How to make bread kvass. Recipe for kvass from breadcrumbs. Kvass from fresh carrots.

  • Sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • Dry yeast - 30 g;
  • Raisins - 50 g;
  • Instruction

    Cut the bread into small flat pieces. Lay the bread on a baking sheet in one row and put in the oven. Bread should be dried at a low temperature, until the formation golden brown. The crust should not be overcooked, otherwise kvass will acquire a bitter taste.

    After 2 days, strain kvass through cheesecloth or a sieve, so as to completely separate all the thick. Remove the grounds in the refrigerator. Pour the remaining sugar and raisins into a jar. Raisins must first be washed thoroughly. Mix the contents well and leave for 12 hours in a warm place.

    Pour the kvass into bottles and close the lids very tightly. Remove kvass for a day in the refrigerator. After a day, kvass can be drunk.

    Homemade cracker kvass- a drink that perfectly quenches thirst and is suitable for making a favorite summer dish- okroshki. Having mastered the basic recipe, be sure to try cooking kvass various flavor nuances. At a summer party, serve your guests a selection of homemade drinks that they will surely appreciate.

    You will need

    • Homemade rusk kvass: - 500 g rye rusks; - 5 liters of water; - 300 g of sugar; - 30 g of yeast. Currant kvass: - 500 g crackers; - 5 liters of water; - 15 g of yeast; - 200 g of sugar; - 0.5 cups of currant jam; - currant leaves and fresh mint. Kvass with horseradish and honey: - 600 g crackers; - 4 liters of water; - 300 g of sugar; - 30 g of yeast; - 100 g of honey; - 100 g of horseradish.


    Prepare the main raw materials for kvass a - crackers from rye or Borodino bread. Cut the loaf into slices, and then into narrow ribbons or cubes. Dry the crackers in the oven until a thin crust forms, making sure that they do not burn. To prepare a drink, crackers can be crushed in a mortar or scroll in a meat grinder, turning them into small crumbs.

    Try several cooking options kvass and choose the one that seems more suitable for you. Raw materials can be poured boiling or warm water, add sugar or pre-cooked sugar syrup, add to kvass a decoction of mint, currant leaf, raisins, honey, cumin, horseradish or jam - and as a result, get more and more new variations of this drink. However, the base of the rusk kvass but remains unchanged - it is rye crackers, yeast and water.

    Kvass is prepared in bulky dishes - best of all glass or enameled. Pour crackers into it, pour boiling water over them and leave the mixture for 10 hours. Boil sugar mixed with a glass of water in a separate bowl. Pour the cracker infusion into another container, add sugar syrup and yeast to it. Stir the mixture and leave for 4 hours - during this time the fermentation process takes place.

    Remove the foam from the finished drink, strain kvass send through gauze to the refrigerator for aging, pouring it into glass jars or bottles. For flavor, add a few raisins to each. Young after 2 hours kvass he'll be ready. The longer it sits, the richer the flavor will be. However, it is not recommended to keep the drink for more than two days, it is better to drain the leftovers and prepare fresh kvass.

    Leftover from the first batch kvass the wort can be reused. Add breadcrumbs and yeast to part of the mixture. Instead of sugar, put half a cup of homemade currant jam into the mixture. In a separate bowl, brew a handful of fresh currant leaves and a few sprigs of fresh mint. Pour the wort with hot boiled water, add a decoction of herbs and infuse the mixture for 6 hours at room temperature. Then strain, pour into clean glass jars and put in the refrigerator.

    Try another one unusual option- home kvass with honey and horseradish. Pour the crackers with boiling water and leave for 4 hours to infuse. Strain the infusion through cheesecloth, add yeast and sugar to it. Put kvass for fermentation for 4-6 hours. Grate the horseradish root and mix it with liquid honey. Add the resulting mixture to the young kvass, mix thoroughly, pour into jars or bottles and refrigerate.

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    Kvass is a soft and refreshing drink that can quench your thirst and be used as a base for making okroshka. Homemade kvass is quite easy to prepare. There are many original recipes making kvass at home, which not only make this drink tasty, but also healthy.

    Classic rye kvass

    loaf rye bread cut into slices. Then put the bread slices on a dry baking sheet and put in the oven at maximum temperature. We are waiting for the bread slices to become dark in color. Care must be taken not to burn the bread. Transfer the breadcrumbs to suitable dishes and pour 5 liters of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave to infuse for 5 hours. Strain the wort through gauze, add a tablespoon of yeast, half a glass of sugar and a tablespoon of raisins. Stir, close the lid and leave overnight. Ready kvass Pour into bottles, cork and set to cool in the refrigerator.

    Bread kvass with dried fruits

    Pour a mixture of dried fruits with water and cook for 10-15 minutes. Dried rye bread pour boiling water and leave in a sealed container for 3 hours. We filter the decoction of dried fruits and the wort and combine it together. Add sugar, yeast and put in a warm place for fermentation. We pour the fermented kvass into bottles and put 3 raisins in each. We put in a cold place. Instead of sugar, you can use honey boiled with water. After 3 days kvass is ready.

