What kind of meat for beef steak. What to Look for When Buying the Perfect Beef Steak Meat

Walking through a grocery store or visiting a butcher's shop, any shopper will be overwhelmed by the variety of choices. Which meat should you prefer? Which part of the steer is ideal for stewing, and which part will make an unforgettable and juicy steak? How to choose meat for steak?

In fact, choosing and buying marbled meat is quite simple. In this article we will reveal several secrets that will help you understand why one steak needs to be marinated, while another is suitable for medium rare frying. So, how to choose the right marbled meat?

Remember: the less muscle is involved in the movement of the animal, the more tender it is. And vice versa, the more actively the muscle works, the tougher the meat will be and, accordingly, suitable for long simmering, baking or pre-marinating.

When choosing meat for steak, always pay attention to the following things:

  • Breed.
  • Fattening a bull.
  • Amount of connective tissue.
  • Steak marbling.
  • Method for storing meat for steak.
  • What portion of marbled beef is used for steak?

    Choose beef for steak that has one muscle or multiple muscles within the cut. A large number of muscles indicates large quantity connective tissue, and the fibers of each muscle tend to work in different directions - as a result, we get tough meat.

    Connective tissue is good if you are planning to stew meat. But when we grill steaks, the fibers don't have time to break down and turn into a tasty, tender dish.

    What makes up the price of marbled meat?

    When choosing meat for a steak, pay attention to the marbling category - the higher it is, the more expensive the meat. This is due to costly grain feeding. However, it can also be spoiled if prepared incorrectly. Try the most tender filet mignon or exquisite ribeye and decide which type of meat you like.

    Don’t forget about such an important factor as ripening of meat (dry or wet). When buying meat in vacuum packaging, do not be afraid if the shelf life has passed the middle. Remember that the longer the meat ages, the better it affects the taste of the product. Conversely, the less time has passed since the meat was placed in a vacuum, the more likely it is that the steak will be tough.

    How does the breed of bull influence the taste of marbled meat?

    When choosing meat for steak, pay attention to the breed of the bull. If the breed names are Hereford or Aberdeen Angus, you can be sure that the steaks will be excellent. Angus meat, for example, is distinguished by its marbling. It is finely fibrous and not sinewy, and the fatty layers in the muscle fibers give it a special piquancy. Since this cow's gene is dominant, meat quality Aberdeen Angus are transmitted even when breeds are crossed!

    Steak meat acquires unique tenderness and softness due to layers of fat, which melt during the cooking process, filling the steak with noble juice, which in turn increases calorie content, making it juicier and softer in taste. Even if you overcook the meat, the marble layers will prevent it from becoming dry.

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A tasty and juicy steak comes from the right meat. Not all meat is suitable for steak. It happens that we choose a beautiful piece, fry it, and get the taste of rubber. If you want to see on your plate perfect steak, don't skimp on meat.

Filet mignon

For this steak, it is best to choose the middle part of the tenderloin. It differs from other parts in that it practically does not take part in the work of the entire animal’s body, and therefore is not subject to stress. Before frying, all veins and sinews are removed from the meat. Filet mignon meat does not tolerate beating with a kitchen hammer; it is best if you beat the meat with the handle of a knife or the edge of your own palms.


Steak got its name from the presence of a bone in it. As a rule, such steaks are sold in stores ready-cut. The carcass is chopped in such a way that the meat remains on the bone.

Ribeye (marble steak)

Ribeye is a classic American steak. Ribeye is made from meat from an animal that has been fed either grass or grain. The taste of the steak and its quality depend on this factor. Grass-fed meat will be more expensive. The content of fatty streaks in meat is called marbling. The best steak contains a large number of thin strips of fat.

Steak meat

Beef for quick frying should be selected from the sirloin, pieces from the thigh or roast beef, fillet or thigh. Ingredients such as wine and lemon juice will make the meat soft by softening the fibers during preliminary marinating.

It is better to take lamb from the neck, thigh, loin and leg. The older the lamb, the tougher the steak. If the ram has not been castrated, then the steak will have a specific smell. The smell is muffled by various marinades and spices.

Pork should be taken from the shoulder blades, thighs and neck. The meat from these parts of the carcass is quickly fried and is quite juicy. It is preferable that the pork is not only fresh, but also not frozen.

Meat quality

The taste, smell and juiciness of the steak depends on the quality of the meat. Be sure to choose meat with layers of fat. Don't let the presence of fat scare you. After frying, it can be removed, but it will give the meat juiciness and tenderness. The color of the fat should be white; if the animal was old, then its fat will be yellow.

