Marble coloring of eggs for Easter. How to dye eggs marbled

Easter eggs are not just painted in different colors - the original patterns on the shell are increasingly found on holiday tables. You can make marble eggs - paint like a real stone. Unusual divorces are created in a variety of ways.

We will need the ingredients:

  • raw chicken eggs - 8-10 pcs.,
  • onion peel (from white and red onions),
  • water,
  • vinegar 9%,
  • salt,
  • vegetable oil,
  • white paper,
  • gauze or wide bandage,
  • stockings or tights
  • threads

As a dye, ordinary onion peel is used. Take part of the husk from an ordinary onion, and part from a red onion. Red onion husks will give a darker brown tint.

How to color and boil marbled eggs:

  1. Grind the onion peel with your hands, scissors or a blender. The more heterogeneous the fragments of the husk are, the more intricate the pattern on the shell will turn out.
  2. Finely chop or tear white offset paper and mix with chopped onion skins.
  3. Wash raw eggs, wipe with vinegar or alcohol.
  4. Roll the eggs in the husks and paper, as in breading.
  5. Now you need to fix the husk and paper on the shell - to do this, wrap each egg with gauze or a wide bandage and tie it with a thread, forming a bag. Instead of gauze, you can use nylon - a stocking or tights.
  6. Dip the egg bags in cold water and put on fire. Salt the water to keep the eggs from bursting.
  7. Wait until the water boils and boil the eggs for 10-15 minutes.
  8. Drain the water and let the eggs cool.
  9. Carefully remove the gauze and rinse off any remaining onion skins from the eggs.
  10. Dry the shell with a paper towel and rub with vegetable oil.

Vegetable oil will add a shine to the shell, which will make the eggs even more like natural marble.

Marble eggs with greenery

You can slightly improve the above recipe and cook marbled eggs with brilliant green.

We will need the ingredients:

  • onion peel,
  • Zelenka pharmacy (brilliant green solution) - 1 small bottle,
  • water,
  • vegetable oil.
  1. It is necessary to add a brilliant green solution to the water in which the eggs are boiled. A light green tint will appear already from a few drops of brilliant green, and if you pour the whole vial into the water, you will get a rich emerald color of the shell mixed with brown and yellowish spots from onion peel.
  2. Keep in mind that brilliant green is difficult to wash - protect your hands with gloves, and take the pot or bowl for cooking the one that you don’t mind.

Marble eggs - staining with dye

To get multi-colored original eggs, buy factory dyes in different shades.

We will need the ingredients:

  • raw chicken eggs - 8-10 pcs.,
  • onion peel,
  • food coloring of different colors - a few sachets,
  • water,
  • vegetable oil.
  1. Dilute the dyes each in a separate container, following the instructions on the package.
  2. Roll the eggs in onion skins and tie with gauze.
  3. Boil the eggs in salted water for 10 minutes after boiling.
  4. Then, without removing the gauze, dip the egg into a container with dye and hold for the time indicated on the dye package.
  5. Remove the gauze, rinse the eggs, dry the shell with a napkin and rub with vegetable oil - for a beautiful shine.

Marble eggs - varnishing

Bright and spectacular Easter eggs are obtained by painting them with nail polishes. Choose a few shades of polish that go well with each other.

  • Take a container of water and drop a few drops of varnish of each shade there.
  • With an orange stick or toothpick, mix the polishes on the surface of the water, forming abstract stains.
  • Gently lower the boiled egg into the water, trying to collect as much varnish film on it as possible (it is convenient to use large tweezers for this).
  • Carefully remove the egg from the water and let it dry for a while.

Then you can lay the eggs on a plate or stand. Keep in mind that nail polishes are not food coloring. Many do not risk eating eggs painted in this way, but this method is perfect for creating an Easter decorative still life.

- chicken eggs (fresh, preferably brown),
- rock or sea salt - 1-2 tsp,
- onion peel
- white paper
- gauze,
- scissors,
- threads.

How to cook with a photo step by step

To begin with, we will do the preparatory work: we will need onion peel (thrifty housewives collect it ahead of time), as well as paper and scissors. Cut the paper and husk into small pieces of different sizes with scissors.

