Popcorn for kids: At what age can you give your child popcorn? The benefits and harms of purchased and homemade popcorn for the body of children: the opinion of doctors. Popcorn - useful and harmful properties

Today, any place associated with public recreation is associated with popcorn. The caramel smell of warm puffed corn attracts not only children, but also adults, so outlets with special machines are never empty. Kids can eat multiple servings at a time, so parents are asking themselves, “Is popcorn good for you?” The benefits and harms of this product have caused an ongoing debate about how safe such food is, so it’s worth looking into the question in more detail and finding the answer.

What is popcorn?

Popcorn is a dish that is prepared by heat treatment of individual corn kernels a certain variety. Each grain contains liquid starch, which, heated to 200 degrees, explodes the shell. The frothy mass instantly hardens, which is why the volume of popcorn far exceeds the volume of raw materials.

popcorn properties

If the grains are prepared without additives, then the calorie content of 100 grams will be about 300 kcal. The Indians fried popcorn in spices, and today many not quite are added to the dish. healthy ingredients: salt, flavorings, dyes and flavor enhancers. The amount of salt or sugar that one grain can contain is undesirable even for an adult, let alone a child. A product with caramel can be harmful children's body. When parents buy popcorn, the benefits and harms of it should be evaluated by them in terms of the basics of proper nutrition.

What kind of popcorn should you eat?

Corn kernels cooked without harmful additives and an abundance of spices, sugar and salt, - rather, useful product. It contains B vitamins and polyphenols, which help the body's tissues stay young. A large amount of fiber contributes to the fight against overweight and also cleanses the intestines.

The harm of popcorn that tastes too sweet or salty is undeniable. Such a product should be consumed in small doses and very rarely. In addition, after using it, you really want to drink. A large amount of liquid can cause swelling, especially if it is a sweet soda. Such nutrition is the first step towards obesity and diabetes.

What are the benefits of popcorn?

Many novice cooks are interested in what popcorn is made of. Roasted corn kernels are independent dish, which contains all the necessary elements and a sufficient number of calories. Therefore, in order not to get additional folds of fat, you need to eat popcorn in small portions.

Such an appetizer, thanks to vitamin B1, is useful for the condition of nails and hair. It also normalizes metabolism and the work of the heart and blood vessels. This product is especially useful for people of retirement age, athletes and those who receive physical activity.

Vitamin B2, which is contained in popcorn, is indispensable for stress and depression. It helps to overcome these conditions and provides beneficial effect on the organism as a whole. If you use roasted grains in pure form, they will only benefit.

What's wrong with popcorn?

People need to remember that the effect of this product on the body depends solely on how it is prepared. In retail outlets, it is offered with flavor enhancers, synthetic ingredients and caramel, and you can also try salted popcorn.

The buyer has the opportunity to choose a snack for every taste, but it is better to give preference to one that contains minimal amount additives. Otherwise, popcorn will turn into a rather dangerous product.

For those who are considering whether to buy popcorn, the benefits and harms are important criteria for making a decision. American scientists have proven that the use of a product in large quantities provokes the development of many diseases.

The healthiest popcorn is homemade!

Today it is not difficult to buy popcorn. The outlets offer customers various types of popcorn. But the usefulness of such a product is highly questionable. It is much more correct to make popcorn at home. Some people think it's very difficult process, but that's not really the case. It is enough to purchase special dry grains that are used to make popcorn. The packaging must be placed in a microwave oven or fry the product in a dry frying pan. Of course, it is better to give up salt, sugar and seasonings completely, but if you wish, you can add salt or sweeten quite a bit so that the body does not experience stress.

Having shown imagination, you can give the dish a new and unusual taste, sprinkling it with something on top, for example, powdered sugar or grated cheese. Italians add to ready-made fried grains tomato paste and basil.

Some experts believe that popcorn can harm a person, since special substances are formed when diacetyl is heated. These are flavorings in oil, they are used in cooking.

How to cook popcorn?

To please the family, you can cook at home healthy treat. What is popcorn made of, and what raw materials will be required? You need to purchase natural corn, and before cooking it, you should put the grains in the freezer for several hours. Spread on the pan when it is very hot. It is important that there is a sharp temperature drop, then the explosion of the grains will be very strong, they will almost turn inside out.