Muscle fibers determine the toughness of a steak; the thicker the muscle fibers on the meat, the tougher the steak will be. The steak meat itself should not be cut against these fibers.

The color of the meat indicates its freshness. If you choose beef, then the meat should be dark red, if pork, then pink, fresh lamb meat has a light red color. The paler the meat in color, the more it cooks and decreases in size.


At the end of the article we would like to give you a few useful tips on cooking steak.

Do not test the meat for doneness with a fork; juice comes out through the punctures, which is responsible for the softness and juiciness of the steak. If you still need to know whether the meat is ready, it is better to make a small cut in the middle of the steak. Salt the meat not before frying, but after it; the same rule applies to pepper, because... spices lead to the release of excess juice and burning of meat. Best choose sea ​​salt, it gives the steak a special taste.

Photo: www.lamangrill.com

I won’t be mistaken if I say that every man, in addition to scrambled eggs and fried potatoes must be able to cook. At least that's the legend. I didn't know how until recently. However, even now, if I show my steak to a knowledgeable person, he will most likely take a photo of it and post it on his Instagram with the hashtags #lol, #whatisthis, #hethinksthissteak.

Despite the fact that my experience in cooking steaks is still limited, I try to study everything new diligently, and therefore I started with the theory - how to choose the right meat for steak.

Types of steaks

None of the types of steaks have a Russian translation. In addition, if you order a pork or chicken steak in the presence of a knowledgeable person, you will most likely be looked at condescendingly. It is believed that steak is made only from beef.

Depending on which cut is used, there are several (up to ten) types of steaks:

  1. Ribeye- subscapular part of the carcass. Contains a lot of fat, so the meat turns out juicy.
  2. Club steak- the back part of the carcass is used as a tenderloin. The steak has a small bone.
  3. Filet mignon-considered the most tender meat, not prepared with blood.
  4. Chateaubriand- the same filet mignon, but laid out lengthwise on a plate.
  5. Tornedos- small pieces of tenderloin from which medallions are made.
  6. Skirt steak- beef flank meat. It is considered quite hard, but tasty.
  7. Porterhouse steak-separated by a T-shaped bone, contains a large amount of fat, which makes the meat juicy.
  8. Roundrumb steak- a round piece of tenderloin from the hip.
  9. Striploin steak- tenderloin that looks more like a sirloin strip than a steak.

How to choose

Despite the variety, each steak is suitable for different situations. Ribeye, for example, is considered the most unpretentious in cooking and at the same time very tasty. Tenderloin has a large amount of fat. Striploin steak is a softer cut than ribeye and is the steak most often served in steakhouses. Filet mignon is the most tender, almost “buttery” meat, but does not have such a rich taste due to the small amount of fat.

Randy Irion, marketing director for the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, has some tips for selecting and cooking the right steak:

  1. Buy thick pieces at least 2 centimeters thick.
  2. Don't avoid fatty cuts: Fat gives the steak flavor, makes it juicy, and maintains its shape while grilling.
  3. If you want to cook the perfect steak, you'll have to buy a thermometer. The required temperature for rare steak is 51 °C.
  4. Do not pay attention to the labels “organic”, “non-GMO”, “natural product”.
  5. Ideally, you should buy your meat from a butcher shop rather than a supermarket.
  6. If the meat gives off a slight ammonia smell, it is not fresh.
  7. When you get home, feel the steak. If your fingers stick to the meat, it means it is close to being lost.
  8. Ribeye is the best choice if you don't want to spend a lot of time choosing. According to Irion, almost any butcher or cook will tell you that ribeye is their favorite type of steak. It is not the most delicate, but has the richest taste.

Many people are interested in the question of how to choose meat for steak. To ready dish It turned out delicious, when buying you need to follow a number of certain rules. It doesn't matter whether you buy meat in a supermarket or a gourmet specialty store. The problem is that often people have somewhat preconceived ideas about what a good steak should look like and end up buying an inferior product. What do you need to know when buying meat?

Check out the types of steaks

It is necessary to have some idea about the type of steak you want to buy. At the very least, you should know how many cuts of meat you need, how you are going to cook them and how much you are expecting. Today you can find many options on sale. Depending on how you plan to cook and serve the meat, you must make the right choice.

