Freshly squeezed juices can be dangerous. Who and what should not drink? Freshly squeezed juices

The benefits of freshly squeezed juices cannot be overestimated. However, in order to get self-interest from them, you need to know the main rules for their use. In this article, we will consider how fresh juices are useful, when it is better to drink freshly squeezed juices, how to drink juice correctly and possible side effects.

Benefits of drinking fresh juices

Freshly squeezed juices bring many benefits to the human body. First of all, it is a real storehouse of vitamins and useful elements. During cooking, fruits and vegetables lose almost half of their useful elements, and they are 100% preserved in the squeezed juice from fresh products. In addition, in this form they are better absorbed by the body.

Some of the most important properties of fresh juices include:

  • saturation of the body with a vitamin complex;
  • cleaning from toxins and toxins;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • give vivacity and energy;
  • improve digestion;
  • improve appetite;
  • accompanied by an increase in hemoglobin;
  • some juices (cucumber, grapefruit, apple, pineapple, tomato) promote the breakdown of fats and are therefore recommended for those who want to lose weight;
  • contribute to the removal of excess fluids from the body, etc.

The specific benefits of freshly squeezed juice depend on what fruit or vegetable it is made from.

Did you know? To achieve a complex effect, several components can be combined in one juice. One of the most useful is the juice of carrots, beets, pumpkins and apples. Before preparing combined juices, be sure to check the compatibility of products.

How to drink freshly squeezed juices

In order for fresh to bring benefits to the body and not harm, you need to know how to drink natural juices and when it is better to drink fresh. The most important rules on how to consume freshly squeezed juices include the following:

  • the drink should be consumed immediately after it has been squeezed out, since vitamins are quickly destroyed;
  • with the daily use of most fruit juices, it is necessary to add fiber to the diet, otherwise the fructose, which such fresh juices are rich in, can upset the sugar balance in the body;
  • vegetable juices, with the exception of beetroot and carrot juices, do not lead to an increase in sugar levels in the body;
  • do not consume more than a few glasses of fruit juices per day;
  • you should not combine freshly squeezed juices with eating food, this can lead to heartburn, bloating, flatulence, and indigestion;
  • before drinking fresh juice, it is necessary to exclude the presence of contraindications for health reasons; for some diseases, fresh juices are contraindicated;
  • be sure to wash fruits and vegetables well before juicing;
  • drink juice preferably from a glass container.

Important! Beetroot juice, unlike other fresh juices, must be insisted in the refrigerator for about two hours before use. Otherwise, the volatile substances that are in it can cause nausea and vomiting.

When to Drink Fresh Juices

In addition to the considered rules on how best to take juices, to get the most benefit, it is important to know what time is best to drink freshly squeezed juices. Very often, fresh juice lovers wonder when to drink freshly squeezed juices - in the morning or in the evening, or it does not matter.

You need to drink fresh before lunch. At the same time, freshly squeezed juice in the morning should not be consumed on an empty stomach. Drinking freshly squeezed juice on an empty stomach can cause irritation of the digestive mucosa, repeated violation of this rule will lead to the development of gastritis or ulcers. Also, do not drink juice with food. Fruit juice is taken 15-20 minutes before or after meals.

At lunchtime and in the evening, it is better to refuse freshly squeezed juices, especially fruit and berry ones. If you want to know why you shouldn't drink freshly squeezed juice during this time, it's because they are high in fructose. An excess of easily digestible carbohydrates will lead to rapid weight gain. In addition, fresh juices can be compared with energy drinks in terms of effectiveness: drinking such a drink at night can cause insomnia. Overweight people should not consume sweet fresh juices more than once a day.

Did you know?

As for how to drink vegetable juices correctly, whether vegetable juices are healthy and when to drink them, the same rules apply for such fresh juices as for fruit juices, with some exceptions. Vegetable juices are also very useful. In addition, such fresh juices, except for beet and carrot, do not lead to an increase in the amount of sugar in the body, and therefore they can be consumed several times a day. Due to the fact that juices from vegetables carry a large charge of energy, they should be drunk before lunch. The exception is tomato juice, which you can enjoy before dinner. Potato juice is the only drink that can be taken on an empty stomach for medicinal purposes. The rest are consumed half an hour before or after meals.

What can you dilute freshly squeezed juices with?

We will clarify how to improve the effectiveness of freshly squeezed juices and how to drink them correctly for this purpose. Here are the most important rules:

  • juices with a high level of acidity are best diluted with water in a consistency of 1: 3;
  • the addition of a teaspoon of cream to fresh juice helps to improve the absorption of vitamins A, K, E, D by the body, especially pumpkin and carrot juices. For juices with high acidity (for example, apple, orange), this rule is not suitable, since the addition of cream to them can lead to coagulation of the liquid and the formation of lumps;
  • to reduce calorie content, you can add a little bran to freshly squeezed juices;
  • The addition of honey or spices (cinnamon, turmeric, nutmeg) will add piquancy to fresh juices.

Did you know? 250 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice contains the amount of fructose equivalent to eight teaspoons of sugar.

Healthiest fresh juices

Juice can be obtained from any vegetable, fruit and berries. Each type of juice has its own set of useful substances and affects the human body in its own way. It should be borne in mind that if a person has some diseases, juice can be beneficial in one area and at the same time harm in another. Consider the most useful types of fresh juices.


Useful properties of orange juice:

  • enriches the body with vitamins A, C, E, K, B;
  • contains a large amount of iron, which is useful for anemia;
  • helps to strengthen the immune system;
  • maintains visual acuity;
  • due to the content of a significant amount of plant flavonoids, it prevents the appearance of oncological and vascular-cardiac diseases;
  • improves appetite;
  • gives vigor;
  • has mild tonic and antiseptic properties;
  • improves bowel activity, helps with constipation;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

This juice is also often used in cosmetology to improve skin elasticity, create anti-aging masks, anti-acne products.


Grapefruit juice is very popular, especially among those who are struggling with being overweight. This is one of the low calorie juices. It promotes the breakdown of fats, the removal of toxins and excess fluid from the body, which contributes to weight loss. In addition, grapefruit fresh:

  • improves metabolic processes in the body;
  • improves the production of gastric juice;
  • has antibacterial and antipyretic properties;
  • has a mild diuretic effect;
  • helps in the fight against hepatitis C;
  • contains many vitamins C, A, B.


