How to make your own kvass. Beet kvass - a simple recipe

Kvass is not only the most famous and beloved drink of many Slavic peoples.

In the past, it knew no class restrictions and was used with equal pleasure by both the nobility and the common people.

About the benefits of an ancient drink

A lot has been written about the benefits of this drink; it’s not for nothing that our ancestors respected it so much, and even nowadays good kvass, especially homemade, appreciated.

  • It contains lactic acids, live yeast, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and other substances needed by our body;
  • Vitamin C contained in kvass is important for improving performance;
  • This ancient drink provides beneficial influence on the functioning of the digestive system and helps to absorb fatty foods;
  • The high yeast content in kvass gives it antibacterial properties;
  • In ancient times they were sure that it was capable of increasing male potency;
  • Kvass has a good effect on the nervous system, as it contains vitamin B;
  • This drink helps with hangovers and reduces cravings for alcohol due to its refreshing and sour taste and a low alcohol content (about 1%);
  • The calorie content of 100 grams of kvass is only 27 calories. This allows you to use it for weight loss.

However, in some cases it is not worth drinking this drink. For example, children and women expecting a child, as well as those who have increased acidity. Kidney diseases are also a contraindication for excessive consumption of kvass.

Let's look into history

The history of kvass in Rus' goes back more than a thousand years. Cook barley and fruit drinks Even the ancient Romans knew how to use the sourdough method, but only the Slavic peoples learned to make kvass from malt and rye flour.

This fact is largely due to the fact that only the Slavs cultivated rye, which was considered a weed among more southern peoples.

Two centuries ago in Russia there were more than 150 types of kvass, and even now every housewife who makes it at home has more than one of her own, unique recipe. But the basis of this drink and the technology for its preparation are the same in all cases.

What and how can you make kvass at home?

This ancient drink is very simple in composition, because its preparation can be done with only three ingredients:

  • Bread made from rye flour;
  • Water;
  • Sugar or honey.

The fermentation process of the drink occurs due to the yeast contained in the grain. Moreover, there are more of them in sprouted grains, so in the past, to make kvass, they used malt - previously sprouted, and then dried and roasted grains of barley or rye.

But now they make do with just rye bread. And the technological chain has not changed for hundreds of years and consists of four main stages:

  1. Preparation of sourdough, which is obtained after fermentation of malt or rye bread;
  2. The process of fermentation of sourdough diluted with water. Sugar and rye crackers are also added to the sourdough;
  3. Filtration;
  4. Fermentation (standing) of the drink.

Although now they make kvass without starter, but for the real thing, classic recipe she is needed.

Without it, you won’t get a good, sharp, foaming drink.

True, you only have to prepare the starter once.

In the future, you can use the one that remains after the first portion of the drink.

For yeast-free sourdough you will need:

  • 200–300 grams of rye bread;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 100 grams of sugar.

Dry in the oven rye crackers until brown. Pour warm boiled water into glass, ceramic or enamel dishes and add sugar.

Then cover with gauze, since carbon dioxide released during fermentation will accumulate under the lid. For the starter to be successful, the container with it must be kept warm for 2-3 days.

Its readiness can be determined by air bubbles accumulating on the surface. A whitish, cloudy film may also form on top. Don't worry, it's not mold, it's yeast, you don't need to remove it.

More delicious kvass obtained from birch sap. You can learn about this drink and how to prepare it right now! Once you make it, you will always come back to these recipes.

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Do you know what is the secret of French women’s excellent figure parameters? Onion soup- this is the dish that prevents them from gaining weight. We have prepared recipes and other useful information about it dietary dish Dedicated to everyone who wants to lose weight!

Malt wort

To make kvass according to traditional recipe, you will need a malt starter. To do this you need:

  • Soak and then germinate barley or wheat grains;
  • To make malt, for which the sprouted grain must be dried and roasted in the oven, and then crushed;
  • Mix malt and sugar with water - you should get a mixture similar in thickness to sour cream;
  • After 2-3 days in a warm place, the wort will be ready.

Wort not only makes it easier to prepare kvass, but also gives it a special aroma and taste. This drink has a darker, brown color, in contrast to the light (white) bread color.

Delicious kvass: step-by-step cooking recipes


There are many different recipes this drink. Therefore, there is no exact recipe, verified down to the gram.

Each housewife has her own, different from others. Yes and at home bread kvass often done “by eye”.

For a five-liter pan you need:

  • 0.5 liters of starter;
  • 200–300 grams of dried or fried rye bread;
  • Half a glass of granulated sugar.