    Kvass with mint or oregano

    Cook in the same way as the classic one, only add a little honey in addition and flavor with fresh or dried mint or oregano grass, dropping a gauze bag into kvass for 10 hours. Mint gives a refreshing taste, and oregano improves digestion.

    Kvass with calamus

    Calamus roots have a beneficial effect on the digestive organs, improve the condition of the gums, and lower blood pressure. in cooked in the usual way bread kvass add infusion of calamus. Add 1 cup of infusion of calamus roots to a 3 liter jar of kvass or put dry calamus roots (80 grams) in a gauze bag for 5 hours.

    Kvass from fresh carrots

    Wash the carrots and peel them. Grate on coarse grater and put in a 3-liter glass jar, add dried brown bread crusts, pour warm boiled water and leave for 10 hours, covering the jar with gauze. After infusion, we filter the liquid (wort) and add the yeast diluted in warm water, with no large quantity flour and set to ferment overnight. After that, you can add on the tip of the knife citric acid. It will turn out not only refreshing, but also a drink enriched with vitamins and microelements. For 3 liters of kvass you will need 150 grams of carrots, a glass of sugar, 20 grams of yeast, 500 grams of rye bread, citric acid, a tablespoon of flour.

    Lemon kvass "Ekaterininsky"

    To prepare kvass "Ekaterininsky" we will prepare 700 grams of lemons, a handful of raisins, 500 grams of sugar, 50 grams of yeast and 10 liters of water. Add granulated sugar to a pot of water and wait for the water to boil. Then you need to cool the water with sugar. Grate lemon peel, squeeze the juice from the lemons, knead the yeast and add everything to the pan. Mix everything, throw a handful of raisins and put in a cool place for 3 days.

    For more than 1000 years of its history, kvass has acquired the status of not only national, but also the most healthy drink. Even in Russia they knew: kvass not only quenches thirst on a hot summer day, it is also useful for vitamin deficiency, increased fatigue, and has bactericidal power. And most importantly - it can be cooked at home. You just need to know that kvass is obtained by fermentation and infusion of bread, water, sugar, malt and yeast. To taste, you can add raisins, lemon, spices, cranberries, lingonberries, mountain ash. Do not forget that on the basis of kvass you can make both okroshka and, for example, tyurya or botvinya.

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    If kvass turned out to be very spicy when adding horseradish or ginger, the volume of these additives recommended in the recipe can be halved.

    Useful advice

    Blackcurrant, cherry or lemon balm leaves, dried fruits and berries are also suitable as flavorings for homemade kvass.

    Tip 5: How to make homemade kvass from dry sourdough?

    Kvass is one of the old, non-alcoholic drinks, made on the basis of fermentation from flour and malt, dry rye bread. It was invented over a thousand years ago, but it is still famous today.

    It will take

    3 tablespoons of dry kvass;

    3 tablespoons of sugar;

    2 liters of water;

    Rye bread.


    Buy simple dry kvass in the store, take 3 tablespoons of dry kvass, put them in a saucepan and cover with water. Put the pan with all its contents on the fire and wait until all the liquid boils for 5 minutes. Next pour into three-liter jar, add water, sugar and a spoonful of milk. As soon as the jar is almost full to the brim, add a few pieces of rye bread (by no means white) and put the jar in a warm place, covered with a saucer or gauze. As time passes, kvass becomes much lighter and the fermentation process no longer occurs, pour the contents of the jar into bottles and close the lids, then put them in a cold place. And get ready to eat in 3 days.

    All useful qualities it acquires when the fermentation process takes place. A drink made from dry kvass, like any other kind of kvass, can cure various diseases, namely: gastritis, hypertension, dysbacteriosis, and various heart diseases. And also in no time can put people who have weak immunity on their feet, because the acids that it contains lead to the decomposition of sick and dead cells.

    Their useful vitamins it is obtained from yeast, when using this kvass, tooth enamel is strengthened, the level of ability to work, of any citizen, increases. Can be used during a diet, which helps in improving the quality of metabolism and the work of the digestive tract, helps in the process of digestion various dishes and fatty meat, which were eaten by a person a few minutes, hours earlier, increases appetite and makes the level of fluids and salts in the body within normal limits.

    AT this drink there are also negative qualities. You can not drink to people who have problems with the kidneys, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with urolithiasis and any other diseases, otherwise an exacerbation of the disease in any area may occur. It also contains 1 - 2% alcohol, which is strictly forbidden to drink to people who are driving a car, otherwise conflicts with the authorities may occur on this occasion.

