How to use kombucha correctly. What is useful kombucha for a person

Kombucha Care pretty simple. It does not require any special skills or a lot of time. Moreover, kombucha itself quickly adapts to external conditions and their changes. It is unpretentious, can withstand temperature changes and exist in different conditions. Suitable for him different types sugars that are easily digested.

Cultivation of tea fungus

All this is called mushroom cultivation. The infusion, in which he is all the time, is transparent. At the same time, the film on the fungus gradually becomes dark from below and acquires a brown-brown hue. It begins to flake off and looking closely at the lower part of the fungus, it will become noticeable how small strands hang from it. Grainy colonies appear at the bottom of the container with the mushroom. This is how the fungus grows.

To make this happen a little faster, it is fed every three days with a sweetish infusion of tea. It is important to wash it once a month in boiled water (chilled) and put it back in a container with a solution. It is most convenient to cultivate the mushroom after it has grown. When it becomes multi-layered, it is much easier to do this. To make the fungus grow faster, this process is accelerated. For this I use earthenware.

3 liters of brewed warm tea are poured into it, 300 grams of sugar are added and stirred. A glass of the finished drink is poured there from under and the mushroom itself is placed on top. At first, the mushroom will settle to the bottom of the dish. But this is quite normal and there is no need to worry. Gradually, it will begin to rise to the surface. The fungus will adapt, get used to the solution, and after a few days will again come out to the top of the liquid. From this time on, it will begin to grow, and after 2 weeks it will fill all the dishes.


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Kombucha care at home

Tea (Japanese) mushroom, also called tea jellyfish, is an unpretentious creature that needs a little for successful growth and productive life:

  • glass container;
  • indirect sunlight;
  • adequate nutrition;
  • warm;
  • pure water.

Select a three-liter jar for the Japanese miracle, fill the container with weak, cooled, sweet tea, put it where it is warm. Do not leave the jar on the windowsill: the jellyfish does not like this. Ready kvass drain on time, replacing with a fresh portion delicious tea. Bathe your Japanese occasionally in clean water. For this cute creature, he will gratefully give you a nutritious drink full of freshness, goodness, and health.

How to store

Ideal as a home for a Japanese jellyfish three liter jar. Glass is a material that does not change the properties of the liquid it contains. The diameter of the container is convenient, the body will fill its entire surface. The jar is easy to care for, it is convenient to change the solution. Through the walls of the glass container, you can clearly see what your useful pet needs.

Choose a bright place for a jar with a domestic jellyfish that is not illuminated by bright sunlight (this is harmful for the creature). Optimum temperature for successful growth of the fungus - from 23 to 25 degrees. The inhabitant of the jar tolerates short-term drops in temperature easily, but a long-term cold snap is fatal for him. Growing up, the creature builds up layers, which can then be separated from each other. If the process is properly looked after, several pets can be grown from one pet for further use.

What to feed kombucha

The jellyfish-like organism does not produce the drink on its own. In symbiosis with it, on its lower layers, darker and almost opaque, a large colony of yeast microorganisms settles, which will revive the nutrient solution, make it comfortable for the fungus and useful for children and adults. Invisible creatures emit carbon dioxide, which the jellyfish needs, carbonating the liquid in the process. Both your pet and the army of bacteria living under the cover of the layered circle need food.

The simplest composition on which you can grow a healthy Japanese is quality tea with sugar. It is important to remember: particles of tea leaves and insoluble grains of sugar should not get on the body of the fungus. The instructions for feeding a slippery pet are simple:

  • brew one and a half liters of weak sweet tea;
  • cool the tea to room temperature;
  • strain carefully;
  • fill the tea lover with the resulting solution;
  • after 4-5 days, the liquid can be drained and used;
  • instead of the drained drink, add a new one to the jar sweet tea.

