How to cook beef steak at home. How to fry marbled beef in a pan

Now many people mistakenly call a whole fried piece of meat a steak. In fact, a real steak is a whole algorithm of actions that allows you to truly enjoy the original meat dish. This is a piece of meat that is cut across the grain and fried on a grill or pan. Meat for steaks is suitable for those parts of the carcass where the muscles were not actively involved in the movement of the animal. Of the whole carcass of an animal, no more than 10% is suitable for cooking steaks, and this is the main reason for the high cost of the dish.

Today, in the culinary world, steaks are prepared from fish, veal, pork and other types of meat, but beef is still considered a classic dish. A perfectly cooked steak can be a difficult task even for an experienced cook, as sometimes the meat comes out dry and tough, scorching on the outside before it has had time to cook inside. To prevent this from happening, and the dish turned out right and really tasty, you should know some subtleties.

  • For a steak, you should choose a beef tenderloin of a mature animal, but not old and not young. The meat should be red or dark red in color, but not pink or burgundy. It is advisable to choose parts of the carcass that have less tendons and powerful muscles, with fat evenly distributed throughout the piece.
  • You can determine the softness of the steak with your finger by pressing on the raw meat - the finger is easily immersed, leaving a deep hole, which, after pressing, returns to its original position. If this happens, then the meat is good. If the hole does not straighten out, the meat is not fresh enough, and if it is difficult to press on it, the steak will be tough.
  • For a delicious steak, the meat should be properly prepared - remove the film and upper tendons. Cut a piece not too thin, and not less than 7 cm long. Otherwise, the meat will lose moisture, shrink and become dry. Then, in the center of the piece of the side where the fibers are located along, an incision is made to the middle of the thickness, and the meat is opened with a “butterfly”.
  • The steak is marinated from 12 to 48 hours, and before going to the fire, it is well dried with a paper towel. The traditional marinade mixture is: vegetable oil, soy sauce, wine vinegar, salt and seasonings.
  • The frozen stack is thawed in the refrigerator for 12-14 hours. After that, it is wiped dry and left for 20 minutes before pickling, so that it warms up to room temperature. It is not recommended to defrost a steak in the microwave. Since the top layers of meat in the defrost mode are already beginning to cook, while the middle remains cold. Subsequently, it will be difficult to obtain uniform roasting. Also, it is not advised to defrost meat at room temperature and in warm water.
  • Meat is fried exclusively in a well-heated heavy pan or grill pan. At the same time, the pan should not smoke, otherwise the steak will burn on the outside, and the inside will not have time to cook, which will make it tough. During frying, the protein on the surface of the piece quickly curls up and prevents the liquid from escaping, so the steak is first fried in high heat for 1 minute on each side. This will "seal" the fibers and the meat will retain the juice, which means the steak will be juicy and tender. Next, the dish is brought to the desired degree of roasting at a lower temperature.
  • Ready meat should be left to lie down a bit. During this time, the juice will be distributed inside the piece, the temperature inside and outside will even out, and the steak will become warm, tender and juicy everywhere.
  • The steak is served on warm plates, then it will not cool down so quickly. For consumption, you will need sharp knives without serrations so that you can evenly cut the meat.

How to fry beef steak?

Making the perfect steak is not difficult, unless, of course, you know some rules and follow certain subtleties.

  • When buying meat in a supermarket, pay attention, in addition to the date of packaging, also to the date of slaughter, it must always be indicated. Count 20-25 days from it, which will be the date from which you can start frying the steak.
  • It is advisable not to wash the steaks, but to wipe them with a paper towel until completely dry.
  • Do not put more than 2 pieces in one pan, otherwise the temperature of the pan will drop sharply. The meat will begin to secrete juice, in which it will be stewed, and then a ruddy, fried crust will not work.
  • Turn the steaks over with meat tongs, not with a fork, or the juices will run out.
  • If the meat cannot be turned over, and it does not lag behind the pan, then a crust has not formed. Then the steak needs a little more time to fry.
  • Another important tip: do not beat the meat for steak, otherwise, it will lose all the juices and structure.

How long to fry a beef steak?

The degree of roasting of steaks can be varied to your taste by increasing or decreasing the cooking time. According to the American classification system, there are 5 degrees of roasting. Here are examples of the approximate cooking time for a steak 2.5 cm thick. For thicker pieces, the cooking time must be increased, and vice versa.

