The benefits of cherries: calorie content, useful and harmful properties of cherries. Important about the health benefits and harms of eating cherries

Good afternoon, dear readers. Today we will talk about cherries, just in the midst of its season. I love this berry very much, and decided to figure out what its benefits are for the human body.

In the article I will reflect such points as calorie content, beneficial features, as well as contraindications to the use of cherries. I will tell you how to store it correctly and in what form to use it.

The chemical composition of cherries

So, from a botanical point of view, the cherry fruit is a drupe, but we are all used to considering it a berry.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

  • Calorie content - 50 kcal per 100 grams of product with a bone. The calorie content of pitted cherries will be slightly higher
  • Proteins - 1.1
  • Fats - 0.4
  • Carbohydrates - 10.6 (of which most are glucose and fructose)
  • Vitamin A, Beta Carotene;
  • Vitamin E;
  • Vitamins B1 and B2;
  • Calcium, Sodium, Phosphorus.

cherry season

The main season is from the end of May to the end of June. It was at this time that the berry is the cheapest and there are really a lot of it. Further, the yield gradually declines and you can find less and less berries in the markets. However, late varieties give a harvest by early August. So cherry lovers can enjoy it for about 1.5 months of a month a year.

The benefits of cherries for the human body

An important chemical compound found in cherries is anthocyanins, which belong to the group of flavonoids.

It is anthocyanins that determine the dark color of berries (red, blue, purple). 100 grams of sweet cherry contains 350-400 mg of anthocyanins. Cherry is one of the most anthocyanin rich foods.

Anthocyanins have powerful antioxidant activity and antitumor activity.

How it works? Anthocyanins block angiogenesis, that is, the formation of new blood vessels. As is known, in tumor tissues there is a constant growth of blood vessels that feed the tumor, which leads to its indomitable growth. The use of anthocyanins blocks this process. Of course, if a person already has a tumor, anthocyanins will not help, but as a prophylactic, their use is highly recommended.

Other useful properties of the product:

  • The high content of pectins enhances intestinal motility, removes harmful substances and cholesterol from the body.
  • The relatively high iron content makes the product useful for increasing hemoglobin levels (however, you should be aware that the main source of iron is still meat).
  • A sufficiently high content of potassium and magnesium determines the benefits of cherries for the heart. These substances are responsible for normal functioning heart muscle. Potassium removes sodium from the body, that is, salt (acid-base balance is maintained), thereby protecting blood vessels from fragility and normalizing pressure, and also relieves swelling. Sufficient intake of potassium and magnesium in food is the prevention of strokes and heart attacks.

In addition, sweet cherries contain much less acids than their closest relative, cherries. Therefore, it is not contraindicated for those who have a tendency to heartburn.

Contraindications for use

With moderate use, there are practically no contraindications.

In case of intestinal obstruction, the product should be consumed in moderation and with caution.

Which cherry is better and how to choose it correctly?

I will not cover the varieties of cherries, because I do not understand them too much. But it is worth touching on such a question - which cherry is better to buy: white, pink or burgundy.

All types of cherries are certainly useful, and contain approximately equal amount vitamins and microelements. But the darker the berry, the more it is saturated with anthocyanins, carotenoids and organic acids, which means that it has more benefits for the body. For comparison, a yellow or white berry contains approximately 200 mg / 100 g of anthocyanins, and a black one contains 350-400 mg, almost 2 times more.

The general picture is this:

  • pink cherries have more vitamin C;
  • black is useful for the heart and blood vessels, as well as for the prevention of cancer;
  • yellow - for those who are allergic to red foods.

A few tips on how to choose the right fresh berry:

  1. Pay attention to the stalks (tails). They should be juicy, bright green in color and should not fall off when you pick up a berry. If the stalk is dry, then the berry has been lying on the counter and will not be stored for a long time. If the stalk is completely absent, the cherry will disappear very quickly and begin to ferment.
  2. Smell the berry - if there is a sour or winey smell, you should not buy such a product, since the fermentation process has already begun in it.
  3. There should be no spots on the cherry, the color should be uniform.
  4. Do not buy cherries if there are berries with mold in the tray - the mold quickly spreads from one berry to another, and if it is not visible on other fruits, this does not mean that it is not there, the mold does not become noticeable immediately.
  5. The berry must be dry. If it is wet, it is either already sour or has been stored in the refrigerator, that is, the cherry in front of you is not quite fresh.

