Herbs for beef steak. What dish is used to cook a steak

Introduce universal recipe no one has yet succeeded in creating a beef steak in a pan, but creating a tasty, juicy, appetizing dish every person who loves meat delicacy is capable. Real gourmets believe that getting such a meal is a kind of act of love.

Many are convinced that you can taste the perfect meat only in a restaurant. It is not difficult to cope with such a task at home if we have a steak from a selected piece of beef and useful advice for its preparation.

  1. Meat for the best steak is determined by the place of the cut (lumbar or dorsal part of the carcass of the animal) and the degree of marbling (location of fatty fibers inside the piece). For the best dish choose this product.
  2. We do not beat off the meat and do not wash it - we just get wet with paper towels. Before a hot “start”, we leave the steak in the kitchen for an hour, allowing the muscle fibers to relax a little, and the internal juices to take the “vacant” places in the piece.
  3. Proper cooking of a steak directly depends on how well we heat the pan. Only the hot surface of the brazier is able to "seal" the meat, to prevent moisture loss.
  4. No knives or forks! To turn the layers, we use only culinary tongs or a wooden (silicone) spatula. The slightest puncture of the meat in the pan threatens to destroy its structure: the juice will get a “loophole” to go outside, the dish will be hopelessly spoiled.
  5. The perfect steak takes patience. Having laid the layer on a hot surface, we expect the onset of the Maillard reaction (caramelization process), in which the color of the meat will darken, the same delicious crust. Only after that we turn the piece over to the other side.

Be sure to "listen" to the roasting steak! A barely perceptible hiss, a slight crackling - this is a kind of music of the dish, and we are its conductors.

What are the degrees of roasting a steak

When deciding how to fry a beef steak with a thickness of 2.5 cm or more, we take as a basis the American cooking time classification system:

  • veryrare (raw) - slightly stewed meat. The crust is formed in 15 seconds. heating on one side. The temperature inside the piece is 48.8 ° C. Before serving, the steak languishes (rests) for 10 minutes. in foil;
  • rare (with blood) - cooks up to 1-2 minutes. on each side of the formation (t 54.4 °C);
  • mediumrare (half-raw meat) - frying time increases to 2–2.5 minutes (t 60 ° C). There is less blood in the finished steak, its color becomes light pink;
  • medium (medium roast) - heat treatment of each side reaches 3 minutes. (t 65.5 °C). Before use, the steak is aged on a plate for 4 minutes;
  • welldone (completely fried) - heats up from 4.5 to 5 minutes. (t 71.1 ° C). The meat on the cut is already gray-brown in color with a light juice when pressed. Before the first appetizing piece - a minute of rest!

Ideal sauces for meat

The Art of Getting perfect steak has long been perfected. However, a dish is incomplete unless it is accompanied by an exquisitely designed gravy.

Cooking a juicy and melt-in-your-mouth steak is not an easy task. Even if you do not deviate from the recommendations of the selected recipe, it is unlikely that on the first try you will be able to achieve the desired result with the desired roasting. To master the virtuoso art, you will need to learn culinary techniques and techniques, have knowledge and experience in cooking meat dishes. so fragrant and tasty dish like a steak, no compromises. We will talk about how to choose and cook meat of a certain degree of roasting in the article. So let's get ready beef steak grilled at home.

Rules for choosing meat

Not any meat is suitable for cooking a steak. Pork, lamb, fish, and poultry steaks are represented in the culinary world, but beef steak remains classic. The pulp without tendons is best suited. The presence of bones in this case plays a secondary role. Teebone steak, for example, is one of the most popular dishes in meat restaurants around the world, got its name precisely because of the presence of a bone that resembles the letter "T". There are about a hundred more kinds of steaks. We present the most popular of them.

  • Ribeye - for this steak, meat from the subscapular part of beef is used. Due to the large amount of fatty layers, red meat acquires marble color. It is considered the most unpretentious, and with proper cooking juicy and tender steak. The recommended degree of roasting is medium - Medium or Medium rare.
  • tibon- meat from the back and lumbar.