How to wash kombucha

Your pet loves to swim. You need to wash the body of the jellyfish mushroom with cool drinking water the more often, the warmer it is in your home. In the hot summer, this is done once every five to seven days, in autumn and winter it can be done less often - once or twice a month. Pour a large number of water in a basin, bucket or other container. Lower your pet there, let it swim for a couple of minutes. Wash the upper and lower sides of the body with gentle hand movements. Sometimes you have to remove the flakes that have moved from the bottom. You can wash the jellyfish mushroom under water flowing from the tap, but this must be done gently, carefully so as not to injure your pet.

Keeping Kombucha Healthy

In order for the use of a healing drink to be beneficial and enjoyable, it is important to know how to care for kombucha, maintaining the health of this exotic creature. A few important rules will help you:

  • you only need to feed the pet fresh tea;
  • cover the jar with gauze to protect it from dust and fruit flies;
  • regularly care for the jar and bathe your jellyfish;
  • protect from mechanical damage;
  • monitor the temperature in the room;
  • observe if algae strands or mold have appeared in the liquid - in this case, the fungus needs urgent help.

Growing a Japanese jellyfish is also easy because it is resistant to various life misfortunes. A sick pet can be cured, and sometimes a dead one can be revived. A hardy organism can even be without moisture for some time. To heal or revive a dry Japanese mushroom, bathe it. While he is taking a bath, do a general cleaning in the home. Rinse and sanitize the jar thoroughly, prepare fresh tea, a little at first. When the mushroom comes to its senses, it will be possible to add more food.

How to propagate kombucha

The jellyfish mushroom reproduces by division. With good care, the creature builds up layer by layer, some of them eventually begin to move away from the mother's body. To grow new mushroom, you need to separate the exfoliating part, put it in a new jar with tea solution, carefully care for it. It is impossible to divide the body across, the mushroom jellyfish inevitably dies. You should also not separate the lower layers, which are poorly preserved and get sick for a long time.

Leaving after division

For growing a young pet, instructions are not required. If you understand how to care for kombucha, it will not be difficult for you to grow a new one for you. It is not necessary to immerse the young shoot in a large amount of tea, let him master his half-liter of solution. Gradually, the amount of liquid can be increased. By dividing the Japanese jellyfish, you can rejuvenate. If the taste of the drink has changed, separate and discard the lower few layers of the fungus body. Mushroom kvass from a young Japanese jellyfish will delight you in winter and summer.


Interesting and beneficial organism, similar to a jellyfish - a Japanese mushroom - lives in a jar on the kitchen table. You don't need complicated instructions to use the creature. With little care, it produces healthy drink, similar to kvass, especially tasty from the refrigerator. In order for an unusual pet to live well with you, find out the rules for caring for a Japanese exotic.

Japanese kombucha is used in several areas of our life: cooking, medicine.

If you decide to keep the mushroom at home, you need to know how to grow kombucha, how to properly care for Japanese mushroom at home.

How to care for kombucha?

In order for the mushroom to bring joy and benefit, you need to take care of it, since it is a living organism. It should be handled correctly, then you can be guaranteed to get a real healing drink. How we care for kombucha growing at home depends not only on the taste of the infusion, but also on its chemical composition and beneficial features. Studies have shown that tea infusion is essential for the development of the fungus. The mushroom almost does not consume its components, namely tannins, aromatics and other substances. But to absence tea infusion he is very sensitive. Without tea, he cannot synthesize ascorbic acid, which is necessary for his life.

If kombucha satisfies all the conditions at your home, then already on the 4-10th day it begins to produce a healthy drink that tastes like strong highly carbonated kvass. bubbles of gas and acetic acid Yeast and acetic acid bacteria “provide” it, and tea and some types of yeast give a specific aroma to the infusion.

Where to keep kombucha?

At home, kombucha is kept only in glass containers that are suitable for it in size. As a rule, this is a 3-liter jar.

The mushroom should not be kept in a metal dish, unless it is stainless steel, as the acids produced by the fungus can react with metals. You can use a container made of high quality synthetic materials, such as polyethylene or polypropylene. Containers made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or polystyrene should not be used.

