Is popcorn healthy? History of popcorn

Popcorn is the most popular delicacy in the world, without which it is impossible to imagine going to the cinema, and which is very loved by both children and adults.

Nowadays, there are many varieties of it - these are traditional sweet and salty, as well as popcorn with a variety of flavors: fruit, cheese or chocolate.

History of popcorn

The history of popcorn begins about 7 thousand years ago. It was then that the cultivation of corn began in the mountainous parts of Mexico. Over time, at the beginning of our era, corn became a staple food in America.

The ancient Indians of those years discovered that a certain type of corn puffed up when heated. This is due to the fact that inside the grain is not a large number of liquid starch.

After boiling this water, steam is formed that breaks the shell of the grain, after which it, having opened, increases in volume.

The process of making popcorn determined its name. The word "corn" in English sounds like "corn", and "pop" means "burst". The literal translation of the word "popcorn" is "popped corn".

In Europe, popcorn appeared approximately in the 15th century, but to produce it modern way began only at the end of the 19th century, when a machine for frying corn kernels was invented in the USA.

The inventor of this device was Charles Cretors. To this day, the operation of popcorn machines is based on the principles of those devices.

Composition and calories

As you know, popcorn is made from corn. But not all of its varieties are suitable for making delicacies. In order for the grains to burst properly, they need to have a stronger shell that can hold moisture inside for a certain amount of time.

During this time, the resulting steam is evenly distributed over the grain, and at the time of the explosion in a certain way opens the corn pulp.

If you try to make popcorn from ordinary grocery corn, its shell will tear immediately and you will get just a bursting corn kernel.

In addition to grains, some manufacturers add additional components to popcorn: nutritional supplements, sugar, salt and fat. The use of flavors allows you to prepare a delicacy that has a variety of tastes.

AT pure form, without additives and flavors, popcorn contains about 400 kcal per 100 g of product. Sweetening or salting this snack increases the calorie content to 500 kcal (sugar) and 410 kcal (salt).

That is, in one screening, you can use almost daily allowance kcal - about 1.3 thousand.

Despite such a significant calorie content, the delicacy contains numerous vitamins and antioxidants. Vitamins B1 and B2 are important for the health of nails and hair.

Calcium has a beneficial effect on the teeth, muscles and bones of a person. Potassium is good for the cardiovascular system.

In addition to these substances, popcorn contains vegetable fiber helping to normalize digestion. Foods containing fiber move faster through the digestive tract, preventing constipation.

Of course being enough high-calorie food, popcorn can harm the figure, but if you use this product with a minimum content of salt, sugar and fat, you can only benefit.

Popcorn - the benefits and harms of its use

In essence, being regular corn Popcorn has many health benefits. Its use in food contributes to the normalization of the intestines, lowers blood sugar levels, and also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

Of all the "quick" snacks, such as chips, salted nuts, chocolates, popcorn is considered the most harmless. It quickly gives a feeling of fullness and is easily excreted from the body.

But there is also a place Negative influence popcorn on the human body. The main harm is brought by the methods of preparation of this dish.

The oil on which it is produced is found in most cinemas and in Food Industry contains the chemical diacetyl. It has been scientifically proven that this fragrance, when heated, adversely affects Airways person.

If we consider the method of making popcorn at home, then microwave ovens are often used for this.

And eating food that has been exposed to microwaves can adversely affect human health, because it contains microwave energy, which is not found in traditionally cooked foods.

In addition, flavor additives and flavor enhancers, often used in the production of popcorn, are harmful to health and provoke cancer.

Use during pregnancy and diet

Question about the possibility of eating popcorn when diet food occurs quite often. Of course, high-calorie popcorn made with enough butter, sweet or cheesy, can't help you lose weight.

But a product prepared at home is healthy and contains a small amount of calories. In small quantities, it can be used as a snack, as well as a substitute for bread.