  • Very rare (raw) - a piece can only be allowed on each side for 10-15 seconds.
  • Rare (with blood) - cooked on each side for 1–2 minutes, after which it is given 6–8 minutes to rest.
  • Medium rare (low roast) - cooks on each side for 2-2.5 minutes, rests 5 minutes.
  • Medium (medium roast) - cooks on each side for 3 minutes, rests 4 minutes.
  • Well done (fried) - cooked on each side for 4.5–5 minutes, rested for 1 minute.

It will also be useful to fry the edges of the steak, briefly holding them on the sides when turning over for the first time. It is convenient to do this with special tongs designed for meat. Also, for different degrees of roasting, certain types of meat are needed. For frying from medium rare to medium well, fatty steaks are needed, from rare to medium - with a low fat content (for example, filet mignon). At the same time, it should be noted that the most accurate way to determine the degree of roasting of meat is with the help of a thermometer, which will allow you to achieve the ideal consistency and taste of the steak. An electronic thermometer will pierce the surface a little and indicate the temperature of the readiness of the meat.

  • Rare (with blood) = 120° F (48.8° C)
  • Medium rare =130° F (54.4° C)
  • Medium = 140° F (60° C)
  • Medium well (almost done) = 150° F (65.5° C)
  • Well done (done) = 160° F (71.1° C)

4 beef steak recipes

And now that we are familiar with all the cooking rules, let's cook a delicious steak at home.

1. Recipe for beef steak in a pan

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 190 kcal.
  • Servings - 2
  • Cooking time - 15 minutes


  • Selected beef steak - 2 pcs.
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Spices "French Herbs" - 1 tsp and at will


  1. Sprinkle the meat around the perimeter with medium-grinding pepper and season with salt.
  2. Generously coat the steaks with spices with your hands, and rub them into the meat with patting movements.
  3. Grease the prepared steak on both sides with vegetable oil.
  4. Pour oil into a cast iron skillet and heat well.
  5. Place the steak in the skillet and cook for 1 minute, then quickly flip over and cook for another 1 minute.
  6. Then, turn the piece over again on the reverse side and fry until the desired readiness.

2. Recipe for cooking steak on a ribbed grill pan

Well, now, let's cook at home a steak with a beautiful "mesh" on a ribbed grill pan.


  • Beef steak (portioned boneless pieces, 3–5 cm thick) - 2 pcs.
  • Salt and pepper - to taste

Step by step preparation:

  1. Rub the steak pieces on both sides with a mixture of salt and pepper.
  2. Heat a cast iron ribbed grill pan well without adding oil until a light haze forms.
  3. Put the steaks in the pan and fry for 1.5 minutes. After, turn 90 degrees clockwise and fry for another 30 seconds.
  4. Then turn it over to the other side and do the same procedure.
  5. Put the fried steaks in a baking dish, wrap them in foil and put them in an oven preheated to 190 ° C for 10-12 minutes. If you want a stronger roast, then hold them for 15 minutes.
  6. After this time, remove the steaks from the oven and, without removing the foil, leave them on. minutes.

3. How to cook beef steak?

Despite the loud ridicule from the lips of "professional" chefs: they say, it is impossible to cook a delicious and tender beef steak in a pan at home - we will prove the opposite.


  • Steak 2.5 cm - 1 pc.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Kitchen fat - for frying
  • Butter - 2 tbsp.


  1. Salt the steaks and leave for 40 minutes to come to room temperature. Salt will draw moisture to the surface, where it will settle in puddles. During this time, the salt will tenderize the meat, break down the protein and, drawn out by the salt, will begin to be absorbed back into the steak. This technique will make the meat tender and juicy.
  2. Put the cooking oil in a well-heated pan and let it smoke a little.
  3. Put the steak, fry it on both sides for 1 minute and pepper.
  4. After, bring it to the degree you want to get.
  5. 1 minute before the end of cooking, put 2 tbsp. butter, it will fill the steak with a rich smell.
  6. When the temperature is below 2°C, remove the pan from the heat and leave the steak to rest. During this time, it will reach the desired temperature, because. will continue to cook with the hot pan turned off.