Next, we wash the chicken eggs with warm soapy water and, with wet hands, dip the wet egg in paper-husk crumbs.

We wrap it in a piece of gauze (preferably in two layers) and tie it into a knot. This is how we prepare all the eggs.

Next, dip them in salty cold water and cook for 10 minutes, marking the time from the moment the water boils.

We take out the eggs from the pan, open the gauze and rinse them in cold water.

Next, we prepare a solution of brilliant green in a separate bowl (it is better to take a half-liter jar) - pour water and pour in half a bubble of green.
And now the fun part: dip the eggs into this solution with a spoon for a couple of seconds.

And then immediately rinse in running water and grease with oil to give them shine. It will also look bright on the festive table, which you can also cook yourself.


On the eve of Holy Easter, believers begin preparing for the festive table: they bake Easter cakes, make curd Easter, and, of course, paint eggs. Since childhood, we have been accustomed to seeing multi-colored eggs on the table - blue, yellow, red, marble, with drawings. Eating them is always tasty and pleasant, even if on other days, there was no particular interest in this product.

And in 2020, Easter holiday falls on April 19 by calendar. We recommend cooking for this great day, and put colored eggs on a saucer next to it. Before eating, believers usually pray, and then they choose the egg itself, and begin to beat it with the household. Whose egg is stronger and does not crack, he won. This is how the day starts and goes. Greetings, do not forget to say - "Christ is Risen." And in response you will hear - "Truly Risen."

And today, our issue is devoted to one big topic - painting eggs. And to your attention 30 ways. And if you missed it, we recommend reading it!

Our ancestors dyed Easter eggs with natural dyes such as onion skins, cherry tree bark or beets. Now there is a huge selection of food colors. But the natural product is no less in demand. There are a lot of methods and options for coloring and decorating eggs. This article was created in order to combine the most interesting and practical ideas in one.

According to an ancient legend, the block, which closed the tomb of Jesus Christ, was similar in shape to an egg. Behind this stone was hidden a Saint whose life is eternal. In the same way, a new life is hidden behind the shell of an egg ....

There are several variations of the tradition of decorating eggs for Easter. According to one of them, the Myrrh-bearing Mary Magdalene, having come to preach to the Roman emperor, brought him an egg. She was an ardent supporter of Christ and carried the story of his Resurrection. At this gift, the emperor chuckled: “Life is as eternal as this egg is red, not white.” After these words, according to legend, the egg turned red right in the hands of the sovereign.

Among the ancient Romans, the egg was considered a symbol of new life and the Sun. For breakfast, men always ate a baked egg so that the day would be blessed with good luck and success.

Another suggestion is the birth of Emperor Aurelius. The story goes that a chicken belonging to his parents, immediately after the birth of the future ruler, laid a rather interesting testicle. Its color was bright, flecked with red. Witnesses interpreted this as a favorable sign of fate. After this incident, the inhabitants of Ancient Rome started a tradition of exchanging colored eggs as gifts.

There is also an opinion that decorating eggs was practiced long before the birth of Jesus Christ. With the advent of Spring, people celebrated the beginning of warm weather and dyed eggs as a symbol of the sun and eternal life. Then it was believed that the whole world, all living things came from an egg. Since Easter comes precisely at the beginning of spring, this tradition is still kept.

How to dye eggs for easter

It is customary to color eggs on the eve of Easter. We will consider the most popular and interesting ways right now.

1. Onion peel. This is perhaps one of the most common coloring methods. The shell is painted in a pleasant, brownish color. The level of color saturation is regulated by the amount of husk;

2. Coloring with turmeric gives the eggs a bright yellow color;

Sheen shells can be given by rubbing them with sunflower oil after coloring;

3. A decoction of eggs in cranberry juice gives them a rich pink color;

4. Beige color can be achieved by boiling eggs in ground instant coffee;

5. Sprinkled eggs do this: sprinkle wet boiled eggs with rice, wrap with gauze and dip the water with the dye of the desired color;

6. By sticking a stencil with some kind of pattern on the shell, or simply parsley and dill leaves, and then painting them in the same way as described above, you can get eggs with a pattern;

7. If you put a few elastic bands on the eggs and color them, they will turn out to be evenly striped;

8. A beautiful pattern can be made using powdered sugar. Dilute it with water so that the mixture is thick enough and start creating on the shell with a confectionery syringe;

9. Very beautiful Easter eggs are obtained when working with wax. Boil the eggs first. Melt the candle wax and apply the desired pattern to the shell. Then place it in a dye solution (not hot!) and wait for the coloring. Then carefully remove the wax;

10. Zelenka. Bright and very beautiful eggs are obtained by dyeing them in this dye. It is a must have in every first aid kit.

