten content and poor quality.

When preparing dough with additives, the moisture content in them is taken into account. If the moisture content of the additives is higher than that of the flour, then the water consumption for kneading the dough should be reduced accordingly.

For the purpose of recycling, good-quality waste can also be included in the recipe. For this, semi-finished products (raw scraps, deformed products, etc.) are used that do not have foreign taste and smell, and dry waste.

Raw trimmings are crushed immediately after cutting and added to the dough mixer in an amount of up to 15% by weight of flour. Dry waste is crushed into grains up to 1 mm in size and added in an amount of up to 10% to the mass of flour. It is desirable to add waste for the production of short-cut products (vermicelli and noodles)

pasta molding.

There are two ways of shaping pasta dough: pressing and stamping, the latter being based on obtaining a dough ribbon by pressing, from which products of complex shape are then stamped.

Matrices are the most important part of the press. They can be round in the form of a flat disk and rectangular. The material for their manufacture must be durable, withstand significant loads and be resistant to corrosion, since the dough is an aggressive environment due to the content of acid-reactive substances. Matrices are best made from brass and bronze, but stainless steel can also be used.

The shape of products obtained by pressing depends on the configuration of the forming holes of the matrix. There are three types of holes: annular with inserts for making a pasta tube; without inserts for forming thread-like products; slit-like for pressing noodles, figured products and wide belts for subsequent molding of stamped products from them.

Cutting raw pasta

Cutting raw pasta consists of blowing, cutting and laying out in order to prepare the semi-finished product for the longest and most laborious stage of production - drying. The duration of drying and the quality of finished products depend on the correctness of cutting.

Raw products for quick drying are blown with air, which is taken from the shop premises. At the same time, the moisture content of products is reduced by 2 .... 3%, as a result, the plasticity of the semi-finished product decreases, its elasticity increases, a crust forms on the surface, which prevents sticking and curvature of products.

The purpose of cutting is to obtain a product of a certain length. Short-cut products are cut in two ways. In the first case, the knife slides over the surface of the matrix or cuts a hanging strand at a certain distance from the matrix; in the second case, cutting is carried out after the products have dried a little.

For laying out raw short-cut products, mechanical spreaders (spreaders) are used, the pipe or conveyor of which oscillates over the moving belt of the dryer, distributing the product on it in an even layer 2–5 cm thick, depending on the type of product.

Cutting and laying out pasta depends on the drying method: cassette (in cassettes) or hanging (on bastuns). In the first case, cassettes made of plywood, wooden planks and duralumin are used. The cassette is a box with only two side walls, between which pasta is placed in such a way that drying air passes through them along the tubes. Bastuy is a hollow aluminum tube 2000 mm long with trunnions at the ends, with which it rests on the conveyor chains. A strand of pasta is hung on the strike.

During cassette drying, pressed products that have reached a length of 1.5 ... 2 m are mechanically picked up, placed on cassettes and cut by a spreading and cutting mechanism into segments 250 mm long.

Cutting pasta for hanging drying is carried out by self-weighting, which is included in the automated line. Empty bastuns move in a horizontal direction with some breaks. At the moment of their stop, the rows of molded products, passing the blower, reach the required length, falling below the bass-tun, which is at rest. The lower knives trim the ends of the products. The scraps fall into the auger located below, are crushed and then fed by a pneumatic conveyor into the dough mixer for recycling.

Ingredients Pasta

pasta 75.0 (grams)
water 150.0 (grams)
cow's milk 100.0 (grams)
chicken egg 0.5 (piece)
sugar 10.0 (grams)
margarine 5.0 (grams)
crackers 5.0 (grams)
butter 10.0 (grams)

Cooking method

Macaroni is boiled in a mixture of milk and water or in water without discarding. Eggs beaten with sugar are added to the pasta chilled to 60-70 ° C and mixed. The mass is spread on a greased baking sheet, sprinkled with breadcrumbs and baked. When vacationing, pasta is poured with fat.

You can create your recipe taking into account the loss of vitamins and minerals using the recipe calculator in the application.


Nutritional value and chemical composition "Pasta".

The table shows the content of nutrients (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams of the edible part.