Of course, you can drink kvass immediately after spilling. But after standing in the cold in a closed container, the drink acquires sharpness and the effect of tongue-tingling bubbles.

And the remaining starter can be filled with water again, add bread and make another portion.

In the old days, kvass prepared according to this recipe was called “white” because of its light yellow, cloudy color. It differs from the one that is prepared on barley malt and has a darker, amber-brown color.

Let's watch the video and you will clearly understand how to make bread kvass yourself:

Yeast (alcoholic)

Any kvass contains 3–4% alcohol, because it is a fermentation product. But the strength of the drink can be increased; in the old days they knew how to prepare drunken kvass, which was often stronger than beer.

Cooking process alcoholic kvass no different from regular bread. But there are differences in composition.

  1. It contains yeast. For 5 liters of water, 5 grams of dry yeast is enough;
  2. You need more sugar - 2-3 glasses. Moreover, the strength of the drink will depend on its quantity. But here you need to not overdo it. If there is too much sugar, the water will turn into syrup and will not ferment at all.

It should be remembered that the strength of such a drink will never be higher than 11–12 degrees.

That's all! Kvass is ready!

You can take a little break and watch a video recipe for a drunken drink:


This is a special drink. It differs from bread bread in that it can be made without sourdough and even without bread, using only beets and water.

It's also easy to prepare:

  1. Cut large beets, preferably dark burgundy in color, into slices;
  2. Fill a three-liter jar with chopped beets halfway and pour into it boiled water;
  3. You can add just a little sugar (100 grams), but this is not necessary;
  4. Leave for 5-6 days at room temperature.

That's it, beet kvass is ready at home, you can drink it, delicious and very healthy drink.

Another special feature of beet kvass is that as you consume it, you can add water to the jar until the drink completely loses its taste.

Sometimes, along with beets, a piece of dried rye bread is added to it. This speeds up the fermentation process and gives the beetroot drink a more familiar “leavened” taste.

You can watch 2 more versions of beet kvass in the video:


Like other varieties of kvass, this drink is easy to prepare.

For three liters of water you will need:

  • An incomplete half-liter jar of oats;
  • 100 grams of sugar.

Boil water, cool slightly and pour oats in a saucepan or three liter jar, add sugar and place the container in a dark place at room temperature for 3-4 days.

The first portion should be poured out, it is tasteless, and the swollen oats should be poured again and the same amount of sugar should be added. After 4–5 days, oat kvass prepared at home can be drunk. It should be remembered that the strength and acidity of the drink depends on the fermentation time, so kvass that has stood for a week will be more sour and stronger.

For information on how to make oat kvass at home on your own, see below:

Let's sum it up

In order for the taste of the drink to be more varied, during preparation they add various additives: mint, currant leaves, horseradish, cloves.

Bread kvass can be prepared not with plain water, but with a brew or decoction of berries and fruits. Blackcurrant kvass is especially good, as well as apple and pear kvass.

To make the drink ferment better and be sharper, you should add raisins to it.

Instead of sugar, you can put honey in kvass, this will give the drink extra taste, aroma, and healing properties.

If you can’t wait to try kvass as soon as possible, then a video has been prepared for you, which shows the process of preparing this drink, which will be ready for use in just 6 hours. Time flies by quickly!

With the onset of summer and hot days, our diet changes, we want to quench our thirst with soft drinks, and one of the healthiest drinks is homemade kvass. It is not store-bought, but prepared at home, following simple rules.

When I became interested in the topic of kvass, I was extremely surprised that it turned out to be a very ancient drink. Archaeologists have found descriptions of a drink reminiscent of kvass, which date back as far as the 3rd millennium BC. e. In Rus', the first mention of kvass dates back to 989, i.e. this drink, popular among the Slavs, is more than 1000 years old. The popularity of kvass was so great that there was even a profession for a specialist in its preparation - kvassnik. Both rich and simple peasants prepared and drank kvass. And no wonder, because kvass is not only a tasty drink that quenches thirst, it is also very beneficial for our health, relieves fatigue and gives strength.

There are several types of kvass - bread, fruit, berry, beet. The most common is, of course, bread kvass. That's what we'll talk about today.

Kvass is one of the few products that are prepared from natural ingredients and which do not contain such hazardous GMOs. After all, to make kvass you need malt, which is made from barley and rye, and, fortunately for us, they have not yet been subjected to genetic modification.