11. Food coloring. Sold in every store. Especially the range increases before Easter.

How to dye eggs with beets

Beets are one of the simplest yet natural ways to color Easter eggs. This can be done in several ways.

  1. Place boiled eggs in a bowl with 100% beetroot juice. Willingness to determine by saturated color. If it takes 2-3 hours, they will be pink. If they stay in a bowl all night, they are bright burgundy;
  2. Peel the beets, grate fresh and pour a little water. Add 1 tsp here. vinegar and put on fire for 15 minutes. Place already boiled eggs in a hot solution and keep in it for at least 1 hour;
  3. A very best option is to boil the eggs together with the beets at the same time. So you get bright dyes and beets for salad;
  4. Grate the raw beets into a pulp and rub the boiled eggs with it. Let them stay in this state longer - so the color will turn out more saturated.

By wrapping eggs with green leaves before painting or sticking an interesting stencil, you will get original eggs.

How to dye eggs in onion skins

The basic principle of dyeing Easter eggs in onion skins is simple. To do this, onion peel is poured with boiling water and boiled for about 3 hours. Then add salt and dip the eggs into the onion water. Cook for 8-10 minutes and then dry them on a towel.

Eggs, before being sent to the pan, must be heated to room temperature, otherwise the likelihood that the shell will crack is very high. Therefore, 1-2 hours before the procedure, they must be taken out of the refrigerator.

To achieve the marble effect of staining with onion peel, it is necessary to mix it dry with small pieces of paper. Roll a raw, wet egg in them and place in a gauze bag. Further coloring is described above.

And by placing raw testicles in unnecessary lace stockings, you can get a very beautiful drawing.

Marble way of dyeing eggs for Easter

The more beautiful eggs for Easter, the happier and more successful life will be! So says the old belief. One of the most original ways of painting is the marble effect. It can be achieved in two main ways.

Onion peel and greens

You will need:

  1. Onion peel;
  2. Zelenka;
  3. Dishes with water;
  4. Stainless steel saucepan;
  5. Zelenka - 1 bottle;
  6. Threads;
  7. Gauze.

Grind the husk. If it is dry, then you can crush it with your hands. If fresh, then it is better to use scissors. Moisten a fresh egg and roll in it.

Make a gauze single-layer bag and put an egg in it. You can add more peels. Fasten with threads. If the husk has moved out in places, it needs to be corrected.

Place the bags in a pot of water. Add a couple of tablespoons of salt. Pour in the greens and cook for 15 minutes over medium heat. Ready eggs free from gauze and husks, rinse under the tap and dry on a towel.

Food colorings

You will need:

  1. hard-boiled eggs;
  2. Vinegar;
  3. Sunflower oil;
  4. Dyes;
  5. Water.

Dilute a bag of dye in 300 g of hot water and add 1 tbsp of vinegar here. Pour the liquid into a free dish so that the egg can completely dip into it.

Add 1st.l. oil and stir. Immerse the egg in the solution and twist until patterns begin to appear on it. Then take it out and dry it on a paper towel.

Coloring eggs for Easter with a lace pattern

On Easter, every housewife wants her eggs to be the most beautiful and unusual. There are a lot of ways to surprise guests today. For example, lace patterns on eggshells look extremely unusual and appropriate. And making them is very easy.

To do this, you will need lace stockings that have become unusable. For a pattern around the entire diameter of the shell, place the egg in a bag of stockings. Next, paint in the usual and convenient way for you.

You can also make a strip of material and fasten it around the egg. After dyeing, only the middle part of it will be covered with lace.

How to color eggs with beautiful drawings

Decorating eggs for Easter is a very interesting and useful activity. This can be done even with children. It's great when, on the eve of one of the brightest holidays, the whole family is gathered for such a wonderful deed.