Another reason to eat popcorn diet menuhigh content fiber. It helps to cleanse the body of toxins, toxins, salts and other toxic substances.

Despite the many advantages popcorn its use during pregnancy is undesirable.

Since the woman's body is weakened during this period, and taking into account the peculiarities of the production and preparation of popcorn by doctors, it is not recommended to eat not only the product in packaged form, but also home-made.

The taste enhancer monosodium glutamate, which is everywhere included in this dish, is also banned for pregnant women. And dietary supplements jeopardize health future mother and child.

Salt disrupts the body's water balance, and sugar affects the functioning of the pancreas.

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About application olive oil on an empty stomach to improve health and lose weight, read Just one spoonful of oil every day in the morning literally works wonders!

Who is contraindicated in popcorn

Undoubtedly, corn, which is the main product from which popcorn is made, is very useful. But it also has contraindications for eating.

In addition, having vitamin K in its composition, which enhances the ability of blood to clot, popcorn is not recommended for people suffering from increased blood clotting and vascular thrombosis.

People who are prone to allergic reactions should also use this food with caution. Often, corn is grown in non-ecological areas and with the use of chemicals - and this can cause allergies.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you should also not eat corn and popcorn made from it. The same applies to people with acute peptic ulcer and gastritis.

In the presence of all of the listed diseases, as well as with the intention to use corn in medicinal purposes, you need to consult a qualified doctor.

Delicious homemade popcorn

Cooking popcorn at home allows you to get a tasty and healthy product, as well as save a lot.

There are three ways to cook this dish at home: on the stove, using microwave oven and in a special device for making popcorn.

Microwave cooking is the easiest and most common way. To do this, you need a bag of popcorn (semi-finished product). It must be placed in the oven and heated for several minutes until cooked.

If the preparation of popcorn is planned not from portioned bags, but from grains, it is necessary to place them in a dish that can withstand a temperature of 200 degrees.

Pour refined vegetable oil into the bottom of the dish and cover with a lid. After 5 minutes, after the characteristic pops subside, the delicacy is ready.

To cook on the stove, you will need a pot or pan with high sides, as well as a glass lid. The bottom of the dishes must be greased with oil and heated. Only refined vegetable oil is used.

After heating the dishes to the required temperature, the grains should be immersed there and covered with a lid. As soon as they begin to burst and "shoot", the fire must be turned off. As soon as all the grains open and turn into popcorn, you can remove the lid.

The popcorn maker is very easy to use. It heats evenly corn kernels and doesn't use much oil. In a few minutes, this machine allows you to cook puffed corn that does not contain harmful food additives.

The only disadvantage of this machine is the need to purchase it, as well as the need to purchase a non-stick additive, without which sugar added to corn can ruin the device.

Popcorn made from corn kernels is a snack for all occasions. With proper preparation and moderate consumption, this delicacy will bring only pleasure and benefit.

During any walk, both children and adults love to eat popcorn, but none of them think that popcorn poisoning can occur. Now it is sold in any amusement park, entertainment centers and cinemas. Delicious, fragrant, beautiful in appearance and, it would seem, a healthy snack.

Popcorn - good or bad?

Can you get poisoned by popcorn?

Popcorn is made from corn kernels, which are filled with a complex of substances that are actually beneficial to the body. But how true is it that airy popcorn flakes are as healthy as the grains from which it is prepared? We suggest looking into this.