Well, if the jar with the mushroom will stand in a shaded place, let it be a separate box with good ventilation and no foreign odors. Direct sunlight and cold inhibit the development of the fungus, so it is better to keep it away from the window. To properly care for kombucha, monitor the temperature in the room. The optimum temperature for it is about 20-25°C. If the temperature at home is below 17C, it is harmful for the fungus, as it reduces its activity and blue-green algae can start in it. You should not close the jar with the mushroom, because it needs to breathe. It is enough to close the jar with gauze or a clean napkin. This will not only allow the fungus to breathe, but also protect it from dust and insects, in particular fruit flies.

Kombucha is placed only in boiled water with sugar already dissolved in it and tea brewing. Raw water contains many soluble calcium salts, which form calcium gluconate with gluconic acid, which precipitates. In no case should sugar be poured directly onto the mushroom or placed in a solution with insoluble sugar. This will cause burns in the form of brown spots on the body of the fungus. The tea solution for the fungus should not be too strong, because too concentrated tea will inhibit its growth. Leaves or granules of tea leaves should not remain in the tea solution, this is very harmful to the fungus and can injure it.

How to wash kombucha?

Periodically, kombucha grown at home must be washed in clean water - from the tap or, if possible, with spring water. In summer, this is done with a frequency of 1 time in 1-2 weeks, in winter - 1 time in 3-4 weeks. You can not put the mushroom in hot tea infusion, it will die.

If top part Kombucha began to turn brown, which means it begins to die. This usually happens due to the fact that the mushroom has stood in the infusion.

So that he does not completely die, he is washed, the top layer is separated and placed in a new tea infusion. Keep in mind that kombucha “works” more intensively in summer than in winter, which means that the solution is changed more often. If you forget about the mushroom, stop caring for it, then all the liquid will evaporate. You can bring it back to life, bay again sweet water or tea infusion. It turns out that kombucha can be stored for some time in dried form.

Reproduction of Kombucha

If the infusion of kombucha is poured into a separate container and left at room temperature, after 7-14 days a thin translucent layer will appear on its surface - a colony of microorganisms, which after a while will become an adult fungus.

Sometimes kombucha growing at home is “reborn”. It happens in the following way. The fungus sinks to the bottom of the jar and separates from itself a new clean transparent film. This film is a daughter of kombucha. In this case old mushroom you can either throw it away, or use it further, after transplanting the child into a new container. If the old mushroom is already very thick, it is great for making vinegar, as it begins to produce a lot of acid.

If the kombucha has become too thick, accumulated many layers and it is inconvenient to take care of it, and the drink turns out to be sour, detach part of the mushroom and transplant it into another container or present it to relatives and friends, talking about its beneficial properties.

Kombucha at home

For optimal growth and development of the fungus, a 10% sugar solution with the addition of black or green tea infusion is required.

Japanese kombucha recipe

So, to prepare an infusion of kombucha you will need: kombucha (sourdough), about 100 g of refined white sugar (5 tablespoons without a slide), 2 teaspoons of green or black tea, 1 liter of water, 3-liter glass jar, elastic band or elastic band, gauze.

A not very strong infusion is prepared from sugar and tea. It is best to brew tea for at least 15 minutes. Sugar should be completely dissolved, and there should be no pieces of tea leaves. Loose tea can be replaced with tea bags. Pour the mushroom, placed in a jar, only with a cooled infusion, otherwise the mushroom will die. If the mushroom is young, then a little infusion is added to the tea from the jar where it was previously contained. The amount of infusion should be approximately 1/10 of the total volume of liquid.

After the mushroom has been placed in a jar and filled with infusion, the neck of the container is covered with gauze and fixed with an elastic band. Gauze is needed so that the mushroom can breathe, and dust, plant spores, and small midges do not get into the jar. The jar is placed in a dark warm place at home. It is recommended to insist the mushroom for 4-10 days, after which it is ready for use. Fermentation time depends on air temperature. The higher the temperature, the faster it will infuse.