4. How to make a juicy beef steak

Despite the widespread belief that frying a steak is a very difficult task that requires some skill, everything is not so scary. It is able to cook quite tasty, you only need a good recipe.


  • Beef pulp - 500 g
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Salt and black pepper - to taste

Step by step cooking juicy steak:

  1. Prepare the beef - peel it from the film, wash and blot dry with a paper towel.
  2. Cut the meat into steaks across the grain, 2-3 cm thick.
  3. Rub the pieces with pepper, coat with vegetable oil and leave for an hour.
  4. Heat a skillet over high heat and add the meat.
  5. Grill the steaks for 30 seconds on one side, then on the other. Next, turn the meat over again, turn the temperature to medium and fry for another 4 minutes. Then turn over again and fry for the same amount of time.
  6. Remove the pan from the stove, cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes.

Before we talk about how to cook a steak, let's try to find out the history of this dish. So let's get started.

The history of steaks

It is generally accepted that the steak came to us from the shores of Foggy Albion. Actually, it is not. The first mentions of cooking meat on a fire are found in ancient Rome. Many scientists claim that ancient people were familiar with the steak. Later, thanks to the movement of the Roman legions, the recipe came to Great Britain, from where it spread throughout the world.

Although England was not the birthplace of the steak, this country can be safely called the birthplace of this dish. Here it has gained immense popularity. The first steak recipe was published in the 15th century. Three centuries later, the love for steak among connoisseurs of meat dishes has grown to such an extent that his admirers even created the Steak Club. Only the elite could taste the meat here.

So from rough English porterhouse was "taken out" Chateaubriand and filet mignon.

Having traveled a bit around Europe, the steak also reached Russia, although at first it did not take root. Then he returned to his homeland. And already in Italy there was a Florentine steak. The journey didn't end there. Soon this popular dish came into use among the Americans. Moreover, they saw commercial potential in the dish. Since then, the dish has become very popular. The whole world learned not only about the most delicious meat, but also about the various sauces that are served with it. In this country, eating steak has become a kind of culture. Only in America could a simple worker afford to eat a good piece of beef with Tabasco sauce for lunch, paying moderate money for it. Here, the aristocratic grimace was removed from this dish.

For real gourmets, the value is not only a deliciously prepared dish, but also the process itself. Some cooks learn how to properly cook a steak for years. It would seem that such a simple dish, but requires a responsible approach and proper frying. And for this you need to know all the subtleties of cooking. The quality of the meat, its processing and storage is also important. Having lost at least one nuance from sight, the culinary specialist risks preparing only a dish similar to the original. This is important to consider if you decide to cook a steak at home on your own.

How to choose the right meat for cooking a steak?

When choosing meat, you need to decide what kind of steak you want to cook.

There are several types. For each of them, meat is taken from a certain part of the animal carcass.

If you have already decided on this, try to choose a piece that has the least amount of muscle. Otherwise, you risk getting hard instead of a juicy piece of meat.

Nobody cooks a steak immediately after slaughter. If you choose meat in a supermarket, pay attention to the date of slaughter. Count from it about 20 days. This will be the most optimal time for meat that is suitable for cooking a steak.

How to cook beef steak correctly?

First, you need to consider the thickness of the piece. It should be at least 3 cm and not more than 5. But it all depends on which part of the beef you have chosen.

To make the steak tasty and juicy, the meat must be cut across the fibers. In this case, the piece will turn out perfectly even.

Next, you need to pour the cut piece with sunflower oil (in the case of grilling). Then pepper and salt on both sides. But before that, the meat must be thoroughly dried. It is best to use a paper towel. It is strictly forbidden to wash it.

It is better not to use other spices at all, otherwise you risk clogging the taste of beef.
You can fry it in two ways. How to cook a steak in a pan, on a grill or on coals, we will consider in more detail below. The main thing - remember that its surface must be well dried before cooking.

How to cook beef steak in a pan?

Use only a cast iron ribbed skillet. Warm it up well until a light haze appears. You don't need to add oil.

How to cook beef steak in a pan? First, remember an important rule. No more than two pieces can be put on one pan. Otherwise, the temperature inside may drop, then the meat will be fried in its own juice, and not fried until golden brown, as it should be.

