The best recipes for tomatoes in their own juice. Cherry tomatoes in their own juice with sterilization

You have already closed many options for home canned tomatoes and are thinking, where else to put the rest of the crop? Remember about " tomatoes in own juice for the winter "recipes, which even after heat treatment remain quite useful in terms of gastronomic qualities, retain their natural taste and are quite suitable for other dishes with the inclusion of tomato.

Someone who has never tried the result of such experiments will say - "butter oil". This is an erroneous opinion! Juicy tomatoes and even in their own juice will amaze with amazing taste. And besides, after eating a vegetable, you can enjoy the juice-pouring, that is, it turns out such a kind of "two in one".

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter: A simple recipe

Simple at first glance, the method proved to be very practical in practice. Substandard vegetables (overripe, wrinkled, too large, irregularly shaped, crushed, with spoiled places), which are put on a tomato, and high-quality fruits, which are the basis of the recipe, will find their use in it.

Small, strong tomatoes for laying in jars and ripe, large ones for pouring,

Salt, sand-sugar,

Lavrushka, grain black pepper, for an amateur - cinnamon and clove stars.

If there is ready tomato juice home production, then use it. On average for one three liter jar will go up to a liter of juice and about 2 kilos of fruit.

Solanaceae are sorted: some are “turned” into a tomato, others are placed in prepared jars. For pouring, the fruits are scrolled in a meat grinder in mashed potatoes or through a juicer, and the juice filtered from the peel and seeds is heated over low heat. 5 tablespoons are poured into it. table salt, 6-7 tbsp. granulated sugar, 6 bay leaves and 5 allspice peas.

Water boils in another bowl. Small tomatoes are distributed in jars and poured with var, covered with lids. Additionally, for uniform heating, the container is wrapped in a terry towel, and let it stand for a short time. Then the water is drained, and the boiling tomato is poured in.

Like all " Delicious tomatoes in their own juice for the winter. Recipes”, the workpiece is preserved and kept warm until cool.

Recipe 2

The following recipe is intended for the lazy, although any preparation of home canned food can hardly be called an occupation for lazy or, conversely, busy housewives. Quick ones are prepared from the following products:

1 kilogram of red nightshade,

handful of garlic,

1 small beetroot

1 daikon root

Tomatoes are washed, pierced with a toothpick in several places, and glass seaming jars are filled with them. Filling-marinade is prepared in this way: 2-3 tomatoes, along with Bordeaux and daikon roots, are ground through a meat grinder, seasoned with crushed garlic to taste and sugar, salt (2 tablespoons of each spice).

2 tsp is also added there. table otst and, if desired, a small piece of red hot chili pepper. The mixture is brought to a boil and boiled for 10 minutes, after which it is poured into jars to the tomatoes.

The container closes nylon lids and taken out into the cold. The ripening period for snacks is 3-4 days; storage conditions - in a cold room.

Recipe 3

Another way to block such unusual workpiece(no otta) suggests the presence the following ingredients for three jars with a volume of one liter:

5 kilos of tomatoes (3 kg of small, strong and 2 kg of soft, large, fleshy),

60 g of coarse salt and sugar sand,

Peppercorns are black and allspice for flavor.

Small solanaceous are washed out, pierced a couple of times with a toothpick to avoid bursting of the fruit, and tightly fit into jars sterilized in any way. large vegetables they are cut into slices as on, folded into an enameled container, which is covered, and the contents warm up without boiling. After the hot mass is rubbed on a sieve to obtain juice.

A tablespoon of sugar and salt, a pinch of cinnamon (optional) and peppercorns are poured into the juice for every one and a half liters. By the way, you can not wipe the tomato mass, but blanch it, removing the skin, and puree it with a blender, if its uniformity is not too important for the cook. An excellent addition would be garlic, crushed through a press or chopped with a knife.

Tomato filling is poured into a separate pan, boiled, removing the oncoming foam from the surface. The bubbling juice is poured into jars with small solanaceous ones, and the container is placed for sterilization for a duration of 8-10 minutes.

All ends" Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter "recipes for the winter hermetic seal. Hot preservation should also be wrapped in a blanket and wait for it to cool, and only then take it out to the pantry.

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter: Recipe 4

The next twist is characterized by a delicate salty aftertaste and the preservation of the natural juiciness of the fruit. Thanks to this, this one can be used to make amazing sauces. A wonderful blank can be closed from the following components:

2.5 kilos of mature nightshade,

Half an onion,

A piece of red chili,

2-3 large garlic cloves,

Horseradish root 5-7 cm,

2 dill umbrellas,

1 tbsp mustard powder,

A couple of currant leaves

1.5 liters of filtered water,

2 tbsp coarse salt.

