How to make popcorn at home. How to make homemade popcorn in a frying pan: step-by-step recipe

What association comes to mind when you hear the word “cinema”? Most often it's popcorn. Indeed, no one can do without this dish in combination with sparkling water. You can not only buy popcorn in movie theater bars, but you can also make it yourself, because it’s very simple. How to do this and what flavors you can add to popcorn - read all this in this article.

Popcorn recipe

What is popcorn? These are corn kernels, exploded from the inside at high temperatures, with various additives. To make homemade popcorn you need special kind corn kernels - exploding, regular corn is not suitable here. Such grains can be found on shelves in supermarkets.

Prepare homemade popcorn You can use a frying pan, a saucepan on the stove, an oven, a multicooker and a microwave. For improvement taste qualities can be added to popcorn, granulated sugar, syrups. How to prepare this delicacy yourself? Some recipes are described below.

Simple popcorn


  • a couple of spoons vegetable oil;
  • a handful of corn kernels;
  • salt, granulated sugar or powder, depending on your preference.

How to cook:

  1. Pour a little oil into a saucepan, deep saucepan, or frying pan and place on low heat.
  2. Heat the vegetable oil, then pour the corn evenly and cover tightly with a lid.
  3. First you will hear rare pops, and after half a minute - a real bombardment. This is ready-made corn popping.
  4. As soon as the explosions subside, you can remove the container from the stove, remove the lid and pour the finished mixture into a cup.
  5. Sprinkle with granulated sugar or salt.

Cherry popcorn in the oven

What you will need:

  • gelatin packet;
  • corn kernels.

How to cook:

  1. Pour in the grains and sprinkle with melted butter.
  2. Dilute the gelatin in water and also sprinkle the corn with it. Close the lid.
  3. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 4-6 minutes.

Popcorn with caramel


  • popcorn grains;
  • half a glass of granulated sugar, you can take brown;
  • 30-50 g butter.

How to cook:

  1. Cook popcorn in a frying pan.
  2. Melt butter in a saucepan, add granulated sugar. Cook until caramelized.
  3. Ready syrup caramelize popcorn, pouring over the liquid mixture and mixing thoroughly. If you add a little cocoa powder to the mixture, you get chocolate popcorn.

Citrus popcorn

  • corn grains;
  • oil;
  • granulated sugar;
  • lemon or orange zest.

How to cook:

  1. Dry the zest and mix with granulated sugar and grind in a coffee grinder.
  2. Prepare popcorn any way you like.
  3. Sprinkle sugar zest over the finished grains. The dish will turn out with a citrus aroma and taste, and also colorful.

How to make popcorn in microwave

The easiest way to make popcorn is using microwave oven. There are a couple of options here:

  1. Store-bought popcorn with any flavor - these can be found in almost any store. It takes 5 minutes to prepare, you just need to take the bag out of the box, straighten it, put it right side up into the microwave. Turn it on and voila - the popcorn is ready. But such a product is made from something unknown, all sorts of additives, flavorings, taste enhancers, so it is not very good for the health of the human body.
  2. From simple corn kernels - you will have to tinker a little to add flavor to the dish, but it is better and healthier than a store-bought product in a box. You can take a deep plate and pour in a little oil, although you can do without it. Pour in some grains, mix with oil, cover with a lid or other flat plate. Place in the oven, turning on for the required time. 3-5 minutes of explosions and the popcorn is ready. And what to sprinkle or water it with - decide for yourself. By the way, you can salt the grains before cooking.

Option #1:

L People who lead a healthy lifestyle do NOT eat popcorn. They go to the cinema with a bottle of water. And let everyone around him crunch, let the child look sadly at other children with buckets of sweet popcorn. Anyone who watches their figure will not buy THIS. And he does the right thing. After all store bought popcorn fried in oil full of carcinogens. And all additives to it are not always natural.

But if you still love crunch and secretly dream of a handful of warm, delicious popcorn, then our recipes will come in handy.