Making popcorn involves a little subtlety. When the grains are laid out, it is better to remove the pan from the heat, and then quickly pour any oil, just one spoon is enough. In order for them to be covered with a film, it is necessary to twist the vessel.

Then you should immediately return it to the fire and cover with a lid. It is not removed until the crackling of the bursting grains stops. For a treat to be useful, you need to season it. a small amount salt or sugar without the use of chemical additives.

Another helpful recipe

Many people worry about whether popcorn is safe. The benefits and harms are easily assessed if you make a snack yourself. It is better to cook puffed grains right away. This will require fine salt and frozen butter. It requires approximately 40 g per 100 g of corn. The dishes should be heated and pour the product and salt there. After all the grains have fully opened, they must be removed from the heat and sprinkled with shavings of butter while they are hot. It is worth remembering that even homemade popcorn should be eaten in small quantities.

Popcorn in modern days is a favorite product of both young children and adults. It is not customary to watch movies in cinemas without popcorn; this airy delicacy replaces many sweet dessert. What are the benefits and harms of popcorn? Is this product harmless? human body?

A bit of history

The American Indians became the pioneers of the favorite delicacy of many people. It was they who first learned how to heat corn grains to such a state that the latter acquired an incredible taste and wonderful aroma. But popcorn was not originally a delicacy of the Indians, they used puffed grains to decorate their homes, as well as to perform many rituals. A little later, having tried the air decoration, the American Indians began to eat it. First courses were prepared on the basis of air grains, fragrant delicacies added as an accompanying ingredient to main dishes. American Indians cooked on the basis of puffed grains even healthy drinks, which were famous for their taste and medicinal qualities.

The popularity of popcorn appeared in the 17th century, when the Indians treated the Americans to an unusual product for the latter. The Americans appreciated the uniqueness of puffed grains and after a while the first popcorn machine was built in Chicago.

These days, popcorn is most often associated with watching movies in theaters. It is already becoming a tradition that when purchasing a ticket for the next film show, we also buy a glass of airy popcorn.

Popcorn has many flavors. If at first salty or sweet popcorn was more known, now you can enjoy chocolate, caramel, and shrimp popcorn. What are the benefits of popcorn? Is this product loved by many people so harmless?

Useful qualities

Watching the process of blasting corn grains is quite interesting. Why does such an explosion occur? In order for airy popcorn to be made from corn grain, the integrity of the grain must not be broken. Only strong and not overdried grains can make an explosion and transform into airy popcorn. The explosion of grains itself occurs only at a temperature equal to 170-180 degrees. It is believed that this method of preparing the product is one of the most sparing, because at the same time nutritional value and benefits are fully preserved. unique product.

The calorie content of popcorn is approximately 300 kilocalories per 100 grams. dry grains. Because after full cooking the specified amount of dry grains produces about 2 large glasses of puffed grains, then we can say that the product is low-calorie.

But when it comes to popcorn, the benefits and harms of this product lie in its chemical composition.

  • The leader in content in the product is vitamin B. Popcorn contains the whole variety of the subgroup of vitamins B, which for the human body are useful value. The main quality of the useful substance lies in the cleansing properties. Vitamin B helps to remove bad cholesterol from the body. Another useful quality fortified substance - normalization of metabolic processes and metabolism in the body.
  • Vitamin B4 helps to normalize work nervous system. The active ingredient choline helps the body cope with nervous disorders, frequent experiences and life stresses.
  • Among the minerals in popcorn, the content of magnesium, iodine, zinc, and potassium can be noted. Mineral substances contribute to the normalization of the work of all internal systems and are responsible for the regulation of the performance of metabolic processes.
  • The polyphenols that make up the chemical composition of popcorn have antioxidant actions that resist the development and formation of cancer cells, and also help the body's defenses to cope with heart disease.
  • Fiber helps the body adjust the work of metabolic processes, copes well with gastric diseases.
  • Protein, which is part of the chemical composition of air grains, contributes to the normalization digestive processes and helps immune system become more active.
  • Carbohydrates in popcorn contribute to the usefulness of the product, they perfectly saturate the body, so popcorn can be used as dietary product which quickly and permanently saturates the body with nutrients.

