Frozen fresh yeast. Professional baker's advice

Yeast is an essential ingredient for making delicious baked goods and homemade drinks. It's no secret that this is a rather capricious product. In this article, we will talk about how to properly store yeast at home.


How to store pressed yeast

Fresh pressed yeast is one of the most common types of baker's yeast. A high-quality product has a delicate creamy color, a slightly sour smell, crumbles easily when pressed and does not stick to hands. As a rule, such yeast is sold packaged in portioned sticks. The first question that arises when buying: where to store yeast?


It is recommended to store pressed yeast at room temperature for no more than a day. To slightly increase this period, you can sprinkle the yeast with flour or salt - then the product will retain its properties for about 3-4 days.

You can extend the freshness of yeast up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator. Pressed yeast is stored at a temperature of 0 to +4 ℃. Parchment or foil can be used as packaging, since the yeast needs air access.

Do not use polyethylene to store yeast - the yeast fungus "suffocates" without oxygen.

Can compressed yeast be stored in the freezer? There is an opinion that at low temperatures the yeast fungus dies, but this is not true. It suspends the processes of vital activity, falling into the so-called anabiosis. After defrosting, all the properties of the yeast remain the same.

You need to store the yeast, having previously divided it into portioned pieces of the desired size. Pieces are wrapped in foil or parchment and placed in the freezer. Defrost the product in the refrigerator. Yeast cannot be re-frozen. Shelf life - from 6 to 12 months, depending on the quality of the original product.


Another method of storing yeast is drying. The bar of yeast is finely chopped and mixed with a small amount of flour. Then pour the crumbs on a baking sheet covered with paper and dry at room temperature. Yeast needs to provide good air ventilation and stir them periodically. The dry workpiece is transferred to jars, covered with a cloth and tied with an elastic band (fungi must breathe). You can store such yeast in a dark, cool place for several months.

How to store dry yeast

The method and shelf life of dry yeast directly depend on the amount of moisture in their composition. There are several varieties of dry yeast. Let's consider each type in more detail.

Dry (instant) yeast of instant action. Such a product is made in the form of cylindrical granules that do not require pre-activation and are immediately added to the flour. The moisture content of the product is only 3.5-5%. Yeast made this way is the easiest to store and has the longest shelf life of any variety. In a dark, dry place, instant yeast can be stored for 2 years. After opening the package, fast-acting yeast will retain its properties for 2 days. To prolong the shelf life of yeast, they can be poured into a dry glass jar with a lid and put in the refrigerator - they will lie for about 2 weeks.

Yeast tends to absorb foreign odors, so you should not store it near strong-smelling foods.


This product is made in powder form and has a moisture content of 6-9%. Yeast should be stored in a dark, dry place. The shelf life of a sealed package is 6 months (for some manufacturers it can be from 6 to 18 months). After opening, the yeast retains its properties for 1 month if stored in a refrigerator in a closed jar (however, experience shows that the yeast will be most active in the first 2 weeks).


To extend the shelf life of yeast after opening the package, it can be frozen. The product is packaged in small sealed bags or containers and placed in the freezer. Yeast should be consumed within 6 months.

Ready (activated) yeast should be used for its intended purpose within 4 hours.

The product has the shortest shelf life, as it contains about 40% moisture. Granulated yeast should be stored in the refrigerator for 1-1.5 months, and after opening the package, it is recommended to use it immediately for its intended purpose.


How to store other types of yeast

The household uses not only baker's yeast: live, beer, wine and alcohol yeast are used as medicinal purposes and for the preparation of various drinks. Each variety requires compliance with certain storage conditions. Let's consider them in more detail.

Liquid yeast. This type of yeast must be stored in the refrigerator. A jar of yeast is covered with a cloth or gauze and stored for up to 1 month without "feeding". To increase the shelf life and as a “complementary food”, 1-2 teaspoons of sugar or honey are dissolved in yeast. Using this method, liquid yeast can be stored for quite a long time.

