Black tea with thyme benefits and harms. How to make thyme tea

Herbs have been used in folk medicine for dozens, if not hundreds of years, to treat various diseases and to strengthen the body as a whole. Their use justifies itself and brings a lot of good results. One herb that is often used is thyme. It will be discussed in this article.

The full name of the plant is common thyme. It is a perennial shrub, the height of which is not more than 35 centimeters. Thyme has small leaves and purple flowers collected in inflorescences. You can meet this plant in Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Siberia. It is often located on the slopes of mountains, in pine forests, in the steppes and rocky tundra.

Thyme - useful properties

Due to its composition, thyme is used not only as a herb for treatment, but also as a seasoning for various dishes. It contains organic acids, tannins, cymol, gum, vitamins C and B, and thymol.

Thyme is also useful for cholecystitis, cystitis and flatulence, as it facilitates the course of the disease and general health. Thyme is especially active in the treatment of rheumatism of muscles and joints, infections and bruises.

It seems that this plant may have only a weak effect, but in fact it is very effective in combating certain diseases. For example, doctors have proven that thyme helps in the fight against male diseases. It is especially useful in low potency and premature ejaculation.

An essential oil is prepared from thyme, which is then used for anemia, chlorosis, hypertension, asthenia, furunculosis, asthma and various dermatosis. This essential oil also tones up, strengthens the immune system and increases efficiency.

In the treatment of thyme is also used for:

  • improve blood circulation in the brain;
  • mood improvement;
  • elimination of headache;
  • combating chronic fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • increased irritability;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • brain injuries;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • respiratory infections;
  • dysbacteriosis.

Along with useful properties, thyme has a number of contraindications, as it can cause harm, however, like many other herbs, if taken without remembering the precautions. In addition, it should be borne in mind that thyme is contraindicated during pregnancy, because it can increase the tone of the uterus and lead to miscarriage; with diseases such as hepatitis, pyelonephritis, duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer, thyroid disease and predisposition to them, as well as atrial fibrillation. In principle, it will never be superfluous to consult a doctor before starting to use thyme.

Collection and storage of thyme

In order to get the most out of thyme herb, it must be harvested at the right time of the year. The best time for this is June-July, when the grass is actively blooming. It is advisable not to pull it out with the root, but to cut it off.

After that, it must be dried. For this purpose, choose a shady place that is well ventilated. The grass is laid out on clean paper or cotton fabric with a layer of no more than 7 centimeters. When the thyme is completely dry, it must be threshed and the very thick stems removed. Thyme should be stored in a well-ventilated but dry area for no more than 2 years. The most suitable for this is glass or plastic containers.

How to brew thyme?

The answer to the above question depends on the purpose for which you are going to use the herb. If you need a decoction or tea from thyme, then you need to brew the herb at the rate of a tablespoon per 0.5 liters of water. The broth should be brought to a boil and insisted for 10 minutes. After that, the broth is filtered. It is ready to use. It is recommended to consume no more than 3 cups of warm thyme tea per day.

If you need to take a bath with the addition of thyme, then you must first brew it with a bay of 100 grams of herbs with a liter of boiling water. Infuse the decoction for 20 minutes and pour it into a bath filled with water.

To relieve cough and cure inflammation in the body, it is necessary to brew thyme as follows: pour 2 tablespoons of herb with a glass of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. After removing the broth from the heat, insist it for an hour, strain, add boiled water to it to make 200 ml of broth. Divide into three portions and drink throughout the day.

In order to protect yourself from colds in winter and at the same time not to give up your favorite black tea, you can prepare it this way: take 10 parts of tea, a part of valerian root and thyme, as well as 2 parts of mint and St. John's wort. These ingredients must be mixed and brewed like regular tea. Such a drink will improve sleep and the state of the nervous system.

It is also useful to mix thyme with green tea in equal proportions, brew it as a tea and take it as desired. This drink has an analgesic and anticonvulsant effect, and is also useful for men with prostatitis.

Thyme during pregnancy

As already noted above, it is better not to use thyme during pregnancy. If desired and necessary, you can include a small amount of thyme tea in the diet, but before that it is better to consult a doctor who is leading your pregnancy.