Carrot juice has the following benefits for the body:

  • very rich in carotene, which is useful for vision;
  • improves mental performance;
  • contributes to the restoration of strength after physical exertion;
  • contains a lot of iron, which is useful for anemia;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • improves the functionality of the heart;
  • helps cleanse and improve the functionality of the liver and kidneys.


Beetroot juice has the following benefits:

  • improves bowel activity, helps with constipation;
  • contains a lot of fiber;
  • speeds up digestion;
  • promotes the removal of cholesterol from the blood;
  • improves liver function;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • helps to reduce pressure;
  • improves the condition with anemia;
  • promotes the breakdown of fats.

Did you know? Beetroot juice is considered one of the best natural energy drinks. It is able to increase human productivity by 16%.


Tomato juice has the following benefits for the body:

  • enriches with vitamins A, C, B, E, PP, carotene;
  • good effect on vision;
  • helps with constipation;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • helps with gastritis, duodenal ulcer;
  • removes cholesterol;
  • increases hemoglobin;
  • reduces intraocular pressure.

Tomato juice is allowed to drink with diabetes. It is very useful for pregnant and lactating mothers.


Pumpkin juice has the following benefits for the body:

  • rich in carotene, vitamins B, E, PP, iron, potassium;
  • helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  • improves kidney function;
  • improves blood clotting;
  • prevents the development of rickets;
  • helps pregnant women with toxicosis;
  • strengthens nails and hair;
  • has anthelmintic properties;
  • improves digestion;
  • cleanses the skin, helps fight acne.


Apple juice is the most popular and affordable. At the same time, it provides the body with many benefits:

  • enriches with vitamins C, B, E, PP, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium;
  • improves appetite;
  • saturates with energy;
  • promotes the breakdown of fats;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • improves the functionality of the heart, intestines;
  • useful for anemia, gastritis;
  • improves metabolism.

Important! With gastritis with high acidity, you need to drink fresh from sweet apples, with low acidity - from sour ones.

You need to know how to drink apple juice correctly so that it really benefits and does no harm. Since it is acidic, in no case should you drink the drink on an empty stomach. It is best to do this 20 minutes after eating.


Grape juice is very useful for anemia and anemia, as it has a large amount of iron. This is a real storehouse of energy. Benefits of juice include:

  • improves brain function;
  • promotes rejuvenation and cell regeneration;
  • removes cholesterol;
  • removes free radicals from the body;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps with anemia and anemia;
  • helps to strengthen blood vessels and heart muscle;
  • prevents the development of cataracts;
  • promotes cleansing of the liver;
  • prevents the development of cancer.

In terms of areas of influence, pomegranate juice is very similar to grape juice. The benefits of pomegranates are especially invaluable for people suffering from anemia and anemia. Pomegranate juice helps to improve the functioning of the circulatory system, lowers blood pressure, is an effective antioxidant, prevents the development of malignant tumors, and slows down the aging process in the body. Regarding whether it is possible to drink pomegranate juice on an empty stomach, it is not recommended to do this, as this can lead to damage to the gastric mucosa.


Lemon juice has the following benefits:

  • enriches the body with vitamins C, E, PP, as well as a large amount of minerals (sodium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, fluorine, iron, molybdenum, etc.);
  • removes toxins and slags;
  • improves brain activity and memory;
  • improves concentration;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • counteracts viral, infectious diseases;
  • has pronounced antiseptic properties;
  • normalizes pressure;
  • improves heart function;
  • masks using lemon juice improve skin color and elasticity.

Did you know? Gargling with lemon juice diluted 1:1 with water helps relieve toothache and prevents cavities.

How to store freshly squeezed juices

Freshly squeezed juices are not intended for storage, as the vitamins and nutrients contained in it are destroyed very quickly. An exception is beetroot fresh, which, on the contrary, is recommended to insist before drinking.

There are times when it is not possible to drink juice immediately. Then the drink should be placed in a glass container, tightly closed and placed in the refrigerator. However, remember that after three hours of storage, fresh will lose almost all of its useful characteristics.

Freezing is the best way to store fresh juice for a long time. The drink is poured into containers or plastic cups and placed in the freezer. At the same time, the containers must not be filled completely, since the juice will increase in volume during freezing, which can lead to damage to the container. Frozen juice can be stored for about one and a half months. With this type of storage, most of the beneficial substances are preserved in the drink.

Important! In apple juice, oxidation processes quickly begin. To slow them down if you need to store fresh, add a little lemon juice to the drink.

Freshly squeezed juices: harm and contraindications

Due to the high concentration of vitamins, minerals, fructose and acids in juices, it is harmful to consume them in large quantities. Therefore, to think that the more juice I drink, the healthier I will be, is a big delusion. The maximum amount of fresh juice consumed should not exceed two glasses per day. Excessive consumption of juices saturated with fructose can lead to obesity, blood sugar imbalance, fresh juices with high acidity - to damage to the gastric mucosa, exacerbation of gastritis, destruction of tooth enamel.

In the presence of certain diseases and conditions of the body, the use of freshly squeezed juices may be contraindicated. So, almost all fresh juices, except for pumpkin, are contraindicated in:

  • peptic ulcers;
  • pancreatitis;
  • exacerbation of gastritis;
  • diarrhea.

In diabetes, the consumption of sweet juices should not exceed one glass per day. In addition, with cholecystitis, tomato juice is contraindicated, with kidney disease - beet juice, with diabetes, pneumonia, flatulence - grape juice.

Freshly squeezed juices are a valuable source of vitamins and minerals. However, they will only be beneficial if used correctly. Therefore, it is very important to know how to use freshly squeezed juice. Before drinking fresh, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications.

Press the juicer button - and a glass of fresh juice is ready! The best way to recharge with natural vitamins, according to many. But they are only partly right. Fresh juices are certainly much healthier than from a bottle or package: they contain more vitamins and no preservatives. But doctors say: this is not just a pleasant drink, but, first of all, a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, so it must be used correctly, otherwise harm will result instead of good.