When the drink reaches (to taste) the desired acidity, the mushroom is taken out with clean hands and washed under cold running water. Then they are again lowered into a jar with infusion prepared according to the same scheme.

How and where to store Japanese kombucha infusion?

The finished drink is poured into another container to the brim and closed with a tight lid. To make the infusion even better, it is allowed to ripen for a few more days (optimally 5 days) in a cool place. Without access to air, bacteria cease to perform their function, and yeast continues to work, producing gas. The result is an excellent carbonated drink. Before drinking, the infusion is filtered through gauze or a strainer.

If the mushroom is already old and has reached a thickness of several centimeters, then its infusion can be drunk every day directly from the jar, while not forgetting to make up for the loss of fluid with a new portion of cold sweet tea.

The area of ​​the fungus depends on the area of ​​the container in which it "lives".

It is very convenient to have two jars, in one of which the mushroom will “live”, and merge into the other ready drink. The infusion can be stored in the refrigerator, closed, for quite a long time. At the same time, its healing and taste properties will not change at all.

The benefits of kombucha for the body: video

Medusomycete(this is the scientific name of our kombucha) looks like a thick film (in adulthood - a layered cake) of white-yellow-brown-pink color, floating on the surface of the nutrient liquid - an infusion of sweet black tea. Sugars in the liquid can be different (glucose, sucrose, fructose), the type of tea also does not matter.

The researchers noticed that Medusomycetes practically does not consume the components of tea infusion (aromatic, tannins and other substances), but is extremely sensitive to its absence. For example, without tea, it does not synthesize ascorbic acid, which is necessary for the life of kombucha.

If the conditions created for him are satisfied, then on the fourth or tenth day of growth, he begins to produce a pleasant-tasting and very healthy drink, reminiscent of strong, highly carbonated kvass (“” or “”). Gas bubbles and acetic acid are provided by the combined efforts of yeast and acetic acid bacteria. A specific aroma of the drink is given by tea and some types of yeast.

Instructions for making kombucha.

You will need:

  • Tea mushroom(leaven)
  • Approximately 100 g (approximately 5 level tablespoons) white refined sugar per liter of water
  • 2 teaspoons of black or green tea per 1 liter of water
  • 3 liter glass jar
  • Elastic band or elastic band
  • Gauze or paper towel

How to make kombucha:

1. We take glass container size suitable for your mushroom (usually use a 3-liter jar).

2. We cook there not very strong sweet tea (approximately 5 tablespoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of black or green tea per 1 liter of water) tastes good. It is recommended to brew tea for at least 15 minutes. Sugar should be completely mixed, and there should be no pieces of tea leaves. You can also use tea bags.

3. Let the tea cool to room temperature. The culture will die if placed in a hot solution.

4. For young mushrooms: a little infusion of the mushroom from the jar where it was previously contained as a “starter culture” should be added to the tea (the amount of infusion should be approximately 1/10 of the total volume of liquid.

5. We put the mushroom in a jar. We close the neck of the dish with gauze or a paper napkin and fasten it with a braid or elastic band so that the kombucha can breathe, but so that small midges, dust and plant spores cannot enter the jar. We put the jar in a dark, warm place - the ideal temperature for the tub fungus is about 25 ° C.

6. After 4-10 days of infusion, kombucha is ready for consumption. The fermentation time depends on the air temperature in the room - the higher the temperature, the faster drink he'll be ready.

7. When the drink reaches the desired acidity according to your taste, remove the kombucha with clean hands, rinse it under cold running water and put it into a jar of cold sweet tea prepared in advance according to the same scheme.

8. Pour the finished drink into a glass container with a tight lid, filling it to the brim. To get the most out of the drink, let it mature for a few more days in a cool place (at least 5 days) - bacteria cease to function without access to air, and yeast continues to work if the container is tightly closed, the gas resulting from the activity of the yeast cannot escape and you will get amazing fizzy drink. Before drinking, strain the drink through gauze or a plastic (not metal) strainer.