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    Bread kvass at home, a recipe with the simultaneous preparation of sourdough for kvass, turns out tasty, sharp. Vigorous homemade bread kvass is insisted on rye crackers, with sugar, dry yeast, raisins; for the sharpness of kvass, the ingredients include horseradish, the must contains more raisins and sugar.

    Bread kvass is valued for its beneficial properties, for its tonic, refreshing effect during the summer heat, for its beneficial effect on human body at regular use properly prepared, high-quality kvass. Made by yourself, kvass is stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 3 days, long-term storage kvass is possible, but under a certain temperature regime in sealed bottles.

    To make bread kvass at home tasty, healthy for the body, the prepared drink is made more often and in small portions - 3 liter jars. It is better to drink the made bread kvass in 3 days, otherwise it will turn sour, become undrinkable, too sour.

    Advice from the Miracle Chef. Bread for cooking kvass wort use rye or brown bread crumbs are put in the wort. With dry yeast, the starter turns out to be atomic, fermentation in heat with sugar occurs quickly, ready-fermented kvass does not have a yeast taste and smell.

    We offer classic recipe bread kvass at home. cook bread drink it’s easy with your own hands, you can drink kvass, improving digestion, stabilizing metabolic processes in the body, cleansing blood vessels, cook cold, based on it in the summer heat. In order to make kvass, you will need simple products for ingredients: rye crackers, dry yeast, boiled water, sugar, dried raisins.

    Preparation - 16 hours

    Cooking - 20 minutes

    Calorie - 30 kcal per 100 grams

    Wort Ingredients

    • water - 4-4.5 liters;
    • rye crackers - three quarters of a glass or 1 glass;
    • sugar - 1 cup;
    • dry yeast - 2 tsp;
    • raisins to taste.

    How to make bread kvass at home

    Enjoy chilled sparkling bread kvass on a summer day. You can prepare it in any way, with various components, get a sour or sweet drink, with the aroma of rye bread, mint, sharp, sparkling with bubbles of carbon dioxide to quench your thirst, crumbly, replace water.

    If, nevertheless, the drink turned out to be sour, I add honey to it, stir the sugar to remove excess sourness.

    Homemade bread kvass is perhaps the only drink that can not only quench thirst, but also saturate a person. The first black bread appeared several centuries ago. A refreshing drink with a peculiar taste has gained incredible popularity among ordinary Russian people and the nobility.

    The value of homemade kvass

    Homemade kvass from black bread crackers is not just a refreshing drink. Even our distant ancestors knew about it useful properties. He was credited with the ability to heal abdominal pain and eliminate constipation, relieve muscle pain and restore strength after a protracted illness. Modern nutritionists and doctors confirm this. The drink contains many nutrients and vitamins.

    It helps to strengthen the immune system, especially if various components are included in the recipe for homemade black bread kvass: either mint, viburnum or Birch juice, honey, cinnamon or even horseradish. Real bread kvass, prepared at home without all kinds of chemical additives, is the best remedy for a headache that occurs after heavy drinking.

    Both children and adults can drink this refreshing drink. It is also used to prepare the well-known and beloved okroshka. For this dish experienced chefs it is advised to use black kvass, then its taste will be mild, and unpleasant consequences in the form of slight intoxication will not occur. By the way, among the many types of bread kvass, there are those that, in many respects, are comparable to beer, since they contain alcohol. It goes without saying that children should not drink kvass prepared according to such recipes. But for many adults, it may be to your liking.

    It's time to consider in more detail how to make kvass from black bread. The first thing worth mentioning is the choice of dishes. Once this refreshing drink was prepared exclusively in hardwood barrels. Now, in the century modern technologies when plastic, metal and glass reign in kitchens, the best container to create a refreshing drink are glass jars with a volume of 3 liters or more, as well as enameled metal pans. Aluminum utensils should not be used, just like most types of plastic. The fact is that they can release various substances into kvass, changing its characteristics: taste, color and aroma, content of useful substances. Before preparing a drink, it is better to sterilize the container or rinse well with soda.

    Almost every recipe for homemade black bread kvass contains an instruction to cover the dishes with a cloth. For these purposes, calico or linen napkins are best suited. Before use, they must be boiled in salted water and dried without rinsing. During the fermentation of kvass, it is not recommended to move, shake the container or mix the prepared drink, as fermentation processes may stop in it, and it will turn out tasteless.

    These are perhaps the main tips on how to make kvass from black bread without mistakes. Next, we offer you several recipes for a foamy refreshing drink that every housewife can master.

    Classic kvass from rye bread

    This version of the drink is the basis for others. Almost all kvass recipes from black bread are based on these proportions of the components. So, to prepare 3 liters of drink, you need 1 kg of stale rye bread, 300 g of granulated sugar and 20 g of yeast. Bread should be cut into small slices and dried in the oven, browned until golden brown. Crackers pour three liters hot water and stir occasionally for 2-3 hours. As a result, about 3 liters of wort will be obtained - the basis of kvass. To prepare classic kvass from black, it remains in the wort cooled to 20 degrees to add sugar and yeast diluted in a small amount of the same bread infusion. Next, leave the dishes with the drink in a warm place for at least 12 hours, covering it with a clean cloth.