How to store cherries?

  • If you bought cherries for direct consumption, then pour them out of the bag into a cup and cover it with a lid or bag, but not completely so that moisture does not form, and refrigerate. In this form, it will be stored for about 3 days.
  • If you want to keep cherries in the refrigerator for a longer period, then buy the highest quality berries, using the tips presented above (always with fresh stalks). Wash it and dry it. Take a plastic or glass jar for food storage, lay cherry leaves on the bottom, cover with a thin layer of cherries on top, then sprinkle with leaves again and so on in layers to the top. Close the container with a screw cap. In this form, the berry can be stored until October.
  • And the last, longest storage method is freezing. To do this, you need to wash the berry, remove the bones from it with the help of special device. Next, lay the berry on a baking sheet in a thin layer and freeze in the freezer. Then pour the berries into plastic container and in the package. Freeze the berries gradually in thin layers and pour into a common container. So it will be better frozen and the berries will not stick together with each other. In this form, it can be stored for 8 months and will not lose its beneficial properties. It is recommended to defrost in the refrigerator. After defrosting, the cherries are ready to eat in any form in which you wish.

In what form to use?

Many housewives like to make jam and compotes from cherries. Especially beautiful is white cherry jam. But the cherry can't stand it heat treatment, and the berry loses almost all useful properties. Of course, you can make a little jam and compote as a treat, but there will be no benefit in this product. In addition, jam contains a large amount of sugar, which is harmful to health and to the figure.

If you want to make compote, do not add sugar and do not boil for more than five minutes. It is better to just bring to a boil, but do not boil.


  1. Can you eat cherries during pregnancy?

– Yes, you can.

  1. Can you eat cherries breastfeeding?

- It is not recommended to use it for young mothers in the first month of a child's life, wait until the baby is at least 3 months old. Further, the berry can be consumed in limited quantities to avoid allergic reactions in the baby.

  1. What happens if you swallow a cherry pit?

It's okay, she'll come out. naturally. However, it is better not to swallow many bones, as intestinal obstruction or appendicitis may occur.

  1. How many cherries can you eat without harm?

Optimal quantity, which can be eaten per day is 200-300 grams of a berry or one large glass.

  1. Is it possible to eat cherries while losing weight?

– You can, as it is low-calorie and useful product, however, due to high content Sugar should be consumed in moderation.

  1. What time of day to eat cherries?

- It is not recommended to eat it on an empty stomach, just like any other fruit, as the acids irritate the gastric mucosa. If you have problems with appetite, you can eat a few berries before meals, as cherries whet the appetite. But optimal time consumption - about an hour after eating. At this time, sugars are better absorbed and do not cause a surge in insulin. At night, it is recommended to use the berry only in small quantities, since the cherry has a slight diuretic and laxative effect, which can not be very comfortable for the quality of sleep. In addition, there is no need to stimulate appetite at night.

I hope the article was helpful to you. Eat cherries and be healthy.

Sweet cherry is the very first tasty stone berry that appears in the new summer season. There are no people who don't like her. A close relative of the cherry, it is much sweeter than it. They love her not only for her sweet juicy taste, but also for those beneficial properties that she can give to the human body and benefit his health.

One of the main useful qualities cherries are a completely unique set of antioxidants, among which, first of all, anthocyanin glycosides should be distinguished, which give it a deep rich color. In addition to color, they give the berries anti-inflammatory properties that will be useful for people with arthritis, fibromyalgia, and joint pain.