  • filet mignon- lean tender and soft tenderloin, has no bones and veins. Despite the large thickness of the piece, the fillet is cooked no longer than a regular steak.
  • New York- the pulp has a marble color, and along the edge there is a white fatty layer, which must be additionally fried at the final stage of cooking.
  • porterhouse- an enlarged version of a tee-bone steak. The meat is taken from the loin of the animal and has a large bone in the middle. The weight of a steak can exceed 500 grams, which is enough for a full dinner for two or three people.
  • Club- the tender pulp from the dorsal part is used, the steak has a small bone.

But also for cooking grilled steak you can use steamed juicy meat. The tenderloin of a young or mature animal is best, but not an old one. A good piece of steak is cut along the grain and should be about 3cm thick. In most supermarkets or markets, you can buy already portioned steaks that do not need to be further cut into pieces. The flesh should be red or marbled, but not dark or pink.

When cooking a steak, you do not need to beat the meat - this will irrevocably spoil the structure of the pulp. Steaks are prepared exclusively from chilled fresh meat, fresh-frozen will lose all the juices during the defrosting period, and get a delicious and juicy steak won't work anymore. And even fresh chilled meat should be warmed to room temperature before cooking.


Cooking a steak is always a very delicate and sensitive process. And before moving on to recipes, you need to figure out what degrees of roasting beef steaks are divided into.

  • blue rare– when cut, the steak has soft crust and almost looks like raw meat. Almost cold red pulp remains under the crust. Such a steak is in little demand and is suitable for an amateur.
  • rare- a lightly fried steak, when cut, raw meat with blood is visible, which has an appetizing and uniform crust around the edges. To achieve this degree, it is necessary to fry the steak on each side for 1 minute. The temperature in the core of the steak does not rise above 50C.

  • medium rare- a juicy steak with blood has a pink tint, and despite this, the meat cannot be called raw or cold. To achieve this degree of doneness, it is necessary to cook the steak in a hot frying pan for 2 minutes on each side.
  • Medium- is considered the most common degree of roasting. Such a steak can be called the golden mean between well-done and practically raw meat. Gradually, from the crust to the core on the cut, the color of the pulp begins to change. The steak is cooked for 2.5-3 minutes on each side, depending on the size of the piece and the presence of fat.

  • medium well- can be described as almost fried. At the same time, the meat remains pinkish and not excessively dry. This degree of doneness requires you to cook the steak for 3-4 minutes on each side.
  • well done- fully fried meat without pink shades on the cut and juice, has a brown color. This degree of roasting is not offered in restaurants, but can be prepared at the request of the visitor.

Not only the cooking time depends on the degree of roasting, but also the juiciness and softness of the steak. With a long heat treatment the meat becomes tough and many beginners often complain, calling their attempts to cook delicious steak with bringing the meat to the state of a worn sole. Evenly cooked meat with a pink cut and oozing juices has a more pleasant and tender texture compared to, for example, well done steak.

To cook a steak at home, you will need a grill pan, it practically does not differ from the traditional one, but it has convex lines on the bottom, thanks to which fried strips form on the crust, as if the meat was cooked on a grill over an open fire. But if there is none, then you can try to cook a steak in a regular cast-iron skillet with a thick bottom. And also, you can’t do without a stopwatch or a classic watch with a second hand, since the cooking time is determined precisely by seconds. And for uniform perfect frying, you need to keep the steak in the pan on all sides for the same amount of time.

Meat from the refrigerator should not be sent directly to a hot frying pan. The steak must first reach room temperature. And excess moisture is removed with paper towels. After that, as some cooks advise, you need to grate raw steak spices, salt and oil. Other cooks recommend peppering and salting the meat after it has been cooked in a pan, so that the salt does not remove excess liquid from the pulp and the spices do not burn. You can try to cook a steak in two ways, then choose the most suitable one.

Professional chefs in restaurants, they check the readiness of meat with a special culinary thermometer. Buy this device for home usea good idea. But even without special devices, you can learn how to cook breathtaking steaks by checking the degree of readiness “by eye”.

When flipping a steak from one side to the other, do not use a wooden spatula or fork. This requires special tongs without sharp edges, so as not to accidentally pierce the meat. At the slightest violation of the integrity of the crust and structure, all the accumulated juices will immediately come out of the meat, and then the steak will become tough.