    After this time, kvass is carefully poured into clean bottles, tightly corked and transferred to a cool room for 2-3 days, so as not to raise turbidity from the bottom of the dish. After that, the drink is considered ready to drink.

    Homemade kvass with raisins

    Many kvass recipes from black bread involve the use of raisins. At the same time, dried grapes cannot be washed before preparing the drink, since the substances on their surface are necessary to initiate chemical processes in the prepared drink. Thanks to this, kvass from black bread with raisins acquires a completely new, bright taste.

    The basis of this drink is the classic bread kvass mentioned above. The only difference is that during the bottling of the drink, it is necessary to add 4-5 raisins to each. Kvass prepared in this way is left for about a day, after which it is tightly corked and placed in the refrigerator for at least 4 days.

    Kvass golden

    Like other recipes for kvass from black bread, this one contains a method for preparing kvass wort, which includes rye crackers (1 kg), water (5-6 l), sugar (5 tbsp. l.), 2 tbsp. l. dry baker's yeast and a handful of raisins. The preparation of the base for this type of kvass is the same as in the previous recipes. Its peculiarity is that raisins are added to the wort simultaneously with half the sugar and yeast. The drink is infused in a warm place for 3-4 days, after which it must be carefully drained into another container, where the remaining sugar is also added. Next, you should pour kvass into dark bottles. Add 2-3 raisins to each and seal tightly. Kvass should ripen for at least 2 days in a cold place.

    Bread kvass without yeast

    If you want to make black bread kvass at home for the whole family, including children, you will definitely like this recipe, because the drink will turn out to be guaranteed non-alcoholic. So, for its preparation you will need rye or ordinary black bread, 10 liters of water and a glass of sugar. Sliced ​​bread should be toasted over an open fire until a noticeable crust appears. If it gets a little charred in places, it's okay. Next, you need to fill it with boiled water, add sugar and leave it in a warm sunny place for fermentation for at least 2 days. After that, the drink can be drained into bottles and put in the refrigerator. This kvass is especially tasty when cold, it is great for making okroshka.

    Kvass with mint

    This type of drink is prepared in the same way as classic kvass, with the only difference being that a glass of mint infusion is added to the wort. This will require 2-3 tbsp. l. dried mint greens per 5 liters of wort. Greens should be poured with boiling water and left for several hours to infuse, after which the resulting infusion is poured into the finished wort. Kvass with mint has a very delicate aroma and a refreshing effect on the body. It is especially good to use it on hot days, when other drinks are not able to quench your thirst.

    Another version of bread kvass with mint is prepared as follows: a handful of rye flour is brewed with boiling water and left for a couple of hours. In the meantime, a classic wort is being prepared from black bread toasted in the oven. AT ready base sugar is added (1 cup per 5 liters of wort), a bunch of fresh mint and rye flour sourdough. The drink is infused for only a day, after which it can be bottled and cooled.

    Bread kvass with hemp seeds

    Unusual recipes for bread kvass from black bread, which include hemp kvass, are worth knowing for any housewife. They will help to diversify the taste of soft drinks. home cooking. In addition, kvass with hemp seeds has a relaxing and calming effect. To prepare it, you will need about a kilogram of hemp seeds, 300 g of hop cones, 150 g of cumin, 700 g of 1300 g of honey and 5 liters of water. All components, except bread, are placed in a saucepan with water and slowly heated, not bringing to a rapid boil. Then bread is added to the broth and it is quickly cooled. After that, kvass is again heated to 40 degrees and immediately bottled. The drink is infused for at least 5 days, after which it can be drunk.

    Bread kvass with currant leaves

    Currant homemade kvass is distinguished by its exquisite aroma and piquant taste. It should not be used to make okroshka - it is good on its own. To prepare it, you need 4 liters of must, made from 500 g of rye crackers and 200 g of sugar, 40 g of yeast and 7-10 blackcurrant leaves. The drink is infused in an apartment day or night, after which it is filtered into bottles. Each one needs to be zested. Tightly corked bottles are placed in a cold place for 3 days.

    Bread kvass on birch sap

    Unlike the classic version of this drink, birch sap is used instead of water. It is impossible to heat it during the preparation of the wort, as this will cause the destruction of useful substances. This was carried out mainly in the spring, the stocks of kvass from it were a real treasure. Such drinks were usually served on festive table, they fed seriously ill people and women in the postpartum period. It doesn't differ much in taste from classic kvass. It can be cooked in different variations: with mint, currants and raisins.

