How many hours does it take for kvass to be ready. Homemade kvass: the subtleties of cooking

Perhaps one of the most popular and sought after summer drinks- kvass. Of course, you can buy it in a store or on tap from a barrel. But it's better to make your own. How to do it? Use a proven recipe. Tatyana Karmashova, who lives in the Altai Territory, is known on Instagram under the nickname @tatyana_karmashova. Tanya specializes in starter cultures and her bread recipes- real Golden Collection for any cook. This time she kindly presents her recipe for sourdough kvass on our website.

Kvass is such a wonderful thing! And most importantly, it is extremely useful, since it contains a trillion of all sorts of vitamins and microelements. However, due to the specifics of the preparation of kvass, it contains a certain degree, the degree of which increases in proportion to the increase in the amount of sugar in its composition. The temperature at which it is cooked also affects the character of kvass. As you know, at different temperatures, the starter microflora develops in different ways. At relatively low degrees, yeast fermentation prevails over lactic acid fermentation, and vice versa, at high degrees, lactic acid bacteria are more active than yeast. And if for bread we try to find a cool place to avoid sour taste, then for kvass, on the contrary, we need heat.

It is good to use kvass for sharpness and foaminess blending method. This is when the finished kvass is bottled, hermetically sealed, and placed in the refrigerator for 12-24 hours. Then the lactic acid fermentation stops and the yeast scald with might and main, releasing carbon dioxide into the liquid. The more residual sugar in kvass during blending, the more foamy kvass will be, but also explosive! Be careful - take care of the ceilings!

An excellent option for blending is the preparation of kvass completely without sugar. It is added directly to the bottle before capping and moving it to the refrigerator. In this way, you can prepare a refreshing, sweet and sour, okroshchny kvass. But here it is important not to overdo it with sugar! Remember: it's always best to cut back on sugar! Then, at the next cycle of cooking, add kvass. It is much safer and easier than scrubbing the ceiling, walls and floor, left with an empty bottle of kvass in your hands!

Without filtration, kvass turns cloudy - this is normal. It can always be filtered through gauze.

So, for cooking a little more 2 liters of sourdough kvass would need :

2 liters of drinking water, preferably spring water, 3 tbsp. l. wheat flour, 3 tbsp. l. rye flour, 2 tbsp. l. rye fermented malt (can be without it), 2-3 tbsp. l. sugar, 1-2 tbsp. l. any sourdough

AT a small amount mix all the ingredients with water. Next, dilute the entire mixture in the remaining water. We leave for about 1.5 days at room temperature. When the kvass is actively bubbling, hissing and the taste is sharp, it means it is ready and you can drink it. Or carefully pour kvass into bottles so that the sediment does not get into finished product close the lid tightly and place in the refrigerator. If kvass is first made without the use of sugar, and when bottling, add 1 liter from 0.5 tsp to 2 stele of sugar and leave it in the refrigerator for another 12-24 hours, then it will be foamy. But, most likely, it will be foamy and, if you immediately make it sweet, and put it in the refrigerator. You just need to seize the moment.

When I do mine yeast-free kvass, after its readiness remains thick, which I call kvass must. A quarter of this wort is enough to continue kvass, but it’s a pity for me to drain the remaining 3/4 into the sink, and I keep it in the cold. Recently, I decided to try to use the leftover kvass wort in business, and kneaded the dough on it. A little for testing. The dough rose wonderfully and quickly!

So for cooking flatbreads on kvass wort would need:

150 g of kvass yeast-free wort, 100 g of drinking water, 15 g vegetable oil, 230 g of wheat flour of the highest or 1st grade, 5 g of salt

Mix all the ingredients until the flour is completely moistened. Leave to rise for 3 hours with two folds every hour. At the third hour, without folding or kneading beforehand, stretch with your hands into a cake, put in a mold or on a baking sheet, lay out the filling (for example, as for pizza), press it with your palms. Bake without proofing at 250 ° C for 25-30 minutes, without preheating the oven until lightly browned. Or with the final proofing for 1-1.5 hours at 250 ° C for 20-25 minutes, preheating the oven. Sprinkle the filling with water before baking.