Brewer's yeast is stored in a refrigerator in a glass container, diluted with cold unboiled water in a ratio of 1:1. Water must be drained periodically (every 1-2 days), allowing the fungus to “breathe”, and then fill it with water again. It is best to use yeast within a month as it loses its effectiveness over time. At room temperature, brewer's yeast spoils in a matter of hours.

Dry brewer's yeast is also on sale. This type of product is stored in the refrigerator for about 2 years.

Brewer's yeast, unlike other varieties, is not recommended to be frozen - low temperatures are detrimental to them.

Wine yeast. Such a product has a moisture content of 6%. Yeast can be stored up to 2 years in a dry, dark place at a temperature not higher than +15 ℃.

Alcohol yeast. The most common dry alcohol yeast. This type of product has a moisture content of 7% and is sold in vacuum packaging. In a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding +15 ℃, alcohol yeast can be stored for up to 2 years (although some manufacturers indicate a shelf life of up to 5 years).

We hope that our advice will be useful to you. What methods of storing yeast do you follow? Share your experience and secrets in the comments.

Text: Anastasia Doroshenko

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Many people love homemade bread. But she succeeds only when the hostess uses fresh yeast to prepare the dough, which is responsible for the tenderness and airiness of the muffin. Therefore, their storage conditions are very important. For example, you need to know how long and how to store yeast in the refrigerator, is it possible to do this at all, or is it better to choose another method.

You will learn about all this by reading this article.

Conditions for fresh yeast

I wonder what pressed yeast is made of? In fact, this is a mass consisting of living microorganisms - a special variety of unicellular fungi.

In the course of their life, they emit carbon dioxide, which makes the dough airy, “raises” it. But only if they are really alive. And their lifespan depends on storage conditions.

Fresh yeast is easily recognizable by its pleasant sour smell and delicate creamy tint.. If you press a piece with your finger, it should not flatten, but crumble.

Those housewives who rarely bake prefer to buy small packages of pressed yeast of 50 or 100 grams. But even they are not always possible to use immediately. Not to mention packs of 1 kg, which are bought from savings - the price is lower than for several small packs.

Method 1. Storage in the refrigerator

At room temperature, such yeast remains viable for no more than 24 hours. If you are in the country without a refrigerator, you can extend their life by covering them with flour. In such a "fur coat" they will last another 2-3 days.

If you have a refrigerator, there will be no problem where to store the yeast. In it, they will lie perfectly for two weeks, subject to the following conditions:

  • Temperature from 0 to +5 degrees;
  • Oxygen access necessary for the respiration of microorganisms. Therefore, they do not need to be sealed.

Method 2: Freezer Storage

Many people ask, is it possible to freeze pressed yeast? Will fungi die from low temperatures? Yes, you can. Under such conditions, they fall into suspended animation, in other words, into hibernation. And when defrosted, they restore their properties again.

Freeze them correctly like this:

Image Process description
Step 1

Divide a large piece into several portions. This is not only for your convenience.

The fact is that you can freeze the product only once, and it is impossible to cut off a small piece from a large piece without defrosting.

Step 2

Wrap each serving in parchment or plastic wrap and place in the freezer. It is advisable to sign the date.

Answering the question whether it is possible to store yeast in the freezer, I did not mention that the period of such storage should not exceed 1 year. In order not to miss it, a date is needed.

Frozen pieces should be kept at room temperature until soft before use. After that, it is desirable to make sure that they "work". For this you need:

  • Dilute a little product with warm water;
  • Add a little flour and sugar to the liquid;
  • Let stand warm for 10-15 minutes. If a growing cap of foam begins to appear on the surface - everything is in order, you can start the dough.

Method 3. Dry storage

The product can be dried by hand. In this form, they will be stored without a refrigerator for about 6 months.

Image Instruction
Step 1

Crumble the briquette into fine crumbs and mix in a bowl with a little flour.

Step 2

Pour the crumbs over a baking sheet lined with paper and leave to dry at room temperature. Stir periodically and ensure good ventilation in the room.