1. Wax. Melt the wax of the candle and, while it is hot, apply the design of your choice to the shell. As soon as it hardens, place the egg in a warm dye solution for a certain time. Next, the wax must be carefully removed.

2. Using sticky paper and rubber bands, you can make a very beautiful drawing on an eggshell. Just wrap the egg in the desired sequence and paint it in the usual way. Then the auxiliary items must be removed. The place under them will not be painted, which will create a picture.

3. Leaves of fresh greens. For this fit and parsley, and dill. Choose a beautiful leaf and attach it to the shell. Place it in a gauze bag and tie it tightly. Make sure that the sheet does not move out of the intended place. Color the egg. You can do the procedure on an already painted testicle. This will make it even brighter.

4. Hand-painted. To do this, you can use any paint. Including nail polish. Choose a picture yourself, whether it's Khokhloma, flowers or funny emoticons.

5. A lighter, but no less beautiful option - ready-made films with a pattern for eggs. You can buy them at any grocery store. They are usually sold in strips. You must first cut according to the pattern, and then dip into each egg. Now they need to be placed in hot water for a couple of seconds so that the edges shrink. And voila - beauty on your table.

There are many types of such films. Starting from religious themes, ending with cartoon characters.

How to dye eggs with natural dyes

Natural is always the best. Taking care of our relatives and friends, we often tend to favor natural ingredients and dyes. So it is with painting eggs. Sometimes, looking at a colorful plate with Easter eggs, one can’t believe at all that such a rich color was achieved, for example, from turmeric. In fact, natural dyes also fulfill their mission very responsibly.

1.Tea or coffee. A rich brown color can be obtained by boiling eggs in 300 ml of strong drink.

For color durability and brightness, do not forget to add vinegar to each type of coloring with natural dyes.

2. By soaking boiled eggs in red grape juice, you will get a delicate lavender color.

3. Onion peel, as we already know, gives the shell a brown color. We discussed the methods of coloring with this ingredient above.

4. Boil violet flowers in hot water and leave the eggs in this liquid overnight. It turns out a nice blue color.

5. Yellow color can be obtained from a decoction of birch leaves. Just in these spring days, the leaves have just blossomed.

6. A strong decoction of blueberries, currants, elderberries or raspberries will give the shell the appropriate color. Eggs also need to be placed in liquid overnight.

7. Golden color gives turmeric. To do this, add 3-4 tablespoons of spices to a pot of water and bring to a boil. Leave boiled eggs here for a long time.

Options for decorating and painting eggs with natural dyes

Despite the fact that modern industry works in good faith, natural dyes are always a priority. Their only drawback is that they take a little more time to prepare the coloring solution. But the result is always excellent.

Sometimes, during cooking, the shell can crack and the paint gets inside. This will not have a very good effect on the use of the product in food. And natural ingredients are not only not harmful, but, on the contrary, are useful.

Save this photo for yourself and you will always know which dye gives this or that color.

Colored eggs can be decorated with a pattern of a thick solution of water and powdered sugar. The drawing can be applied with a toothpick or you can purchase a special kit for creativity in the store. And add a coloring pigment to the composition, the pattern can be diversified with bright colors.

You can draw on the shell with felt-tip pens. The drawing is bright and beautiful. So that it does not wear off when touched, grease the egg after drawing the pattern with sunflower oil.

Choose napkins with a beautiful pattern, cut it out and stick it on a wet egg.

And a real Faberge egg can be made from improvised means - rhinestones, sequins, confectionery sprinkles and ... cereals. It is better to attach them to a homemade paste.

Decorating eggs depends on your flight of fancy. Tell us how you decorated Easter eggs in the past? What secrets and ways do you have? Your experience is very important to us.

Beautiful way to paint eggs

Eggs with a stunningly beautiful pattern are obtained by dyeing them in silk fabric.

This will require:

  1. Actually, eggs;
  2. A quarter cup of vinegar;
  3. Pieces of fabric with a beautiful pattern, 100% silk;
  4. Pieces of white cloth;
  5. Scissors;
  6. Vegetable oil;
  7. Paper towel;
  8. Pot for cooking;
  9. Egg bands.