A mushroom at a venerable age reaches a thickness of several centimeters (its area depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe container in which it lives) and allows you to drink the infusion daily directly from the jar containing the mushroom (of course, you need to remember to replenish the loss of liquid with a new portion of cold sweet tea).

It is convenient to have two identical jars available: Kombucha will live in one, and you will pour the finished drink into the other. In the refrigerator, glass hermetically sealed containers with tea mushroom infusion can be stored for quite a long time, retaining their healing and taste properties.

In order for kombucha to give you joy and benefit, you should love and take care of it. Only proper handling of kombucha guarantees that the drink obtained with its help will be truly healing!

Important rules for the care and maintenance of kombucha

  • It is necessary to keep kombucha in a glass container suitable for its size, usually a regular 3-liter jar. It should not be kept in containers made of metals other than stainless steel, as the acids produced by the culture may react with the metals. You can use high-quality synthetic materials of the polyolefin group, such as polyethylene (PE) or polypropylene, but containers made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or polystyrene should not be used.
  • It is better to keep a jar of mushrooms in a dark place, you can allocate a special box for it in the kitchen - with ventilation and without extraneous odors. Cold and direct sunlight inhibit the development of kombucha, so it's best to keep it away from a window.
  • Kombucha is usually kept at normal room temperature. The optimum temperature for kombucha is around 25°C. Temperatures below 17 ° C are harmful, as it reduces the activity of the fungus and blue-green algae can start in it.
  • A jar of kombucha should not be covered with a lid, since the mushroom must breathe, it is simply covered with a clean napkin or gauze so that dust does not get in and insects (which, by the way, are not very indifferent to it) could not get to it.
  • Kombucha must be placed in boiled (!) Water with sugar already dissolved in it and tea leaves: raw water contains a lot of soluble calcium salts (water hardness salts), which form calcium gluconate with gluconic acid, which precipitates.
  • Do not pour sugar on kombucha and place it in a solution with undissolved sugar - this causes burns on his body in the form of brown spots.
  • Can't do too much strong tea- Excessive concentration of tea inhibits the growth of kombucha.
  • Leaves or granules of tea leaves should not be left in the tea solution for kombucha - this is very harmful to kombucha and can cause wounds on its body.
  • It is necessary to periodically rinse in clean water (it is possible from the tap, but if possible - with clean or spring water). In summer, this should be done every one to two weeks, and in winter - every three to four weeks.
  • You can not put the mushroom in hot tea.
  • If the top of the kombucha has begun to turn brown - this is a sign that the kombucha is starting to die (sometimes this happens if the kombucha is allowed to stand in solution) - you should rinse it, separate and discard the top layer and try to take better care of your pet.

You also need to take into account that in summer Kombucha “works” faster than in winter, and accordingly, you need to change the solution much more often.

If you leave for a long time or completely forget about kombucha, then all the liquid may evaporate. But the mushroom will come to life as soon as it is poured with sweet water or tea. Thus, it turns out that the storage of kombucha can be carried out in dried form.

Reproduction of Kombucha

If you pour the kombucha infusion into a free container and leave it to infuse at room temperature, then after one to two weeks a thin translucent layer forms on the surface of the liquid - a colony of microorganisms, which over time will also turn into an adult fungus.

It sinks to the bottom of the jar and separates from itself a new clean transparent film - the daughter kombucha. In this case, the old mushroom can be used further or thrown away (buried with full honors). If the old mushroom is already very thick, it can be used to make vinegar, because by old age the mushrooms begin to produce too much acid, and put the film in a fresh solution - very soon it will turn into a full-fledged adult mushroom that will serve you faithfully.

If your kombucha has become too thick, has accumulated many layers, and it is inconvenient for you to take care of it, or the drink becomes sour too quickly, you can detach the part yourself and give it to your relatives, friends, neighbors or work colleagues after talking about its beneficial properties and giving link to our website: . And it is better to print and transfer it along with kombucha.