Cherry looks like a description

Cherry belongs to a tree-like plant of the genus "Plum" from the family "Pink". Sweet, juicy berries, with a barely perceptible tart taste, cherries are dense, glossy with a wide variety of colors from dark red to pale yellow. It is closely related to the wild cherry native to the Caucasus region.

Despite the fact that scientists are still arguing about the place of origin of this tree, which grows to a height of 10 meters and has an ovoid or cone-shaped crown, in most cases everyone is inclined to the Turkish, Swiss or Danish origin of the plant, which was first widely characterized by the Romans. It is believed that on the territory of Asia Minor and Europe (modern Denmark and Switzerland), it grew 8 thousand years ago.

Cherry is thermophilic and does not tolerate acidic soils, which is why in cold regions breeding work is used for it, “adjusting” the tree to the necessary weather conditions. Most of the modern varieties that "left" to more northern conditions that are not typical for it were bred by breeders.

In general, the cherry tree is characterized by:

  • Straight barrel;
  • Greyish-brown or reddish bark;
  • The presence of a large number of lentils and stripes;
  • Tapered root (although it can change direction to a vertical one until the third year of life);
  • Green leaves sitting on long petioles (they are oval);
  • Flowering in late spring (blooms with white flowers collected in small inflorescences-umbrellas);
  • Fruits-drupes of spherical, heart-shaped or oval shape;
  • Very juicy, sweet and sour taste, pericarp;
  • The color of the berries is from light yellow (usually these are late varieties of cherries) to maroon, almost black, in color (a similar color is typical for early winter varieties and dessert variation);
  • Active fruiting only for 15 years.

Cherry than useful composition and calorie content

Cherry is called bird cherry not only because of its special popularity among birds, but also because of its similarity to cherries. chemical composition. Cherry berries were appreciated by the ancient Greeks and Romans, who primarily appreciated them for healing properties. Sweet and sour juicy berries contain:

Protein fractions;

vegetable fats;

Omega-3 fatty acids;

Carbohydrates (most of all they are represented by sugars);

Fiber (or dietary fiber);

organic acids;


Ash product;

Vitamin A (retinol);

B-group vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine);

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C);

Vitamin E (tocopherol);

Biotin (vitamin H, although it can also be attributed to the B-series vitamins, called vitamin B7);

Macronutrients represented by potassium, calcium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine and phosphorus;

Minerals such as vanadium, boron, iodine, iron, manganese, copper, cobalt, zinc, chromium, rubidium, molybdenum, nickel and fluorine.

The calorie content of the pulp of 100 grams of fresh cherries is only 50 kilocalories, and in one standard 250-gram glass there are only 86 kilocalories.

Most of the pulp of the berries is, the percentage of which reaches almost 82-86 percent.

The second place is occupied by carbohydrates, their content is almost 11 grams per 100 grams. Most of them are fructose (about 75 percent).

Sweet cherry useful properties

Sweet berries contain compounds that have a calming effect on the nervous system. Help to remove:




Some studies have confirmed the link between eating cherries and the prevention of Alzheimer's disease. Anthocyanins present in sweet cherries are able to protect neuronal cells from damage, and phenolic compounds protect against oxidative stress.

Fiber, carotenoids, anthocyanins, vitamin C inhibit the growth and reproduction of certain types of cancer cells, and antioxidants suppress the negative effects of free radicals in the body.

Cherry is a rich source of potassium, a mineral that has a beneficial effect on the vessels of the heart, helps to reduce blood pressure and edema.

The use of cherries can normalize blood cholesterol levels, it is useful for the prevention of inflammatory diseases.

Vitamins of the group are involved in the metabolic process in the body, affect the functioning of the heart, nervous system, the work of the brain.

Berries contain several compounds, including retinol, that are important for maintaining good vision at any age.

Although not in such quantity as potassium, they contain iron, which is important for prevention. iron deficiency anemia, normalizes the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Especially in this regard, dark cherries are useful.