Step 3

Transfer the dry blank to a glass jar, and close it with a piece of cloth, tying the neck with a string. Fungi need to breathe.

Conditions for dry yeast

Fresh pressed yeast is a rather capricious product. Therefore, dry analogues are often preferred to them, considering that they are less demanding on storage conditions.

However, the shelf life of dry yeast is also not unlimited and depends on its type and whether the package has been opened:

  • Fast acting yeast granules contain about 40% moisture in their composition and are not stored for longer than 6 weeks. After opening, it is advisable to use them immediately.

  • Dry active yeast in the form of a powder, moisture contains less - up to 9%. Their shelf life at room temperature is already 6 months. When stored in a dry and protected from light place. And if you have already opened the package, this period is reduced to 1 month, and in the refrigerator. If it does not suit you, pack the powder into sachets, seal tightly and put in the freezer.

  • Instant Instant Yeast contain very little moisture - only 3.5-4%. Therefore, they are stored up to about two years. But only in original sealed packaging. After opening it, you can count on their germination for only two days.

What to do and how to store dry yeast at home if you have not used it all up? Pour into a dry glass jar with a hermetically sealed lid and place it in the refrigerator. You have two weeks left.


Surely after reading this note and watching the video in this article, you will have no questions about the rules for storing yeast of any kind. Still, the best solution is to buy as much product as you can use up in a short time.

When buying a large package of yeast, you need to know how to store it.

Many people love homemade bread. But she succeeds only when the hostess uses fresh yeast to prepare the dough, which is responsible for the tenderness and airiness of the muffin. Therefore, their storage conditions are very important. For example, you need to know how long and how to store yeast in the refrigerator, is it possible to do this at all, or is it better to choose another method.

You will learn about all this by reading this article.

Conditions for fresh yeast

I wonder what pressed yeast is made of? In fact, this is a mass consisting of living microorganisms - a special variety of unicellular fungi.

In the course of their life, they emit carbon dioxide, which makes the dough airy, “raises” it. But only if they are really alive. And their lifespan depends on storage conditions.

Fresh yeast is easily recognizable by its pleasant sour smell and delicate creamy tint.. If you press a piece with your finger, it should not flatten, but crumble.

Fresh pressed yeast should be fluffy and creamy

Those housewives who rarely bake prefer to buy small packages of pressed yeast of 50 or 100 grams. But even they are not always possible to use immediately. Not to mention packs of 1 kg, which are bought from savings - the price is lower than for several small packs.

Method 1. Storage in the refrigerator

At room temperature, such yeast remains viable for no more than 24 hours. If you are in the country without a refrigerator, you can extend their life by covering them with flour. In such a "fur coat" they will last another 2-3 days.

Flour a fresh product and it will be usable for 2-3 days

If you have a refrigerator, there will be no problem where to store the yeast. In it, they will lie perfectly for two weeks, subject to the following conditions:

  • Temperature from 0 to +5 degrees;
  • Oxygen access necessary for the respiration of microorganisms. Therefore, they do not need to be sealed.

Paper is the best packaging, it is breathable

Method 2: Freezer Storage

Many people ask, is it possible to freeze pressed yeast? Will fungi die from low temperatures? Yes, you can. Under such conditions, they fall into suspended animation, in other words, into hibernation. And when defrosted, they restore their properties again.

Freeze them correctly like this:

Image Process description
Step 1

Divide a large piece into several portions. This is not only for your convenience.

The fact is that you can freeze the product only once, and it is impossible to cut off a small piece from a large piece without defrosting.

Step 2

Wrap each serving in parchment or plastic wrap and place in the freezer. It is advisable to sign the date.

Answering the question whether it is possible to store yeast in the freezer, I did not mention that the period of such storage should not exceed 1 year. In order not to miss it, a date is needed.