A rather simple organism, resulting from the antagonistic relationship of yeast fungi with acetic acid bacteria, is one of the most popular and strange "creatures" grown at home. The appearance of zooglea (kombucha) is the most unsightly and even frightening, but the pleasant-tasting, lightly carbonated drink formed as a result of its vital activity has no analogues in rich vitamin composition and a wide range of medicinal properties.

Where to get kombucha and how to use it correctly? All answers on the topic - further.

What is a medusa mycete?

Kombucha (otherwise, medusomycete) is a constantly functioning symbiote, the body of which is formed due to the unique and mutually beneficial relationship of two types of bacteria. Even according to appearance floating on the surface of the liquid in a jar of kombucha, you can determine its two main components:

Through continuous work acidic bacteria, the primary nutrient liquid - sweet tea in a jar, is gradually transformed into a complex enzyme composition, including minimal amount ethyl alcohol. The action becomes possible due to the main catalyst - sugar, therefore, it is not recommended to replace the traditional sweetener with any analogues, including honey. How much sugar does kombucha need for catalysis? In fact, the process starts already with one tablespoon, but to improve fermentation and get good taste you will have to put at least five spoons.

The composition of "kvass" medusomycete

The only environment in which the medusomycete feels most comfortable is moderately strong tea brewing, which combines such important and necessary elements for the growth of the fungus as vitamin C and caffeine. Only by receiving sufficient nourishment and the ability to produce new fibers of the lower productive layer, Kombucha can synthesize a valuable drink, the benefits of which have been known for several tens of centuries ago.

Composition finished product obtained as a result of the vital activity of zooglea:

  • organic lemon, apple, oxalic, acetic;
  • vitamins: C, D, B;
  • ethanol;
  • enzymes: zymase, lipase, carbohydrase, levansucrase, catalase;
  • lipid complex: fatty acid, sterols, foefatides;
  • mono-poly- and disaccharides;
  • pigment substances: chlorophyll and xanthophyll;
  • tannin;
  • natural antibiotics.

It should be noted that the beneficial properties of kombucha and the amount of valuable substances in the drink are unstable. They depend on the quality of care, the location of the container with the jellyfish (temperature and light conditions) and the properly prepared nutrient medium (tea). How to care for kombucha to get maximum benefit from its use and what is this benefit expressed in?

Benefits of kombucha

To obtain a positive result, kombucha (mushroom kvass) should be consumed regularly and at least 100 ml per day. It is this amount of a drink drunk by an adult that will be sufficient to maintain a good tone of the walls of blood vessels and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic growths in them.

In addition to strengthening and supporting influence on cardiovascular system, the beneficial properties of kombucha extend to other pathological conditions human body:

  • defeat by Staphylococcus aureus;
  • intestinal disorders, dysbacteriosis, toxic poisoning;
  • metabolic disorders (including at the cellular level);
  • reduced immunity;
  • weakness nervous system;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • colds.

Enzymes and antioxidants in the composition of the drink will help to cope with migraines, negative consequences radiation therapy, diseases of the genitourinary and pulmonary systems. It is recommended to drink kombucha for tuberculosis, chronic otitis and laryngitis, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses and joint diseases.

Externally, the infusion is used for compresses and washes with barley and conjunctivitis, hemorrhoidal bumps and non-healing ulcers, with stomatitis and after complex tooth extraction. Drinking the infusion in a warm form is recommended before bed for those who suffer from insomnia or neuroses.

The benefits of medusomycete infusion are undeniable, but where can I get kombucha? It is almost impossible to find it in free sale, except perhaps "from the hands", from people who are specially involved in its breeding. Is it possible to make kombucha from scratch and how to start the process?

How to grow zooglia yourself

A universal container for growing kombucha at home is considered to be an ordinary 3-liter jar made of transparent glass, which should be washed well before use. After the container is prepared, proceed directly to the brewing of tea infusion, in which the mushroom will form.