There are many recipes for cooking steak in a pan at home. And the set of ingredients, as a rule, is always the same: olive, vegetable or butter, rosemary, garlic, salt and pepper.

Let's bring classic recipe cooking steak with medium degree of roasting Medium with step-by-step instructions.

  • Before cooking, the meat is prepared and marinated. For the marinade, olive oil, a mixture of spices and herbs, as well as salt are used. The meat is rubbed with the resulting mixture and infused in the refrigerator for several hours.
  • After that, it is fried on both sides in a hot dry frying pan. But it is recommended to place the meat on the grill pan diagonally. Each side requires 2 minutes of cooking, then the meat is turned over to the second side and fried for another 2 minutes.
  • After that, it is necessary to turn the meat over again, only this time place it in such a way that the protruding ribs in the pan are placed on the other side so that grill lines appear when frying.

  • To make the taste of meat creamy and spicy, add butter with a small amount of minced garlic and a sprig of thyme to the pan at this moment. The steak is poured with melted and flavored butter. The same must be done again on the second side. Thus, fried lines are formed on the meat, which will intersect, forming squares. And the total toasting time will take 8 minutes.
  • After that, it is necessary to wrap the steak in food foil so that the meat is infused and retains all the juices inside under a dense crust. After 10 minutes, you can unroll the steak, remove the thyme sprigs and serve the dish.
  • A large tasty steak is served on a warm plate, then the meat will keep warm until the end of the meal. Fried meat does not require any special garnish in addition. The meat itself is already considered a great dinner. In addition to a hot and juicy steak, it is more appropriate to offer salad, young greens, as well as fresh or grilled vegetables. But without the sauce, the dish may seem incomplete.

And this is not all the nuances that must be observed when cooking a steak. Attention must be paid to some other details.

  • No need to give up fatty cuts of meat - fat makes the steak juicy and helps to maintain tenderness during cooking.
  • Ribeye is great for honing your skills and dexterity in cooking steaks for beginners in the culinary arts.
  • The steak is fried in a hot pan. If you lower the meat on a surface that is still warming up, then the crust does not form in a matter of seconds, and valuable juices immediately come out of the meat. Therefore, if you like a fully cooked steak without pink meat, then you need to fry the steaks on hot pan on both sides until a crust forms, and then remove to cook in a preheated oven for a few minutes.

  • It is not recommended to fry more than two pieces of meat in one pan at the same time. First, it will be difficult to turn the steaks and change position in the pan. And secondly, a large number of meat will cool the heated pan, which can cause the meat to release a large amount of liquid, and then the frying process will be replaced by stewing.
  • Before serving, the fried meat should be infused and rested. Therefore, immediately from the pan, wrap the steak in foil and set aside for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the meat will become softer, cool a little and soak in all the flavors.

And do not despair if the first time you did not manage to cook a juicy steak of the desired degree of roasting. In cooking, the main thing is not only to have knowledge, but also to have experience. Each time with frequent practice, the steaks will get better and better.

How to cook a steak in a beef pan at home, see the following video.

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

My family is very fond of steaks, especially my men. Today I want to tell you how to fry a beef steak so that it is tasty, soft and juicy. cook right steak it is not so difficult, and it is not necessary to have fashionable devices in the form of different thermometers, it is enough to know a few elementary rules. The main thing is to buy good piece beef for steaks. By the way, pork can also be cooked very tasty.

- ribeye steak - 800 g,
- sea salt - to taste,
- pepper h.m. - taste,
- olive oil - 1 tsp

Cooking time 20 minutes \ Number of servings 3.

Recipe with photo step by step:

As I wrote above, the main thing is to buy a good piece of beef for cooking a steak. I really like ribeye steak, or, more simply, entrecote. The degree of roasting my family prefers medium, that is, not very raw but not completely fried. And now I will show how at home I cook a medium roast without special devices.
First of all, the meat must be taken out of the refrigerator and allowed to warm up to room temperature. Under no circumstances should meat be fried cold. We take the meat out of the package, put it on paper towels.