Thyme contributes to an increase in pressure, and at the same time, after its use, it may not decrease for a long time, and this is dangerous for both the mother and the fetus. Thyme also tones the uterus and can prepare it for premature birth or miscarriage. It is especially dangerous to take thyme from the second trimester of pregnancy.

Among other things, it contains tinol, a substance that adversely affects the functioning of the liver and kidneys. The latter are subjected to a particularly strong load during gestation, so it is better not to subject them to additional negative effects.

In general, thyme is a very useful plant, which, in fact, is a natural antibiotic, but you need to be extremely careful with it, otherwise you can suffer greatly, despite the fact that it contains many useful substances.

Almost all plants of our planet have medicinal properties, using which a person can maintain his health and treat various diseases. Leaves and stems, bark and roots, flowers and fruits - everything is suitable for the preparation of medicinal infusions, decoctions and ointments. Nature has thought out a subtle mechanism to preserve our health. It remains only to use this gift.


One of the many representatives of useful plants is thyme, also called thyme. Herbaceous undersized shrub with small bouquets of lilac flowers has a very refined aroma, and, in addition to medicinal purposes, is used as a decoration in landscape design. People knew about its benefits several millennia ago. Fortunately for us, thyme has not disappeared, but grows freely in most warm regions of the world.

These and many other beneficial effects from the use of thyme are made possible due to its amazing composition.

Thyme contains:

  • organic pigments;
  • tannins, gum, ash and bitterness;
  • essential oils thymol and carvacrol;
  • oleanic and ursolic acids;
  • triterpenoids and terpenes;
  • proteins and carbohydrates;
  • unsaturated fats and fiber;
  • ascorbic acid and niacin;
  • thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, folates and pantothenic acid;
  • potassium, zinc and phosphorus, calcium, selenium, copper and sodium, iron, manganese and magnesium;
  • carotene and resins;
  • flavonoids.

Thyme is used for many ailments in adults and children. Baths are made with grass, tinctures and decoctions are prepared, which are taken orally and used externally, wiping the skin. Thyme infusion freshens breath and eliminates bad breath. Thyme essential oils can be used to disinfect the air in your home.

Thyme is famous as a male herb. It is used as a prophylaxis of prostate adenoma. It is effective to take decoctions for sexual weakness and premature ejaculation.

Not without fragrant herbs and cooking. All housewives are familiar with the spice thyme. It is added to marinades, pickles, in the process of preparing meat and fish dishes, in soups and borscht, in various drinks, and even in confectionery and bakery products. In cosmetology, thyme also plays an important role.

Features and Warnings

Thyme is one of the few medicinal plants with practically no absolute contraindications.

Nevertheless, thyme should be used very carefully and in moderation for those who suffer from gastritis, diabetes, or ulcerative lesions of the duodenum and stomach. Endocrine disorders, kidney and liver diseases, cardiovascular diseases. This rule also applies to pregnant women. In each case, a doctor will help determine the possible use of thyme.

Tea with thyme herb

The most popular use of the miracle herb is various teas with the addition of leaves or flowers. There is nothing difficult in the preparation of such drinks. Pour boiling water over a teapot made of clay or glass, add tea ingredients and steam. After 5-10 minutes, you can start fragrant tea drinking. A tasty and healthy drink for the whole family can be consumed whenever you want. However, we must not forget that the medicinal properties of thyme are very active. It will be correct to alternate it with other drinks from medicinal plants, which are no less healthy and tasty. Finally, do not exceed the recommended dosages and you will be fine.

The following recipes for teas and decoctions with thyme already have many fans and deserve our attention.

Tea with thyme for colds

  • You can take a pure infusion of thyme. To do this, steam a teaspoon of herbs with boiling water, about 0.5 cups, leave for 10 minutes. Then drink the filtered infusion.
  • Black tea blend. In a teapot, mix a couple of tablespoons of black tea and chopped thyme herb. Pour boiling water and after five minutes start drinking.
  • It is useful for colds to drink herbal preparations. Pour a glass of boiling water over thyme, St. John's wort and lingonberries taken in a spoon. Keep covered for 15 minutes.
  • Grind thyme herb, pour 2 tablespoons of raw materials into 200 ml of water and boil for 15 minutes in a water bath. Set aside for one hour, add boiled water until a full glass of broth is obtained. You need to drink it in a day, dividing it into three doses.
  • Alcohol tinctures also have an anti-cold effect. Pour 50 g of dry thyme grass into a glass container and pour 220 ml of 70% alcohol into it. Keep in a dark place at room temperature for 10 days, shaking the contents regularly. Or do this: prepare a collection of thyme, mint and violets. Take 20 g of the mixture and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave in a dark place for 4 days, periodically shaking the tincture. Take strained medicine during periods of influenza epidemics.