“Each juice has its own properties that you need to know about,” says nutritionist Nadezhda Potapova. - Even if you are absolutely healthy, but every morning you will, for example, drink a glass of carrot juice, there is a high probability of specific jaundice. Freshly squeezed carrot juice contains a huge amount of beta-carotene, so such excesses are an overload for the liver. This juice can be drunk no more than 2-3 times a week. Fresh pomegranate juice must be diluted with water - it acts aggressively on the walls of the intestines, tooth enamel. Citrus juices, especially grapefruit, are incompatible with many drugs.

Special care is necessary if you give freshly squeezed juice to a child.

- In order for the child's body to be able to process and assimilate all the "usefulness" of fresh juice, a good adaptation of the pancreas is necessary, - says gastroenterologist Elena Sinyakina, - and in a child she is not yet ready to take on such high loads. Even healthy ones. And if he has problems with the gastrointestinal tract or is prone to allergies, then it is better not to give freshly squeezed juices without consulting a doctor. And do not get carried away with fresh juices when the child has a cold: freshly squeezed juices stimulate the secretion of mucus, increasing the runny nose and cough.

No initiative!

Many are now addicted to juice therapy. Therapy is a treatment, and it should be prescribed by a gastroenterologist or nutritionist. It all depends on the nature of the disease, the general state of health. It is important to take into account the tendency to allergic reactions and much more. Therefore, before being treated with juices, you need to undergo an examination. Juice therapy will be really effective when it is carried out in two stages. First you need to cleanse the body, the doctor selects certain juices and doses for this, and only then prescribes the medicinal juice.

When and how much?

Any fresh juice should not be drunk on an empty stomach, especially acidic juices that irritate the intestinal mucosa. Nutritionists recommend drinking freshly squeezed juices, diluting them by half with water, in the morning 30–40 minutes before meals, and if your stomach acidity is increased, then 1.5 hours before meals. And in no case after: the substances contained in the juices, interacting with the food eaten, can cause heartburn, fermentation in the intestines and other unpleasant sensations. A single dose of fresh juice is half a glass, but it is better to start with a few tablespoons.

For children from 3 to 10 years old, any freshly squeezed juice for medicinal purposes can be given only twice a day, half an hour before meals, a single serving should not exceed 30 ml - these are 2 dessert spoons. Overdose can cause tooth decay and gastrointestinal disorders.

Fruit, vegetable or mix?

For a healthy person, this choice is a matter of taste. But worth knowing: fruit juices more caloric because they have more sugar. The exception is pineapple, which contains bromelain, which promotes fat burning. By the way, this juice not only helps to maintain harmony, but also helps to rejuvenate the body.

V vegetable juices there are few sugars and organic acids too, which is why they are not as tasty as fruit or berry ones. But they have much more minerals - potassium, sodium, calcium, iron. They are low in calories, but help to quickly restore strength and normalize metabolism.

Mixes- that is, a mixture of freshly squeezed juices, of course, it is pleasant to drink. However, contrary to popular belief that the best combinations are combinations of fruits and vegetables, gastroenterologists believe that you should not mix freshly squeezed fruit or berry juice with vegetable juice, because different enzymes are needed for their digestion. Fruit juices are combined according to the principle: green with green, red with red. Stone fruit juices (cherries, apricots, plums, etc.) should not be mixed with fruit juices. When experimenting with fresh juices for a child, do not add lemon or grapefruit juice to them - they are too aggressive.

For young children, juices in the monovariant are preferable: in this case, the risk of developing allergic reactions is reduced and useful substances are better absorbed. From the age of three, a healthy child can be given mixed juices. Optimal vegetable combinations: celery + carrots; tomato + parsley + celery.

Cooking right

For real fresh juice, the best raw materials are those grown in our own garden. When buying fruits in the store, be sure to cut off the skin from apples and pears: as a rule, they are treated with chemicals that extend the shelf life.

Fruits and vegetables should be thoroughly washed and cleaned: for fresh, you can’t, for example, use an apple with a beaten barrel or a mashed tomato - they may contain toxic substances.

You need to load fruits or vegetables into the juicer separately and mix the juices already in finished form. But there is an exception: when preparing vegetable juices, you can simultaneously, for example, load parsley or celery with cucumber or carrot.

The juicer should be of good quality, with a mesh that is easy to wash and brush from pulp stuck in the cells, and also easy to disassemble so that each of its elements can be washed with hot water and disinfectants.

by the way

Freshly squeezed juice should be drunk immediately after preparation (vitamins are destroyed in contact with air in 10-15 minutes). And even more so, you can’t store it in the refrigerator until the evening - oxidation will occur. The only exception is beetroot juice, which must be kept after squeezing for at least 40 minutes or a couple of hours in the refrigerator. In its pure form, they do not drink it, but add it to carrots, no more than one third.

Be sure to add 1-2 teaspoons of vegetable oil or cream to carrot juice: carotene turns into vitamin A and is absorbed only with fats. Adding salt to tomato juice is not recommended: this reduces its healing properties.

It is best to drink freshly squeezed juices through a straw - the acids contained in them in concentrated form destroy tooth enamel.

Personal opinion

Marat Safin:

– I prefer freshly squeezed juices. Packaged, instead of vitamins, contain a lot of sugar. I like to make mixes, mix apple with carrots. It turns out a good charge of vivacity.

Medicinal properties of freshly squeezed juices

Type of juice

For what diseases is it recommended

Daily Portion



Anemia, fatigue

loss of strength, with dry cough to accelerate expectoration

0.5 cup 3 times a day for

3 weeks

Gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, diabetes mellitus, obesity, chronic inflammatory processes in the lungs


Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels

0.5 cup

Exacerbations of gastritis, peptic ulcer


Gastritis, gastric ulcer, digestive disorders

0.5 cup

Diabetes mellitus, low acidity


To maintain normal vision, improve the condition of the mucous membranes of the respiratory and digestive organs,

strengthening immunity

Up to 1 glass

Liver disease


With stress, overload, insomnia, constipation, hypertension

1–2 tbsp. spoons

after refrigeration

Gastric and duodenal ulcer, kidney disease


Diseases of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract

0.5 cup



Removes toxins from the body, improves the functioning of the digestive tract, especially useful for smokers

1.5 cups

Exacerbations of gastritis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis





1 glass

Gastric ulcer, chronic gastritis, pancreatitis, allergy

Freshly squeezed juice is a great start to the day. At least that's the generally accepted opinion. These drinks are really bright, tasty, healthy, pleasant to the taste - we are happy to include them in our diet and consider this the right choice. However, science does not stand still and recent studies claim that not everything is so simple. We should know some features of the preparation, use and storage of fresh juices.