Useful properties of pokorna

grains of corn beneficial to human health- this is a fact, which means that puffed corn flakes have positive influence on the human body:

  • Popcorn, like corn, contains a sufficient amount of vitamins that enrich the body of both the child and the adult with the substances necessary for a healthy existence. Part useful substances contained in corn include magnesium, iodine, zinc, potassium, sodium, vitamins of group B and PP, etc.
  • Flakes contain carbohydrates that feed the human body with energy. His the energy value per 100 grams of the product is from 250 to 400 kilocalories. To eat a portion of popcorn weighing 100 grams, you need to try very hard, and if you managed to do this, then you risk suffering from overeating and disruption of your stomach for some time.
  • Those who protect their youth and beauty need to eat corn. It contains a large amount of antioxidants, which ensure the removal of harmful substances from the body. Thanks to this, the cells are cleansed, become healthier and stronger, and the person retains his youth.
  • Corn and popcorn husks contain fiber, which improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and prevents an increase in blood sugar levels.
  • Starch and fiber are nutrients, so the process of saturation when eating popcorn occurs quickly.

Referring to this information, one can doubt the question, is popcorn harmful?
But, you can surely say that a serving of corn or popcorn cooked in right conditions will bring health, youth and energy to the human body.

Why is popcorn dangerous?

Popcorn cooks very quickly, so all the useful ingredients are preserved. But, you need to consider the method of preparation. If you are making popcorn according to the recipe of the ancient Indians of America, who simply threw corn kernels into the fire, then you are in luck. You are feeding your body. If you often buy puffed corn, which is cooked in a special apparatus, then you are at great risk, you are at risk of being poisoned by it. Why is popcorn cooked in a machine or popcorn from a microwave so dangerous for people?

Popcorn can be cooked in the microwave

The modern way of cooking is fundamentally different from that used by the ancient Indians. Now airy corn flakes are made sweet, salty, with large quantity seasonings and flavorings. The composition of the oil, which is used to make popcorn in special devices, includes - diacetyl, - this substance, when heated, has great harm to the respiratory tract. If you bought popcorn before watching a movie, do not rush to eat it while it is warm, wait until it cools down. It is all these components that reduce the effect of useful substances to zero, acting negatively on the body.

Also, popcorn is bad if cooked in the microwave. it good way fast food popcorn at home. There is a huge variety of microwave ovens, but none of them guarantees that the products that have been in it will not receive their portion of radiation. The prepared corn kernels that you bought at the store are already processed with special seasonings and additives, and when heated in a microwave oven, as well as in an apparatus, they depress everything that this product was useful for.

Can kids have popcorn?

When you take your kids for a walk in the park or go to the circus or whatever, you always want to eat popcorn with the kids. But before you buy it for your child, remember that the benefits and harms of popcorn are equivalent. Although popcorn is considered the most harmless among such snacks as chips, salted nuts and other fast food, it can be just as harmful. Remember, it is harmful to the body.

Is popcorn bad for kids?

How can eating popcorn affect a child's health?
If you often use salty popcorn, your body will begin to suffer from water retention in the body, your arms and legs will begin to swell, you will want to drink even more and a lot, while swelling even more.
Do you love sweet popcorn? Then you run the risk, with its frequent use, to gain extra pounds. Air corn is enough high-calorie product, and if it is treated with caramel, then its calorie content becomes even higher.
Popcorn cooked in the machine is harmful to everyone. Such a snack can lead you to the formation of oncological tumors, to complications of the digestive system. internal organs and affects the development of dementia (Alzheimer's disease). All this is guaranteed by the harmful substances that are used to prepare it.

If parents really want to please their kids with popcorn, then for their children, it is better to cook it at home in a pan. This is the safest and most useful product for the health of the child.

Even at home, popcorn can be made sweet or savory or any other flavor by making homemade caramel. You can also use the jam that you rolled for the winter. Such popcorn can, and even should be eaten by children and adults.

Popcorn and weight loss

Popcorn is good for weight loss

Not everyone knows that popcorn can be used in the diet of those who seek to acquire a slender, toned figure. This is an excellent product, of healthy origin, provided it is properly prepared. Oil and salt are not needed to make popcorn. Simple vegetable oil, when heated, releases carcinogens that can only harm your body. It is better to choose coconut oil.