How to prepare kombucha:

  • for 3 liters of water take: 5 tbsp. spoons loose leaf tea and 5-7 st. spoons of sugar;
  • brew strong tea, insist it for 15 minutes;
  • strain the finished solution through three layers of gauze;
  • fill the jar just below the level of the “shoulders” and wrap gauze around the neck so that air can freely penetrate inside.

How to care for kombucha? The container is placed in the kitchen separately from other products and out of places lit by the sun. Normally, on the 9-11th day, an unpleasant, sour smell appears from the jar, which lasts 2-3 days. On the 15-17th day from the moment the nutrient base is poured on the surface of the liquid, it will be possible to see a thickened cloudy layer - this will be a young mushroom, which in no case should be disturbed. Zooglia should be allowed to grow for at least another 30 days, or better - a month and a half, and only then for the first time remove it from the jar and change the nutrient medium to a new one.

Use the drained liquid obtained for long time formation of a medusa mycete is impossible.

Proper care of kombucha

Periodic care for medusomycetes consists in washing the body of the fungus once a week under running water and replacing the finished slightly carbonated drink with a fresh tea solution. It is very important not to forget to strain the tea and completely dissolve the grains of sugar in the hot liquid. Tea leaves adhering to the delicate substance of zoogley or unmixed sweet crystals can provoke a burn of the mucous surface of the yeast body and even lead to the death of the fungus.

It is not necessary to prepare a strong brew every time - just the one insisted for ordinary tea drinking is enough. The only condition is that the tea substrate must not be placed in disposable bags. The amount of sugar is also adjusted to taste, starting from the absolute minimum - 1 tbsp. spoon for 0.5 liters. tea solution.

Before transferring the mushroom to the updated nutrient medium, it is allowed to cool to 20-25 ° C, and the fungus itself is washed under a stream of slightly warm running water from plaque and excess mucus. In winter, the “bathing” procedure is carried out less frequently than in the warm season - on average, once every three weeks.

The jar is kept in a shady place, controlling that the ambient temperature does not fall below 20 ° C, which is comfortable for the medusa mycete. Under such conditions, the period of "ripening" of kvass will be 3-4 days. AT without fail, at least once a week, it is required to refill the jar, adding at least a third of the volume of fresh liquid, otherwise the mushroom will be poisoned own products decay.

Kombucha with rose hips and medicinal herbs

How to grow directional kombucha and is it possible? In some cases, people have to use decoctions of medicinal fruits for a long time, the effect of which on the body gradually decreases. A concentrated medusomycete is able to stimulate the usual infusion, bringing a large amount of its own benefit to it and significantly enhancing healing properties vegetable matter.

For tasty and rich vitamin drink use the fruits of hawthorn, wild rose or honeysuckle. A liter of decoction is prepared from 2/3 cup of sorted fruits. The liquid is infused for a day under the lid, then it is filtered and poured into a 3-liter jar, where about 1.7 liters of sweetened tea leaves are added next. The jar neck is tied with gauze, and the mushroom, as in the recipe with regular tea, takes about two months to form.

They take care of kombucha as in the first case - periodically draining the spent infusion and replacing it with fresh tea solution, with the only difference being that 30% of the filtered liquid will be a decoction of the selected fruits.

Mushroom reproduction

Along with the question of how to grow kombucha, many people ask - how to correctly divide it into several independent jellyfish so as not to damage the main organism? You need to remove the entire top layer and only with your hands, without the help of a knife or other devices. If the plate of the fungus is torn, it will die, and the same is true if you try to exfoliate a still young, not ready to divide, zooglia.