The presence of a small amount of vitamin K, coumarins affects blood clotting, is a good prevention of thrombosis.

health benefits of cherries

Regardless of the type of product, sweet cherries (and they fully ripen at the end of July) bring a person maximum benefit consisting in:

In cosmetology, cherries are used for moisturizing and nourishing masks, narrowing enlarged pores, removing the oily sheen of the skin of the face, getting rid of pigmentation and whitening the skin. Cherry puree is recommended to be used as a shampoo for dandruff and seborrhea (only this puree is recommended to be kept on the scalp for at least 20 minutes).

What is made from cherries

Of course, it is preferable to use washed cherries in a fresh, unprocessed form.

Although it is possible to make jam, jam, juice, compote, even fruit wine from fruits.

In addition, without large sweet cherries, many dessert dishes and confectionery fillings.

For storage of berries, bird cherry fruits are allowed to be frozen in freezer or dry.

Possible harm and contraindications

Along with a long list of useful qualities of bird cherries, some contraindications to its consumption are also determined.

  • allergy sufferers (an attack can be provoked);
  • children under one year old;
  • upon detection of adhesive processes in the intestine;
  • people with diabetes (it is worth making sure that there is no sharp increase in glucose levels; and for this, cherries should not be abused);
  • with high consumption, the berry contributes to weight gain;
  • consumption of 300 grams of the product at a time often leads to indigestion and causes diarrhea.

How to choose and store cherries

Cherries are very perishable product. Even when stored for a short time at high temperatures, it begins to ferment and emit an appropriate odor. When choosing berries, you need to pay special attention to this.

Quality cherries should be ripe, not have signs of spoilage and decay. It is desirable that the berries were with a stalk. This is how vendors should rip it off. The stalk prevents the juice from flowing out and slows down the spoilage of the berries.

It must be stored in the refrigerator in a closed container. Extra berries that cannot be eaten immediately can be frozen.

What is useful cherries for a woman's body

Women are more concerned about their appearance and want to look young for as long as possible. Cherries contain compounds that warn:

premature aging;

Improve skin condition, maintaining elasticity and tone;

The appearance of pimples and acne.

During the season fresh berries masks with mashed pulp are useful. For dry skin, you can add sour cream or cream to such masks. For oily skinlemon juice, yogurt. In addition, such masks will help remove skin pigmentation, including age.

The presence of iron makes it useful for women during menstruation, and vitamins help maintain tone and energy, avoid mood swings, and relieve stress.

The presence of potassium helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and normalizes weight. Just don't eat it by the kilo. Otherwise, you can get quite the opposite effect. These fruits contain quite a lot of fructose.

This summer juicy berry is not forbidden during pregnancy. She begins to arrive on our table one of the very first, when there is not so much fresh fruit and vegetables. After winter and spring, the consumption of cherries can replenish a woman's body with many useful nutrients, prevent spring beriberi, which in turn will affect the development of the unborn baby.

What is useful cherries for men

Do not ignore this berry and men. Its consumption will positively affect the male reproductive system. After all, it contains substances that prevent inflammatory processes. And this means that it can be a good prevention of the development of diseases of the prostate gland.

Vitamins of the group will improve the functioning of the nervous system, increase stress resistance.

What is useful cherries for children

Dark varieties of cherries can cause allergies in young children, which can manifest as redness of the skin, rash, itching. Therefore, if your baby is still very small, start accustoming him to it with light varieties of berries.

Sweet cherries contain many nutrients that help improve the immunity and protective functions of the child, improve digestion. Yes, and just delicious and, most importantly, sweet, which is what children like most about it compared to sour cherries.

Only ripe berries should be given to the child, without signs of spoilage.

Is it possible to eat cherries with type 2 diabetes

The glycemic index of cherries is 25 and is low. But it must be taken into account that in different varieties it may differ. The fruits of this berry are represented mainly by fructose. However, excessive consumption can increase blood sugar levels. Therefore, it can only be eaten in not in large numbers and monitoring blood sugar levels.

Is it possible to eat cherries with pancreatitis

Compared to cherries, cherries are more sweet berry, especially light varieties. So, less irritate the mucous membrane. It can be consumed in moderation during periods without exacerbation of the disease. It is forbidden in the acute period and you can start eating no earlier than one and a half, two weeks after this period, after consulting with your doctor.