Use garlic, onion, basil, oregano, grated cheese. Spices such as paprika, turmeric, cumin will give a pleasant aroma to popcorn. Sweets will be given to him by dried apricots, raisins, or you can sprinkle grated chocolate. Cheeses such as parmesan or mozzarella will give a salty taste. Using the traditional method of cooking popcorn at home, you will improve your health and achieve your ideal shape.

Signs of popcorn poisoning

Since popcorn poisoning is related to food poisoning, then the signs are very familiar to us. The first thing a poisoned person will feel- headache and dizziness, physical malaise will also be obvious. The body temperature will begin to rise and will fluctuate in the range from 37 to 37.5 degrees.

Vomiting is a symptom of food poisoning

Nausea will appear with the release of vomit, which will contain the same airy corn flakes. The stomach did not digest them, blocking the entry of dangerous substances into the blood. The victim will feel pain and cramps in the abdomen, which are caused by gas formation in the intestinal walls. The intestine helps the human body to cleanse the body of harmful substances as soon as possible, so severe diarrhea can begin.

When the first symptoms are detected, it is recommended that the poisoned person be given plenty of fluids. Be sure to seek help from a doctor, self-medication for popcorn poisoning can worsen the patient's health.

Consequences of popcorn poisoning

A familiar, tasty, appetizing snack can cause serious complications after being poisoned by it. And this means that there will be a long treatment and recovery. normal functioning digestive system.

List of complications after poisoning popcorn from the apparatus:

  • Gastritis is the formation of inflammation on the gastric mucosa. Nutrition should not be aggressive, it is important that, on the contrary, it affects the treatment of gastritis. This is not always tasty food for us, but you have nowhere to go, otherwise you will constantly be haunted by heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.
  • Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas that has the same symptoms as gastritis.
  • Acetonemic - this inflammation is typical for children under 7 years of age. Proceeds, as well as pancreatitis.

It is not worth buying machine-made popcorn no matter what you benefit is more important or the harm it brings, either way you will get both. Be careful with your health, which can easily be shaken by just one jar of popcorn.


This video shows how you can make your own popcorn at home.

Today is one of the most important days of the year for all movie lovers - Popcorn Birthday! This indispensable attribute of film screenings is traditionally considered junk food. But is there really nothing useful in it at all? We do not believe in this, and decided to find out!

The history of popcorn began in 1885 in the USA when an American Charles Kritor z invented a machine for blasting corn kernels and called it "Popper". The car was on wheels, so Charles began driving it around town selling popcorn. This story, most likely, would not have been successful if the heyday of the film industry had not begun in those years. As it turned out, p opcorn is the perfect movie-watching meal at the cinema. Since then, everyone associates going to the cinema with a large glass of crispy popcorn.

How popcorn is made
When heated, the shell of corn grains does not allow water to pass through and does not allow water to evaporate, as a result of which strong pressure increases from the inside, the grains burst, turn out and become like little white flowers.

Since our favorite movie treat is pure corn, then beneficial features they have the same:

1. Popcorn is very rich in fiber, carbohydrates and proteins, vitamins B1 and B2. It improves metabolic processes and is able to prevent the processes of fat deposition in the body.
2. Popcorn low-calorie. Therefore, it can be safely eaten by anyone who wants to lose weight, or tries to keep himself in shape. Due to its large volume, it “fills” the stomach and reduces the feeling of hunger.
3. Popcorn removes carcinogens and cleanses the intestines.
4. Popcorn with contains polyphenols. These are natural chemicals that prevent the development of cancer and heart disease. They are powerful antioxidants, and are able to remove free radicals from the human body (free radicals are substances that can destroy tissues and cells).

But all this only applies "clean" popcorn. Usually in the halls of cinemas they sell delicious popcorn with bacon, cheese or caramel.