To prepare kvass in the kitchen, you will have to spend a couple of hours. The time of fermentation and maturation of kvass is 2-3 days.

bread kvass recipe

Rye bread (Borodinsky) - 300 grams
Fresh yeast - 30 grams
Sugar - half a glass of 250 milliliters
Raisins - 1 handful
Water - 4 liters

How to cook kvass from rye bread
1. Cut 200 grams of bread into long strips 2 centimeters wide.
2. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees for 10 minutes.
3. Line a baking sheet with baking paper, lay out the bread.
4. Place the baking tray with the bread on the middle rack of the oven.
5. Bake the bread for 15 minutes, then turn over and bake for another 15 minutes - a dark, but not black crust should form.
6. Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan and put on high heat, bring to a boil under the lid and turn off.
7. Put crackers in boiling water, add a third of a glass of sugar, mix, cover and leave to ferment at room temperature for 3-4 hours.
8. Pour a little water into a bowl, put 25 grams in it fresh yeast and mix; Return mixture to saucepan and stir.
9. Wrap the pan with future kvass in a linen cloth and leave to ripen at room temperature for 36 hours.
10. Pass kvass through a cloth, sweeten with the remaining sugar (to taste) and add a handful of raisins.
11. Loosely cover kvass and remove to ripen for 24 hours in the refrigerator.
12. Carefully drain the kvass into a jar, bypassing the sediment.
13. Store the resulting kvass in the refrigerator for a week.

- homemade calories rye kvass is 27 cal/100 milliliters.
- Raisins in bread kvass add then so that it acquires carbonated properties and sharpness.
- The average cost of homemade rye kvass is 80 rubles (the price is indicated on average in Moscow as of June 2017).

Keep kvass in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.
- The sediment (kvass wort) must be stored in the refrigerator, then on its basis you can prepare kvass without using yeast.

Raisin kvass recipe

Products for 3 liters
Black raisins - 1.5 kilograms
Honey - 500 grams
Raw egg white- 2 pieces
Grape yeast - 30 grams
Water - 3 liters

How to cook kvass from raisins
1. Rinse well 1.5 kilograms of raisins and put in a saucepan.
2. Pour a liter of water, put on medium heat and cook until the raisins soften for half an hour.
3. Remove the raisins from the pan with a slotted spoon.
4. Rub the raisins and return to the water in which they were boiled.
5. Add 500 grams of honey and boiled water to bring to a volume of 3.2 liters.
6. Stir the mixture, put on slow fire and boil, stirring constantly and removing the foam, for half an hour.
7. When the foam stops appearing, cool the liquid to room temperature (about 20 degrees) and beat 1 egg white into it so that the kvass is not cloudy.
8. Cover kvass with a lid and leave to ferment for a day.
9. Carefully pour the drink into a clean container, add 20 grams of yeast and leave to ripen for 2-3 days.
10. After fermentation, let kvass settle, then pour into a clean container and put in a refrigerator or cellar for three days to ripen kvass.

- The calorie content of kvass from raisins is approximately 80 calories / 100 milliliters.
- The average cost of products for raisin kvass is from 600 rubles / 3 liters (the price is indicated on average in Moscow as of June 2017).
- To taste, you can add the juice of 1 lemon to kvass.

Recipe for kvass from rye flour

Sourdough products (for 3 liters of kvass)
Rye flour - 1 tablespoon
Sugar - 2 tablespoons
Raisins - 10 berries

Products for kvass
Rye flour - 200 grams
Sugar - half a cup
Water - 3 liters

How to make sourdough from rye flour
1. Mix 1 tablespoon of rye flour and 2 tablespoons of sugar and add water, stirring, until the consistency of sour cream is obtained.
2. Invest in the future kvass wort 5 pieces of washed raisins.
3. Put the jar of sourdough in a warm place for 4 days until sourness appears in the sourdough. The jar must be larger than 0.5 liters to avoid leakage. :)

How to cook rye kvass
1. Boil 3 liters of water.
2. Pour 200 grams of rye flour and half a glass of sugar into the container in which kvass will be made, and gradually dilute the resulting mixture with water, first adding warm water(a little bit), and after boiling water (also a little bit).
3. Stir the mixture until there are no lumps.
4. Cover the container with a lid, put the starter for kvass on top, cover with a towel and leave for 4.5 hours.
5. Pour the starter into kvass, stir well, cover with a lid, and on top with gauze or linen.
6. Leave kvass to ferment for 6.5 hours, during which time do not open the container. During this time, a foam forms on the surface of the kvass, which indicates the readiness of the kvass.
7. Pour kvass into jars or bottles and refrigerate.