Harm of popcorn

If the ancient Indians ate a high-quality and healthy product, devoid of all kinds of additives, then in the present day on the shelves of grocery stores you can only find popcorn with various additives. There are many options for flavorings, this is the taste of caramel, chocolate, salt, sugar, honey. But it is in these flavoring additives that the main harm of popcorn lies.

Another significant harm to the body can be caused by the method of making popcorn. The product is cooked only in oil, and in order to reduce the price ready meal, manufacturers use palm oil to make popcorn, which is famous for its negative properties for the human body.

Unscrupulous manufacturers can use diacetyl, a substance known for its toxic qualities, to make popcorn. The component is used in production as a flavor and aroma enhancer of the product.

After conducting certain studies, it was found that popcorn can cause significant harm to the human body. And its main negative qualities are seen in the following:

  • Air grains can be addictive, so nutritionists and specialists healthy eating not recommended to eat finished product more than once every 2-3 months. IN this case the portion ratio of popcorn should also be taken into account; air grains of more than 100 grams should not be consumed.
  • If the composition of the semi-finished product or the finished product includes the constituent component diacetyl, then popcorn can cause significant harm to the human body. The respiratory system suffers mainly from the flavor additive, there is a risk of pulmonary fibrosis. Another negative effect of the flavor additive is that when regularly ingested, it contributes to the appearance of incurable Alzheimer's disease, which is popularly called dementia.
  • Popcorn is loaded with a variety of flavors such as bacon, cheese or chocolate. All these auxiliary components negatively affect the digestive tract, causing the formation of gastritis, ulcers, colitis, gastric flatulence.
  • When preparing popcorn, palm oil is used, which is famous for its negative qualities for the body. The main danger of the product lies in the fact that when heated, palm oil releases carcinogenic substances that become a provocateur of cancer activity. Among other things, palm oil significantly increases the calorie content of popcorn. If dry grains contain only 300 kilocalories per 100 grams, then when combined with palm oil the indicated amount of the product already contains about 1200 kilocalories.
  • In the process of making popcorn, either salt or sugar is necessarily included in large enough volumes. As you know, a large amount of salt in the human body contributes to the violation of the water balance and the formation of constant thirst. Sugar in the composition of popcorn negatively affects the figure of a person and significantly impairs the functioning of the pancreas.

Cooking popcorn at home

Despite the many shortcomings of air grains, the product remains a favorite product. Now they can be enjoyed not only in large cinemas, but also at home. How to make popcorn at home?

There are several ways to make popcorn that even teenagers can handle.

Popcorn in the microwave.

These days, grocery stores sell special packets of dry popcorn for microwaving. There will be no special difficulties with cooking here. It is necessary to place the unopened bag in the microwave and cook the product at full power for 3 minutes. After cooking, you must carefully remove the bag from the microwave, remembering that the finished popcorn is very hot. Shake the package before opening.

Popcorn in a pan.

To prepare popcorn in a pan, you will need a special variety of corn kernels in the amount of 5 tbsp. spoons. In addition, you will need 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil and any flavorings (sugar or salt). Pour into hot skillet vegetable oil and mix it with the flavoring, wait until it is completely heated and lower the corn kernels into the pan. Reduce the heat to medium-low, cover the pan with a lid and cook the beans for 5-7 minutes. During cooking, you need to shake the corn grains a couple of times in the pan, this will allow them to fully open. After the explosion stops in the pan, popcorn can be eaten.
Popcorn in the oven.

Similar to the method of cooking popcorn in the oven, you can cook corn kernels in the oven. In this case, it is recommended to cook popcorn without adding sugar, as it may burn during the cooking process. Popcorn must be cooked under the lid, the cooking time depends on the full opening of the grains, as a rule, 10 minutes is enough for the corn grains to fully open and explode.

When it comes to healthy snacking, nutritionists put popcorn at the top of the recommendation list. Plain popcorn is especially useful in relation to snacks (chips,), thanks to low content calories, lots of fiber and beneficial antioxidants. Not all low calorie snacks can boast such an impressive chemical composition that favorably affect the work of our body. What is useful and harmful popcorn, can it be done at home and how?