Cut the white and silk fabric into squares so that the egg and the edges can fit there, while it could be pulled off. Wet the silk patches, wrap an egg in each and fasten the corners. Now wrap it again in the same way, only in white bags (you can use old sheets as them).

Place the bags in a pot of water and add vinegar to the same. Turn on the fire and cook after boiling on a minimum heat for half an hour. Carefully remove the eggs from the pan and lay on a paper towel. Once they have cooled, you can unfold them and admire the result.

How to decorate eggs for Easter and serve beautifully

Setting the Easter table is a very pleasant and important ritual. Invariably, Easter cakes and colored eggs are at the head. You can serve them for every taste.

Kulich, lined with krashenki in a circle, not only saves space on the table, but also beautifully combines the main dishes of this holiday.

The Easter Bunny that settled on your table will not only decorate it, but will also be a symbolic sign of this holiday.

A nest for krashenok can be made from a wicker basket and ordinary straw. A simple and uncomplicated solution will perfectly complement the Easter atmosphere.

By tying each egg with a decorative ribbon in a contrasting color, you will get such beauty.

And these most delicate Easter eggs will simply amaze the guests of your house. Not only the inside is edible, but also the decorations of the shell. Just roll the eggs in granulated sugar and decorate with cream roses using a pastry syringe.

Marble way of painting eggs. Option 1

There are two main ways to marble eggs. We have considered them above. However, guided by them, you can also consider a few more options. For example, dyeing with onion peel and rice.


  1. Some rice;
  2. Onion peel;
  3. Dyes of the desired shade;
  4. Gauze;
  5. Scissors;
  6. Threads.

Pour water over rice. In the meantime, chop the onion peel with your hands or scissors. It also needs to be filled with water. Gauze cut into squares 18 * 18 cm. Roll each egg in the husk and grits and place in a bag of gauze. Fasten the edges with threads. Immerse the eggs in a pot of water and boil for half an hour.

Then prepare the dye solution. You can use dyes that are sold in stores. The instruction, as a rule, is always indicated on the packaging. Place the eggs in the cooled paint for a few minutes. Then take them out and unfold the gauze.

How to dye eggs marbled. Option 2

The second method involves the use of food coloring, vinegar and vegetable oil. Boil the eggs in salted water until the yolk is hard. Only after cooking you need to start painting. Dilute the dye in a bowl of water according to package directions. The dishes must be chosen wide so that the egg can be freely placed and moved in it.

Drop a few drops of vegetable oil into a dish with a coloring solution so that oil bubbles form on the surface. It is they who determine the presence of a marble pattern. Place the egg in a container and twist in such a way that it “collects” beautiful patterns from oil drops. Now you need to wipe it with a napkin and the beauty is ready!

Decoupage with napkins

Decoupage is a great way to decorate various things and gifts without spending a lot of time on it. To decoupage Easter eggs with napkins, you only need boiled eggs, beautiful paper napkins, scissors, a brush and a paste.

From napkins, cut out the patterns drawn on it along the contour. You can also cut out a piece around it, this is called the patchwork method. Now prepare the paste. To do this, dilute 2 tbsp. water in 50 milliliters of water. Then heat the solution in the microwave for about 15 seconds, periodically opening the oven and stirring the paste.

Put pieces of napkins on the eggs and coat with paste on top. Leave them on a flat surface for half an hour to dry the glue.

How to paint eggs with nail polish

For this you will need:

  1. Several bottles of nail polish in different colors;
  2. A bowl of water;
  3. Toothpicks;
  4. Nail polish remover;
  5. And, of course, eggs.

Boil the eggs in boiling salted water. In a separate bowl with water, drop nail polish of several colors at once. With a toothpick or other thin object, connect all the colors, making stains on them.

Immerse the egg in water with varnish and turn it so that the paint captures the entire surface of the shell.

Lay the painted eggs on a flat surface and wait for the varnish to dry completely. Nail polish remover will help you get rid of its marks on your hands.

Grate the dyes with vegetable oil for a bright shine.