Are cherries good for gout?

Yes, useful. It has a lot of potassium and little sodium, which helps to remove salts. uric acid from the body, relieve swelling and pain in the limbs. It is useful not only for gout, but also for arthritis, rheumatism. In addition, it contains compounds with anti-inflammatory properties, which has an additional healing effect.

How many cherries can you eat per day

We are all individuals. And what is good for one may not be good for another. Therefore, there is no definite exact norm for the use of this berry. But we must remember that excessive passion can provoke a number of unwanted side problems in the form of bloating, increased gas formation, intestinal upset, and so on.

100-300 grams per day of this amount will be enough for an adult healthy person to feast on this delicious juicy berry and meet the need for some vitamins and minerals.

For those who have any chronic diseases about the rate of consumption of cherries, it is better to talk with your doctor.

Summing up the benefits and beneficial properties of cherries, we note once again that those berries that we know today were not always like that. Once it was a wild cherry, which is often called the birdberry.

It has many varieties with different berry colors. If you suffer from gout, joint diseases, give preference to dark types. At diabetes- remember that light cherries contain more sugars.

Sweet cherries are an excellent treat and a great snack product, useful for adults and children.

What are the benefits of cherry berries, how to choose and eat them

With the advent of summer, the season of the first summer berries. Tasty and healthy multi-colored berries from black to yellow and pink appear on the markets - cherries.

Cherry - the fruits of a tree no higher than ten meters high from the genus of plum plants and the Rosaceae family, in botany the plant is known as Bird's Cherry. Cultivated plants are widely distributed in gardens and summer cottages throughout Ukraine, Moldova, the Caucasus, Crimea, Europe, North Africa and Central Asia. In the Ukrainian forests, in the northern regions of Iran, Turkey or the Caucasus mountains, you can often find wild cherries, which the locals have long cultivated.

This most ancient form of cherry was known as early as 8 thousand years BC, cherry orchards were grown in Ancient Greece. In the Middle Ages, sweet cherry spread throughout Europe, in Germany, modern Denmark and Switzerland, and even Anatolia, this plant also grew in Kievan Rus. In Europe, it has been cultivated for at least 2 thousand years. Scientists have not yet decided where and when the plant was first cultivated. According to some assumptions, the homeland of wild cherries is Asia Minor, the Northern or Southern regions of Europe, and the southern regions of the Balkan Peninsula.

The name of the plant was formed from the name of the small town of Kerasunt, which was located on the Black Sea coast and was famous for planting delicious cherries on their outskirts. Moreover, in many languages, the term cherry means cherry, and there is no contradiction in this, because these cultures are close relatives.

Beautiful white flowers appear before the leaves appear, forming few-flowered umbels. The season for the development of very juicy and sweet-tasting round-shaped berries begins from the end of May, and the berries ripen until the beginning of August.

What is the difference between cherries and cherries?

Cherry fruits are juicy, sour-sweet in taste, cherry berries are more elastic and dense, very fleshy, sweet with a milder aroma and taste.

Few-flowered umbellate cherry blossoms bloom from pinkish red to pale yellow, cherry blossoms - from bright red to brownish.

Cherries grow only in small trees, rarely up to 25 m high, while cherries can grow as a tree, up to ten meters high, and a low shrub, up to two meters. The bark of sweet cherries is light brown, reddish or silvery, sometimes peeling off in transverse films. Cherry leaves are short-pointed, elongated and larger than cherry leaves.

Cherry fruits are mainly processed: they are used to prepare juices, jams and delicious jams, confiture. because of low content acidity in cherry fruits, the berry is often consumed fresh or in combination with cherries. Its berries are valued for their pleasant sweet taste, it is great as a dessert, as a decoration for cakes, ice cream additives, an excellent filling in pastries, you can also freeze, dry cherries, make compotes from berries, preserve cherries in own juice preparing cherry juice fragrant liqueur, cook jams and jams.