Kvass is essentially one of the healthiest drinks with a pleasant bready aroma. Its effect on the body, thanks to lactic acid bacteria, is compared with kefir or yogurt. Kvass is rich in vitamins C, B, PP, E, amino acids and microelements. In kvass, thanks to the fermentation process, microorganisms are produced that normalize digestion, prevent the proliferation of microbes and harmful bacteria, strengthen the cardiovascular system and help reduce bad cholesterol. Homemade kvass helps strengthen the immune system, reduce fatigue, and invigorate the body. Kvass is recommended for diabetics and people with pancreatic disease. Doctors recommend drinking kvass for various eye diseases, bronchitis and even pneumonia. Kvass is an excellent source of calcium; it strengthens nails, tooth enamel and hair. And even male potency is improved by this amazing drink. And besides everything else, this low calorie product, so you can consume it, replenish the body with all sorts of benefits, cleanse it of harmful accumulations and at the same time lose weight.

Of course, like any product, kvass has contraindications and limitations. Lactic and fruit acids can play a negative role for those who have chronic diseases stomach problems such as ulcers. This drink is not recommended for cancer patients, liver and bladder diseases. Well, it is not advisable for pregnant women and drivers to drink kvass because of the alcohol content in it.

It is very important to understand that if you decide to just buy ready drink, then it is unlikely to be natural. Read the ingredients yourself, you will find flavorings, sweeteners, and preservatives. This drink is often prepared not by fermentation, but simply by mixing various ingredients. Containers for kvass are obviously harmful plastic bottle. And the shelf life of such a drink is long. Whether or not to consume such “kvass” is up to you. Still, it is safer and healthier to prepare homemade kvass according to the recommended recipes.

Bread kvass at home - recipe for a 3 liter jar

A classic recipe for bread kvass, a taste from childhood, when we could enjoy a cold drink from a barrel. Making kvass at home is also not difficult. I give step by step recipe with a photo to give you an idea of ​​the cooking process.


  • rye bread - 200 gr.
  • water - 2.5 liters
  • dry yeast - 2 gr. (about 1 tsp)
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
  • raisins - 1 handful
  1. Kvass is made from rye bread. The bread can be cut into large slices, but I prefer beautiful cuts cubes. Place the sliced ​​bread on a baking sheet and place in the oven. The bread should be well fried and even until it turns black.

2. Throw the fried crackers into a 3-liter jar; they should completely cover the bottom of the jar.

3. Add sugar directly to the jar.

4. Pour boiling water over the crackers, leaving a little room for the liquid to rise during fermentation.

To prevent a glass jar from bursting, place a knife blade under its bottom.

5. We dilute dry yeast in a separate bowl. warm water, add a little sugar and let them ferment. During this time, the water in the jar will cool down to room temperature, and we will pour “revived” yeast into it.

6. Close the jar of kvass with a plastic lid and leave it for a day in a warm place, preferably on a sunny windowsill. During this time, the crackers will rise to the top, and the kvass will acquire a characteristic brown color. Strain the kvass through clean gauze.

7. Throw the washed raisins into the bottom of a cleanly washed jar and pour in the prepared kvass. You can add more sugar if you wish, although it doesn’t taste very good to me. sweet kvass. Close the jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator.

7. But we will want it again amazing drink? For this we use old sourdough with bread. Select approximately 1 cup of starter. And we repeat the whole process again. At the bottom of a 3-liter jar we place the fried fresh crackers, add starter from previous kvass or new yeast, 2 tbsp. l. sugar and pour boiling water. And so we continue this procedure every time until summer ends.

8. Enjoy a cold, tasty summer drink - homemade bread kvass.

Recipe for bread kvass without yeast at home

Not everyone likes foods or drinks with yeast. But there is always a way out - kvass can be prepared without yeast, simply by adding more raisins.


  • rye bread - 400 gr.
  • water - 3 liters
  • sugar - 120 gr. for the first time and 2-3 tbsp. l. for each next
  • raisins - 30 gr.
  1. As in the first recipe, toast the rye bread in the oven. If you want to get a darker kvass, then fry more.
  2. Pour sugar, about 1/2 cup, into the bottom of the jar and pour in a small amount hot water. The water temperature should be approximately 80 degrees. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

3. Pour the crackers into the jar and add the remaining water. Water should be poured up to the shoulders of the jar, leaving room for the swollen bread.

4. When the water has cooled to approximately 40 degrees, add the raisins. The fermentation process will depend on its quality.

5. Cover the jar with a clean towel and leave the kvass to steep in a warm place for 3 days. After this, strain the finished kvass using gauze.

6. Pour kvass into glass jars, having previously thrown a few raisins into each. Close with airtight lids and place in the refrigerator.

7. We use the remaining starter for a new portion of kvass (you will need about 1/2 of the old starter). Fry the bread again, mix with the sourdough, add sugar (2-3 tbsp) and raisins and add water.