Steaks come in different shapes and sizes. Depending on what they were cut from, their cost and preparation technique are determined. The question most often arises is how to choose meat for ribeye steak. It requires a thick piece of meat with dense bone, obtained from the subscapular region of the carcass, starting from the fifth and ending with the 12th rib. Besides good taste, ribeye also has an attractive appearance after cooking. This can be a very successful serving dish for a small dinner party as this type is the easiest to prepare.

Thicker cuts of meat from the 13th rib to the rump area of ​​the carcass will allow you to cook a New York steak that can be used as part of a variety of dishes. This meat is less fatty, but its taste is very rich.

You can also find softer cuts that are great for grilling if they have enough marble veining. If you need to choose meat for steaks for a large group, it is better to purchase a large piece of sirloin. Simply cut it into thin steaks, cook them in the oven and serve with cream sauce with horseradish.

Decide which part of the carcass you need to cut

How to choose the right meat for steak? To do this, you should study which parts of the carcass are used for this product, and how to distinguish between primary cuts. This is necessary so that you can ask the seller questions and understand his answers.

As you can imagine, the back of the carcass is denser than the area near the loin and ribs. The cuts on the back of the carcass are tougher. This means they are better suited for stewing and baking. Softer cuts come from muscles that don't work as hard. This includes the loin and tenderloin.

In addition, intermediate parts of the carcass are used, which can be either hard or soft, depending on where they are cut from. For example, the rib section contains soft, fatty cuts that are ideal for grilling, but there are also denser cuts of meat.

Speaking of the hindquarters of the cow, it is worth highlighting the fillet separately. How to choose the right meat from this part? You need to know the difference between top and bottom cuts. The first variety is more delicate than the second, but does not have the same aroma. Top fillets are firmer than bottom fillets, and if cooked properly, they can be a less expensive alternative to deli loin steaks.

Buy the best meat you can afford

Most of us rarely have the opportunity to buy and taste premium grades of beef. This is explained by the fact that only 1-2.5% of all meat on sale can be valued so highly. There are many criteria for such assessment, but for consumers the main thing that matters is “marbling” - a network of fat that runs throughout the meat. This distinguishing feature beef steak. What meat to choose in this case?

When it comes to purchasing non-premium meat, buyers often make a big mistake. When choosing between a completely lean cut of beef and one with lines of fat running through it, many opt for a leaner steak. In fact, it is fat that allows you to get incredibly rich, juicy, delicate taste and the texture that everyone wants to achieve.

Despite the fact that the premium class is not available to everyone, in a more modest price range you can also do a good choice.

Is it worth buying packaged pieces?

In markets and in some stores you can see unpackaged meat, which is simply stored in the refrigerated section. In specialized places, the pieces are usually sold in polystyrene trays covered with cling film. How to choose meat for steak in this case?

The big advantage of buying a product in a package is that it usually comes with a label with comprehensive information. If you are not familiar with a given cut of beef, grade or the best way cooking a certain steak, you can read about it on the packaging. However, this will not allow you to remove a piece of meat to look at both sides, smell the smell, check the moisture and make sure there are no brown spots. This cannot be determined when the product is on a piece of foam under a layer of plastic wrap. A packaged steak may look great on the side you see, but you won't be able to tell what's on the back until you make the purchase and open it at home. And then it may be too late.

Quality steaks are expensive, so don't be afraid to ask the seller to check the meat you're buying. Choose a piece with the largest number marble veins so that it is tender and tasty. There is nothing worse than having difficulty chewing tough meat.

Color, smell and consistency

If you shop at a specialty store that sells beef for steaks, you may see meat from a variety of fattening cows. You will immediately notice a huge difference in color. Grass-fed beef will be much darker in color than a marbled "grain" steak. It is he who has a pleasant bright appearance. When the freshly cut surface is exposed to oxygen, the myoglobin in the meat turns bright red.

This beef will oxidize faster and turn brownish-red over time. It's actually not bad. Marbling on grain beef should be white or cream. On grass-fed meats it is usually yellow in color. In any case, there should be no brown spots in the fat or along the edges of the piece.

If the meat you buy has a sour or ammonia-like smell, it is not fresh. Don't buy it! Fresh steaks should have a slightly meaty smell, but not overpowering. It is impossible to determine what a packaged product smells like, but if you notice signs of staleness at home, return your purchase.

It is difficult to determine the quality of meat by touch until you buy it. It is impossible to touch a packaged piece, and most sellers will not allow you to touch an unpackaged piece. But if after purchasing you find that the meat is sticky, this means it is not fresh.