If you cook popcorn at home, without oil in a non-stick frying pan, then it contains only 4 grams of fat per 100 grams. And 100 grams of popcorn is a lot, because the product is voluminous, but light. Properly prepared homemade popcorn is also rich in potassium and magnesium.

Therefore, a large bucket of homemade popcorn once a week will not affect your figure in any way. And your family will be delighted.

With our recipes, your popcorn will become a work of art.

Option #2:

Everyone loves popcorn– it is a fact. Children especially like it. What to do if you monitor both your figure and the health of your family? Constantly denying yourself tasty treats, you crave them more and more often. The forbidden fruit is oh so sweet. And even more so for children.

Make popcorn at home. You will know exactly under what conditions the product was prepared. You will put your love, care into it, and with the help of our recipes - creativity, creativity and a cheerful mood. And your family will happily “crunch.”

The calorie content of popcorn is 367 calories per 100 grams. Depending on the additives, it reaches 480. “Oooooh!” - you will be amazed. Don’t rush to draw conclusions, because a huge bucket of popcorn contains only 130 grams. And 100 grams contains potassium (274 mg), magnesium (123 mg) and other useful elements, and only 4 grams of fat. So make popcorn at home- both tasty and healthy.

How to make popcorn a real work of art? Here's 6 for you simple recipes where tasty and healthy products are used.

So, let's go! It's nice to have a crunch.


Let's start with how to make popcorn at home without oil:

  1. Take a non-stick frying pan with thick walls.

  2. Preheat the pan

  3. Place the corn kernels in the pan in a single layer

  4. Close the lid

  5. Turn off the gas when loud popping noises begin

  6. Do not lift the lid

  7. The remaining grains will open on their own under the influence of heat.

  8. Cooking time from 7 to 10 minutes

And now you will learn how to make homemade popcorn even tastier...

1. Cinnamon Chocolate Popcorn

Cooking time: 5 minutes

What do you need:

Mix sugar and cinnamon. Place the finished popcorn in a plastic food bag or in a closed container and sprinkle ready-made mixture made from sugar and cinnamon. Shake the bag (container) so that each piece of popcorn is coated with the mixture. Chocolate chips melt in microwave oven. Place popcorn from bag into cup. Drizzle with melted chocolate.Ready!

2. Savory popcorn

Cooking time: 5 minutes

What do you need:

Place popcorn in a large bowl. Melt butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Add Sriracha and maple syrup into oil– stir until a homogeneous mass is achieved.Slowly pour half of the sauce into the popcorn and mix thoroughly. Then add the rest. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and stir again. Add salt to taste. Serve immediately!Ready!

3. Dark Peanut Butter White Chocolate Popcorn

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Waiting time: 1 hour

What do you need:

Toss popcorn with 2 tablespoons melted butter and lightly salt to taste. Place the popcorn in an even layer on a baking sheet (or baking sheet) lined with parchment paper. Melt the chocolate and peanut butter mixture in the microwave for 1:30 minutes.

Important: stir the mixture every 30 seconds to prevent the chocolate from burning. The ingredients should melt completely.

Pour the resulting mixture over the popcorn. Then melt the white chocolate in the microwave for 1 minute. Stir every 20 seconds. Next, pour the mixture over the popcorn. The chocolate should harden. Place the popcorn in the refrigerator for 1 hour.Ready!

4. Popcorn nests

Perhaps the most enchanting wayhow to make homemade popcorn. You will definitely surprise yourself and surprise your guests.

Cooking time: 15 - 20 minutes

What do you need:

Pour corn syrup, butter, water, powdered sugar into the pan one by one and add marshmallows last. Cook over low heat, stirring, until smooth.

Pour the resulting mixture into a cup of popcorn and stir. The popcorn crumbs will become sticky and you can form them into balls. Melt the chocolate chips in the microwave and pour it on top of the balls. Sprinkle with crumbs.Ready!

5. Caramel popcorn

Cooking time: 15 - 20 minutes

What do you need:

Place a sheet of parchment paper on a baking sheet in advance and grease it with oil. Brew tea bags and let the tea brew. Pour the resulting tea into a saucepan and add sugar, butter, and cinnamon. Stir over low heat until smooth.