Thyme for cough

  • Steep a tablespoon of dried thyme for an hour in a glass of boiling water. The filtered medicine is taken three times a day, 2 tablespoons.
  • A mixture of aloe juice with natural honey, dissolved in a tablespoon of thyme infusion, helps to treat cough well.
  • Mint, oregano and thyme are mixed equally, poured with boiling water and left to brew overnight. The next day, they drink medicinal tea to get rid of coughing fits.
    Mix thyme with green tea, brew as usual and drink to relieve cough and ease breathing.

Fortifying drinks with thyme

  • Pour rose hips and thyme with water, bring to a boil and turn off the heat. Infuse for an hour and drink tea, adding honey to taste.
  • Viburnum berries, 500 g, rinse and squeeze the juice out of them. Boil four tablespoons of thyme in 3 liters of water. Combine the strained broth with viburnum juice, add 150 g of honey there and bring it all together again to a boil. Cool the drink and store it in the refrigerator. Drink at will.

pain drink

  • Mix thyme flowers and leaves with large-leaf Chinese green tea. Brew in the kettle, as usual, filling only a third of the volume with water. After 5 minutes, add boiling water to the top and strain the tea.

Soothing tea

  • Prepare a collection of high-quality black tea, St. John's wort, mint, valerian roots and thyme leaves. Observe the ratio 10:2:2:1:1 g respectively. Steam like any tea, leave for a few minutes and drink throughout the week.

Thyme tea for men

  • For general prevention, men are recommended to regularly consume this tea: 4 tablespoons of thyme, one spoonful of mint and oregano, pour into a thermos, pour boiling water and leave overnight. Take next day. You can diversify the drink and add linden, St. John's wort, wild rose and other target plants to thyme.

Tea for hypertensive patients

Add thyme to any hypertonic collection of herbs and steam it like a tea. The blood vessels will expand and the pressure will decrease.

  • Take one spoon of thyme and blueberry shoots. Pour a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Drink filtered tea after meals, dividing it in half. This remedy is also very useful in diabetes, anemia and many inflammatory diseases.

Tea for the intestines

  • For 100 ml of boiling water, take 15 g of dry thyme. Insist and take with digestive disorders, 2 tablespoons.
  • Brewed and infused tea from thyme should be drunk on an empty stomach in order to recover from dysbacteriosis and restore the intestinal microflora. It also promotes increased secretion of gastric juice.
  • The collection for the stomach has proven itself well: thyme, mint, cumin, centaury. Steam with boiling water, stand for 20 minutes and strain.
  • To enjoy thyme-based health drinks, stock up on herbs in advance. Given that it grows everywhere and in large quantities, this is easy to do. Plants are cut so that the roots remain in the ground, and next year the grass can grow back. Thyme is harvested in June or July, when it blooms wildly. Dried raw materials can be stored for 2 years. If it is not possible to harvest thyme on your own, it can be purchased at a pharmacy.

Each of us has a great opportunity to combine benefit with pleasure. And a vivid example of this is tea with thyme.

Ancient healers and herbalists often used fragrant thyme to prepare medicinal potions and spices. The tart spirit of the Mother of God grass scattered in churches, accompanying worship, and thyme honey was considered a cure for all diseases. Tea with thyme gave the desired coolness in the heat and warmed the soul on chilly evenings. And now this drink is worthy of attention, because its fragrance awakens appetite, drives away fatigue and ailments. The article will talk about its benefits, varieties, methods of brewing, contraindications and recommended rates of use.

The name of the genus Thymus comes from the Greek word incense, among the people the grass is often called Bogoroditskaya, incense, chebarka, and verest. The aroma that exudes a tiny perennial is due to the high content of essential oil rich in thymol. Wild-growing individuals prefer living in mountainous areas, on the forest floor of a coniferous forest, in the steppe.