    Whatever kvass you cook, remember that you need to do it with your soul. Only in this case the drink will turn out tasty and really healthy. Please note that almost all types of homemade bread kvass contain yeast and are fermented. That is why it is not recommended to drink a soft drink before you get behind the wheel. Kvass, most likely, will not affect your condition, but alcohol will be contained in the blood, albeit in small quantities.

    With the onset of summer, the consumption of kvass increases. Today there are many varieties. It can be bought in the store or in barrels on the street. But the most delicious is the one that is prepared with your own hands at home.

    This drink has been prepared since ancient times. It restores strength and copes well with thirst. This is due to the content. The composition of kvass includes the necessary trace elements and almost all vitamins. In addition, it prevents the development of various diseases.

    Exists a large number of recipes. The drink can be prepared on the basis of berries, honey and herbs. But most often they use bread. In this article, an overview of several options for making a bread drink.

    We make kvass from black bread without yeast

    Dry yeast gives the drink a specific smell, so not everyone likes this kvass. But you can do without them if you use a different recipe. It is important to note that success is more dependent on bread. If it contains a large number of chemical components, then the fermentation process may not occur.


    • 400 gr black bread.
    • 3 liters of water.
    • 120 gr of granulated sugar.
    • 30 gr raisins.

    Step by step cooking

    As in the first recipe, pieces of rye bread must be dried. The main thing is that they do not burn, otherwise kvass will be bitter.

    The glass jar needs to be washed well, and it is better to pour boiling water over it. If it kept dairy products, then it is not recommended to use it, since many microbes remain in the container. In a clean jar, add 0.5 cups of granulated sugar, pour boiling water (80 degrees). Then stir thoroughly so that the sugar is completely dissolved in water.

    Then pour out the dried pieces of bread and add a little more water. To leave room for fermentation, the jar should be filled to the shoulders.

    When the liquid becomes warm, about 40 degrees, then you need to add washed raisins. In this case, the fermentation process will depend on the quality of the dried grapes.

    Cover the container with a thick towel and put in a warm place for 72 hours. After this time, the drink must be filtered through clean gauze.

    After that, an invigorating drink can be bottled or decanted. It is recommended to add 2-3 more raisins. Close the container and put in the refrigerator. Now summer heat you are not afraid.

    After you strain the kvass, the leaven will remain. It can be used to prepare another portion of the drink. To do this, you need to dry the bread, send it to a jar along with sugar, raisins and sourdough. In this case, kvass will do, after about 48 hours.

    How to make kvass at home

    If for some reason you don’t like a store-bought invigorating drink, then you can make it yourself. The recipe is quite simple, but you need to know some of the nuances. It does not take much time to prepare, so you can do this process at any time.


    • 200 gr rye or Borodino bread.
    • 2.5 liters of filtered water.
    • 1 tsp dry yeast.
    • 1 handful of raisins.
    • 5 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

    Step by step cooking process

    Bread can be broken into small pieces or cut into neat cubes, no more than 4 cm thick. Put the pieces on a dry baking sheet and put in a heated oven. When it is browned and a crust forms (about 15 minutes), you can take it out.

    Prepare a 3-liter glass jar without chips or defects, otherwise it may crack. Send in it, cooked crackers. It will be enough that they fill the bottom of the container.

    Add to a glass jar the indicated amount of granulated sugar.

    Place a pot of water on the stove. When it boils, pour over the breadcrumbs. It is important to leave some space, as the liquid will rise over time as a result of fermentation. The jar may burst, so when pouring into it, it is recommended to put an iron spoon or knife. Set the container aside for the water to cool slightly.

    Dilute dry yeast 100 ml in a glass warm water. Then add a small amount of sugar and wait for the fermentation process. On a pack of dry yeast, you can see detailed instructions. When the liquid in the jar cools down to room temperature, then add the yeast mixture to it.

    After that, the jar can be closed with a lid and put in a warm and sunny place for 24 hours. However, some people cover the container with gauze so that the kvass can breathe and steep it for 36 hours. This will be enough for the drink to turn brown and the crackers to rise to the top. After this time, the invigorating drink must be filtered through cheesecloth.

    Prepare a clean jar, send into it the indicated amount of raisins, which must be washed beforehand. If you like a sweet drink, you can add a little more granulated sugar. Close the jar and send it to the refrigerator. After 30-60 minutes, you can conduct a tasting.

    If necessary, the starter can be used one more time. To do this, you need to fry rye bread again, fill it with the bottom of 3 liter jar, add 1 cup of the remaining sourdough and pour boiling water.

    Recipe for kvass from malt

    Malt is used not only for making beer and homemade bread but also kvass. Such a drink will resemble a store-bought version. The drink is fragrant and invigorating.


    • 110 gr rye malt.
    • 3 tsp dry yeast.
    • 5 liters of filtered water.
    • 400 gr of granulated sugar.

    Cooking process

    fill enamel pan water, bring it to a boil, then immediately add the malt. The liquid must be thoroughly mixed to eliminate the formed lumps.