By analogy with previous technologies, medium-sized fleshy tomatoes are washed and pierced with a fork or toothpick. Fresh green leaves and dill umbels are rinsed; the roots are peeled, washed and chopped into pieces of 2-3 cm. The garlic is peeled, and the cloves are cut into plates or simply transverse slices. The seeds of bitter pepper are cleaned, and the pulp crumbles. Those who don't love hot snacks, can reduce the amount of garlic and chili added. Half of the onion is cut into half rings.

Banks on " How to cook tomatoes in your own juice for the winter "recipes prepared in advance: washed, sterilized, dried. Lids are also processed and annealed. AT glass container leaves, spicy and fragrant roots, garlic, chopped chili are stacked. Next, the containers are approximately 2/3 filled with tomatoes, periodically shaking the dishes to compact the styling.

Nightshade will be poured saline solution. For him, water is taken, in which grains of salt are dissolved, and the resulting brine is filtered by overflow through gauze or cotton (linen) fabric. A clean solution (the precipitate remains in the tissue) is drained to the tomatoes in jars.

Onion half rings are laid on top and poured mustard powder. If necessary, add a little more brine. It is closed with nylon lids and kept in a room for salting for up to 3 days. As soon as the solution becomes cloudy, the snack is transferred to a cool place, where it will be salted properly in a month.

Recipe 5

Without any frills, focusing exclusively on natural taste, “naked” tomatoes are closed - without skins - in their own juice. The recipe contains a limited number of components: only tomatoes, salt and sugar, due to which the taste of the workpiece turns out to be precisely tomato, which is not interrupted spices and seasonings. You can preserve nightshade in a similar way from:

2 kilos of dense vegetables and about 3 kg of fruit per tomato,

50 g of granulated sugar,

80 g of coarse salt.

Without exception, all tomatoes are washed. Small and strong in most varieties have a dense peel, so before heat treatment they need to be pierced a couple of times with a toothpick. And only then they are dipped in boiling water for 1.5-2 minutes, doused with cold water and peeled, which will easily come off after blanching. Cans for seaming are cleaned with soda, rinsed thoroughly with water and steam sterilized; Before laying vegetables, the container should be dried.

So, “naked” tomatoes are neatly and tightly stacked in clean and dry jars. Large ones are cut into slices, put into a saucepan and simmered over low heat, and then rubbed on a sieve or mashed in any other way (the main thing is that the mashed potatoes come out homogeneous).

The outcome of the recipe depends on the quality of the tomato filling. Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter - recipes quickly". Therefore, uniformity, taste and degree of density are important criteria. Pour into cooked tomato salt, sugar sand, and it is thoroughly mixed.

Jars of tomatoes are poured with juice, covered with lids and sterilized in a large pot of boiling water for 10-13 minutes. The containers are rolled up with boiled lids, placed upside down and cooled. A cool place is supposed to be stored for storage, but it will also stand idle in a room or kitchen.

Recipe 6

Instead of tomato sauce to preserve tomatoes, you can use a somewhat unusual, but very interesting substitute - Tabasco sauce. It will give the appetizer a unique flavor and moderate spiciness. Although spiciness is not the main thing in the recipe, other points are more important - versatile shades in palatability and a variety of flavors. Required products for blockage:

tomatoes with garlic.

The tomato mixture is rubbed through a fine sieve to separate the homogeneous mass and cake. The uniform tomato is returned to the stove and boiled again. Jars with tomato pulp are poured with hot filling, sterilized in boiling water for 10-12 minutes and quickly rolled up.

« Harvesting tomatoes in their own juice for the winter. Recipes» provide an opportunity to close jars with a delicious snack, moderately spicy or, conversely, naturally natural. They are often used for cooking first courses (shchi, borscht and soups), put in salad stews, and even invigorating drinks are prepared.

Helpful Hints

    If in the future rolled tomatoes are supposed to be used for the preparation of tomato sauces and dressings, then before capping they should be blanched and peeled.

    For bookmarking in banks on " Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter. Recipes with photos» It is desirable to select vegetables of the same degree of maturity (either all slightly unripe, or uniformly red) and of the same variety. But not too soft!