Vegetable juices: taste and benefits

It should be noted that packaged juice is strikingly different in taste and quality from freshly squeezed juice, therefore, by default, our article refers specifically to fresh juice.

A freshly squeezed drink, from the point of view of nutrition, is biologically active. Nothing else improves mood in the morning and starts the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The use of fresh juices cleanses blood vessels, stabilizes cholesterol levels, helps to increase immunity in the body and excess fluid does not accumulate.

The taste of juices or their mix can be very different; combine them, based on their own preferences or the purposes for which they are used. Most of all we are used to fruit and berry juices. And vegetables, although no less healthy, are just beginning to gain popularity.

But some juices, namely from the vegetable assortment, have their own characteristics. In particular, they should not be drunk immediately after pressing. For instance: cabbage juice must be kept for about 12 hours, otherwise, when it enters the body, it begins to oxidize food, which leads to fermentation, diarrhea and gas formation in the stomach. Beetroot juice in its pure form is hard to perceive by the body, it must be kept for 2-3 hours.

Important! It is advisable to drink freshly squeezed juice immediately after preparation orlater a maximum of 10-15 minutes, because oxygen destroys vitamins, nutrients and their compounds.

The easiest way out is to combine several types of juices, i.e. from several vegetables. Also, to increase the ease of perception, the drink can be diluted with mineral or boiled water, but you should not add salt or sugar to it. They destroy nutrients.

There is a point of view that vegetable juices are less useful. This is not entirely true. It is necessary to consider the purpose for which these drinks are used. Yes, there is much less glucose in fresh vegetable juice than in fruit and berry juice, but its macro- and microelement composition is often much better. And, most importantly, vegetable juices can be drunk by people suffering from various forms of diabetes. They help improve metabolism, favor the restoration of energy reserves and strength in the body, and support rehabilitation patients.

In vegetable juices, in addition to vitamins and minerals, there are also compounds that can be equated in usefulness with natural substances that have an antibiotic effect.

Nutritionists say that juices are not useful for everyone, not at any time and not for all people. In addition, it is preferable to eat the original product than to drink juice from it. But there is a nuance: the drunk juice is actively absorbed into the blood and begins to have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, metabolic processes, and cause cleansing of toxins and toxins. The acid-base balance in the body is restored faster, enzymes are activated. And it will take more time and energy costs to digest the original vegetable.

However, here lies the problem. Since we get rid of vegetable fiber, which prevents the instant absorption of calories and sugar into the bloodstream, fresh, especially fruit, is a glucose bomb that, when taken regularly, simply explodes our pancreas and depletes it every time, increasing the risk of diabetes by 20% . By upsetting insulin receptors, fruit juices provoke and increase the body's tendency to accumulate fat.

Thus, drinking vegetable juice is healthier than fruit juice. First of all, they have less calories and sugar content. And when we get rid of fiber, the following happens:

  • when using fruit pressing, the absorption of glucose is accelerated, which is very undesirable;
  • when using vegetable fresh, we secure ourselves - if the original product is grown with the use of pesticides and herbicides, they remain in the cake.

Important! The normal volume of freshly squeezed juice per day for an adult is 600 ml. Although sometimes on the Internet it is advised not to limit its amount - this is wrong. Measure is important in everything!

What vegetables can you squeeze juice from and what is it good for

For juicing, you need to choose fresh, undamaged raw materials. Ideally, from your own garden. Since in stores, to extend the shelf life, the fruits are chemically treated, they must be thoroughly washed and peeled. And vegetables, unlike fruits, even after cleaning, need to be washed again.

It is better to prepare juices immediately, until the beneficial composition begins to break down under the influence of processing and oxygen. You can use a juicer: it saves time and preserves the nutritional value as much as possible.

The benefits of vegetable juices are obvious: they work without overloading the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. They are low-calorie, and their vitamin and mineral composition contributes to the normalization of excess weight, removes toxins and destroys toxins, activates the processes of metabolism and metabolism of the body.

They should not be stored, since the nutritional value of this is significantly reduced, but if you really had to, then keep the product:

  • in the freezer (up to 2 days);
  • in a glass container, “covered” on top with a layer of lemon fresh, which will block the access of oxygen (up to 8 hours):
  • canned by boiling with added sugar (preferred option for fruit juices).

There are a few general rules for practicing fresh therapy:

  1. It is better to drink juices from fresh vegetables 30 minutes before eating or 1.5 hours after.
  2. It is not advisable to mix vegetable and fruit juices.
  3. Drinking freshly squeezed drinks is better not during meals, but between meals.
  4. It is best to alternate and combine different types of juices. This increases utility without stressing the pancreas.
  5. Juice therapy should be started with 50 ml per day, gradually moving to the volume of your need.
  6. Always consider your well-being.
  7. You need to drink juice in several doses.
  8. Drinks from vegetables and fruits are best drunk through straws or in small sips, making pauses. So they are better absorbed. And if we are talking about fruit juices, it will also save the enamel of your teeth.
  9. A number of acidic juices are forbidden to be taken in the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract and high acidity.
  10. Allergy sufferers should definitely consult a doctor about the selection of products so as not to provoke a negative reaction of the body.


Carrots are an excellent base for vegetable juice cocktails. It is recommended to combine with juices from the green part of plants, but it goes well with almost any vegetable mix.

Did you know? If you are going to the beach or to the solarium, drink a glass of carrot juice before going out. It will help to ensure that the tan goes on evenly and sticks more intensely.

Carrot drink is rich in:

  • carotene;
  • a group of vitamins B;
  • calcium (Ca);
  • potassium (K);
  • cobalt (Co).