    At the next stage, gently pour part of the prepared solution into a glass. Wait a bit for it to cool down to room temperature. After that, you need to add dry yeast. The glass should be covered and placed in a warm and sunny place for 15 minutes.

    Meanwhile, in the pan, the solution should cool completely. Now you need to add granulated sugar and mix everything thoroughly so that it completely dissolves in the liquid.

    After 15 minutes, the fermentation process in the glass should begin, so the liquid must be added to the pan. Leave the solution for 12 hours.

    When the time is right summer drink it is necessary to strain and pour into jars, then send it to the refrigerator for another 48 hours. After that, kvass will be ready for use.

    How to make kvass from kvass wort

    Using a concentrate for making kvass greatly simplifies the whole process. Even a child can make a drink. But there is one caveat - you need to decide on the temperature. If it is too hot, then the quality of the drink leaves much to be desired, and in a cool mode, kvass will long time to roam.


    • 10 tbsp concentrated wort.
    • 5 liters of water.
    • 1.5 cups of granulated sugar.
    • 1 tbsp dry yeast.
    • Raisins according to preference.

    Cooking process

    First you need to bring the water to a boil, but only once, otherwise it will be too heavy. The liquid should cool slightly. Add kvass concentrate and stir.

    Gradually add granulated sugar, while constantly stirring the liquid.

    At the next stage, pour dry yeast into an enamel bowl. The solution must be thoroughly mixed so that the yeast and granulated sugar are completely dissolved. There should be no sediment left at the bottom.

    Cover the dish with a lid and leave it for 24 hours in a warm place. It is desirable that the sun's rays fall on the pan, so the fermentation process will be more active.

    After this time, you need to prepare glass jars, add a few raisins to each. Pour kvass into containers, seal tightly with plastic lids and refrigerate for 5-6 hours.

    According to this recipe, the drink turns out to be vigorous, so it is not recommended to use it for people with chronic pancreatitis and gastritis.

    Recipe for homemade kvass from rye flour

    Summer drink can be prepared according to rustic recipe. In this case, you will have to spend more time, but kvass will be very useful. It will provide the body with plenty of vitamins and some essential amino acids. Plus, a drink prepared according to this recipe can act as the basis for okroshka.


    • 7 tbsp rye flour.
    • 2.5 liters of filtered water.
    • 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar.
    • Raisins according to preference.

    Cooking process

    1. First of all, you need to make a starter. To do this, prepare a clean jar, fill it with warm water and add rye flour. Mix everything thoroughly until a creamy mass is formed. Try not to form lumps. After that, tightly close the container with a plastic lid and put it in a warm place for 72 hours. If the rye flour is of high quality, then the sourdough can ferment in 48 hours.
    2. When the sourdough is ready, you need to add a little more rye flour and granulated sugar to it. Add warm if necessary boiled water. Mix everything thoroughly. Cover the neck with gauze and put in a warm place. This time, you need to wait at least 5 days.
    3. After this time, the drink must be well filtered through cheesecloth and sent to the refrigerator.
    4. Leaven will remain at the bottom of the jar. It can be reused. It is enough just to add sugar and rye flour, as well as warm water. In this case, kvass will stand no more than 48 hours.

    Despite the fact that the cooking process takes a long time, the recipe is quite simple. You can quench your thirst at any time or make an excellent okroshka.

    The article provides an overview of the most common recipes for making an invigorating drink at home. However, there are many more options. Therefore, you can try using several methods and choose the most optimal recipe for yourself.

    How do you make sourdough? Write your unique recipe in the comments below this post...

    Barrels with a delicious cool drink are almost never found on the streets. They were replaced plastic bottles with carbonated drinks and kvass, which cannot be compared with a real, homemade, healthy one. But it’s enough to remember how to cook kvass at home so that you no longer have to drink store-bought kvass.

    Natural flavors, or How to set off the taste

    Each modern owner has his own recipe, but they are very similar to each other, the difference is usually only in the amount of sugar. Since it is not difficult to prepare kvass at home, anyone can easily repeat this process. But old recipes deserve closer attention. A drink made from white bread has a milder taste. Bright color and rich taste will give black salmon. Spicy herbs provide a very special aroma and freshness. And a sprig of currant or rowan berries will make kvass branded and unforgettable.

    Universal sourdough

    If we talk about how to cook kvass at home, then first of all you need to talk about sourdough. If it is not possible to take it from one of your friends who have already made kvass, you need very little time and ingredients. Take a loaf of stale bread. If you want to quickly, and the bread is completely fresh - dry it in the oven, the color of the future drink depends on how dark the crackers turn out. Fold the resulting crackers into a three-liter jar, add boiled cold water, sugar and yeast. The rate of preparation of the mixture depends on their quantity.

    sourdough fermentation

    To make good kvass, you need to close the jar with a lid, wrap it in a towel and leave it for two days. If you are interested in how to quickly make kvass at home, then just increase the amount of sugar, then the fermentation process will go faster. The resulting drink must be filtered. If you like it sweeter, you can add a little more sugar. In order for the drink to turn out to be more tasty, it can be left for another day, and then put in the refrigerator. The thick is stored in a clean jar in the refrigerator. To get homemade kvass again, it is enough to take three tablespoons of the sourdough, add water, sugar and wait two days.