Preserving food greatly simplifies the process of daily cooking for every housewife. This is no secret to anyone. Vegetables and fruits prepared for the future allow you to always have the right component on hand to make this or that dish. No need to run around the shops and spend time processing and preparing the original products. It is much easier to get the right jar from the shelf and resolve the issue without additional effort.

It is difficult to imagine first or second courses that do not use tomatoes in one form or another. This unique vegetable is used not only for addition and decoration. It is part of various sauces and roasts, without which many dishes lose not only appearance, but also unique taste and aroma peculiar only to them. The ideal option preparations of tomatoes, undoubtedly, canning in natural filling is considered. To do this, you need to know how to do it. There is nothing complicated. You just need to follow the steps step by step. And the result will be guaranteed.

As you know, how many people - so many opinions. Therefore, each housewife has her own recipe for how to make tomatoes in her own juice. But all of them are united by a clear sequence that must be observed in the cooking process. The process itself takes very little time. It will take no more than two hours for jars with mouth-watering tomatoes floating in fragrant filling to be on the table.

So, how to do it First you need to prepare the necessary source products. For canning, it is better to take small vegetables. They are easier to stack in banks. And to prepare a liquid medium, you can use several large tomatoes.

Of the products you may need: for 2 kilograms of small 3 kilograms big tomatoes, 2 regular tablespoons of sugar and salt.

The process itself consists of several main stages:

  1. Wash vegetables thoroughly.
  2. Carefully place small tomatoes in jars up to the top. Previously, the peel in them must be pierced with a needle in several places.
  3. Randomly chop large tomatoes, put in a saucepan and bring slowly to a boil under the lid.
  4. Then pass the mixture through a sieve. The result is a natural
  5. Add required amount salt and sugar for every 1.5 liters of hot mass, carefully move.
  6. Pour the mixture into jars, cover them with a lid and pasteurize in a wide container with boiling water for 8-10 minutes.
  7. Seal the jars and turn them upside down. Leave in this position until completely cooled. You can store them anywhere.

This is the easiest, but not the only way, at home. There are others.

In cooking, it is usually done in two ways. It all depends on the type of original product. For preservation, unpeeled or peeled tomatoes can be used. Here the cooking technology is slightly different. The process will look like this:

  1. Wash small tomatoes.
  2. Cut the skin in several places on each tomato.
  3. Put the vegetables in a saucepan with boiling water, cover tightly with a lid and leave in this state for 15-20 minutes.
  4. After the time has elapsed, remove the tomatoes from the water, peel and carefully place in pre-sterilized jars.
  5. Grind the rest of the tomatoes in a meat grinder, boil the resulting mixture over low heat for about 15 minutes.
  6. Then add sugar and salt.
  7. Pour the contents of the jars with the resulting hot mixture and close tightly with metal lids. Sterilize in this case no need.

Such tomatoes can not only be eaten as independent dish. They are perfect for preparing various aromatic sauces.

Highly delicious tomatoes in its own juice can be prepared without the use of any additives. This is extremely easy to do:

  1. Remove stems from well-washed vegetables.
  2. Randomly chop the tomatoes. The pieces should be large enough.
  3. Put the products in a saucepan and put on a small fire. After boiling, cook the mass for 20 minutes.
  4. Put the finished mixture in prepared jars and roll up.

If in winter you often cook dishes that require tomatoes, then you probably thought about canning tomatoes in their own juice. Appetizing tomatoes that will be stored in a jar of tomato juice are not only tasty snack to any side dish, but also delicious healthy drink made without preservatives and other chemicals. And these tomatoes can be used for cooking tomato sauce, add to soups.

Canning tomatoes in their own juice

It's not hard at all to do canning tomatoes in their own juice, recipes have a number of features, but even a novice hostess will cope with the process. For three liters of finished workpiece, you need to take three kilos of small tomatoes (cream), two kilos of large fruits, juicy and fleshy, 50 g of sugar and 60 g of salt. Also, in each jar, you can add a few peas of allspice, a piece of cinnamon or hot pepper.

Small fruits should be thoroughly washed, then pricked with a toothpick in several places, put in clean three-liter (you can also use two-liter) jars. The fruits should reach the shoulders. By the way, according to the same recipe, you can cook tomatoes, which are then used to make sauces, such as Bolognese, or other dishes. But in this case, it is necessary to remove the skin from the fruit, for this they must be dipped in boiling water for a few seconds so that it easily peels off.