Helps in case of:

  • skin diseases;
  • anemia;
  • vision problems;
  • weakening of the immune system.
The drink conducts a complex cleansing of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder. When agreed with the doctor, it is useful for mothers during lactation - it enriches milk with vitamins, macro- and microelements, which contribute to better growth and development of the child's body.

Contraindication: not recommended for exacerbations of ulcerative manifestations and enteritis. Uncontrolled use is also unacceptable, it loads the liver. The normal dose for an adult is 0.5-1 cup, up to a maximum of 0.5 liters per day.


Juice has a specific taste and contains components that harm the body. To destroy them, it is necessary to hold fresh juice for 2-3 hours after squeezing in the refrigerator, in an open container. The maximum dose per day is up to 100 g.

  • phosphorus (P);
  • gray (S);
  • potassium (K);
  • alkali compounds.

Did you know? The results of a study of beetroot juice clearly show that its regular normalized use increases muscle strength by 13%, and endurance by 16%. Interesting information for athletes.

Freshly made beetroot juice is saturated with:

  • glucose;
  • vitamins C, P, B1, B2, PP;
  • potassium salts (K);
  • iron salts (Fe);
  • salts of manganese (Mn).

Fresh is used for:

  • strengthening the skeletal system and teeth;
  • cleansing of toxins and toxins;
  • stimulation of the intestines and blood formation.
Contraindications: kidney problems, peptic ulcer, individual intolerance.


Not having a pleasant taste, it is mainly consumed in small doses.- as a medicine, in combination with other types of vegetables. The maximum dose for cleansing the body is up to 300 ml per day. Drink should be fresh, warm, freshly squeezed drink. Take half an hour before meals, or between main meals in the body.

Potato fresh contains a high content of antioxidants in the form of vitamins, so it is effectively used as part of the complex treatment of cancer.

Important! Do not use green potato tubers for food, especially when squeezing juice - due to a violation of the collection or storage technology, the content of toxic glycoalkaloid solanine is increased in them! Hecontained in large doses and in the skin of potatoes, even suitable for consumption.

Fresh potato is valuable for its unique and useful composition:

  • vitamins A, E, C;
  • group B vitamins;
  • beta-carotene;
  • folic acid;
  • mineral components: sulfur (S), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), copper (Cu), magnesium (Mn), phosphorus (P), iron (Fe).

Effective for such problems:

  • indigestion;
  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • rheumatism;
  • skin rashes;
  • fibroids, cervical erosion, inflammatory processes in the appendages;
  • renal pathologies.

  • decreased acidity in the stomach
  • predisposition of the intestine to enhanced fermentation processes;
  • different degrees of obesity and diabetes (especially their severe form), because the glycemic index of such fresh is above 80.


The concentration of all useful components in cucumber juice is small- mostly dominated by water. But it is more used in the dietary and medicinal direction. It is also valued for its rejuvenating and healing properties.

The maximum allowable daily dose of cucumber pressing is 2.5 cups. You can make cocktails by combining it with fresh root vegetables - for example, carrots or beets, with fresh green pomace. Then cucumber fresh is allowed to be consumed 4-5 times a day.

It found the presence of:

  • vitamins A, C, E, PP, H;
  • B vitamins;
  • tartronic acid;
  • essential oil compounds;
  • sulfur (S);
  • iodine (I);
  • iron (Fe);
  • phosphorus (P);
  • calcium (Ca);
  • silicon (Si);
  • magnesium (Mg);
  • potassium (K);
  • sodium (Na);
  • chlorine (Cl).

Cucumber juice is useful for:

  • hypertension;
  • jaundice;
  • liver problems;
  • heartburn;
  • thyroid problems;
  • rheumatism;
  • edema (removes urea salts).

In combination with honey, it helps to cough up phlegm.

The main contraindication in the use of cucumber drink- lactation period in nursing mothers. It gives not only a diuretic effect, but also a laxative effect - this will upset the balance in the baby's stomach.

In addition, excessive passion for this drink is undesirable.


The specificity of tomato juice is that they like to use it with salt, but this only reduces its usefulness. It is better to squeeze a little garlic juice into a freshly squeezed tomato drink and mix with finely chopped herbs. You need to drink 30 minutes before eating. It improves the functioning of the digestive tract and promotes easier digestion and absorption of food.

  • vitamins A, PP, B, C;
  • zinc (Zn);
  • magnesium (Mn);
  • chlorine (Cl);
  • cobalt (Co);
  • iron (Fe);
  • molybdenum (Mo);
  • calcium (Ca);
  • potassium (K);
  • selenium (Se);
  • manganese (Mg);
  • gray (S).

Did you know?The science of botany attributed the tomato to ... berries. In 1893, the U.S. Supreme Court approved the tomato as a vegetable for economic reasons, and in 2001, the European Union reclassified tomatoes as a berry. So formally, tomato juice is berry, not vegetable.

Effective for:

  • problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • early stage of cancer;
  • malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Tomato juice prevents the appearance of cancer cells. It is low-calorie, not contraindicated for people with weight problems. It can be drunk by women during childbearing and lactation.

Contraindications may be:

  • poisoning of any severity;
  • exacerbation of ulcerative manifestations;
  • complications of gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis.


The daily norm of pumpkin juice is 0.5 cups per day. With insomnia, they drink it at bedtime with half a teaspoon of honey.

Vitamin composition and minerals in freshly squeezed pumpkin juice:

  • vitamins C, E;
  • vitamin group B (B1, B2, B6);
  • beta carotene;
  • sucrose;
  • useful pectin substances;
  • salts of potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), cobalt (Co).

Important! Pumpkin is a vegetable champion in terms of iron content. Its juice should be consumed by those suffering from anemia.

Helps with:

  • edema;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver and heart;
  • insomnia.
Able to stimulate the work of the stomach and bile secretion.

The main reason for not taking a freshly made pumpkin drink is individual intolerance.


The pomace of the fragrant celery root belongs to the category of juices that you need to work on in order to “get” them, but the benefits compensate for all energy costs. It is very useful for the elderly, as it slows down the aging process, improving the condition of the vessels of the circulatory system. By stabilizing blood flow, it delays senile dementia. However, only if there are no problems with high blood pressure.