Frozen pieces should be kept at room temperature until soft before use. After that, it is desirable to make sure that they "work". For this you need:

  • Dilute a little product with warm water;
  • Add a little flour and sugar to the liquid;
  • Let stand warm for 10-15 minutes. If a growing cap of foam begins to appear on the surface - everything is in order, you can start the dough.

Method 3. Dry storage

The product can be dried by hand. In this form, they will be stored without a refrigerator for about 6 months.

Image Instruction
Step 1

Crumble the briquette into fine crumbs and mix in a bowl with a little flour.

Step 2

Pour the crumbs over a baking sheet lined with paper and leave to dry at room temperature. Stir periodically and ensure good ventilation in the room.

Step 3

Transfer the dry blank to a glass jar, and close it with a piece of cloth, tying the neck with a string. Fungi need to breathe.

Conditions for dry yeast

Fresh pressed yeast is a rather capricious product. Therefore, dry analogues are often preferred to them, considering that they are less demanding on storage conditions.

However, the shelf life of dry yeast is also not unlimited and depends on its type and whether the package has been opened:

  • Fast acting yeast granules contain about 40% moisture in their composition and are not stored for longer than 6 weeks. After opening, it is advisable to use them immediately.

Granular product has a short shelf life

  • Dry active yeast in the form of a powder, moisture contains less - up to 9%. Their shelf life at room temperature is already 6 months. When stored in a dry and protected from light place. And if you have already opened the package, this period is reduced to 1 month, and in the refrigerator. If it does not suit you, pack the powder into sachets, seal tightly and put in the freezer.

Active yeast in a closed package is stored for six months

  • Instant Instant Yeast contain very little moisture - only 3.5-4%. Therefore, they are stored up to about two years. But only in original sealed packaging. After opening it, you can count on their germination for only two days.

Long shelf life instant yeast Pakmaya

What to do and how to store dry yeast at home if you have not used it all up? Pour into a dry glass jar with a hermetically sealed lid and place it in the refrigerator. You have two weeks left.

In a sealed container and at low temperature, a modern instant product will not lose its properties for 2-3 weeks


Surely after reading this note and watching the video in this article, you will have no questions about the rules for storing yeast of any kind. Still, the best solution is to buy as much product as you can use up in a short time.

Have you ever had occasions when the dough for baking did not want to rise when kneading? It seems that they correctly calculated the amount of yeast, and put the rest of the ingredients according to the recipe, but there is no necessary splendor. And there is only one reason for this - improper storage of yeast. Let's figure out where and how to store yeast in order to use it for as long as possible without compromising the quality of baking.

Basic Rules

When storing yeast, there are three main factors to consider: air humidity, good ventilation, and shelf life. When choosing a place where they will lie, make sure that the humidity is at least 98%. There is nothing in their composition that could prevent the evaporation of water. Therefore, with insufficient moisture, yeast can lose up to 10% of the mass. The shelf life of each type is individual and is indicated on the packaging. The choice of location also depends on the type of yeast.

Fresh pressed yeast

Most often, fresh or pressed yeast is used in cooking. On store shelves, they are sold packaged in briquettes of 50 and 100 g. You can store pressed yeast in the refrigerator, freezer or at room temperature.

At room temperature

If you chose the latter option for yourself, then keep in mind that it is acceptable for a maximum of 1-2 days. A little trick will help extend the shelf life of the product at room conditions up to 4 days. Sprinkle the briquette with salt or flour and put it in a dark and cool place. But it is better to use the traditional storage method and put live yeast in the refrigerator. At temperatures from 0 to +4 ° C and free access to oxygen, they will perfectly remain for about 12 days.

Before using yeast that has been stored in the refrigerator, you need to check it for germination.


But what if you didn’t use the whole briquette, and the next baking is not coming soon? In this case, you can freeze the leftovers or dry them. If you are worried that fungi will die at low temperatures, then this is not so. They will only fall into suspended animation, but at the same time they will retain all the properties. Before freezing, be sure to divide the briquette into portions. Wrap each in foil, parchment, or cling film. It is advisable to sign the packaging and indicate the date of laying in the freezer. Store frozen blanks for 1-2 years at -18 ... -24 °C.