Useful and medicinal properties

Popcorn is popular all over the world, in almost every place where it is cultivated. When raw, it is a whole grain of corn, and all grains are known to be composed of endosperm, germ, and bran. Whole-grain cereals of the type, and, which also contain all three vital components, have a similar composition.

Studies have shown that popcorn is included in a healthy diet for the following reasons:

  • regulates blood sugar levels;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • improves the process of digestion;
  • protects against osteoporosis;
  • serves as an excellent prevention against cancer;
  • inhibits cognitive decline;
  • prevents premature aging;
  • help in losing weight.

Popcorn contains cellulose not to mention minerals vitamins of groups B and E. Thanks to high content fiber, processed food moves faster through the digestive tract, protecting the intestines from constipation. Fiber stimulates peristaltic movements and the secretion of digestive juices, maintaining health digestive system.

Whole grain popcorn contains a type of fiber that "remove" excess cholesterol from the walls of blood vessels and arteries; the total cholesterol level and the chance of dangerous heart diseases, such as atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes, are reduced. It also reduces the workload on the heart system because the heart doesn't have to work as hard to move blood through clogged vessels and arteries.

Traditionally, popcorn is considered a relatively unhealthy fast food, but it turned out that the shell of popcorn contains a large amount of polyphenolic compounds - powerful antioxidants. Scientists also found that crispy popcorn husks have the highest concentration of antioxidants and fiber.

Studies have shown that popcorn has more antioxidants than daily dose fruits and vegetables! Antioxidants serve as a powerful defense against free radicals - harmful molecules that damage the cells of the body. Free radicals are closely associated with age-related symptoms such as wrinkles, age spots, macular degeneration and blindness, muscle weakness, cognitive decline, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, dementia and hair loss.

In addition, one serving of popcorn has very low glycemic load compared to traditional snacks. Popcorn is a healthy addition to a diabetic diet if consumed in moderation.

Popcorn does not contain gluten, so it is a safe food for people who are sick. celiac disease.

Plain popcorn is rich in protein and fiber, but contains no saturated or trans fats. The nutritional value other types of popcorn varies greatly, depending on the type of ingredients in its composition.

How many proteins, fats, carbohydrates (BJU) and calories are in popcorn?

Popcorn covers your daily requirement for B vitamins. These vitamins convert food into energy and perform many other functions.

Vitamins (mg per 100 g):

How to use for weight loss

For those who follow the figure, popcorn is inexpensive and healthy way have a bite. A standard cup of popcorn contains about 5 times fewer calories than the same amount of fatty potato chips.

The fiber in popcorn fills you up faster because it inhibits the release of ghrelin- Hunger hormone. It prevents overeating, serves as a help for people who are struggling with extra pounds.

Use in healthy and medicinal nutrition

Most people flavor popcorn with salt or oil. This is the worst way to prepare a healthy snack, as the oil releases carcinogens when heated. An excellent replacement for these harmful components is garlic, onion, grated cheese, oregano, basil or cinnamon.

Popcorn matches:
  • with spices (, chili, garlic powder, paprika);
  • with cheeses (parmesan, mozzarella);
  • with dried fruits ( , );
  • with seeds ( , ).

Many people prefer to sprinkle popcorn with grated chocolate or roll the grains in honey.

How to make popcorn at home

Healthy popcorn will come from the following ingredients:

  • 15 ml;
  • 120 g corn kernels;
  • a pinch of salt.

The cooking process is simple:

  1. Heat a 2.5 liter saucepan over high heat, add oil and hold for a minute.
  2. Add corn, cover and shake well.
  3. To prevent the grains from burning, continue vigorously shaking the pan over the heat away from you and back until the corn stops popping.

Sprinkle the finished popcorn with salt or any other additives.

Video on how to fry popcorn in a pan

In this video you will see another way to make popcorn without a microwave. To save your pot, you can use a frying pan instead. Details and tips related to this process are in the video.

How to choose corn for popcorn

If you want to make popcorn yourself, before buying it in a store, you should pay attention to the following nuances: the grains should be medium-sized, with a shiny surface and a reddish tint.