- Kvass from rye flour can not only quench thirst in summer and use in okroshka, but it can also be used to treat beriberi, gastritis with acidity below normal, heart disease, hypertension, weakened immunity, dysbacteriosis. Since the calorie content of kvass from rye flour is very low, it can be safely consumed by those who are on a diet.
- The average cost of self-made kvass from rye flour is approximately 60 rubles / 3 liters.
- Shelf life of kvass - 2-3 days in the refrigerator.
- When preparing kvass from rye flour, you can add a little mint or thyme.
- Rye flour kvass contains vitamins B, K, C, E, as well as calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, selenium, manganese and iron. It also contains the amino acids threonine and lysine, which are not produced in our body.

Kvass recipe on birch sap

Products for 3 liters of kvass
Birch sap - 3 liters
Raisins - 20 pieces
Sugar - half a glass

How to cook kvass on birch sap
1. Collect 3 liters of birch sap, strain through several layers of gauze, thus clearing it of debris.
2. Add 20 pieces of raisins and 150 grams of sugar and leave to ferment for 42 hours in a cool place.
3. Strain the resulting kvass, cork the bottles.
4. It is necessary to store kvass in a cold place.

- The calorie content of birch kvass is 15 kal / 100 milliliters.
- When preparing birch, it is advisable to use enameled or glass containers.
- When buying birch sap for kvass, it is important to buy juice packed in glass bottles, not plastic ones, since plastic negatively affects the quality of the product. The color of the juice should be transparent, without turbidity and impurities.
- birch kvass very useful for work digestive system, well quenches thirst and is a prophylactic for various diseases.
- Birch kvass contains a lot of trace elements, especially potassium and magnesium. Potassium is able to relieve swelling and, in combination with magnesium, prevent bones from breaking down.
- You can store birch sap until autumn.
- The average cost of products for birch kvass (with self-collection birch sap) - from 30 rubles / 3 liters (the price is indicated on average in Moscow as of June 2017).

Kvass on malt

Water - two liters
Rye malt - half a cup
Sugar - half a cup
Dry yeast - 7 grams

Cooking kvass
1. Pour water into a saucepan and boil it.
2. Cool the water to seventy degrees, then pour in the malt. At this temperature, the malt dissolves better.
3. While stirring, try to get rid of lumps. Lumps are easily avoided if the malt is first dissolved in a small amount (150 grams) of water, stirring it with a fork. Then pour into the main volume of water.
4. Leave to infuse at room temperature (24-26 degrees) for at least two hours, covering the dishes with a lid.
5. Pour a quarter cup of water from the pan into a mug.
6. Dissolve yeast in it. The water temperature should be no more than 20-25 degrees. Since yeast are living microorganisms, at higher temperatures they may not survive, and the yeast will not have the desired effect.
7. Let stand for 3-5 minutes and pour the dissolved yeast into a saucepan with malt and stir.
8. Pour sugar and mix.
9. Try, if necessary, you can add more sugar.
10. Put in a warm place for eight hours to ferment ( biochemical process, which is caused by microorganisms and leads to the breakdown organic matter), as a result of which bubbles will rise in a continuous flow from bottom to top.
11. Lay gauze in four, and preferably in six layers, and strain kvass through it.
12. Pour strained kvass into bottles and put in the refrigerator to cool.
The price of kvass products from malt is 35 rubles / 1 liter (data for Moscow as of June 2017).

Making kvass at home seems difficult only at first glance. In fact, once you have prepared the sourdough, you can use it many, many times, delighting your family with a delicious and healthy soft drink all summer long.

Kvass: a long history

Kvass is the most Russian and, perhaps, the most ancient of all Slavic drinks. It is known that he appeared long before the formation of Kievan Rus. Later, kvass was part of the regular diet in the army, navy and hospitals. Everyone drank it - from aristocrats to the poor. However, sometimes they ate: this drink both then and now served as an excellent basis for many dishes (, botvini), and thanks to its useful properties he saved people from hunger in times of war and hardship.

It's hard to believe, but until the 12th century in Russia, kvass was not considered such an innocent drink as it is today: in terms of strength and density, it was much stronger than the traditional one. The degree of kvass decreased only "thanks" to the appearance of vodka, at the same time the quality of the drink increased: now the fortress was not the main thing in kvass, and people began to care more and more taste qualities this summer drink.

Kvass is obtained through incomplete alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation. The drink can be bread or fruit and berry. The first one is done like this: breadcrumbs are soaked overnight, then they add flour, shiver and leave for another night, then filter and add raisins, honey, mint, ginger and other flavors. The finished drink is cooled and drunk. Fruit and berry kvass is obtained on the basis of juices, fruit drinks or compotes, as well as fresh or dried berries and fruits.