How long to cook a beef steak? It depends on which roast you choose.

It is necessary to turn it over exclusively with culinary tongs and in no case do it with a fork or knife, as the juice may leak out. When turning the meat, keep in mind that it must be fried on all sides. Not only the two main, but also the rib sides are to be roasted.

If the meat does not lag behind the pan well, it means that it has not yet been fried enough and it needs a little more time.

When the meat is fried, it must be sent to the oven. To do this, heat it up to 190 degrees. Place the meat in a baking dish and cover with foil. How long to cook a steak in the oven also depends on which piece of beef is selected. Filet mignon, for example, can be kept for no more than 12 minutes. Ribeye is even less - about 8. In all other cases, from 10 to 15 minutes, respectively.

After that, take the meat out of the oven, but do not immediately unfold the foil. Let it stand for about a minute. Then you can safely serve on the table.

Grilling a steak

Prepared according to the same principle as in a frying pan. In this case, the meat can not be salted beforehand. And in the process of cooking, pour it with salt water. Aromatic herbs can also be steamed in water. For example, thyme and rosemary. If someone does not like the taste of sunflower oil, during the frying process they can lubricate a piece of meat with melted butter.

If desired, finely chopped greens can be added to the oil. On the grill, the meat should be turned over every two minutes. After cooking, remove the meat and put it under the lid for a couple of minutes. So the juice is evenly distributed throughout the piece.

Steak on the coals

This cooking technology became popular in the United States in the nineteenth century. In this case, the steaks are fried simply on hot coals.

For its preparation, it is best to use hardwoods of deciduous trees. The meat is fried directly on the coals from all sides. After that, it is well wiped from the ashes and smeared with olive oil. Then sprinkle with sea salt. Like grilled meat, it can be watered with herb-infused water. Such a stack is also called "dirty" for obvious reasons.

What are the degrees of doneness for a steak?

In accordance with the classification system of Americans, there are 6 degrees of roasting a steak. Let's consider each of them.

  • "Veri rar" - the meat is fried the least and is served almost raw.
  • "Rer" - the meat is so juicy that blood should flow from the piece when it is cut.
  • "Medium rar" - a piece of meat is slightly fried.
  • "Medium" is a medium roast.
  • "Medium led" - almost fried piece.
  • "Vel Dan" - a well-done piece of meat.

Known types of roasting meat

Filet Mignon is considered one of the most tender and thin steaks. For its preparation, a low-fat piece is selected, which has a mild taste of meat.

Ribeye is one of the most popular steaks. For him, a piece of meat is taken on the bone, which is removed from 3 ribs of the animal to 12. This part is also called entrecote.

Skert. A piece of meat for its preparation is cut from a part of the animal's diaphragm. It has a high marbling. The shape is similar to the blade of a wide knife. The meat is very tender, since the muscles of this part are not involved in any way in movement.

Striploin - a piece of meat from the lower back. Along the perimeter, it is surrounded by a thick layer of fat. Such meat does not have marbling.

Flank steak is cut from the lower abdomen. Such a piece has no bones and fat. It has a light liver aroma. The fibers of such a piece are very dense, so it is best to cook it in sous vide.

A flat iron or top blade is cut from the shoulder blade. There is cartilage inside the piece of meat. If the cartilage is carefully pulled out, then the steak will be called a flat iron, and if it is cut and the cartilage is removed, it will be called a top blade.

Unknown steaks

The Camargue steak is named after a locality in southern France.
Black bulls are bred here, which are grown in free-range conditions. And this factor greatly affects the quality of meat. To prepare a steak, any cut is taken and prepared according to the usual technology.

Chateaubriand is prepared from the central part of the beef tenderloin. It got its name, thanks to the name of one diplomat. The cook, who constantly cooked for a high-ranking official, decided to diversify his menu and cook a steak. Chateaubriand liked the dish so much that it became one of his favorites. It is usually served with wine or pepper sauce and lettuce.

Steak "Diana". It is believed that it got its name in honor of the goddess of the hunt. Initially, this dish was prepared from venison. And in the middle of the 20th century, culinary specialists from all over the world began to cook it from beef. It is popular because it is the only one of all steaks that goes through the flaming stage. At the end, when it is roasted, cognac is poured over it and set on fire. After the flame goes out, broth, sauce, cream are added to the meat and heated.