Bring to a boil (do not stir while boiling!). In about 5 minutes dip a fork into the caramel and then into the cold water. Feel the caramel on the tip of a fork - if it's soft, it's not ready yet. The caramel should set on the tips of a fork under a stream of cold water.

Do the test every minute, and when ready, turn off the gas. Next, add baking soda to the caramel and stir with a wooden spoon for about 30 seconds(while the caramel is foaming). Then quickly but carefully drizzle the caramel over the popcorn. Use mittens - the caramel gives off a lot of heat. Stir with a wooden spoon. And quickly place the popcorn on the previously prepared sheet. Use a spoon to spread the popcorn over the entire area, otherwise it will stick together. You can sprinkle salt and cinnamon on top if desired. Ready!

6. "Jolly Popcorn"

Your kids will love this homemade popcorn.

Cooking time: 5 minutes

What do you need: ready-made popcorn, and then you can take small crackers, chocolate-covered peanuts (any chocolate-covered nuts), raisins, sweet crumbs, chocolate chips, finely chopped fruits (bananas, apples, pears), seedless berries, marshmallows, M&Ms and other small sweet treats that you find on hand.

Popcorn is associated with watching a movie in the cinema, as it is a popular treat for such events. But you can watch your favorite movie at home with low-calorie and nutritious popcorn! Do popcorn yourself, and it will be healthier than store-bought.

How to make popcorn - preliminary preparation

For cooking delicious popcorn you will need:

  • corn. Not all corn kernels are suitable for frying. Corn intended for cooking, which is grown in gardens, will not work. Take a wild variety; these grains have a more elastic and dense shell. But regular corn bursts quickly during cooking and does not cook well. It is recommended to fry popcorn from wild corn - uncultivated corn. But if you don’t find such a variety, buy popcorn prepared for frying at a convenience store or take grains of natural regular corn;
  • heat-resistant vessel. Take the largest frying pan you have in the house. You can use a thick bottom pan;
  • vegetable oil. The best option is corn oil, but refined sunflower oil is also suitable. To make diet popcorn without oil, take a container with a non-stick coating;
  • salt, sugar or seasonings to taste.

Before frying, place well-dried corn kernels in the freezer for at least half an hour. If possible, keep them there for 2 to 3 hours.

How to Make Popcorn on the Stove

For 100 g of corn, take 2-3 tablespoons of oil. Pour oil into a frying pan or saucepan. Place on the stove and heat well. Your next steps are as follows:

  • pour corn kernels onto the bottom of the hot vessel and immediately cover tightly with the lid. Fry over low heat. It takes about 10 minutes to prepare one serving;
  • Expect characteristic sounds to appear under the lid - pops from exploding grains. At first you will hear popping sounds often, then the intensity decreases. Take the pan by the handle, do not open the lid and shake lightly so that all the corn is saturated with oil. Do not open the lid, you will get burned! After 2-3 minutes the corn will stop exploding;
  • Turn off the gas and set the pan aside to cool slightly. All the grains that did not open during the frying process will still open in the hot oil.

After 10 minutes, open the lid and look at the popcorn. Sprinkle with fine salt or sugar and shake the bowl again with the lid closed. Eat the treat only when it has cooled completely.

How to cook popcorn in the microwave?

Place corn kernels in one row at the bottom of a plastic container. It’s good if its sides are high. Don’t put too much, the grains will increase in volume. Water a small amount oils Cover the container and shake to distribute the oil evenly throughout the corn. Place it in the microwave with the lid on and turn on full power. It will take 2 minutes to prepare one serving. After reducing the frequent strong pops, it is advisable to check the dish to ensure it does not burn. Sprinkle the finished popcorn with salt or sugar.