Choose fresh meat, or inspect the packaging

Not all stores have sections where you can buy unpackaged steaks or ask the clerk to cut a specific cut. In these situations, you'll likely find cooked steaks laid out on Styrofoam trays and wrapped in plastic. There is nothing wrong with purchasing such products as long as you pay attention to details.

If you find that there is excess liquid in the tray, it may mean that the meat was frozen and then thawed. This is a low-quality product that is better not to buy. You should also inspect the packaging. If the styrofoam tray is cracked or the plastic film is torn, you don't need to buy this.

Check the expiration date

The next thing to do is check the expiration date. Some stores list the arrival or packing date instead. If you don't understand what these terms mean, be sure to ask the seller. Under no circumstances should you buy steaks that are past their expiration date. Additionally, you may sometimes see cuts of meat that look much less fresh but have the same date on the label. This means the steaks have been repackaged.

Marble veins

Whether you buy grass-fed or grain-fed beef, the marbling layers are a very important quality component. The layer of fat gives the steak both flavor and tenderness. How to choose meat for steak based on the presence and distribution of layers? The best marbling is small flecks of fat evenly distributed throughout a very fine textured white.

What else should you consider?

Above, tips were offered on how to choose meat at the market or in a store for cooking steaks. In addition to buying it correctly, it is also important to know how to prepare it correctly. This is the only way you will get tasty and delicate dish.

How to prepare meat for grilling?

T-bone steak, like ribeye, is the best type of meat to grill. What should you do to make it tender and tasty? First of all, it is important to let the meat come to room temperature before you start cooking it. This relaxes the flesh and allows it to cook more evenly.

Once you begin the grilling process, beware of the biggest pitfall of all: overcooking your meat. Cook just until a little juice or blood still comes out when pressed gently. Flip the piece once and lightly sear the other side, then remove it from the grill while it's still pink in the middle. Place the steak on a plate where it will continue to cook while cooling.

IN classic version steaks can only be made from beef. But today they use this name different kinds meat. This dish can be called steak conditionally. Lamb may also be suitable for grilling. How to choose meat so that it tastes like steak? Regarding the freshness of the product, the selection criteria are the same as for beef. Try to buy pieces of lamb on the bone. This way you will get tender juicy meat after frying. This is because the bone helps retain moisture and texture in the meat. In addition, red fish and chicken steaks turn out well on the grill.

What kind of meat should I use for frying?

If you are unable to cook, you can do it on a regular home frying pan. Beef steak is best suited for this. Which meat to choose? A boneless cut with layers of fat is best. Filet mignon is perfect for this preparation because it is the most tender. How to cook it this way? Simply sprinkle the piece with salt and pepper and quickly sear each side until very hot. hot frying pan. Then add a little oil and fry for a few minutes on each side, then place on a plate for a while. If you are using a thicker piece of meat, you can additionally bake it in the oven.

Roasting meat

How to choose meat for pork steak? This product is not very suitable for such preparation, since it cannot be eaten raw. If you specifically want pork steak, opt for a smooth and not too thick piece. It should be prepared by baking. This can be done on a rack placed in the center of the oven. The cooking temperature should be 180 degrees. The finished pork steak should be at least 55 degrees in the center of the piece. Beef can be cooked in the oven at any degree of doneness.

Pork or beef for baking in the oven? Here, a piece of meat with a bone is also more preferable, especially if you plan to cook the steak on the grill. Tender fillet will also work well.

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Which part of beef makes the most delicious and juicy steak? Rules for choosing meat and frying steaks - how does the American way of cooking differ from the European one?

What is steak?

Steak is a thick cut of quality beef meat, cut across the muscle fibers and fried at high temperature in a frying pan or grill. Steak meat can be either drier (filet mignon) or streaked with fat (marble steak). Steak with a rib bone is called ribeye.

Although the classic steak is whole beef meat roasted over a fire for a short time, there are numerous recipes for oven-baked steaks, pork steaks and even salmon steaks. Formally, even a steak made from... ground beef(English) beef steak).

What meat is steak made from?

For steaks, meat is suitable from those parts of the carcass whose muscles do not participate in motor activity - primarily the chest, sides and back. Since no more than 10% of a steer's carcass can ultimately be used, this is one of the main reasons for the high cost of quality beef for steak.