Beautiful egg stickers

On the eve of Easter, store shelves are full of an assortment of stickers for Easter eggs. Their variety is so great that it is sometimes difficult to make a choice. These stickers are very easy to use. Even kids can handle it, of course, under the supervision of adults. Eggs are better to choose the same size, then boil them until cooked. Before that, you can paint them with any dye, but this is not necessary.

Stickers must be cut along the line. Then each of them must be carefully put on the eggs. Separately, put a saucepan of water on the fire so that it is hot. Dip each egg in turn into the water. To do this, you can use a deep ladle. The edges of the sticker from boiling water immediately curl up, acquiring the shape of an egg.

The easiest option is regular egg stickers. Just paint the testicles in the usual way and decorate them with a cute sticker. They are also sold in supermarkets.

Egg coloring has its own history. Initially, our believing ancestors painted them red - the color of the blood of Jesus Christ. Over time, more and more new colors began to be used. Christ's Sunday was considered the most important holiday of the year, so the preparation for it was very rich and interesting. People developed new ways of painting and decorating.

And now, today, we have many variants of this symbolic action. In addition, talented housewives come up with something new year after year. Perhaps you have a couple of aces up your sleeve? We will be very happy if you share them with us.

Happy Easter to you!

Easter is a wonderful holiday. Multi-colored eggs are an integral companion of fragrant Easter cake on the ceremonial table. To exchange or treat them is a good sign, because they are wishes for good and prosperity.

Modern craftswomen have come up with many of the most extraordinary and very exciting ways of how to color eggs for the holiday. Marble eggs for Easter have become popular this spring. Such an unusual name for krashenka (namely, this is how painted eggs are called among the people) was received for its proximity to natural material. There are several quite informative ways to achieve a unique coloring. It is best to do this in the company of kids.

First coloring method

How to paint marble eggs for Easter with purchased paint, the experience of a young naturalist will tell. Also, recommendations on this matter can be seen on the paint bag. First of all, it is worth deciding on the number of eggs needed, because thanks to this it will be possible to calculate the required amount of dye. It is better to choose several optimally natural marble colors for painting. Then the krashenki can be laid out in a "kaleidoscope" around the Easter cake.

To get "marble" eggs for Easter, you will also have to stock up on a good piece of gauze, a few spoons of rice, selected onion peel, scissors and strings.

First stage

The first step is to cut clean gauze into the required number of squares (15x15 cm), so each marble miracle will be honored.
To make marble inclusions as reliable as possible, you need to cut them finely. Pieces no larger than a square centimeter will be optimal. So it will be more convenient to lay it.

In order for the "marble" eggs for Easter to shine like a real pebble, you need to take care of rice and husks. Pour a little water into a bowl with husks, do the same trick with rice. Such manipulations will help small particles of cereals stick to the shell and effectively imprint on it during cooking.

Next stage

An egg rolled in rice and husk must be carefully wrapped in a layer of gauze, the tail of the material must be tightly tied and cut with scissors. A snug fit will provide the strongest contact between rice, husk and shell. Coloring in this way will allow you to achieve natural overflows and layering of marble.
Next, gauze knots must be placed in a deep saucepan (you can use a ladle if you plan to create a small amount of “marble eggs” for Easter) and cook for about 40 minutes, so that all products reach readiness and are colored with husks.

Third stage

Now you can safely take on the dye. It is worth diluting the powder strictly according to the manufacturer's recommendations in order to end up with a high-quality solution. Vessels (glasses or mugs) should be placed as close as possible to each other in order to optimize the coloring process. If the manufacturer requires the powder to be diluted in hot water, the condition must be met, but allow the dye to cool before dipping the eggs.

The next step will be the final coloring of the products - the bundles must be lowered into the solvent and wait about three to five minutes for each egg. Next, gauze lumps are removed, freed from tinsel and rinsed under a stream of cold water.

With brilliant green

You can make the same "marble" eggs for Easter with brilliant green. The color of the dye is more saturated and deep. For this version, you will need all the same inventory as in the previous tip, but the dyes must be replaced with proven brilliant green. The disadvantage of this option for obtaining "marble" eggs is the scarcity of flowers, but, on the other hand, they can beat the monochromatic design of the celebration. Green napkins and glasses will perfectly balance the festive table.