    Wort for kvass

    This is a more complicated option, although experts, when telling how to make kvass at home, usually offer it, saying that this is the only way to get the most delicious drink. You will need enamelware and 500 g of bread. The latter is poured with half a liter of warm water (up to 75 degrees) and kneaded thoroughly until homogeneous mass. Yeast is added to the mixture at the tip of a spoon and one teaspoon each of sugar and salt. Wrap well and leave for 30 minutes.

    Next, you need half a liter of boiling water (boil the kettle in advance). Stirring continuously, add water to the bread mass, and then close again and leave for 2 hours. Time plays a role, fermenting too long will result in a cloudy, unsightly drink.

    Preheat oven to 70 degrees. Now you need to pour the mass on a baking sheet and bake for an hour. If at the end of the time it is still soft, you can add temperature and wait a little more. Keep in mind that burnt cake will give a very dark color and a bitter aftertaste. Now you need to break it into pieces, put it in a container and pour 5 liters of boiling water. After standing for 2 hours, the sourdough settles to the bottom, and the wort can be drained. You can repeat the procedure with the remaining sourdough, but the drink will turn out lighter.

    In order to get kvass from the wort, sugar (about 5 tablespoons), half a teaspoon of yeast are added to it and the dishes are tightly closed. Consider the fermentation process - you need to leave a place so that the foam does not crawl out from under the lid. Close the container so that the drink is stronger and more saturated. It will be ready in 2-3 days. It does not need to be drained, just put it in a cool place. Over the course of a week, the drink can only gain flavor if you don't drink it sooner.

    Homemade kvass from black bread

    This is the most common option because White bread does not give such a rich taste and color. Everything in the old days rye croutons left to prepare a soft drink. If you decide to put homemade kvass, then make a supply of dried bread in advance. It can be ground into crumbs in a meat grinder or left in pieces. One three-liter jar will require a kilogram of rye crackers, 40 g of yeast and one and a half glasses of sugar. The cooking process is quite simple. Rusks are poured with warm water, infused for 2 hours, then the liquid is poured into a clean jar, and the crackers are again filled with water. After re-draining, they can be thrown away. Now sugar and yeast are added to the jar of liquid. After a day, you can drain and cool.

    If you have an abundance of white bread, then crackers made from it can also be used for a sparkling drink, but homemade black bread kvass is the most delicious. This recipe is very popular. Today, most often bought a store mix of wheat, rye crumbs and malt. Such dry kvass is a good helper for modern housewives.

    Homemade kvass without yeast

    It works best for homemade sourdough from rye flour. If you want to know how to make kvass at home, then write down the recipe. The sourdough needs to be prepared ahead of time. It will keep in the refrigerator for a long time. Moreover, it is healthier, as it is made by natural fermentation. Buy rye flour at the grocery store, except for it, you only need sugar and water. Mix four tablespoons of flour with 100 ml of water, stir until thick sour cream and add a teaspoon of sugar. The jar should be covered with damp gauze. Every other day you need to add flour and water, mix well. On the third day, we repeat this procedure. On the fourth day, the sourdough is completely ready, it has a characteristic smell of sour rye bread. Now you can put it in the refrigerator, but do not forget to feed it once a week with rye flour, otherwise it will die.

    You can bake delicious yeast-free bread from this sourdough, but today we are interested in how to make sourdough at home. The procedure will not take you more than 10 minutes. You will need a three-liter jar, water, 6-8 tablespoons of store-bought dry kvass, the same amount of sugar and a glass finished sourdough. By the end of the next day, the drink will be ready. In cold weather, this may not be enough, maturation will be slower.

    Ready kvass must be carefully strained. Try not to shake so that all the thick remains at the bottom. Pour into a jar of water and add 3 tablespoons of dry kvass, as well as 3-5 tablespoons of sugar. If kvass is intended for drinking, you can put more sugar, and for okroshka, a sour drink is required.

    Beetroot - unusual kvass

    And yet, it is very beautiful, tasty and incredibly useful. Beet kvass was extremely common in the Slavic countries, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. Today, few people make this drink, so let's take a closer look at how to make beetroot kvass. First, consider the most useful, yeast-free option.