Having considered how to cook a steak, it is important not to forget one thing: no matter what method and degree of roasting you choose, the most important thing is that it be made from a quality product.

You can cook delicious and juicy beef steaks like they do in cafes and restaurants at home in a regular frying pan, the main thing is to follow the basic rules for its preparation and take into account the frying time, so in this article we will look at how to properly fry a beef steak in a frying pan in home conditions.

How long to fry a beef steak in a pan?

The steak frying time directly depends on what degree of steak doneness you want to get (there are 4 types). Let's take a closer look at how much to fry a beef steak with varying degrees of roasting in a pan:

  • Steak with blood (rare) fry 1-2 minutes on each side + let the steak rest 6-8 minutes after frying.
  • Medium rare steak cook 2-2.5 minutes on each side + let it rest 5 minutes after frying.
  • Medium Rare Steak you need to fry 3 minutes on each side + let it rest 4-5 minutes after frying.
  • Well-done steak (well-done) it is necessary to fry for 4-4.5 minutes on each side + let it rest for 1-2 minutes after frying.

Note: the above frying time for beef steaks is valid for steaks 2.5 cm thick, if the pieces of meat are thicker, they need to be fried a little longer.

Having learned how many minutes to fry a beef steak, we will further consider the process of cooking steaks at home in order to know how to cook a delicious and juicy beef steak yourself.

The preparation of any steak begins with the choice of high-quality meat, which should be with thin layers of fat evenly distributed over the piece (they melt when fried and the meat inside becomes juicy). Cut the meat into steaks in flat slices 2.5 to 4 cm thick (at home it is better to cut into slices 2.5 cm thick) across the fibers. Consider the most common and simple recipe for how to cook beef steak in a pan:

  • If the steaks were frozen, defrost them in advance by moving them from the freezer to the common compartment of the refrigerator 12 hours before cooking, and 20 minutes before frying, take them out of the refrigerator so that they warm up to room temperature.
  • The meat must be blotted with a paper towel so that it is dry, after which each steak is rubbed along the edges with a mixture of coarsely ground peppers, and the flat sides are rubbed with salt and smeared with sunflower (or olive) oil.
  • Heat the skillet over medium heat until it is hot (but do not overheat so that it does not smoke). We put the steak in the pan and fry on each side (the frying time depends on the desired degree of roasting and is indicated at the beginning of the article).
  • We transfer the finished fried steak to a plate and cover with a piece of foil so that it “reaches”.
  • That's all! Delicious and juicy beef steak - ready!

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how to properly cook a beef steak in a pan, you can quickly and without any hassle cook it for any side dish at home. We leave our feedback and useful tips on how to properly fry a beef steak in a pan in the comments to the article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

What is the real steak recipe? Before you know the secret of cooking, you need to figure out what a steak is. Many people think that this is a fried piece of meat. But it is not so! You can’t just randomly cut off a piece of meat and fry it. In the process of cooking, many manipulations are performed to make the dish tasty and fragrant. A piece of meat must be cut across the fibers. The steak is usually grilled. But many do not have such an opportunity, so they can make a dish in a pan.

Useful tips from first-class chefs

What will we make a fried steak from? There are a variety of recipes for preparing this meat dish. You can cook it from absolutely any meat. It can be fish, veal, pork and beef. Most housewives prefer the latter type of meat. Cooking a steak is not so easy, here you need to do it right so that the meat is not dry. Such a task can be overwhelming even for an experienced chef. Below we will tell you how to cook a juicy steak and what should be the cooking time.

A couple of minutes before cooking, you need to add a piece of butter and season with spices to taste. This will help the meat stay juicy. Spices can be added to give flavor and a specific taste. When the steak is cooked, remove it from the pan and place on a plate. Wrap the dish in foil and let it rest for at least 5 minutes.

Cooking a steak on the grill

Many people believe that the most delicious steak is the one that was cooked on the grill. First of all, you need to choose the right piece of meat for cooking.

Required products:

Pieces of meat for a steak 3 cm wide;
seasonings, salt and pepper;
vegetable oil.