Beef should be thoroughly dried with paper towels, it should be completely dry.

We give the meat another time to stand, juice can still come out of it.

We cut the meat across the fibers into three portions 2-2.5 centimeters thick.

The pan must be well heated, it must be very hot. Using a silicone brush, lightly brush the pan with olive oil. Put the steaks in a hot pan, cook for 2-3 minutes.

Flip the steaks and cook the other side for 2-3 more minutes. This step must be repeated twice. That is, the steak is cooked on both sides for 5-6 minutes. It is better to set the time on the oven timer, then the steak cooking procedure becomes even easier.

Ready steaks must be allowed to rest before serving, put them on a convenient dish and only now salt well sea ​​salt medium grinding and pepper.

Cover the top of the steaks with a deep plate and leave for 8-10 minutes.

During this time, light juice will stand out from the steaks, if you boil it down, it can make a delicious gravy.
The finished steak is served with a small amount and a salad of fresh vegetables. If the steak is cooked correctly, there will be a pink stripe of meat inside when cut.

Step 1: prepare the meat.

We clean the fresh flesh of beef with a knife from the film and rinse well under cold running water. Then we transfer our ingredient to a paper towel and get wet from the water. On a cutting board, using the same sharp equipment, we cut the beef tenderloin into several steaks, thick about 2 centimeters. Attention: you need to cut the meat into steaks across the fibers so that the heat that will be released during frying the beef evenly penetrates and is distributed over the entire surface of the meat ingredient. This will make the steak juicier and softer. After we cut the beef meat, grease the pieces with a little vegetable oil, and also salt and pepper to taste. After that, we transfer the steaks to a separate bowl, cover it from above cling film and let the meat stand about 1 hour, so that it is saturated with salt, pepper and oil, and also let the juice flow.

Step 2: Cook the Grilled Beef Steak.

Before frying a steak, first of all, it is necessary to determine the degree of roasting of the meat, which depends directly on the cooking time of the dish. There are three degrees of roasting steaks: the first degree - when the meat is not completely fried on both sides for 3-4 minutes and comes with blood. The second (medium degree) is when the steak is fried on both sides for 4-5 minutes and it has a uniform brown color, well-roasted on the outside and pink on the inside, and the meat exudes a pinkish juice. And the third degree is a deep-fried steak. It roasts for 5-6 minutes on each side and the meat is dry with a strongly fried crust. The most popular is the third degree of frying, according to the time of which I propose to cook meat. So, before we put the beef steaks into the pan, pour into a container a small amount of vegetable oil and put it on a strong fire. For cooking meat dishes, I recommend taking cast iron pan with thick walls and bottom. It is imperative to heat the container over high heat, but do not allow the oil to start smoking, as this can cause the meat to burn on the outside, but remain raw on the inside and be very tough at the same time. If we put the steaks in the pan, and during this process there is a “hiss” in the container, it means that we have heated the pan with oil to the temperature required for frying. Attention: it is important to be careful not to burn yourself when transferring the meat pieces to a heated container, as the meat has already released the juice and it can burn you when it comes into contact with hot oil. When we start frying beef steaks, we make medium heat. After the allotted time for cooking the steak, on the one hand, we check the degree of readiness of the dish, lifting it gently from the edge with a fork. If a brown crust appears, use kitchen tongs to turn the steak over and fry it on the other side until the same brown crust forms. After that, turn off the burner, and set the container with the beef steak aside, covering the container with baking foil. Do not immediately transfer the meat to a dish for serving, but let it cool slightly for 10-15 minutes then it will become much softer and juicier.

Step 3: Serve Grilled Beef Steak.

After grilled steak from beef infused, we shift it to a dish for serving. Top the meat with the remaining juice from the pan. Well, submit meat dish it is possible to any side dishes: cereals, mashed potatoes or to vegetable salads. Enjoy your meal!

To cook steaks, you need to buy beef pulp without veins and bones, preferably from the intercostal part of a beef carcass. Highly delicious steaks obtained from very fresh meat, the so-called "steam". They will not only be juicy, but also fragrant.