Now we turn to large tomatoes, they must be cut into several parts, sent to the pan under the lid so that they heat up, but do not boil. The hot mass must then be rubbed through a sieve to get tomato juice. Dissolve sugar and salt in the juice, one tablespoon per one and a half liters of juice or two teaspoons for every half a liter. You can also add a pinch of cinnamon for every half liter. Someone simply removes the skin and does not rub it through a sieve, but it is much more pleasant to drink seedless juice. You can also add a few cloves of garlic, then they can be easily removed.

Put the tomato mass on fire in an enameled saucepan, bring to a boil, remove the foam and pour into jars. Then they must be sent for pasteurization: it is necessary to sterilize in boiling water for about half an hour, and in hot (85 degrees) for about an hour.

Pour boiling water over iron lids or boil for a couple of minutes, then close the lid and roll up. Next, the jars must be turned over and wrapped in a warm blanket. In this state, leave until completely cooled, and then transfer to a storage place - in a cellar or on a balcony.

As a matter of fact, there will be no difficulties when you perform canning tomatoes in their own juice, recipe with photo may not be needed, because all the main points of preparation and further preparation are simple and understandable.

Canning tomatoes in their own juice: recipe

In another variant recipe with photo canning tomatoes in own juice involves the addition of vinegar. We will need three kilograms of cherry or other small fruits, for example, the variety " Lady fingers", also a liter of natural tomato, a spoonful of salt and three tablespoons of granulated sugar, four tablespoons of table 9% vinegar.

First you need to prepare the marinade, for this mix the juice with salt, sugar and vinegar. Put enamel pan on fire and boil.

All fruits should be thoroughly washed under running water. Then put them in sterilized jars. If you decide to preserve cherry tomatoes, then small containers are suitable - 0.5-1 liter, but for cream and ordinary medium-sized tomatoes, it is better to take 2 or 3 liter jars.

If you are planning to perform home preservation, then it is advisable to grow tomatoes on your own, for example, a small size of 20-80 grams is suitable for you, and cherry tomatoes can be grown on the windowsill at all.

Boil the kettle and pour boiling water into the jars, leave for five minutes, and then drain the water. Pour prepared boiling marinade into jars. Put on sterilization (15-20 minutes) and can be rolled up with iron lids.

We also offer a closer look at the question of how to make your own juice, which is necessary for this recipe. Firstly, for half a liter of finished tomato, you need to take about 600-700 grams of fleshy tomatoes. So, all the fruits are in front of you, now you need to do such a manipulation with them. Take a wide deep bowl, boil water in it and lower the fruits in portions, you can do this with a colander. They should be in boiling water for only a couple of minutes, and then they should be lowered into cold water.

After such a reception, the skin from the fruit will peel off without any extra effort and they will be ready for juicing. They must again be folded into a colander and gently wiped with a crush, and the mass will fall into an enameled bowl. Then the mass must be additionally filtered through a fine sieve or gauze to get homogeneous mass seedless.

Now this product can be used for further preparation, but someone still does not do additional filtration, because the drink with the seeds turns out to be very tasty.

Many people love tomatoes in their own juice, but not all housewives cook such tomatoes at home, believing that it is very difficult. In fact, there is nothing difficult in this recipe. canning tomatoes own juice no, the main thing is not to be too lazy to separate the skin and seeds from the tomatoes so that the tomato mass is more tender. But especially lazy ones can not separate anything, but make a filling with skins and seeds, it will also be delicious. These tomatoes keep well. room temperature.


To preserve tomatoes in your own juice you will need:

tomatoes in jars - 4 kg;

tomatoes for juice - 3 kg;

salt - 1 tbsp. l. per 1 liter of juice;

sugar - 1 tsp per 1 liter of juice (sugar is optional).

*** It is advisable to regulate the amount of salt and sugar yourself, because. their amount depends on the variety of tomato, on the sugar content in them. If the tomatoes are sweet, then you may not need sugar at all, and if they are sour, then you need to take it in more than in the recipe.

Cooking steps

Put the pot with tomatoes to boil on fire, periodically stirring the contents with a wooden spoon. The tomato mass will cook for about 20-30 minutes until the tomatoes are soft and ready for further processing.

By using special device or a regular sieve, skip all boiled tomatoes in small batches, separating the skin with seeds from the tomato pulp.

When all the tomato mass is processed, then pour into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Add salt and sugar (who decides to add). Take one jar, pour water out of it, pour hot tomato juice into it, cover with a metal canning lid and roll it up with a special machine.

Leave banks with canned tomatoes in its own juice upside down for a day. Then put away for storage.

Bon appetit and delicious winter to you!