The second and subsequent starters will be ready faster - in 1.5 - 2 days.

Grandma's recipe for homemade kvass

Probably many grandmothers treated them to hearty, cold kvass in the summer, which increased their strength and quenched their thirst (almost subsided). This kvass is traditionally prepared using yeast. The difference in this recipe is that the yeast starter is infused for up to 2 days, and only then the kvass is prepared. How to make kvass at home from bread with yeast will be clear from this video.

Recipe for kvass from wort

This recipe will be useful for those who want not to bother with sourdough and prepare kvass quickly. To do this, purchase ready-made kvass wort for sourdough in the store and start preparing.


  • water - 5 liters
  • concentrate kvass wort- 8-10 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 1.5 cups
  • dry yeast - 1 tbsp. l.
  • raisins to taste
  1. Boil water, let it cool slightly and add kvass wort concentrate to the pan.

2. Gradually add sugar and stir.

3. Add dry yeast, stir with a spoon until sugar and yeast are completely dissolved.

4. Cover the pan with a lid and place in a warm place for a day. During this time, an active fermentation process will take place.

5. After a day, pour the finished kvass into jars, adding a little raisins to each. Be sure to tightly cover the spilled kvass with lids and place it in a cold place for 4-5 hours so that the kvass becomes more vigorous.

Homemade kvass made from rye flour

Kvass made from rye flour is also called village kvass. Its color is much lighter, and in terms of its benefits to the body rye kvass ahead of others. The process of preparing such kvass takes a lot of time, but the result is an excellent drink that is suitable both for quenching thirst and for okroshka.


  • water - 2.5 liters
  • rye flour - 7 tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  • raisins to taste

First prepare the starter from rye flour. To do this, in a 3-liter jar, 5 tbsp. l. Mix rye flour with warm boiled water (200 ml) until it becomes thick sour cream. Add 2 tbsp. l. sugar (can be replaced with honey). If desired, you can add raisins. Stir well until lumps disappear. We close the jar with a lid and place it in a warm place for 3 days. The starter must ferment and the fermentation time depends on the quality of the flour, sometimes the starter is ready earlier.

The next stage is the activation of the starter. We must add 2 tbsp to the resulting starter. l. rye flour, 2 tbsp. l. sugar and add warm water to the shoulders of the jar, stir well. We close the jar with gauze and send it to a warm place (a sunny windowsill would be good) for 5 whole days.

After 5 days, strain the kvass and put it in the refrigerator.

But that's not all - the grounds that remain at the bottom will be useful for a new portion of kvass. You can use the grounds all summer, just activate it each time. To do this, each time after decanting the kvass, add new flour and sugar or honey to the grounds, add warm water and leave to steep for a couple of days. This way you will get a wonderful healthy drink for all hot days at minimal cost.

Homemade kvass from malt

Another easy recipe making kvass at home from malt. Malt is soaked and sprouted seeds of cereals - barley, rye, oats, etc. Malt starts the fermentation process and is widely used for making beer and kvass. Preparing malt is a labor-intensive process, so we will use ready-made rye malt, which is sold in the store.

We will need:

  • rye malt - 110 gr.
  • water - 5 liters
  • dry yeast - 3 tsp.
  • sugar - 400 gr.

Boil water in a saucepan, and immediately after boiling, add malt into it. Stir well to dissolve all lumps.

Pour a little malt solution (about 1/2 cup) into a separate glass, cool to about 35 degrees, then add yeast. Cover the glass with a towel and place in a warm place to ferment for 10-15 minutes.

Pour sugar into the remaining solution and mix well until it is completely dissolved.

Add the fermented yeast to the warm malt solution and leave to brew for about 12 hours.

Afterwards all that remains is to strain the kvass through cheesecloth, pour it into bottles and put it in the refrigerator. It is advisable for the kvass to stand in the refrigerator for another 1-2 days.

I hope that warm days will finally arrive and we can enjoy delicious summer drinks.

Well, what Russian person doesn’t like kvass? This drink always comes in handy at any table. And in the summer, in the midst of unbearable heat, kvass becomes the only salvation from thirst. Kvass is not only good for health, it also perfectly restores strength, invigorates and saturates the body with energy.

What is kvass

Kvass is traditional drink Slavs, which is prepared from flour and barley (or wheat) malt. The production of kvass is based on fermentation, which gives the drink such a unique taste and aroma. Usually kvass is made from dry rye bread. Depending on the recipe of the region in which kvass is prepared, honey, various aromatic herbs, berries and fruits can be added to the drink.