How to make popcorn - adding flavor to the dish

In addition to salt and sugar, you can diversify the taste of popcorn in the following ways:

  • Give the dish a citrus flavor. Remove the zest from the orange or lemon in advance and dry it. Grind with granulated sugar in a coffee grinder and sprinkle on the finished puffed corn. The popcorn will be yellow and have a pleasant taste;
  • do caramel popcorn. Melt a little butter in a saucepan or in a separate frying pan in advance. As soon as you feel a pleasant aroma, add a little sugar. Stir constantly and watch when the caramel begins to melt. After a couple of minutes the mixture will turn into caramel. Pour it into the popcorn after the kernels pop in the pan.

Eat puffed grains as a separate dish or use them in salads and desserts. Add popcorn to ice cream or milkshake and the joy of the children will know no bounds. Season the dish with any spices you like and enjoy delicious popcorn.

How great it is to go to the cinema, sit on a comfortable chair and immerse yourself in watching an interesting film, eating it with airy popcorn.

But you can have a good time in front of the TV at home; in this article we will tell you how to fry popcorn in a frying pan so that you can enjoy the crunch of delicious grains. Home-roasted corn kernels are absolutely harmless, moreover, they are low in calories, so those who are watching their figure can eat them without fear.

About the benefits and harms of popcorn

Corn grains contain a lot of fiber, vitamins B, A, and useful microelements, such as: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and other components. Fiber helps the body absorb valuable substances, perfectly “cleanses” the intestines and stimulates its functioning.

Flakes prepared without any additives (sugar, salt, spices) contain only about 80 kcal per 100 g of product. At the same time, popcorn is very filling; just one serving of grains can satisfy your hunger for a long time.

As for the harm of popcorn, it is only in the product that we buy from manufacturers. They usually roast grains in a manner that is dangerous to the body. palm oil, to which they also add the most harmful synthetic substance - diacetyl, which gives sweetness and various flavor shades to corn grains.

This method of preparation and the added chemicals cause a number of dangerous and sometimes incurable diseases, so it is extremely undesirable to get too carried away with the industrial product.

Cooked own hands popcorn is a clean and harmless product that can be given to children. Those who are on a diet or simply watching their weight can treat themselves from time to time with small portions of the airy treat.

How to fry popcorn in a frying pan: classic recipe


  • — 100 g + -
  • — 30 ​​ml + -

How to make homemade popcorn in a frying pan: step-by-step recipe

The frying pan for frying popcorn can be anything, the main thing is that it has a lid, otherwise your grains will “jump out”.

The oil should be vegetable and odorless. You need to fry the flakes in small portions, otherwise there will be a lot of unopened grains left.

  1. Place the frying pan over medium heat, pour oil into it and heat it up.
  2. Pour the corn kernels into the container and immediately close the lid. Don't turn down the fire.
  3. In just a minute you will hear the grains begin to “explode” and turn into white flakes. Without opening the lid, shake the pan a little. Do this a few more times until you hear clicks.
  4. As soon as the “explosions” begin to subside, turn off the heat, open the lid and make sure that all the corn has opened. If there are any whole corn kernels left, simply remove them, cool the finished popcorn and pour it into a convenient container.

That's the whole secret of how to properly fry popcorn in a frying pan. But you probably noticed that there are no flavorings in the recipe.

The fact is that some people like salty flakes, some like them sweet, and some like them spicy. You can make popcorn the way you want. Next, we will tell you how to sweeten and salt it correctly.

Flavorings for homemade popcorn

Add salt

To obtain salty snack- put it down fine salt straight into the oil. While it is heating up, stir it until completely dissolved. For 100 g of grains, 0.5 tsp is enough. salt.

Add sugar

For sweet popcorn, prepare syrup in advance: 50 ml. stir 3 tsp water Sahara. Place the bowl with the syrup on low heat and boil it for 5-7 minutes, until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved.

When the flakes in the pan open and stop cracking loudly, reduce the heat, remove the lid and use a spoon to pour the syrup over them. Increase the heat again and, stirring constantly, fry the popcorn for another 5 minutes.