First you need to choose a thick piece of meat. For this dish, it is advisable to choose a piece thicker. The optimal width of the steak is 3 cm. A thick piece takes longer to cook, but a thin one can be very fried and dry, so it is not advised to take it. Especially if you are grilling, it is better to choose thick pieces.

Half an hour before frying, our steaks should be salted. Do not try to salt the meat pieces right before cooking, as it will take all the moisture. Remember the important rule, the longer you soak the steaks, the more tender and juicy it will be.

If a frozen piece is used, then it is better to leave it at room temperature for the whole day so that it thaws completely. A warm piece of meat does not have to be grilled for a long time.
Now let's prepare the grill. We need coals, preferably hardwood. They will create higher temperatures than those sold in briquettes. For ignition, do not use a special tool, it is better if the fire flares up naturally. Use paper for this.

Then the prepared coals should be distributed on the grill only on one side, the other should remain empty. The empty part is what we need. Cook on the cold side first. It is not necessary to immediately throw the meat into the firebox, as the top will burn and be ready, and the middle will not be cooked yet. It is better to do everything gradually. If you like fried steak, then you can create a golden crust if you fry the meat on the warm side at the end of cooking.

You can check the readiness of the meat with your finger. Remember that you need to fry the steaks for 1.5 minutes on each side. When the meat is cooked, it should be put on a dish and let stand. After that, the cooked steak can be tasted. It can be served with grilled vegetables. It can be zucchini and potatoes.

There are still a lot of different cooking recipespre-marinated in different marinades. But to cook this wonderful dish, you need to choose the right meat.

How to cook beef steak?

Many housewives use different meats to cook steaks. Some people like fish dishes. Someone prefers veal and pork. The classic option is beef steak. Below is a recipe for your favorite dish, designed for 2 servings. You can cook beef steaks in 15 minutes. This method is suitable for busy ladies who do not have enough time to cook.

Required products:

2 beef steaks of any size;
vegetable oil;
salt and pepper to taste;
a pinch of your favorite spices


Salt and pepper the pieces of meat. Rub your chosen spices into them. Brush the steaks on both sides with oil. Pour oil into a frying pan and place on the stove. It is advisable to use a cast iron skillet.

Place the meat pieces in the skillet and fry for 1 minute, then flip the meat over. Turn the steaks over until they are cooked evenly.

Cooking delicious marinades

Method number 1

You can marinate steaks in a variety of ways. For these purposes, you can use beer, lime and chili peppers. Each person will find a marinade to their liking. This mixture of components is considered the most versatile, as everyone will like it. In addition to the listed ingredients, we need pepper and salt.

1. Buy any beer (light or dark). It should be poured into a container. Make sure the beer completely covers the steak. Squeeze a whole lime into our marinade and sprinkle with red ground pepper.
2. Let our pieces stand in this marinade for at least 30 minutes. Then the steaks should be put in the refrigerator for half a day.
3. Before frying, our meat pieces must be salted or peppered. Then the steaks are cooked as usual.

The question of how to cook a beef steak has arisen for everyone who has tried this excellently cooked dish at least once. Steak - how much taste in this one word: a thin fried crust, juicy flesh on the cut, impeccable meat texture, an explosion of taste and sensations melting on the tongue. In this dish, the main thing is high-quality meat and proper preparation, and it does not matter at all whether it is cooked in a restaurant or not.

It is at home that you can cook your perfect steak - with the desired degree of roasting with your favorite seasonings and sauce, such as you like the most. By learning a few simple recipes and practicing, you can soon impress your guests with seemingly incredible culinary skills. A man who knows how to cook a steak gets 100 points ahead of any lady who appreciates the taste of real meat.

If your lady is not a vegetarian, why not surprise her with a romantic dinner, the signature dish of which will be a super-steak?

Choice of meat and roast

Steak is the general name for a category of food, literally it is a fried piece of beef from a strictly defined cut. Beef cuts from different parts of the carcass are used to prepare steaks, and each type has its own characteristics, taking into account the texture of meat fibers and the presence of fat.