Interestingly, Slavic cuisine recipes often used kvass as a base for cold dishes. Today, the most famous such dish is okroshka with kvass. In ancient times, the fermentation process of kvass was brought to such an extent that the drink turned out to be alcoholic and high-proof. This is where the expression “ferment” comes from, that is, “to drink.”

Today, according to GOST, the proportion of alcohol in kvass should not exceed 2%. And in Europe, a special commission for alcoholic products equated kvass to low-alcohol beer. Kvass is divided into bread, berry, honey, fruit, milk, honey and okroshka.

The benefits of kvass

In addition to the fact that kvass has a pleasant, sweet and sour taste, it has a very beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body. Kvass improves performance of cardio-vascular system, speeds up metabolism. This drink contains special acids, thanks to which kvass can perfectly quench thirst. Kvass contains a sufficient amount of carbon dioxide, which is absorbed into the walls of the stomach, increases appetite and improves digestion. Therefore, kvass is recommended to drink for those who suffer from poor appetite, as well as during the recovery period after illness.

Kvass is filled with vitamins B1 and E, sugars, microelements, amino acids, and enzymes. Regular consumption of homemade kvass will help boost immunity, improve digestion, and raise the overall tone of the body. The drink contains beneficial lactic bacteria that affect digestive system the same as kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt. Kvass is often prescribed for consumption by people suffering from dysbiosis.

Kvass is enough nutritious product and it is not recommended to abuse it when losing weight. After all, it was kvass that saved many residents of besieged cities from exhaustion and hunger during the war. Just like any other drink, kvass has contraindications. People suffering from liver cirrhosis, hypertension and gastritis should not drink kvass.

Today on store shelves you can find a “kvass drink”, which tastes a little like real kvass. It is made from soda, sweeteners and flavorings. This drink has nothing to do with real kvass, and therefore does not provide any benefit. And the taste is not at all what we drank as children. To get natural, tasty and healthy kvass, you need to prepare it yourself.

To prepare this kvass, we need 5 liters of clean water, 5 grams of dry yeast, a glass of sugar and half a kilo of rye bread. Please note that the bread should be plain, without additives such as cumin or other seasonings.

  1. Boil water and leave it to cool. Then pour it into a container where the kvass will be prepared. It is best to choose glass bottles and jars, plastic containers or enamel pans.
  2. While the water is cooling, the bread needs to be dried in the oven. Slice the rye loaf and place the bread on a baking sheet. Dry thoroughly. If you want to get a rich color of kvass with a slight bitterness, you need to dry the bread until dark. If you prefer sweet and light kvass, you should dry the crackers only slightly.
  3. Mix crackers with water, cover the container with gauze and leave for two days. Do not cover the jar with a tight lid. The carbon dioxide released during fermentation can simply rupture the container.
  4. If you want to get kvass in an accelerated mode, then boil the crackers and water for 20 minutes, then remove from the heat and cover with gauze. This way the fermentation process will happen much faster.
  5. After the specified time, the kvass mass must be strained. Squeeze the crackers thoroughly. Pour the strained liquid back into the fermentation container.
  6. Add two-thirds of a glass of sugar and yeast diluted with a small amount of warm water to the kvass. Mix the mixture thoroughly and leave for a day.
  7. After this, pour the kvass into bottles, adding the remaining sugar prepared for kvass to each of them. Sugar is added at the last stage to form carbon dioxide, because many of us love kvass precisely for its pleasant bubbles.
  8. When the kvass is poured into bottles, they must be tightly closed so that gas does not escape. Then place the containers in the refrigerator to stop the fermentation process. When the drink has cooled, it is ready to drink.

This kvass should be stored in the basement or refrigerator. It will not only quench your thirst after a hard day at work, but also help restore energy and strength.

How many people - so many tastes. Some people like kvass made with yeast, while others prefer to use fruits and berries as a starter. In our recipe we will add raisins to kvass. It not only allows the kvass to ferment well, but also gives it a subtle, elusive taste and aroma.

To prepare this kvass, we will need the same amount of ingredients, only we need to take a little more sugar than a glass, about 300 g. Instead of yeast, we will take a handful of raisins, about 50 g.