They can be found in many countries with a temperate climate, the range covers almost all of Europe, Eastern Siberia, Eurasia.
Of the more than three hundred species of the genus Thymus in folk medicine and cooking, it is in first place in popularity. It is a herbaceous ground cover perennial, reaching a height of 15 cm. Thin graceful shoots spread along the ground, forming a dense dark green pad, above which capitate inflorescences of pinkish-lilac tones rise. Perennial blooms long and luxuriantly, decorative up to 30 days.

Oval leaves are equipped with a small petiole. The length of the leaflet is up to 1 cm, the width is three times less. On the surface of the plates there are many glands that produce essential oil. The cultural relatives of the Bogoroditskaya grass have a more attractive appearance - leaves with beautiful edging or spots and lush hats of carmine, pink and snow-white shades. It reproduces well by seed and vegetative methods - cuttings, dividing the bush.

On a note! As a spice, thyme shows versatility - suitable for cheeses, meat dishes, seafood, vegetables, fish. In some countries, even desserts are decorated with sprigs, alcohol tinctures and spicy oil are prepared.

After drying, the verest completely retains its beneficial properties and pleasant aroma. Raw materials are harvested during flowering. Dry the shoots should be in a dark place with good ventilation. The shelf life of dried raw materials is 2 years. It is better to store in a glass container, avoiding direct sunlight and high humidity.

The perennial is rich in B vitamins and ascorbic acid. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, is a sedative, guards the immune system. The leaves contain an essential oil, the main components of which are thymol and carvacrol. Substances exhibit pronounced mucolytic, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, anthelmintic properties.

Studies have shown that the pathogenic microflora has not yet learned to resist the bactericidal qualities of incense. This property is used to treat inflammatory processes of various locations and etiologies. So, plant-based herbal tea eliminates flatulence, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, inhibits the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity, and has a beneficial effect on kidney function.

Chebarka is rich in organic acids. Ursolic acid helps to restore the contractile function of muscles, malic acid relieves swelling and inflammation. Coffee and chlorogenic - show activity against the herpes virus, Staphylococcus aureus, are powerful antioxidants. Tannins, flavonoids, saponins, bitterness, resins and a whole complex of essential microelements pass into the infusion.

The most important property of the vest is the ability to activate the mobility of the cilia of the epithelial tissue of the lungs. This contributes to the rapid cleansing of the respiratory tract from sputum that is difficult to remove. On the basis of the herb, the drug Pertussin is prepared, known as an effective and affordable mucolytic.

Benefits of thyme tea for women

Due to the stimulation of smooth muscles, it has an antispasmodic effect, which allows you to eliminate pain during menstruation. Anti-inflammatory components suppress the activity of pathogenic microflora in the pelvic area, intestines.

A positive effect on lactation has been noted, since the burr stimulates the flow of milk. It is important to know that concentrated infusions and decoctions are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, allergies, pregnancy.
Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, a drink with incense will invigorate and relieve the first symptoms of a cold. With a protracted course of the disease, it will help to remove sputum that is difficult to separate, suppress the herpes virus in the oral cavity, and get rid of bad breath.

On a note! Popular and external use of herbal tea in the form of baths, lotions. This method of using herbal infusions will help eliminate nail fungus, dandruff, skin irritation, strengthen nails and hair.

Healing properties for men

Men are not accustomed to talking about their health problems, so they are more likely to resort to herbal medicine than to visit a therapist's office. Thyme will help the stronger sex heal the following pathologies:

  1. Inflammatory processes in the prostate, provoking the development of prostatitis and cancer.
  2. Thanks to molybdenum and zinc, which is involved in the production of sex hormones, the hormonal background is normalized, and the quality characteristics of seminal fluid are improved.
  3. B vitamins reduce anxiety and stress, which helps to eliminate the problem of premature ejaculation.
  4. Herbal tea is effective for muscle pain caused by overwork and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Chebarka helps to remove cholesterol, cleanse blood vessels, and normalize blood pressure.
  5. For men engaged in hard physical labor or vigorous mental activity, a healing drink will help get rid of pain, cheer up, and strengthen immunity.
  6. Thyme tea stimulates the digestive system, promotes the absorption of fatty foods, and eliminates the symptoms of flatulence.

Important! Due to the high content of thymol, a concentrated infusion of the plant can provoke vomiting.