    To prepare a drink, you will need 0.5 kg of fresh beets, 3 liters of water, a tablespoon of sugar and a slice of rye bread (about 50 g). The quality of the drink depends on the freshness of the beets, it is best obtained from a freshly dug root crop. It must be washed, peeled and cut into thin strips. Put all the beets in a jar and cover with boiling water. To start fermentation, you need to add sugar and crumbled bread. Now it remains to cover the jar and put it in a warm place.

    This process is not too fast, the drink will be ready in about 5-7 days. Its readiness is easy to determine: as soon as foam has ceased to form on the surface, kvass can be drained. If you want to use it as a drink, then add more sugar to taste. If you want to leave it as a base for borscht, then it is better to put a little fresh garlic.

    Yeast beet kvass

    If waiting a week is not in your rules, then read how to make kvass from beets with yeast. Take half a kilogram of beets, three liters of water and a rye crust. In addition, you will need to add 5 tablespoons of sugar and 1 - yeast. The beets cut into strips need to be dried. To do this, spread the bars on a sunny windowsill or use the oven. After that, pour them into a saucepan, fill with water and leave to languish until soft. Drain the broth and add all the other ingredients. In a warm place, kvass will be ready on the second day, now it can be drained and put in the refrigerator. Drink saves everything useful material, in particular B vitamins, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iodine, which are rich in beets.

    The famous Petrovsky kvass

    This drink is very sparkling, carbonated and tasty, and making kvass at home does not require special culinary skills. Pour two and a half liters of boiling water into the pan, add 800 g of rye crackers, leave to swell. Carefully drain the liquid part and add the yeast, leave for 6 hours so that the mixture begins to ferment. You can "forget" about it for the night. Now the well-fermented mixture needs to be heated and add 100 g of horseradish and honey. This will spice up the drink. Pour the mixture into a container, add 50 g of raisins and millet each. Such ingredients will make the drink carbonated and light. Close the jar well and place in the refrigerator or a cool place. In two days you will receive an original, tasty and carbonated drink.

    How to make alcoholic kvass

    This drink is much weaker than beer, but many people like its invigorating taste. It is enough to simply prepare this kvass at home. The recipe looks a little complicated, but in reality it will only require strict adherence to the instructions. Due to the fermentation of the wort, alcohol is produced, and the strength of the drink is slightly more than 1%. You will need to find barley malt, rye flour, crackers, molasses, water and raisins. From malt, flour and water you need to knead the dough. Opara should stand for several hours and fit well. Then the dough is placed in a warm oven for 3 hours. After that, it is well kneaded, diluted with water to a liquid state and left warm for a day.

    At the end of the day, the dough should come up again. Sprinkle it with breadcrumbs, add raisins, water and knead again. After a day, the liquid part (wort) must be drained into a separate bowl, and the thick again pour boiling water. After 5-10 hours, the wort is drained again. The thick can now be thrown away, and mint infusion, molasses (can be replaced with sugar) and raisins can be added to the liquid part. Now close the dishes well and put them in a cool place for 10 days. The drink is ready to drink, but you should not quench your thirst with it if you want to drive.

    Oat kvass

    Everyone knows about the benefits of this amazing plant. Oatmeal and jelly are not only shown as a source of vital substances, but are also good for various gastrointestinal diseases. Few have probably heard about oat kvass, but our great-grandfathers knew how to cook it. Take responsibility for the choice of seeds. Oats intended for planting or for livestock feed are often treated with various substances so that rodents do not spoil them. Such chemistry is not useful at all. In the pharmacy you can buy good unpeeled oats, which is the best fit for nutrition.

    In order to prepare a three-liter jar of a healthy drink, you need a glass of washed grain, three liters of water and 5-7 tablespoons of sugar. After pouring oats into a jar, fill it with water, add sugar and mix gently. Three days later ready drink you need to drain through gauze, and you can add sugar and water to the grains again and prepare another serving. The drained liquid part should be left in the refrigerator for another three days, after which the drink can be considered ready. Now you know how to make kvass from oats. This is the most easy recipe of all.

    Aromatic apple kvass

    If you have a dacha, then they probably grow there sour apples, which especially have nowhere to go. Here they are suitable for making kvass. From one kilogram of apples, you will need to cook 4 liters of compote. Let it cool and infuse, then strain. In order for kvass to start fermenting and turn out to be bright and carbonated, you need to add sugar, honey and 2 tablespoons of yeast, as well as various spices to taste. It can be cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, vanilla, mint or any other. Close the resulting mixture tightly and put it in a dark place for three days. After that, you can bottle the kvass and put it in the refrigerator. Now sparkling drink ready to quench your thirst in the summer heat.

    There are a great many recipes for kvass in the world, and among them you can certainly choose the very one, your own recipe, which will become a signature one and will delight not only you, but also all family members. Almost every housewife knows how to make bread kvass at home, but not everyone remembers the old recipes for apple, beetroot or oatmeal drink. Kvass perfectly quenches thirst, serves as a source of natural vitamins and microelements and has a good effect on digestive system and therefore immunity in general.