The process of creating "marble" eggs

Pre-moistened eggs must be generously rolled in chopped onion peel and wrapped in gauze. It is necessary to tighten the gauze flaps carefully so that the brilliant green evenly lies on the shell.

Next comes the cooking process. So that the eggs do not break the pattern and do not burst at the most inopportune moment, it is worth adding a tablespoon of high-quality salt to boiling water. After that, you can safely pour in the super agent - brilliant green. For a dozen, one bottle is enough, but it’s still worth doing the dosage by eye.

To protect yourself from getting greens on your hands, you need to protect yourself with good rubber gloves. The pan can be easily washed after painting. But the hands can "green" so more than one day.

It is necessary to boil eggs in brilliant green for 10 minutes after boiling, after which it is necessary to remove the bundles and untie them. The finer the husk is ground or cut, the brighter and more pronounced the marble pattern will be.

Completely safe way

Many inquisitive mothers refuse to paint "marble" eggs for Easter with paints, brilliant green is also included in this list. To please the kids with such interesting dyes and not harm their stomach, it is worth remembering grandmother's recipe. To do this, you only need eggs already cooked, a lot of husks and How to make such products? To get a marble overflow, it is necessary to cover the eggs moistened with water with a husk and wrap several times with a cloth. The more folds and folds of the fabric, the more believable the "marble" will turn out.

On the same basis, you can carry out the coloring of eggs in speck. Instead of the husk, it is necessary to overlay the prepared eggs with rice and wrap tightly with gauze. It takes about 45 minutes to cook them. After that, it is worth pulling out the bundles and rinsing under a stream of cool water.

We have already described how to get "marble" eggs for Easter, the photos of which are presented in the article. I would like to dwell on one important point. The main nuance of noble "marble" products is the addition of vegetable oil to the saturated dye itself. After pouring the oil into the dye, it is necessary to stir the mixture with smooth movements, then dip the egg into it. The oil trail will spread on the shell in smaller spots. After drying, the egg must be dipped in a different color. So eggs made in the "marble" technique will acquire an extraordinary ebb.

cute pattern

Many craftsmen advise for Easter with their own hands. "Marble" and polka-dot eggs are the most touching and original products. We considered the first variant of creation. How to make a second pattern? To create eggs with polka dots, you will need special foil-based stickers or Thoroughly washed eggs must be pasted over with such circles and dipped in concentrated dye for a couple of minutes. Next, let the shell dry and only then remove the stickers (adhesive tape). That's all, the products are ready.


The abundance of techniques and devices of modern hostesses allows you to get the most colorful and structural varieties of color for Easter eggs. Old customs, translated into a modern colorful way, help to instill in kids love and respect for holy holidays.

We paint marble eggs. Master class.

Eggs "MARBLE" with a master class from Olga Makarova..



and most importantly, the method of painting has been proven for centuries,

environmentally friendly and safe.

Painting with the paints that they sell in the store is quite dangerous,

especially for children. WE COLOR MARBLE EGGS...















(do not be afraid the pan is washed well,

I advise you to put your hands in rubber gloves)





STEP #10


STEP #11


STEP #12



If you pass onion peel through a coffee grinder (meat grinder, blender), then painting

will be even more original.

More ways to paint eggs for Easter, the most environmentally friendly substance, onion peel
simple egg
To color the eggs, take a pan with onion peel, pour water into it and put the eggs. Cook on low heat for half an hour. Turn off the fire and leave to cool. After the eggs have cooled, take them out - the eggs are ready.

The imprint of a leaf on an egg.
To obtain this effect, it is necessary to tightly tie some leaves to the egg with gauze. And boil an egg in onion skins.
Leaves can be taken from any indoor plants.

To get a striped egg, rubber bands are put on it. When boiling eggs in onion skins, the gum will leave a light imprint.

To obtain the effect of marble, the egg is first covered with onion peel, and then wrapped in cotton cloth. The more folds on the fabric, the better the marbled effect. The fabric is fixed with an elastic band and the egg is boiled in the husk.

To obtain this effect, a raw wet egg is rolled in dry rice, and tightly wrapped in gauze, evenly distributing the rice over the egg. And boiled in onion skins.