The finished steak gets its name depending on what part of the carcass it was prepared from. In different countries, both the carcass cutting scheme and preferences for the choice of meat and roasting method differ. However, nowhere are steaks prepared from fresh beef - the meat is always stored for 15-20 days.

How to cook steak?

American steak is a large and thick piece of meat with noble streaks of fat (marbled beef).

In Europe, smaller and thinner sirloin steaks are preferred.

Steak is not just a piece of beef meat fried in a pan. Regular beef from the nearest butcher shop (especially steamed beef) is definitely not suitable for a good steak - with it you will only get a large piece of stewed meat. own juice meat.

  1. Buy the right meat.

    Preference should be given to either domestic meat for steaks in vacuum packaging or imported frozen meat.

    Frozen meat must first be thawed before cooking - leave it in the main chamber of the refrigerator for several hours.

  2. Cut the meat into thick pieces. The steak meat is washed, then cut into fairly thick slices - 2.5 cm for fatty marbled meat, or 4-5 cm for almost dry beef tenderloin filet mignon. Before cooking, the meat should rest at room temperature at least 30-45 minutes.
  3. Prepare gas and frying pan. European thin sirloin steaks are best grilled on olive oil, non-stick frying pans and gas stove, and thicker and fattier American or Australian ones - in special ribbed frying pans or on the grill. In this case, a minimum of oil is required.
  4. Don't spoil the meat! Under no circumstances should you wash the meat immediately before frying - it should be as dry as possible. Before grilling the steak, add a little on both sides. rock salt, black pepper or a pinch of aromatic herbs, but be moderate and do not overdo it with spices.
  5. When grilling, keep the crust on the steak.. For education golden brown crust, retaining all the juices inside, it is important to fry the steak at high temperature. Do not place several pieces on the frying pan at the same time - this will lower the temperature and the meat will inevitably begin to stew in its own juices.
  6. Be sure to time yourself. As with boiling soft-boiled eggs, the best results are obtained by timing the cooking time. Frying time depends on the thickness of the piece of meat and its type - starting from 1.5-2 minutes for filet mignon, ending with 6-7 minutes for each side of well-done marbled beef well done.
  7. Let the steak rest before serving.. Before the steak is almost done, it is removed from the heat and placed on a plate for 5-7 minutes. The high temperature on the surface of the steak redistributes the internal juices, as a result of which the meat is more evenly soaked and becomes more tasty and juicy.

Grass-fed or grain-fed?

For correct and delicious steak the meat of young bulls of special breeds Angus is best suited ( Angus) and Hereford ( Hereford) age 1-1.5 years. Depending on the animal’s type of nutrition, the meat has more fat inclusions (grain-fed wheat and corn) or less (grass-fed).

In the USA and Australia, preference is given to “marbled” grain-fed meat - delicate fatty layers are formed inside the muscle fibers, so the steak after cooking is juicy and tender. However, in Europe and South Africa, drier grass-fed meats are preferred.

Steak doneness

In accordance with the American system of classifying doneness classes, steaks are divided into six degrees of doneness: very rare(almost raw meat), rare(meat with blood), medium rare(medium rare steak) medium(medium rare), medium well(almost cooked) well done(done).

For the thick, fatty steaks preferred by Americans, the optimal degree of doneness is between medium rare before medium well, and for thinner European steaks with low fat content (for example, classic filet mignon), light roasting is more suitable - from rare before medium.

To prepare a steak you need, first of all, high-quality beef meat and good frying pan. However, depending on your tastes (whether you prefer thin steaks of grass-fed meat or fattier marbled beef) will depend not only on the cooking time, but also on the required equipment.

Steak meat

Today we will tell you what kind of meat steak is made from and reveal a few secrets that will help you choose the best meat for steak, because the key to success in preparing any dish is undoubtedly the correct and high-quality raw materials.

What meat is steak made from?

In the classic version, beef is used for steak, but it is also possible to prepare dishes from pork, lamb and poultry. Pork steaks It is better to cook from the shoulder, thigh and neck parts of the carcass, but for lamb you can use only the neck and thigh. Poultry steaks are prepared from thighs and drumsticks.

Let us dwell in more detail on the choice of raw materials for beef steaks, since they are the most popular and incredibly tasty.

How to choose meat for beef steak?

To make a dish perfect, as a rule, the best parts are taken as the basis. beef carcass, and depending on what kind of meat is used for the dish, the steak gets its specific name. Let's list the main types of steaks that chefs most often prepare in restaurants.