Benefits with taste

Kvass is rich in vitamins, essential amino acids and trace elements, it contains vitamins B and E, which ensure the normal functioning of the body. dairy and acetic acid help quench thirst, carbon dioxide promotes digestion. Since kvass, like kvass, is a fermentation product, this drink is good for the gastrointestinal tract. Interesting fact: typhoid and paratyphoid microorganisms die in the kvass medium. So it's also a disinfectant.

However, besides the benefits, kvass also has contraindications: it should not be drunk with cirrhosis of the liver, gastritis and hypertension. It should also be borne in mind that yeast kvass contains alcohol (from 0.7% vol. to 1.2% vol.), so the drink is not indicated for children and - in the light of the new legislation - for drivers. By the way, according to the classification of the Beer Judge Certification Program, kvass is considered a type of beer and falls under the category “Historical, traditional, local beer”.

Of course, all these kvass praises are relevant primarily for live homemade kvass. Unfortunately, recently many have forgotten how to cook it, or rather, have lost the habit of cooking it, but everyone can make kvass.

Subtleties of cooking

1. It is better to make kvass from ready-made dry kvass, and not to cook dry kvass yourself.

2. The ideal proportions of the ratio of water, sugar and sourdough are different for everyone. Try and find!

3. A variety of fruits, berries, dried fruits, spices, aromatic herbs, including mint and even rhubarb, can be added to kvass. But the most popular kvass is with raisins.

5. You can use any yeast, including dry.

6. If you want the kvass to be slightly carbonated, add sugar to it before putting the finished kvass to cool (1 teaspoon per liter of kvass).

7. If you want to make kvass sweeter, add honey (1 teaspoon per liter of kvass).

8. Black bread gives kvass a bitter taste.

9. Kvass can be poured with filtered, clean or cooled boiled water. You can even spring, if you have one at your disposal. And you can also replace the water with birch sap!

10. Kvass must be insisted on the sun for at least a day. Do not close the fermenting kvass with a tight lid - it will explode.

11. In no case should you throw away the leaven left after straining the finished drink: on its basis it will be possible to make new kvass again and again.

kvass recipes

There are a lot of kvass recipes. Almost every family has its own author's book. They differ not only in proportions, but also in ingredients: pear, apple, rhubarb, with malt and others. There are even medicinal kvass, for example, beet kvass from pressure or lemon - tonic. If you are making kvass for the first time, then it is best to take a ready-made sourdough from an experienced sourdough maker. But if there is no such valuable acquaintance in your environment, then let's try to start from scratch.


Ingredients: 3 tablespoons of dry kvass, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 10 g of yeast, rye or wheat bread, a few raisins, 100 ml of water.


1. Mix everything.

2. Pour in water to make a thick mass, resembling pancake dough in consistency.

3. Insist in a warm place for about 3 days to ferment.

Classic kvass

Ingredients: 250 g of sourdough, 2 tablespoons of dry kvass, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 2 liters of water.


1. Pour the starter into a jar, put sugar and dry kvass, pour water.

Kvass is a popular and very healthy soft drink. In particular, this applies to a drink prepared independently from homemade sourdough. From this article we will learn what subtleties should be paid attention to when preparing kvass at home, in particular, we will figure out how to determine the readiness of homemade intoxicating drink.

Kvass: centuries-old history and benefits

Perhaps kvass is the most ancient drink Eastern Slavs. Historical sources indicate that the drink appeared long before Kievan Rus. Later, kvass became mandatory in the diet of the army and navy, was used as healing drink in hospitals and infirmaries for the recovery of debilitated patients. In difficult times, kvass helped to support vitality during hunger and deprivation.

As in the old days, kvass is not only drunk, but also used as a dressing for okroshka, botvinia, cold summer soups. In addition, meat and fish are marinated in it. Few people know about it.

In ancient times, kvass was truly intoxicating, its strength reached a higher rate than that of modern beer. The degree dropped only during the period when vodka appeared.

A balanced composition: vitamins, organic acids, essential trace elements - all this allows us to talk about the unconditional benefits of kvass. Of course, we are talking here about a drink prepared on the basis of the process natural fermentation. Majority shop products- this is nothing more than an artificial kvass drink, which is prepared with the help of dyes, sweeteners and gassing. Beneficial kvass bacteria kill pathogens in the intestinal microflora. Therefore, it is definitely worth preparing kvass at home using any of the recipes you like. We will talk further about how much it should be prepared and how to determine whether kvass is ready.