Keep in mind that before using yeast that has been stored in the refrigerator, you need to test it for germination. Heat a glass of milk or water to +30 ° C, add 1 tsp to it. sugar and 1 tbsp. flour. Cut off the top darkened layer from the briquette and dissolve in the prepared mixture. Let stand 10-15 minutes. The appearance of foam will indicate that the fungi are alive.


You can dry live yeast as follows. Crumble them thoroughly with your fingers and grind with flour. Roll into small balls or simply lay out on paper and leave at room temperature. Store in a glass container covered with a cloth for up to 6 months. Never close the container with a lid.

Dry yeast

To store dry yeast, you need to choose the right place. It should be dry, dark, with an air temperature of +10 to +15 °C. The shelf life will depend on how much moisture the product contains. Granular yeast has the shortest shelf life. It is advisable to use them within 6 weeks. Dry active yeast retains its properties for about six months. In addition, they are not at all demanding on temperature conditions. However, after opening the package, they must be used up within 1 month.

Fast acting yeast has the longest shelf life. Even after 2 years, they show excellent germination and give pastries the necessary splendor. Keep in mind that after opening, such yeast should be used immediately, since when interacting with oxygen, they lose their activity after 2 days.

Large stocks of dry yeast can be stored in the freezer. Beforehand, be sure to divide them into portions and put them in sealed packages. If you store the stock as a whole, then each time it is taken out of the freezer, condensation will form, which will lead to spoilage of the product.

Brewer's yeast

Recently, many breweries have begun to release brewer's yeast for free sale. When purchasing them, keep in mind that depending on the environmental conditions, they can increase significantly in volume. Therefore, make sure that the container is 2 times larger. You need to keep such yeast in the refrigerator, but in no case in the freezer. Beer sourdough will keep well for up to 4 months at temperatures from +4 to +7 °C.

Other types

Some housewives prefer to use liquid yeast for baking. They are usually poured into glass jars covered with cloth and taken to the refrigerator. Without top dressing, sourdough can last up to 1 month. Then 1 tsp should be added to it. sugar or honey and only then use in cooking.

4.67 out of 5 (6 Votes)

Has it ever happened to you that it seems that enough yeast was added to the dough, but it does not rise? I periodically had such a situation when I baked muffins in a bread machine: I add dry yeast, and the baking turns out to be completely lush. Then I realized why this was happening - a dry product also has its own expiration date, and in the open form it should be used as quickly as possible. But now I am already taught by experience, and I know almost everything about storing yeast.

People began to use this product in ancient Egypt, but they found out what it consists of only in the 19th century. As it turned out, this is nothing but fungi that emit carbon dioxide in the course of their life. It is the gas bubbles that lift the dough, making the muffin soft and airy.

There are many types of yeast fungus, from causing various diseases to those that people have "tamed" and use for their own purposes. In cooking, the following types are most often used:

  • bakery
  • Wine or champagne
  • Alcoholic

Baker's yeast, in turn, are divided into:

  • Fresh (pressed)
  • Dry granular
  • Dry active
  • Fast acting (instant)
  • Liquid, which include homemade homemade starter cultures

Storing fresh baker's yeast

Fresh pressed yeast is the most common type of this product. They are most often sold in briquettes of 50 and 100 grams and when baking they give the maximum germination of the dough. A high-quality fresh product should crumble when pressed, have a delicate creamy hue and a pleasant sour smell.

It is recommended to store live pressed yeast at room temperature for no more than a day. At home, their shelf life can be extended by sprinkling with flour or salt. In this case, the product is stored for about 3-4 days. However, to extend the shelf life, it is better to use the more traditional method by placing it in the refrigerator. At temperatures from 0 to +4 ºС, open fresh yeast will be able to retain its properties for 12 days. At the same time, the packaging must necessarily pass air, because living microorganisms need oxygen to breathe.