Having decided on the choice of meat for steak and purchasing it at the market or in a store, be sure to pay attention to its freshness and color. The darker the product, the older the animal was and the tougher the dish will be. When you press with your finger meat product The trace should remain for some time and disappear gradually. If the meat springs back, the steak will be tough. A print that does not disappear at all indicates that the raw meat is not fresh. And one more important point. The fat layers must certainly be white, and not yellow or cream. Such shades of adipose tissue can only be characteristic of lamb meat.

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Types of steaks

Today on sale, especially in markets or at the market, you can find steaks from any meat. However, it is very problematic for a beginner to decide on the choice of product without knowing some simple nuances. In order not to make a mistake in such a situation, we will tell you what types of steaks exist and how to choose them correctly.

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Ribeye steak(rib-eye, ribeye - from English rib - rib, eye - eye).

The steak is cut directly next to the rib and the cut somewhat resembles an eye, hence the name. Ribeye's may vary slightly depending on the factors listed below.

Typical ribeye steaks made from high-quality beef have an almost oval shape:

The appearance of rib-eye steaks may vary slightly depending on what part of the muscle they are cut from. Closer to the front of the carcass and closer to the back of the carcass, respectively:

Marbled beef ribeye steak:

Quite often ribeye steak is left on the bone., emphasizing its origin and name:

Cooked ribeye steak has a characteristic appearance with clearly visible fatty streaks:

How to choose the right steak meat

Filet mignon, porterhouse, ribeye - reading these words, you understand that making a good steak is not an easy task. Below we will tell you how to choose meat for steak in the store, what types it comes in and what are the advantages of each of them.

I won’t be mistaken if I say that every man, in addition to scrambled eggs and fried potatoes, should be able to cook a steak. At least that's the legend. I didn't know how until recently. However, even now, if I show my steak to a knowledgeable person, he will most likely take a photo of it and post it on his Instagram with the hashtags #lol, #whatisthis, #hethinksthissteak.

Despite the fact that my experience in cooking steaks is still limited, I try to study everything new diligently, and therefore I started with the theory - how to choose the right meat for steak.

Types of steaks

None of the types of steaks have a Russian translation. In addition, if you order a pork or chicken steak in the presence of a knowledgeable person, you will most likely be looked at condescendingly.

It is believed that steak is made only from beef.

Depending on what part of the carcass is used for cutting, there are several (up to ten) types of steaks:

  1. Ribeye- subscapular part of the carcass. Contains a lot of fat, so the meat turns out juicy.
  2. Club steak- the back part of the carcass is used as a tenderloin. The steak has a small bone.
  3. Filet mignon-considered the most tender meat, it is not cooked with blood.
  4. Chateaubriand- the same filet mignon, but laid out lengthwise on a plate.
  5. Tornedos- small pieces of tenderloin from which medallions are made.
  6. Skirt steak- beef flank meat. It is considered quite hard, but tasty.
  7. Porterhouse steak-separated by a T-shaped bone, contains a large amount of fat, which makes the meat juicy.
  8. Roundrumb steak- a round piece of tenderloin from the hip.
  9. Striploin steak- tenderloin that looks more like a sirloin strip than a steak.

How to choose

Despite the variety, each steak is suitable for different situations. Ribeye, for example, is considered the most unpretentious in cooking and at the same time very tasty. Tenderloin has a large amount of fat. Striploin steak is a softer cut than ribeye and is the steak most often served in steakhouses. Filet mignon is the most tender, almost “buttery” meat, but does not have such a rich taste due to the small amount of fat.

Randy Irion, marketing director for the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, has some tips for selecting and cooking the right steak:

  1. Buy thick pieces at least 2 centimeters thick.
  2. Don't avoid fatty cuts: Fat gives the steak flavor, makes it juicy, and maintains its shape while grilling.
  3. If you want to cook the perfect steak, you'll have to buy a thermometer. The required temperature for rare steak is 51 °C.
  4. Do not pay attention to the labels “organic”, “non-GMO”, “natural product”.
  5. Ideally, you should buy your meat from a butcher shop rather than a supermarket.
  6. If the meat gives off a slight ammonia smell, it is not fresh.
  7. When you get home, feel the steak. If your fingers stick to the meat, it means it is close to being lost.
  8. Ribeye is the best choice if you don't want to spend a lot of time choosing. According to Irion, almost any butcher or cook will tell you that ribeye is their favorite type of steak. It is not the most delicate, but has the richest taste.