Spicy popcorn

You can add anything to your cereal spicy spices to your taste. For this, seasonings must be well ground into powder. Sprinkle them on the popcorn at the very end of frying, when all the corn has popped. Stir with a spoon, fry the popcorn for a couple more minutes and remove from heat.

There is nothing complicated about how to fry popcorn in a frying pan. And it will only take 15-20 minutes. That's how easy and simple you will get a wonderful, useful, hearty snack, which the whole family will enjoy eating while watching another action-packed fantasy thriller or heart-warming melodrama. Moreover, cereal can be a filling, quick snack or even breakfast.

Even the most loyal fans proper nutrition occasionally allow themselves to break the rules. Everyone does this to their own taste and within the established limits, but be sure to look for a reasonable compromise. One that will pamper yourself and not cause too much harm to the body, which is accustomed to a balanced diet. And many agree that popcorn is one of best options such a violation. Moreover, making popcorn at home or buying a bucket of cereal at the cinema is not so important. After all, these are corn grains - a cereal plant with a rich chemical composition. And even though most vitamins are destroyed when heat treatment, popcorn is still healthier than the vast majority quick food. And we can easily prove this to you, and at the same time teach you how to make popcorn at home no worse than in the most modern entertainment center!

What and how is popcorn made? Are there any benefits from popcorn?
The English abbreviation “popcorn” is completely justified. Hot-air-blown corn kernels are truly insanely popular. Its triumphant march across the planet began in America, where corn is widespread and in high demand for many millennia. Moreover, the first popcorn lovers are considered to be the Indians, who discovered and gladly used the ability of maize to expand and “explode” when heated. If this historical fact seems funny to you, then don’t think that the Aztecs cooked popcorn for entertainment in front of the screen, like their descendants today. For the indigenous people of the American continent, puffed corn kernels served as both food and ritual objects. With their help they satisfied hunger, maintained strength during the hunt, made jewelry and performed religious rituals. The future was predicted by the shape that the exploded grain took. And long before Columbus learned about it in the 15th century.

European culture adapted the properties of corn to its own purposes. To begin with, it turned out that you can make puffed corn not from all varieties, but only from a special variety of maize, each grain of which contains not only starch, but also a drop of water. At the same time, scientists explained the mechanism for making popcorn. It turned out that when heated, the water inside corn grain turns into steam, tearing the shell from the inside and forcing it to take a bizarre inflated shape. After the explosion, it cools down and solidifies in a new form. Accordingly, for the formation of a corn “lamb” several conditions must be met at once:

  • Water inside the grain. When you heat the corn, it will boil and become steamy, rushing out.
  • A soft starch shell surrounding water. It is this that turns outward into a white mass during the “explosion.”
  • A durable thin shell covering the outside of the grain. It holds back the starchy endosperm exactly until the moment when the hot steam can no longer fit inside. If that shell were weaker, the grain would burst before it expanded. But it breaks only when the tension becomes too strong. Remnants of this hard shell in the form of scales can be seen on every piece of popcorn.
All this was commonplace for the ancient Indians, who did not need scientific justification. For them, puffed corn was valuable product thanks to high content B vitamins, potassium and vegetable fiber. Main energy value Both fresh and popped corn provide carbohydrates. And all this with a relatively low calorie content and a small amount of fat. If you do not add sweet glaze or other heavy ingredients to popcorn, then its effect on the body can be equated to the effect corn porridge: nutritious, tasty, provides energy. Plus, popcorn fills your stomach very quickly. Just a small handful of raw grains produces a whole bucket of puffed-up, light cereal. Entrepreneurs quickly realized this, and by the end of the 19th century a compact machine for producing large quantities of profitable delicacies appeared. At the beginning of the twentieth century, popcorn was already widely sold in American cinemas. It was only in 1984 that it became possible to make popcorn at home. It was then that a “semi-finished product” appeared on sale - popcorn for cooking in a microwave oven.