How to use the product

One serving of popcorn contains half daily allowance fiber intake. 100 g per day as a snack before or after lunch will be enough for this product to have a positive effect on the body.

Product storage features

Cooked popcorn is best eaten immediately - while it is warm. Purchased grains are stored in a closed container for up to a year.

Harm and contraindications

If you do not stop in time, eating this delicacy, then exceeding the norm of fiber will have the opposite effect. Instead of aiding in the promotion of processed food, insoluble fiber can block the intestines, causing temporary constipation.

Popcorn is healthy as long as it is seasoned with non-calorie supplements. Butter, salt and caramel negate everything positive traits this product. Popcorn with such additives becomes dangerous product for people prone to thrombosis, ulcers or heart disease. In addition, salt retains water in the body, and this, in turn, threatens with swelling and headaches.

If you know the measure, consuming delicious and fragrant popcorn, then the feeling of satiety and contentment for several hours after eating is guaranteed.

What toppings do you like popcorn with? How often do you use this product?

Popcorn. Benefit or harm? What is included? How many calories? Is it possible to give to children. Tips for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Popcorn is a favorite treat for both children and adults. No trip to the cinema is complete without a box of popcorn. How many different tastes presented to choose from: salty, cheese, with caramel, chocolate, etc. But how to understand what popcorn is, whether it benefits or harms the body? Does it have useful material And how many calories is this product?

The history of popcorn and analysis of the composition

The history of popcorn is more than a dozen or even a hundred years. It appeared among the Indians of America several thousand years ago. They discovered an unusual property of corn kernels to burst when heated. Later on colonization popcorn spread among Americans. Mass production of these products began in 1885. This is the time when Charles Critors invented the first mobile popcorn machine. And in 1984, for the first time, grains were prepared for cooking in the microwave.
Popped corn, cooked without any additives, contains a number of useful substances.
Popcorn. Compound.
  • B vitamins
  • Trace elements such as potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus
  • Polyphenols are antioxidants that contribute to the process of slowing down cell aging.
  • Fiber promotes accelerated satiety, improves bowel function
  • Starch has a beneficial effect on metabolism, improves muscle growth

The effect of popcorn on the body: is there any benefit, or only harm

As you can see from the composition, popcorn is good for the body. But we are talking only about the most puffed corn without any additives. So is popcorn harmful to the body? Especially the one that is sold in stores or public places.
You need to be very careful when choosing this product. Popcorn itself is safe for the body, but additives and flavors, especially if they are synthetic, are a threat.
Attention! Commercially produced popcorn often contains diacetyl, which can lead to some diseases. respiratory tract. Often it is contained in bags of grains intended for microwave cooking.
Also, the finished product may contain trans fats, which adversely affect the cardiovascular system.
However, the benefits of popcorn for the body undoubtedly outweigh the disadvantages. The most healthy and harmless is the one that is made independently at home. In this case, you know exactly what you are using to prepare it. And you can be completely sure of its safety.

famous types of popcorn

There are different types of popcorn.
  • Salty. This type is considered more useful, less high-calorie. Salt is used as a seasoning
  • Caramelized. In this case, popcorn is watered with various sugar syrups. One of the most common is caramel.
  • air corn with various types additives. For example, with the taste of cheese, paprika, bacon, etc.

How high-calorie is popcorn?

Is popcorn high-calorie dish? Is it possible to get better as a result of its frequent use? Is it necessary to eat it for those people who adhere to proper nutrition?
So, 100 grams of pure popcorn contains no more than 350 kcal. Make this product more high-calorie various additions. Experts have found that for viewing one session a person can eat about 1700-1800 kcal. Therefore, be careful with the amount of this snack.
Advice! Going to watch a movie at the cinema, take a small glass of popcorn (half a liter), it is better if it is salty. This portion contains about 150 kcal. In sweet popcorn, with the taste of cheese or bacon, there will be significantly more calories.
If you make your own popcorn at home, you can eat it as a snack. In this case, it will only be useful.