  1. Dry the crackers in the same way as in the previous recipe. It is very important here not to overdry the crackers, otherwise the drink will turn out bitter.
  2. Add crackers and sugar to boiled water. Mix the mixture thoroughly and pour it into the fermentation container. Please note that the container should not be full, leave approximately 10% empty space.
  3. Then add raisins and mix again future kvass. Cover the container with a piece of clean gauze and leave at room temperature.
  4. After a day or two, you will see that fermentation has begun in the container - bubbles and a sour smell will appear, the crackers will begin to move. If this does not happen, it means the raisins were of poor quality. Therefore, approach the choice of raisins for kvass with special responsibility - the entire taste and consistency of the drink depends on it.
  5. After 48 hours, the kvass should be ready. It is filtered and added to a small amount of sugar and bottled. For beauty and taste, you can add a few raisins to each bottle. Let this be the “highlight” of your drink.
  6. When the tightly closed bottles have cooled (after about 3-4 hours), the kvass will be ready for use.
  7. It can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days. But the drink turns out so tasty that it won’t last even three days - believe me!

There are a lot of kvass recipes, each of them is tasty and unusual. Even in one region in Rus', in one yard, 5 housewives made kvass, and each had her own recipe, different from the others. We’ll tell you about a few more kvass recipes that you can prepare at home.

Kvass recipes

This is a very healthy, tasty and easy to prepare drink. A kilogram of fresh beets must be grated or chopped in a meat grinder. Put in three liter jar grated beets, a piece of rye bread, half a glass of sugar and a pinch of salt. Fill the ingredients with water and place in a warm place (the temperature should not be higher than room temperature). Do not forget that the kvass is not covered tightly with a lid - only with gauze. In a day, the kvass will begin to ferment. And in two days it will be completely ready. It needs to be bottled and stored in the refrigerator. Regular use This kvass has a great effect on the body - blood vessels are strengthened, the heart works better, constipation disappears.

Birch kvass. It is natural and useful product. Birch juice it is necessary to take fresh - immediately after collection. Boil it over low heat to evaporate excess water. Then wait until the liquid cools down. Add yeast to the warm liquid and let it ferment for a couple of days. It is very important to choose the temperature of the liquid when you add the yeast to it. If the liquid is hot, the yeast will simply cook, but if the liquid is not cold enough, the yeast will not act. Optimal temperature for fermentation – 30-35 degrees.

Apple kvass. For this recipe you will need sour apples. Grate 5-6 sour green apples and add three liters of water. Boil this compote for half an hour and let it cool. Add a teaspoon of yeast and a little sugar to the warm mixture. Place the jar on the windowsill and cover the neck with gauze. This kvass ferments a little longer than two days, about 3-4 days, but its taste has a delicate apple tint.

Honey kvass. In Rus', honey kvass was considered a festive drink, which was prepared before great celebrations and significant feasts. Boil 4 liters of clean water and cool it. Then add a tablespoon of dry yeast, the same amount of rye flour, a large handful of raisins, a glass of honey and cut into small pieces lemon. Mix the entire composition thoroughly and leave to infuse as usual. After a day, you need to pour another liter of water into the container and let the kvass completely ferment. You can determine the readiness of the drink by the raisins - when they all completely float to the surface, this means that the kvass can be bottled.

Berry kvass. This kvass recipe was relevant in the spring, when the berries were ripening in the forests - tasty, juicy, healthy. To prepare the drink, you can take any kind - strawberries, raspberries, wild strawberries, blueberries. The mixture of berries should be thoroughly crushed to a pulp and poured with three liters of boiling water. After a day, strain the prepared mixture and add a little yeast to it. There is no need to add sugar - the berries already give a fairly sweet taste. For piquancy and sourness, you can add a little lemon juice to the kvass. Kvass is infused for about 2-3 days, after which it can be bottled, cooled and consumed with pleasure.

To prevent mold from forming on the surface of the container while preparing kvass, you need to take absolutely clean fermentation containers. Boil water thoroughly and use only clean ingredients. And then you can enjoy and please your family with such a healthy and tasty drink.

Video: how to make homemade kvass

How to make homemade kvass? Not everyone knows the answer to the question posed. In this regard, we want to devote this article to this topic.

general information

Bread kvass is a traditional Russian drink. In Rus' it was used all year round. It was popular in monasteries, and in noble estates, and in peasant huts, and even in the royal chambers. It is noteworthy that kvass made from bread quite easily quenches thirst, quickly restores strength and relieves fatigue. That is why this drink is very popular today.

The benefits of kvass

Almost everyone knows that natural homemade kvass is good for health. After all, just a few decades ago in hospitals and infirmaries it was equated with medicines. And today doctors know that kvass regulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, significantly improving digestion, and also prevents the proliferation of microbes and improves overall tone.

Thanks to the presence of vitamins and microelements, bread kvass can have a positive effect on all systems of the body. So, it is recommended to use it for the following deviations:

  • for diseases nervous system and hearts;
  • for the treatment of hypertension and cleansing of blood vessels;
  • with gastritis, which is accompanied by low acidity (in this case, it is necessary to drink kvass before directly eating food);
  • to restore liver cells;
  • to improve overall well-being (due to the presence of lactic acid, magnesium, amino acids, trace elements, calcium and B vitamins in the drink);
  • for arrhythmias;
  • as a choleretic agent;
  • to increase potency, strengthen teeth, etc.