Nutrient Quantity Norm** % of norm in 100 g % of the norm in 100 kcal 100% normal
calories 126.6 kcal 1684 kcal 7.5% 5.9% 1330 g
Squirrels 4.1 g 76 g 5.4% 4.3% 1854
Fats 5.6 g 56 g 10% 7.9% 1000 g
Carbohydrates 16 g 219 g 7.3% 5.8% 1369
organic acids 0.03 g ~
Alimentary fiber 0.004 g 20 g 500000 g
Water 75.5 g 2273 3.3% 2.6% 3011
Ash 0.3 g ~
Vitamin A, RE 60 mcg 900 mcg 6.7% 5.3% 1500 g
Retinol 0.06 mg ~
Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.05 mg 1.5 mg 3.3% 2.6% 3000 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.09 mg 1.8 mg 5% 3.9% 2000
Vitamin B4, choline 33.9 mg 500 mg 6.8% 5.4% 1475
Vitamin B5, pantothenic 0.3 mg 5 mg 6% 4.7% 1667
Vitamin B6, pyridoxine 0.06 mg 2 mg 3% 2.4% 3333 g
Vitamin B9, folate 5.8 mcg 400 mcg 1.5% 1.2% 6897
Vitamin B12, cobalamin 0.1 µg 3 mcg 3.3% 2.6% 3000 g
Vitamin C, ascorbic 0.3 mg 90 mg 0.3% 0.2% 30000 g
Vitamin D, calciferol 0.2 µg 10 mcg 2% 1.6% 5000 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 1 mg 15 mg 6.7% 5.3% 1500 g
Vitamin H, biotin 2.8 mcg 50 mcg 5.6% 4.4% 1786
Vitamin PP, NE 0.9806 mg 20 mg 4.9% 3.9% 2040
Niacin 0.3 mg ~
Potassium, K 77 mg 2500 mg 3.1% 2.4% 3247 g
Calcium Ca 44.2 mg 1000 mg 4.4% 3.5% 2262
Silicon, Si 1.5 mg 30 mg 5% 3.9% 2000
Magnesium 8.4 mg 400 mg 2.1% 1.7% 4762 g
Sodium, Na 26.8 mg 1300 mg 2.1% 1.7% 4851 g
Sulfur, S 34.9 mg 1000 mg 3.5% 2.8% 2865
Phosphorus, Ph 59.9 mg 800 mg 7.5% 5.9% 1336
Chlorine, Cl 55.8 mg 2300 mg 2.4% 1.9% 4122 g
trace elements
Aluminium, Al 35.6 mcg ~
Bor, B 2.9 mcg ~
Vanadium, V 2.5 mcg ~
Iron, Fe 0.6 mg 18 mg 3.3% 2.6% 3000 g
Iodine, I 4.3 mcg 150 mcg 2.9% 2.3% 3488 g
cobalt, co 1.3 mcg 10 mcg 13% 10.3% 769 g
Manganese, Mn 0.1686 mg 2 mg 8.4% 6.6% 1186
Copper, Cu 148.8 mcg 1000 mcg 14.9% 11.8% 672 g
Molybdenum, Mo 4.5 mcg 70 mcg 6.4% 5.1% 1556
Nickel, Ni 0.6 mcg ~
Tin, Sn 4.1 mcg ~
Selenium, Se 0.8 mcg 55 mcg 1.5% 1.2% 6875 g
Strontium, Sr 7.6 mcg ~
Titanium, Ti 0.7 mcg ~
Fluorine, F 13.6 mcg 4000 mcg 0.3% 0.2% 29412 g
Chrome, Cr 1.2 mcg 50 mcg 2.4% 1.9% 4167 g
Zinc, Zn 0.3635 mg 12 mg 3% 2.4% 3301 g
Zirconium, Zr 0.4 µg ~
digestible carbohydrates
Starch and dextrins 0.7 g ~
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars) 1.4 g max 100 g
Sterols (sterols)
Cholesterol 39.3 mg max 300 mg

The energy value pasta is 126.6 kcal.

Main source: Internet. .

** This table shows the average norms of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms based on your gender, age and other factors, then use the My Healthy Diet application.

Recipe Calculator

The nutritional value

Serving Size (g)