How to make your own popcorn at home
As you already understand, in order for a hard and raw corn kernel to turn into light, crispy popcorn, it needs to be heated properly. More precisely, bring it to a temperature of 200°C, at which 1 ml of water inside the shell will not just boil, but will turn into steam, the volume of which is almost 1.5 times the volume of liquid. There are several ways to heat foods, so the following were used to make homemade popcorn at different times, under different circumstances and with varying degrees of success:
So, the last option is the leader by a wide margin if you decide to make popcorn at home. All you have to do is buy a bag labeled “Microwave Popcorn” at your nearest supermarket and cook the corn in the same bag. True, even such basic technology requires the right approach.

How to make popcorn at home
Popcorn intended for instant cooking in the microwave, does not require much effort. On the contrary: it is better to show as little initiative as possible and strictly follow the instructions on the package. If you were unable to read and/or understand the instructions, we will explain in detail how to make popcorn yourself:

  1. Place the paper bag of popcorn in the microwave. Close the door and turn on the microwave. The cooking time for popcorn depends on the serving size. As a rule, the average package takes 4-5 minutes to prepare. It is important not to open the bag until the corn is ready and to carefully open it after removing it from the oven. Under the paper there are not only flakes, but also hot steam, which is easy to scald.
  2. You can buy popcorn not in portion bags, but in large quantities to cook as much as you want. In this case, the corn grains should be poured into a plastic or ceramic dishes, which can be used in a microwave oven. Make sure the container can withstand temperatures up to 200°C. Most plastic bowls are not designed to heat above 150°C, but this is not enough for popping popcorn. Pour some refined vegetable oil into the bottom of the bowl and add corn. Shake and stir the grains so that they are evenly oiled. Cover with a lid and place in the microwave at full power for about 5 minutes. A sure sign that the popcorn is ready is popping, which will subside when all the grains explode and turn into “lambs.”
To pop popcorn on the stove, have a saucepan or large, tall skillet with a lid. It is advisable to use a transparent glass lid through which you can see and control the process. Generously grease the bottom with refined oil and heat it. To check the desired heat level, drop one kernel; if it explodes, you can load the whole corn. But keep in mind that it must fit in one layer, so most likely you will have to cook the popcorn in several batches or be content with a small portion. Shake the beans and close the lid. The grains will heat up at approximately the same time and begin to “shoot”; immediately turn off the heat or move the dishes to an adjacent cold burner. Leave the lid on and wait until all the corn has popped into popcorn.

How to make delicious popcorn at home
Popcorn lovers have found that making it at home is about 10 times cheaper than buying it ready-made in shopping malls or movie theater lobbies. Agree, the savings are impressive. But at the same time, for many, popcorn is not only food, but also the associated atmosphere of walking, relaxation, and entertainment. And, of course, the flavors you choose before buying popcorn play a big role. This pleasure is not difficult to repeat at home:

  1. How to make it at home salted popcorn. Homemade popcorn should be salted immediately after cooking while it is hot. In a bag or bowl, shake the corn with a pinch of salt and/or ground pepper and then serve to eat. For children, you can use iodized salt or replace salt with dried herbs.
  2. How to make sweet popcorn at home. Using the same principle as described above, pour in the finished popcorn while still hot. powdered sugar. Add vanilla extract, cinnamon and/or coconut.
  3. How to make caramel popcorn at home. While the popcorn is cooking, melt it in a frying pan. butter and add granulated sugar to it. Fry until golden brown, and then immediately pour the hot caramel into the popcorn that has not yet cooled and stir evenly. To make “chocolate” popcorn, add cocoa powder to the sugar and butter.
  4. How to make popcorn with cheese at home. Use real cheese flavoring instead of cheese flavoring at home. hard cheese, grated. Mix it with hot popcorn and you'll get delicious melted strings of cheese. If you wait until the popcorn cools, you will end up with popcorn mixed with cheese, which is also very tasty.
In general, making popcorn at home is quite simple. In this case, you win on all counts. First, save money. Second, avoid artificial flavors, chemical flavorings, and extra calories. Finally, you can make popcorn at home whenever you want. And in any quantity to enjoy yourself and treat your guests.