How to determine the readiness of homemade kvass

The activation of the fermentation process is accompanied by the release of bubbles and a kind of "game" of crackers. They either go up or go down to the bottom. This continues as long as the yeast works. Therefore, as soon as the crackers remain at the bottom and no longer rise, the kvass is ready. The same rules apply to the preparation of sourdough. Ready sourdough does not bubble, and the bread lies at the bottom of the container.

Another way to determine the readiness of homemade kvass is to taste it. If the taste of the drink seems not sharp and rich enough, let it stand a little more in a warm place. In the case when kvass is sour according to your taste sensations, the situation is easily corrected by adding additional sugar.

If kvass is prepared for okroshka or any other cold soup, it should be slightly sour and sharp.

In order for kvass to be more carbonated, a few raisins are already added to the finished drink immediately before cooling. In this case, thanks to raisins, fermentation will continue even in the refrigerator, saturated with gases.

A white foam forms on the surface of the finished kvass, which is especially pronounced along the edges of the neck of the jar with kvass wort.

Kvass prepared on the basis of malt will ferment for at least a day. How long the drink will be infused depends on the accompanying ingredients and on the temperature at which the kvass wort is kept.

Bread or cracker kvass will be infused from 12 hours. Usually the period is no more than a day.

Herbal kvass also has a short period of infusion, some of its variants only need to stand for 3 hours.

If there is not enough time and you don’t want to mess with the sourdough, then you can cook using citric acid and dry yeast on coffee or coffee barley drink. It will reach readiness in 2-3 hours. It turns out very quickly and tasty.

Kvass based on vegetables is infused for two or three days. So much for full readiness will be required berry and fruit options boozy drink.

There are kvass recipes that take 2-3 weeks to prepare. These drinks include honey kvass fermented with hops.

The ideal place for fermenting kvass is a well-lit kitchen window sill near the radiator. Heat and sunlight allow yeast and lactic acid bacteria to work actively.

Do not overexpose kvass in a warm place. A fermented drink is already an ordinary brew that is not suitable for drinking.

Subtleties of cooking

Cook homemade kvass with pleasure, please your family. The main thing to remember is that with some chronic diseases, it is forbidden to drink kvass. Therefore, if you have health problems, before enjoying a homemade drink, consult your doctor.

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Preparing a drink is quite simple, it just takes patience. So, if the decision is made, but you don’t know how to make it, our recipe for making homemade kvass will tell you.

To make delicious, homemade kvass in a simple way, take the following ingredients:

Water - 5 l

1 incomplete jar (0.7l) of sugar

15 g citric acid

2 small lemons

10 g activated yeast.

Note that you can increase the amount of water, respectively, proportionally increasing the amount of other ingredients. In this composition, homemade kvass will turn out not sweet.

Step-by-step recipe for making homemade kvass

First, boil water. Then add sugar and stir until completely dissolved. Leave the syrup to cool.

When it cools down a bit, add citric acid.

Then take some sugar, sprinkle it on a hot dry frying pan and let it "melt".

Carefully! Do not stir it, otherwise hard lumps will form.

Roast until dark brown. Take a large glass of syrup and carefully, in a thin stream, pour into the pan. Gently stir the resulting mixture until the caramel is completely dissolved.

Now pour this dark liquid into a saucepan. If it seems to you that the color turned out to be very dark, do not worry, after fermentation, the shade will become 2-3 tones lighter.

The syrup should cool down to 40-500. When it reaches the desired temperature, crumble the yeast into the pan. You can check the temperature with a clean hand: if you hold it a little in water and not hot, you can act. Now it's time to wait. Cover (whether with a lid or gauze) and keep in a warm place.

On the second day, cut the lemons into large slices, squeeze their juice into the liquid from the pan and cover again.

You will have to wait 3-4 days until it is ready. You can find out that homemade kvass is ready by several signs:

The color is much lighter

If you listen, you can't hear the quiet sound of fermentation,

The drink became transparent.

You can add sugar if the finished homemade kvass is not sweet enough for you. You need to do this as follows: dissolve sugar in minimum quantity boiling water, then add it to kvass. After that, leave for a while, you can already in the refrigerator, so that the sediment settles. That's all! It also helps a lot in the heat.