  • The most tender type of steak is filet mignon, it is prepared from beef tenderloin, in which there is practically no fat. The tenderloin is cut into pieces of 7-8 cm, and due to the size of such a steak, it requires careful cooking in the oven so that the meat does not turn out cold inside, but does not lose juiciness.
  • Ribeye can be called the largest and juiciest kind of steak. due to the texture of the meat and the ratio of muscle and fat fibers. It is for this meat that you can best determine the marbling of beef.
  • Those who love a pronounced beef taste and want to enjoy it to the fullest should choose striploin- an unusual taste is guaranteed due to the greater thickness of the meat fibers than in other parts of the carcass.
  • porterhouse- steak on the bone, which separates 2 types of meat: tenderloin and striploin. The contrast of meat fibers allows you to feel all the richness of taste and fully enjoy the dish.
  • T-bone- the same porterhouse, but cut closer to the front of the carcass, and therefore with a lower percentage of fillets. We can say that this is his less expensive option.

These are not all types of cuts used, but the most common. Another criterion when choosing meat before cooking a beef steak at home is goby origin. To get an excellent steak, it is not at all necessary to cook American (Argentinean), Australian or Japanese meat - it is quite possible to be satisfied with domestic beef breeds, the main thing is that the carcass is young, and the bull is fed according to breed standards.

It is best to buy meat already cut into portions, but if you happen to grab a whole piece of carcass, you can cut it yourself. It is better to cut the meat into pieces 3-3.5 cm thick, no less, and if we are talking about tenderloin, then not thinner than 4 cm, but preferably 7-8. The right thickness will not only ensure uniform cooking, but also allow you to experience all the flavors of different meat textures.

Before cooking, you must also decide which degree of roasting is preferred.:

  • Blue - for lovers of raw beef: crust on the outside, almost raw meat on the inside, only warm - t = from 38 ° C.
  • Rare - weak roast, the meat can no longer be called raw, t = from 48 ° C.
  • Medium Rare - what is usually called a steak with blood, although in fact it is not blood at all, you should not be afraid of this. t = from 53°C.
  • Medium - medium roast, there is almost no pink inside, t = from 59 ° C.
  • Medium Well - strong roasting, t = from 65 ° C.
  • Well Done - fully fried meat, which is a crime for a steak according to chefs, gourmets and connoisseurs. t = from 72°C.

It will be difficult for a beginner who has not tried to cook a steak by eye, so it is better to use a proven method and either determine the preparation by softness, or a laser thermometer that measures the temperature in the thickness of the meat, which is more reliable.

Steak in a pan

First of all, you need to choose a frying pan, it is best if it is a grill pan with a corrugated surface. It can be cast iron or non-stick - this is not so important, but it is better if the pan is thick-walled This way the heat will spread more evenly.

This recipe is a simple illustration of how to cook beef steak in a pan quickly and without much bother. Before cooking, the meat should be at room temperature, for which it must be taken out of the refrigerator at least half an hour before cooking. This also contributes to more efficient heat transfer: the meat will not have time to cool the pan and the frying process will begin immediately. The steak pan should be very hot, but not smoky.

Ingredients for 1 person:

striploin steak - 0.35 kg
vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
butter - 1 tsp
sea ​​salt - to taste
thyme or rosemary greens - a few sprigs

It is not necessary to marinate the meat, you can cook it right away. Take a large plate and pour vegetable oil into it - it can be olive, sunflower, rapeseed or other. Sprinkle salt on top - it is better to take coarse sea salt, and lay out the meat.

Dip the meat in oil on both sides so that a thin oil film forms, and put the pan to heat up for a couple of minutes. Without adding oil to the pan, put the steak there and fry for a minute and a half on each side.

Frying the steak from the side of the fat is a feature of the striploin, the fat gives a special taste and aroma. Then continue cooking - for readiness medium 3 minutes, well done - 10 minutes, but we would not recommend it.

At the end of cooking, put a piece of butter on the steak and place sprigs of greens (you can take dried). Tilt the pan, pour the melted butter over the steak and cook in this mode for another 2 minutes.

That's it, you can serve the meat on a warm plate, but first let it rest for at least 4 minutes, only then cut it.

Beef Wellington

Wellington is a stunning steak, and if you want to surprise your lady with your culinary art, be sure to try this dish!

The famous steak is the signature dish of the famous British chef Gordon Ramsay. After reading how a beef steak is cooked in the oven, it may seem that the recipe is complicated and confusing, but in fact, even a beginner can handle it, the main thing is to follow the instructions.