The lifespan of a cherry tree is longer than that of a cherry tree. Cherries live up to 100 years. However, cherry begins to bear fruit earlier, already in the third year after planting.

Cultivated cherries and cherries are widely distributed throughout the world. Plants grow in Ukraine, Australia and nearby islands, in Asia, America, Africa, Europe, the Caucasus and southern regions of Russia, winter-hardy cherries are grown in the Moscow and St. Petersburg regions.

Cherry planting

Cherry is a heat-loving and quite demanding crop for moisture, although it does not tolerate wetlands. It can not be planted in areas where the groundwater level is very close. This light-loving plant will grow poorly in a shady area, begins to stretch and will bear little fruit. The culture bears fruit better in case of cross-pollination. When landing, it is necessary to choose a site protected from the piercing north wind. After planting, the ground around the tree is well compacted and covered with dry grass or compost. Trees thrive in deeper and lighter sandy loamy soils, with sufficient limestone content, cleaned and well fertilized. In dry areas, trees do not grow well and bear small fruits. On waterlogged soil, the tree can freeze and get sick with gum disease. Sweet cherries are especially difficult to endure late spring frosts, especially during the formation of inflorescences and fruit set. Sweet cherry is a vigorous and fast-growing crop that needs a large area of ​​nutrition, as it is drought-resistant, it needs strong moisture after flowering is completed and during the ripening of berries. Waterlogging during fruit ripening causes cracking, and a large amount of moisture in the second half of summer, as well as excessive doses of fertilizers, can cause protracted growth and reduce winter hardiness.

It is necessary to fertilize the tree with ash, slurry, this must be done in early May, before the tree begins to bloom, and after picking berries. Older plants need to be fed up to four times. Every year the trees are pruned, weak and withered branches are removed. The pruning site is treated with garden pitch.

Cherry varieties

There are about 40 varieties of cherries. Of these, the largest fruits are Iput, Tyutchevka (6–12 g), and the smallest ones are Ovstuzhenka, Chermashnaya, Fatezh (up to 4 g).

Ripening terms

  • Early: Valery Chkalov, Early Dagestan, Dagestan, Ariadna, Goryanka, Dessert, Dana, Krasa Kuban, Caucasian, Iput, Krasnaya Gorka, Ovstuzhenka, Krasnodar Early, Raditsa, Memory of Pokrovskaya, Ruby Nikitina, Symphony, Sadko, Yaroslavna, Chermashnaya, Fatezh .
  • Medium: Gascinets, Korvatsky's Favorite, Bereket, Velvet, Oryol and early pink, Gift of Ryazan, Teremoshka, Poetry, South, Rechitsa.
  • Later: Bryanochka, Scarlet, Veda, Annushka, Bryansk pink, Diber black, Golubushka, Ethok beauty, Odrinka, Lezginka, Francis, Revna, French black, Tyutchevka.


  • Partially self-fertile: Dessertnaya, Dana, Revna, Gascinets, Ruby Nikitina, Ovstuzhenka, Iput.
  • Self-infertile: Veda, Raditsa, Krasnaya Gorka, Rechitsa, Severnaya, Chermashnaya, Tyutchevka, Symphony, Fatezh, Teremoshka.

Taste qualities

  • Sweet and sour varieties: Fatezh.
  • Sweet: Iput, Bryanskaya Rose, Chermashnaya, Raditsa, Ovstuzhenka, Revna.


    • High (begin to bear fruit in the third or fourth year after vaccination): Ovstuzhenka, Bryansk pink.
    • Medium (for 4–5 years): Tyutchevka, Revna, Iput.
    • Low (for 5-6 years): Fatezh, Raditsa.

Ingredients: vitamins and calories

The beneficial properties of these fruits are due to the presence of pectins in fruits, various acids, most of all malic. The dark-colored berry contains many natural organic pigment substances. The fruits contain a diverse set of minerals. Most of all they contain potassium, there is P, Fe, Mg, Ca, Na, among the microelements there are I (iodine), Co, silicic acid, Mn, Cu, Ni, F, Zn, Cr. There is also a large amount of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), nicotinic acid (PP), carotene (vitamin A), vitamin E, B vitamins.