This quality of raw materials has found application in the treatment of alcohol dependence. Getting rid of addiction is based on the development of a stable gag reflex with the simultaneous use of infusion and strong alcoholic beverages.

The benefits of drinking for children

The miracle drink with incense is incredibly useful for babies over 2 years old. Such age restrictions are due to the possible manifestation of allergic reactions. With moderate consumption and the absence of contraindications, thyme tea reduces fermentation processes in the digestive tract, immunity is strengthened, stress resistance and adaptogenic qualities of the child's body increase.

But in most cases, this plant is still used for external use in the form of trays. This method of treatment is effective in the treatment of rickets and rheumatism, skin rashes, hyperexcitability.


It should be noted that there are several varieties of tea with thyme. The first group includes black or green tea flavored with fragrant herbs, and the second group includes medicinal infusions or herbal teas. If the drink is based on medicinal raw materials, the dosage should be strictly observed and the following contraindications should be excluded:

  • the period of bearing a baby and breastfeeding;
  • the age of the patient is up to two years;
  • allergy to herbal preparations in history;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system - atrial fibrillation;
  • low blood pressure;
  • cholesterol plaques;
  • atherosclerosis, impaired blood flow;
  • period of exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • pathology of the kidneys and liver;
  • bronchial asthma, pulmonary emphysema.

Another important contraindication is the reduced secretion of thyroid hormones - hypothyroidism. If you take medicines with creeping thyme for a long time, there is a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones.

Attention! In the presence of contraindications or diseases of the endocrine system of the body, it is necessary to consult a doctor before taking it.

Is it possible to drink tea with thyme while pregnant

We have already answered this question in the previous section of the article - pregnancy is a contraindication to the use of herbal teas based on thyme. Biologically active components of the plant enhance the contractile activity of smooth muscles. It is from this type of tissue that the uterus consists, the contractions of which can provoke a miscarriage.

In addition, it is possible to increase blood pressure and dysfunction of the thyroid gland, which will adversely affect the health of the pregnant woman and the development of the fetus.

When choosing between synthetic and herbal medicines, expectant mothers often prefer the latter. Bogoroditskaya weed will not harm your health if you drink it correctly. By adding a pinch of dried leaves to the teapot, you simply flavor the drink.

The life-giving fragrance of the verest will invigorate and drive away the first symptoms of a cold, eliminate a headache. More concentrated tea, which is essentially an infusion, is strictly prohibited for pregnant women.

How often can you drink a drink?

If you want to improve your health with natural herbal tea, the duration and dosage of this drug will vary depending on the purpose of therapy. The recommended dosage and frequency of administration will be announced to you by your doctor, because you can drink the medicine only after consulting a specialist.

If fresh or dried plant materials are used to flavor a drink based on black or green tea, the dosage will be minimal. Therefore, a healthy drink can be consumed throughout the day as usual - 2-4 cups.

By the way! Some manufacturers of tea leaves have already added fragrant thyme to it. You can easily find this product on the shelf of a large supermarket.

Tea with thyme: benefits and harms, varieties, how to brew correctly

Herbal teas are very popular because they are natural herbal medicines. If you just want to treat yourself to an indescribable aroma, buy ordinary tea leaves with thyme leaves in the supermarket. Or make your own by adding a few fresh or dried herbs to your loose leaf tea. You can find raw materials for the preparation of infusions and herbal teas in a pharmacy or a specialized store.

Fragrant twigs go well with mint leaves, oregano, Ivan tea, lemon balm, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, valerian root. The components will enrich the useful qualities of the plant, but it should be remembered that the list of contraindications will also expand. It is necessary to select the composition for the phytocollection, taking into account the desired effect. Consider some of the most popular combinations.

Black tea with thyme properties, brewing method

Adding Bogoroditskaya herb to black tea will give the drink a unique flavor. The incense will drive away fatigue, invigorate, enrich the drink with vitamins and minerals, help to overcome inflammation, colds, and flatulence.

You can make your own drink or buy ready-made tea leaves in the supermarket. For brewing, it is better to use a porcelain teapot or a glass French press. The dishes are preliminarily doused with boiling water, the water is drained. The number of tea leaves should be taken according to your taste. Mix tea leaves with a pinch of verest or add the same amount of freshly harvested raw materials.