Just in this form, it is very harmful to the body, and here's why:

1. salted popcorn causes thirst, retains water in the body and disturbs the water balance.
2. sweet popcorn very high in calories and seriously loads the pancreas.
3. popcorn with butter- most dangerous product. It contains a lot of fat, and therefore calories ( large portion can contain about 1200 calories). In addition, corn frying oil can cause very serious lung problems. When heated in diacetyl flavored oil, which is used to fry popcorn, very toxic substances are formed that can affect the lungs, cause shortness of breath, and can even cause cancer.
4. Flavored popcorn(bacon, cheese, onions, etc.) can cause gastritis and ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract.

The best outlet for popcorn lovers - do it yourself. But ready-made packages with semi-finished products are not suitable for this, for "healthy" popcorn need to buy regular corn kernels for popcorn (they are sold in large supermarkets). They can be fried in a pan with regular vegetable oil or cooked in the microwave. And if also sprinkle homemade popcorn with your favorite spices, it will turn out no worse than movie theater popcorn.

Eat with pleasure and health benefits!

Read this article to find out if it's okay to give popcorn to children.

Who doesn't know popcorn? Probably such people no longer exist. When you buy a cup of popcorn, have you ever thought about whether it is harmful or beneficial? Let's find out about it.

The benefits and harms of purchased popcorn for children: the opinion of doctors

Popcorn is made from a special variety of corn that contains water and starch. When heated to 200ᵒC, such corn explodes and turns outward, while increasing in size.

By itself, corn is not harmful to health, but on the contrary, it is useful. It contains B vitamins, potassium, polyphenols, fiber; low-calorie.

The very principle of making popcorn is harmful. In places of mass production, it is cooked in large quantities. vegetable oil, moreover, of low quality (palm), with the addition of a lot of sugar, caramel or salt. After such processing, popcorn from low-calorie corn turns into high-calorie product. To improve the taste, manufacturers add a bunch of spices, dyes, flavors, many of which are harmful to health.

It is known that most popcorn is produced in the USA. And although in this country, in the production of popcorn, there have been massive cases of poisoning people with diacetyl flavoring, the fact that popcorn is harmful is recognized only by some Americans, but not all. And American doctors do not advise children under 4 to eat popcorn, just because small children can choke.

Russian doctors admit that mass-produced popcorn various additives, sweet and salty, is harmful to the body, and especially to children.

The benefits and harms of homemade popcorn for children: the opinion of doctors

Stores now sell packs of corn prepared for making popcorn at home. But such popcorn is also not harmless - it is intended to be cooked in a microwave oven. And, as you know, the rays from the microwave are harmful to our health.

In order not to harm your health, the old-fashioned way remains - to cook popcorn on an iron or cast iron pan With the minimum amount butter, salt or sugar.

At what age can you give your child popcorn?

American doctors advise children to give popcorn after 4 years of age.

Russian doctors admit that frequent use popcorn with additives can provoke allergies, obesity, gastritis or stomach ulcers in an adult, and especially if you drink it with sweet carbonated drinks. In children, the digestive organs are not yet sufficiently formed, and coarse fiber from popcorn can cause constipation, so popcorn, even without additives, is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

So, now we know that children under 12 should not eat popcorn.

Video: How popcorn is made from corn?

Popcorn has long been an indispensable treat when watching movies both in cinemas and at home. A "clean" product is harmless, because it is made from natural corn kernels. However, today not every manufacturer complies with technology and sanitary standards. In addition, various dyes, preservatives and other chemical additives are added to popcorn.

This makes the product high-calorie and hazardous to health. Therefore, it is not recommended for use by young children, nursing mothers and pregnant women, as well as people with certain diseases. In this article, we will take a closer look at the benefits and harms of this delicacy. And find out if children can have popcorn.

How and from what popcorn is made

Popcorn is made from a special variety of corn, which contains starch and water. Corn is heated to 200 degrees above zero, after which it explodes, turns inside out and increases in size. At proper preparation without the use of chemical additives and a large amount of oil, such a product is even useful for humans.