Popcorn during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of popcorn during pregnancy and breastfeeding should be treated very carefully. Although it is not included in the list of prohibited foods, components added during cooking can have an adverse effect on the body of the mother and baby.
If you really want this snack, then it is better to cook it from the grains yourself.
Features of the use of popcorn during breastfeeding.
  • Add to food not earlier than the baby is three months old (if he does not have colic). Otherwise, after the baby reaches the age of five months
  • For the first time, consume no more than 10 things before lunch
  • If in the next two days the baby does not have any disturbances in the digestive system, then you can gradually increase the amount
  • However, you can eat about 70-80 grams per day. The maximum allowable dose per week is 200 grams
It is recommended to eat this snack without any flavorings and flavorings.

Can kids have popcorn

The answer to this question is: “Yes, children can have popcorn, but in limited quantities.” Again, in this case, the question arises of the benefits and harms of this snack for children. The product itself is useful, but the oil and flavorings that are added to it during production are not best product for children.
At what age can you give popcorn to children. Definitely after three years, when the digestive system will finally take shape. The later the child gets acquainted with this snack, the better. Doctors and nutritionists recommend giving popcorn to a child no earlier than the age of five to six years.

Did you know popcorn has a birthday?

Indeed, there is a birthday popcorn. It is celebrated on January 22. Popcorn has become traditional snack when watching movies in cinemas. These days, some movie theaters are giving away popcorn to their patrons for free.

Popcorn production: video

Popcorn or popcorn until the nineties of the last century in Russia was not widespread and was associated with film frames from American life, where people, sitting in a movie theater, constantly chew popcorn. Currently, this American habit has quickly burst into our lives, popcorn has become an indispensable attribute of Russian cinemas. If earlier dates were made with obligatory visits to cinema halls, now they go to the cinema to relax and chew popcorn. Life is changing, apparently the chewing reflex in people turned out to be stronger. The love for popcorn stimulated interest in the question of the benefits and harms of popcorn.

Air has been known on the American continent since ancient times. Of course, then it was used only by Indian tribes, who roasted corn grains with various herbs, cooked soups, prepared corn beer, made original accessories and hats. It was the Indians who in the 17th century treated the first colonialists with puffed corn, and it got its name "popcorn" already in America. Later, at the end of the 19th century, a popcorn machine was invented in Chicago, and American entrepreneurs quickly realized the benefits of selling popcorn during holidays and when people visited the first movie theaters.

So what are the benefits and harms of popcorn? Basically, popcorn is regular corn, which is rich in fiber, which helps to improve the functioning of the digestive system, lowering. In addition, the presence in corn of active natural substances of polyphenols, which have an antioxidant effect, has a beneficial effect on the condition of skin tissues. Polyphenols protect the body from numerous diseases, prolong the youth of a person. Popcorn can be successfully used in weight loss programs, since one serving of popcorn contains only 70 kilocalories, it quickly brings a feeling of fullness and is most actively evacuated from the stomach. Puffed corn is a complete grain product, a rich source of carbohydrates necessary for human life. This is undoubted benefit popcorn.

When considering the benefits and harms of popcorn, you need to understand what corn kernels are when cooking. Unlike grains of wheat or oats, when heated, the shell of corn grains does not allow water to pass through and does not allow water to evaporate, as a result of which strong pressure increases from the inside, the grains burst, turn inside out and become like little white flowers. Before making popcorn, corn kernels must be properly stored, because dried corn does not burst.

Main Negative influence The properties of popcorn are influenced by the methods of its preparation. In pursuit of a profit that far exceeds the profit from the sale of tickets for the sessions, cinema owners offer visitors sweet, salty, cheesy, caramelized popcorn, with many harmful synthetic additives. Moreover, portions sold in cinemas sometimes contain as many as 1200 kilocalories. After eating this much popcorn, you are always thirsty, so people start buying extra sugary sodas. The excessive use of popcorn has turned a rather useful product into a harmful one. In addition, American doctors found that the preparation and consumption a large number popcorn can lead to lung diseases that affect many food workers involved in making the popular product. The occurrence of diseases is associated with the use of oil containing the chemical flavoring diacetyl, which, when strongly heated, becomes extremely harmful to the human respiratory tract.

Finishing the conversation about the benefits and harms of popcorn, it should be noted that popcorn is much healthier than chips, chocolate bars, salted nuts. If you eat popcorn in moderation, there will be no health problems.