If you have frozen meat, then it should defrost on its own to room temperature. Of course, you can speed up this process by placing a plastic bag with meat ingredient under cold water. But reheat the meat in microwave oven or put it in a warm or hot water not recommended as the structure of the meat may become loose. Only after the meat is thawed, cut it into pieces, no more than 2 centimeters thick.

Beef steaks, as in other matters, and steaks from other meat cannot be beaten off, as this will not only violate the structure of the meat ingredient, but also the meat will lose its juices.

Deep-fried meat loses its juice and at the same time becomes very tough and dry, and this does not taste good.

The readiness of the steak is determined by pressing your finger on it. Rare steak should be soft, while deep-done meat should be firm. Our steak should be slightly soft, and when pressed, it should not release pink juice.

You can also cook steak in the oven. In this case, the meat will turn out softer, juicy and tender. Before cooking in the oven meat ingredient it is best to marinate in olive oil with the addition of spices and herbs - rosemary and thyme.

The remaining juice after frying the steaks can be used to make a sauce. To do this, melt the butter in a frying pan and fry a little flour in it. Then add meat broth and, stirring the liquid mass with a spoon, bring to a boil, then boil for another 7-10 minutes. Then add black and red ground peppers, salt and red wine. Bring the sauce to a boil again and only then turn off the burner. Pour the resulting sauce generously over the fried beef steak.

Fragrant, juicy, tasty, with a delicate fried crust, beef steak has conquered millions of people around the world. Veal is the most suitable meat for such a dish, since it is not as fatty as pork, and not as “rubber” as lamb.

Perfectly cooked meat is not so easy to cook. First you need to understand what degree of cooking you need, then decide on the marinade, sauce and side dish.

What are the degrees of doneness for beef steak?

Everyone determines for himself according to his own taste the degree of roasting of the steak.

There are several of them:

  1. Raw. Weak degree of roasting. Such meat has a weak crust on the sides, but inside it is almost raw. To achieve this degree, the steak will need two minutes of languishing in a pan.
  2. medium rare. The meat is slightly more fried, with a pinkish juice that stands out when pierced. The pieces come out tender and full of juice.
  3. medium. Golden mean. There is no more blood in the beef, it is evenly tenderly cooked inside and with golden crust outside.
  4. Medium well. In such a steak, the juice is no longer pink, but transparent, the meat is a little dry.
  5. Well Done. Fully fried inside and out, the meat has a brown color, there is almost no juice in it.

Ideal sauces for meat

Eating meat without sauce is boring, so we offer wine sauce for the perfect steak.

You will need:

  • vinegar - 4 ml;
  • beef broth - 250 ml;
  • brown sugar - 16 g;
  • red wine - 120 ml;
  • salt and black pepper to taste.

Preparing the dressing for the dish:

  1. Pour the beef broth into a bowl and cook until it is reduced by half.
  2. Pour sugar, add vinegar and wine and continue cooking for 10 minutes.
  3. It remains to salt and pepper the sauce and you can serve it with a tender steak.

In addition to this option, you can put a bowl with your favorite steak tomato sauce, barbecue sauce, soy-honey or even plum. Some prefer the taste of pure meat and use only two or three types of herbs and salt in its preparation.

Side dish for beef steak

In addition to the sauce, veal can be served with green lettuce and boiled potatoes. Grilled vegetables go very well with roasted meat: tomatoes, eggplant, Bell pepper and bow. Baked beans, corn, boiled rice and asparagus in sauce complement the taste of the steak well.

Marinade for steak: recipes

unique spicy taste and flavor beef steak gives marinade. It provides the meat with the necessary juiciness and softness inside and gives an amazing golden brown color to the crust on the outside.

Required products:

  • lemon juice- 15 ml;
  • salt and mustard - 5 g each;
  • sunflower oil - 40 ml;
  • a little black pepper;
  • one head of onion;
  • two garlic cloves.

Action algorithm:

  1. Combine lemon juice, pepper, oil and salt in a cup.
  2. Using a grater, turn the onion into a pulp, transfer it to a common bowl.
  3. Squeeze the garlic cloves and send them after the onions.
  4. Mix everything and pour the beef with this marinade.