Brew the drink with hot, but not boiling water. The optimum temperature is 90 degrees. The infusion time is 7 minutes. The same brewing recommendations should be followed when preparing bagged or loose black tea with chebarka.

Advice! A small amount of leaf tea added to the herbal infusion will give the drink a familiar taste without affecting the beneficial qualities of the water extract.

Green tea with thyme

Green tea leaves are a powerful antioxidant with a rich chemical composition. Their biologically active components prevent aging, strengthen the immune system, help lower cholesterol and improve digestion, improve blood circulation. Vitamins and minerals will quickly raise immunity. You need to cook and drink it according to the recipe described above.

Infusion recipe

Verest for medicinal purposes is often used as a monocomponent for the preparation of infusions. It has an increased concentration of extractives, so the dosage must be strictly observed. The treatment time should not exceed two weeks, and the amount of infusion should be 50-70 ml three times a day. Both fresh and dried raw materials are suitable for its preparation. You will need 2-3 fresh branches, and a tablespoon of dried leaves. The quantity indicated is for brewing in a glass of boiling water. It should be insisted for 15 minutes.

Tea with thyme and oregano

Oregano shoots emit a persistent pleasant smell, contain essential oil and a number of biologically active components. Substances help to resist inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, activate mental activity, fight migraines, fermentation in the intestines and dry cough. Oregano has a pronounced sedative effect, so a cup of the drink, drunk before bedtime, will make it easier to fall asleep.

Important! A strict restriction on the intake of infusion during pregnancy will be added to the contraindications of Verest. It should also be noted that therapy adversely affects potency.

Proportions for brewing - Mary's herb two parts, oregano one part. Phytocollection will require a teaspoon per 400 ml of boiling water. You need to insist 12-15 minutes, and drink half a glass twice a day.

From an obsessive cough, a collection of oregano, incense, raspberry leaves and coltsfoot will help. All components are taken in a tablespoon, and thyme in a teaspoon in a glass of boiling water. During a cold, such a tea should be drunk 2-3 times a day. It will quickly restore strength and strengthen the immune system, because raspberry leaves are very rich in vitamin C.

Tea with thyme and mint

Thyme and mint make a great duo, endowing the hot drink with healing properties. Drinking will favorably affect the health of the gastrointestinal tract. The drink will benefit those who want to get rid of extra pounds, since mint helps reduce appetite.

This wonderful plant has a sedative effect on the nervous system, helps cleanse the liver and bile ducts, normalizes blood pressure and relieves pain. To collect grass, it is supposed to be mixed in equal proportions. A teaspoon of the collection is brewed in 500 ml of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes. You need to drink the infusion in half a glass before meals.

Thyme and Ivan tea - benefits and harms

Another excellent companion of incense is fireweed. This plant is rich in vitamins and minerals, contains essential oils, pectin, flavonoids. These components help reduce inflammation, strengthen immunity. A duet of these plants will help overcome insomnia and migraine, relieve swelling, get rid of cough, prostate adenoma.

Herbal infusion has a great aroma and taste. To prepare it, dried herbs are mixed in equal proportions, brewed two teaspoons in 600 ml of boiling water.

Remember! The infusion is contraindicated in glomerulonephritis, varicose veins, arrhythmias, and a tendency to form blood clots.

Melissa tea, thyme, fennel - useful properties

The combination of lemon balm, chebarka and fennel is ideal for eliminating problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. Herbs have the following effects on the human body:

  • gently soothes;
  • facilitates falling asleep;
  • stimulates digestion;
  • used to prevent anemia and strengthen the immune system;
  • helps to get rid of colic and flatulence;
  • does an excellent job of thinning and removing viscous sputum with flu and colds;
  • stimulates the production of breast milk;
  • reduces nausea and attacks of toxicosis.

You can easily find such a collection in the pharmacy network. The trademark "Grandmother's basket" is especially popular, offering packaged tea for children from 6 months. Carefully read the instructions for use, you need to brew filter bags as recommended by the manufacturer. Among the contraindications for taking the individual intolerance to the components of the phytocollection.

Thyme and lemon balm tea

Lemon balm leaves contain more than 200 components that make up the essential oil. The leaves have a pleasant lemon scent. Vegetable raw materials contain vitamins of group B, carotene, ascorbic acid. As well as the most important macronutrients for the body - zinc, magnesium, iron, cobalt, potassium, calcium. The plant is rich in organic acids, phenylpropanoids, tannins and coumarins, which determine its healing properties.