Homemade rye kvass: recipe

Kvass is summer drink. Many people think so. And this is no accident, because in summer heat I really want to drink something refreshing. It should be noted that such a drink can be easily purchased at any store. But it turns out tastier and healthier if you prepare it at home. And a time-tested method will help us with this.

Making rye kvass at home is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Moreover, to prepare such a drink you only need simple and affordable ingredients. After mixing all the components, the kvass will be ready for use within a day. By the way, you can store it for several months, but only in a cool place.

So, before making homemade kvass, you should prepare the following components:

  • cold water - 3 l;
  • ground rye crackers - a full faceted glass;
  • granulated sugar - a full glass;

Cooking process

How to make homemade kvass to make it as tasty as possible? To do this, take a three-liter glass jar, wash it thoroughly, and then add ground rye crackers, granulated sugar and dry granulated yeast. Next, you need to pour cold water into the container. Moreover, the liquid should not reach 4-5 centimeters to the edges of the jar.

To make the kvass tasty and ferment quickly, it is recommended to thoroughly mix the contents of the jar with a large spoon. As a result of this procedure, the granulated sugar should completely melt. If desired, in ready mixture You can add a few dark raisins. They will give kvass not only a pleasant shade, but also a special taste.

After all the ingredients are mixed, cover the filled jar with a glass lid and place it in the sun. By the way, tightly closing the container with kvass is not recommended. If you neglect this advice, then during the fermentation process the lid may fly off, splashing your entire room with aromatic drink.

Final stage

In total, preparing kvass at home can take you about two days. After all, after you put the filled jar in the sun, exactly that much time should pass. If you want to get a less “vigorous” drink, then it should be removed from the sun after 1-1.5 days.

Ready kvass you need to strain through cheesecloth or a strainer, and then pour into bottles (plastic can be) and put in the refrigerator. After cooling, the drink can not only be drunk, but also used to prepare such a delicious traditional Russian dish as okroshka.

How to re-make kvass?

It should be noted that after preparing homemade kvass, a wort should remain from it, which can be used to create a new drink. To do this, take 3-4 large spoons of the mixture, put them in a jar, add the same amount of new rye crackers and a glass of sugar. Next, the ingredients need to be poured cold water, mix thoroughly and leave in the sun again for 1-2 days. However, adding yeast and raisins is not recommended. As practice shows, such a starter for kvass makes the drink even more tasty and rich. This procedure can be repeated an infinite number of times.

Preparing a honey drink

Few people know how to make kvass using honey. And so that you can enjoy this drink, let’s introduce it detailed recipe right now.

So, we need:

  • water at room temperature - 5 l;
  • rye flour - 1 large spoon;
  • granulated sugar - 1/2 cup;
  • any honey - 200 g;
  • fresh lemon - 1 (small);
  • dry granulated yeast - 1/3 dessert spoon;
  • dark raisins - add to taste.

Preparing the Components

Before preparing homemade kvass, you should carefully process all the main ingredients. To do this, you need to wash a small lemon and cut it into thin slices. It is also necessary to dilute dry granulated yeast with two large spoons of warm boiled water. As for rye flour, it is also recommended to mix it, but with cold liquid.

Cooking process

After preparing the main components, you can start cooking delicious drink. To do this you need to mix lemon, honey and granulated sugar. Next, all the ingredients should be poured into 4 liters of water at room temperature. In the same container you need to add diluted granulated yeast and rye flour. After this, the contents of the jar must be thoroughly mixed for 3-6 minutes, and then closed loosely and placed in the sun. Kvass should be kept in this way for about a day. After 24 hours, another 1 liter of warm liquid must be added to the container.

After thin slices of lemon and raisins float to the surface, the drink is considered suitable. It should be strained through a sieve or cheesecloth, poured into bottles and placed in a cool place. After 2-4 days, you can safely drink the aromatic kvass.

Classic kvass from dry sourdough

Now you know how to prepare homemade kvass yourself. The recipe for such a Russian drink may include completely different ingredients. Moreover, the taste and aroma of the finished product depends on them.

If you want to get the same leavened drink that is sold in barrels on the street, we recommend using ready-made dry sourdough, which can always be found in regular bread stores.

So, to prepare classic kvass at home we will need:

  • cold water - 3 l;
  • dry sourdough from the store - 4 large spoons;
  • granulated sugar - 8 large spoons (more or less, as desired);
  • Dry granulated yeast of the “Pakmai” type - 4-5 granules (no more!).