It is undesirable during pregnancy, especially the first 6 months. The reasons are:

  • this drink promotes gas formation, causing discomfort to the expectant mother;
  • essential oils in the composition can act as allergens, which should also be avoided by a pregnant woman;
  • it stimulates blood flow to the uterus, which can provoke its increased tone and miscarriage.

Did you know?Celery in history is invariably referred to as an aphrodisiac: French women claim thatcelery, onion andcarrot- the best ingredients for salads, first and second courses, enhancing the brightness of feelings from close relationships. This was confirmed by Madame de Pompadour and Casanova.

Vitamin and mineral filling consists of:

  • beta carotene;
  • tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • nicotinic acid (vitamin PP);
  • group of vitamins B;
  • vitamin C;
  • sodium (Na);
  • potassium (K);
  • calcium (Ca);
  • phosphorus (P);
  • magnesium (Mg);
  • iron (Fe);
  • copper (Cu);
  • zinc (Zn);
  • manganese (Mn);
  • selenium (Se).

Fresh celery has a lot of useful qualities, in particular:

  • cleansing effect for the whole body (removes toxins and toxins);
  • enhances potency and libido;
  • reduces reduced or delayed excitability;
  • contributes to the improvement of the condition and quality indicators of blood;
  • promotes an increase in hemoglobin;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • balances blood pressure;
  • contributes to the normalization of healthy sleep;
  • under stress strengthens the nervous system.

Contraindications for use are:

  • ulcers;
  • pregnancy;
  • epilepsy;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • high blood pressure;
  • stones in the gallbladder or kidneys;
  • problems in the digestive tract.


Cabbage juice has an inexpressive and fresh taste, but salt in this case destroys useful substances. Therefore, it is better to drink it clean, in strictly medicinal doses, or flavor it with fresh carrot or celery juice.

Another disadvantage is associated with increased gas formation - the reason is that it decomposes all putrefactive accumulations in the gastrointestinal tract. To avoid this, you need to keep fresh before drinking for about 12 hours.

Did you know?If you're going to a party and you know exactly what you'll bedrinking alcohol, but at the same time you want to stay normal - drink a glass of fresh red cabbage. It will delay alcohol intoxication and help maintain sanity.

The composition of the cabbage drink has a set of useful substances:

  • carbohydrates easily absorbed by the body;
  • vitamin C;
  • nicotinic acid (vitamin PP);
  • folic acid (vitamin B9);
  • vitamin U - especially effective in the treatment of peptic ulcers;
  • amino acids;
  • potassium salts (K);
  • sodium salts (Na);
  • calcium salts (Ca);
  • magnesium salts (Mg);
  • iron salts (Fe).

Very effective for:

  • stomatitis or inflammation of the gums - they need to rinse their mouth;
  • the need to cleanse the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines;
  • chronic problems of the gastrointestinal tract (vitamin U works);
  • high blood pressure;
  • combating high cholesterol levels in the blood (prevention of atherosclerosis);
  • overweight (tartronic acid prevents the transition of carbohydrates into fats, and low calorie content and fiber are suitable for a diet menu);
  • puffiness (the drink removes excess salts, but at the same time removes the necessary ones);
  • elevated blood sugar levels;
  • desire to improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Contraindications will be:

  • gastritis;
  • acute inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • ulcerative problems of the stomach and duodenum (with abuse);
  • disruption of the pancreas.


Benefits of eggplant juice- the most controversial in the list of vegetable fresh juices. On the one hand, it has long been effectively used externally as an antibacterial and antiseptic agent. On the other hand, in all parts of this plant there is a high content of a toxic substance - solanine.

With solanine poisoning, the following occurs:

  • headache;
  • disorientation;
  • pupil dilation;
  • increased body temperature;
  • stomach ache;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
In the case of severe poisoning, convulsions are followed by delirium (a mental disorder accompanied by hallucinations), then coma and death.

Therefore, you need to make a decision for yourself: is it really important for you to use juice, given that the entire useful composition of the vegetable can be obtained from it even after heat treatment. In addition, the benefits of its rich chemical composition are negligible, based on our daily need for these micro and macro elements.

What is needed and valuable in fresh eggplant, in addition to low calorie content and natural fiber:

  • vitamins C, B1, B2, B5, PP;
  • easily soluble sugars;
  • pectin;
  • proteins;
  • potassium (K);
  • calcium (Ca);
  • phosphorus (P);
  • iron (Fe);
  • magnesium (Mg);
  • sodium (Na).

Did you know? In the fruits of eggplant, which have a white peel, there is practically no solanine, and the taste is softer and more pleasant.

Supporters of the use of eggplant claim about its effectiveness:

  • as a choleretic composition;
  • with manifestations of gout;
  • if you want to overcome nicotine addiction;
  • to fight obesity.

  • with peptic ulcers;
  • colitis;
  • gastritis;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • diabetes (during insulin therapy, an eggplant diet can provoke hypoglycemia).

Features of the use of vegetable juices

Some simple rules of juice therapy:

  • We clean and cut vegetables immediately before preparing fresh juice.
  • Therapy starts with 50 ml per day, increasing the daily dose by 10 ml.
  • Juices from vegetables are not recommended to be drunk with meals, as well as combined with dishes containing protein and starch.
  • They do not replace the body's need for water.
  • Freshly squeezed drinks are not washed down with medications.

  • It is more useful to drink fresh pressings between main meals, no later than 30 minutes before meals.
  • Many fresh juices are more useful in combination with each other than on their own (but we take into account the specifics of preparing and drinking beetroot juice).
  • It is advisable to dilute vegetable juices in a ratio of 1: 2 with warm boiled water.
  • We do not use salt, spices, sugar, etc. in juice therapy. We add a little olive oil to drinks containing vitamin C, since this vitamin is fat-soluble.

For treatment

For weight management you need to mix in a cocktail (you can not throw away all the cake) fresh pressings:

  • carrots (5 pcs.);
  • spinach greens (3 pcs.).
  • carrots (10 pcs.);
  • beets (3 pcs.);
  • cucumbers (3 pcs.).