Cherry calories per 100 g of product - 50 kcal:

Proteins - 1.1 g
Fats - 0.4 g
Carbohydrates - 11.5 g

Useful properties of cherries

The benefit of cherries is that it has medicinal properties and helps with various diseases:

The pulp contains vitamins of group B, which have positive influence on the structure of the hair, the condition of the skin and nails, provitamin A makes teeth and bones stronger, and for the health of the eyes, this vitamin is simply irreplaceable.
- A favorite delicacy will raise the tone of the body. Cherry fruits are rich in coumarins, their content is inferior to pomegranate, red currant and raspberry.
- Improves the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
- Saturates the body with iron for anemia.
- Normalizes blood pressure in hypertension.
- A portion of cherries relieves pain in case of arthritis, gout attacks, relieves rheumatic pains.
- If you have allergies, you should eat only white fruits.
- With gastritis, hyperacidity, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the state of intestinal atony, constipation, peptic ulcer of the 12 duodenal ulcer, stomach ulcer. The digestive system is benefited by cherry pulp juice and compotes from berries.

With a cold, ascorbic acid, which is found in a lot of cherries, will help. Vit. C also protects against viruses, strengthens the cardiovascular system.
- In case of disorders of the nervous system - depression, insomnia, stressful conditions - include cherry fruits in the diet.
- Having eaten a little berries before lunch or dinner, you can, without overloading the body with extra calories, quickly get enough and only improve the digestion process. The low calorie content of the berry will not lead to excess body fat.
- Also, the pulp and juice of sweet cherries are widely used in cosmetology, from which masks and lotions are prepared.

The benefits of cherries during pregnancy

In the absence of allergies, contraindications, the total amount of cherries eaten should not exceed 0.5 kg per day.

How to properly store cherries

A washed berry cannot be stored for a long time, after two hours it will have less useful substances. Unwashed can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than one week.
- Save all year taste qualities and the shape of the berries can be frozen or dried. For drying, cherries are blanched in hot water two to eight minutes, then cool in cold water. The berries are dried in the oven at a temperature of about 60 degrees. After they have dried a little, it is necessary to raise the temperature to 80 degrees and so stand until completely dry.
Before freezing, seeds and cuttings with leaves should be removed from the fruit. Put the peeled fruits on a baking sheet in one layer, after freezing, transfer to a container.
- You can keep the fruits fresh until the end of autumn by laying thoroughly washed and dried cherry leaves on the bottom glass jar, cherries are laid out in one row on them and covered with leaves. Alternating layers, the jar is filled with berries to the top. tightly closed nylon cover a jar of cherries should be stored in a dry and cool place.

How to choose the right cherry

It is better to buy cherries at the very height of the season (June-July). When buying fruit, you need to pay attention not only to appearance cherry, but also on the condition of the cuttings of berries, if they are elastic and Green colour- berry good quality and fresh, if yellow and dry - this means that the berry is overripe or stored for a long time. The skin should be intact, without cuts and dents. good berries- shiny, dry, dense, without the smell of fermentation, rich dark color.
It is advisable to ask the seller of cherries for an expert quality control form for berries, in which the column “results” should contain the entry “good”.

Contraindications for use

Cherry berries have few contraindications: use in huge quantities can harm people who have a violation of intestinal patency and causes an aggravation of the disease, nutritionists do not advise people with gastritis, with high acidity, to use cherries. Cherries should not be consumed immediately after eating: at least 30 minutes must pass.

How many cherries can you eat?

Although sweet cherries are very healthy and have a low calorie content, you should not eat a lot of them at a time. The berry should be consumed calmly and not more than 300 grams at a time, in order to avoid bloating, do not eat it in handfuls.