How to prepare the drink?

Kvass at home using store-bought dry sourdough is very tasty. If you prefer a sweeter drink, then it is advisable to add 8-9 large spoons of granulated sugar (per 3 liters of water). If you don’t like sugary kvass, then you can limit yourself to only 6-7 tablespoons of the sweet product.

So, to prepare such a drink at home, you should take a clean three-liter jar and pour granulated sugar and dry starter from the store into it. Next, you need to pour 3 liters of the mixture cold water from the tap. However, it is not recommended to fill the jar to the top, as the liquid may spill during fermentation.

After the container is filled, its contents must be thoroughly mixed with a large spoon (for 3-7 minutes). Finally, you need to add a few granules of dry yeast like “Pakmai” to the jar. It is highly not recommended to use large quantity this product. If you neglect this advice, the finished kvass may have a pronounced taste and aroma of yeast.

After mixing all the ingredients again, the jar should be loosely covered with a glass lid or multi-layer gauze, and then placed in a warm place. It is not advisable to leave such a drink in the hot sun, as it can become acidic. The main condition for it is shade and a temperature of +27-29 degrees.

Final stage

After 24 hours, you can taste the kvass from the dry starter. If you are not satisfied with it, then the fermentation process can be continued in the same mode. If the drink already seems quite tasty to you, then it should be strained through a sieve or cheesecloth, poured into bottles and placed in the refrigerator. After a few hours, kvass can be safely consumed.

How to use kvass wort?

The mass remaining at the bottom of the jar after you strain the drink is called kvass wort. It is this that must be used to prepare a new batch of the drink. To do this, you need to take 1 glass of the mass, pour it into a clean three-liter container, add 8 large spoons of granulated sugar and 3 large spoons of dry starter. After mixing all the ingredients, they should be loosely covered and placed in a warm place out of direct sunlight. After keeping the drink for 1-2 days, it must be filtered, placed in the refrigerator, and a new batch made from the remaining kvass wort. It should be especially noted that each time your kvass will turn out even more tasty and rich than the previous one. However, adding granulated yeast to subsequent batches is highly discouraged. I would also like to say that the longer you keep the drink warm, the stronger it becomes.

The basic principle of making kvass

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to prepare kvass at home. It should be noted that there is an incredible number of different recipes for such a drink. Some additionally add rye or wheat bread to it, some use dried fruits, and some even use beetroot and garlic kvass. Learning how to make this drink yourself is quite simple. To do this, you just need to know the proportions of the main ingredients. As for the process, it is the same for all drinks:

  • prepare and, if necessary, process all the main ingredients (for example, dilute yeast, chop lemon, beets, garlic, etc.);
  • take a clean, glass container if possible;
  • add all dry ingredients;
  • add drinking water;
  • mix the ingredients thoroughly;
  • cover the dishes loosely;
  • put the jar in a warm place (in some cases it can be in the sun);
  • wait for active fermentation of the contents of the container;
  • keep warm for about 1-2 days;
  • strain the kvass;
  • pour the drink into bottles;
  • cool;
  • consume as a regular drink or use for preparing other dishes (for example, for okroshka).

By following this algorithm of actions, you can make absolutely any kvass using almost any ingredients.

To make kvass at home as tasty, aromatic and healthy as possible, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules when preparing it:

1 day – 30 g rye flour + 30 g water
Day 2 – throw away half and add 30 g rye flour + 30 g water
Day 3 – throw away half and add 30 g rye flour + 30 g water
Day 4 – throw away half and add 30 g rye flour + 30 g water
Day 5 – throw away half and add 30 g rye flour + 30 g water
Day 6 – can be used, but 7 days are better.

I make kvass in a 4-liter jar so that the output is about 3 liters (two 1.5 liter bottles).
Pour half the water into the jar.
It may be warm, but not hot.
Add sugar, raisins and sourdough.

Mix everything well.
Add bread and fill the jar with the remaining water, not reaching the very top 4-5 cm.
When the kvass plays, the bread will rise to the top.
Readiness: in warm weather - 2 days, in cold weather - 3 days maximum.
All the bread should not fall to the bottom; if it does, the kvass has gone sour.

Strain the finished kvass through 2-3 layers of gauze.
Add sugar to taste, 1 tbsp is enough for me. per liter
Place the kvass in the refrigerator for a day to mature.
Separate half of the remaining bread for the next batch.
Throw away the second half and wash the jar.
Start over by kneading the remaining bread.
And you are always with kvass!