It is easy to determine the readiness of the mushroom for reproduction - it will thicken significantly in size and will look like a puff pastry pie. In this case, the mushroom is removed from the jar, washed, and the “dome” is carefully separated right under running water. Then the old mushroom is transferred to a fresh tea solution, and the young one is left in a container with clean boiled water for one day. After 24 hours, you can transplant into a separate "tea" environment and it. If everything is done correctly, the young organism will expand significantly in the first three days and form a large number of gas bubbles around the emerging body.

Mushroom growing mistakes

Beginners who do not yet know all the nuances of how to care for kombucha often make mistakes that lead to illness or even death of the organism grown in the bank. Most often, the rapidly changing color of the medusomycete and the violation of its natural structure helps to understand the cause of the oversight.

The mushroom has darkened or brown “blots” have appeared on it:

  • The nutrient fluid has not been replaced for a long time, and the body began to self-oxidize. Kombucha that has sunk to the bottom of the jar will also mean that an immediate replacement of the tea solution is required.
  • It's hard for the medusamycete to breathe - maybe the fabric covering the neck of the jar is too dense, or the vessel was accidentally closed
  • Heterogeneous spots on the top of the zooglea often mean burns from adhering tea leaves or grains of sugar. The fungus dies from such damage, so the damaged layer will have to be removed and discarded.
  • The fungus "froze" and stopped developing. This happens when the temperature around the jar is below 20 ° C. If the fungus is “hot”, it will react in much the same way, but at the same time it will precede the disease with violent activity and surround itself with a layer of bubbles.
  • Incorrectly selected dishes for storing the mushroom. If metals are present in the container, the fungus will oxidize itself and make the drink unusable. An ideal vessel for the life of an acetic acid culture is a glass jar.
  • Medusomycete was “cooked” by pouring too hot tea solution from above, right on the surface of the fungus. If you quickly take action and exfoliate the fungus, removing the “dome” affected by burns, then the main part of the body can be saved.

For a number of reasons, a medusomycete can "tip", turning its smooth side to the bottom of the jar. This will not immediately affect the health of the fungus, but the oxidation of the drink will stop immediately. The mushroom should be carefully turned over with your hands and carefully inspected for damage to the mucous surface.

How to drink "mushroom kvass"

It is necessary to use kombucha, like any other agent that actively affects the body, according to a certain scheme, in which only the amount of drink consumed will vary. A person with a healthy stomach can drink up to three glasses of "homemade soda" per day - 200 ml in the morning and another 200-400 ml during the day, splitting the entire volume of medicinal kvass into 3-4 doses. For children, the elderly or those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, a single dose should be reduced to 30-50 ml of the drink.

They drink the infusion not earlier than an hour after eating, when the main part of the food is already digested, or 30-40 minutes before eating. The duration of the course is up to 2 months, after which you need to rest for a couple of weeks and allow the body to “respond” to the treatment.

Kombucha in cosmetology

The unique, vitamin-rich acidic environment of kombucha acts on the skin in two directions at once:

  • as a natural antiseptic - stopping the reproduction of bacteria in the layers of the epidermis;
  • as a natural antioxidant - slowing down the aging process by stimulating blood microcirculation in the upper and middle layers of the skin.

In the first case, it is enough just to wipe the problem areas of the skin - acne or areas of increased sebum formation in order to notice the result in a week. Large pores will noticeably shrink, micro-inflammations will go away and the number of comedones will noticeably decrease. With regular (morning and evening) rubbing of the face with chilled kvass, problem skin will stop giving out a greasy sheen and react with rashes to any changes in hormonal levels or environmental irritants.

To restore elasticity to aged or tired facial skin, a slightly warmed drink is used. A gauze compress is impregnated with liquid and applied to the entire face, from time to time slightly pressing the gauze to the skin. The time of the whole manipulation is from 10 to 25 minutes, the number of procedures is unlimited.

With pronounced signs of aging - wrinkles and age spots, it is recommended to use the mycelium of the fungus, that is, the top removed layer of the substance, which is completely applied to the skin surface and kept for about 20 minutes. After such a compress, it is recommended to immediately wash with warm boiled water and apply a moisturizer to the skin.