The cherry temptations of June are now everywhere. You can already safely buy juicy and bright cherries, delighting yourself and your family with summer goodies. Cherry is very useful for both kids and adults. For example, for mothers, eating cherries is the right way to radiant and healthy skin, and for babies, there are no problems with the digestive tract.

But did you know that cherries have their own hidden dangers that need to be considered?

Ripe cherries will bring maximum benefit to the body. How to choose ripe cherries? Look at the stalk: if it is no longer green, then you can safely eat the berries without fear of flatulence and indigestion.

We protect ourselves from pesticides. Gardeners usually process trees, including cherries, from various pests. And this means that substances dangerous to the body accumulate in the fruits. You can get rid of them if you leave the cherries for an hour in cold water before eating. For greater safety, you can add 1 tsp to the water. salt (per 1 liter of water).

Early varieties of cherries should not be given to children. Pediatricians believe that it is better to treat babies with late varieties of cherries and give preference to white ones. Otherwise, the child is at risk of developing diathesis.

The time of day matters. Nutritionists advise eating cherries in the morning. Because there is a large amount of sugar in the fruits of the cherry, the use of which in the evening will not benefit either the beauty of the mother or the health of the baby. And it is better to eat cherries 30 minutes after the main meal.

consumption rate. To avoid problems with digestion, adults can eat up to 300 g of cherries at a time, and up to 100 g for children. The daily consumption rate for adults is 1 kg, and for children - 0.5 kg.

Summer is a traditional time to increase the amount of fresh fruits and berries on our table. In hot weather, any diet is much easier to tolerate, including for emergency fast weight loss. After all, much less than in cereals and meat and dairy products.

Take full advantage of this wonderful time of the year and pay tribute to the fragrant and ripe cherries that appear in abundance on the shelves. Did you know that cherries are not only delicious treat but also an excellent natural source of vitamins and minerals?

What is the use of cherries?

Cherry is also rich in minerals necessary for the body, such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, iodine, and phosphorus. Especially a lot in cherries and necessary to activate the body's defenses.

Cherries also contain vitamins of group B, which are involved in metabolic processes, protein synthesis, ensuring normal operation. of cardio-vascular system. The unique beneficial properties of cherries are that it does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract and does not increase acidity, and therefore it can be eaten even by people suffering from gastritis and peptic ulcer.

Who can eat cherries

Due to its balanced and nutritional composition cherry fruits are very useful for growing child's body. So be sure to pamper your kids with these wonderful berries.

Sweet cherries are also shown at elevated blood pressure, so it is especially recommended for hypertensive patients to include these berries in the daily menu.

These fragrant and delicious berries contain substances that reduce blood clotting, and also remove excess cholesterol and other metabolic products from the body. Berries of dark varieties are especially useful - the special substances present in them - anthocyanins - have a beneficial effect on the tone of capillaries, strengthening them.

Cherry for weight loss and beauty

Cherry is the strongest natural antioxidant that removes free radicals from the body and slows down the aging process. Therefore, it can be increasingly found in the composition of modern cosmetics, because cherries to maintain beauty are a real find.

In addition, cherries help to remove toxins and other harmful substances accumulated over the winter from the bloodstream. A portion of cherries eaten on an empty stomach will help naturally cope with the problem of constipation and establish a regular chair. Contained in large quantities in cherries.

How much can you eat cherries

However, despite the fact that the benefits of cherries for the body are obvious, do not get carried away - overeating this berry threatens with diarrhea. Actually, the main harm of cherries is connected with this. Do not eat cherries and diabetes.

It is worth paying attention to cherries and those who want to lose excess weight. This berry is very easy to digest without overloading digestive system, and does not harm the figure due to its low calorie content - only 50 kcal per 100 grams, and also prevents the deposition of new fat cells. According to the latest scientific research conducted by British scientists, regular use 120 grams of cherries per day for a month can reduce the initial weight by 14%.

Finally, a handful of colorful, fragrant and ripe berries eaten can noticeably cheer up and improve overall well-being: it has been proven that the smell and taste of cherries really set you in a positive mood.