Important! Arterial hypotension (low blood pressure) will be added to contraindications. Also, at the time of treatment with a herbal remedy, you should stop driving a car and performing potentially dangerous work, because lemon balm is a powerful sedative.

Melissa is an excellent antidepressant, allows you to get rid of pain of various etiologies, supports the immune system. It has antiallergic and antimicrobial effects. The grass does an excellent job of normalizing the heart rate, maintaining blood pressure. In combination with verest, fragrant lemon balm leaves help relieve anxiety, get rid of stress, insomnia, mood swings, and nausea in case of toxicosis.

To make the collection, you will need 2 parts of lemon balm and one part of the virgin herb. A teaspoon of raw materials is brewed in two glasses of boiling water, insisted for 15 minutes and drunk 1-2 times a day.

Where to buy, price

You can find herbal preparations and dried raw materials for their self-production in the pharmacy chain. Ready-made phyto-collections are sold in filter bags convenient for one-time brewing. The cost of such natural preparations rarely exceeds 150 rubles, and dried herbs 50-60 rubles.

As for black and green teas with a small amount of thyme (to enhance the aroma), they can be bought in the store under the trademarks Tess, Alokozay, Greenfield, Ahmad, Hyley's, Maisky, Azerchay. The price largely depends on the brand and the number of bags in the package. Usually the cost of such tea leaves is a little more than black and green tea of ​​the same brand.


Thyme tea is an excellent natural remedy that will help in the fight against various ailments. A cup of fragrant drink will invigorate in the morning, cool after a hot bath, warm after a walk in the frost. By adding certain components to the original raw materials, you will not only improve the taste characteristics of the infusion, but also its healing qualities. For you, an interesting video about the healing properties of thyme tea.

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Many people go to the forest for mushrooms or berries and often find a large meadow of thyme. Tea with thyme warms in winter, cools in summer, helps people with many diseases. This is a herb that, when used correctly, helps to maintain health for many years and prevent diseases.

Thyme or thyme is a short herb that, during flowering, is covered with light lilac flowers and smells pleasant. It begins to bloom from June to the end of summer. It is recommended to harvest this herb during its flowering period. In this article, we will talk about this herb, as well as the benefits and harms of thyme tea.

Types of thyme

There are about 170 species of thyme, but only three species are the main ones.

  1. Common thyme. It grows up to 15 cm in length, the flowers are light purple or white, it all depends on the variety. Very sensitive and does not tolerate cold.
  2. Creeping thyme. It is used in medicine as an expectorant, pathogenic, bactericidal and diuretic. It grows mainly in the wild on rocks or forest clearings.
  3. Lemon thyme. A subspecies of common thyme, it has a pleasant smell of lemon. It is mainly used in cooking to give food a delicate touch of lemon by adding it to the dish.

Thyme contains a huge amount of vitamins, such as vitamin C, B 1, B 2, B 5, B 6, B 9 and B pp. This herb is also rich in minerals. Potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and iron, just to name a few. Thanks to them, the body has strength and energy, and they also contribute to the proper functioning of all organs in the human body.

Nutritional value and calories

Per 100 grams of product

Benefits of thyme tea

  1. In diseases of the respiratory tract, it is an excellent expectorant, sputum leaves quite quickly. Helps even in case of advanced bronchitis or cough.
  2. Helps with colds. It is enough to add rose hips, a slice of lemon, a currant leaf or St. John's wort to tea. It will not only relieve weakness, but also help strengthen weakened immunity.
  3. With a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as with an improvement in appetite. Perfectly treats mild diseases of the liver and kidneys.
  4. With atherosclerosis. When blocking the vessels of the brain, tea with thyme is perfect.
  5. With weight loss. Helps people who want to lose extra pounds. But it does not burn fat, but only removes water, toxins and toxins from the body.
  6. For mild brain injury. It is enough to drink this tea three times a day, and the bruise will gradually disappear. In some cases, tea is useful for mild concussion and minor head injuries.