But what to do if you didn’t use all the live yeast, and you are going to bake the next batch of pies very soon? In this case, the product is best stored in the freezer. Do not be afraid, at low temperatures, the fungi will not die, but will only fall into suspended animation. After defrosting, they will retain all their properties, although it will be quite useful to check them for germination.

Attention! Before using yeast, especially those that have been stored in the refrigerator or freezer for some time, it is imperative to check them for germination. To do this, cut off the top darkened layer and dilute them in half a glass of warm water or milk. Add a teaspoon of sugar, a tablespoon of flour to the liquid and let it stand for about 15 minutes. If foam appears on the surface, then your fungi are alive. If the product is not pre-checked, you risk spoiling the dough without waiting for it to rise.

How to freeze fresh yeast correctly? For convenience, divide them into portioned pieces of 30-50 grams, wrap each in foil, parchment or a plastic bag and place in the freezer. You can store such blanks for a year or even more. To defrost the product, transfer a piece from the freezer to the refrigerator. When it is completely melted, you can start kneading the dough. By the way, you can not freeze this product again!

Another way to preserve pressed fresh yeast is to dry it at home. To do this, grind them with your fingers into small crumbs, adding a little flour. After that, the blanks are poured onto a baking sheet and dried at room temperature. Be sure to provide good ventilation, because during the drying process a not very pleasant smell may appear. After the blanks are completely dry, they are poured into a cloth bag or a glass jar covered with a piece of cloth and stored for no more than six months. And do not forget to check them for germination before use!

Storage of dry and liquid yeast

The shelf life of dry yeast depends on how much moisture is contained in its composition. The least stored dry granular product, from which about 60% of water is extracted during the drying process: it is better not to keep it in the refrigerator for more than 6 weeks.

Dry active yeast contains 6-9% moisture and has a shelf life of about six months if stored in a dry, dark place. The temperature can be any, even room temperature. But after opening the package, you need to use the product within a month. If you purchased a package that is too large, you can freeze part of it by packing it in small sealed containers.

Fast-acting or instant yeast is stored the longest, the moisture content of which is 3.5-5.5%. This product, unlike all the previous ones, does not require pre-activation in warm water, i.e. it can be poured into the dough directly from the bag. The shelf life of instant yeast is up to two years, however, after opening the package, the fungi remain active for no more than two days. If you don't plan to use the remaining powder as quickly, put it in a glass jar, close the lid tightly, and refrigerate.

As for liquid yeast, they can be stored for quite a long time, subject to periodic feeding. A jar of sourdough, covered with a cloth or gauze, is kept in the refrigerator for up to a month without top dressing. After that, it is necessary to dissolve 1-2 teaspoons of sugar or honey in it, and the starter can again be used for baking.

Storage of other types of yeast

Modern industry makes extensive use of yeast for the production of alcohol. If you are engaged in such a craft, do not forget that the product added to drinks requires special storage conditions.

  • Brewer's yeast is a semi-liquid, light gray or brown mixture that resembles yogurt in consistency. It is necessary to store this product in a glass container, diluting brewer's yeast with cold unboiled water in a ratio of 1:1. Periodically, the water must be drained, and the fungi should be allowed to “breathe”, and then again filled with water. Brewer's yeast must be kept in the refrigerator, as it spoils very quickly at room temperature. It is best to use them within a month, although they can be stored for up to a year, but with each month the effectiveness of the product will decrease. Brewer's yeast can also be dry: in the refrigerator, such a product can be stored for up to two years.
  • Wine yeast is used in the production of wine and champagne, which gives drinks a special taste and aroma. As a rule, this product has a moisture content of about 6%, and it can be stored for up to two years in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 15 ºС.
  • Alcoholic dry yeast is used to make mash from sugar. The humidity of this product is no more than 7%, and therefore, in vacuum packaging, it can be stored in a dry room at a temperature not exceeding 15 ºС for up to two years, although some manufacturers put a five-year shelf life on the packaging.

Your brownie.