To improve the general condition of the skin and to refresh the complexion connect the frets:

  • carrots (6 pcs.);
  • green sweet paprika (3 pcs.);
  • cabbage, turnip tops and spinach greens - a few leaves each.

To improve immunity suitable mix of fresh:

  • carrots (3 pcs.);
  • a bunch of celery;
  • bunch of parsley;
  • small apple (1 pc.);
  • beets with tops (0.5 pcs.).

Strengthen the nervous system a juice cocktail will help:

  • tomato (0.5 pcs.);
  • cabbage (100 g);
  • celery (a couple of bunches).
Strengthens nails fresh vegetable drink:
  • small cucumber (1 pc.);
  • carrots (4 pcs.);
  • cabbage leaves (3 pcs.);
  • green sweet pepper (1⁄4 of one fruit).

insomnia will overcome a cocktail made from:

  • carrot juice (5 pcs.);
  • a bunch of parsley (1 pc.);
  • celery stalks (a couple of pieces).

For weight loss

It is better to use pressings from vegetables and fruits from your region, and available in season. Stale imported products are not suitable.

Before juice therapy, it is necessary to consult a dietitian who will evaluate the following factors:

  • body condition;
  • contraindications;
  • assortment of food;
  • volume and timing of the diet.
For the period of therapy, we exclude alcohol, strong tea and coffee, sweets and fatty foods.

It is important to listen to your body, as it is under tremendous stress: if some ingredient does not fit, either replace it or exclude it altogether.

There are two types of juice therapy:

  1. One fasting day is introduced into the patient's menu exclusively on juices, and the rest of the time - nutrition with the exception of high-calorie foods. The duration of this regimen is 2-3 weeks.
  2. For 10 days, a strict diet - only juices and their mixes. Next, we make a gradual exit from such a “draconian” regime, introducing boiled meat and fish.
In any case, conducting juice therapy on your own, without medical advice, is fraught with negative consequences:
  • complications of unrecorded diseases;
  • increase in blood sugar levels.

Is it possible to eat vegetable mass from vegetables

The answer to this question must be sought separately in each case.

For example, it is preferable to make juices from vegetables grown on your own, but this is not available to everyone. If your vegetables - you can safely add fiber to the composition, if store-bought - think about whether you really need it.

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Is it possible to drink freshly squeezed juices on an empty stomach - this question interests many people who care about their health. Not every drink is equally useful on an empty stomach, and some are even harmful to the body. What kind of juices can and is useful to use from morning to breakfast and how to do it right?

What benefit can be gained?

Useful properties of natural juices consumed on an empty stomach are quite multifaceted. A glass of nutritious drink is just what you need to start your day to the fullest. It will provide the body with plenty of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Your mood will instantly rise and your energy supply will be replenished, and the work of the gastrointestinal tract will also start.

Drinking juice in the morning is also useful for blood vessels that are cleared of cholesterol. The body also better resists the appearance of diseases and does not accumulate excess fluid. Different juices from fruits and vegetables are useful in their own way.

General rules for drinking juices

You need to drink freshly squeezed juices correctly, otherwise there will not be much benefit from it. There is even so-called juice therapy, the effectiveness of which has been proven by scientific research, and many reports and books have been written on this topic.

So, with the maximum benefit, you need to drink juice, taking into account these recommendations:

  • Drink a fresh drink. If it is not possible to cook it, use a quality store-bought one.
  • It is better to drink pure juice if there are no health problems. Otherwise, it needs to be diluted.
  • Do not pour or leave juice in metal containers. Metal destroys the beneficial components in the drink.

How to dilute juice?

If fresh highly concentrated juice is not recommended for you due to gastrointestinal diseases or for other reasons, it is better to dilute it, but you need to do it correctly:

  • if the juice has high acidity (lemon, orange, tomato), you can dilute it with water 1 to 2;
  • adding a spoonful of cream to a glass of drink will improve the absorption of vitamins A, K, E and D (there are a lot of them in carrot and pumpkin juices);
  • cream is not added to apple, orange and other sour juices, otherwise lumps will form.

The main thing is not to add salt or sugar to freshly squeezed juices consumed on an empty stomach. They will impair the absorption of nutrients from the drink.

What juices are best on an empty stomach?

We found out whether freshly squeezed juices can be drunk on an empty stomach, and decided on the benefits of these drinks. It is time to list the drinks most saturated with valuable vitamins and microelements, which are especially important in the morning after waking up.


Its use on an empty stomach is recommended for indigestion. You need to drink not in its pure form, but diluted with water 1 to 2 and adding a spoonful of honey. Lemon juice is a powerful antiseptic that kills harmful bacteria in the intestines, leading to disorders. The same drink will help with bloating. Once in the stomach, it will ensure the rapid digestion of food eaten 10-15 minutes later for breakfast.


It contains a large amount of vitamins A and E, especially valuable for pregnant and lactating mothers. In this regard, the drink can be drunk on an empty stomach to young or expectant mothers. The quality of breast milk is improved, and the risk of postpartum sepsis is also minimized.

potato juice

Even doctors recommend drinking this drink on an empty stomach. It creates a diuretic, mild laxative, regenerating and restorative effects. Raw potato juice is diluted with water 1 to 3 and drunk in the morning to normalize the water-salt balance, maintain kidney function and regulate hemoglobin.

It also regulates blood sugar, so it is recommended for people who have diabetes. It is better to drink the drink 30 minutes before breakfast.

Orange juice

Is it possible to drink this drink on an empty stomach - one of the most frequently asked questions. It contains a lot of vitamin C, B and PP, as well as phosphorus, potassium and magnesium.

Regular use of this drinking product on an empty stomach strengthens blood vessels and immunity, helps in losing weight, removes chronic fatigue and regulates the digestive tract. We recommend drinking it 10-20 minutes before breakfast, and people with gastritis or ulcers need to dilute the drink with water 1 to 3.


Don't forget about vegetable juices. Tomato juice is tasty and healthy on an empty stomach, as it balances water balance and increases brain activity. Regular consumption of the drink in the morning removes excess cholesterol, normalizes blood clotting and improves metabolism. This remedy is especially useful for reduced hemoglobin, since it contains a lot of iron.