Benefits of thyme tea for men

Thanks to the minerals selenium and molybdenum, which are part of thyme, thyme tea treats impotence and early ejaculation. A man significantly improves the quality of seminal fluid, which is so important for conceiving a child. With prostatitis, the herb improves the outflow of urine and relieves inflammation in the genitourinary system.

Also tea with thyme is able to fight alcoholism. In most cases, they give medications that do not really cope with the problem. Thyme comes to the rescue and thyme is one and the same, as we found out.

This herb contains thymol, which when consumed with alcohol causes prolonged vomiting. Very effective for drinking. They give tea with thyme to drink and after it they immediately give vodka to drink in order to induce vomiting and aversion to alcohol in the patient.

Benefits of thyme tea for women

Tea with thyme helps to cope with many gynecological diseases, including inflammation of the appendages. It is enough just to drink a cup a day. It is also useful for reducing pain during menstruation and better discharge of secretions.

It is also a good soothing and at the same time tonic drink. Tea lovers in general will be interested to learn about on the pages of our website.

Harm of tea with thyme

Tea with thyme, despite its uniqueness and usefulness, can also bring some harm to the human body.

  1. During pregnancy. It is better for pregnant women to refuse to use such tea already in the second trimester, since thyme slightly increases blood pressure.
  2. With hypertension. Since tea is a little, but still increases blood pressure, you should not drink it for people with high blood pressure.
  3. With exacerbation of chronic diseases. Usually, the aggravation occurs in autumn, when dampness begins, drafts and it becomes quite cool.
  4. With heart failure.


    1. Small children up to 3 years old.
    2. With liver and kidney disease.
    3. With a stomach ulcer.
    4. With diseases of the thyroid gland.

    Thyme tea recipes

    1. Green tea with thyme will help to calm down and put the nervous system in order. It is simply poured with burning, but not boiling water, and insisted for 15-20 minutes.
    2. If you suddenly have a severe headache, then green tea with thyme and mint will help you. Everything is taken in equal proportions and poured with hot water. After 10-15 minutes, the tea is ready to drink.
    3. Thyme helps quite well to rejuvenate the skin of the face. We take part of thyme with coltsfoot and part of chamomile with lavender. Brew and drink 3 cups a day, and your skin will gradually begin to rejuvenate. But do not wait for an instant effect, this process is very long, you need to be patient.
    4. Tea with thyme and apple is distinguished by its magnificence. Here preference should be given to black tea. Brew thyme tea in a teapot and let it steep. In the meantime, take an apple, preferably green with sourness, and cut it into slices. You can put an apple slice in each mug and add 0.1 gram of ground cinnamon to each. While we were preparing the apple, our tea was brewed and ready for further use. Pour tea into a mug with apple and cinnamon. We wait 10-15 minutes and our tea is ready.
    5. The following recipe will help women get rid of excess weight. You need to put in 1 glass of water 1 tablespoon of dried thyme and the same amount of dried mint. All this put to boil on the stove and simmer for 5-7 minutes. Remove from heat, wrap with a terry towel, close the lid and leave for another 15-20 minutes. The resulting broth should be filtered and drunk instead of regular coffee or tea.
    6. If you have problems with digestion, then you need to prepare a special decoction. To do this, take 40 grams of dried thyme, 30 grams of common dried centaury and dried peppermint. All this must be mixed and brewed in 750 ml. water. Infuse the decoction for 10 minutes, strain and drink warm. Moreover, the use of such a decoction will be useful if you do not add sugar or honey to it.
    7. If you are worried about a strong cough, then you need to take 1 liter of water and add 90 grams of dried thyme and 40 grams of anise, spring primrose root and sundew. Boil this for about 15-20 minutes for the tea to infuse. Pass through a sieve and consume in the morning, afternoon and evening one mug per day. The cough will gradually subside.
    8. For people suffering from baldness, and mostly men, it is recommended to mix 1 teaspoon of vodka with 3 drops of thyme essential oil and rub it into the scalp.

    As you can see, this drink can be used for.


    We told you about the benefits and dangers of thyme tea, as we talked about other medicines, for example, about. Of course, there are more benefits in it, but do not forget about the harm of this herb.

    Drinking thyme tea is acceptable in small amounts as it is medicinal. You can use it for about two weeks, then take a break for 1-2 months, and if you plan to use it further, you should consult a doctor. Happy drinking and good health to you!