Ingredients for one:

a piece of beef tenderloin - 350 g
parma ham - 7 slices, you can use bacon
English mustard - 1 tbsp. l.
champignons - 200 g
egg yolk - 1 pc.
ready-made puff pastry - 250 g
a pinch of flour
vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
a pinch of sea salt
a little freshly ground black pepper or a mixture of peppers

Puree the mushrooms in a blender or food processor (you can just finely chop with a knife) and evaporate the liquid in a hot pan. Cook for 6 minutes, stirring constantly, then transfer to a plate and let cool.

Heating oil in a pan - it is better to use olive oil, fry the meat on all sides for 30 seconds each. Before frying, season the meat with salt and pepper, and then carefully coat with mustard.

Spread a film or bag on the table, lay the slices of ham close to each other, and spread the mushroom puree on them, lay the meat on top. Wrapping a roll around the meat, put it in the refrigerator right in the film for half an hour.

Sprinkle the table with flour and roll out a layer of defrosted puff pastry. Put the meatloaf in the middle, having previously removed the film from it. Lubricate the dough around the meat with yolk and wrap, pinch the edges, turn down with a seam and also grease with yolk on top. When wrapping, do not forget to cut off the excess dough. Send the finished roll to the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour.

While the roll is in the refrigerator, heat the oven to 200°C. Remove the roll and carefully cut it with a knife on top, then send it to the oven for 20 minutes. After this period, reduce the temperature by 20 ° C and leave the meat to bake for another 15 minutes.

After cooking, remove the finished steak and let it rest for another 15 minutes before slicing, after which it can be served.

Grilled steak

Try to cook a steak on the grill - the result will not disappoint even the most fastidious gourmets

A recipe for those who have a grill - classic or electric. Preparing quickly, and the result is really impressive!


steak T-Bone - 1 piece, 300-350 g
vegetable oil - 1 tsp.
salt - to taste

You will also need a pinch of spices such as paprika, turmeric, black and cayenne peppers, coriander, garlic and onion powder. If possible, it is better to take freshly ground spices - they have a much brighter aroma and taste!

Prepare the meat - mix all the spices and salt and wipe the steak with this mixture on all sides, leave in this form for no more than 20 minutes. In the meantime, heat the grill - strongly, but without smoke, grease with oil. The grill must be set to high direct heat.

Fry the steak on each side for 3-4 minutes, depending on the desired degree of roasting, but do not overdo it - it is better to cook this meat to a maximum of Medium. First fry each side for a minute, then use the lid.

After cooking, let the steak rest a little - 5 minutes on a warm plate, and you can serve. You can garnish such meat with a vegetable salad or vegetables cooked on the same grill.

Smoky steak

There are so many recipes that it's hard to say how to properly cook a beef steak, but of course, the most correct option is always smoky, that is cooked on an open fire. In the absence of a grill or, as the Americans say, a barbecue, a steak can be cooked with no less success and on a conventional classic grill using a grate.


ribeye steak - 350-400 g, about 4 cm thick
olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
a pinch of salt and pepper or a mixture of peppers
sprig of fresh rosemary

Pour the olive oil into a small bowl and put the meat in it so that the oil envelops the piece on all sides. Add rosemary, but in no case do not add salt, otherwise all the juice will come out of the beef. Leave in this form for 10 hours, turning every few hours.

Before cooking, take the meat out in advance so that it warms up to room temperature, then use salt and pepper. In the meantime, light the coals and heat up the grill. Steaks cook quickly, so you don't have to wait for the coals to burn out, but at the same time, don't let the fire touch the meat.

Grease the grate with the oil in which the beef lay, and lay out the steaks. If there is more than one piece, then it is necessary that they are not too close to each other - the distance should be at least 2 cm. Rosemary must be removed from the meat so that it does not burn, it is better to dump it on the coals - this will give flavor.

Cook the meat for 3-4 minutes on each side, to get a beautiful lattice pattern, the meat must be quickly transferred to the grill. Readiness is best checked with a thermometer, knowing that 4 minutes of total frying is medium roast.

After cooking, remove the steak from the grill, transfer to a plate and cover with foil or a lid for 15 minutes. That's it, you can serve!

Get ready and enjoy your meal!

Another simple and affordable steak recipe for everyone - see the video