Clean and properly cooked popcorn, just like fresh corn, contains vitamins K, B1 and B2, proteins and carbohydrates, fiber and other useful elements. Due to this composition, the delicacy improves material metabolism and prevents the deposition of fats in the body. corn product cleanses the intestines, removes carcinogens and dangerous substances. It is an effective prevention of cancer, diseases of the heart and blood vessels. In addition, corn restores strength, gives vitality and energy, improves mood.

But in mass production, a large amount of low-quality vegetable oil, a large amount of sugar, caramel and salt are used. This turns popcorn into a high-calorie food. In addition, to give an attractive appearance and to improve the taste, manufacturers add seasonings, flavors, dyes and other chemicals. Such popcorn is very harmful for both children and adults.

Harmful properties of popcorn

  • The increased fiber content, as well as chemical additives in the content of the product, cause severe allergies, digestive disorders and;
  • Salted popcorn retains excess water in the body, causes thirst and swelling, disrupts the water balance;
  • Sweet products contain an increased number of calories and increase the amount of sugar in the blood, provoke the appearance of excess weight and diabetes, disrupt material metabolism, increase the load on the kidneys and liver, pancreas;
  • Using low quality cheap vegetable palm oil makes the product extremely harmful. When heated, this oil releases dangerous fats and carcinogens. This increases the calorie content of the product four times, contributes to the emergence of various chronic and oncological diseases, puts a serious burden on digestion, stomach and lungs;
  • Often, in the manufacture of the product, they put a synthetic flavoring oil for frying - diacetyl. It forms toxic substances that affect the lungs and nerve cells, causing shortness of breath and even mental illness. It is noted that diacetyl often causes severe intoxication and even mass poisoning;
  • Popcorn with various flavors, including onion, caramel, cheese, bacon, chocolate and others, causes an allergic reaction, especially in young children. In addition, such additives worsen the condition and functioning of digestion, provoke the appearance of gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the stomach;
  • Store-bought popcorn that you have to cook yourself is not safe either. You need to cook such a product in the microwave, which kills the beneficial properties of corn and negatively affects the quality of food. Microwaves are known to adversely affect human health.

When can you give popcorn to your child?

If you still want to give popcorn to a child, choose products without flavors and flavors. Take the products of a well-known and proven manufacturer, which is characterized by a quality product. A suitable option would be a dish prepared on your own terms. Let's figure out at what age you can give popcorn to kids.

Doctors do not recommend giving these products, even natural and home-cooked, to children under three or four years old. By this age, the baby already knows how to chew and swallow well. He will not choke on a small product. In addition, the child's body adapts to new conditions as much as possible and is ready to take adult food. What else is not allowed for children under three years old, see.

The fiber in corn and popcorn can adversely affect the stomach, cause flatulence and increase gas production, lead to indigestion and stool disorders. To control this, let the kids try one thing for the first time and watch the children.

If there are no negative effects, you can sometimes give popcorn to children. If a child has symptoms of a food allergy or poisoning, delay administration and consult a physician if necessary.

Popcorn is prohibited for people suffering from allergies, diseases of the stomach and intestines, gastritis and ulcers. It is not recommended for use with overweight, diabetes and increased blood clotting. Pediatricians do not advise giving store bought popcorn with dyes and various additives children under 10-12 years old. It is especially dangerous to use the product with sweet carbonated drinks. Therefore, it is better to cook popcorn at home.

How to make popcorn at home

Homemade popcorn is the best solution for children and parents, which will allow you to get a safe and delicious product and save money at the same time. For this, do not use a ready-made purchased semi-finished product and a microwave oven. The safest way is cooking from scratch on the stovetop.

For cooking, take classic popcorn kernels, a saucepan or frying pan with high sides and a glass lid. Pour a small amount of refined vegetable oil into the bottom and heat it up. After that, pour out the grains and cover with a lid. When they start to burst, turn off the stove immediately.