Everyone has heard about the benefits of beetroot juice. The drink is useful for the treatment of certain diseases, including varicose veins and hardening of the veins. It cleanses the stomach, kidneys, gallbladder and liver.

The drink protects the body from dangerous microorganisms and heavy metals. In its pure form, you can not use it, but you need to dilute it with water in equal proportions and drink it half an hour before breakfast.


Due to the high concentration of chlorine and sulfur, this juice is especially useful on an empty stomach. It cleanses the intestinal and stomach mucosa, creates diuretic and choleretic effects, therefore it is useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and excretory system.


It is also useful to drink such a drink on an empty stomach due to the high content of valuable vitamins, speeding up metabolism and filling the body with energy.

As you can see, on an empty stomach it is useful to drink quite a variety of juices: both fruit and vegetable. The main thing is to stick to the above rules, and finally, consider a few more drinks that are better not to drink on an empty stomach for one reason or another.

What juices do you need to be careful with?

Let's find out if you can drink freshly squeezed apple juice on an empty stomach, and why it was not on the above list? In fact, it is quite useful, but due to the increased acidity, it is not recommended to drink it in the morning.

Lemon and orange also contain acid, but when diluted with water, they become almost harmless. As for apple, after mixing with water, it will not bring much benefit, so it is better to use it at other times during the day.

There are juices that provoke flatulence, so drinking them in the morning is also not recommended. In this case, contraindications apply to grape and pear fresh juices. In some people, eating them on an empty stomach causes diarrhea altogether.

Theoretically, almost every one of the juices mentioned above can be drunk even with gastric diseases, diluting them with water. At the same time, some doctors and nutritionists advise people to be more careful with them with exacerbations of gastritis and ulcers, with pancreatitis and acute indigestion. With these violations, only pumpkin and carrot juices will bring indisputable benefits.

If you have diabetes, be careful with sugary drinks on an empty stomach (especially grape juice) during the day, and people with cholecystitis should not drink tomato juice.

We all know that freshly squeezed juices are rich in vitamins and good for health. However, to get the most out of them, you need to follow a few rules.

How to drink freshly squeezed juices

1. Drink freshly squeezed juices right away! The only exception is beetroot juice. After cooking, he needs to “settle” in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, since it contains volatile substances that cause nausea and vomiting.

After the drink is prepared, all antioxidants and other phytonutrients begin to evaporate almost immediately. In contact with air and the iron parts of the juicer, vitamin C is completely destroyed within half an hour.

Resting in the Crimea, I often see this picture. In the central market of the city of Yalta, pomegranates are sold and fresh is made from it on the spot. Many ask to make pomegranate juice for them and drink for several minutes, and some buy and drink a ready-made drink that was prepared no one knows when and stood on the counter under the sun for an incomprehensible amount of time.

And there were those who bought a ready-made drink with the words “Tomorrow I’ll go home - I’ll take it to the children as a gift.” Excuse me, but I just want to ask - "what kind of gift are we talking about?" After half an hour, all the vitamins in it will fall, it will begin to sour and become a favorable environment for many bacteria. What will you bring home? Burgundy liquid with microbes?

2. Fresh juices provide an easy and effective way to get your daily dose of vitamins from fruits and vegetables. However, in the absence of fiber, fresh fructose is absorbed by our body very easily, which can lead to an imbalance in blood sugar.

Vegetable juices, with the exception of beets and carrots, do not have this negative effect, so doctors recommend drinking more vegetable drinks and limiting fruit drinks to one glass a day.

One glass of orange juice can be obtained from 3-4 ripe oranges and this juice has the equivalent of about 8 teaspoons of sugar!

3. Don't be afraid to experiment. Many people are afraid to drink freshly squeezed juices in mixed form and in vain. You can and should mix drinks! Not everyone will be able to drink a lemon or pomegranate drink due to acidity or cloying, but mixing them with others will make a delicious and excellent cocktail of vitamins and minerals.

However, not all drinks can be thoughtlessly mixed and drunk. Many of the juices, when mixed, cause fermentation.

Never add salt or sugar to fresh juice. If the juice tastes very sour, add a little honey, and sweet juice can always be diluted with water or other vegetable juice.

4. And one more piece of advice, do not try to drink freshly squeezed juices with meals or immediately after meals. Fresh is a concentrate of active substances, which, reacting with food, causes fermentation. As a result, we get bloating, heartburn and a bunch of side symptoms of flatulence, and in addition we are tormented by the question - “what did we eat so stale?” The answer is simple, we didn’t eat “stale”, but drank fresh juice “at the wrong time”.

With low acidity, you need to drink freshly squeezed juices one hour before meals, and with increased acidity, one hour after eating.

5. All fruits and fruit drinks should be consumed on an empty stomach. The reason is that the fruits are not digested in the stomach, but in the small intestine. If the stomach is full of food, then the fruits, reaching the stomach, are trapped and begin to wander there.

6. And not everyone can start the morning with a glass of citrus drink. Each of us has his own diseases, one morning drink will benefit, while others will harm! For example, people suffering from an ulcer or gastritis are generally forbidden to drink citrus juices on an empty stomach. This statement also applies to people with diseases of the pancreas and gallbladder.

Pineapple juice is considered to be one of the sweet juices and therefore cannot promote weight loss. It does not break down fats, but proteins. But despite this, it is rich in amino acids that improve the functioning of the digestive system.

7. According to doctors, drinking unsterilized drinks is unhealthy. According to them, raw vegetables and fruits can contain pathogens that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and even kidney failure. To minimize the risk of disease, doctors do not recommend drinking freshly squeezed juice for pregnant women and young children.

There are no harmful microorganisms in a store-bought sterilized drink, but there are almost no “live” vitamins. Judge for yourself what can remain after heat treatment? Moreover, such drinks are stuffed with flavor enhancers, dyes, preservatives and other food additives.

Are such drinks healthier than freshly squeezed ones? I think no. And what, we now do not drink fresh juices and do not eat fresh vegetables, just because they may contain pathogenic microorganisms? But that's just my opinion. And I would like to hear your opinion in the comments. Write how useful or harmful freshly squeezed juices, in your opinion.